1 | # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
2 | # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
3 | #
4 | # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 | # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 | # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 | # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
8 | #
9 | # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 | # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 | # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
12 | # License.
13 | #
14 | # The Original Code is the Python XPCOM language bindings.
15 | #
16 | # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
17 | # Activestate Tool Corp.
18 | # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2000
19 | # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
20 | #
21 | # Contributor(s):
22 | # Mark Hammond <[email protected]>
23 | #
24 | # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 | # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 | # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 | # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 | # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 | # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 | # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 | # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 | # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 | # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 | # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | #
36 | # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
37 |
38 | import xpcom
39 | from xpcom import components, logger
40 |
41 | import module
42 |
43 | import glob, os, types
44 |
45 | from xpcom.client import Component
46 |
47 | # Until we get interface constants.
48 | When_Startup = 0
49 | When_Component = 1
50 | When_Timer = 2
51 |
52 | def _has_good_attr(object, attr):
53 | # Actually allows "None" to be specified to disable inherited attributes.
54 | return getattr(object, attr, None) is not None
55 |
56 | def FindCOMComponents(py_module):
57 | # For now, just run over all classes looking for likely candidates.
58 | comps = []
59 | for name, object in py_module.__dict__.items():
60 | if type(object)==types.ClassType and \
61 | _has_good_attr(object, "_com_interfaces_") and \
62 | _has_good_attr(object, "_reg_clsid_") and \
63 | _has_good_attr(object, "_reg_contractid_"):
64 | comps.append(object)
65 | return comps
66 |
67 | def register_self(klass, compMgr, location, registryLocation, componentType):
68 | pcl = PythonComponentLoader
69 | from xpcom import _xpcom
70 | svc = _xpcom.GetServiceManager().getServiceByContractID("@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1", components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager)
71 | svc.addCategoryEntry("component-loader", pcl._reg_component_type_, pcl._reg_contractid_, 1, 1)
72 |
73 | class PythonComponentLoader:
74 | _com_interfaces_ = components.interfaces.nsIComponentLoader
75 | _reg_clsid_ = "{63B68B1E-3E62-45f0-98E3-5E0B5797970C}" # Never copy these!
76 | _reg_contractid_ = "moz.pyloader.1"
77 | _reg_desc_ = "Python component loader"
78 | # Optional function which performs additional special registration
79 | # Appears that no special unregistration is needed for ComponentLoaders, hence no unregister function.
80 | _reg_registrar_ = (register_self,None)
81 | # Custom attributes for ComponentLoader registration.
82 | _reg_component_type_ = "script/python"
83 |
84 | def __init__(self):
85 | self.com_modules = {} # Keyed by module's FQN as obtained from nsIFile.path
86 | self.moduleFactory = module.Module
87 | self.num_modules_this_register = 0
88 |
89 | def _getCOMModuleForLocation(self, componentFile):
90 | fqn = componentFile.path
91 | mod = self.com_modules.get(fqn)
92 | if mod is not None:
93 | return mod
94 | import ihooks, sys
95 | base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fqn))[0]
96 | loader = ihooks.ModuleLoader()
97 |
98 | module_name_in_sys = "component:%s" % (base_name,)
99 | stuff = loader.find_module(base_name, [componentFile.parent.path])
100 | assert stuff is not None, "Couldnt find the module '%s'" % (base_name,)
101 | py_mod = loader.load_module( module_name_in_sys, stuff )
102 |
103 | # Make and remember the COM module.
104 | comps = FindCOMComponents(py_mod)
105 | mod = self.moduleFactory(comps)
106 |
107 | self.com_modules[fqn] = mod
108 | return mod
109 |
110 | def getFactory(self, clsid, location, type):
111 | # return the factory
112 | assert type == self._reg_component_type_, "Being asked to create an object not of my type:%s" % (type,)
113 | # FIXME: how to do this without obsolete component manager?
114 | cmo = components.manager.queryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIComponentManagerObsolete)
115 | file_interface = cmo.specForRegistryLocation(location)
116 | # delegate to the module.
117 | m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(file_interface)
118 | return m.getClassObject(components.manager, clsid, components.interfaces.nsIFactory)
119 |
120 | def init(self, comp_mgr, registry):
121 | # void
122 | self.comp_mgr = comp_mgr
123 | logger.debug("Python component loader init() called")
124 |
125 | # Called when a component of the appropriate type is registered,
126 | # to give the component loader an opportunity to do things like
127 | # annotate the registry and such.
128 | def onRegister (self, clsid, type, className, proId, location, replace, persist):
129 | logger.debug("Python component loader - onRegister() called")
130 |
131 | def autoRegisterComponents (self, when, directory):
132 | directory_path = directory.path
133 | self.num_modules_this_register = 0
134 | logger.debug("Auto-registering all Python components in '%s'", directory_path)
135 |
136 | # ToDo - work out the right thing here
137 | # eg - do we recurse?
138 | # - do we support packages?
139 | entries = directory.directoryEntries
140 | while entries.HasMoreElements():
141 | entry = entries.GetNext(components.interfaces.nsIFile)
142 | if os.path.splitext(entry.path)[1]==".py":
143 | try:
144 | self.autoRegisterComponent(when, entry)
145 | # Handle some common user errors
146 | except xpcom.COMException, details:
147 | from xpcom import nsError
148 | # If the interface name does not exist, suppress the traceback
149 | if details.errno==nsError.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE:
150 | logger.error("Registration of '%s' failed\n %s",
151 | entry.leafName, details.message)
152 | else:
153 | logger.exception("Registration of '%s' failed!", entry.leafName)
154 | except SyntaxError, details:
155 | # Syntax error in source file - no useful traceback here either.
156 | logger.error("Registration of '%s' failed\n %s",
157 | entry.leafName, details)
158 | except:
159 | # All other exceptions get the full traceback.
160 | logger.exception("Registration of '%s' failed.", entry.leafName)
161 |
162 | def autoRegisterComponent (self, when, componentFile):
163 | # bool return
164 |
165 | # Check if we actually need to do anything
166 | modtime = componentFile.lastModifiedTime
167 | loader_mgr = components.manager.queryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIComponentLoaderManager)
168 | if not loader_mgr.hasFileChanged(componentFile, None, modtime):
169 | return 1
170 |
171 | if self.num_modules_this_register == 0:
172 | # New components may have just installed new Python
173 | # modules into the main python directory (including new .pth files)
174 | # So we ask Python to re-process our site directory.
175 | # Note that the pyloader does the equivalent when loading.
176 | try:
177 | from xpcom import _xpcom
178 | import site
180 | dirname = _xpcom.GetSpecialDirectory(NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR)
181 | dirname.append("python")
182 | site.addsitedir(dirname.path)
183 | except:
184 | logger.exception("PyXPCOM loader failed to process site directory before component registration")
185 |
186 | self.num_modules_this_register += 1
187 |
188 | # auto-register via the module.
189 | m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(componentFile)
190 | m.registerSelf(components.manager, componentFile, None, self._reg_component_type_)
191 | loader_mgr = components.manager.queryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIComponentLoaderManager)
192 | loader_mgr.saveFileInfo(componentFile, None, modtime)
193 | return 1
194 |
195 | def autoUnregisterComponent (self, when, componentFile):
196 | # bool return
197 | # auto-unregister via the module.
198 | m = self._getCOMModuleForLocation(componentFile)
199 | loader_mgr = components.manager.queryInterface(components.interfaces.nsIComponentLoaderManager)
200 | try:
201 | m.unregisterSelf(components.manager, componentFile)
202 | finally:
203 | loader_mgr.removeFileInfo(componentFile, None)
204 | return 1
205 |
206 | def registerDeferredComponents (self, when):
207 | # bool return
208 | logger.debug("Python component loader - registerDeferred() called")
209 | return 0 # no more to register
210 |
211 | def unloadAll (self, when):
212 | # This is called at shutdown time - don't get too upset if an error
213 | # results from logging due to the logfile being closed
214 | try:
215 | logger.debug("Python component loader being asked to unload all components!")
216 | except:
217 | # Evil blank except, but restricting to just catching IOError
218 | # failure means custom logs could still screw us
219 | pass
220 | self.comp_mgr = None
221 | self.com_modules = {}
222 |
223 | def MakePythonComponentLoaderModule(serviceManager, nsIFile):
224 | import module
225 | return module.Module( [PythonComponentLoader] )