1 | #!perl
2 | #
3 | # Tests of basic, essential functionality
4 | #
5 |
6 | use Text::Template;
7 | $X::v = $Y::v = 0; # Suppress `var used only once'
8 |
9 | print "1..31\n";
10 |
11 | $n=1;
12 |
13 | $template_1 = <<EOM;
14 | We will put value of \$v (which is "abc") here -> {\$v}
15 | We will evaluate 1+1 here -> {1 + 1}
16 | EOM
17 |
18 | # (1) Construct temporary template file for testing
19 | # file operations
20 | $TEMPFILE = "tt$$";
21 | open(TMP, "> $TEMPFILE") or print "not ok $n\n" && &abort("Couldn\'t write tempfile $TEMPFILE: $!");
22 | print TMP $template_1;
23 | close TMP;
24 | print "ok $n\n"; $n++;
25 |
26 | # (2) Build template from file
27 | $template = new Text::Template ('type' => 'FILE', 'source' => $TEMPFILE);
28 | if (defined($template)) {
29 | print "ok $n\n";
30 | } else {
31 | print "not ok $n $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
32 | }
33 | $n++;
34 |
35 | # (3) Fill in template from file
36 | $X::v = "abc";
37 | $resultX = <<EOM;
38 | We will put value of \$v (which is "abc") here -> abc
39 | We will evaluate 1+1 here -> 2
40 | EOM
41 | $Y::v = "ABC";
42 | $resultY = <<EOM;
43 | We will put value of \$v (which is "abc") here -> ABC
44 | We will evaluate 1+1 here -> 2
45 | EOM
46 |
47 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => X);
48 | if ($text eq $resultX) {
49 | print "ok $n\n";
50 | } else {
51 | print "not ok $n\n";
52 | }
53 | $n++;
54 |
55 | # (4) Fill in same template again
56 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => Y);
57 | if ($text eq $resultY) {
58 | print "ok $n\n";
59 | } else {
60 | print "not ok $n\n";
61 | }
62 | $n++;
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 | # (5) Simple test of `fill_this_in'
67 | $text = Text::Template->fill_this_in( $template_1, 'package' => X);
68 | if ($text eq $resultX) {
69 | print "ok $n\n";
70 | } else {
71 | print "not ok $n\n";
72 | }
73 | $n++;
74 |
75 | # (6) test creation of template from filehandle
76 | if (open (TMPL, "< $TEMPFILE")) {
77 | $template = new Text::Template ('type' => 'FILEHANDLE',
78 | 'source' => *TMPL);
79 | if (defined($template)) {
80 | print "ok $n\n";
81 | } else {
82 | print "not ok $n $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
83 | }
84 | $n++;
85 |
86 | # (7) test filling in of template from filehandle
87 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => X);
88 | if ($text eq $resultX) {
89 | print "ok $n\n";
90 | } else {
91 | print "not ok $n\n";
92 | }
93 | $n++;
94 |
95 | # (8) test second fill_in on same template object
96 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => Y);
97 | if ($text eq $resultY) {
98 | print "ok $n\n";
99 | } else {
100 | print "not ok $n\n";
101 | }
102 | $n++;
103 | close TMPL;
104 | } else {
105 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
106 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
107 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
108 | }
109 |
110 |
111 | # (9) test creation of template from array
112 | $template = new Text::Template
113 | ('type' => 'ARRAY',
114 | 'source' => [
115 | 'We will put value of $v (which is "abc") here -> {$v}',
116 | "\n",
117 | 'We will evaluate 1+1 here -> {1+1}',
118 | "\n",
119 | ]);
120 | if (defined($template)) {
121 | print "ok $n\n";
122 | } else {
123 | print "not ok $n $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
124 | }
125 | $n++;
126 |
127 | # (10) test filling in of template from array
128 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => X);
129 | if ($text eq $resultX) {
130 | print "ok $n\n";
131 | } else {
132 | print "not ok $n\n";
133 | }
134 | $n++;
135 |
136 | # (11) test second fill_in on same array template object
137 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => Y);
138 | if ($text eq $resultY) {
139 | print "ok $n\n";
140 | } else {
141 | print "not ok $n\n";
142 | print STDERR "$resultX\n---\n$text";
143 | unless (!defined($text)) { print STDERR "ERROR: $Text::Template::ERROR\n"};
144 | }
145 | $n++;
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 | # (12) Make sure \ is working properly
150 | # Test added for version 1.11
151 | my $tmpl = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING',
152 | SOURCE => 'B{"\\}"}C{"\\{"}D',
153 | );
154 | # This should fail if the \ are not interpreted properly.
155 | my $text = $tmpl->fill_in();
156 | print +($text eq "B}C{D" ? '' : 'not '), "ok $n\n";
157 | $n++;
158 |
159 | # (13) Make sure \ is working properly
160 | # Test added for version 1.11
161 | $tmpl = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING',
162 | SOURCE => qq{A{"\t"}B},
163 | );
164 | # Symptom of old problem: ALL \ were special in templates, so
165 | # The lexer would return (A, PROGTEXT("t"), B), and the
166 | # result text would be AtB instead of A(tab)B.
167 | $text = $tmpl->fill_in();
168 |
169 | print +($text eq "A\tB" ? '' : 'not '), "ok $n\n";
170 | $n++;
171 |
172 | # (14-27) Make sure \ is working properly
173 | # Test added for version 1.11
174 | # This is a sort of general test.
175 | my @tests = ('{""}' => '', # (14)
176 | '{"}"}' => undef, # (15)
177 | '{"\\}"}' => '}', # One backslash
178 | '{"\\\\}"}' => undef, # Two backslashes
179 | '{"\\\\\\}"}' => '}', # Three backslashes
180 | '{"\\\\\\\\}"}' => undef, # Four backslashes
181 | '{"\\\\\\\\\\}"}' => '\}', # Five backslashes (20)
182 | '{"x20"}' => 'x20',
183 | '{"\\x20"}' => ' ', # One backslash
184 | '{"\\\\x20"}' => '\\x20', # Two backslashes
185 | '{"\\\\\\x20"}' => '\\ ', # Three backslashes
186 | '{"\\\\\\\\x20"}' => '\\\\x20', # Four backslashes (25)
187 | '{"\\\\\\\\\\x20"}' => '\\\\ ', # Five backslashes
188 | '{"\\x20\\}"}' => ' }', # (27)
189 | );
190 |
191 | my $i;
192 | for ($i=0; $i<@tests; $i+=2) {
193 | my $tmpl = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING',
194 | SOURCE => $tests[$i],
195 | );
196 | my $text = $tmpl->fill_in;
197 | my $result = $tests[$i+1];
198 | my $ok = (! defined $text && ! defined $result
199 | || $text eq $result);
200 | unless ($ok) {
201 | print STDERR "($n) expected .$result., got .$text.\n";
202 | }
203 | print +($ok ? '' : 'not '), "ok $n\n";
204 | $n++;
205 | }
206 |
207 |
208 | # (28-30) I discovered that you can't pass a glob ref as your filehandle.
209 | # MJD 20010827
210 | # (28) test creation of template from filehandle
211 | if (open (TMPL, "< $TEMPFILE")) {
212 | $template = new Text::Template ('type' => 'FILEHANDLE',
213 | 'source' => \*TMPL);
214 | if (defined($template)) {
215 | print "ok $n\n";
216 | } else {
217 | print "not ok $n $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
218 | }
219 | $n++;
220 |
221 | # (29) test filling in of template from filehandle
222 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => X);
223 | if ($text eq $resultX) {
224 | print "ok $n\n";
225 | } else {
226 | print "not ok $n\n";
227 | }
228 | $n++;
229 |
230 | # (30) test second fill_in on same template object
231 | $text = $template->fill_in('package' => Y);
232 | if ($text eq $resultY) {
233 | print "ok $n\n";
234 | } else {
235 | print "not ok $n\n";
236 | }
237 | $n++;
238 | close TMPL;
239 | } else {
240 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
241 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
242 | print "not ok $n\n"; $n++;
243 | }
244 |
245 | # (31) Test _scrubpkg for leakiness
246 | $Text::Template::GEN0::test = 1;
247 | Text::Template::_scrubpkg('Text::Template::GEN0');
248 | if ($Text::Template::GEN0::test) {
249 | print "not ok $n\n";
250 | } else {
251 | print "ok $n\n";
252 | }
253 | $n++;
254 |
255 |
256 | END {unlink $TEMPFILE;}
257 |
258 | exit;
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 | sub abort {
264 | unlink $TEMPFILE;
265 | die $_[0];
266 | }