1 | #
2 | # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3 | # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4 | #
5 | # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6 | # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 | # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 | #
10 | # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 | # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 | # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13 | # License.
14 | #
15 | # The Original Code is the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR).
16 | #
17 | # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18 | # Netscape Communications Corporation.
19 | # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-2000
20 | # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
21 | #
22 | # Contributor(s):
23 | #
24 | # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 | # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 | # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 | # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 | # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 | # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 | # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 | # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 | # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 | # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 | # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | #
36 | # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
37 |
38 |
39 | #! gmake
40 |
41 | MOD_DEPTH = ../..
42 | topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
43 | srcdir = @srcdir@
44 | VPATH = @srcdir@
45 |
46 | include $(MOD_DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
47 |
48 | include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
49 |
50 | DIRS = dll
51 |
52 | CSRCS = \
53 | accept.c \
54 | acceptread.c \
55 | acceptreademu.c \
56 | addrstr.c \
57 | affinity.c \
58 | alarm.c \
59 | anonfm.c \
60 | append.c \
61 | atomic.c \
62 | attach.c \
63 | bigfile.c \
64 | bigfile2.c \
65 | bigfile3.c \
66 | cleanup.c \
67 | cltsrv.c \
68 | concur.c \
69 | cvar.c \
70 | cvar2.c \
71 | dceemu.c \
72 | dlltest.c \
73 | dtoa.c \
74 | env.c \
75 | errcodes.c \
76 | errset.c \
77 | exit.c \
78 | fdcach.c \
79 | fileio.c \
80 | foreign.c \
81 | forktest.c \
82 | formattm.c \
83 | fsync.c \
84 | getai.c \
85 | gethost.c \
86 | getproto.c \
87 | i2l.c \
88 | initclk.c \
89 | inrval.c \
90 | instrumt.c \
91 | intrio.c \
92 | intrupt.c \
93 | io_timeout.c \
94 | ioconthr.c \
95 | ipv6.c \
96 | join.c \
97 | joinkk.c \
98 | joinku.c \
99 | joinuk.c \
100 | joinuu.c \
101 | layer.c \
102 | lazyinit.c \
103 | libfilename.c \
104 | lltest.c \
105 | lock.c \
106 | lockfile.c \
107 | logger.c \
108 | makedir.c \
109 | mbcs.c \
110 | multiacc.c \
111 | multiwait.c \
112 | many_cv.c \
113 | nameshm1.c \
114 | nbconn.c \
115 | nblayer.c \
116 | nonblock.c \
117 | ntioto.c \
118 | ntoh.c \
119 | obsints.c \
120 | op_2long.c \
121 | op_excl.c \
122 | op_filnf.c \
123 | op_filok.c \
124 | op_noacc.c \
125 | op_nofil.c \
126 | openfile.c \
127 | parent.c \
128 | peek.c \
129 | perf.c \
130 | pipeping.c \
131 | pipeping2.c \
132 | pipepong.c \
133 | pipepong2.c \
134 | pipeself.c \
135 | poll_er.c \
136 | poll_nm.c \
137 | poll_to.c \
138 | pollable.c \
139 | prftest.c \
140 | prftest1.c \
141 | prftest2.c \
142 | primblok.c \
143 | priotest.c \
144 | provider.c \
145 | prpoll.c \
146 | prpollml.c \
147 | ranfile.c \
148 | randseed.c \
149 | rmdir.c \
150 | rwlocktest.c \
151 | sel_spd.c \
152 | selct_er.c \
153 | selct_nm.c \
154 | selct_to.c \
155 | select2.c \
156 | selintr.c \
157 | sem.c \
158 | sema.c \
159 | semaerr.c \
160 | semaerr1.c \
161 | semaping.c \
162 | semapong.c \
163 | sendzlf.c \
164 | server_test.c \
165 | servr_kk.c \
166 | servr_ku.c \
167 | servr_uk.c \
168 | servr_uu.c \
169 | short_thread.c \
170 | sigpipe.c \
171 | socket.c \
172 | sockopt.c \
173 | sockping.c \
174 | sockpong.c \
175 | sprintf.c \
176 | sproc_ch.c \
177 | sproc_p.c \
178 | stack.c \
179 | stdio.c \
180 | str2addr.c \
181 | strod.c \
182 | suspend.c \
183 | switch.c \
184 | system.c \
185 | testbit.c \
186 | testfile.c \
187 | thrpool_server.c \
188 | thrpool_client.c \
189 | threads.c \
190 | thruput.c \
191 | timemac.c \
192 | timetest.c \
193 | tmoacc.c \
194 | tmocon.c \
195 | tpd.c \
196 | vercheck.c \
197 | version.c \
198 | udpsrv.c \
199 | writev.c \
200 | xnotify.c \
201 | y2k.c \
202 | y2ktmo.c \
203 | zerolen.c \
204 | $(NULL)
205 |
206 | ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),OS2)
207 | CSRCS += \
208 | sleep.c \
209 | stat.c \
210 | yield.c \
211 | $(NULL)
212 | endif
213 |
214 | ifeq (,$(filter-out WINNT OS2,$(OS_ARCH)))
215 | PROG_SUFFIX = .exe
216 | else
218 | endif
219 |
220 | PROGS = $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(CSRCS:.c=$(PROG_SUFFIX)))
221 |
222 | TARGETS = $(PROGS)
223 |
224 | INCLUDES = -I$(dist_includedir) -I$(topsrcdir)/pr/include -I$(topsrcdir)/pr/include/private
225 |
226 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
227 | ifdef NS_USE_GCC
228 | EXTRA_LIBS += -lwsock32
229 | else
230 | EXTRA_LIBS += wsock32.lib
232 | ifdef PROFILE
234 | endif # profile
235 | endif # NS_USE_GCC
236 | endif
237 |
238 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),OS2)
239 | ifeq ($(MOZ_OS2_TOOLS),VACPP)
240 | LDOPTS = -NOE -DEBUG -nologo -PMTYPE:VIO
241 | else
243 | LDOPTS = -Zomf -Zlinker /PM:VIO -Zlinker /ST:0x64000
244 | endif
245 | endif
246 |
247 | ifneq ($(OS_ARCH), WINNT)
248 | # Use an absolute pathname as the runtime library path (for the -R
249 | # or -rpath linker option or the LD_RUN_PATH environment variable).
250 | ifeq (,$(patsubst /%,,$(DIST)))
251 | # $(DIST) is already an absolute pathname.
252 | ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR = $(dist_libdir)
253 | else
254 | # $(DIST) is a relative pathname: prepend the current directory.
255 | PWD = $(shell pwd)
256 | ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR = $(PWD)/$(dist_libdir)
257 | endif
258 | endif
259 |
260 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), IRIX)
261 | ifeq ($(USE_CPLUS), 1)
262 | CC = CC
263 | endif
264 | LDOPTS += -rpath $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
265 | ifdef NS_USE_GCC
266 | LDOPTS += -Wl,-rdata_shared
267 | else
268 | LDOPTS += -rdata_shared
269 | endif
270 | # For 6.x machines, include this flag
271 | ifeq ($(basename $(OS_RELEASE)),6)
272 | ifndef NS_USE_GCC
273 | ifeq ($(USE_N32),1)
274 | LDOPTS += -n32
275 | else
276 | LDOPTS += -32
277 | endif
278 |
279 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS), 1)
280 | ifeq ($(OS_RELEASE), 6.2)
281 | LDOPTS += -Wl,-woff,85
282 | endif
283 | endif
284 | endif
285 | endif
286 | endif
287 |
288 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), OSF1)
289 | ifeq ($(USE_CPLUS), 1)
290 | CC = cxx
291 | endif
292 | # I haven't figured out how to pass -rpath to cc on OSF1 V3.2, so
293 | # we do static linking.
294 | ifeq (,$(filter-out V2.0 V3.2,$(OS_RELEASE)))
295 | LIBNSPR = $(dist_libdir)/libnspr$(MOD_MAJOR_VERSION).a
296 | LIBPLC = $(dist_libdir)/libplc$(MOD_MAJOR_VERSION).a
297 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lc_r
298 | else
299 | LDOPTS += -rpath $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
300 | endif
301 | endif
302 |
303 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), HP-UX)
304 | LDOPTS += -z -Wl,+s,+b,$(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
305 | ifeq ($(USE_64),1)
306 | LDOPTS += +DD64
307 | endif
308 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
310 | endif
311 | endif
312 |
313 | # AIX
314 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),AIX)
315 | LDOPTS += -blibpath:$(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR):/usr/lib:/lib
316 | ifneq ($(OS_ARCH)$(OS_RELEASE),AIX4.1)
317 | LDOPTS += -brtl
318 | EXTRA_LIBS = -ldl
319 | endif
320 | endif
321 |
322 | # Solaris
323 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), SunOS)
324 | ifneq ($(OS_RELEASE), 4.1.3_U1)
325 | ifdef NS_USE_GCC
326 | LDOPTS += -Xlinker -R -Xlinker $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
327 | else
328 | ifeq ($(USE_CPLUS), 1)
329 | CC = CC
330 | endif
332 | endif
333 | endif
334 |
335 | ifneq ($(LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY),1)
336 | ifdef USE_PTHREADS
337 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lpthread -lthread
338 | else
339 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lthread
340 | endif
341 | endif # LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY
342 | endif # SunOS
343 |
344 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), NEC)
346 | # This hardcodes in the executable programs the directory to find
347 | # libnspr.so etc. at program startup. Equivalent to the -R or -rpath
348 | # option for ld on other platforms.
349 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
350 | endif
351 |
352 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), NCR)
353 | # NCR needs to link against -lsocket -lnsl -ldl (and -lc, which is
354 | # linked implicitly by $(CC)). Note that we did not link with these
355 | # system libraries when we built libnspr.so.
356 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -ldl
357 | # This hardcodes in the executable programs the directory to find
358 | # libnspr.so etc. at program startup. Equivalent to the -R or -rpath
359 | # option for ld on other platforms.
360 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
361 | endif
362 |
363 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), NEXTSTEP)
364 | # balazs.pataki@sztaki.hu: linkage is done in a different pass in the `tests'
365 | # modeul, so we have to pass the `-posix' flag by "hand" to `ld'
366 | LDOPTS += -posix
367 | endif
368 |
369 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), NEWS-OS)
370 | # This hardcodes in the executable programs the directory to find
371 | # libnspr.so etc. at program startup. Equivalent to the -R or -rpath
372 | # option for ld on other platforms.
373 | #export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
374 | LIBNSPR = $(dist_libdir)/libnspr$(MOD_MAJOR_VERSION).a
375 | LIBPLC = $(dist_libdir)/libplc$(MOD_MAJOR_VERSION).a
376 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -lresolv
377 | endif
378 |
379 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), Linux)
380 | ifeq ($(OS_RELEASE), 1.2)
381 | EXTRA_LIBS = -ldl
382 | else
383 | LDOPTS += -Xlinker -rpath $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
384 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
385 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lpthread
386 | endif
387 | endif
388 | endif
389 |
390 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), SCOOS)
391 | # SCO Unix needs to link against -lsocket again even though we
392 | # already linked with these system libraries when we built libnspr.so.
393 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lsocket
394 | # This hardcodes in the executable programs the directory to find
395 | # libnspr.so etc. at program startup. Equivalent to the -R or -rpath
396 | # option for ld on other platforms.
397 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
398 | endif
399 |
400 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),SINIX)
401 | EXTRA_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -ldl
402 | # This hardcodes in the executable programs the directory to find
403 | # libnspr.so etc. at program startup. Equivalent to the -R or -rpath
404 | # option for ld on other platforms.
405 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
406 | endif
407 |
408 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),OpenUNIX)
409 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
410 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
411 | LDOPTS += -pthread
412 | endif
413 | endif
414 |
415 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH), UNIXWARE)
416 | export LD_RUN_PATH = $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
417 | endif
418 |
419 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),FreeBSD)
420 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
421 | LDOPTS += -pthread
422 | endif
423 | LDOPTS += -Xlinker -R $(ABSOLUTE_LIB_DIR)
424 | endif
425 |
426 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),OpenBSD)
427 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
428 | LDOPTS += -pthread
429 | endif
430 | endif
431 |
432 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),BSD_OS)
433 | ifneq ($(OS_RELEASE),1.1)
434 | EXTRA_LIBS = -ldl
435 | endif
436 | endif
437 |
438 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS),1)
439 | LIBPTHREAD = -lpthread
440 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),AIX)
441 | LIBPTHREAD = -lpthreads
442 | endif
443 | ifeq (,$(filter-out FreeBSD OpenBSD BSD_OS QNX Darwin OpenUNIX,$(OS_ARCH)))
445 | endif
446 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH)$(basename $(OS_RELEASE)),HP-UXB.10)
447 | LIBPTHREAD = -ldce
448 | endif
449 | endif
450 |
451 |
452 | #####################################################
453 | #
454 | # The rules
455 | #
456 | #####################################################
457 |
458 | include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
459 |
460 | AIX_PRE_4_2 = 0
461 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),AIX)
462 | ifeq ($(OS_RELEASE),4.1)
463 | ifneq ($(USE_PTHREADS), 1)
464 | #AIX_PRE_4_2 = 1
465 | endif
466 | endif
467 | endif
468 |
469 | ifeq ($(AIX_PRE_4_2),1)
470 |
471 | # AIX releases prior to 4.2 need a special two-step linking hack
472 | # in order to both override the system select() and be able to
473 | # get at the original system select().
474 | #
475 | # We use a pattern rule in ns/nspr20/config/rules.mk to generate
476 | # the .$(OBJ_SUFFIX) file from the .c source file, then do the
477 | # two-step linking hack below.
478 |
479 | $(OBJDIR)/%: $(OBJDIR)/%.$(OBJ_SUFFIX)
480 | @$(MAKE_OBJDIR)
481 | rm -f $@ $(AIX_TMP)
482 | $(CC) $(AIX_LINK_OPTS) -o $(AIX_TMP) $< $(dist_libdir)/libnspr$(MOD_MAJOR_VERSION).a
483 | $(CC) -o $@ $(AIX_TMP) $(AIX_WRAP)
484 | rm -f $(AIX_TMP)
485 |
486 | else
487 |
488 | # All platforms that are not AIX pre-4.2.
489 |
491 | @$(MAKE_OBJDIR)
492 | ifeq ($(NS_USE_GCC)_$(OS_ARCH),_WINNT)
493 | link $(LDOPTS) $(EXTRA_LDOPTS) $< $(LIBPLC) $(LIBNSPR) $(EXTRA_LIBS) -out:$@
494 | else
495 | ifeq ($(MOZ_OS2_TOOLS),VACPP)
497 | else
498 | $(PURE) $(CC) $(XCFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) $(LIBPLC) $(LIBNSPR) $(EXTRA_LIBS) -o $@
499 | endif # OS/2
500 | endif # WINNT
501 | endif # AIX_PRE_4_2
502 |
503 | export:: $(TARGETS)
504 | clean::
505 | rm -f $(TARGETS)
506 |
507 | # The following tests call BSD socket functions, so they need to link
508 | # with -lsocket on some platforms.
509 | ifeq ($(OS_ARCH),SunOS)
510 | ifneq ($(OS_RELEASE),4.1.3_U1)
511 | ifeq ($(USE_IPV6),1)
512 | $(OBJDIR)/gethost: $(OBJDIR)/gethost.o
513 | $(PURE) $(CC) $(XCFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) $(LIBPLC) $(LIBNSPR) -lsocket $(EXTRA_LIBS) -o $@
514 | endif
515 | $(OBJDIR)/prpoll: $(OBJDIR)/prpoll.o
516 | $(PURE) $(CC) $(XCFLAGS) $< $(LDOPTS) $(LIBPLC) $(LIBNSPR) -lsocket $(EXTRA_LIBS) -o $@
517 | endif
518 | endif
519 |
520 | ifeq ($(USE_PTHREADS), 1)
521 | $(OBJDIR)/attach: $(OBJDIR)/attach.o
523 | $(OBJDIR)/foreign: $(OBJDIR)/foreign.o
525 | $(OBJDIR)/provider: $(OBJDIR)/provider.o
527 | $(OBJDIR)/socket: $(OBJDIR)/socket.o
529 | $(OBJDIR)/testfile: $(OBJDIR)/testfile.o
531 | endif
532 |
533 | #
534 | # Run the test programs with no arguments
535 | #
536 | # Test output goes to the file pointed to by the environment variable
537 | # NSPR_TEST_LOGFILE, if set, else to /dev/null
538 | #
539 | ECHO = echo
540 | PROGRAMS = $(notdir $(PROGS))
543 | else
544 | ifeq (,$(filter-out WINNT OS2,$(OS_ARCH)))
545 | LOGFILE = nul
546 | else
547 | LOGFILE = /dev/null
548 | endif
549 | endif
550 |
551 | ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),Linux)
552 | ECHO = /bin/echo
553 | endif
554 |
555 | ALWAYS:
556 |
557 | runtests:: $(PROGS) ALWAYS
558 | @$(ECHO) "\nNSPR Test Results - $(OBJDIR)\n"
559 | @$(ECHO) "BEGIN\t\t\t`date`"
561 | @$(ECHO) "Test\t\t\tResult\n"
562 | @cd $(OBJDIR); for i in $(PROGRAMS); do \
563 | $(ECHO) "$$i\c"; \
564 | ./$$i >> $(LOGFILE) 2>&1 ; \
565 | if [ 0 = $$? ] ; then \
566 | $(ECHO) "\t\t\tPassed"; \
567 | else \
568 | $(ECHO) "\t\t\tFAILED"; \
569 | fi; \
570 | done
571 | @$(ECHO) "\nEND\t\t`date`\n"