/* The usual story: drag stuff from the libraries into the link. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xpcom/proxy/src/nsProxyEventPrivate.h" #include "nsTraceRefcnt.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsString.h" uintptr_t deps[] = { (uintptr_t)PL_strncpy, (uintptr_t)PL_strrchr, (uintptr_t)PL_strncpyz, (uintptr_t)PL_HashString, (uintptr_t)PR_Close, (uintptr_t)NS_ProxyRelease, (uintptr_t)nsTraceRefcnt::LogRelease, (uintptr_t)nsDebug::Assertion, 0 }; class foobardep : public nsXPTCStubBase { public: NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) AddRef(void) { return 1; } NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) Release(void) { return 0; } NS_IMETHOD GetInterfaceInfo(nsIInterfaceInfo** info) { (void)info; return 0; } // call this method and return result NS_IMETHOD CallMethod(PRUint16 methodIndex, const nsXPTMethodInfo* info, nsXPTCMiniVariant* params) { (void)methodIndex; (void)info; (void)params; return 0; } }; void foodep(void) { nsVoidHashSetSuper *a = new nsVoidHashSetSuper(); a->Init(123); nsDeque *b = new nsDeque((nsDequeFunctor*)0); //nsXPTCStubBase nsProxyEventObject *c = new nsProxyEventObject(); c->Release(); foobardep *d = new foobardep(); nsXPTCStubBase *e = d; e->Release(); // Dragged in by TestCRT. nsAutoString t1; t1.AssignWithConversion(NULL); }