1 | readme.1st.
2 |
3 | The files in the lib/tests/WinGUI directory are taken
4 | from "Programming Windows 3.1" by Charles Petzold,
5 | specifically, the programs in chapter 14 related
6 | to the "poppad4" sample application.
7 |
8 | These programs are compiled with nspr20 to test nspr 2.0
9 | and to demostrate the use of nspr in a gui application.
10 |
11 | Library (DLL) PLDSxx.lib PLDSxx.dll is required to be
12 | linked with this test case. Functions in this dll are
13 | in the source ns/nspr20/lib/ds/plevent.* files.
14 |
15 | Permission to use.
16 |
17 | The source for poppad.c are used under license from
18 | Petzold. The license to use is stated in the book.
19 | The following paragraph of the license grants that
20 | use.
21 |
22 | 5. SAMPLE CODE. If the SOFTWARE includes Sample Code, then
23 | Microsoft grants you a royalty-free right to reproduce and
24 | distribute the sample code of the SOFTWARE provided that you:
25 | (a) distribute the sample code only in conjunction with and
26 | as part of your software product; (b) do not use Microsoft's
27 | or its authors' names, logos, or trademarks to market your
28 | software product; (c) include the copyright notice that appears
29 | on the SOFTWARE on your product label and as a part of the
30 | sign-on message for your software product; and (d) agree to
31 | idemnify, hold harmless, and defend Microsoft and its authors
32 | from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys'
33 | fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of
34 | your software product.
35 |
36 | lth. 9/24/97.
37 |