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5 | <title>The XSLT C library for GNOME</title>
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11 | <h1 align="center">The XSLT C library for GNOME</h1>
12 |
13 | <h1 style="text-align: center">libxslt</h1>
14 |
15 | <p>Libxslt is the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a> C library
16 | developed for the GNOME project. XSLT itself is a an XML language to define
17 | transformation for XML. Libxslt is based on <a
18 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/">libxml2</a> the XML C library developed for the
19 | GNOME project. It also implements most of the <a
20 | href="http://www.exslt.org/">EXSLT</a> set of processor-portable extensions
21 | functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions.</p>
22 |
23 | <p>People can either embed the library in their application or use xsltproc
24 | the command line processing tool. This library is free software and can be
25 | reused in commercial applications (see the <a href="intro.html">intro</a>)</p>
26 |
27 | <p>External documents:</p>
28 | <ul>
29 | <li>John Fleck wrote <a href="tutorial/libxslttutorial.html">a tutorial for
30 | libxslt</a></li>
31 | <li><a href="xsltproc.html">xsltproc user manual</a></li>
32 | <li><a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">the libxml documentation</a></li>
33 | </ul>
34 |
35 | <p></p>
36 |
37 | <p>Logo designed by <a href="mailto:liyanage@access.ch">Marc Liyanage</a>.</p>
38 |
39 | <h2><a name="Introducti">Introduction</a></h2>
40 |
41 | <p>This document describes <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/">libxslt</a>,
42 | the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a> C library developed for the
43 | <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</a> project.</p>
44 |
45 | <p>Here are some key points about libxslt:</p>
46 | <ul>
47 | <li>Libxslt is a C implementation</li>
48 | <li>Libxslt is based on libxml for XML parsing, tree manipulation and XPath
49 | support</li>
50 | <li>It is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as possible, and
51 | sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX for easy embedding. Should works on
52 | Linux/Unix/Windows.</li>
53 | <li>This library is released under the <a
54 | href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html">MIT
55 | Licence</a></li>
56 | <li>Though not designed primarily with performances in mind, libxslt seems
57 | to be a relatively fast processor.</li>
58 | </ul>
59 |
60 | <h2><a name="Documentat">Documentation</a></h2>
61 |
62 | <p>There are some on-line resources about using libxslt:</p>
63 | <ol>
64 | <li>Check the <a href="html/libxslt-lib.html#LIBXSLT-LIB">API
65 | documentation</a> automatically extracted from code comments (using the
66 | program apibuild.py, developed for libxml, together with the xsl script
67 | 'newapi.xsl' and the libxslt xsltproc program).</li>
68 | <li>Look at the <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">mailing-list
69 | archive</a>.</li>
70 | <li>Of course since libxslt is based on libxml, it's a good idea to at
71 | least read <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">libxml description</a></li>
72 | </ol>
73 |
74 | <h2><a name="Reporting">Reporting bugs and getting help</a></h2>
75 |
76 | <p>If you need help with the XSLT language itself, here are a number of
77 | useful resources:</p>
78 | <ul>
79 | <li>I strongly suggest to subscribe to <a
80 | href="http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list">XSL-list</a>, check <a
81 | href="http://www.biglist.com/lists/xsl-list/archives/">the XSL-list
82 | archives</a></li>
83 | <li>The <a href="http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/xslfaq.html">XSL FAQ</a>.</li>
84 | <li>The <a
85 | href="http://www.nwalsh.com/docs/tutorials/xsl/xsl/slides.html">tutorial</a>
86 | written by Paul Grosso and Norman Walsh is a very good on-line
87 | introdution to the language.</li>
88 | <li>The <a
89 | href="http://www.zvon.org/xxl/XSLTutorial/Books/Book1/index.html">only
90 | Zvon XSLT tutorial</a> details a lot of constructs with examples.</li>
91 | <li><a href="http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/index.html">Jeni Tennison's
92 | XSLT</a> pages provide links to a lot of answers</li>
93 | <li>the <a href="http://incrementaldevelopment.com/xsltrick/">Gallery of
94 | XSLT Tricks</a> provides non-standard use case of XSLT</li>
95 | <li>And I suggest to buy Michael Kay "XSLT Programmer's Reference" book
96 | published by <a href="http://www.wrox.com/">Wrox</a> if you plan to work
97 | seriously with XSLT in the future.</li>
98 | </ul>
99 |
100 | <p>Well, bugs or missing features are always possible, and I will make a
101 | point of fixing them in a timely fashion. The best way to report a bug is to
102 | use the <a
103 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=libxslt">GNOME bug
104 | tracking database</a> (make sure to use the "libxslt" module name). Before
105 | filing a bug, check the <a
106 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">list of existing
107 | libxslt bugs</a> to make sure it hasn't already been filed. I look at reports
108 | there regularly and it's good to have a reminder when a bug is still open. Be
109 | sure to specify that the bug is for the package libxslt.</p>
110 |
111 | <p>For small problems you can try to get help on IRC, the #xml channel on
112 | irc.gnome.org (port 6667) usually have a few person subscribed which may help
113 | (but there is no guarantee and if a real issue is raised it should go on the
114 | mailing-list for archival).</p>
115 |
116 | <p>There is also a mailing-list <a
117 | href="mailto:xslt@gnome.org">xslt@gnome.org</a> for libxslt, with an <a
118 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">on-line archive</a>. To subscribe
119 | to this list, please visit the <a
120 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/xslt">associated Web</a> page
121 | and follow the instructions.</p>
122 |
123 | <p>Alternatively, you can just send the bug to the <a
124 | href="mailto:xslt@gnome.org">xslt@gnome.org</a> list, if it's really libxslt
125 | related I will approve it.. Please do not send me mail directly especially
126 | for portability problem, it makes things really harder to track and in some
127 | cases I'm not the best person to answer a given question, ask the list
128 | instead. <strong>Do not send code, I won't debug it</strong> (but patches are
129 | really appreciated!).</p>
130 |
131 | <p>Please note that with the current amount of virus and SPAM, sending mail
132 | to the list without being subscribed won't work. There is *far too many
133 | bounces* (in the order of a thousand a day !) I cannot approve them manually
134 | anymore. If your mail to the list bounced waiting for administrator approval,
135 | it is LOST ! Repost it and fix the problem triggering the error. Also please
136 | note that <span style="color: #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFFF">emails with
137 | a legal warning asking to not copy or redistribute freely the information
138 | they contain</span> are <strong>NOT</strong> acceptable for the mailing-list,
139 | such mail will as much as possible be discarded automatically, and are less
140 | likely to be answered if they made it to the list, <strong>DO NOT</strong>
141 | post to the list from an email address where such legal requirements are
142 | automatically added, get private paying support if you can't share
143 | information.</p>
144 |
145 | <p>Check the following too <span style="color: #E50000">before
146 | posting</span>:</p>
147 | <ul>
148 | <li><a href="search.php">use the search engine</a> to get information
149 | related to your problem.</li>
150 | <li>make sure you are <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxslt/">using a recent
151 | version</a>, and that the problem still shows up in those</li>
152 | <li>check the <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">list
153 | archives</a> to see if the problem was reported already, in this case
154 | there is probably a fix available, similarly check the <a
155 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">registered
156 | open bugs</a></li>
157 | <li>make sure you can reproduce the bug with xsltproc, a very useful thing
158 | to do is run the transformation with -v argument and redirect the
159 | standard error to a file, then search in this file for the transformation
160 | logs just preceding the possible problem</li>
161 | <li>Please send the command showing the error as well as the input and
162 | stylesheet (as an attachment)</li>
163 | </ul>
164 |
165 | <p>Then send the bug with associated information to reproduce it to the <a
166 | href="mailto:xslt@gnome.org">xslt@gnome.org</a> list; if it's really libxslt
167 | related I will approve it. Please do not send mail to me directly, it makes
168 | things really hard to track and in some cases I am not the best person to
169 | answer a given question, ask on the list.</p>
170 |
171 | <p>To <span style="color: #E50000">be really clear about support</span>:</p>
172 | <ul>
173 | <li>Support or help <span style="color: #E50000">request MUST be sent to
174 | the list or on bugzilla</span> in case of problems, so that the Question
175 | and Answers can be shared publicly. Failing to do so carries the implicit
176 | message "I want free support but I don't want to share the benefits with
177 | others" and is not welcome. I will automatically Carbon-Copy the
178 | xslt@gnome.org mailing list for any technical reply made about libxml2 or
179 | libxslt.</li>
180 | <li>There is <span style="color: #E50000">no guarantee for support</span>,
181 | if your question remains unanswered after a week, repost it, making sure
182 | you gave all the detail needed and the information requested.</li>
183 | <li>Failing to provide information as requested or double checking first
184 | for prior feedback also carries the implicit message "the time of the
185 | library maintainers is less valuable than my time" and might not be
186 | welcome.</li>
187 | </ul>
188 |
189 | <p>Of course, bugs reports with a suggested patch for fixing them will
190 | probably be processed faster.</p>
191 |
192 | <p>If you're looking for help, a quick look at <a
193 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">the list archive</a> may actually
194 | provide the answer, I usually send source samples when answering libxslt
195 | usage questions. The <a
196 | href="html/libxslt-lib.html#LIBXSLT-LIB">auto-generated documentation</a> is
197 | not as polished as I would like (I need to learn more about Docbook), but
198 | it's a good starting point.</p>
199 |
200 | <h2><a name="help">How to help</a></h2>
201 |
202 | <p>You can help the project in various ways, the best thing to do first is to
203 | subscribe to the mailing-list as explained before, check the <a
204 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xslt/">archives </a>and the <a
205 | href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxslt">GNOME bug
206 | database:</a>:</p>
207 | <ol>
208 | <li>provide patches when you find problems</li>
209 | <li>provide the diffs when you port libxslt to a new platform. They may not
210 | be integrated in all cases but help pinpointing portability problems
211 | and</li>
212 | <li>provide documentation fixes (either as patches to the code comments or
213 | as HTML diffs).</li>
214 | <li>provide new documentations pieces (translations, examples, etc ...)</li>
215 | <li>Check the TODO file and try to close one of the items</li>
216 | <li>take one of the points raised in the archive or the bug database and
217 | provide a fix. <a href="mailto:daniel@veillard.com">Get in touch with me
218 | </a>before to avoid synchronization problems and check that the suggested
219 | fix will fit in nicely :-)</li>
220 | </ol>
221 |
222 | <h2><a name="Downloads">Downloads</a></h2>
223 |
224 | <p>The latest versions of libxslt can be found on the <a
225 | href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxslt/">xmlsoft.org</a> server and on mirrors (<a
226 | href="ftp://fr.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/">France</a>) or on the <a
227 | href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/MIRRORS.html">GNOME FTP server</a> as a
228 | <a href="ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/libxslt/1.1/">source
229 | archive</a>, Antonin Sprinzl also provides <a
230 | href="ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/libxml/">a mirror in Austria</a>. (NOTE that
231 | you need the <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxml2.html">libxml2</a>,
232 | <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxml2-devel.html">libxml2-devel</a>,
233 | <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxslt.html">libxslt</a> and <a
234 | href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/libxslt-devel.html">libxslt-devel</a>
235 | packages installed to compile applications using libxslt.) <a
236 | href="mailto:igor@zlatkovic.com">Igor Zlatkovic</a> is now the maintainer of
237 | the Windows port, <a
238 | href="http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/index.html">he provides
239 | binaries</a>. <a href="mailto:Gary.Pennington@sun.com">Gary Pennington</a>
240 | provides <a href="http://garypennington.net/libxml2/">Solaris binaries</a>.
241 | <a href="mailto:Steve.Ball@explain.com.au">Steve Ball</a> provides <a
242 | href="http://www.explain.com.au/oss/libxml2xslt.html">Mac Os X
243 | binaries</a>.</p>
244 |
245 | <p><a name="Contribs">Contribs:</a></p>
246 |
247 | <p>I do accept external contributions, especially if compiling on another
248 | platform, get in touch with me to upload the package. I will keep them in the
249 | <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/contribs/">contrib directory</a></p>
250 |
251 | <p>Libxslt is also available from SVN:</p>
252 | <ul>
253 | <li><p>The <a href="http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/libxslt/trunk/">GNOME SVN
254 | base</a>. Check the <a
255 | href="http://developer.gnome.org/tools/svn.html">GNOME SVN Tools</a>
256 | page; the SVN module is <b>libxslt</b>.</p>
257 | </li>
258 | <li><a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxslt-cvs-snapshot.tar.gz">snapshots from
259 | SVN</a> updated every hour are also provided</li>
260 | </ul>
261 |
262 | <h2><a name="FAQ">FAQ</a></h2>
263 | <ol>
264 | <li><em>Troubles compiling or linking programs using libxslt</em>
265 | <p>Usually the problem comes from the fact that the compiler doesn't get
266 | the right compilation or linking flags. There is a small shell script
267 | <code>xslt-config</code> which is installed as part of libxslt usual
268 | install process which provides those flags. Use</p>
269 | <p><code>xslt-config --cflags</code></p>
270 | <p>to get the compilation flags and</p>
271 | <p><code>xslt-config --libs</code></p>
272 | <p>to get the linker flags. Usually this is done directly from the
273 | Makefile as:</p>
274 | <p><code>CFLAGS=`xslt-config --cflags`</code></p>
275 | <p><code>LIBS=`xslt-config --libs`</code></p>
276 | <p>Note also that if you use the EXSLT extensions from the program then
277 | you should prepend <code>-lexslt</code> to the LIBS options</p>
278 | </li>
279 | <li><em>passing parameters on the xsltproc command line doesn't work</em>
280 | <p><em>xsltproc --param test alpha foo.xsl foo.xml</em></p>
281 | <p><em>the param does not get passed and ends up as ""</em></p>
282 | <p>In a nutshell do a double escaping at the shell prompt:</p>
283 | <p>xsltproc --param test "'alpha'" foo.xsl foo.xml</p>
284 | <p>i.e. the string value is surrounded by " and ' then terminated by '
285 | and ". Libxslt interpret the parameter values as XPath expressions, so
286 | the string -><code>alpha</code><- is intepreted as the node set
287 | matching this string. You really want -><code>'alpha'</code><- to
288 | be passed to the processor. And to allow this you need to escape the
289 | quotes at the shell level using -><code>"'alpha'"</code><- .</p>
290 | <p>or use</p>
291 | <p>xsltproc --stringparam test alpha foo.xsl foo.xml</p>
292 | </li>
293 | <li><em>Is there C++ bindings ?</em>
294 | <p>Yes for example <a
295 | href="http://pmade.org/pjones/software/xmlwrapp/">xmlwrapp</a> , see <a
296 | href="python.html">the related pages about bindings</a></p>
297 | </li>
298 | </ol>
299 |
300 | <h2><a name="News">News</a></h2>
301 |
302 | <p>The <a href="ChangeLog.html">change log</a> describes the recents commits
303 | to the <a href="http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/libxslt/trunk/">SVN</a> code base.</p>
304 |
305 | <p>Those are the public releases made:</p>
306 |
307 | <h3>1.1.22: Aug 23 2007</h3>
308 | <ul>
309 | <li>Bug fixes: RVT cleanup problems (William Brack), exclude-result-prefix
310 | bug (William Brack), stylesheet compilation error handling (Rob Richards).
311 | </li>
312 | <li>Portability fixes: improve build with VS2005 (Rob Richards),
313 | fixing build on AIX (Bjorn Wiberg), fix the security file checks on
314 | Windows (Roland Schwarz and Rob Richards). </li>
315 | <li>Improvement: add an --encoding option to xsltproc (Drazen Kacar). </li>
316 | </ul>
317 | <h3>1.1.21: Jun 12 2007</h3>
318 | <ul>
319 | <li>Bug fixes: out of memory allocation errors (William Brack),
320 | namespace problem on compound predicates (William Brack),
321 | python space/tab inconsistencies (Andreas Hanke), hook xsl:message
322 | to per transformation error callbacks (Shaun McCance),
323 | cached RVT problem (William Brack), XPath context maintainance
324 | on choose (William Brack), memory leaks in the math module (William
325 | Brack), exclude-result-prefix induced namespace problem (William
326 | Brack)</li>
327 | <li>Build: configure setup for TRIO_REPLACE_STDIO (William Brack)
328 | <li>Documentation: updated after change from CVs to SVN (William Brack)</li>
329 | </ul>
330 | <h3>1.1.20: Jan 17 2007</h3>
331 | <ul>
332 | <li>Portability fixes: strict aliasing fix (Marcus Meissner), BSD portability
333 | patches (Roland Illig)</li>
334 | <li>Bug fixes: Result Value Tree handling fix (William Brack), function
335 | parameters fix (William), uninitialized variable (Kjartan Maraas),
336 | empty text node handling (William), plugin support and test fixes (William),
337 | fragment support fixes (William)</li>
338 | <li>Improvements: python stylesheet compare and transform context
339 | access (Nic Ferrier), EXSLT string replace support (Joel Reed),
340 | xsltproc better low level error handling (Mike Hommey and William)</li>
341 | </ul>
342 | <h3>1.1.19: Nov 29 2006</h3>
343 | <ul>
344 | <li>Bug fixes: entities within attributes (William Brack), Python detection
345 | problem (Joseph Sacco), in-scope namespace bug (Mike Hommey), Result
346 | value tree caching bug (William Brack)</li>
347 | </ul>
348 | <h3>1.1.18: Oct 26 2006</h3>
349 | <ul>
350 | <li>portability and build fixes: DESTDIR problem, build paths in python
351 | shared lib, compile when libxml2 doesn't support XInclude (Gary Coady).</li>
352 | <li>bug fixes: a number of namespace related bugs (Kasimier Buchcik),
353 | parameters bugs (Kasimier Buchcik), proximity position in predicates
354 | of match patterns (Kasimier), exslt-node-set troubles with strings
355 | (Kasimier), CDATA serialization, Python floats and booleans XPath
356 | conversions, XInclude support fixes, RVT cleanup problem (William Brack
357 | and Kasimier), attribute checking in stylesheets (Kasimier), xsltForEach
358 | context problem (Kasimier), security check should pass full URLs (Shane
359 | Corgatelli), security cleanup patch (Mikhail Zabaluev), some python
360 | accessor for stylesheet were broken, memory errors when compiling
361 | stylesheets (Mike Hommey), EXSLT current date end-of-month problem
362 | (William Brack).</li>
363 | <li>improvements: refactoring of namespace handling, value-of impleemntation
364 | and template internal processing (Kasimier Buchcik), new xsltproc
365 | flag to apply Xinclude to stylesheets.</li>
366 | <li>documentation: xsltproc man pages (Daniel Leidert), tests updates
367 | (William Brack), various typo fixes (Daniel Leidert), comments on
368 | versions macros (Peter Breitenlohner).</li>
369 | </ul>
370 | <h3>1.1.17: Jun 6 2006</h3>
371 | <ul>
372 | <li>portability fixes: python detection</li>
373 | <li>bug fixes: some regression tests, attribute/namespaces output (Kasimier
374 | Buchcik), problem in mixed xsl:value-of and xsl:text uses (Kasimier)</li>
375 | <li>improvements: internal refactoring (Kasimier Buchcik), use of the XPath
376 | object cache in libxml2-2.6.25 (Kasimier)</li>
377 | </ul>
378 |
379 | <h3>1.1.16: May 01 2006</h3>
380 | <ul>
381 | <li>portability fixes: EXSLT date/time on Solaris and IRIX (Albert Chin),
382 | HP-UX build (Albert Chin),
383 | <li>build fixes: Python detection(Joseph Sacco), plugin configurei
384 | (Joel Reed)</li>
385 | <li>bug fixes: pattern compilation fix(William Brack), EXSLT date/time
386 | fix (Thomas Broyer), EXSLT function bug, potential loop on variable
387 | eval, startup race (Christopher Palmer), debug statement left in python
388 | (Nic Ferrier), various cleanup based on Coverity reports), error on
389 | Out of memory condition (Charles Hardin), various namespace prefixes
390 | fixes (Kasimier Buchcik), </li>
391 | <li>improvement: speed up sortingi, start of internals refactoring (Kasimier
392 | Buchcik)</li>
393 | <li>documentation: man page fixes and updates (Daniel Leidert)
394 | </ul>
395 |
396 | <h3>1.1.15: Sep 04 2005</h3>
397 | <ul>
398 | <li>build fixes: Windows build cleanups and updates (Igor Zlatkovic),
399 | remove jhbuild warnings</li>
400 | <li>bug fixes: negative number formatting (William Brack), number
401 | formatting per mille definition (William Brack), XInclude default values
402 | (William), text copy bugs (William), bug related to xmlXPathContext size,
403 | reuse libxml2 memory management for text nodes, dictionary text bug,
404 | forbid variables in match (needs libxml2-2.6.21)</li>
405 | <li>improvements: EXSLT dyn:map (Mark Vakoc),</li>
406 | <li>documentation: EXSLT date and time functions namespace in man (Jonathan
407 | Wakely)</li>
408 | </ul>
409 |
410 | <h3>1.1.14: Apr 02 2005</h3>
411 | <ul>
412 | <li>bug fixes: text node on stylesheet document without a dictionary
413 | (William Brack), more checking of XSLT syntax, calling xsltInit()
414 | multiple times, mode values interning raised by Mark Vakoc, bug in
415 | pattern matching with ancestors, bug in patterna matching with cascading
416 | select, xinclude and document() problem, build outside of source tree
417 | (Mike Castle)</li>
418 | <li>improvement: added a --nodict mode to xsltproc to check problems for
419 | docuemtns without dictionaries</li>
420 | </ul>
421 |
422 | <h3>1.1.13: Mar 13 2005</h3>
423 | <ul>
424 | <li>build fixes: 64bits cleanup (William Brack), python 2.4 test (William),
425 | LIBXSLT_VERSION_EXTRA on Windows (William), Windows makefiles fixes (Joel
426 | Reed), libgcrypt-devel requires for RPM spec.</li>
427 | <li>bug fixes: exslt day-of-week-in-month (Sal Paradise), xsl:call-template
428 | should not change the current template rule (William Brack), evaluation
429 | of global variables (William Brack), RVT's in XPath predicates (William),
430 | namespace URI on template names (Mark Vakoc), stat() for Windows patch
431 | (Aleksey Gurtovoy), pattern expression fixes (William Brack), out of
432 | memory detection misses (William), parserOptions propagation (William),
433 | exclude-result-prefixes fix (William), // patten fix (William).</li>
434 | <li>extensions: module support (Joel Reed), dictionary based speedups
435 | trying to get rid of xmlStrEqual as much as possible.</li>
436 | <li>documentation: added Wiki (Joel Reed)</li>
437 | </ul>
438 |
439 | <h3>1.1.12: Oct 29 2004</h3>
440 | <ul>
441 | <li>build fixes: warnings removal (William).</li>
442 | <li>bug fixes: attribute document pointer fix (Mark Vakoc), exslt date
443 | negative periods (William Brack), generated tree structure fixes,
444 | namespace lookup fix, use reentrant gmtime_r (William Brack),
445 | exslt:funtion namespace fix (William), potential NULL pointer reference
446 | (Dennis Dams, William), force string interning on generated
447 | documents.</li>
448 | <li>documentation: update of the second tutorial (Panagiotis Louridas), add
449 | exslt doc in rpm packages, fix the xsltproc man page.</li>
450 | </ul>
451 |
452 | <h3>1.1.11: Sep 29 2004</h3>
453 | <ul>
454 | <li>bug fixes: xsl:include problems (William Brack), UTF8 number pattern
455 | (William), date-time validation (William), namespace fix (William),
456 | various Exslt date fixes (William), error callback fixes, leak with
457 | namespaced global variable, attempt to fix a weird problem #153137</li>
458 | <li>improvements: exslt:date-sum tests (Derek Poon)</li>
459 | <li>documentation: second tutorial by Panagiotis Lourida</li>
460 | </ul>
461 |
462 | <h3>1.1.10: Aug 31 2004</h3>
463 | <ul>
464 | <li>build fix: NUL in c file blocking compilation on Solaris, Windows build
465 | (Igor Zlatkovic)</li>
466 | <li>fix: key initialization problem (William Brack)</li>
467 | <li>documentation: fixed missing man page description for --path</li>
468 | </ul>
469 |
470 | <h3>1.1.9: Aug 22 2004</h3>
471 | <ul>
472 | <li>build fixes: missing tests (William Brack), Python dependancies, Python
473 | on 64bits boxes, --with-crypto flag (Rob Richards),</li>
474 | <li>fixes: RVT key handling (William), Python binding (William and Sitsofe
475 | Wheeler), key and XPath troubles (William), template priority on imports
476 | (William), str:tokenize with empty strings (William), #default namespace
477 | alias behaviour (William), doc ordering missing for main document
478 | (William), 64bit bug (Andreas Schwab)</li>
479 | <li>improvements: EXSLT date:sum added (Joel Reed), hook for document
480 | loading for David Hyatt, xsltproc --nodtdattr to avoid defaulting DTD
481 | attributes, extend xsltproc --version with CVS stamp (William).</li>
482 | <li>Documentation: web page problem reported by Oliver Stoeneberg</li>
483 | </ul>
484 |
485 | <h3>1.1.8: July 5 2004</h3>
486 | <ul>
487 | <li>build fixes: Windows runtime options (Oliver Stoeneberg), Windows
488 | binary package layout (Igor Zlatkovic), libgcrypt version test and link
489 | (William)</li>
490 | <li>documentation: fix libxslt namespace name in doc (William)</li>
491 | <li>bug fixes: undefined namespace message (William Brack), search engine
492 | (William), multiple namespace fixups (William), namespace fix for key
493 | evaluation (William), Python memory debug bindings,</li>
494 | <li>improvements: crypto extensions for exslt (Joel Reed, William)</li>
495 | </ul>
496 |
497 | <h3>1.1.7: May 17 2004</h3>
498 | <ul>
499 | <li>build fix: warning about localtime_r on Solaris</li>
500 | <li>bug fix: UTF8 string tokenize (William Brack), subtle memory
501 | corruption, linefeed after comment at document level (William),
502 | disable-output-escaping problem (William), pattern compilation in deep
503 | imported stylesheets (William), namespace extension prefix bug,
504 | libxslt.m4 bug (Edward Rudd), namespace lookup for attribute, namespaced
505 | DOCTYPE name</li>
506 | </ul>
507 |
508 | <h3>1.1.6: Apr 18 2004</h3>
509 | <ul>
510 | <li>2 bug fixes about keys fixed one by Mark Vakoc</li>
511 | </ul>
512 |
513 | <h3>1.1.5: Mar 23 2004</h3>
514 | <ul>
515 | <li>performance: use dictionary lookup for variables</li>
516 | <li>remove use of _private from source documents</li>
517 | <li>cleanup of "make tests" output</li>
518 | <li>bugfixes: AVT in local variables, use localtime_r to avoid thread
519 | troubles (William), dictionary handling bug (William), limited number of
520 | stubstitutions in AVT (William), tokenize fix for UTF-8 (William),
521 | superfluous namespace (William), xsltproc error code on
522 | <xsl:message> halt, OpenVMS fix, dictionary reference counting
523 | change.</li>
524 | </ul>
525 |
526 | <h3>1.1.4: Feb 23 2004</h3>
527 | <ul>
528 | <li>bugfixes: attributes without doc (Mariano Suárez-Alvarez), problem with
529 | Yelp, extension problem</li>
530 | <li>display extension modules (Steve Little)</li>
531 | <li>Windows compilation patch (Mark Vadoc), Mingw (Mikhail Grushinskiy)</li>
532 | </ul>
533 |
534 | <h3>1.1.3: Feb 16 2004</h3>
535 | <ul>
536 | <li>Rewrote the Attribute Value Template code, new XPath compilation
537 | interfaces, dictionary reuses for XSLT with potential for serious
538 | performance improvements.</li>
539 | <li>bug fixes: portability (William Brack), key() in node-set() results
540 | (William), comment before doctype (William), math and node-set() problems
541 | (William), cdata element and default namespace (William), behaviour on
542 | unknown XSLT elements (Stefan Kost), priority of "//foo" patterns
543 | (William), xsl:element and xsl:attribute QName check (William), comments
544 | with -- (William), attribute namespace (William), check for ?> in PI
545 | (William)</li>
546 | <li>Documentations: cleanup (John Fleck and William)</li>
547 | <li>Python: patch for OS-X (Gianni Ceccarelli), enums export (Stephane
548 | bidoul)</li>
549 | </ul>
550 |
551 | <h3>1.1.2: Dec 24 2003</h3>
552 | <ul>
553 | <li>Documentation fixes (John Fleck, William Brack), EXSLT documentation
554 | (William Brack)</li>
555 | <li>Windows compilation fixes for MSVC and Mingw (Igor Zlatkovic)</li>
556 | <li>Bug fixes: exslt:date returning NULL strings (William Brack),
557 | namespaces output (William Brack), key and namespace definition problem,
558 | passing options down to the document() parser, xsl:number fixes (William
559 | Brack)</li>
560 | </ul>
561 |
562 | <h3>1.1.1: Dec 10 2003</h3>
563 | <ul>
564 | <li>code cleanup (William Brack)</li>
565 | <li>Windows: Makefile improvements (Igor Zlatkovic)</li>
566 | <li>documentation improvements: William Brack, libexslt man page (Jonathan
567 | Wakely)</li>
568 | <li>param in EXSLT functions (Shaun McCance)</li>
569 | <li>XSLT debugging improvements (Mark Vakoc)</li>
570 | <li>bug fixes: number formatting (Bjorn Reese), exslt:tokenize (William
571 | Brack), key selector parsing with | reported by Oleg Paraschenko,
572 | xsl:element with computed namespaces (William Brack), xslt:import/include
573 | recursion detection (William Brack), exslt:function used in keys (William
574 | Brack), bug when CDATA_SECTION are foun in the tree (William Brack),
575 | entities handling when using XInclude.</li>
576 | </ul>
577 |
578 | <h3>1.1.0: Nov 4 2003</h3>
579 | <ul>
580 | <li>Removed DocBook SGML broken support</li>
581 | <li>fix xsl:key to work with PIs</li>
582 | <li>Makefile and build improvement (Graham Wilson), build cleanup (William
583 | Brack), macro fix (Justin Fletcher), build outside of source tree (Roumen
584 | Petrov)</li>
585 | <li>xsltproc option display fix (Alexey Efimov), --load-trace (Crutcher
586 | Dunnavant)</li>
587 | <li>Python: never use stdout for error</li>
588 | <li>extension memory error fix (Karl Eichwalder)</li>
589 | <li>header path fixes (Steve Ball)</li>
590 | <li>added saxon:line-number() to libexslt (Brett Kail)</li>
591 | <li>Fix some tortuous template problems when using predicates (William
592 | Brack)</li>
593 | <li>Debugger status patch (Kasimier Buchcik)</li>
594 | <li>Use new libxml2-2.6.x APIs for faster processing</li>
595 | <li>Make sure xsl:sort is empty</li>
596 | <li>Fixed a bug in default processing of attributes</li>
597 | <li>Removes the deprecated breakpoint library</li>
598 | <li>detect invalid names on templates (William Brack)</li>
599 | <li>fix exslt:document (and similar) base handling problem</li>
600 | </ul>
601 |
602 | <h3>1.0.33: Sep 12 2003</h3>
603 |
604 | <p>This is a bugfix only release</p>
605 | <ul>
606 | <li>error message missing argument (William Brack)</li>
607 | <li>mode not cascaded in template fallbacks (William Brack)</li>
608 | <li>catch redefinition of parameter/variables (William Brack)</li>
609 | <li>multiple keys with same namespace name (William Brack)</li>
610 | <li>patch for compilation using MingW on Windows (Mikhail Grushinskiy)</li>
611 | <li>header export macros for Windows (Igor Zlatkovic)</li>
612 | <li>cdata-section-elements handling of namespaced names</li>
613 | <li>compilation without libxml2 XPointer support (Mark Vadoc)</li>
614 | <li>apply-templates crash (William Brack)</li>
615 | <li>bug with imported templates (William Brack)</li>
616 | <li>imported attribute-sets merging bug (DocBook) (William Brack)</li>
617 | </ul>
618 |
619 | <h3>1.0.32: Aug 9 2003</h3>
620 | <ul>
621 | <li>bugfixes: xsltSaveResultToFile() python binding (Chris Jaeger), EXSLT
622 | function (William Brack), RVT for globals (William Brack), EXSLT date
623 | (William Brack),
624 | <p>speed of large text output, xsl:copy with attributes, strip-space and
625 | namespaces prefix, fix for --path xsltproc option, EXST:tokenize (Shaun
626 | McCance), EXSLT:seconds (William Brack), sort with multiple keys (William
627 | Brack), checking of { and } for attribute value templates (William
628 | Brack)</p>
629 | </li>
630 | <li>Python bindings for extension elements (Sean Treadway)</li>
631 | <li>EXSLT:split added (Shaun McCance)</li>
632 | <li>portability fixes for HP-UX/Solaris/IRIX (William Brack)</li>
633 | <li>doc cleanup</li>
634 | </ul>
635 |
636 | <h3>1.0.31: Jul 6 2003</h3>
637 | <ul>
638 | <li>bugfixes: xsl:copy on namespace nodes, AVT for xsl:sort order, fix for
639 | the debugger (Keith Isdale), output filename limitation, trio.h and
640 | triodef.h added (Albert Chin), EXSLT node-set (Peter Breitenlohner),
641 | xsltChoose and whitespace (Igor Zlatkovic),
642 | <p>stylesheet compilation (Igor Zlatkovic), NaN and sort (William Brack),
643 | RVT bug introduced in 1.0.30</p>
644 | </li>
645 | <li>avoid generating &quot; (fix in libxml2-2.5.8)</li>
646 | <li>fix 64bit cleaness problem and compilation troubles introduced in
647 | 1.0.30</li>
648 | <li>Windows makefile generation (Igor Zlatkovic)</li>
649 | <li>HP-UX portability fix</li>
650 | </ul>
651 |
652 | <h3>1.0.30: May 4 2003</h3>
653 | <ul>
654 | <li>Fixes and new APIs to handle Result Value Trees and avoid leaks</li>
655 | <li>Fixes for: EXSLT math pow() function (Charles Bozeman), global
656 | parameter and global variables mismatch, a segfault on pattern
657 | compilation errors, namespace copy in xsl:copy-of, python generator
658 | problem, OpenVMS trio update, premature call to xsltFreeStackElem (Igor),
659 | current node when templates applies to attributes</li>
660 | </ul>
661 |
662 | <h3>1.0.29: Apr 1 2003</h3>
663 | <ul>
664 | <li>performance improvements especially for large flat documents</li>
665 | <li>bug fixes: Result Value Tree handling, XML IDs, keys(), extra namespace
666 | declarations with xsl:elements.</li>
667 | <li>portability: python and trio fixes (Albert Chin), python on Solaris
668 | (Ben Phillips)</li>
669 | </ul>
670 |
671 | <h3>1.0.28: Mar 24 2003</h3>
672 | <ul>
673 | <li>fixed node() in patterns semantic.</li>
674 | <li>fixed a memory access problem in format-number()</li>
675 | <li>fixed stack overflow in recursive global variable or params</li>
676 | <li>cleaned up Result Value Tree handling, and fixed a couple of old bugs
677 | in the process</li>
678 | </ul>
679 |
680 | <h3>1.0.27: Feb 24 2003</h3>
681 | <ul>
682 | <li>bug fixes: spurious xmlns:nsX="" generation, serialization bug (in
683 | libxml2), a namespace copy problem, errors in the RPM spec prereqs</li>
684 | <li>Windows path canonicalization and document cache fix (Igor)</li>
685 | </ul>
686 |
687 | <h3>1.0.26: Feb 10 2003</h3>
688 | <ul>
689 | <li>Fixed 3 serious bugs in document() and stylesheet compilation which
690 | could lead to a crash</li>
691 | </ul>
692 |
693 | <h3>1.0.25: Feb 5 2003</h3>
694 | <ul>
695 | <li>Bug fix: double-free for standalone stylesheets introduced in 1.0.24, C
696 | syntax pbm, 3 bugs reported by Eric van der Vlist</li>
697 | <li>Some XPath and XInclude related problems were actually fixed in
698 | libxml2-2.5.2</li>
699 | <li>Documentation: emphasize taht --docbook is not for XML docs.</li>
700 | </ul>
701 |
702 | <h3>1.0.24: Jan 14 2003</h3>
703 | <ul>
704 | <li>bug fixes: imported global varables, python bindings (Stéphane Bidoul),
705 | EXSLT memory leak (Charles Bozeman), namespace generation on
706 | xsl:attribute, space handling with imports (Daniel Stodden),
707 | extension-element-prefixes (Josh Parsons), comments within xsl:text (Matt
708 | Sergeant), superfluous xmlns generation, XInclude related bug for
709 | numbering, EXSLT strings (Alexey Efimov), attribute-sets computation on
710 | imports, extension module init and shutdown callbacks not called</li>
711 | <li>HP-UX portability (Alexey Efimov), Windows makefiles (Igor and Stephane
712 | Bidoul), VMS makefile updates (Craig A. Berry)</li>
713 | <li>adds xsltGetProfileInformation() (Michael Rothwell)</li>
714 | <li>fix the API generation scripts</li>
715 | <li>API to provide the sorting routines (Richard Jinks)</li>
716 | <li>added XML description of the EXSLT API</li>
717 | <li>added ESXLT URI (un)escaping (Jörg Walter)</li>
718 | <li>Some memory leaks have been found and fixed</li>
719 | <li>document() now support fragment identifiers in URIs</li>
720 | </ul>
721 |
722 | <h3>1.0.23: Nov 17 2002</h3>
723 | <ul>
724 | <li>Windows build cleanup (Igor)</li>
725 | <li>Unix build and RPM packaging cleanup</li>
726 | <li>Improvement of the python bindings: extension functions and activating
727 | EXSLT</li>
728 | <li>various bug fixes: number formatting, portability for bounded string
729 | functions, CData nodes, key(), @*[...] patterns</li>
730 | <li>Documentation improvements (John Fleck)</li>
731 | <li>added libxslt.m4 (Thomas Schraitle)</li>
732 | </ul>
733 |
734 | <h3>1.0.22: Oct 18 2002</h3>
735 | <ul>
736 | <li>Updates on the Windows Makefiles</li>
737 | <li>Added a security module, and a related set of new options to
738 | xsltproc</li>
739 | <li>Allowed per transformation error handler.</li>
740 | <li>Fixed a few bugs: node() semantic, URI escaping, media-type, attribute
741 | lists</li>
742 | </ul>
743 |
744 | <h3>1.0.21: Sep 26 2002</h3>
745 | <ul>
746 | <li>Bug fixes: match="node()", date:difference() (Igor and Charlie
747 | Bozeman), disable-output-escaping</li>
748 | <li>Python bindings: style.saveResultToString() from Ralf Mattes</li>
749 | <li>Logos from Marc Liyanage</li>
750 | <li>Mem leak fix from Nathan Myers</li>
751 | <li>Makefile: DESTDIR fix from Christophe Merlet, AMD x86_64 (Mandrake),
752 | Windows (Igor), Python detection</li>
753 | <li>Documentation improvements: John Fleck</li>
754 | </ul>
755 |
756 | <h3>1.0.20: Aug 23 2002</h3>
757 | <ul>
758 | <li>Windows makefile updates (Igor) and x86-64 (Frederic Crozat)</li>
759 | <li>fixed HTML meta tag saving for Mac/IE users</li>
760 | <li>possible leak patches from Nathan Myers</li>
761 | <li>try to handle document('') as best as possible depending in the
762 | cases</li>
763 | <li>Fixed the DocBook stylesheets handling problem</li>
764 | <li>Fixed a few XSLT reported errors</li>
765 | </ul>
766 |
767 | <h3>1.0.19: July 6 2002</h3>
768 | <ul>
769 | <li>EXSLT: dynamic functions and date support bug fixes (Mark Vakoc)</li>
770 | <li>xsl:number fix: Richard Jinks</li>
771 | <li>xsl:format-numbers fix: Ken Neighbors</li>
772 | <li>document('') fix: bug pointed by Eric van der Vlist</li>
773 | <li>xsl:message with terminate="yes" fixes: William Brack</li>
774 | <li>xsl:sort order support added: Ken Neighbors</li>
775 | <li>a few other bug fixes, some of them requiring the latest version of
776 | libxml2</li>
777 | </ul>
778 |
779 | <h3>1.0.18: May 27 2002</h3>
780 | <ul>
781 | <li>a number of bug fixes: attributes, extra namespace declarations
782 | (DocBook), xsl:include crash (Igor), documentation (Christian Cornelssen,
783 | Charles Bozeman and Geert Kloosterman), element-available (Richard
784 | Jinks)</li>
785 | <li>xsltproc can now list teh registered extensions thanks to Mark
786 | Vakoc</li>
787 | <li>there is a new API to save directly to a string
788 | xsltSaveResultToString() by Morus Walter</li>
789 | <li>specific error registration function for the python API</li>
790 | </ul>
791 |
792 | <h3>1.0.17: April 29 2002</h3>
793 | <ul>
794 | <li>cleanup in code, XSLT debugger support and Makefiles for Windows by
795 | Igor</li>
796 | <li>a C++ portability fix by Mark Vakoc</li>
797 | <li>EXSLT date improvement and regression tests by Charles Bozeman</li>
798 | <li>attempt to fix a bug in xsltProcessUserParamInternal</li>
799 | </ul>
800 |
801 | <h3>1.0.16: April 15 2002</h3>
802 | <ul>
803 | <li>Bug fixes: strip-space, URL in HTML output, error when xsltproc can't
804 | save</li>
805 | <li>portability fixes: OSF/1, IEEE on alphas, Windows, Python bindings</li>
806 | </ul>
807 |
808 | <h3>1.0.15: Mar 25 2002</h3>
809 | <ul>
810 | <li>Bugfixes: XPath, python Makefile, recursive attribute sets, @foo[..]
811 | templates</li>
812 | <li>Debug of memory alocation with valgind</li>
813 | <li>serious profiling leading to significant improvement for DocBook
814 | processing</li>
815 | <li>revamp of the Windows build</li>
816 | </ul>
817 |
818 | <h3>1.0.14: Mar 18 2002</h3>
819 | <ul>
820 | <li>Improvement in the XPath engine (libxml2-2.4.18)</li>
821 | <li>Nasty bug fix related to exslt:node-set</li>
822 | <li>Fixed the python Makefiles, cleanup of doc comments, Windows
823 | portability fixes</li>
824 | </ul>
825 |
826 | <h3>1.0.13: Mar 8 2002</h3>
827 | <ul>
828 | <li>a number of bug fixes including "namespace node have no parents"</li>
829 | <li>Improvement of the Python bindings</li>
830 | <li>Charles Bozeman provided fixes and regression tests for exslt date
831 | functions.</li>
832 | </ul>
833 |
834 | <h3>1.0.12: Feb 11 2002</h3>
835 | <ul>
836 | <li>Fixed the makefiles especially the python module ones</li>
837 | <li>half a dozen bugs fixes including 2 old ones</li>
838 | </ul>
839 |
840 | <h3>1.0.11: Feb 8 2002</h3>
841 | <ul>
842 | <li>Change of Licence to the <a
843 | href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html">MIT
844 | Licence</a></li>
845 | <li>Added a beta version of the Python bindings, including support to
846 | extend the engine with functions written in Python</li>
847 | <li>A number of bug fixes</li>
848 | <li>Charlie Bozeman provided more EXSLT functions</li>
849 | <li>Portability fixes</li>
850 | </ul>
851 |
852 | <h3>1.0.10: Jan 14 2002</h3>
853 | <ul>
854 | <li>Windows fixes for Win32 from Igor</li>
855 | <li>Fixed the Solaris compilation trouble (Albert)</li>
856 | <li>Documentation changes and updates: John Fleck</li>
857 | <li>Added a stringparam option to avoid escaping hell at the shell
858 | level</li>
859 | <li>A few bug fixes</li>
860 | </ul>
861 |
862 | <h3>1.0.9: Dec 7 2001</h3>
863 | <ul>
864 | <li>Makefile patches from Peter Williams</li>
865 | <li>attempt to fix the compilation problem associated to prelinking</li>
866 | <li>obsoleted libxsltbreakpoint now deprecated and frozen to 1.0.8 API</li>
867 | <li>xsltproc return codes are now significant, John Fleck updated the
868 | documentation</li>
869 | <li>patch to allow as much as 40 steps in patterns (Marc Tardif), should be
870 | made dynamic really</li>
871 | <li>fixed a bug raised by Nik Clayton when using doctypes with HTML
872 | output</li>
873 | <li>patches from Keith Isdale to interface with xsltdebugger</li>
874 | </ul>
875 |
876 | <h3>1.0.8: Nov 26 2001</h3>
877 | <ul>
878 | <li>fixed an annoying header problem, removed a few bugs and some code
879 | cleanup</li>
880 | <li>patches for Windows and update of Windows Makefiles by Igor</li>
881 | <li>OpenVMS port instructions from John A Fotheringham</li>
882 | <li>fixed some Makefiles annoyance and libraries prelinking
883 | information</li>
884 | </ul>
885 |
886 | <h3>1.0.7: Nov 10 2001</h3>
887 | <ul>
888 | <li>remove a compilation problem with LIBXSLT_PUBLIC</li>
889 | <li>Finishing the integration steps for Keith Isdale debugger</li>
890 | <li>fixes the handling of indent="no" on HTML output</li>
891 | <li>fixes on the configure script and RPM spec file</li>
892 | </ul>
893 |
894 | <h3>1.0.6: Oct 30 2001</h3>
895 | <ul>
896 | <li>bug fixes on number formatting (Thomas), date/time functions (Bruce
897 | Miller)</li>
898 | <li>update of the Windows Makefiles (Igor)</li>
899 | <li>fixed DOCTYPE generation rules for HTML output (me)</li>
900 | </ul>
901 |
902 | <h3>1.0.5: Oct 10 2001</h3>
903 | <ul>
904 | <li>some portability fixes, including Windows makefile updates from
905 | Igor</li>
906 | <li>fixed a dozen bugs on XSLT and EXSLT (me and Thomas Broyer)</li>
907 | <li>support for Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions added (initial
908 | contribution from Darren Graves)</li>
909 | <li>better handling of XPath evaluation errors</li>
910 | </ul>
911 |
912 | <h3>1.0.4: Sep 12 2001</h3>
913 | <ul>
914 | <li>Documentation updates from John fleck</li>
915 | <li>bug fixes (DocBook FO generation should be fixed) and portability
916 | improvements</li>
917 | <li>Thomas Broyer improved the existing EXSLT support and added String,
918 | Time and Date core functions support</li>
919 | </ul>
920 |
921 | <h3>1.0.3: Aug 23 2001</h3>
922 | <ul>
923 | <li>XML Catalog support see the doc</li>
924 | <li>New NaN/Infinity floating point code</li>
925 | <li>A few bug fixes</li>
926 | </ul>
927 |
928 | <h3>1.0.2: Aug 15 2001</h3>
929 | <ul>
930 | <li>lot of bug fixes, increased the testsuite</li>
931 | <li>a large chunk of EXSLT is implemented</li>
932 | <li>improvements on the extension framework</li>
933 | <li>documentation improvements</li>
934 | <li>Windows MSC projects files should be up-to-date</li>
935 | <li>handle attributes inherited from the DTD by default</li>
936 | </ul>
937 |
938 | <h3>1.0.1: July 24 2001</h3>
939 | <ul>
940 | <li>initial EXSLT framework</li>
941 | <li>better error reporting</li>
942 | <li>fixed the profiler on Windows</li>
943 | <li>bug fixes</li>
944 | </ul>
945 |
946 | <h3>1.0.0: July 10 2001</h3>
947 | <ul>
948 | <li>a lot of cleanup, a lot of regression tests added or fixed</li>
949 | <li>added a documentation for <a href="extensions.html">writing
950 | extensions</a></li>
951 | <li>fixed some variable evaluation problems (with William)</li>
952 | <li>added profiling of stylesheet execution accessible as the xsltproc
953 | --profile option</li>
954 | <li>fixed element-available() and the implementation of the various
955 | chunking methods present, Norm Walsh provided a lot of feedback</li>
956 | <li>exclude-result-prefixes and namespaces output should now work as
957 | expected</li>
958 | <li>added support of embedded stylesheet as described in section 2.7 of the
959 | spec</li>
960 | </ul>
961 |
962 | <h3>0.14.0: July 5 2001</h3>
963 | <ul>
964 | <li>lot of bug fixes, and code cleanup</li>
965 | <li>completion of the little XSLT-1.0 features left unimplemented</li>
966 | <li>Added and implemented the extension API suggested by Thomas Broyer</li>
967 | <li>the Windows MSC environment should be complete</li>
968 | <li>tested and optimized with a really large document (DocBook Definitive
969 | Guide) libxml/libxslt should really be faster on serious workloads</li>
970 | </ul>
971 |
972 | <h3>0.13.0: June 26 2001</h3>
973 | <ul>
974 | <li>lots of cleanups</li>
975 | <li>fixed a C++ compilation problem</li>
976 | <li>couple of fixes to xsltSaveTo()</li>
977 | <li>try to fix Docbook-xslt-1.4 and chunking, updated the regression test
978 | with them</li>
979 | <li>fixed pattern compilation and priorities problems</li>
980 | <li>Patches for Windows and MSC project mostly contributed by Yon Derek</li>
981 | <li>update to the Tutorial by John Fleck</li>
982 | <li>William fixed bugs in templates and for-each functions</li>
983 | <li>added a new interface xsltRunStylesheet() for a more flexible output
984 | (incomplete), added -o option to xsltproc</li>
985 | </ul>
986 |
987 | <h3>0.12.0: June 18 2001</h3>
988 | <ul>
989 | <li>fixed a dozen of bugs reported</li>
990 | <li>HTML generation should be quite better (requires libxml-2.3.11 upgrade
991 | too)</li>
992 | <li>William fixed some problems with document()</li>
993 | <li>Fix namespace nodes selection and copy (requires libxml-2.3.11 upgrade
994 | too)</li>
995 | <li>John Fleck added a<a href="tutorial/libxslttutorial.html">
996 | tutorial</a></li>
997 | <li>Fixes for namespace handling when evaluating variables</li>
998 | <li>XInclude global flag added to process XInclude on document() if
999 | requested</li>
1000 | <li>made xsltproc --version more detailed</li>
1001 | </ul>
1002 |
1003 | <h3>0.11.0: June 1 2001</h3>
1004 |
1005 | <p>Mostly a bug fix release.</p>
1006 | <ul>
1007 | <li>integration of catalogs from xsltproc</li>
1008 | <li>added --version to xsltproc for bug reporting</li>
1009 | <li>fixed errors when handling ID in external parsed entities</li>
1010 | <li>document() should hopefully work correctly but ...</li>
1011 | <li>fixed bug with PI and comments processing</li>
1012 | <li>William fixed the XPath string functions when using unicode</li>
1013 | </ul>
1014 |
1015 | <h3>0.10.0: May 19 2001</h3>
1016 | <ul>
1017 | <li>cleanups to make stylesheet read-only (not 100% complete)</li>
1018 | <li>fixed URI resolution in document()</li>
1019 | <li>force all XPath expression to be compiled at stylesheet parsing time,
1020 | even if unused ...</li>
1021 | <li>Fixed HTML default output detection</li>
1022 | <li>Fixed double attribute generation #54446</li>
1023 | <li>Fixed {{ handling in attributes #54451</li>
1024 | <li>More tests and speedups for DocBook document transformations</li>
1025 | <li>Fixed a really bad race like bug in xsltCopyTreeList()</li>
1026 | <li>added a documentation on the libxslt internals</li>
1027 | <li>William Brack and Bjorn Reese improved format-number()</li>
1028 | <li>Fixed multiple sort, it should really work now</li>
1029 | <li>added a --docbook option for SGML DocBook input (hackish)</li>
1030 | <li>a number of other bug fixes and regression test added as people were
1031 | submitting them</li>
1032 | </ul>
1033 |
1034 | <h3>0.9.0: May 3 2001</h3>
1035 | <ul>
1036 | <li>lot of various bugfixes, extended the regression suite</li>
1037 | <li>xsltproc should work with multiple params</li>
1038 | <li>added an option to use xsltproc with HTML input</li>
1039 | <li>improved the stylesheet compilation, processing of complex stylesheets
1040 | should be faster</li>
1041 | <li>using the same stylesheet for concurrent processing on multithreaded
1042 | programs should work now</li>
1043 | <li>fixed another batch of namespace handling problems</li>
1044 | <li>Implemented multiple level of sorting</li>
1045 | </ul>
1046 |
1047 | <h3>0.8.0: Apr 22 2001</h3>
1048 | <ul>
1049 | <li>fixed ansidecl.h problem</li>
1050 | <li>fixed unparsed-entity-uri() and generate-id()</li>
1051 | <li>sort semantic fixes and priority prob from William M. Brack</li>
1052 | <li>fixed namespace handling problems in XPath expression computations
1053 | (requires libxml-2.3.7)</li>
1054 | <li>fixes to current() and key()</li>
1055 | <li>other, smaller fixes, lots of testing with N Walsh DocBook HTML
1056 | stylesheets</li>
1057 | </ul>
1058 |
1059 | <h3>0.7.0: Apr 10 2001</h3>
1060 | <ul>
1061 | <li>cleanup using stricter compiler flags</li>
1062 | <li>command line parameter passing</li>
1063 | <li>fix to xsltApplyTemplates from William M. Brack</li>
1064 | <li>added the XSLTMark in the regression tests as well as document()</li>
1065 | </ul>
1066 |
1067 | <h3>0.6.0: Mar 22 2001</h3>
1068 | <ul>
1069 | <li>another beta</li>
1070 | <li>requires 2.3.5, which provide XPath expression compilation support</li>
1071 | <li>document() extension should function properly</li>
1072 | <li>fixed a number or reported bugs</li>
1073 | </ul>
1074 |
1075 | <h3>0.5.0: Mar 10 2001</h3>
1076 | <ul>
1077 | <li>fifth beta</li>
1078 | <li>some optimization work, for the moment 2 XSLT transform cannot use the
1079 | same stylesheet at the same time (to be fixed)</li>
1080 | <li>fixed problems with handling of tree results</li>
1081 | <li>fixed a reported strip-spaces problem</li>
1082 | <li>added more reported/fixed bugs to the test suite</li>
1083 | <li>incorporated William M. Brack fix for imports and global variables as
1084 | well as patch for with-param support in apply-templates</li>
1085 | <li>a bug fix on for-each</li>
1086 | </ul>
1087 |
1088 | <h3>0.4.0: Mar 1 2001</h3>
1089 | <ul>
1090 | <li>fourth beta test, released at the same time of libxml2-2.3.3</li>
1091 | <li>bug fixes</li>
1092 | <li>some optimization</li>
1093 | <li>started implement extension support, not finished</li>
1094 | <li>implemented but not tested multiple file output</li>
1095 | </ul>
1096 |
1097 | <h3>0.3.0: Feb 24 2001</h3>
1098 | <ul>
1099 | <li>third beta test, released at the same time of libxml2-2.3.2</li>
1100 | <li>lot of bug fixes</li>
1101 | <li>some optimization</li>
1102 | <li>added DocBook XSL based testsuite</li>
1103 | </ul>
1104 |
1105 | <h3>0.2.0: Feb 15 2001</h3>
1106 | <ul>
1107 | <li>second beta version, released at the same time as libxml2-2.3.1</li>
1108 | <li>getting close to feature completion, lot of bug fixes, some in the HTML
1109 | and XPath support of libxml</li>
1110 | <li>start becoming usable for real work. This version can now regenerate
1111 | the XML 2e HTML from the original XML sources and the associated
1112 | stylesheets (in <a
1113 | href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#b4d250b6c21">section I of the XML
1114 | REC</a>)</li>
1115 | <li>Still misses extension element/function/prefixes support. Support of
1116 | key() and document() is not complete</li>
1117 | </ul>
1118 |
1119 | <h3>0.1.0: Feb 8 2001</h3>
1120 | <ul>
1121 | <li>first beta version, released at the same time as libxml2-2.3.0</li>
1122 | <li>lots of bug fixes, first "testing" version, but incomplete</li>
1123 | </ul>
1124 |
1125 | <h3>0.0.1: Jan 25 2001</h3>
1126 | <ul>
1127 | <li>first alpha version released at the same time as libxml2-2.2.12</li>
1128 | <li>Framework in place, should work on simple examples, but far from being
1129 | feature complete</li>
1130 | </ul>
1131 |
1132 | <h2><a name="xsltproc">The xsltproc tool</a></h2>
1133 |
1134 | <p>This program is the simplest way to use libxslt: from the command line. It
1135 | is also used for doing the regression tests of the library.</p>
1136 |
1137 | <p>It takes as first argument the path or URL to an XSLT stylesheet, the next
1138 | arguments are filenames or URIs of the inputs to be processed. The output of
1139 | the processing is redirected on the standard output. There is actually a few
1140 | more options available:</p>
1141 | <pre>orchis:~ -> xsltproc
1142 | Usage: xsltproc [options] stylesheet file [file ...]
1143 | Options:
1144 | --version or -V: show the version of libxml and libxslt used
1145 | --verbose or -v: show logs of what's happening
1146 | --output file or -o file: save to a given file
1147 | --timing: display the time used
1148 | --repeat: run the transformation 20 times
1149 | --debug: dump the tree of the result instead
1150 | --novalid: skip the Dtd loading phase
1151 | --noout: do not dump the result
1152 | --maxdepth val : increase the maximum depth
1153 | --html: the input document is(are) an HTML file(s)
1154 | --docbook: the input document is SGML docbook
1155 | --param name value : pass a (parameter,value) pair
1156 | --nonet refuse to fetch DTDs or entities over network
1157 | --warnnet warn against fetching over the network
1158 | --catalogs : use the catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES
1159 | --xinclude : do XInclude processing on document input
1160 | --profile or --norman : dump profiling information
1161 | orchis:~ -></pre>
1162 |
1163 | <h2><a name="DocBook">DocBook</a></h2>
1164 |
1165 | <p><img src="duck.png" align="right" alt="The duck picture"></p>
1166 |
1167 | <p><a href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/docbook/">DocBook</a> is an
1168 | XML/SGML vocabulary particularly well suited to books and papers about
1169 | computer hardware and software.</p>
1170 |
1171 | <p>xsltproc and libxslt are not specifically dependant on DocBook, but since
1172 | a lot of people use xsltproc and libxml2 for DocBook formatting, here are a
1173 | few pointers and information which may be helpful:</p>
1174 | <ul>
1175 | <li>The <a href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/docbook/">DocBook
1176 | homepage at Oasis</a> you should find pointers there on all the lastest
1177 | versions of the DTDs and XSLT stylesheets</li>
1178 | <li><a href="http://www.docbook.org/">DocBook: The Definitive Guide</a> is
1179 | the official reference documentation for DocBook.</li>
1180 | <li><a
1181 | href="https://sourceforge.net/docman/index.php?group_id=21935">DocBook
1182 | Open Repository</a> contains a lot of information about DocBook</li>
1183 | <li>Bob Stayton provides a <a href="http://www.sagehill.net/">lot of
1184 | resources</a> and consulting services around DocBook.</li>
1185 | <li>Here is a <a href="/buildDocBookCatalog">shell script</a> to generate
1186 | XML Catalogs for DocBook 4.1.2 . If it can write to the /etc/xml/
1187 | directory, it will set-up /etc/xml/catalog and /etc/xml/docbook based on
1188 | the resources found on the system. Otherwise it will just create
1189 | ~/xmlcatalog and ~/dbkxmlcatalog and doing:
1190 | <p><code>export XMLCATALOG=$HOME/xmlcatalog</code></p>
1191 | <p>should allow to process DocBook documentations without requiring
1192 | network accesses for the DTd or stylesheets</p>
1193 | </li>
1194 | <li>I have uploaded <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/test/dbk412catalog.tar.gz">a
1195 | small tarball</a> containing XML Catalogs for DocBook 4.1.2 which seems
1196 | to work fine for me too</li>
1197 | <li>Informations on installing a <a
1198 | href="http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hoenicka_markus/ntsgml.html">Windows
1199 | DocBook processing setup</a> based on Cygwin (using the binaries from the
1200 | official Windows port should be possible too)</li>
1201 | <li>Alexander Kirillov's page on <a
1202 | href="http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~kirillov/dbxml/">Using DocBook XML
1203 | 4.1.2</a> (RPM packages)</li>
1204 | <li>Tim Waugh's <a href="http://cyberelk.net/tim/xmlto/">xmlto front-end
1205 | conversion script</a></li>
1206 | <li>Linux Documentation Project <a
1207 | href="http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/DocBook-Install/">
1208 | DocBook-Install-mini-HOWTO</a></li>
1209 | <li>ScrollKeeper the open documentation cataloging project has a <a
1210 | href="http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/docbook.shtml">DocBook
1211 | section</a></li>
1212 | <li>Dan York presentation on <a
1213 | href="http://www.lodestar2.com/people/dyork/talks/2001/xugo/docbook/index.html">Publishing
1214 | using DocBook XML</a></li>
1215 | </ul>
1216 |
1217 | <p>Do not use the --docbook option of xsltproc to process XML DocBook
1218 | documents, this option is only intended to provide some (limited) support of
1219 | the SGML version of DocBook.</p>
1220 |
1221 | <p>Points which are not DocBook specific but still worth mentionning
1222 | again:</p>
1223 | <ul>
1224 | <li>if you think DocBook processing time is too slow, make sure you have
1225 | XML Catalogs pointing to a local installation of the DTD of DocBook.
1226 | Check the <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/catalog.html">XML Catalog page</a>
1227 | to understand more on this subject.</li>
1228 | <li>before processing a new document, use the command
1229 | <p><code>xmllint --valid --noout path_to_document</code></p>
1230 | <p>to make sure that your input is valid DocBook. And fixes the errors
1231 | before processing further. Note that XSLT processing may work correctly
1232 | with some forms of validity errors left, but in general it can give
1233 | troubles on output.</p>
1234 | </li>
1235 | </ul>
1236 |
1237 | <h2><a name="API">The programming API</a></h2>
1238 |
1239 | <p>Okay this section is clearly incomplete. But integrating libxslt into your
1240 | application should be relatively easy. First check the few steps described
1241 | below, then for more detailed information, look at the<a
1242 | href="html/libxslt-lib.html"> generated pages</a> for the API and the source
1243 | of libxslt/xsltproc.c and the <a
1244 | href="tutorial/libxslttutorial.html">tutorial</a>.</p>
1245 |
1246 | <p>Basically doing an XSLT transformation can be done in a few steps:</p>
1247 | <ol>
1248 | <li>configure the parser for XSLT:
1249 | <p>xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1);</p>
1250 | <p>xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1;</p>
1251 | </li>
1252 | <li>parse the stylesheet with xsltParseStylesheetFile()</li>
1253 | <li>parse the document with xmlParseFile()</li>
1254 | <li>apply the stylesheet using xsltApplyStylesheet()</li>
1255 | <li>save the result using xsltSaveResultToFile() if needed set
1256 | xmlIndentTreeOutput to 1</li>
1257 | </ol>
1258 |
1259 | <p>Steps 2,3, and 5 will probably need to be changed depending on you
1260 | processing needs and environment for example if reading/saving from/to
1261 | memory, or if you want to apply XInclude processing to the stylesheet or
1262 | input documents.</p>
1263 |
1264 | <h2><a name="Python">Python and bindings</a></h2>
1265 |
1266 | <p>There is a number of language bindings and wrappers available for libxml2,
1267 | the list below is not exhaustive. Please contact the <a
1268 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/xml-bindings">xml-bindings@gnome.org</a>
1269 | (<a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml-bindings/">archives</a>) in
1270 | order to get updates to this list or to discuss the specific topic of libxml2
1271 | or libxslt wrappers or bindings:</p>
1272 | <ul>
1273 | <li><a
1274 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2001-March/msg00014.html">Matt
1275 | Sergeant</a> developped <a href="http://axkit.org/download/">XML::LibXML
1276 | and XML::LibXSLT</a>, Perl wrappers for libxml2/libxslt as part of the <a
1277 | href="http://axkit.com/">AxKit XML application server</a></li>
1278 | <li><a href="mailto:dkuhlman@cutter.rexx.com">Dave Kuhlman</a> provides and
1279 | earlier version of the libxml/libxslt <a
1280 | href="http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman">wrappers for Python</a></li>
1281 | <li>Petr Kozelka provides <a
1282 | href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxml2-pas">Pascal units to glue
1283 | libxml2</a> with Kylix, Delphi and other Pascal compilers</li>
1284 | <li>Wai-Sun "Squidster" Chia provides <a
1285 | href="http://www.rubycolor.org/arc/redist/">bindings for Ruby</a> and
1286 | libxml2 bindings are also available in Ruby through the <a
1287 | href="http://libgdome-ruby.berlios.de/">libgdome-ruby</a> module
1288 | maintained by Tobias Peters.</li>
1289 | <li>Steve Ball and contributors maintains <a
1290 | href="http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/">libxml2 and libxslt bindings for
1291 | Tcl</a></li>
1292 | <li><a href="mailto:xmlwrapp@pmade.org">Peter Jones</a> maintains C++
1293 | bindings for libxslt within <a
1294 | href="http://pmade.org/pjones/software/xmlwrapp/">xmlwrapp</a></li>
1295 | <li><a href="phillim2@comcast.net">Mike Phillips</a> provides a module
1296 | using <a href="http://siasl.dyndns.org/projects/projects.html">libxslt
1297 | for PHP</a>.</li>
1298 | <li><a href="http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/classpathx/">LibxmlJ</a> is
1299 | an effort to create a 100% JAXP-compatible Java wrapper for libxml2 and
1300 | libxslt as part of GNU ClasspathX project.</li>
1301 | <li>Patrick McPhee provides Rexx bindings fof libxml2 and libxslt, look for
1302 | <a href="http://www.interlog.com/~ptjm/software.html">RexxXML</a>.</li>
1303 | <li><a
1304 | href="http://www.satimage.fr/software/en/xml_suite.html">Satimage</a>
1305 | provides <a
1306 | href="http://www.satimage.fr/software/en/downloads_osaxen.html">XMLLib
1307 | osax</a>. This is an osax for Mac OS X with a set of commands to
1308 | implement in AppleScript the XML DOM, XPATH and XSLT.</li>
1309 | </ul>
1310 |
1311 | <p>The libxslt Python module depends on the <a
1312 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/python.html">libxml2 Python</a> module.</p>
1313 |
1314 | <p>The distribution includes a set of Python bindings, which are guaranteed to
1315 | be maintained as part of the library in the future, though the Python
1316 | interface have not yet reached the completeness of the C API.</p>
1317 |
1318 | <p><a href="mailto:stephane.bidoul@softwareag.com">Stéphane Bidoul</a>
1319 | maintains <a href="http://users.skynet.be/sbi/libxml-python/">a Windows port
1320 | of the Python bindings</a>.</p>
1321 |
1322 | <p>Note to people interested in building bindings, the API is formalized as
1323 | <a href="libxslt-api.xml">an XML API description file</a> which allows to
1324 | automate a large part of the Python bindings, this includes function
1325 | descriptions, enums, structures, typedefs, etc... The Python script used to
1326 | build the bindings is python/generator.py in the source distribution.</p>
1327 |
1328 | <p>To install the Python bindings there are 2 options:</p>
1329 | <ul>
1330 | <li>If you use an RPM based distribution, simply install the <a
1331 | href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=libxml2-python">libxml2-python
1332 | RPM</a> and the <a
1333 | href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=libxslt-python">libxslt-python
1334 | RPM</a>.</li>
1335 | <li>Otherwise use the <a href="ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/python/">libxml2-python
1336 | module distribution</a> corresponding to your installed version of
1337 | libxml2 and libxslt. Note that to install it you will need both libxml2
1338 | and libxslt installed and run "python setup.py build install" in the
1339 | module tree.</li>
1340 | </ul>
1341 |
1342 | <p>The distribution includes a set of examples and regression tests for the
1343 | python bindings in the <code>python/tests</code> directory. Here are some
1344 | excepts from those tests:</p>
1345 |
1346 | <h3>basic.py:</h3>
1347 |
1348 | <p>This is a basic test of XSLT interfaces: loading a stylesheet and a
1349 | document, transforming the document and saving the result.</p>
1350 | <pre>import libxml2
1351 | import libxslt
1352 |
1353 | styledoc = libxml2.parseFile("test.xsl")
1354 | style = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(styledoc)
1355 | doc = libxml2.parseFile("test.xml")
1356 | result = style.applyStylesheet(doc, None)
1357 | style.saveResultToFilename("foo", result, 0)
1358 | style.freeStylesheet()
1359 | doc.freeDoc()
1360 | result.freeDoc()</pre>
1361 |
1362 | <p>The Python module is called libxslt, you will also need the libxml2 module
1363 | for the operations on XML trees. Let's have a look at the objects manipulated
1364 | in that example and how is the processing done:</p>
1365 | <ul>
1366 | <li><code>styledoc</code> : is a libxml2 document tree. It is obtained by
1367 | parsing the XML file "test.xsl" containing the stylesheet.</li>
1368 | <li><code>style</code> : this is a precompiled stylesheet ready to be used
1369 | by the following transformations (note the plural form, multiple
1370 | transformations can resuse the same stylesheet).</li>
1371 | <li><code>doc</code> : this is the document to apply the transformation to.
1372 | In this case it is simply generated by parsing it from a file but any
1373 | other processing is possible as long as one get a libxml2 Doc. Note that
1374 | HTML tree are suitable for XSLT processing in libxslt. This is actually
1375 | how this page is generated !</li>
1376 | <li><code>result</code> : this is a document generated by applying the
1377 | stylesheet to the document. Note that some of the stylesheet information
1378 | may be related to the serialization of that document and as in this
1379 | example a specific saveResultToFilename() method of the stylesheet should
1380 | be used to save it to a file (in that case to "foo").</li>
1381 | </ul>
1382 |
1383 | <p>Also note the need to explicitely deallocate documents with freeDoc()
1384 | except for the stylesheet document which is freed when its compiled form is
1385 | garbage collected.</p>
1386 |
1387 | <h3>extfunc.py:</h3>
1388 |
1389 | <p>This one is a far more complex test. It shows how to modify the behaviour
1390 | of an XSLT transformation by passing parameters and how to extend the XSLT
1391 | engine with functions defined in python:</p>
1392 | <pre>import libxml2
1393 | import libxslt
1394 | import string
1395 |
1396 | nodeName = None
1397 | def f(ctx, str):
1398 | global nodeName
1399 |
1400 | #
1401 | # Small check to verify the context is correcly accessed
1402 | #
1403 | try:
1404 | pctxt = libxslt.xpathParserContext(_obj=ctx)
1405 | ctxt = pctxt.context()
1406 | tctxt = ctxt.transformContext()
1407 | nodeName = tctxt.insertNode().name
1408 | except:
1409 | pass
1410 |
1411 | return string.upper(str)
1412 |
1413 | libxslt.registerExtModuleFunction("foo", "http://example.com/foo", f)</pre>
1414 |
1415 | <p>This code defines and register an extension function. Note that the
1416 | function can be bound to any name (foo) and how the binding is also
1417 | associated to a namespace name "http://example.com/foo". From an XSLT point
1418 | of view the function just returns an upper case version of the string passed
1419 | as a parameter. But the first part of the function also read some contextual
1420 | information from the current XSLT processing environement, in that case it
1421 | looks for the current insertion node in the resulting output (either the
1422 | resulting document or the Result Value Tree being generated), and saves it to
1423 | a global variable for checking that the access actually worked.</p>
1424 |
1425 | <p>For more information on the xpathParserContext and transformContext
1426 | objects check the <a href="internals.html">libray internals description</a>.
1427 | The pctxt is actually an object from a class derived from the
1428 | libxml2.xpathParserContext() with just a couple more properties including the
1429 | possibility to look up the XSLT transformation context from the XPath
1430 | context.</p>
1431 | <pre>styledoc = libxml2.parseDoc("""
1432 | <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'
1433 | xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'
1434 | xmlns:foo='http://example.com/foo'
1435 | xsl:exclude-result-prefixes='foo'>
1436 |
1437 | <xsl:param name='bar'>failure</xsl:param>
1438 | <xsl:template match='/'>
1439 | <article><xsl:value-of select='foo:foo($bar)'/></article>
1440 | </xsl:template>
1441 | </xsl:stylesheet>
1442 | """)</pre>
1443 |
1444 | <p>Here is a simple example of how to read an XML document from a python
1445 | string with libxml2. Note how this stylesheet:</p>
1446 | <ul>
1447 | <li>Uses a global parameter <code>bar</code></li>
1448 | <li>Reference the extension function f</li>
1449 | <li>how the Namespace name "http://example.com/foo" has to be bound to a
1450 | prefix</li>
1451 | <li>how that prefix is excluded from the output</li>
1452 | <li>how the function is called from the select</li>
1453 | </ul>
1454 | <pre>style = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(styledoc)
1455 | doc = libxml2.parseDoc("<doc/>")
1456 | result = style.applyStylesheet(doc, { "bar": "'success'" })
1457 | style.freeStylesheet()
1458 | doc.freeDoc()</pre>
1459 |
1460 | <p>that part is identical, to the basic example except that the
1461 | transformation is passed a dictionary of parameters. Note that the string
1462 | passed "success" had to be quoted, otherwise it is interpreted as an XPath
1463 | query for the childs of root named "success".</p>
1464 | <pre>root = result.children
1465 | if root.name != "article":
1466 | print "Unexpected root node name"
1467 | sys.exit(1)
1468 | if root.content != "SUCCESS":
1469 | print "Unexpected root node content, extension function failed"
1470 | sys.exit(1)
1471 | if nodeName != 'article':
1472 | print "The function callback failed to access its context"
1473 | sys.exit(1)
1474 |
1475 | result.freeDoc()</pre>
1476 |
1477 | <p>That part just verifies that the transformation worked, that the parameter
1478 | got properly passed to the engine, that the function f() got called and that
1479 | it properly accessed the context to find the name of the insertion node.</p>
1480 |
1481 | <h3>pyxsltproc.py:</h3>
1482 |
1483 | <p>this module is a bit too long to be described there but it is basically a
1484 | rewrite of the xsltproc command line interface of libxslt in Python. It
1485 | provides nearly all the functionalities of xsltproc and can be used as a base
1486 | module to write Python customized XSLT processors. One of the thing to notice
1487 | are:</p>
1488 | <pre>libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(1)
1489 | libxml2.substituteEntitiesDefault(1)</pre>
1490 |
1491 | <p>those two calls in the main() function are needed to force the libxml2
1492 | processor to generate DOM trees compliant with the XPath data model.</p>
1493 |
1494 | <h2><a name="Internals">Library internals</a></h2>
1495 |
1496 | <h3>Table of contents</h3>
1497 | <ul>
1498 | <li><a href="internals.html#Introducti">Introduction</a></li>
1499 | <li><a href="internals.html#Basics">Basics</a></li>
1500 | <li><a href="internals.html#Keep">Keep it simple stupid</a></li>
1501 | <li><a href="internals.html#libxml">The libxml nodes</a></li>
1502 | <li><a href="internals.html#XSLT">The XSLT processing steps</a></li>
1503 | <li><a href="internals.html#XSLT1">The XSLT stylesheet compilation</a></li>
1504 | <li><a href="internals.html#XSLT2">The XSLT template compilation</a></li>
1505 | <li><a href="internals.html#processing">The processing itself</a></li>
1506 | <li><a href="internals.html#XPath">XPath expressions compilation</a></li>
1507 | <li><a href="internals.html#XPath1">XPath interpretation</a></li>
1508 | <li><a href="internals.html#Descriptio">Description of XPath
1509 | Objects</a></li>
1510 | <li><a href="internals.html#XPath3">XPath functions</a></li>
1511 | <li><a href="internals.html#stack">The variables stack frame</a></li>
1512 | <li><a href="internals.html#Extension">Extension support</a></li>
1513 | <li><a href="internals.html#Futher">Further reading</a></li>
1514 | <li><a href="internals.html#TODOs">TODOs</a></li>
1515 | </ul>
1516 |
1517 | <h3><a name="Introducti2">Introduction</a></h3>
1518 |
1519 | <p>This document describes the processing of <a
1520 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/">libxslt</a>, the <a
1521 | href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a> C library developed for the <a
1522 | href="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</a> project.</p>
1523 |
1524 | <p>Note: this documentation is by definition incomplete and I am not good at
1525 | spelling, grammar, so patches and suggestions are <a
1526 | href="mailto:veillard@redhat.com">really welcome</a>.</p>
1527 |
1528 | <h3><a name="Basics1">Basics</a></h3>
1529 |
1530 | <p>XSLT is a transformation language. It takes an input document and a
1531 | stylesheet document and generates an output document:</p>
1532 |
1533 | <p align="center"><img src="processing.gif"
1534 | alt="the XSLT processing model"></p>
1535 |
1536 | <p>Libxslt is written in C. It relies on <a
1537 | href="http://www.xmlsoft.org/">libxml</a>, the XML C library for GNOME, for
1538 | the following operations:</p>
1539 | <ul>
1540 | <li>parsing files</li>
1541 | <li>building the in-memory DOM structure associated with the documents
1542 | handled</li>
1543 | <li>the XPath implementation</li>
1544 | <li>serializing back the result document to XML and HTML. (Text is handled
1545 | directly.)</li>
1546 | </ul>
1547 |
1548 | <h3><a name="Keep1">Keep it simple stupid</a></h3>
1549 |
1550 | <p>Libxslt is not very specialized. It is built under the assumption that all
1551 | nodes from the source and output document can fit in the virtual memory of
1552 | the system. There is a big trade-off there. It is fine for reasonably sized
1553 | documents but may not be suitable for large sets of data. The gain is that it
1554 | can be used in a relatively versatile way. The input or output may never be
1555 | serialized, but the size of documents it can handle are limited by the size
1556 | of the memory available.</p>
1557 |
1558 | <p>More specialized memory handling approaches are possible, like building
1559 | the input tree from a serialization progressively as it is consumed,
1560 | factoring repetitive patterns, or even on-the-fly generation of the output as
1561 | the input is parsed but it is possible only for a limited subset of the
1562 | stylesheets. In general the implementation of libxslt follows the following
1563 | pattern:</p>
1564 | <ul>
1565 | <li>KISS (keep it simple stupid)</li>
1566 | <li>when there is a clear bottleneck optimize on top of this simple
1567 | framework and refine only as much as is needed to reach the expected
1568 | result</li>
1569 | </ul>
1570 |
1571 | <p>The result is not that bad, clearly one can do a better job but more
1572 | specialized too. Most optimization like building the tree on-demand would
1573 | need serious changes to the libxml XPath framework. An easy step would be to
1574 | serialize the output directly (or call a set of SAX-like output handler to
1575 | keep this a flexible interface) and hence avoid the memory consumption of the
1576 | result.</p>
1577 |
1578 | <h3><a name="libxml">The libxml nodes</a></h3>
1579 |
1580 | <p>DOM-like trees, as used and generated by libxml and libxslt, are
1581 | relatively complex. Most node types follow the given structure except a few
1582 | variations depending on the node type:</p>
1583 |
1584 | <p align="center"><img src="node.gif" alt="description of a libxml node"></p>
1585 |
1586 | <p>Nodes carry a <strong>name</strong> and the node <strong>type</strong>
1587 | indicates the kind of node it represents, the most common ones are:</p>
1588 | <ul>
1589 | <li>document nodes</li>
1590 | <li>element nodes</li>
1591 | <li>text nodes</li>
1592 | </ul>
1593 |
1594 | <p>For the XSLT processing, entity nodes should not be generated (i.e. they
1595 | should be replaced by their content). Most nodes also contains the following
1596 | "navigation" information:</p>
1597 | <ul>
1598 | <li>the containing <strong>doc</strong>ument</li>
1599 | <li>the <strong>parent</strong> node</li>
1600 | <li>the first <strong>children</strong> node</li>
1601 | <li>the <strong>last</strong> children node</li>
1602 | <li>the <strong>prev</strong>ious sibling</li>
1603 | <li>the following sibling (<strong>next</strong>)</li>
1604 | </ul>
1605 |
1606 | <p>Elements nodes carries the list of attributes in the properties, an
1607 | attribute itself holds the navigation pointers and the children list (the
1608 | attribute value is not represented as a simple string to allow usage of
1609 | entities references).</p>
1610 |
1611 | <p>The <strong>ns</strong> points to the namespace declaration for the
1612 | namespace associated to the node, <strong>nsDef</strong> is the linked list
1613 | of namespace declaration present on element nodes.</p>
1614 |
1615 | <p>Most nodes also carry an <strong>_private</strong> pointer which can be
1616 | used by the application to hold specific data on this node.</p>
1617 |
1618 | <h3><a name="XSLT">The XSLT processing steps</a></h3>
1619 |
1620 | <p>There are a few steps which are clearly decoupled at the interface
1621 | level:</p>
1622 | <ol>
1623 | <li>parse the stylesheet and generate a DOM tree</li>
1624 | <li>take the stylesheet tree and build a compiled version of it (the
1625 | compilation phase)</li>
1626 | <li>take the input and generate a DOM tree</li>
1627 | <li>process the stylesheet against the input tree and generate an output
1628 | tree</li>
1629 | <li>serialize the output tree</li>
1630 | </ol>
1631 |
1632 | <p>A few things should be noted here:</p>
1633 | <ul>
1634 | <li>the steps 1/ 3/ and 5/ are optional</li>
1635 | <li>the stylesheet obtained at 2/ can be reused by multiple processing 4/
1636 | (and this should also work in threaded programs)</li>
1637 | <li>the tree provided in 2/ should never be freed using xmlFreeDoc, but by
1638 | freeing the stylesheet.</li>
1639 | <li>the input tree 4/ is not modified except the _private field which may
1640 | be used for labelling keys if used by the stylesheet</li>
1641 | </ul>
1642 |
1643 | <h3><a name="XSLT1">The XSLT stylesheet compilation</a></h3>
1644 |
1645 | <p>This is the second step described. It takes a stylesheet tree, and
1646 | "compiles" it. This associates to each node a structure stored in the
1647 | _private field and containing information computed in the stylesheet:</p>
1648 |
1649 | <p align="center"><img src="stylesheet.gif"
1650 | alt="a compiled XSLT stylesheet"></p>
1651 |
1652 | <p>One xsltStylesheet structure is generated per document parsed for the
1653 | stylesheet. XSLT documents allow includes and imports of other documents,
1654 | imports are stored in the <strong>imports</strong> list (hence keeping the
1655 | tree hierarchy of includes which is very important for a proper XSLT
1656 | processing model) and includes are stored in the <strong>doclist</strong>
1657 | list. An imported stylesheet has a parent link to allow browsing of the
1658 | tree.</p>
1659 |
1660 | <p>The DOM tree associated to the document is stored in <strong>doc</strong>.
1661 | It is preprocessed to remove ignorable empty nodes and all the nodes in the
1662 | XSLT namespace are subject to precomputing. This usually consist of
1663 | extracting all the context information from the context tree (attributes,
1664 | namespaces, XPath expressions), and storing them in an xsltStylePreComp
1665 | structure associated to the <strong>_private</strong> field of the node.</p>
1666 |
1667 | <p>A couple of notable exceptions to this are XSLT template nodes (more on
1668 | this later) and attribute value templates. If they are actually templates,
1669 | the value cannot be computed at compilation time. (Some preprocessing could
1670 | be done like isolation and preparsing of the XPath subexpressions but it's
1671 | not done, yet.)</p>
1672 |
1673 | <p>The xsltStylePreComp structure also allows storing of the precompiled form
1674 | of an XPath expression that can be associated to an XSLT element (more on
1675 | this later).</p>
1676 |
1677 | <h3><a name="XSLT2">The XSLT template compilation</a></h3>
1678 |
1679 | <p>A proper handling of templates lookup is one of the keys of fast XSLT
1680 | processing. (Given a node in the source document this is the process of
1681 | finding which templates should be applied to this node.) Libxslt follows the
1682 | hint suggested in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#patterns">5.2
1683 | Patterns</a> section of the XSLT Recommendation, i.e. it doesn't evaluate it
1684 | as an XPath expression but tokenizes it and compiles it as a set of rules to
1685 | be evaluated on a candidate node. There usually is an indication of the node
1686 | name in the last step of this evaluation and this is used as a key check for
1687 | the match. As a result libxslt builds a relatively more complex set of
1688 | structures for the templates:</p>
1689 |
1690 | <p align="center"><img src="templates.gif"
1691 | alt="The templates related structure"></p>
1692 |
1693 | <p>Let's describe a bit more closely what is built. First the xsltStylesheet
1694 | structure holds a pointer to the template hash table. All the XSLT patterns
1695 | compiled in this stylesheet are indexed by the value of the the target
1696 | element (or attribute, pi ...) name, so when a element or an attribute "foo"
1697 | needs to be processed the lookup is done using the name as a key.</p>
1698 |
1699 | <p>Each of the patterns is compiled into an xsltCompMatch structure. It holds
1700 | the set of rules based on the tokenization of the pattern stored in reverse
1701 | order (matching is easier this way). It also holds some information about the
1702 | previous matches used to speed up the process when one iterates over a set of
1703 | siblings. (This optimization may be defeated by trashing when running
1704 | threaded computation, it's unclear that this is a big deal in practice.)
1705 | Predicate expressions are not compiled at this stage, they may be at run-time
1706 | if needed, but in this case they are compiled as full XPath expressions (the
1707 | use of some fixed predicate can probably be optimized, they are not yet).</p>
1708 |
1709 | <p>The xsltCompMatch are then stored in the hash table, the clash list is
1710 | itself sorted by priority of the template to implement "naturally" the XSLT
1711 | priority rules.</p>
1712 |
1713 | <p>Associated to the compiled pattern is the xsltTemplate itself containing
1714 | the information required for the processing of the pattern including, of
1715 | course, a pointer to the list of elements used for building the pattern
1716 | result.</p>
1717 |
1718 | <p>Last but not least a number of patterns do not fit in the hash table
1719 | because they are not associated to a name, this is the case for patterns
1720 | applying to the root, any element, any attributes, text nodes, pi nodes, keys
1721 | etc. Those are stored independently in the stylesheet structure as separate
1722 | linked lists of xsltCompMatch.</p>
1723 |
1724 | <h3><a name="processing">The processing itself</a></h3>
1725 |
1726 | <p>The processing is defined by the XSLT specification (the basis of the
1727 | algorithm is explained in <a
1728 | href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#section-Introduction">the Introduction</a>
1729 | section). Basically it works by taking the root of the input document and
1730 | applying the following algorithm:</p>
1731 | <ol>
1732 | <li>Finding the template applying to it. This is a lookup in the template
1733 | hash table, walking the hash list until the node satisfies all the steps
1734 | of the pattern, then checking the appropriate(s) global templates to see
1735 | if there isn't a higher priority rule to apply</li>
1736 | <li>If there is no template, apply the default rule (recurse on the
1737 | children)</li>
1738 | <li>else walk the content list of the selected templates, for each of them:
1739 | <ul>
1740 | <li>if the node is in the XSLT namespace then the node has a _private
1741 | field pointing to the preprocessed values, jump to the specific
1742 | code</li>
1743 | <li>if the node is in an extension namespace, look up the associated
1744 | behavior</li>
1745 | <li>otherwise copy the node.</li>
1746 | </ul>
1747 | <p>The closure is usually done through the XSLT
1748 | <strong>apply-templates</strong> construct recursing by applying the
1749 | adequate template on the input node children or on the result of an
1750 | associated XPath selection lookup.</p>
1751 | </li>
1752 | </ol>
1753 |
1754 | <p>Note that large parts of the input tree may not be processed by a given
1755 | stylesheet and that on the opposite some may be processed multiple times.
1756 | (This often is the case when a Table of Contents is built).</p>
1757 |
1758 | <p>The module <code>transform.c</code> is the one implementing most of this
1759 | logic. <strong>xsltApplyStylesheet()</strong> is the entry point, it
1760 | allocates an xsltTransformContext containing the following:</p>
1761 | <ul>
1762 | <li>a pointer to the stylesheet being processed</li>
1763 | <li>a stack of templates</li>
1764 | <li>a stack of variables and parameters</li>
1765 | <li>an XPath context</li>
1766 | <li>the template mode</li>
1767 | <li>current document</li>
1768 | <li>current input node</li>
1769 | <li>current selected node list</li>
1770 | <li>the current insertion points in the output document</li>
1771 | <li>a couple of hash tables for extension elements and functions</li>
1772 | </ul>
1773 |
1774 | <p>Then a new document gets allocated (HTML or XML depending on the type of
1775 | output), the user parameters and global variables and parameters are
1776 | evaluated. Then <strong>xsltProcessOneNode()</strong> which implements the
1777 | 1-2-3 algorithm is called on the root element of the input. Step 1/ is
1778 | implemented by calling <strong>xsltGetTemplate()</strong>, step 2/ is
1779 | implemented by <strong>xsltDefaultProcessOneNode()</strong> and step 3/ is
1780 | implemented by <strong>xsltApplyOneTemplate()</strong>.</p>
1781 |
1782 | <h3><a name="XPath">XPath expression compilation</a></h3>
1783 |
1784 | <p>The XPath support is actually implemented in the libxml module (where it
1785 | is reused by the XPointer implementation). XPath is a relatively classic
1786 | expression language. The only uncommon feature is that it is working on XML
1787 | trees and hence has specific syntax and types to handle them.</p>
1788 |
1789 | <p>XPath expressions are compiled using <strong>xmlXPathCompile()</strong>.
1790 | It will take an expression string in input and generate a structure
1791 | containing the parsed expression tree, for example the expression:</p>
1792 | <pre>/doc/chapter[title='Introduction']</pre>
1793 |
1794 | <p>will be compiled as</p>
1795 | <pre>Compiled Expression : 10 elements
1796 | SORT
1797 | COLLECT 'child' 'name' 'node' chapter
1798 | COLLECT 'child' 'name' 'node' doc
1799 | ROOT
1801 | SORT
1802 | EQUAL =
1803 | COLLECT 'child' 'name' 'node' title
1804 | NODE
1805 | ELEM Object is a string : Introduction
1806 | COLLECT 'child' 'name' 'node' title
1807 | NODE</pre>
1808 |
1809 | <p>This can be tested using the <code>testXPath</code> command (in the
1810 | libxml codebase) using the <code>--tree</code> option.</p>
1811 |
1812 | <p>Again, the KISS approach is used. No optimization is done. This could be
1813 | an interesting thing to add. <a
1814 | href="http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-xslt2/?dwzone=x?open&l=132%2ct=gr%2c+p=saxon">Michael
1815 | Kay describes</a> a lot of possible and interesting optimizations done in
1816 | Saxon which would be possible at this level. I'm unsure they would provide
1817 | much gain since the expressions tends to be relatively simple in general and
1818 | stylesheets are still hand generated. Optimizations at the interpretation
1819 | sounds likely to be more efficient.</p>
1820 |
1821 | <h3><a name="XPath1">XPath interpretation</a></h3>
1822 |
1823 | <p>The interpreter is implemented by <strong>xmlXPathCompiledEval()</strong>
1824 | which is the front-end to <strong>xmlXPathCompOpEval()</strong> the function
1825 | implementing the evaluation of the expression tree. This evaluation follows
1826 | the KISS approach again. It's recursive and calls
1827 | <strong>xmlXPathNodeCollectAndTest()</strong> to collect nodes set when
1828 | evaluating a <code>COLLECT</code> node.</p>
1829 |
1830 | <p>An evaluation is done within the framework of an XPath context stored in
1831 | an <strong>xmlXPathContext</strong> structure, in the framework of a
1832 | transformation the context is maintained within the XSLT context. Its content
1833 | follows the requirements from the XPath specification:</p>
1834 | <ul>
1835 | <li>the current document</li>
1836 | <li>the current node</li>
1837 | <li>a hash table of defined variables (but not used by XSLT)</li>
1838 | <li>a hash table of defined functions</li>
1839 | <li>the proximity position (the place of the node in the current node
1840 | list)</li>
1841 | <li>the context size (the size of the current node list)</li>
1842 | <li>the array of namespace declarations in scope (there also is a namespace
1843 | hash table but it is not used in the XSLT transformation).</li>
1844 | </ul>
1845 |
1846 | <p>For the purpose of XSLT an <strong>extra</strong> pointer has been added
1847 | allowing to retrieve the XSLT transformation context. When an XPath
1848 | evaluation is about to be performed, an XPath parser context is allocated
1849 | containing and XPath object stack (this is actually an XPath evaluation
1850 | context, this is a remain of the time where there was no separate parsing and
1851 | evaluation phase in the XPath implementation). Here is an overview of the set
1852 | of contexts associated to an XPath evaluation within an XSLT
1853 | transformation:</p>
1854 |
1855 | <p align="center"><img src="contexts.gif"
1856 | alt="The set of contexts associated "></p>
1857 |
1858 | <p>Clearly this is a bit too complex and confusing and should be refactored
1859 | at the next set of binary incompatible releases of libxml. For example the
1860 | xmlXPathCtxt has a lot of unused parts and should probably be merged with
1861 | xmlXPathParserCtxt.</p>
1862 |
1863 | <h3><a name="Descriptio">Description of XPath Objects</a></h3>
1864 |
1865 | <p>An XPath expression manipulates XPath objects. XPath defines the default
1866 | types boolean, numbers, strings and node sets. XSLT adds the result tree
1867 | fragment type which is basically an unmodifiable node set.</p>
1868 |
1869 | <p>Implementation-wise, libxml follows again a KISS approach, the
1870 | xmlXPathObject is a structure containing a type description and the various
1871 | possibilities. (Using an enum could have gained some bytes.) In the case of
1872 | node sets (or result tree fragments), it points to a separate xmlNodeSet
1873 | object which contains the list of pointers to the document nodes:</p>
1874 |
1875 | <p align="center"><img src="object.gif"
1876 | alt="An Node set object pointing to "></p>
1877 |
1878 | <p>The <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xpath.html">XPath API</a> (and
1879 | its <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-xpathinternals.html">'internal'
1880 | part</a>) includes a number of functions to create, copy, compare, convert or
1881 | free XPath objects.</p>
1882 |
1883 | <h3><a name="XPath3">XPath functions</a></h3>
1884 |
1885 | <p>All the XPath functions available to the interpreter are registered in the
1886 | function hash table linked from the XPath context. They all share the same
1887 | signature:</p>
1888 | <pre>void xmlXPathFunc (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs);</pre>
1889 |
1890 | <p>The first argument is the XPath interpretation context, holding the
1891 | interpretation stack. The second argument defines the number of objects
1892 | passed on the stack for the function to consume (last argument is on top of
1893 | the stack).</p>
1894 |
1895 | <p>Basically an XPath function does the following:</p>
1896 | <ul>
1897 | <li>check <code>nargs</code> for proper handling of errors or functions
1898 | with variable numbers of parameters</li>
1899 | <li>pop the parameters from the stack using <code>obj =
1900 | valuePop(ctxt);</code></li>
1901 | <li>do the function specific computation</li>
1902 | <li>push the result parameter on the stack using <code>valuePush(ctxt,
1903 | res);</code></li>
1904 | <li>free up the input parameters with
1905 | <code>xmlXPathFreeObject(obj);</code></li>
1906 | <li>return</li>
1907 | </ul>
1908 |
1909 | <p>Sometime the work can be done directly by modifying in-situ the top object
1910 | on the stack <code>ctxt->value</code>.</p>
1911 |
1912 | <h3><a name="stack">The XSLT variables stack frame</a></h3>
1913 |
1914 | <p>Not to be confused with XPath object stack, this stack holds the XSLT
1915 | variables and parameters as they are defined through the recursive calls of
1916 | call-template, apply-templates and default templates. This is used to define
1917 | the scope of variables being called.</p>
1918 |
1919 | <p>This part seems to be the most urgent attention right now, first it is
1920 | done in a very inefficient way since the location of the variables and
1921 | parameters within the stylesheet tree is still done at run time (it really
1922 | should be done statically at compile time), and I am still unsure that my
1923 | understanding of the template variables and parameter scope is actually
1924 | right.</p>
1925 |
1926 | <p>This part of the documentation is still to be written once this part of
1927 | the code will be stable. <span
1928 | style="background-color: #FF0000">TODO</span></p>
1929 |
1930 | <h3><a name="Extension">Extension support</a></h3>
1931 |
1932 | <p>There is a separate document explaining <a href="extensions.html">how the
1933 | extension support works</a>.</p>
1934 |
1935 | <h3><a name="Futher">Further reading</a></h3>
1936 |
1937 | <p>Michael Kay wrote <a
1938 | href="http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-xslt2/?dwzone=x?open&l=132%2ct=gr%2c+p=saxon">a
1939 | really interesting article on Saxon internals</a> and the work he did on
1940 | performance issues. I wishes I had read it before starting libxslt design (I
1941 | would probably have avoided a few mistakes and progressed faster). A lot of
1942 | the ideas in his papers should be implemented or at least tried in
1943 | libxslt.</p>
1944 |
1945 | <p>The <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">libxml documentation</a>, especially <a
1946 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/xmlio.html">the I/O interfaces</a> and the <a
1947 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/xmlmem.html">memory management</a>.</p>
1948 |
1949 | <h3><a name="TODOs">TODOs</a></h3>
1950 |
1951 | <p>redesign the XSLT stack frame handling. Far too much work is done at
1952 | execution time. Similarly for the attribute value templates handling, at
1953 | least the embedded subexpressions ought to be precompiled.</p>
1954 |
1955 | <p>Allow output to be saved to a SAX like output (this notion of SAX like API
1956 | for output should be added directly to libxml).</p>
1957 |
1958 | <p>Implement and test some of the optimization explained by Michael Kay
1959 | especially:</p>
1960 | <ul>
1961 | <li>static slot allocation on the stack frame</li>
1962 | <li>specific boolean interpretation of an XPath expression</li>
1963 | <li>some of the sorting optimization</li>
1964 | <li>Lazy evaluation of location path. (this may require more changes but
1965 | sounds really interesting. XT does this too.)</li>
1966 | <li>Optimization of an expression tree (This could be done as a completely
1967 | independent module.)</li>
1968 | </ul>
1969 |
1970 | <p></p>
1971 |
1972 | <p>Error reporting, there is a lot of case where the XSLT specification
1973 | specify that a given construct is an error are not checked adequately by
1974 | libxslt. Basically one should do a complete pass on the XSLT spec again and
1975 | add all tests to the stylesheet compilation. Using the DTD provided in the
1976 | appendix and making direct checks using the libxml validation API sounds a
1977 | good idea too (though one should take care of not raising errors for
1978 | elements/attributes in different namespaces).</p>
1979 |
1980 | <p>Double check all the places where the stylesheet compiled form might be
1981 | modified at run time (extra removal of blanks nodes, hint on the
1982 | xsltCompMatch).</p>
1983 |
1984 | <p></p>
1985 |
1986 | <h2><a name="Extensions">Writing extensions</a></h2>
1987 |
1988 | <h3>Table of content</h3>
1989 | <ul>
1990 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Introducti">Introduction</a></li>
1991 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Basics">Basics</a></li>
1992 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Keep">Extension modules</a></li>
1993 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Registerin">Registering a module</a></li>
1994 | <li><a href="extensions.html#module">Loading a module</a></li>
1995 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Registerin1">Registering an extension
1996 | function</a></li>
1997 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Implementi">Implementing an extension
1998 | function</a></li>
1999 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Examples">Examples for extension
2000 | functions</a></li>
2001 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Registerin2">Registering an extension
2002 | element</a></li>
2003 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Implementi1">Implementing an extension
2004 | element</a></li>
2005 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Example">Example for extension
2006 | elements</a></li>
2007 | <li><a href="extensions.html#shutdown">The shutdown of a module</a></li>
2008 | <li><a href="extensions.html#Future">Future work</a></li>
2009 | </ul>
2010 |
2011 | <h3><a name="Introducti1">Introduction</a></h3>
2012 |
2013 | <p>This document describes the work needed to write extensions to the
2014 | standard XSLT library for use with <a
2015 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/">libxslt</a>, the <a
2016 | href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a> C library developed for the <a
2017 | href="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</a> project.</p>
2018 |
2019 | <p>Before starting reading this document it is highly recommended to get
2020 | familiar with <a href="internals.html">the libxslt internals</a>.</p>
2021 |
2022 | <p>Note: this documentation is by definition incomplete and I am not good at
2023 | spelling, grammar, so patches and suggestions are <a
2024 | href="mailto:veillard@redhat.com">really welcome</a>.</p>
2025 |
2026 | <h3><a name="Basics">Basics</a></h3>
2027 |
2028 | <p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT specification</a> provides
2029 | two <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">ways to extend an XSLT engine</a>:</p>
2030 | <ul>
2031 | <li>providing <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">new extension
2032 | functions</a> which can be called from XPath expressions</li>
2033 | <li>providing <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">new extension
2034 | elements</a> which can be inserted in stylesheets</li>
2035 | </ul>
2036 |
2037 | <p>In both cases the extensions need to be associated to a new namespace,
2038 | i.e. an URI used as the name for the extension's namespace (there is no need
2039 | to have a resource there for this to work).</p>
2040 |
2041 | <p>libxslt provides a few extensions itself, either in the libxslt namespace
2042 | "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/namespace" or in namespaces for other well known
2043 | extensions provided by other XSLT processors like Saxon, Xalan or XT.</p>
2044 |
2045 | <h3><a name="Keep">Extension modules</a></h3>
2046 |
2047 | <p>Since extensions are bound to a namespace name, usually sets of extensions
2048 | coming from a given source are using the same namespace name defining in
2049 | practice a group of extensions providing elements, functions or both. From
2050 | the libxslt point of view those are considered as an "extension module", and
2051 | most of the APIs work at a module point of view.</p>
2052 |
2053 | <p>Registration of new functions or elements are bound to the activation of
2054 | the module. This is currently done by declaring the namespace as an extension
2055 | by using the attribute <code>extension-element-prefixes</code> on the
2056 | <code><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">xsl:stylesheet</a></code>
2057 | element.</p>
2058 |
2059 | <p>An extension module is defined by 3 objects:</p>
2060 | <ul>
2061 | <li>the namespace name associated</li>
2062 | <li>an initialization function</li>
2063 | <li>a shutdown function</li>
2064 | </ul>
2065 |
2066 | <h3><a name="Registerin">Registering a module</a></h3>
2067 |
2068 | <p>Currently a libxslt module has to be compiled within the application using
2069 | libxslt. There is no code to load dynamically shared libraries associated to
2070 | a namespace (this may be added but is likely to become a portability
2071 | nightmare).</p>
2072 |
2073 | <p>The current way to register a module is to link the code implementing it
2074 | with the application and to call a registration function:</p>
2075 | <pre>int xsltRegisterExtModule(const xmlChar *URI,
2076 | xsltExtInitFunction initFunc,
2077 | xsltExtShutdownFunction shutdownFunc);</pre>
2078 |
2079 | <p>The associated header is read by:</p>
2080 | <pre>#include<libxslt/extensions.h></pre>
2081 |
2082 | <p>which also defines the type for the initialization and shutdown
2083 | functions</p>
2084 |
2085 | <h3><a name="module">Loading a module</a></h3>
2086 |
2087 | <p>Once the module URI has been registered and if the XSLT processor detects
2088 | that a given stylesheet needs the functionalities of an extended module, this
2089 | one is initialized.</p>
2090 |
2091 | <p>The xsltExtInitFunction type defines the interface for an initialization
2092 | function:</p>
2093 | <pre>/**
2094 | * xsltExtInitFunction:
2095 | * @ctxt: an XSLT transformation context
2096 | * @URI: the namespace URI for the extension
2097 | *
2098 | * A function called at initialization time of an XSLT
2099 | * extension module
2100 | *
2101 | * Returns a pointer to the module specific data for this
2102 | * transformation
2103 | */
2104 | typedef void *(*xsltExtInitFunction)(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2105 | const xmlChar *URI);</pre>
2106 |
2107 | <p>There are 3 things to notice:</p>
2108 | <ul>
2109 | <li>The function gets passed the namespace name URI as an argument. This
2110 | allows a single function to provide the initialization for multiple
2111 | logical modules.</li>
2112 | <li>It also gets passed a transformation context. The initialization is
2113 | done at run time before any processing occurs on the stylesheet but it
2114 | will be invoked separately each time for each transformation.</li>
2115 | <li>It returns a pointer. This can be used to store module specific
2116 | information which can be retrieved later when a function or an element
2117 | from the extension is used. An obvious example is a connection to a
2118 | database which should be kept and reused along with the transformation.
2119 | NULL is a perfectly valid return; there is no way to indicate a failure
2120 | at this level</li>
2121 | </ul>
2122 |
2123 | <p>What this function is expected to do is:</p>
2124 | <ul>
2125 | <li>prepare the context for this module (like opening the database
2126 | connection)</li>
2127 | <li>register the extensions specific to this module</li>
2128 | </ul>
2129 |
2130 | <h3><a name="Registerin1">Registering an extension function</a></h3>
2131 |
2132 | <p>There is a single call to do this registration:</p>
2133 | <pre>int xsltRegisterExtFunction(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2134 | const xmlChar *name,
2135 | const xmlChar *URI,
2136 | xmlXPathEvalFunc function);</pre>
2137 |
2138 | <p>The registration is bound to a single transformation instance referred by
2139 | ctxt, name is the UTF8 encoded name for the NCName of the function, and URI
2140 | is the namespace name for the extension (no checking is done, a module could
2141 | register functions or elements from a different namespace, but it is not
2142 | recommended).</p>
2143 |
2144 | <h3><a name="Implementi">Implementing an extension function</a></h3>
2145 |
2146 | <p>The implementation of the function must have the signature of a libxml
2147 | XPath function:</p>
2148 | <pre>/**
2149 | * xmlXPathEvalFunc:
2150 | * @ctxt: an XPath parser context
2151 | * @nargs: the number of arguments passed to the function
2152 | *
2153 | * an XPath evaluation function, the parameters are on the
2154 | * XPath context stack
2155 | */
2156 |
2157 | typedef void (*xmlXPathEvalFunc)(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt,
2158 | int nargs);</pre>
2159 |
2160 | <p>The context passed to an XPath function is not an XSLT context but an <a
2161 | href="internals.html#XPath1">XPath context</a>. However it is possible to
2162 | find one from the other:</p>
2163 | <ul>
2164 | <li>The function xsltXPathGetTransformContext provides this lookup facility:
2165 | <pre>xsltTransformContextPtr
2166 | xsltXPathGetTransformContext
2167 | (xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt);</pre>
2168 | </li>
2169 | <li>The <code>xmlXPathContextPtr</code> associated to an
2170 | <code>xsltTransformContext</code> is stored in the <code>xpathCtxt</code>
2171 | field.</li>
2172 | </ul>
2173 |
2174 | <p>The first thing an extension function may want to do is to check the
2175 | arguments passed on the stack, the <code>nargs</code> parameter will tell how
2176 | many of them were provided on the XPath expression. The macro valuePop will
2177 | extract them from the XPath stack:</p>
2178 | <pre>#include <libxml/xpath.h>
2179 | #include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
2180 |
2181 | xmlXPathObjectPtr obj = valuePop(ctxt); </pre>
2182 |
2183 | <p>Note that <code>ctxt</code> is the XPath context not the XSLT one. It is
2184 | then possible to examine the content of the value. Check <a
2185 | href="internals.html#Descriptio">the description of XPath objects</a> if
2186 | necessary. The following is a common sequence checking whether the argument
2187 | passed is a string and converting it using the built-in XPath
2188 | <code>string()</code> function if this is not the case:</p>
2189 | <pre>if (obj->type != XPATH_STRING) {
2190 | valuePush(ctxt, obj);
2191 | xmlXPathStringFunction(ctxt, 1);
2192 | obj = valuePop(ctxt);
2193 | }</pre>
2194 |
2195 | <p>Most common XPath functions are available directly at the C level and are
2196 | exported either in <code><libxml/xpath.h></code> or in
2197 | <code><libxml/xpathInternals.h></code>.</p>
2198 |
2199 | <p>The extension function may also need to retrieve the data associated to
2200 | this module instance (the database connection in the previous example) this
2201 | can be done using the xsltGetExtData:</p>
2202 | <pre>void * xsltGetExtData(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2203 | const xmlChar *URI);</pre>
2204 |
2205 | <p>Again the URI to be provided is the one which was used when registering
2206 | the module.</p>
2207 |
2208 | <p>Once the function finishes, don't forget to:</p>
2209 | <ul>
2210 | <li>push the return value on the stack using <code>valuePush(ctxt,
2211 | obj)</code></li>
2212 | <li>deallocate the parameters passed to the function using
2213 | <code>xmlXPathFreeObject(obj)</code></li>
2214 | </ul>
2215 |
2216 | <h3><a name="Examples">Examples for extension functions</a></h3>
2217 |
2218 | <p>The module libxslt/functions.c contains the sources of the XSLT built-in
2219 | functions, including document(), key(), generate-id(), etc. as well as a full
2220 | example module at the end. Here is the test function implementation for the
2221 | libxslt:test function:</p>
2222 | <pre>/**
2223 | * xsltExtFunctionTest:
2224 | * @ctxt: the XPath Parser context
2225 | * @nargs: the number of arguments
2226 | *
2227 | * function libxslt:test() for testing the extensions support.
2228 | */
2229 | static void
2230 | xsltExtFunctionTest(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs)
2231 | {
2232 | xsltTransformContextPtr tctxt;
2233 | void *data;
2234 |
2235 | tctxt = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt);
2236 | if (tctxt == NULL) {
2237 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2238 | "xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get the transformation context\n");
2239 | return;
2240 | }
2241 | data = xsltGetExtData(tctxt, (const xmlChar *) XSLT_DEFAULT_URL);
2242 | if (data == NULL) {
2243 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2244 | "xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get module data\n");
2245 | return;
2246 | }
2248 | xsltGenericDebug(xsltGenericDebugContext,
2249 | "libxslt:test() called with %d args\n", nargs);
2250 | #endif
2251 | }</pre>
2252 |
2253 | <h3><a name="Registerin2">Registering an extension element</a></h3>
2254 |
2255 | <p>There is a single call to do this registration:</p>
2256 | <pre>int xsltRegisterExtElement(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2257 | const xmlChar *name,
2258 | const xmlChar *URI,
2259 | xsltTransformFunction function);</pre>
2260 |
2261 | <p>It is similar to the mechanism used to register an extension function,
2262 | except that the signature of an extension element implementation is
2263 | different.</p>
2264 |
2265 | <p>The registration is bound to a single transformation instance referred to
2266 | by ctxt, name is the UTF8 encoded name for the NCName of the element, and URI
2267 | is the namespace name for the extension (no checking is done, a module could
2268 | register elements for a different namespace, but it is not recommended).</p>
2269 |
2270 | <h3><a name="Implementi1">Implementing an extension element</a></h3>
2271 |
2272 | <p>The implementation of the element must have the signature of an XSLT
2273 | transformation function:</p>
2274 | <pre>/**
2275 | * xsltTransformFunction:
2276 | * @ctxt: the XSLT transformation context
2277 | * @node: the input node
2278 | * @inst: the stylesheet node
2279 | * @comp: the compiled information from the stylesheet
2280 | *
2281 | * signature of the function associated to elements part of the
2282 | * stylesheet language like xsl:if or xsl:apply-templates.
2283 | */
2284 | typedef void (*xsltTransformFunction)
2285 | (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2286 | xmlNodePtr node,
2287 | xmlNodePtr inst,
2288 | xsltStylePreCompPtr comp);</pre>
2289 |
2290 | <p>The first argument is the XSLT transformation context. The second and
2291 | third arguments are xmlNodePtr i.e. internal memory <a
2292 | href="internals.html#libxml">representation of XML nodes</a>. They are
2293 | respectively <code>node</code> from the the input document being transformed
2294 | by the stylesheet and <code>inst</code> the extension element in the
2295 | stylesheet. The last argument is <code>comp</code> a pointer to a precompiled
2296 | representation of <code>inst</code> but usually for an extension function
2297 | this value is <code>NULL</code> by default (it could be added and associated
2298 | to the instruction in <code>inst->_private</code>).</p>
2299 |
2300 | <p>The same functions are available from a function implementing an extension
2301 | element as in an extension function, including
2302 | <code>xsltGetExtData()</code>.</p>
2303 |
2304 | <p>The goal of an extension element being usually to enrich the generated
2305 | output, it is expected that they will grow the currently generated output
2306 | tree. This can be done by grabbing ctxt->insert which is the current
2307 | libxml node being generated (Note this can also be the intermediate value
2308 | tree being built for example to initialize a variable, the processing should
2309 | be similar). The functions for libxml tree manipulation from <a
2310 | href="http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-tree.html"><libxml/tree.h></a> can
2311 | be employed to extend or modify the tree, but it is required to preserve the
2312 | insertion node and its ancestors since there are existing pointers to those
2313 | elements still in use in the XSLT template execution stack.</p>
2314 |
2315 | <h3><a name="Example">Example for extension elements</a></h3>
2316 |
2317 | <p>The module libxslt/transform.c contains the sources of the XSLT built-in
2318 | elements, including xsl:element, xsl:attribute, xsl:if, etc. There is a small
2319 | but full example in functions.c providing the implementation for the
2320 | libxslt:test element, it will output a comment in the result tree:</p>
2321 | <pre>/**
2322 | * xsltExtElementTest:
2323 | * @ctxt: an XSLT processing context
2324 | * @node: The current node
2325 | * @inst: the instruction in the stylesheet
2326 | * @comp: precomputed information
2327 | *
2328 | * Process a libxslt:test node
2329 | */
2330 | static void
2331 | xsltExtElementTest(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
2332 | xmlNodePtr inst,
2333 | xsltStylePreCompPtr comp)
2334 | {
2335 | xmlNodePtr comment;
2336 |
2337 | if (ctxt == NULL) {
2338 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2339 | "xsltExtElementTest: no transformation context\n");
2340 | return;
2341 | }
2342 | if (node == NULL) {
2343 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2344 | "xsltExtElementTest: no current node\n");
2345 | return;
2346 | }
2347 | if (inst == NULL) {
2348 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2349 | "xsltExtElementTest: no instruction\n");
2350 | return;
2351 | }
2352 | if (ctxt->insert == NULL) {
2353 | xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext,
2354 | "xsltExtElementTest: no insertion point\n");
2355 | return;
2356 | }
2357 | comment =
2358 | xmlNewComment((const xmlChar *)
2359 | "libxslt:test element test worked");
2360 | xmlAddChild(ctxt->insert, comment);
2361 | }</pre>
2362 |
2363 | <h3><a name="shutdown">The shutdown of a module</a></h3>
2364 |
2365 | <p>When the XSLT processor ends a transformation, the shutdown function (if
2366 | it exists) for each of the modules initialized is called. The
2367 | xsltExtShutdownFunction type defines the interface for a shutdown
2368 | function:</p>
2369 | <pre>/**
2370 | * xsltExtShutdownFunction:
2371 | * @ctxt: an XSLT transformation context
2372 | * @URI: the namespace URI for the extension
2373 | * @data: the data associated to this module
2374 | *
2375 | * A function called at shutdown time of an XSLT extension module
2376 | */
2377 | typedef void (*xsltExtShutdownFunction) (xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
2378 | const xmlChar *URI,
2379 | void *data);</pre>
2380 |
2381 | <p>This is really similar to a module initialization function except a third
2382 | argument is passed, it's the value that was returned by the initialization
2383 | function. This allows the routine to deallocate resources from the module for
2384 | example close the connection to the database to keep the same example.</p>
2385 |
2386 | <h3><a name="Future">Future work</a></h3>
2387 |
2388 | <p>Well, some of the pieces missing:</p>
2389 | <ul>
2390 | <li>a way to load shared libraries to instantiate new modules</li>
2391 | <li>a better detection of extension functions usage and their registration
2392 | without having to use the extension prefix which ought to be reserved to
2393 | element extensions.</li>
2394 | <li>more examples</li>
2395 | <li>implementations of the <a href="http://www.exslt.org/">EXSLT</a> common
2396 | extension libraries, Thomas Broyer nearly finished implementing them.</li>
2397 | </ul>
2398 |
2399 | <p></p>
2400 |
2401 | <h2><a name="Contributi">Contributions</a></h2>
2402 | <ul>
2403 | <li>Bjorn Reese is the author of the number support and worked on the
2404 | XSLTMark support</li>
2405 | <li>William Brack was an early adopted, contributed a number of patches and
2406 | spent quite some time debugging non-trivial problems in early versions of
2407 | libxslt</li>
2408 | <li><a href="mailto:igor@zlatkovic.com">Igor Zlatkovic</a> is now the
2409 | maintainer of the Windows port, <a
2410 | href="http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/index.html">he provides
2411 | binaries</a></li>
2412 | <li>Thomas Broyer provided a lot of suggestions, and drafted most of the
2413 | extension API</li>
2414 | <li>John Fleck maintains <a href="tutorial/libxslttutorial.html">a tutorial
2415 | for libxslt</a></li>
2416 | <li><a
2417 | href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2001-March/msg00014.html">Matt
2418 | Sergeant</a> developed <a
2419 | href="http://axkit.org/download/">XML::LibXSLT</a>, a perl wrapper for
2420 | libxml2/libxslt as part of the <a href="http://axkit.com/">AxKit XML
2421 | application server</a></li>
2422 | <li>there is a module for <a
2423 | href="http://acs-misc.sourceforge.net/nsxml.html">libxml/libxslt support
2424 | in OpenNSD/AOLServer</a></li>
2425 | <li><a href="mailto:dkuhlman@cutter.rexx.com">Dave Kuhlman</a> provides
2426 | libxml/libxslt <a href="http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman">wrappers for
2427 | Python</a></li>
2428 | <li><a href="mailto:Steve.Ball@explain.com.au">Steve Ball</a>, and
2429 | contributors maintain <a href="http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/">tcl
2430 | bindings for libxml2 and libxslt</a>, as well as <a
2431 | href="http://tclxml.sf.net/tkxmllint.html">tkxmllint</a> a GUI for
2432 | xmllint and <a href="http://tclxml.sf.net/tkxsltproc.html">tkxsltproc</a>
2433 | a GUI for xsltproc.</li>
2434 | <li>If you want to use libxslt in a Mac OS X/Cocoa or Objective-C
2435 | framework, Marc Liyanage provides <a
2436 | href="http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/#testxslt">an application
2437 | TestXSLT for XSLT and XML editing</a> including wrapper classes for the
2438 | XML parser and XSLT processor.</li>
2439 | </ul>
2440 |
2441 | <p></p>
2442 |
2443 | <p><a href="mailto:daniel@veillard.com">Daniel Veillard</a></p>
2444 | </body>
2445 | </html>