1 | =pod
2 |
3 | =head1 NAME
4 |
5 | openssl-cms,
6 | cms - CMS utility
7 |
8 | =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 |
10 | B<openssl> B<cms>
11 | [B<-help>]
12 | [B<-encrypt>]
13 | [B<-decrypt>]
14 | [B<-sign>]
15 | [B<-verify>]
16 | [B<-cmsout>]
17 | [B<-resign>]
18 | [B<-data_create>]
19 | [B<-data_out>]
20 | [B<-digest_create>]
21 | [B<-digest_verify>]
22 | [B<-compress>]
23 | [B<-uncompress>]
24 | [B<-EncryptedData_encrypt>]
25 | [B<-sign_receipt>]
26 | [B<-verify_receipt receipt>]
27 | [B<-in filename>]
28 | [B<-inform SMIME|PEM|DER>]
29 | [B<-rctform SMIME|PEM|DER>]
30 | [B<-out filename>]
31 | [B<-outform SMIME|PEM|DER>]
32 | [B<-stream -indef -noindef>]
33 | [B<-noindef>]
34 | [B<-content filename>]
35 | [B<-text>]
36 | [B<-noout>]
37 | [B<-print>]
38 | [B<-CAfile file>]
39 | [B<-CApath dir>]
40 | [B<-no-CAfile>]
41 | [B<-no-CApath>]
42 | [B<-attime timestamp>]
43 | [B<-check_ss_sig>]
44 | [B<-crl_check>]
45 | [B<-crl_check_all>]
46 | [B<-explicit_policy>]
47 | [B<-extended_crl>]
48 | [B<-ignore_critical>]
49 | [B<-inhibit_any>]
50 | [B<-inhibit_map>]
51 | [B<-no_check_time>]
52 | [B<-partial_chain>]
53 | [B<-policy arg>]
54 | [B<-policy_check>]
55 | [B<-policy_print>]
56 | [B<-purpose purpose>]
57 | [B<-suiteB_128>]
58 | [B<-suiteB_128_only>]
59 | [B<-suiteB_192>]
60 | [B<-trusted_first>]
61 | [B<-no_alt_chains>]
62 | [B<-use_deltas>]
63 | [B<-auth_level num>]
64 | [B<-verify_depth num>]
65 | [B<-verify_email email>]
66 | [B<-verify_hostname hostname>]
67 | [B<-verify_ip ip>]
68 | [B<-verify_name name>]
69 | [B<-x509_strict>]
70 | [B<-md digest>]
71 | [B<-I<cipher>>]
72 | [B<-nointern>]
73 | [B<-noverify>]
74 | [B<-nocerts>]
75 | [B<-noattr>]
76 | [B<-nosmimecap>]
77 | [B<-binary>]
78 | [B<-crlfeol>]
79 | [B<-asciicrlf>]
80 | [B<-nodetach>]
81 | [B<-certfile file>]
82 | [B<-certsout file>]
83 | [B<-signer file>]
84 | [B<-recip file>]
85 | [B<-keyid>]
86 | [B<-receipt_request_all>]
87 | [B<-receipt_request_first>]
88 | [B<-receipt_request_from emailaddress>]
89 | [B<-receipt_request_to emailaddress>]
90 | [B<-receipt_request_print>]
91 | [B<-secretkey key>]
92 | [B<-secretkeyid id>]
93 | [B<-econtent_type type>]
94 | [B<-inkey file>]
95 | [B<-keyopt name:parameter>]
96 | [B<-passin arg>]
97 | [B<-rand file...>]
98 | [B<-writerand file>]
99 | [B<cert.pem...>]
100 | [B<-to addr>]
101 | [B<-from addr>]
102 | [B<-subject subj>]
103 | [cert.pem]...
104 |
105 | =head1 DESCRIPTION
106 |
107 | The B<cms> command handles S/MIME v3.1 mail. It can encrypt, decrypt, sign and
108 | verify, compress and uncompress S/MIME messages.
109 |
110 | =head1 OPTIONS
111 |
112 | There are fourteen operation options that set the type of operation to be
113 | performed. The meaning of the other options varies according to the operation
114 | type.
115 |
116 | =over 4
117 |
118 | =item B<-help>
119 |
120 | Print out a usage message.
121 |
122 | =item B<-encrypt>
123 |
124 | Encrypt mail for the given recipient certificates. Input file is the message
125 | to be encrypted. The output file is the encrypted mail in MIME format. The
126 | actual CMS type is <B>EnvelopedData<B>.
127 |
128 | Note that no revocation check is done for the recipient cert, so if that
129 | key has been compromised, others may be able to decrypt the text.
130 |
131 | =item B<-decrypt>
132 |
133 | Decrypt mail using the supplied certificate and private key. Expects an
134 | encrypted mail message in MIME format for the input file. The decrypted mail
135 | is written to the output file.
136 |
137 | =item B<-debug_decrypt>
138 |
139 | This option sets the B<CMS_DEBUG_DECRYPT> flag. This option should be used
140 | with caution: see the notes section below.
141 |
142 | =item B<-sign>
143 |
144 | Sign mail using the supplied certificate and private key. Input file is
145 | the message to be signed. The signed message in MIME format is written
146 | to the output file.
147 |
148 | =item B<-verify>
149 |
150 | Verify signed mail. Expects a signed mail message on input and outputs
151 | the signed data. Both clear text and opaque signing is supported.
152 |
153 | =item B<-cmsout>
154 |
155 | Takes an input message and writes out a PEM encoded CMS structure.
156 |
157 | =item B<-resign>
158 |
159 | Resign a message: take an existing message and one or more new signers.
160 |
161 | =item B<-data_create>
162 |
163 | Create a CMS B<Data> type.
164 |
165 | =item B<-data_out>
166 |
167 | B<Data> type and output the content.
168 |
169 | =item B<-digest_create>
170 |
171 | Create a CMS B<DigestedData> type.
172 |
173 | =item B<-digest_verify>
174 |
175 | Verify a CMS B<DigestedData> type and output the content.
176 |
177 | =item B<-compress>
178 |
179 | Create a CMS B<CompressedData> type. OpenSSL must be compiled with B<zlib>
180 | support for this option to work, otherwise it will output an error.
181 |
182 | =item B<-uncompress>
183 |
184 | Uncompress a CMS B<CompressedData> type and output the content. OpenSSL must be
185 | compiled with B<zlib> support for this option to work, otherwise it will
186 | output an error.
187 |
188 | =item B<-EncryptedData_encrypt>
189 |
190 | Encrypt content using supplied symmetric key and algorithm using a CMS
191 | B<EncryptedData> type and output the content.
192 |
193 | =item B<-sign_receipt>
194 |
195 | Generate and output a signed receipt for the supplied message. The input
196 | message B<must> contain a signed receipt request. Functionality is otherwise
197 | similar to the B<-sign> operation.
198 |
199 | =item B<-verify_receipt receipt>
200 |
201 | Verify a signed receipt in filename B<receipt>. The input message B<must>
202 | contain the original receipt request. Functionality is otherwise similar
203 | to the B<-verify> operation.
204 |
205 | =item B<-in filename>
206 |
207 | The input message to be encrypted or signed or the message to be decrypted
208 | or verified.
209 |
210 | =item B<-inform SMIME|PEM|DER>
211 |
212 | This specifies the input format for the CMS structure. The default
213 | is B<SMIME> which reads an S/MIME format message. B<PEM> and B<DER>
214 | format change this to expect PEM and DER format CMS structures
215 | instead. This currently only affects the input format of the CMS
216 | structure, if no CMS structure is being input (for example with
217 | B<-encrypt> or B<-sign>) this option has no effect.
218 |
219 | =item B<-rctform SMIME|PEM|DER>
220 |
221 | Specify the format for a signed receipt for use with the B<-receipt_verify>
222 | operation.
223 |
224 | =item B<-out filename>
225 |
226 | The message text that has been decrypted or verified or the output MIME
227 | format message that has been signed or verified.
228 |
229 | =item B<-outform SMIME|PEM|DER>
230 |
231 | This specifies the output format for the CMS structure. The default
232 | is B<SMIME> which writes an S/MIME format message. B<PEM> and B<DER>
233 | format change this to write PEM and DER format CMS structures
234 | instead. This currently only affects the output format of the CMS
235 | structure, if no CMS structure is being output (for example with
236 | B<-verify> or B<-decrypt>) this option has no effect.
237 |
238 | =item B<-stream -indef -noindef>
239 |
240 | The B<-stream> and B<-indef> options are equivalent and enable streaming I/O
241 | for encoding operations. This permits single pass processing of data without
242 | the need to hold the entire contents in memory, potentially supporting very
243 | large files. Streaming is automatically set for S/MIME signing with detached
244 | data if the output format is B<SMIME> it is currently off by default for all
245 | other operations.
246 |
247 | =item B<-noindef>
248 |
249 | Disable streaming I/O where it would produce and indefinite length constructed
250 | encoding. This option currently has no effect. In future streaming will be
251 | enabled by default on all relevant operations and this option will disable it.
252 |
253 | =item B<-content filename>
254 |
255 | This specifies a file containing the detached content, this is only
256 | useful with the B<-verify> command. This is only usable if the CMS
257 | structure is using the detached signature form where the content is
258 | not included. This option will override any content if the input format
259 | is S/MIME and it uses the multipart/signed MIME content type.
260 |
261 | =item B<-text>
262 |
263 | This option adds plain text (text/plain) MIME headers to the supplied
264 | message if encrypting or signing. If decrypting or verifying it strips
265 | off text headers: if the decrypted or verified message is not of MIME
266 | type text/plain then an error occurs.
267 |
268 | =item B<-noout>
269 |
270 | For the B<-cmsout> operation do not output the parsed CMS structure. This
271 | is useful when combined with the B<-print> option or if the syntax of the CMS
272 | structure is being checked.
273 |
274 | =item B<-print>
275 |
276 | For the B<-cmsout> operation print out all fields of the CMS structure. This
277 | is mainly useful for testing purposes.
278 |
279 | =item B<-CAfile file>
280 |
281 | A file containing trusted CA certificates, only used with B<-verify>.
282 |
283 | =item B<-CApath dir>
284 |
285 | A directory containing trusted CA certificates, only used with
286 | B<-verify>. This directory must be a standard certificate directory: that
287 | is a hash of each subject name (using B<x509 -hash>) should be linked
288 | to each certificate.
289 |
290 | =item B<-no-CAfile>
291 |
292 | Do not load the trusted CA certificates from the default file location
293 |
294 | =item B<-no-CApath>
295 |
296 | Do not load the trusted CA certificates from the default directory location
297 |
298 | =item B<-md digest>
299 |
300 | Digest algorithm to use when signing or resigning. If not present then the
301 | default digest algorithm for the signing key will be used (usually SHA1).
302 |
303 | =item B<-I<cipher>>
304 |
305 | The encryption algorithm to use. For example triple DES (168 bits) - B<-des3>
306 | or 256 bit AES - B<-aes256>. Any standard algorithm name (as used by the
307 | EVP_get_cipherbyname() function) can also be used preceded by a dash, for
308 | example B<-aes-128-cbc>. See L<enc(1)> for a list of ciphers
309 | supported by your version of OpenSSL.
310 |
311 | If not specified triple DES is used. Only used with B<-encrypt> and
312 | B<-EncryptedData_create> commands.
313 |
314 | =item B<-nointern>
315 |
316 | When verifying a message normally certificates (if any) included in
317 | the message are searched for the signing certificate. With this option
318 | only the certificates specified in the B<-certfile> option are used.
319 | The supplied certificates can still be used as untrusted CAs however.
320 |
321 | =item B<-noverify>
322 |
323 | Do not verify the signers certificate of a signed message.
324 |
325 | =item B<-nocerts>
326 |
327 | When signing a message the signer's certificate is normally included
328 | with this option it is excluded. This will reduce the size of the
329 | signed message but the verifier must have a copy of the signers certificate
330 | available locally (passed using the B<-certfile> option for example).
331 |
332 | =item B<-noattr>
333 |
334 | Normally when a message is signed a set of attributes are included which
335 | include the signing time and supported symmetric algorithms. With this
336 | option they are not included.
337 |
338 | =item B<-nosmimecap>
339 |
340 | Exclude the list of supported algorithms from signed attributes, other options
341 | such as signing time and content type are still included.
342 |
343 | =item B<-binary>
344 |
345 | Normally the input message is converted to "canonical" format which is
346 | effectively using CR and LF as end of line: as required by the S/MIME
347 | specification. When this option is present no translation occurs. This
348 | is useful when handling binary data which may not be in MIME format.
349 |
350 | =item B<-crlfeol>
351 |
352 | Normally the output file uses a single B<LF> as end of line. When this
353 | option is present B<CRLF> is used instead.
354 |
355 | =item B<-asciicrlf>
356 |
357 | When signing use ASCII CRLF format canonicalisation. This strips trailing
358 | whitespace from all lines, deletes trailing blank lines at EOF and sets
359 | the encapsulated content type. This option is normally used with detached
360 | content and an output signature format of DER. This option is not normally
361 | needed when verifying as it is enabled automatically if the encapsulated
362 | content format is detected.
363 |
364 | =item B<-nodetach>
365 |
366 | When signing a message use opaque signing: this form is more resistant
367 | to translation by mail relays but it cannot be read by mail agents that
368 | do not support S/MIME. Without this option cleartext signing with
369 | the MIME type multipart/signed is used.
370 |
371 | =item B<-certfile file>
372 |
373 | Allows additional certificates to be specified. When signing these will
374 | be included with the message. When verifying these will be searched for
375 | the signers certificates. The certificates should be in PEM format.
376 |
377 | =item B<-certsout file>
378 |
379 | Any certificates contained in the message are written to B<file>.
380 |
381 | =item B<-signer file>
382 |
383 | A signing certificate when signing or resigning a message, this option can be
384 | used multiple times if more than one signer is required. If a message is being
385 | verified then the signers certificates will be written to this file if the
386 | verification was successful.
387 |
388 | =item B<-recip file>
389 |
390 | When decrypting a message this specifies the recipients certificate. The
391 | certificate must match one of the recipients of the message or an error
392 | occurs.
393 |
394 | When encrypting a message this option may be used multiple times to specify
395 | each recipient. This form B<must> be used if customised parameters are
396 | required (for example to specify RSA-OAEP).
397 |
398 | Only certificates carrying RSA, Diffie-Hellman or EC keys are supported by this
399 | option.
400 |
401 | =item B<-keyid>
402 |
403 | Use subject key identifier to identify certificates instead of issuer name and
404 | serial number. The supplied certificate B<must> include a subject key
405 | identifier extension. Supported by B<-sign> and B<-encrypt> options.
406 |
407 | =item B<-receipt_request_all>, B<-receipt_request_first>
408 |
409 | For B<-sign> option include a signed receipt request. Indicate requests should
410 | be provided by all recipient or first tier recipients (those mailed directly
411 | and not from a mailing list). Ignored it B<-receipt_request_from> is included.
412 |
413 | =item B<-receipt_request_from emailaddress>
414 |
415 | For B<-sign> option include a signed receipt request. Add an explicit email
416 | address where receipts should be supplied.
417 |
418 | =item B<-receipt_request_to emailaddress>
419 |
420 | Add an explicit email address where signed receipts should be sent to. This
421 | option B<must> but supplied if a signed receipt it requested.
422 |
423 | =item B<-receipt_request_print>
424 |
425 | For the B<-verify> operation print out the contents of any signed receipt
426 | requests.
427 |
428 | =item B<-secretkey key>
429 |
430 | Specify symmetric key to use. The key must be supplied in hex format and be
431 | consistent with the algorithm used. Supported by the B<-EncryptedData_encrypt>
432 | B<-EncryptedData_decrypt>, B<-encrypt> and B<-decrypt> options. When used
433 | with B<-encrypt> or B<-decrypt> the supplied key is used to wrap or unwrap the
434 | content encryption key using an AES key in the B<KEKRecipientInfo> type.
435 |
436 | =item B<-secretkeyid id>
437 |
438 | The key identifier for the supplied symmetric key for B<KEKRecipientInfo> type.
439 | This option B<must> be present if the B<-secretkey> option is used with
440 | B<-encrypt>. With B<-decrypt> operations the B<id> is used to locate the
441 | relevant key if it is not supplied then an attempt is used to decrypt any
442 | B<KEKRecipientInfo> structures.
443 |
444 | =item B<-econtent_type type>
445 |
446 | Set the encapsulated content type to B<type> if not supplied the B<Data> type
447 | is used. The B<type> argument can be any valid OID name in either text or
448 | numerical format.
449 |
450 | =item B<-inkey file>
451 |
452 | The private key to use when signing or decrypting. This must match the
453 | corresponding certificate. If this option is not specified then the
454 | private key must be included in the certificate file specified with
455 | the B<-recip> or B<-signer> file. When signing this option can be used
456 | multiple times to specify successive keys.
457 |
458 | =item B<-keyopt name:opt>
459 |
460 | For signing and encryption this option can be used multiple times to
461 | set customised parameters for the preceding key or certificate. It can
462 | currently be used to set RSA-PSS for signing, RSA-OAEP for encryption
463 | or to modify default parameters for ECDH.
464 |
465 | =item B<-passin arg>
466 |
467 | The private key password source. For more information about the format of B<arg>
468 | see L<openssl(1)/Pass Phrase Options>.
469 |
470 | =item B<-rand file...>
471 |
472 | A file or files containing random data used to seed the random number
473 | generator.
474 | Multiple files can be specified separated by an OS-dependent character.
475 | The separator is B<;> for MS-Windows, B<,> for OpenVMS, and B<:> for
476 | all others.
477 |
478 | =item [B<-writerand file>]
479 |
480 | Writes random data to the specified I<file> upon exit.
481 | This can be used with a subsequent B<-rand> flag.
482 |
483 | =item B<cert.pem...>
484 |
485 | One or more certificates of message recipients: used when encrypting
486 | a message.
487 |
488 | =item B<-to, -from, -subject>
489 |
490 | The relevant mail headers. These are included outside the signed
491 | portion of a message so they may be included manually. If signing
492 | then many S/MIME mail clients check the signers certificate's email
493 | address matches that specified in the From: address.
494 |
495 | =item B<-attime>, B<-check_ss_sig>, B<-crl_check>, B<-crl_check_all>,
496 | B<-explicit_policy>, B<-extended_crl>, B<-ignore_critical>, B<-inhibit_any>,
497 | B<-inhibit_map>, B<-no_alt_chains>, B<-no_check_time>, B<-partial_chain>, B<-policy>,
498 | B<-policy_check>, B<-policy_print>, B<-purpose>, B<-suiteB_128>,
499 | B<-suiteB_128_only>, B<-suiteB_192>, B<-trusted_first>, B<-use_deltas>,
500 | B<-auth_level>, B<-verify_depth>, B<-verify_email>, B<-verify_hostname>,
501 | B<-verify_ip>, B<-verify_name>, B<-x509_strict>
502 |
503 | Set various certificate chain validation options. See the
504 | L<verify(1)> manual page for details.
505 |
506 | =back
507 |
508 | =head1 NOTES
509 |
510 | The MIME message must be sent without any blank lines between the
511 | headers and the output. Some mail programs will automatically add
512 | a blank line. Piping the mail directly to sendmail is one way to
513 | achieve the correct format.
514 |
515 | The supplied message to be signed or encrypted must include the
516 | necessary MIME headers or many S/MIME clients won't display it
517 | properly (if at all). You can use the B<-text> option to automatically
518 | add plain text headers.
519 |
520 | A "signed and encrypted" message is one where a signed message is
521 | then encrypted. This can be produced by encrypting an already signed
522 | message: see the examples section.
523 |
524 | This version of the program only allows one signer per message but it
525 | will verify multiple signers on received messages. Some S/MIME clients
526 | choke if a message contains multiple signers. It is possible to sign
527 | messages "in parallel" by signing an already signed message.
528 |
529 | The options B<-encrypt> and B<-decrypt> reflect common usage in S/MIME
530 | clients. Strictly speaking these process CMS enveloped data: CMS
531 | encrypted data is used for other purposes.
532 |
533 | The B<-resign> option uses an existing message digest when adding a new
534 | signer. This means that attributes must be present in at least one existing
535 | signer using the same message digest or this operation will fail.
536 |
537 | The B<-stream> and B<-indef> options enable streaming I/O support.
538 | As a result the encoding is BER using indefinite length constructed encoding
539 | and no longer DER. Streaming is supported for the B<-encrypt> operation and the
540 | B<-sign> operation if the content is not detached.
541 |
542 | Streaming is always used for the B<-sign> operation with detached data but
543 | since the content is no longer part of the CMS structure the encoding
544 | remains DER.
545 |
546 | If the B<-decrypt> option is used without a recipient certificate then an
547 | attempt is made to locate the recipient by trying each potential recipient
548 | in turn using the supplied private key. To thwart the MMA attack
549 | (Bleichenbacher's attack on PKCS #1 v1.5 RSA padding) all recipients are
550 | tried whether they succeed or not and if no recipients match the message
551 | is "decrypted" using a random key which will typically output garbage.
552 | The B<-debug_decrypt> option can be used to disable the MMA attack protection
553 | and return an error if no recipient can be found: this option should be used
554 | with caution. For a fuller description see L<CMS_decrypt(3)>).
555 |
556 | =head1 EXIT CODES
557 |
558 | =over 4
559 |
560 | =item Z<>0
561 |
562 | The operation was completely successfully.
563 |
564 | =item Z<>1
565 |
566 | An error occurred parsing the command options.
567 |
568 | =item Z<>2
569 |
570 | One of the input files could not be read.
571 |
572 | =item Z<>3
573 |
574 | An error occurred creating the CMS file or when reading the MIME
575 | message.
576 |
577 | =item Z<>4
578 |
579 | An error occurred decrypting or verifying the message.
580 |
581 | =item Z<>5
582 |
583 | The message was verified correctly but an error occurred writing out
584 | the signers certificates.
585 |
586 | =back
587 |
588 | =head1 COMPATIBILITY WITH PKCS#7 format.
589 |
590 | The B<smime> utility can only process the older B<PKCS#7> format. The B<cms>
591 | utility supports Cryptographic Message Syntax format. Use of some features
592 | will result in messages which cannot be processed by applications which only
593 | support the older format. These are detailed below.
594 |
595 | The use of the B<-keyid> option with B<-sign> or B<-encrypt>.
596 |
597 | The B<-outform PEM> option uses different headers.
598 |
599 | The B<-compress> option.
600 |
601 | The B<-secretkey> option when used with B<-encrypt>.
602 |
603 | The use of PSS with B<-sign>.
604 |
605 | The use of OAEP or non-RSA keys with B<-encrypt>.
606 |
607 | Additionally the B<-EncryptedData_create> and B<-data_create> type cannot
608 | be processed by the older B<smime> command.
609 |
610 | =head1 EXAMPLES
611 |
612 | Create a cleartext signed message:
613 |
614 | openssl cms -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
615 | -signer mycert.pem
616 |
617 | Create an opaque signed message
618 |
619 | openssl cms -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg -nodetach \
620 | -signer mycert.pem
621 |
622 | Create a signed message, include some additional certificates and
623 | read the private key from another file:
624 |
625 | openssl cms -sign -in in.txt -text -out mail.msg \
626 | -signer mycert.pem -inkey mykey.pem -certfile mycerts.pem
627 |
628 | Create a signed message with two signers, use key identifier:
629 |
630 | openssl cms -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
631 | -signer mycert.pem -signer othercert.pem -keyid
632 |
633 | Send a signed message under Unix directly to sendmail, including headers:
634 |
635 | openssl cms -sign -in in.txt -text -signer mycert.pem \
636 | -from [email protected] -to someone@somewhere \
637 | -subject "Signed message" | sendmail someone@somewhere
638 |
639 | Verify a message and extract the signer's certificate if successful:
640 |
641 | openssl cms -verify -in mail.msg -signer user.pem -out signedtext.txt
642 |
643 | Send encrypted mail using triple DES:
644 |
645 | openssl cms -encrypt -in in.txt -from [email protected] \
646 | -to someone@somewhere -subject "Encrypted message" \
647 | -des3 user.pem -out mail.msg
648 |
649 | Sign and encrypt mail:
650 |
651 | openssl cms -sign -in ml.txt -signer my.pem -text \
652 | | openssl cms -encrypt -out mail.msg \
653 | -from [email protected] -to someone@somewhere \
654 | -subject "Signed and Encrypted message" -des3 user.pem
655 |
656 | Note: the encryption command does not include the B<-text> option because the
657 | message being encrypted already has MIME headers.
658 |
659 | Decrypt mail:
660 |
661 | openssl cms -decrypt -in mail.msg -recip mycert.pem -inkey key.pem
662 |
663 | The output from Netscape form signing is a PKCS#7 structure with the
664 | detached signature format. You can use this program to verify the
665 | signature by line wrapping the base64 encoded structure and surrounding
666 | it with:
667 |
668 | -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
669 | -----END PKCS7-----
670 |
671 | and using the command,
672 |
673 | openssl cms -verify -inform PEM -in signature.pem -content content.txt
674 |
675 | alternatively you can base64 decode the signature and use
676 |
677 | openssl cms -verify -inform DER -in signature.der -content content.txt
678 |
679 | Create an encrypted message using 128 bit Camellia:
680 |
681 | openssl cms -encrypt -in plain.txt -camellia128 -out mail.msg cert.pem
682 |
683 | Add a signer to an existing message:
684 |
685 | openssl cms -resign -in mail.msg -signer newsign.pem -out mail2.msg
686 |
687 | Sign mail using RSA-PSS:
688 |
689 | openssl cms -sign -in message.txt -text -out mail.msg \
690 | -signer mycert.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss
691 |
692 | Create encrypted mail using RSA-OAEP:
693 |
694 | openssl cms -encrypt -in plain.txt -out mail.msg \
695 | -recip cert.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep
696 |
697 | Use SHA256 KDF with an ECDH certificate:
698 |
699 | openssl cms -encrypt -in plain.txt -out mail.msg \
700 | -recip ecdhcert.pem -keyopt ecdh_kdf_md:sha256
701 |
702 | =head1 BUGS
703 |
704 | The MIME parser isn't very clever: it seems to handle most messages that I've
705 | thrown at it but it may choke on others.
706 |
707 | The code currently will only write out the signer's certificate to a file: if
708 | the signer has a separate encryption certificate this must be manually
709 | extracted. There should be some heuristic that determines the correct
710 | encryption certificate.
711 |
712 | Ideally a database should be maintained of a certificates for each email
713 | address.
714 |
715 | The code doesn't currently take note of the permitted symmetric encryption
716 | algorithms as supplied in the SMIMECapabilities signed attribute. this means the
717 | user has to manually include the correct encryption algorithm. It should store
718 | the list of permitted ciphers in a database and only use those.
719 |
720 | No revocation checking is done on the signer's certificate.
721 |
722 | =head1 HISTORY
723 |
724 | The use of multiple B<-signer> options and the B<-resign> command were first
725 | added in OpenSSL 1.0.0.
726 |
727 | The B<keyopt> option was added in OpenSSL 1.0.2.
728 |
729 | Support for RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS was added in OpenSSL 1.0.2.
730 |
731 | The use of non-RSA keys with B<-encrypt> and B<-decrypt>
732 | was added in OpenSSL 1.0.2.
733 |
734 | The -no_alt_chains option was added in OpenSSL 1.0.2b.
735 |
736 | =head1 COPYRIGHT
737 |
738 | Copyright 2008-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
739 |
740 | Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
741 | this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
742 | in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
743 | L<https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html>.
744 |
745 | =cut