1 | /*
2 | File: FSCopyObject.c
3 |
4 | Contains: A Copy/Delete Files/Folders engine which uses the HFS+ API's.
5 | This code is a combination of MoreFilesX and MPFileCopy
6 | with some added features. This code will run on OS 9.1 and up
7 | and 10.1.x (Classic and Carbon)
8 |
9 | Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc.
10 | ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your
11 | use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software
12 | constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms,
13 | please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.
14 |
15 | In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject
16 | to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs
17 | copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use,
18 | reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without
19 | modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute
20 | the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain
21 | this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of
22 | the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of
23 | Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the
24 | Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as
25 | expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied,
26 | are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that
27 | may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple
28 | Software may be incorporated.
29 |
30 | The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO
35 |
43 |
44 | Copyright © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
45 | */
46 |
47 | // Modified 2006-01-23 - added this comment.
48 |
49 | #include "FSCopyObject.h"
50 | #include <UnicodeConverter.h>
51 | #include <stddef.h>
52 | #include <string.h>
53 |
54 | /*
55 |
56 | */
57 |
58 | #pragma mark ----- Tunable Parameters -----
59 |
60 | // The following constants control the behavior of the copy engine.
61 |
62 | enum { // BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed
63 | // kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024, // Fast be not very responsive.
64 | kDefaultCopyBufferSize = 256L * 1024, // Slower, but can still use machine.
65 | kMaximumCopyBufferSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024,
66 | kMinimumCopyBufferSize = 1024
67 | };
68 |
69 | enum { // CalculateForksToCopy
70 | kExpectedForkCount = 10 // Number of non-classic forks we expect.
71 | }; // (i.e. non resource/data forks)
72 |
73 | enum { // CheckForDestInsideSource
74 | errFSDestInsideSource = -1234
75 | };
76 |
77 | enum {
78 | // for use with PBHGetDirAccess in IsDropBox
79 | kPrivilegesMask = kioACAccessUserWriteMask | kioACAccessUserReadMask | kioACAccessUserSearchMask,
80 |
81 | // for use with FSGetCatalogInfo and FSPermissionInfo->mode
82 | // from sys/stat.h... note -- sys/stat.h definitions are in octal
83 | //
84 | // You can use these values to adjust the users/groups permissions
85 | // on a file/folder with FSSetCatalogInfo and extracting the
86 | // kFSCatInfoPermissions field. See code below for examples
87 | kRWXUserAccessMask = 0x01C0,
88 | kReadAccessUser = 0x0100,
89 | kWriteAccessUser = 0x0080,
90 | kExecuteAccessUser = 0x0040,
91 |
92 | kRWXGroupAccessMask = 0x0038,
93 | kReadAccessGroup = 0x0020,
94 | kWriteAccessGroup = 0x0010,
95 | kExecuteAccessGroup = 0x0008,
96 |
97 | kRWXOtherAccessMask = 0x0007,
98 | kReadAccessOther = 0x0004,
99 | kWriteAccessOther = 0x0002,
100 | kExecuteAccessOther = 0x0001,
101 |
102 | kDropFolderValue = kWriteAccessOther | kExecuteAccessOther
103 | };
104 |
105 | #pragma mark ----- Struct Definitions -----
106 |
107 | #define VolHasCopyFile(volParms) \
108 | (((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0)
109 |
110 | // The CopyParams data structure holds the copy buffer used
111 | // when copying the forks over, as well as special case
112 | // info on the destination
113 | struct CopyParams {
114 | UTCDateTime magicBusyCreateDate;
115 | void *copyBuffer;
116 | ByteCount copyBufferSize;
117 | Boolean copyingToDropFolder;
118 | Boolean copyingToLocalVolume;
119 | };
120 | typedef struct CopyParams CopyParams;
121 |
122 | // The FilterParams data structure holds the date and info
123 | // that the caller wants passed into the Filter Proc, as well
124 | // as the Filter Proc Pointer itself
125 | struct FilterParams {
126 | FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo;
127 | CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr;
128 | FSSpec fileSpec;
129 | FSSpec *fileSpecPtr;
130 | HFSUniStr255 fileName;
131 | HFSUniStr255 *fileNamePtr;
132 | void *yourDataPtr;
133 | };
134 | typedef struct FilterParams FilterParams;
135 |
136 | // The ForkTracker data structure holds information about a specific fork,
137 | // specifically the name and the refnum. We use this to build a list of
138 | // all the forks before we start copying them. We need to do this because,
139 | // if we're copying into a drop folder, we must open all the forks before
140 | // we start copying data into any of them.
141 | // Plus it's a convenient way to keep track of all the forks...
142 | struct ForkTracker {
143 | HFSUniStr255 forkName;
144 | SInt64 forkSize;
145 | SInt16 forkDestRefNum;
146 | };
147 | typedef struct ForkTracker ForkTracker;
148 | typedef ForkTracker *ForkTrackerPtr;
149 |
150 | // The FSCopyObjectGlobals data structure holds information needed to do
151 | // the recursive copy of a directory.
152 | struct FSCopyObjectGlobals
153 | {
154 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
155 | FSRef ref; /* FSRef to the source file/folder*/
156 | FSRef destRef; /* FSRef to the destination directory */
157 | CopyParams *copyParams; /* pointer to info needed to do the copy */
158 | FilterParams *filterParams; /* pointer to info needed for the optional filter proc */
159 | ItemCount maxLevels; /* maximum levels to iterate through */
160 | ItemCount currentLevel; /* the current level FSCopyFolderLevel is on */
161 | Boolean quitFlag; /* set to true if filter wants to kill interation */
162 | Boolean containerChanged; /* temporary - set to true if the current container changed during iteration */
163 | OSErr result; /* result */
164 | ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */
165 | };
166 | typedef struct FSCopyObjectGlobals FSCopyObjectGlobals;
167 |
168 | // The FSDeleteObjectGlobals data structure holds information needed to
169 | // recursively delete a directory
170 | struct FSDeleteObjectGlobals
171 | {
172 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; /* FSCatalogInfo */
173 | ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */
174 | OSErr result; /* result */
175 | };
176 | typedef struct FSDeleteObjectGlobals FSDeleteObjectGlobals;
177 |
178 | #pragma mark ----- Local Prototypes -----
179 |
180 | static OSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
181 | const FSRef *destDir,
182 | const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
183 | CopyParams *copyParams,
184 | FilterParams *filterParams,
185 | FSRef *newFile); /* can be NULL */
186 |
187 | static OSErr CopyFile( const FSRef *source,
188 | FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
189 | const FSRef *destDir,
190 | const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
191 | CopyParams *copyParams,
192 | FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
193 |
194 | static OSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef,
195 | const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef,
196 | UniCharCount nameLength,
197 | const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
198 | TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
199 | FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
200 |
201 | static OSErr DoCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
202 | FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
203 | const FSRef *destDir,
204 | const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
205 | CopyParams *params,
206 | FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */
207 |
208 | static OSErr FSCopyFolder( const FSRef *source,
209 | const FSRef *destDir,
210 | const HFSUniStr255 *destName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
211 | CopyParams* copyParams,
212 | FilterParams *filterParams,
213 | ItemCount maxLevels,
214 | FSRef* newDir); /* can be NULL */
215 |
216 | static OSErr FSCopyFolderLevel( FSCopyObjectGlobals *theGlobals, const HFSUniStr255 *destName );
217 |
218 | static OSErr CheckForDestInsideSource( const FSRef *source,
219 | const FSRef *destDir);
220 |
221 | static OSErr CopyItemsForks( const FSRef *source,
222 | const FSRef *dest,
223 | CopyParams *params);
224 |
225 | static OSErr OpenAllForks( const FSRef *dest,
226 | const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
227 | const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
228 | ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
229 | ItemCount otherForksCount);
230 |
231 | static OSErr CopyFork( const FSRef *source,
232 | const FSRef *dest,
233 | const ForkTrackerPtr sourceFork,
234 | const CopyParams *params);
235 |
236 | static OSErr CloseAllForks( SInt16 dataRefNum,
237 | SInt16 rsrcRefNum,
238 | ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
239 | ItemCount otherForksCount);
240 |
241 | static OSErr CalculateForksToCopy( const FSRef *source,
242 | const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
243 | const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
244 | ForkTrackerPtr *otherForksParam,
245 | ItemCount *otherForksCountParam);
246 |
247 | static OSErr CalculateBufferSize( const FSRef *source,
248 | const FSRef *destDir,
249 | ByteCount * bufferSize);
250 |
251 | static ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolume(FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum);
252 |
253 | static ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond);
254 |
255 | static OSErr IsDropBox( const FSRef* source,
256 | Boolean *isDropBox);
257 |
258 | static OSErr GetMagicBusyCreationDate( UTCDateTime *date );
259 |
260 | static Boolean CompareHFSUniStr255(const HFSUniStr255 *lhs,
261 | const HFSUniStr255 *rhs);
262 |
263 | static OSErr FSGetVRefNum( const FSRef *ref,
264 | FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum);
265 |
266 | static OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
267 | UInt32 bufferSize,
268 | GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo,
269 | UInt32 *actualInfoSize); /* Can Be NULL */
270 |
271 | static OSErr UnicodeNameGetHFSName( UniCharCount nameLength,
272 | const UniChar *name,
273 | TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
274 | Boolean isVolumeName,
275 | Str31 hfsName);
276 |
277 | static OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
278 | SInt32 dirID,
279 | ConstStr255Param name,
280 | FSRef *ref);
281 |
282 | static OSErr FSDeleteFolder( const FSRef *container );
283 |
284 | static void FSDeleteFolderLevel( const FSRef *container,
285 | FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals);
286 |
287 | /*****************************************************************************/
288 | /*****************************************************************************/
289 | /*****************************************************************************/
290 |
291 | #pragma mark ----- Copy Objects -----
292 |
293 | // This routine acts as the top level of the copy engine. It exists
294 | // to a) present a nicer API than the various recursive routines, and
295 | // b) minimise the local variables in the recursive routines.
296 | OSErr FSCopyObject( const FSRef *source,
297 | const FSRef *destDir,
298 | UniCharCount nameLength,
299 | const UniChar *copyName, // can be NULL (no rename during copy)
300 | ItemCount maxLevels,
301 | FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo,
302 | Boolean wantFSSpec,
303 | Boolean wantName,
304 | CopyObjectFilterProcPtr filterProcPtr, // can be NULL
305 | void *yourDataPtr, // can be NULL
306 | FSRef *newObject) // can be NULL
307 | {
308 | CopyParams copyParams;
309 | FilterParams filterParams;
310 | HFSUniStr255 destName;
311 | HFSUniStr255 *destNamePtr;
312 | Boolean isDirectory;
313 | OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
314 |
315 | if (copyName)
316 | {
317 | if (nameLength <= 255)
318 | {
319 | BlockMoveData(copyName, destName.unicode, nameLength * sizeof(UniChar));
320 | destName.length = nameLength;
321 | destNamePtr = &destName;
322 | }
323 | else
324 | osErr = paramErr;
325 | }
326 | else
327 | destNamePtr = NULL;
328 |
329 | // we want the settable info no matter what the user asked for
330 | filterParams.whichInfo = whichInfo | kFSCatInfoSettableInfo;
331 | filterParams.filterProcPtr = filterProcPtr;
332 | filterParams.fileSpecPtr = ( wantFSSpec ) ? &filterParams.fileSpec : NULL;
333 | filterParams.fileNamePtr = ( wantName ) ? &filterParams.fileName : NULL;
334 | filterParams.yourDataPtr = yourDataPtr;
335 |
336 | // Calculate the optimal buffer size to copy the forks over
337 | // and create the buffer
338 | if( osErr == noErr )
339 | osErr = CalculateBufferSize( source, destDir, ©Params.copyBufferSize);
340 |
341 | if( osErr == noErr )
342 | {
343 | copyParams.copyBuffer = NewPtr( copyParams.copyBufferSize );
344 | if( copyParams.copyBuffer == NULL )
345 | osErr = memFullErr;
346 | }
347 |
348 | if( osErr == noErr )
349 | osErr = GetMagicBusyCreationDate( ©Params.magicBusyCreateDate );
350 |
351 | if( osErr == noErr ) // figure out if source is a file or folder
352 | { // if it is on a local volume,
353 | // if destination is a drop box
354 | GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms;
355 | FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo;
356 | FSVolumeRefNum destVRefNum;
357 |
358 | // to figure out if the souce is a folder or directory
359 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &tmpCatInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
360 | if( osErr == noErr )
361 | {
362 | isDirectory = ((tmpCatInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0);
363 | // are we copying to a drop folder?
364 | osErr = IsDropBox( destDir, ©Params.copyingToDropFolder );
365 | }
366 | if( osErr == noErr )
367 | osErr = FSGetVRefNum(destDir, &destVRefNum);
368 | if( osErr == noErr )
369 | osErr = FSGetVolParms( destVRefNum, sizeof(volParms), &volParms, NULL );
370 | if( osErr == noErr ) // volParms.vMServerAdr is non-zero for remote volumes
371 | copyParams.copyingToLocalVolume = (volParms.vMServerAdr == 0);
372 | }
373 |
374 | // now copy the file/folder...
375 | if( osErr == noErr )
376 | { // is it a folder?
377 | if ( isDirectory )
378 | { // yes
379 | osErr = CheckForDestInsideSource(source, destDir);
380 | if( osErr == noErr )
381 | osErr = FSCopyFolder( source, destDir, destNamePtr, ©Params, &filterParams, maxLevels, newObject );
382 | }
383 | else // no
384 | osErr = FSCopyFile(source, destDir, destNamePtr, ©Params, &filterParams, newObject);
385 | }
386 |
387 | // Clean up for space and safety... Who me?
388 | if( copyParams.copyBuffer != NULL )
389 | DisposePtr((char*)copyParams.copyBuffer);
390 |
391 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
392 |
393 | return osErr;
394 | }
395 |
396 | /*****************************************************************************/
397 |
398 | #pragma mark ----- Copy Files -----
399 |
400 | OSErr FSCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
401 | const FSRef *destDir,
402 | const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
403 | CopyParams *copyParams,
404 | FilterParams *filterParams,
405 | FSRef *newFile)
406 | {
407 | FSCatalogInfo sourceCatInfo;
408 | FSRef tmpRef;
409 | OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL &&
410 | copyParams != NULL && filterParams != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
411 |
412 | // get needed info about the source file
413 | if ( osErr == noErr )
414 | {
415 | if (destName)
416 | {
417 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, filterParams->whichInfo, &sourceCatInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
418 | filterParams->fileName = *destName;
419 | }
420 | else
421 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, filterParams->whichInfo, &sourceCatInfo, &filterParams->fileName, NULL, NULL);
422 | }
423 | if( osErr == noErr )
424 | osErr = CopyFile(source, &sourceCatInfo, destDir, &filterParams->fileName, copyParams, &tmpRef);
425 |
426 | // Call the IterateFilterProc _after_ the new file was created
427 | // even if an error occured
428 | if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL )
429 | {
430 | (void) CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterParams->filterProcPtr, false, 0, osErr, &sourceCatInfo,
431 | &tmpRef, filterParams->fileSpecPtr,
432 | filterParams->fileNamePtr, filterParams->yourDataPtr);
433 | }
434 |
435 | if( osErr == noErr && newFile != NULL )
436 | *newFile = tmpRef;
437 |
438 | mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
439 |
440 | return osErr;
441 | }
442 |
443 | /*****************************************************************************/
444 |
445 | OSErr CopyFile( const FSRef *source,
446 | FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
447 | const FSRef *destDir,
448 | ConstHFSUniStr255Param destName,
449 | CopyParams *params,
450 | FSRef* newFile)
451 | {
452 | OSErr osErr = paramErr;
453 |
454 | // Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us.
455 | ((FInfo *)(sourceCatInfo->finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited;
456 |
457 | // if the destination is on a remote volume, try to use PBHCopyFile
458 | if( params->copyingToLocalVolume == 0 )
459 | osErr = FSUsePBHCopyFile( source, destDir, 0, NULL, kTextEncodingUnknown, newFile );
460 |
461 | // if PBHCopyFile didn't work or not supported,
462 | if( osErr != noErr ) // then try old school file transfer
463 | osErr = DoCopyFile( source, sourceCatInfo, destDir, destName, params, newFile );
464 |
465 | mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
466 |
467 | return osErr;
468 | }
469 |
470 | /*****************************************************************************/
471 |
472 | OSErr FSUsePBHCopyFile( const FSRef *srcFileRef,
473 | const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef,
474 | UniCharCount nameLength,
475 | const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */
476 | TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
477 | FSRef *newRef) /* can be NULL */
478 | {
479 | FSSpec srcFileSpec;
480 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
481 | GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo;
482 | HParamBlockRec pb;
483 | Str31 hfsName;
484 | OSErr osErr;
485 |
486 | // get source FSSpec from source FSRef
487 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(srcFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &srcFileSpec, NULL);
488 | if( osErr == noErr ) // Make sure the volume supports CopyFile
489 | osErr = FSGetVolParms( srcFileSpec.vRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), &volParmsInfo, NULL);
490 | if( osErr == noErr )
491 | osErr = VolHasCopyFile(&volParmsInfo) ? noErr : paramErr;
492 | if( osErr == noErr ) // get the destination vRefNum and dirID
493 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(dstDirectoryRef, kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoNodeID, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
494 | if( osErr == noErr ) // gather all the info needed
495 | {
496 | pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = srcFileSpec.vRefNum;
497 | pb.copyParam.ioDirID = srcFileSpec.parID;
498 | pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)srcFileSpec.name;
499 | pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum = catalogInfo.volume;
500 | pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = (long)catalogInfo.nodeID;
501 | pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL;
502 | if( copyName != NULL )
503 | osErr = UnicodeNameGetHFSName(nameLength, copyName, textEncodingHint, false, hfsName);
504 | pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = ( copyName != NULL && osErr == noErr ) ? hfsName : NULL;
505 | }
506 | if( osErr == noErr ) // tell the server to copy the object
507 | osErr = PBHCopyFileSync(&pb);
508 |
509 | if( osErr == noErr && newRef != NULL )
510 | {
511 | myverify_noerr(FSMakeFSRef(pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID,
512 | pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newRef));
513 | }
514 |
515 | if( osErr != paramErr ) // returning paramErr is ok, it means PBHCopyFileSync was not supported
516 | mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
517 |
518 | return osErr;
519 | }
520 |
521 | /*****************************************************************************/
522 |
523 | // Copies a file referenced by source to the directory referenced by
524 | // destDir. destName is the name the file should be given in the
525 | // destination directory. sourceCatInfo is the catalogue info of
526 | // the file, which is passed in as an optimization (we could get it
527 | // by doing a FSGetCatalogInfo but the caller has already done that
528 | // so we might as well take advantage of that).
529 | //
530 | OSErr DoCopyFile( const FSRef *source,
531 | FSCatalogInfo *sourceCatInfo,
532 | const FSRef *destDir,
533 | ConstHFSUniStr255Param destName,
534 | CopyParams *params,
535 | FSRef *newRef)
536 | {
537 | FSRef dest;
538 | FSPermissionInfo originalPermissions;
539 | UTCDateTime originalCreateDate;
540 | OSType originalFileType;
541 | UInt16 originalNodeFlags;
542 | OSErr osErr;
543 |
544 | // If we're copying to a drop folder, we won't be able to reset this
545 | // information once the copy is done, so we don't mess it up in
546 | // the first place. We still clear the locked bit though; items dropped
547 | // into a drop folder always become unlocked.
548 | if (!params->copyingToDropFolder)
549 | {
550 | // Remember to clear the file's type, so the Finder doesn't
551 | // look at the file until we're done.
552 | originalFileType = ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType;
553 | ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = kFirstMagicBusyFiletype;
554 |
555 | // Remember and clear the file's locked status, so that we can
556 | // actually write the forks we're about to create.
557 | originalNodeFlags = sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags;
558 |
559 | // Set the file's creation date to kMagicBusyCreationDate,
560 | // remembering the old value for restoration later.
561 | originalCreateDate = sourceCatInfo->createDate;
562 | sourceCatInfo->createDate = params->magicBusyCreateDate;
563 | }
564 | sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
565 |
566 | // we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the file we are going to create
567 | // otherwise FSCreateFileUnicode will return -5000 (afpAccessDenied),
568 | // and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet the file is created (size 0k)... bug?
569 | originalPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions);
570 | ((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask;
571 |
572 | // Classic only supports 9.1 and higher, so we don't have to worry about 2397324
573 | osErr = FSCreateFileUnicode(destDir, destName->length, destName->unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo, &dest, NULL);
574 | if( osErr == noErr ) // Copy the forks over to the new file
575 | osErr = CopyItemsForks(source, &dest, params);
576 |
577 | // Restore the original file type, creation and modification dates,
578 | // locked status and permissions.
579 | // This is one of the places where we need to handle drop
580 | // folders as a special case because this FSSetCatalogInfo will fail for
581 | // an item in a drop folder, so we don't even attempt it.
582 | if (osErr == noErr && !params->copyingToDropFolder)
583 | {
584 | ((FInfo *) &sourceCatInfo->finderInfo)->fdType = originalFileType;
585 | sourceCatInfo->createDate = originalCreateDate;
586 | sourceCatInfo->nodeFlags = originalNodeFlags;
587 | *((FSPermissionInfo*)sourceCatInfo->permissions) = originalPermissions;
588 |
589 | osErr = FSSetCatalogInfo(&dest, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, sourceCatInfo);
590 | }
591 |
592 | // If we created the file and the copy failed, try to clean up by
593 | // deleting the file we created. We do this because, while it's
594 | // possible for the copy to fail halfway through and the File Manager
595 | // doesn't really clean up that well, we *really* don't wan't
596 | // any half-created files being left around.
597 | // if the file already existed, we don't want to delete it
598 | //
599 | // Note that there are cases where the assert can fire which are not
600 | // errors (for example, if the destination is in a drop folder) but
601 | // I'll leave it in anyway because I'm interested in discovering those
602 | // cases. Note that, if this fires and we're running MP, current versions
603 | // of MacsBug won't catch the exception and the MP task will terminate
604 | // with a kMPTaskAbortedErr error.
605 | if (osErr != noErr && osErr != dupFNErr )
606 | myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects(&dest) );
607 | else if( newRef != NULL ) // if everything was fine, then return the new file
608 | *newRef = dest;
609 |
610 | mycheck_noerr(osErr); // put up debug assert in debug builds
611 |
612 | return osErr;
613 | }
614 |
615 | /*****************************************************************************/
616 |
617 | #pragma mark ----- Copy Folders -----
618 |
619 | OSErr FSCopyFolder( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir, const HFSUniStr255 *destName,
620 | CopyParams* copyParams, FilterParams *filterParams, ItemCount maxLevels, FSRef* newDir)
621 | {
622 | FSCopyObjectGlobals theGlobals;
623 |
624 | theGlobals.ref = *source;
625 | theGlobals.destRef = *destDir;
626 | theGlobals.copyParams = copyParams;
627 | theGlobals.filterParams = filterParams;
628 | theGlobals.maxLevels = maxLevels;
629 | theGlobals.currentLevel = 0;
630 | theGlobals.quitFlag = false;
631 | theGlobals.containerChanged = false;
632 | theGlobals.result = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL &&
633 | copyParams != NULL && filterParams != NULL ) ?
634 | noErr : paramErr;
635 | theGlobals.actualObjects = 0;
636 |
637 | // here we go into recursion land...
638 | if( theGlobals.result == noErr )
639 | theGlobals.result = FSCopyFolderLevel(&theGlobals, destName);
640 |
641 | if( theGlobals.result == noErr && newDir != NULL)
642 | *newDir = theGlobals.ref;
643 |
644 | // Call the IterateFilterProc _after_ the new folder is created
645 | // even if we failed...
646 | if( filterParams->filterProcPtr != NULL )
647 | {
648 | (void) CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterParams->filterProcPtr, theGlobals.containerChanged,
649 | theGlobals.currentLevel, theGlobals.result, &theGlobals.catalogInfo,
650 | &theGlobals.ref, filterParams->fileSpecPtr,
651 | filterParams->fileNamePtr, filterParams->yourDataPtr);
652 | }
653 |
654 | mycheck_noerr(theGlobals.result); // put up debug assert in debug builds
655 |
656 | return ( theGlobals.result );
657 | }
658 |
659 | /*****************************************************************************/
660 |
661 | OSErr FSCopyFolderLevel( FSCopyObjectGlobals *theGlobals, const HFSUniStr255 *destName )
662 | {
663 | // If maxLevels is zero, we aren't checking levels
664 | // If currentLevel < maxLevels, look at this level
665 | if ( (theGlobals->maxLevels == 0) ||
666 | (theGlobals->currentLevel < theGlobals->maxLevels) )
667 | {
668 | FSRef newDirRef;
669 | UTCDateTime originalCreateDate;
670 | FSPermissionInfo originalPermissions;
671 | FSIterator iterator;
672 | FilterParams *filterPtr = theGlobals->filterParams;
673 |
674 | // get the info we need on the source file...
675 | theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfo( &theGlobals->ref, filterPtr->whichInfo,
676 | &theGlobals->catalogInfo, &filterPtr->fileName,
677 | NULL, NULL);
678 |
679 | if (theGlobals->currentLevel == 0 && destName)
680 | filterPtr->fileName = *destName;
681 |
682 | // Clear the "inited" bit so that the Finder positions the icon for us.
683 | ((FInfo *)(theGlobals->catalogInfo.finderInfo))->fdFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited;
684 |
685 | // Set the folder's creation date to kMagicBusyCreationDate
686 | // so that the Finder doesn't mess with the folder while
687 | // it's copying. We remember the old value for restoration
688 | // later. We only do this if we're not copying to a drop
689 | // folder, because if we are copying to a drop folder we don't
690 | // have the opportunity to reset the information at the end of
691 | // this routine.
692 | if ( theGlobals->result == noErr && !theGlobals->copyParams->copyingToDropFolder)
693 | {
694 | originalCreateDate = theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate;
695 | theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate = theGlobals->copyParams->magicBusyCreateDate;
696 | }
697 |
698 | // we need to have user level read/write/execute access to the folder we are going to create,
699 | // otherwise FSCreateDirectoryUnicode will return -5000 (afpAccessDenied),
700 | // and the FSRef returned will be invalid, yet the folder is created... bug?
701 | originalPermissions = *((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions);
702 | ((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions)->mode |= kRWXUserAccessMask;
703 |
704 | // create the new directory
705 | if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
706 | {
707 | theGlobals->result = FSCreateDirectoryUnicode( &theGlobals->destRef, filterPtr->fileName.length,
708 | filterPtr->fileName.unicode, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo,
709 | &theGlobals->catalogInfo, &newDirRef,
710 | &filterPtr->fileSpec, NULL);
711 | }
712 |
713 | ++theGlobals->currentLevel; // setup to go to the next level
714 |
715 | // With the new APIs, folders can have forks as well as files. Before
716 | // we start copying items in the folder, we must copy over the forks
717 | if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
718 | theGlobals->result = CopyItemsForks(&theGlobals->ref, &newDirRef, theGlobals->copyParams);
719 | if( theGlobals->result == noErr ) // Open FSIterator for flat access to theGlobals->ref
720 | theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(&theGlobals->ref, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator);
721 | if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
722 | {
723 | OSErr osErr;
724 |
725 | // Call FSGetCatalogInfoBulk in loop to get all items in the container
726 | do
727 | {
728 | theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects,
729 | &theGlobals->containerChanged, filterPtr->whichInfo,
730 | &theGlobals->catalogInfo, &theGlobals->ref,
731 | filterPtr->fileSpecPtr, &filterPtr->fileName);
732 | if ( ( (theGlobals->result == noErr) || (theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems) ) &&
733 | ( theGlobals->actualObjects != 0 ) )
734 | {
735 | // Any errors in here will be passed to the filter proc
736 | // we don't want an error in here to prematurely
737 | // cancel the recursive copy, leaving a half filled directory
738 |
739 | // is the new object a directory?
740 | if ( (theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
741 | { // yes
742 | theGlobals->destRef = newDirRef;
743 | osErr = FSCopyFolderLevel(theGlobals, NULL);
744 | theGlobals->result = noErr; // don't want one silly mistake to kill the party...
745 | }
746 | else // no
747 | {
748 | osErr = CopyFile( &theGlobals->ref, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
749 | &newDirRef, &filterPtr->fileName,
750 | theGlobals->copyParams, &theGlobals->ref);
751 | }
752 |
753 | // Call the filter proc _after_ the file/folder was created completly
754 | if( filterPtr->filterProcPtr != NULL && !theGlobals->quitFlag )
755 | {
756 | theGlobals->quitFlag = CallCopyObjectFilterProc(filterPtr->filterProcPtr,
757 | theGlobals->containerChanged, theGlobals->currentLevel,
758 | osErr, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
759 | &theGlobals->ref, filterPtr->fileSpecPtr,
760 | filterPtr->fileNamePtr, filterPtr->yourDataPtr);
761 | }
762 | }
763 | } while ( ( theGlobals->result == noErr ) && ( !theGlobals->quitFlag ) );
764 |
765 | // Close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail)
766 | (void) FSCloseIterator(iterator);
767 | }
768 |
769 | // errFSNoMoreItems is OK - it only means we hit the end of this level
770 | // afpAccessDenied is OK, too - it only means we cannot see inside a directory
771 | if ( (theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems) || (theGlobals->result == afpAccessDenied) )
772 | theGlobals->result = noErr;
773 |
774 | // store away the name, and an FSSpec and FSRef of the new directory
775 | // for use in filter proc one level up...
776 | if( theGlobals->result == noErr )
777 | {
778 | theGlobals->ref = newDirRef;
779 | theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&newDirRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL,
780 | &filterPtr->fileName, &filterPtr->fileSpec, NULL);
781 | }
782 |
783 | // Return to previous level as we leave
784 | --theGlobals->currentLevel;
785 |
786 | // Reset the modification dates and permissions, except when copying to a drop folder
787 | // where this won't work.
788 | if (theGlobals->result == noErr && ! theGlobals->copyParams->copyingToDropFolder)
789 | {
790 | theGlobals->catalogInfo.createDate = originalCreateDate;
791 | *((FSPermissionInfo*)theGlobals->catalogInfo.permissions) = originalPermissions;
792 | theGlobals->result = FSSetCatalogInfo(&newDirRef, kFSCatInfoCreateDate
793 | | kFSCatInfoAttrMod
794 | | kFSCatInfoContentMod
795 | | kFSCatInfoPermissions, &theGlobals->catalogInfo);
796 | }
797 |
798 | // If we created the folder and the copy failed, try to clean up by
799 | // deleting the folder we created. We do this because, while it's
800 | // possible for the copy to fail halfway through and the File Manager
801 | // doesn't really clean up that well, we *really* don't wan't any
802 | // half-created files/folders being left around.
803 | // if the file already existed, we don't want to delete it
804 | if( theGlobals->result != noErr && theGlobals->result != dupFNErr )
805 | myverify_noerr( FSDeleteObjects(&newDirRef) );
806 | }
807 |
808 | mycheck_noerr( theGlobals->result ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
809 |
810 | return theGlobals->result;
811 | }
812 |
813 | /*****************************************************************************/
814 |
815 | // Determines whether the destination directory is equal to the source
816 | // item, or whether it's nested inside the source item. Returns a
817 | // errFSDestInsideSource if that's the case. We do this to prevent
818 | // endless recursion while copying.
819 | //
820 | OSErr CheckForDestInsideSource(const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir)
821 | {
822 | FSRef thisDir = *destDir;
823 | FSCatalogInfo thisDirInfo;
824 | Boolean done = false;
825 | OSErr osErr;
826 |
827 | do
828 | {
829 | osErr = FSCompareFSRefs(source, &thisDir);
830 | if (osErr == noErr)
831 | osErr = errFSDestInsideSource;
832 | else if (osErr == diffVolErr)
833 | {
834 | osErr = noErr;
835 | done = true;
836 | }
837 | else if (osErr == errFSRefsDifferent)
838 | {
839 | // This is somewhat tricky. We can ask for the parent of thisDir
840 | // by setting the parentRef parameter to FSGetCatalogInfo but, if
841 | // thisDir is the volume's FSRef, this will give us back junk.
842 | // So we also ask for the parent's dir ID to be returned in the
843 | // FSCatalogInfo record, and then check that against the node
844 | // ID of the root's parent (ie 1). If we match that, we've made
845 | // it to the top of the hierarchy without hitting source, so
846 | // we leave with no error.
847 |
848 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(&thisDir, kFSCatInfoParentDirID, &thisDirInfo, NULL, NULL, &thisDir);
849 | if( ( osErr == noErr ) && ( thisDirInfo.parentDirID == fsRtParID ) )
850 | done = true;
851 | }
852 | } while ( osErr == noErr && ! done );
853 |
854 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
855 |
856 | return osErr;
857 | }
858 |
859 | /*****************************************************************************/
860 |
861 | #pragma mark ----- Copy Forks -----
862 |
863 | OSErr CopyItemsForks(const FSRef *source, const FSRef *dest, CopyParams *params)
864 | {
865 | ForkTracker dataFork,
866 | rsrcFork;
867 | ForkTrackerPtr otherForks;
868 | ItemCount otherForksCount,
869 | thisForkIndex;
870 | OSErr osErr;
871 |
872 | dataFork.forkDestRefNum = 0;
873 | rsrcFork.forkDestRefNum = 0;
874 | otherForks = NULL;
875 | otherForksCount = 0;
876 |
877 | // Get the constant names for the resource and data fork, which
878 | // we're going to need inside the copy engine.
879 | osErr = FSGetDataForkName(&dataFork.forkName);
880 | if( osErr == noErr )
881 | osErr = FSGetResourceForkName(&rsrcFork.forkName);
882 | if( osErr == noErr ) // First determine the list of forks that the source has.
883 | osErr = CalculateForksToCopy(source, &dataFork, &rsrcFork, &otherForks, &otherForksCount);
884 | if (osErr == noErr)
885 | {
886 | // If we're copying into a drop folder, open up all of those forks.
887 | // We have to do this because, once we've starting writing to a fork
888 | // in a drop folder, we can't open any more forks.
889 | //
890 | // We only do this if we're copying into a drop folder in order
891 | // to conserve FCBs in the more common, non-drop folder case.
892 |
893 | if (params->copyingToDropFolder)
894 | osErr = OpenAllForks(dest, &dataFork, &rsrcFork, otherForks, otherForksCount);
895 |
896 | // Copy each fork.
897 | if (osErr == noErr && (dataFork.forkSize != 0)) // copy data fork
898 | osErr = CopyFork(source, dest, &dataFork, params);
899 | if (osErr == noErr && (rsrcFork.forkSize != 0)) // copy resource fork
900 | osErr = CopyFork(source, dest, &rsrcFork, params);
901 | if (osErr == noErr) { // copy other forks
902 | for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount && osErr == noErr; thisForkIndex++)
903 | osErr = CopyFork(source,dest, &otherForks[thisForkIndex], params);
904 | }
905 |
906 | // Close any forks that might be left open. Note that we have to call
907 | // this regardless of an error. Also note that this only closes forks
908 | // that were opened by OpenAllForks. If we're not copying into a drop
909 | // folder, the forks are opened and closed by CopyFork.
910 | {
911 | OSErr osErr2 = CloseAllForks(dataFork.forkDestRefNum, rsrcFork.forkDestRefNum, otherForks, otherForksCount);
912 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
913 | if (osErr == noErr)
914 | osErr = osErr2;
915 | }
916 | }
917 |
918 | // Clean up.
919 | if (otherForks != NULL)
920 | DisposePtr((char*)otherForks);
921 |
922 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
923 |
924 | return osErr;
925 | }
926 |
927 | /*****************************************************************************/
928 |
929 | // Open all the forks of the file. We need to do this when we're copying
930 | // into a drop folder, where you must open all the forks before starting
931 | // to write to any of them.
932 | //
933 | // IMPORTANT: If it fails, this routine won't close forks that opened successfully.
934 | // You must call CloseAllForks regardless of whether this routine returns an error.
935 | OSErr OpenAllForks( const FSRef *dest,
936 | const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
937 | const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
938 | ForkTrackerPtr otherForks,
939 | ItemCount otherForksCount)
940 | {
941 | ItemCount thisForkIndex;
942 | OSErr osErr = noErr;
943 |
944 | // Open the resource and data forks as a special case, if they exist in this object
945 | if (dataFork->forkSize != 0) // Data fork never needs to be created, so I don't have to FSCreateFork it here.
946 | osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, dataFork->forkName.length, dataFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &dataFork->forkDestRefNum);
947 | if (osErr == noErr && rsrcFork->forkSize != 0) // Resource fork never needs to be created, so I don't have to FSCreateFork it here.
948 | osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, rsrcFork->forkName.length, rsrcFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &rsrcFork->forkDestRefNum);
949 |
950 | if (osErr == noErr && otherForks != NULL && otherForksCount > 0) // Open the other forks.
951 | {
952 | for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount && osErr == noErr; thisForkIndex++)
953 | {
954 | // Create the fork. Swallow afpAccessDenied because this operation
955 | // causes the external file system compatibility shim in Mac OS 9 to
956 | // generate a GetCatInfo request to the AppleShare external file system,
957 | // which in turn causes an AFP GetFileDirParms request on the wire,
958 | // which the AFP server bounces with afpAccessDenied because the file
959 | // is in a drop folder. As there's no native support for non-classic
960 | // forks in current AFP, there's no way I can decide how I should
961 | // handle this in a non-test case. So I just swallow the error and
962 | // hope that when native AFP support arrives, the right thing will happen.
963 | osErr = FSCreateFork(dest, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.length, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.unicode);
964 | if (osErr == noErr || osErr == afpAccessDenied)
965 | osErr = noErr;
966 |
967 | // Previously I avoided opening up the fork if the fork if the
968 | // length was empty, but that confused CopyFork into thinking
969 | // this wasn't a drop folder copy, so I decided to simply avoid
970 | // this trivial optimization. In drop folders, we always open
971 | // all forks.
972 | if (osErr == noErr)
973 | osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.length, otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum);
974 | }
975 | }
976 |
977 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
978 |
979 | return osErr;
980 | }
981 |
982 | /*****************************************************************************/
983 |
984 | // Copies the fork whose name is forkName from source to dest.
985 | // A refnum for the destination fork may be supplied in forkDestRefNum.
986 | // If forkDestRefNum is 0, we must open the destination fork ourselves,
987 | // otherwise it has been opened for us and we shouldn't close it.
988 | OSErr CopyFork( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *dest, const ForkTrackerPtr sourceFork, const CopyParams *params)
989 | {
990 | UInt64 bytesRemaining;
991 | UInt64 bytesToReadThisTime;
992 | UInt64 bytesToWriteThisTime;
993 | SInt16 sourceRef;
994 | SInt16 destRef;
995 | OSErr osErr = noErr;
996 | OSErr osErr2 = noErr;
997 |
998 | // If we haven't been passed in a sourceFork->forkDestRefNum (which basically
999 | // means we're copying into a non-drop folder), create the destination
1000 | // fork. We have to do this regardless of whether sourceFork->forkSize is
1001 | // 0, because we want to preserve empty forks.
1002 | if (sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0)
1003 | {
1004 | osErr = FSCreateFork(dest, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode);
1005 |
1006 | // Mac OS 9.0 has a bug (in the AppleShare external file system,
1007 | // I think) [2410374] that causes FSCreateFork to return an errFSForkExists
1008 | // error even though the fork is empty. The following code swallows
1009 | // the error (which is harmless) in that case.
1010 | if (osErr == errFSForkExists && !params->copyingToLocalVolume)
1011 | osErr = noErr;
1012 | }
1013 |
1014 | // The remainder of this code only applies if there is actual data
1015 | // in the source fork.
1016 |
1017 | if (osErr == noErr && sourceFork->forkSize != 0) {
1018 |
1019 | // Prepare for failure.
1020 |
1021 | sourceRef = 0;
1022 | destRef = 0;
1023 |
1024 | // Open up the destination fork, if we're asked to, otherwise
1025 | // just use the passed in sourceFork->forkDestRefNum.
1026 | if( sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0 )
1027 | osErr = FSOpenFork(dest, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode, fsWrPerm, &destRef);
1028 | else
1029 | destRef = sourceFork->forkDestRefNum;
1030 |
1031 | // Open up the source fork.
1032 | if (osErr == noErr)
1033 | osErr = FSOpenFork(source, sourceFork->forkName.length, sourceFork->forkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &sourceRef);
1034 |
1035 | // Here we create space for the entire fork on the destination volume.
1036 | // FSAllocateFork has the right semantics on both traditional Mac OS
1037 | // and Mac OS X. On traditional Mac OS it will allocate space for the
1038 | // file in one hit without any other special action. On Mac OS X,
1039 | // FSAllocateFork is preferable to FSSetForkSize because it prevents
1040 | // the system from zero filling the bytes that were added to the end
1041 | // of the fork (which would be waste becasue we're about to write over
1042 | // those bytes anyway.
1043 | if( osErr == noErr )
1044 | osErr = FSAllocateFork(destRef, kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask, fsFromStart, 0, sourceFork->forkSize, NULL);
1045 |
1046 | // Copy the file from the source to the destination in chunks of
1047 | // no more than params->copyBufferSize bytes. This is fairly
1048 | // boring code except for the bytesToReadThisTime/bytesToWriteThisTime
1049 | // distinction. On the last chunk, we round bytesToWriteThisTime
1050 | // up to the next 512 byte boundary and then, after we exit the loop,
1051 | // we set the file's EOF back to the real location (if the fork size
1052 | // is not a multiple of 512 bytes).
1053 | //
1054 | // This technique works around a 'bug' in the traditional Mac OS File Manager,
1055 | // where the File Manager will put the last 512-byte block of a large write into
1056 | // the cache (even if we specifically request no caching) if that block is not
1057 | // full. If the block goes into the cache it will eventually have to be
1058 | // flushed, which causes sub-optimal disk performance.
1059 | //
1060 | // This is only done if the destination volume is local. For a network
1061 | // volume, it's better to just write the last bytes directly.
1062 | //
1063 | // This is extreme over-optimization given the other limits of this
1064 | // sample, but I will hopefully get to the other limits eventually.
1065 | bytesRemaining = sourceFork->forkSize;
1066 | while (osErr == noErr && bytesRemaining != 0)
1067 | {
1068 | if (bytesRemaining > params->copyBufferSize)
1069 | {
1070 | bytesToReadThisTime = params->copyBufferSize;
1071 | bytesToWriteThisTime = bytesToReadThisTime;
1072 | }
1073 | else
1074 | {
1075 | bytesToReadThisTime = bytesRemaining;
1076 | bytesToWriteThisTime = (params->copyingToLocalVolume) ?
1077 | (bytesRemaining + 0x01FF) & ~0x01FF :
1078 | bytesRemaining;
1079 | }
1080 |
1081 | osErr = FSReadFork(sourceRef, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToReadThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL);
1082 | if (osErr == noErr)
1083 | osErr = FSWriteFork(destRef, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, bytesToWriteThisTime, params->copyBuffer, NULL);
1084 | if (osErr == noErr)
1085 | bytesRemaining -= bytesToReadThisTime;
1086 | }
1087 |
1088 | if (osErr == noErr && (params->copyingToLocalVolume && ((sourceFork->forkSize & 0x01FF) != 0)) )
1089 | osErr = FSSetForkSize(destRef, fsFromStart, sourceFork->forkSize);
1090 |
1091 | // Clean up.
1092 | if (sourceRef != 0)
1093 | {
1094 | osErr2 = FSCloseFork(sourceRef);
1095 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
1096 | if (osErr == noErr)
1097 | osErr = osErr2;
1098 | }
1099 |
1100 | // Only close destRef if we were asked to open it (ie sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0) and
1101 | // we actually managed to open it (ie destRef != 0).
1102 | if (sourceFork->forkDestRefNum == 0 && destRef != 0)
1103 | {
1104 | osErr2 = FSCloseFork(destRef);
1105 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
1106 | if (osErr == noErr)
1107 | osErr = osErr2;
1108 | }
1109 | }
1110 |
1111 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1112 |
1113 | return osErr;
1114 | }
1115 |
1116 | /*****************************************************************************/
1117 |
1118 | // Close all the forks that might have been opened by OpenAllForks.
1119 | OSErr CloseAllForks(SInt16 dataRefNum, SInt16 rsrcRefNum, ForkTrackerPtr otherForks, ItemCount otherForksCount)
1120 | {
1121 | ItemCount thisForkIndex;
1122 | OSErr osErr = noErr,
1123 | osErr2;
1124 |
1125 | if (dataRefNum != 0)
1126 | {
1127 | osErr2 = FSCloseFork(dataRefNum);
1128 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
1129 | if (osErr == noErr)
1130 | osErr = osErr2;
1131 | }
1132 | if (rsrcRefNum != 0)
1133 | {
1134 | osErr2 = FSCloseFork(rsrcRefNum);
1135 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
1136 | if (osErr == noErr)
1137 | osErr = osErr2;
1138 | }
1139 | if( otherForks != NULL && otherForksCount > 0 )
1140 | {
1141 | for (thisForkIndex = 0; thisForkIndex < otherForksCount; thisForkIndex++)
1142 | {
1143 | if (otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum != 0)
1144 | {
1145 | osErr2 = FSCloseFork(otherForks[thisForkIndex].forkDestRefNum);
1146 | mycheck_noerr(osErr2);
1147 | if (osErr == noErr)
1148 | osErr = osErr2;
1149 | }
1150 | }
1151 | }
1152 |
1153 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1154 |
1155 | return osErr;
1156 | }
1157 |
1158 | /*****************************************************************************/
1159 |
1160 | // This routine determines the list of forks that a file has.
1161 | // dataFork is populated if the file has a data fork.
1162 | // rsrcFork is populated if the file has a resource fork.
1163 | // otherForksParam is set to point to a memory block allocated with
1164 | // NewPtr if the file has forks beyond the resource and data
1165 | // forks. You must free that block with DisposePtr. otherForksCountParam
1166 | // is set to the number of forks in the otherForksParam
1167 | // array. This count does *not* include the resource and data forks.
1168 | OSErr CalculateForksToCopy( const FSRef *source,
1169 | const ForkTrackerPtr dataFork,
1170 | const ForkTrackerPtr rsrcFork,
1171 | ForkTrackerPtr *otherForksParam,
1172 | ItemCount *otherForksCountParam)
1173 | {
1174 | Boolean done;
1175 | CatPositionRec iterator;
1176 | HFSUniStr255 thisForkName;
1177 | SInt64 thisForkSize;
1178 | ForkTrackerPtr otherForks;
1179 | ItemCount otherForksCount;
1180 | ItemCount otherForksMemoryBlockCount;
1181 | OSErr osErr = ( (source != NULL) && (dataFork != NULL) &&
1182 | (rsrcFork != NULL) && (otherForksParam != NULL) &&
1183 | (otherForksCountParam != NULL) ) ?
1184 | noErr : paramErr;
1185 |
1186 | dataFork->forkSize = 0;
1187 | rsrcFork->forkSize = 0;
1188 | otherForks = NULL;
1189 | otherForksCount = 0;
1190 | iterator.initialize = 0;
1191 | done = false;
1192 |
1193 | // Iterate through the list of forks, processing each fork name in turn.
1194 | while (osErr == noErr && ! done)
1195 | {
1196 | osErr = FSIterateForks(source, &iterator, &thisForkName, &thisForkSize, NULL);
1197 | if (osErr == errFSNoMoreItems)
1198 | {
1199 | osErr = noErr;
1200 | done = true;
1201 | }
1202 | else if (osErr == noErr)
1203 | {
1204 | if ( CompareHFSUniStr255(&thisForkName, &dataFork->forkName) )
1205 | dataFork->forkSize = thisForkSize;
1206 | else if ( CompareHFSUniStr255(&thisForkName, &rsrcFork->forkName) )
1207 | rsrcFork->forkSize = thisForkSize;
1208 | else
1209 | {
1210 | // We've found a fork other than the resource and data forks.
1211 | // We have to add it to the otherForks array. But the array
1212 | // a) may not have been created yet, and b) may not contain
1213 | // enough elements to hold the new fork.
1214 |
1215 | if (otherForks == NULL) // The array hasn't been allocated yet, allocate it.
1216 | {
1217 | otherForksMemoryBlockCount = kExpectedForkCount;
1218 | otherForks = ( ForkTracker* ) NewPtr( sizeof(ForkTracker) * kExpectedForkCount );
1219 | if (otherForks == NULL)
1220 | osErr = memFullErr;
1221 | }
1222 | else if (otherForksCount == otherForksMemoryBlockCount)
1223 | { // If the array doesn't contain enough elements, grow it.
1224 | ForkTrackerPtr newOtherForks;
1225 |
1226 | newOtherForks = (ForkTracker*)NewPtr(sizeof(ForkTracker) * (otherForksCount + kExpectedForkCount));
1227 | if( newOtherForks != NULL)
1228 | {
1229 | BlockMoveData(otherForks, newOtherForks, sizeof(ForkTracker) * otherForksCount);
1230 | otherForksMemoryBlockCount += kExpectedForkCount;
1231 | DisposePtr((char*)otherForks);
1232 | otherForks = newOtherForks;
1233 | }
1234 | else
1235 | osErr = memFullErr;
1236 | }
1237 |
1238 | // If we have no error, we know we have space in the otherForks
1239 | // array to place the new fork. Put it there and increment the
1240 | // count of forks.
1241 |
1242 | if (osErr == noErr)
1243 | {
1244 | BlockMoveData(&thisForkName, &otherForks[otherForksCount].forkName, sizeof(thisForkName));
1245 | otherForks[otherForksCount].forkSize = thisForkSize;
1246 | otherForks[otherForksCount].forkDestRefNum = 0;
1247 | ++otherForksCount;
1248 | }
1249 | }
1250 | }
1251 | }
1252 |
1253 | // Clean up.
1254 |
1255 | if (osErr != noErr)
1256 | {
1257 | if (otherForks != NULL)
1258 | {
1259 | DisposePtr((char*)otherForks);
1260 | otherForks = NULL;
1261 | }
1262 | otherForksCount = 0;
1263 | }
1264 |
1265 | *otherForksParam = otherForks;
1266 | *otherForksCountParam = otherForksCount;
1267 |
1268 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1269 |
1270 | return osErr;
1271 | }
1272 |
1273 | /*****************************************************************************/
1274 |
1275 | #pragma mark ----- Calculate Buffer Size -----
1276 |
1277 | OSErr CalculateBufferSize( const FSRef *source, const FSRef *destDir,
1278 | ByteCount * bufferSize )
1279 | {
1280 | FSVolumeRefNum sourceVRefNum,
1281 | destVRefNum;
1282 | ByteCount tmpBufferSize = 0;
1283 | OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL && destDir != NULL && bufferSize != NULL ) ?
1284 | noErr : paramErr;
1285 |
1286 | if( osErr == noErr )
1287 | osErr = FSGetVRefNum( source, &sourceVRefNum );
1288 | if( osErr == noErr )
1289 | osErr = FSGetVRefNum( destDir, &destVRefNum);
1290 | if( osErr == noErr)
1291 | {
1292 | tmpBufferSize = BufferSizeForThisVolume(sourceVRefNum);
1293 | if (destVRefNum != sourceVRefNum)
1294 | {
1295 | ByteCount tmp = BufferSizeForThisVolume(destVRefNum);
1296 | if (tmp < tmpBufferSize)
1297 | tmpBufferSize = tmp;
1298 | }
1299 | }
1300 |
1301 | *bufferSize = tmpBufferSize;
1302 |
1303 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1304 |
1305 | return osErr;
1306 | }
1307 |
1308 | /*****************************************************************************/
1309 |
1310 | // This routine calculates the appropriate buffer size for
1311 | // the given vRefNum. It's a simple composition of FSGetVolParms
1312 | // BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed.
1313 | ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolume(FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum)
1314 | {
1315 | GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParms;
1316 | ByteCount volumeBytesPerSecond = 0;
1317 | UInt32 actualSize;
1318 | OSErr osErr;
1319 |
1320 | osErr = FSGetVolParms( vRefNum, sizeof(volParms), &volParms, &actualSize );
1321 | if( osErr == noErr )
1322 | {
1323 | // Version 1 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer included the vMAttrib
1324 | // field, so we don't really need to test actualSize. A noErr
1325 | // result indicates that we have the info we need. This is
1326 | // just a paranoia check.
1327 |
1328 | mycheck(actualSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMVolumeGrade));
1329 |
1330 | // On the other hand, vMVolumeGrade was not introduced until
1331 | // version 2 of the GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, so we have to explicitly
1332 | // test whether we got a useful value.
1333 |
1334 | if( ( actualSize >= offsetof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer, vMForeignPrivID) ) &&
1335 | ( volParms.vMVolumeGrade <= 0 ) )
1336 | {
1337 | volumeBytesPerSecond = -volParms.vMVolumeGrade;
1338 | }
1339 | }
1340 |
1341 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1342 |
1343 | return BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(volumeBytesPerSecond);
1344 | }
1345 |
1346 | /*****************************************************************************/
1347 |
1348 | // Calculate an appropriate copy buffer size based on the volumes
1349 | // rated speed. Our target is to use a buffer that takes 0.25
1350 | // seconds to fill. This is necessary because the volume might be
1351 | // mounted over a very slow link (like ARA), and if we do a 256 KB
1352 | // read over an ARA link we'll block the File Manager queue for
1353 | // so long that other clients (who might have innocently just
1354 | // called PBGetCatInfoSync) will block for a noticeable amount of time.
1355 | //
1356 | // Note that volumeBytesPerSecond might be 0, in which case we assume
1357 | // some default value.
1358 | ByteCount BufferSizeForThisVolumeSpeed(UInt32 volumeBytesPerSecond)
1359 | {
1360 | ByteCount bufferSize;
1361 |
1362 | if (volumeBytesPerSecond == 0)
1363 | bufferSize = kDefaultCopyBufferSize;
1364 | else
1365 | { // We want to issue a single read that takes 0.25 of a second,
1366 | // so devide the bytes per second by 4.
1367 | bufferSize = volumeBytesPerSecond / 4;
1368 | }
1369 |
1370 | // Round bufferSize down to 512 byte boundary.
1371 | bufferSize &= ~0x01FF;
1372 |
1373 | // Clip to sensible limits.
1374 | if (bufferSize < kMinimumCopyBufferSize)
1375 | bufferSize = kMinimumCopyBufferSize;
1376 | else if (bufferSize > kMaximumCopyBufferSize)
1377 | bufferSize = kMaximumCopyBufferSize;
1378 |
1379 | return bufferSize;
1380 | }
1381 |
1382 | /*****************************************************************************/
1383 |
1384 | #pragma mark ----- Delete Objects -----
1385 |
1386 | OSErr FSDeleteObjects( const FSRef *source )
1387 | {
1388 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1389 | OSErr osErr = ( source != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1390 |
1391 | // get nodeFlags for container
1392 | if( osErr == noErr )
1393 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL);
1394 | if( osErr == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
1395 | { // its a directory, so delete its contents before we delete it
1396 | osErr = FSDeleteFolder(source);
1397 | }
1398 | if( osErr == noErr && (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) // is object locked?
1399 | { // then attempt to unlock the object (ignore osErr since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly)
1400 | catalogInfo.nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
1401 | (void) FSSetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo);
1402 | }
1403 | if( osErr == noErr ) // delete the object (if it was a directory it is now empty, so we can delete it)
1404 | osErr = FSDeleteObject(source);
1405 |
1406 | mycheck_noerr( osErr );
1407 |
1408 | return ( osErr );
1409 | }
1410 |
1411 | /*****************************************************************************/
1412 |
1413 | #pragma mark ----- Delete Folders -----
1414 |
1415 | OSErr FSDeleteFolder( const FSRef *container )
1416 | {
1417 | FSDeleteObjectGlobals theGlobals;
1418 |
1419 | theGlobals.result = ( container != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1420 |
1421 | // delete container's contents
1422 | if( theGlobals.result == noErr )
1423 | FSDeleteFolderLevel(container, &theGlobals);
1424 |
1425 | mycheck_noerr( theGlobals.result );
1426 |
1427 | return ( theGlobals.result );
1428 | }
1429 |
1430 | /*****************************************************************************/
1431 |
1432 | void FSDeleteFolderLevel( const FSRef *container,
1433 | FSDeleteObjectGlobals *theGlobals)
1434 | {
1435 | FSIterator iterator;
1436 | FSRef itemToDelete;
1437 | UInt16 nodeFlags;
1438 |
1439 | // Open FSIterator for flat access and give delete optimization hint
1440 | theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(container, kFSIterateFlat + kFSIterateDelete, &iterator);
1441 | if ( theGlobals->result == noErr )
1442 | {
1443 | do // delete the contents of the directory
1444 | {
1445 | // get 1 item to delete
1446 | theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects,
1447 | NULL, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo,
1448 | &itemToDelete, NULL, NULL);
1449 | if ( (theGlobals->result == noErr) && (theGlobals->actualObjects == 1) )
1450 | {
1451 | // save node flags in local in case we have to recurse */
1452 | nodeFlags = theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags;
1453 |
1454 | // is it a directory?
1455 | if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0 )
1456 | { // yes -- delete its contents before attempting to delete it */
1457 | FSDeleteFolderLevel(&itemToDelete, theGlobals);
1458 | }
1459 | if ( theGlobals->result == noErr) // are we still OK to delete?
1460 | {
1461 | if ( (nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) != 0 ) // is item locked?
1462 | { // then attempt to unlock it (ignore result since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly)
1463 | theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags = nodeFlags & ~kFSNodeLockedMask;
1464 | (void) FSSetCatalogInfo(&itemToDelete, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo);
1465 | }
1466 | // delete the item
1467 | theGlobals->result = FSDeleteObject(&itemToDelete);
1468 | }
1469 | }
1470 | } while ( theGlobals->result == noErr );
1471 |
1472 | // we found the end of the items normally, so return noErr
1473 | if ( theGlobals->result == errFSNoMoreItems )
1474 | theGlobals->result = noErr;
1475 |
1476 | // close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail)
1477 | myverify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator));
1478 | }
1479 |
1480 | mycheck_noerr( theGlobals->result );
1481 |
1482 | return;
1483 | }
1484 |
1485 | /*****************************************************************************/
1486 |
1487 | #pragma mark ----- Utilities -----
1488 |
1489 | // Figures out if the given directory is a drop box or not
1490 | // if it is, the Copy Engine will behave slightly differently
1491 | OSErr IsDropBox(const FSRef* source, Boolean *isDropBox)
1492 | {
1493 | FSCatalogInfo tmpCatInfo;
1494 | FSSpec sourceSpec;
1495 | Boolean isDrop = false;
1496 | OSErr osErr;
1497 |
1498 | // get info about the destination, and an FSSpec to it for PBHGetDirAccess
1499 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(source, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoPermissions, &tmpCatInfo, NULL, &sourceSpec, NULL);
1500 | if( osErr == noErr ) // make sure the source is a directory
1501 | osErr = ((tmpCatInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) != 0) ? noErr : errFSNotAFolder;
1502 | if( osErr == noErr )
1503 | {
1504 | HParamBlockRec hPB;
1505 |
1506 | BlockZero(&hPB, sizeof( HParamBlockRec ));
1507 |
1508 | hPB.accessParam.ioNamePtr = sourceSpec.name;
1509 | hPB.accessParam.ioVRefNum = sourceSpec.vRefNum;
1510 | hPB.accessParam.ioDirID = sourceSpec.parID;
1511 |
1512 | // This is the official way (reads: the way X Finder does it) to figure
1513 | // out the current users access privileges to a given directory
1514 | osErr = PBHGetDirAccessSync(&hPB);
1515 | if( osErr == noErr ) // its a drop folder if the current user only has write access
1516 | isDrop = (hPB.accessParam.ioACAccess & kPrivilegesMask) == kioACAccessUserWriteMask;
1517 | else if ( osErr == paramErr )
1518 | {
1519 | // There is a bug (2908703) in the Classic File System (not OS 9.x or Carbon)
1520 | // on 10.1.x where PBHGetDirAccessSync sometimes returns paramErr even when the
1521 | // data passed in is correct. This is a workaround/hack for that problem,
1522 | // but is not as accurate.
1523 | // Basically, if "Everyone" has only Write/Search access then its a drop folder
1524 | // that is the most common case when its a drop folder
1525 | FSPermissionInfo *tmpPerm = (FSPermissionInfo *)tmpCatInfo.permissions;
1526 | isDrop = ((tmpPerm->mode & kRWXOtherAccessMask) == kDropFolderValue);
1527 | osErr = noErr;
1528 | }
1529 | }
1530 |
1531 | *isDropBox = isDrop;
1532 |
1533 | mycheck_noerr( osErr );
1534 |
1535 | return osErr;
1536 | }
1537 |
1538 | // The copy engine is going to set each item's creation date
1539 | // to kMagicBusyCreationDate while it's copying the item.
1540 | // But kMagicBusyCreationDate is an old-style 32-bit date/time,
1541 | // while the HFS Plus APIs use the new 64-bit date/time. So
1542 | // we have to call a happy UTC utilities routine to convert from
1543 | // the local time kMagicBusyCreationDate to a UTCDateTime
1544 | // gMagicBusyCreationDate, which the File Manager will store
1545 | // on disk and which the Finder we read back using the old
1546 | // APIs, whereupon the File Manager will convert it back
1547 | // to local time (and hopefully get the kMagicBusyCreationDate
1548 | // back!).
1549 | OSErr GetMagicBusyCreationDate( UTCDateTime *date )
1550 | {
1551 | UTCDateTime tmpDate = {0,0,0};
1552 | OSErr osErr = ( date != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1553 |
1554 | if( osErr == noErr )
1555 | osErr = ConvertLocalTimeToUTC(kMagicBusyCreationDate, &tmpDate.lowSeconds);
1556 | if( osErr == noErr )
1557 | *date = tmpDate;
1558 |
1559 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1560 |
1561 | return osErr;
1562 | }
1563 |
1564 | // compares two HFSUniStr255 for equality
1565 | // return true if they are identical, false if not
1566 | Boolean CompareHFSUniStr255(const HFSUniStr255 *lhs, const HFSUniStr255 *rhs)
1567 | {
1568 | return (lhs->length == rhs->length)
1569 | && (memcmp(lhs->unicode, rhs->unicode, lhs->length * sizeof(UniChar)) == 0);
1570 | }
1571 |
1572 | /*****************************************************************************/
1573 |
1574 | OSErr FSGetVRefNum(const FSRef *ref, FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum)
1575 | {
1576 | FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
1577 | OSErr osErr = ( ref != NULL && vRefNum != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1578 |
1579 | if( osErr == noErr ) /* get the volume refNum from the FSRef */
1580 | osErr = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1581 | if( osErr == noErr )
1582 | *vRefNum = catalogInfo.volume;
1583 |
1584 | mycheck_noerr( osErr );
1585 |
1586 | return osErr;
1587 | }
1588 |
1589 | /*****************************************************************************/
1590 |
1591 | OSErr FSGetVolParms( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
1592 | UInt32 bufferSize,
1593 | GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo,
1594 | UInt32 *actualInfoSize) /* Can Be NULL */
1595 | {
1596 | HParamBlockRec pb;
1597 | OSErr osErr = ( volParmsInfo != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1598 |
1599 | if( osErr == noErr )
1600 | {
1601 | pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
1602 | pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
1603 | pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)volParmsInfo;
1604 | pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = (SInt32)bufferSize;
1605 | osErr = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);
1606 | }
1607 | /* return number of bytes the file system returned in volParmsInfo buffer */
1608 | if( osErr == noErr && actualInfoSize != NULL)
1609 | *actualInfoSize = (UInt32)pb.ioParam.ioActCount;
1610 |
1611 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1612 |
1613 | return ( osErr );
1614 | }
1615 |
1616 | /*****************************************************************************/
1617 |
1618 | OSErr UnicodeNameGetHFSName( UniCharCount nameLength,
1619 | const UniChar *name,
1620 | TextEncoding textEncodingHint,
1621 | Boolean isVolumeName,
1622 | Str31 hfsName)
1623 | {
1624 | UnicodeMapping uMapping;
1625 | UnicodeToTextInfo utInfo;
1626 | ByteCount unicodeByteLength;
1627 | ByteCount unicodeBytesConverted;
1628 | ByteCount actualPascalBytes;
1629 | OSErr osErr = (hfsName != NULL && name != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1630 |
1631 | // make sure output is valid in case we get errors or there's nothing to convert
1632 | hfsName[0] = 0;
1633 |
1634 | unicodeByteLength = nameLength * sizeof(UniChar);
1635 | if ( unicodeByteLength == 0 )
1636 | osErr = noErr; /* do nothing */
1637 | else
1638 | {
1639 | // if textEncodingHint is kTextEncodingUnknown, get a "default" textEncodingHint
1640 | if ( kTextEncodingUnknown == textEncodingHint )
1641 | {
1642 | ScriptCode script;
1643 | RegionCode region;
1644 |
1645 | script = (ScriptCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript);
1646 | region = (RegionCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode);
1647 | osErr = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare,
1648 | region, NULL, &textEncodingHint );
1649 | if ( osErr == paramErr )
1650 | { // ok, ignore the region and try again
1651 | osErr = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare,
1652 | kTextRegionDontCare, NULL,
1653 | &textEncodingHint );
1654 | }
1655 | if ( osErr != noErr ) // ok... try something
1656 | textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingMacRoman;
1657 | }
1658 |
1659 | uMapping.unicodeEncoding = CreateTextEncoding( kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0,
1660 | kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant,
1661 | kUnicode16BitFormat);
1662 | uMapping.otherEncoding = GetTextEncodingBase(textEncodingHint);
1663 | uMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseHFSPlusMapping;
1664 |
1665 | osErr = CreateUnicodeToTextInfo(&uMapping, &utInfo);
1666 | if( osErr == noErr )
1667 | {
1668 | osErr = ConvertFromUnicodeToText( utInfo, unicodeByteLength, name, kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask,
1669 | 0, NULL, 0, NULL, /* offsetCounts & offsetArrays */
1670 | isVolumeName ? kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars : kHFSMaxFileNameChars,
1671 | &unicodeBytesConverted, &actualPascalBytes, &hfsName[1]);
1672 | }
1673 | if( osErr == noErr )
1674 | hfsName[0] = actualPascalBytes;
1675 |
1676 | // verify the result in debug builds -- there's really not anything you can do if it fails
1677 | myverify_noerr(DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&utInfo));
1678 | }
1679 |
1680 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1681 |
1682 | return ( osErr );
1683 | }
1684 |
1685 | /*****************************************************************************/
1686 |
1687 | OSErr FSMakeFSRef( FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
1688 | SInt32 dirID,
1689 | ConstStr255Param name,
1690 | FSRef *ref)
1691 | {
1692 | FSRefParam pb;
1693 | OSErr osErr = ( ref != NULL ) ? noErr : paramErr;
1694 |
1695 | if( osErr == noErr )
1696 | {
1697 | pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
1698 | pb.ioDirID = dirID;
1699 | pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)name;
1700 | pb.newRef = ref;
1701 | osErr = PBMakeFSRefSync(&pb);
1702 | }
1703 |
1704 | mycheck_noerr( osErr ); // put up debug assert in debug builds
1705 |
1706 | return ( osErr );
1707 | }