/* $Id: VBoxREMWrapper.cpp 12549 2008-09-17 18:02:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBoxREM Win64 DLL Wrapper. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /** @page pg_vboxrem_amd64 VBoxREM Hacks on AMD64 * * There are problems with building BoxREM both on WIN64 and 64-bit linux. * * On linux binutils refuses to link shared objects without -fPIC compiled code * (bitches about some fixup types). But when trying to build with -fPIC dyngen * doesn't like the code anymore. Sweet. The current solution is to build the * VBoxREM code as a relocatable module and use our ELF loader to load it. * * On WIN64 we're not aware of any GCC port which can emit code using the MSC * calling convention. So, we're in for some real fun here. The choice is between * porting GCC to AMD64 WIN64 and comming up with some kind of wrapper around * either the win32 build or the 64-bit linux build. * * -# Porting GCC will be a lot of work. For one thing the calling convention differs * and messing with such stuff can easily create ugly bugs. We would also have to * do some binutils changes, but I think those are rather small compared to GCC. * (That said, the MSC calling convention is far simpler than the linux one, it * reminds me of _Optlink which we have working already.) * -# Wrapping win32 code will work, but addresses outside the first 4GB are * inaccessible and we will have to create 32-64 thunks for all imported functions. * (To switch between 32-bit and 64-bit is load the right CS using far jmps (32->64) * or far returns (both).) * -# Wrapping 64-bit linux code might be the easier solution. The requirements here * are: * - Remove all CRT references we possibly, either by using intrinsics or using * IPRT. Part of IPRT will be linked into VBoxREM2.rel, this will be yet another * IPRT mode which I've dubbed 'no-crt'. The no-crt mode provide basic non-system * dependent stuff. * - Compile and link it into a relocatable object (include the gcc intrinsics * in libgcc). Call this VBoxREM2.rel. * - Write a wrapper dll, VBoxREM.dll, for which during REMR3Init() will load * VBoxREM2.rel (using IPRT) and generate calling convention wrappers * for all IPRT functions and VBoxVMM functions that it uses. All exports * will be wrapped vice versa. * - For building on windows hosts, we will use a mingw32 hosted cross compiler. * and add a 'no-crt' mode to IPRT where it provides the necessary CRT headers * and function implementations. * * The 3rd solution will be tried out first since it requires the least effort and * will let us make use of the full 64-bit register set. * * * * @section sec_vboxrem_amd64_compare Comparing the GCC and MSC calling conventions * * GCC expects the following (cut & past from page 20 in the ABI draft 0.96): * * %rax temporary register; with variable arguments passes information about the * number of SSE registers used; 1st return register. * [Not preserved] * %rbx callee-saved register; optionally used as base pointer. * [Preserved] * %rcx used to pass 4th integer argument to functions. * [Not preserved] * %rdx used to pass 3rd argument to functions; 2nd return register * [Not preserved] * %rsp stack pointer * [Preserved] * %rbp callee-saved register; optionally used as frame pointer * [Preserved] * %rsi used to pass 2nd argument to functions * [Not preserved] * %rdi used to pass 1st argument to functions * [Not preserved] * %r8 used to pass 5th argument to functions * [Not preserved] * %r9 used to pass 6th argument to functions * [Not preserved] * %r10 temporary register, used for passing a function’s static chain pointer * [Not preserved] * %r11 temporary register * [Not preserved] * %r12-r15 callee-saved registers * [Preserved] * %xmm0-%xmm1 used to pass and return floating point arguments * [Not preserved] * %xmm2-%xmm7 used to pass floating point arguments * [Not preserved] * %xmm8-%xmm15 temporary registers * [Not preserved] * %mmx0-%mmx7 temporary registers * [Not preserved] * %st0 temporary register; used to return long double arguments * [Not preserved] * %st1 temporary registers; used to return long double arguments * [Not preserved] * %st2-%st7 temporary registers * [Not preserved] * %fs Reserved for system use (as thread specific data register) * [Not preserved] * * Direction flag is preserved as cleared. * The stack must be aligned on a 16-byte boundrary before the 'call/jmp' instruction. * * * * MSC expects the following: * rax return value, not preserved. * rbx preserved. * rcx 1st argument, integer, not preserved. * rdx 2nd argument, integer, not preserved. * rbp preserved. * rsp preserved. * rsi preserved. * rdi preserved. * r8 3rd argument, integer, not preserved. * r9 4th argument, integer, not preserved. * r10 scratch register, not preserved. * r11 scratch register, not preserved. * r12-r15 preserved. * xmm0 1st argument, fp, return value, not preserved. * xmm1 2st argument, fp, not preserved. * xmm2 3st argument, fp, not preserved. * xmm3 4st argument, fp, not preserved. * xmm4-xmm5 scratch, not preserved. * xmm6-xmm15 preserved. * * Dunno what the direction flag is... * The stack must be aligned on a 16-byte boundrary before the 'call/jmp' instruction. * * * Thus, When GCC code is calling MSC code we don't really have to preserve * anything. But but MSC code is calling GCC code, we'll have to save esi and edi. * */ /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /** @def USE_REM_STUBS * Define USE_REM_STUBS to stub the entire REM stuff. This is useful during * early porting (before we start running stuff). */ #if defined(__DOXYGEN__) # define USE_REM_STUBS #endif /** @def USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE * Define USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE for platforms where it's necessary to * use calling convention wrappers. */ #if (defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) && defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) # define USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE #endif /** @def USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE * Define USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE for platforms where we need to * emit some jump glue to deal with big addresses. */ #if (defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64) && !defined(USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE) && !defined(RT_OS_DARWIN)) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) # define USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE #endif /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_REM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Parameter descriptor. */ typedef struct REMPARMDESC { /** Parameter flags (REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_*). */ uint8_t fFlags; /** The parameter size if REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_SIZE is set. */ uint8_t cb; /** Pointer to additional data. * For REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN this is a PREMFNDESC. */ void *pvExtra; } REMPARMDESC, *PREMPARMDESC; /** Pointer to a constant parameter descriptor. */ typedef const REMPARMDESC *PCREMPARMDESC; /** @name Parameter descriptor flags. * @{ */ /** The parameter type is a kind of integer which could fit in a register. This includes pointers. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT 0 /** The parameter is a GC pointer. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR 1 /** The parameter is a GC physical address. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS 2 /** The parameter is a HC physical address. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_HCPHYS 3 /** The parameter type is a kind of floating point. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_FLOAT 4 /** The parameter value is a struct. This type takes a size. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_STRUCT 5 /** The parameter is an elipsis. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS 6 /** The parameter is a va_list. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_VALIST 7 /** The parameter is a function pointer. pvExtra is a PREMFNDESC. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN 8 /** The parameter type mask. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK 15 /** The parameter size field is valid. */ #define REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_SIZE RT_BIT(7) /** @} */ /** * Function descriptor. */ typedef struct REMFNDESC { /** The function name. */ const char *pszName; /** Exports: Pointer to the function pointer. * Imports: Pointer to the function. */ void *pv; /** Array of parameter descriptors. */ PCREMPARMDESC paParams; /** The number of parameter descriptors pointed to by paParams. */ uint8_t cParams; /** Function flags (REMFNDESC_FLAGS_*). */ uint8_t fFlags; /** The size of the return value. */ uint8_t cbReturn; /** Pointer to the wrapper code for imports. */ void *pvWrapper; } REMFNDESC, *PREMFNDESC; /** Pointer to a constant function descriptor. */ typedef const REMFNDESC *PCREMFNDESC; /** @name Function descriptor flags. * @{ */ /** The return type is void. */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID 0 /** The return type is a kind of integer passed in rax/eax. This includes pointers. */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT 1 /** The return type is a kind of floating point. */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_FLOAT 2 /** The return value is a struct. This type take a size. */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_STRUCT 3 /** The return type mask. */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_TYPE_MASK 7 /** The argument list contains one or more va_list arguments (i.e. problems). */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_VALIST RT_BIT(6) /** The function has an ellipsis (i.e. a problem). */ #define REMFNDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS RT_BIT(7) /** @} */ /** * Chunk of read-write-executable memory. */ typedef struct REMEXECMEM { /** The number of bytes left. */ struct REMEXECMEM *pNext; /** The size of this chunk. */ uint32_t cb; /** The offset of the next code block. */ uint32_t off; #if ARCH_BITS == 32 uint32_t padding; #endif } REMEXECMEM, *PREMEXECMEM; /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS /** Loader handle of the REM object/DLL. */ static RTLDRMOD g_ModREM2; /** Pointer to the memory containing the loaded REM2 object/DLL. */ static void *g_pvREM2; /** Linux object export addresses. * These are references from the assembly wrapper code. * @{ */ static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3Init)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3Term)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3Reset)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3Step)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3BreakpointSet)(PVM, RTGCUINTPTR); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3BreakpointClear)(PVM, RTGCUINTPTR); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3EmulateInstruction)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3Run)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3State)(PVM, bool fFlushTBs); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3StateBack)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3StateUpdate)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3A20Set)(PVM, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications)(PVM pVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister)(PVM, RTGCPHYS, RTUINT, unsigned); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister)(PVM, RTGCPHYS, RTUINT, RTHCUINTPTR, unsigned); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyPhysReserve)(PVM, RTGCPHYS, RTUINT); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister)(PVM, RTGCPHYS, RTUINT, void *, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify)(PVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE, RTGCPHYS, RTGCPHYS, RTGCPHYS, bool, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister)(PVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE, RTGCPHYS, RTGCPHYS, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister)(PVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE, RTGCPHYS, RTGCPHYS, bool, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptSet)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptClear)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyTimerPending)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyDmaPending)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyQueuePending)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyFF)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3NotifyCodePageChanged)(PVM, RTGCPTR); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(void, pfnREMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt)(PVM, uint8_t); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(uint32_t, pfnREMR3QueryPendingInterrupt)(PVM); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, pfnREMR3DisasEnableStepping)(PVM, bool); static DECLCALLBACKPTR(bool, pfnREMR3IsPageAccessHandled)(PVM, RTGCPHYS); /** @} */ /** Export and import parameter descriptors. * @{ */ /* Common args. */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSIZE_T[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t) } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPTR[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *) } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsVM[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM) } }; /* REM args */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsBreakpoint[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCUINTPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsA20Set[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamRegister[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamChunkRegister[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTHCUINTPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyPhysReserve[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyPhysRomRegister[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalModify[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyCodePageChanged[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCUINTPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsNotifyPendingInterrupt[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDisasEnableStepping[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsIsPageAccessHandled[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL } }; /* VMM args */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpl[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PCPUMCTXCORE), NULL }, }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpuId[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCPUMSetChangedFlags[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PCPUMCTX *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCSAMR3MonitorPage[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTRCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(CSAMTAG), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCSAMR3UnmonitorPage[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTRCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(CSAMTAG), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsCSAMR3RecordCallAddress[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTRCPTR), NULL } }; #if defined(VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER) && !(defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64)) /* the callbacks are problematic */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDBGCRegisterCommands[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PCDBGCCMD), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL } }; #endif static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDBGFR3DisasInstrEx[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTSEL), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDBGFR3Info[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PCDBGFINFOHLP), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDBGFR3SymbolByAddr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCUINTPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCINTPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PDBGFSYMBOL), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsDISInstr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINTPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(char *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsEMR3FatalError[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(int), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsHWACCMR3CanExecuteGuest[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsIOMIOPortRead[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTIOPORT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsIOMIOPortWrite[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTIOPORT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsIOMMMIORead[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsIOMMMIOWrite[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsMMR3HeapAlloc[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(MMTAG), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsMMR3HeapAllocZ[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(MMTAG), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPATMIsPatchGCAddr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTRCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPATMR3QueryOpcode[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTRCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPATMR3QueryPatchMem[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMApicGetBase[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMApicGetTPR[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMApicSetBase[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMApicSetTPR[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMGetInterrupt[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPDMIsaSetIrq[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMGetGuestMode[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMGstGetPage[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTGCPHYS), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMInvalidatePage[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPhys2HCPtr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTHCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPtr2HCPtrByGstCR3[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTHCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGM3PhysGrowRange[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PCRTGCPHYS), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysIsGCPhysValid[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysRead[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysReadGCPtr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMPhysWrite[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMChangeMode[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMFlushTLB[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU8[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU16[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU32[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU64[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS, sizeof(RTGCPHYS), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3GetGCPtr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTGCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3GetMem[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3GetU32[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3GetUInt[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTUINT), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3PutGCPtr[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3PutMem[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3PutU32[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3PutUInt[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTUINT), NULL }, }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMIntCallback[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, }; static REMFNDESC g_SSMIntCallback = { "SSMIntCallback", NULL, &g_aArgsSSMIntCallback[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMIntCallback), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMIntLoadExecCallback[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PSSMHANDLE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, }; static REMFNDESC g_SSMIntLoadExecCallback = { "SSMIntLoadExecCallback", NULL, &g_aArgsSSMIntLoadExecCallback[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMIntLoadExecCallback), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSSMR3RegisterInternal[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTSAVEPREP), &g_SSMIntCallback }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTSAVEEXEC), &g_SSMIntCallback }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTSAVEDONE), &g_SSMIntCallback }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTLOADPREP), &g_SSMIntCallback }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTLOADEXEC), &g_SSMIntLoadExecCallback }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN, sizeof(PFNSSMINTLOADDONE), &g_SSMIntCallback }, }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsSTAMR3Register[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(STAMTYPE), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(STAMVISIBILITY), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(STAMUNIT), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsTRPMAssertTrap[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(TRPMEVENT), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsTRPMQueryTrap[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(uint8_t *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(TRPMEVENT *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsTRPMSetErrorCode[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCUINT), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsTRPMSetFaultAddress[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR, sizeof(RTGCUINT), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsVMR3ReqCall[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVMREQ *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsVMR3ReqFree[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVMREQ), NULL } }; /* IPRT args */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsAssertMsg1[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsAssertMsg2[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTLogFlags[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTLogFlush[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTLogLoggerEx[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTLogLoggerExV[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_VALIST, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTLogPrintf[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTMemProtect[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTStrPrintf[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsRTStrPrintfV[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const char *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_VALIST, 0 } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsThread[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(RTTHREAD), NULL } }; /* CRT args */ static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsmemcpy[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(const void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsmemset[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(size_t), NULL } }; static const REMPARMDESC g_aArgsState[] = { { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(PVM), NULL }, { REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; /** @} */ /** * Descriptors for the exported functions. */ static const REMFNDESC g_aExports[] = { /* pszName, (void *)pv, pParams, cParams, fFlags, cb, pvWrapper. */ { "REMR3Init", (void *)&pfnREMR3Init, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3Term", (void *)&pfnREMR3Term, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3Reset", (void *)&pfnREMR3Reset, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3Step", (void *)&pfnREMR3Step, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3BreakpointSet", (void *)&pfnREMR3BreakpointSet, &g_aArgsBreakpoint[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsBreakpoint), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3BreakpointClear", (void *)&pfnREMR3BreakpointClear, &g_aArgsBreakpoint[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsBreakpoint), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3EmulateInstruction", (void *)&pfnREMR3EmulateInstruction, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3Run", (void *)&pfnREMR3Run, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3State", (void *)&pfnREMR3State, &g_aArgsState[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsState), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3StateBack", (void *)&pfnREMR3StateBack, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3StateUpdate", (void *)&pfnREMR3StateUpdate, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3A20Set", (void *)&pfnREMR3A20Set, &g_aArgsA20Set[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsA20Set), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages", (void *)&pfnREMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications", (void *)&pfnREMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister, &g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamRegister[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamRegister), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister, &g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamChunkRegister[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyPhysRamChunkRegister), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyPhysReserve", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyPhysReserve, &g_aArgsNotifyPhysReserve[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyPhysReserve), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister, &g_aArgsNotifyPhysRomRegister[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyPhysRomRegister), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify, &g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalModify[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalModify), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister, &g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister, &g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyInterruptSet", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptSet, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyInterruptClear", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptClear, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyTimerPending", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyTimerPending, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyDmaPending", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyDmaPending, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyQueuePending", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyQueuePending, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyFF", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyFF, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyCodePageChanged", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyCodePageChanged, &g_aArgsNotifyCodePageChanged[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyCodePageChanged), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt", (void *)&pfnREMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt, &g_aArgsNotifyPendingInterrupt[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsNotifyPendingInterrupt), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "REMR3QueryPendingInterrupt", (void *)&pfnREMR3QueryPendingInterrupt, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "REMR3DisasEnableStepping", (void *)&pfnREMR3DisasEnableStepping, &g_aArgsDisasEnableStepping[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDisasEnableStepping), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "REMR3IsPageAccessHandled", (void *)&pfnREMR3IsPageAccessHandled, &g_aArgsIsPageAccessHandled[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsIsPageAccessHandled), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL } }; /** * Descriptors for the functions imported from VBoxVMM. */ static REMFNDESC g_aVMMImports[] = { { "CPUMAreHiddenSelRegsValid", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMAreHiddenSelRegsValid, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "CPUMGetAndClearChangedFlagsREM", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetAndClearChangedFlagsREM, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { "CPUMSetChangedFlags", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMSetChangedFlags, &g_aArgsCPUMSetChangedFlags[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCPUMSetChangedFlags), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestCPL", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestCPL, &g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpl[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpl), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(unsigned), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestCpuId", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestCpuId, &g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpuId[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCPUMGetGuestCpuId), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEAX", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEAX, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEBP", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEBP, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEBX", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEBX, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestECX", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestECX, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEDI", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEDI, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEDX", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEDX, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestEIP", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestEIP, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestESI", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestESI, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestESP", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestESP, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestCS", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestCS, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTSEL), NULL }, { "CPUMGetGuestSS", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMGetGuestSS, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTSEL), NULL }, { "CPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr, &g_aArgsCPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCPUMQueryGuestCtxPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "CSAMR3MonitorPage", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CSAMR3MonitorPage, &g_aArgsCSAMR3MonitorPage[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCSAMR3MonitorPage), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "CSAMR3UnmonitorPage", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CSAMR3UnmonitorPage, &g_aArgsCSAMR3UnmonitorPage[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCSAMR3UnmonitorPage), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "CSAMR3RecordCallAddress", (void *)(uintptr_t)&CSAMR3RecordCallAddress, &g_aArgsCSAMR3RecordCallAddress[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsCSAMR3RecordCallAddress), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, #if defined(VBOX_WITH_DEBUGGER) && !(defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64)) /* the callbacks are problematic */ { "DBGCRegisterCommands", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DBGCRegisterCommands, &g_aArgsDBGCRegisterCommands[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDBGCRegisterCommands), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, #endif { "DBGFR3DisasInstrEx", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DBGFR3DisasInstrEx, &g_aArgsDBGFR3DisasInstrEx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDBGFR3DisasInstrEx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "DBGFR3Info", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DBGFR3Info, &g_aArgsDBGFR3Info[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDBGFR3Info), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "DBGFR3InfoLogRelHlp", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DBGFR3InfoLogRelHlp, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "DBGFR3SymbolByAddr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DBGFR3SymbolByAddr, &g_aArgsDBGFR3SymbolByAddr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDBGFR3SymbolByAddr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "DISInstr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&DISInstr, &g_aArgsDISInstr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsDISInstr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "EMR3FatalError", (void *)(uintptr_t)&EMR3FatalError, &g_aArgsEMR3FatalError[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsEMR3FatalError), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "HWACCMR3CanExecuteGuest", (void *)(uintptr_t)&HWACCMR3CanExecuteGuest, &g_aArgsHWACCMR3CanExecuteGuest[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsHWACCMR3CanExecuteGuest), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "IOMIOPortRead", (void *)(uintptr_t)&IOMIOPortRead, &g_aArgsIOMIOPortRead[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsIOMIOPortRead), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "IOMIOPortWrite", (void *)(uintptr_t)&IOMIOPortWrite, &g_aArgsIOMIOPortWrite[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsIOMIOPortWrite), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "IOMMMIORead", (void *)(uintptr_t)&IOMMMIORead, &g_aArgsIOMMMIORead[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsIOMMMIORead), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "IOMMMIOWrite", (void *)(uintptr_t)&IOMMMIOWrite, &g_aArgsIOMMMIOWrite[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsIOMMMIOWrite), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "MMR3HeapAlloc", (void *)(uintptr_t)&MMR3HeapAlloc, &g_aArgsMMR3HeapAlloc[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsMMR3HeapAlloc), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "MMR3HeapAllocZ", (void *)(uintptr_t)&MMR3HeapAllocZ, &g_aArgsMMR3HeapAllocZ[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsMMR3HeapAllocZ), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "MMR3PhysGetRamSize", (void *)(uintptr_t)&MMR3PhysGetRamSize, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { "PATMIsPatchGCAddr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PATMIsPatchGCAddr, &g_aArgsPATMIsPatchGCAddr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPATMIsPatchGCAddr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "PATMR3QueryOpcode", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PATMR3QueryOpcode, &g_aArgsPATMR3QueryOpcode[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPATMR3QueryOpcode), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PATMR3QueryPatchMemGC", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PATMR3QueryPatchMemGC, &g_aArgsPATMR3QueryPatchMem[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPATMR3QueryPatchMem), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTGCPTR), NULL }, { "PATMR3QueryPatchMemHC", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PATMR3QueryPatchMemHC, &g_aArgsPATMR3QueryPatchMem[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPATMR3QueryPatchMem), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "PDMApicGetBase", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMApicGetBase, &g_aArgsPDMApicGetBase[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMApicGetBase), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PDMApicGetTPR", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMApicGetTPR, &g_aArgsPDMApicGetTPR[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMApicGetTPR), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PDMApicSetBase", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMApicSetBase, &g_aArgsPDMApicSetBase[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMApicSetBase), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PDMApicSetTPR", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMApicSetTPR, &g_aArgsPDMApicSetTPR[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMApicSetTPR), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PDMR3DmaRun", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMR3DmaRun, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "PDMGetInterrupt", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMGetInterrupt, &g_aArgsPDMGetInterrupt[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMGetInterrupt), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PDMIsaSetIrq", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PDMIsaSetIrq, &g_aArgsPDMIsaSetIrq[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPDMIsaSetIrq), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMGetGuestMode", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMGetGuestMode, &g_aArgsPGMGetGuestMode[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMGetGuestMode), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMGstGetPage", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMGstGetPage, &g_aArgsPGMGstGetPage[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMGstGetPage), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMInvalidatePage", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMInvalidatePage, &g_aArgsPGMInvalidatePage[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMInvalidatePage), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMPhysGCPhys2HCPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysGCPhys2HCPtr, &g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPhys2HCPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPhys2HCPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMPhysGCPtr2HCPtrByGstCR3", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysGCPtr2HCPtrByGstCR3, &g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPtr2HCPtrByGstCR3[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysGCPtr2HCPtrByGstCR3), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, #ifndef VBOX_WITH_NEW_PHYS_CODE { "PGM3PhysGrowRange", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGM3PhysGrowRange, &g_aArgsPGM3PhysGrowRange[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGM3PhysGrowRange), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, #endif { "PGMPhysIsGCPhysValid", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysIsGCPhysValid, &g_aArgsPGMPhysIsGCPhysValid[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysIsGCPhysValid), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "PGMPhysIsA20Enabled", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysIsA20Enabled, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "PGMPhysRead", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysRead, &g_aArgsPGMPhysRead[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysRead), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMPhysReadGCPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysReadGCPtr, &g_aArgsPGMPhysReadGCPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysReadGCPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMPhysReadGCPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysReadGCPtr, &g_aArgsPGMPhysReadGCPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysReadGCPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMPhysWrite", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMPhysWrite, &g_aArgsPGMPhysWrite[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMPhysWrite), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "PGMChangeMode", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMChangeMode, &g_aArgsPGMChangeMode[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMChangeMode), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMFlushTLB", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMFlushTLB, &g_aArgsPGMFlushTLB[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMFlushTLB), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysReadU8", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysReadU8, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint8_t), NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysReadU16", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysReadU16, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint16_t), NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysReadU32", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysReadU32, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint32_t), NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysReadU64", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysReadU64, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysReadUxx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysWriteU8", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysWriteU8, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU8[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU8), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysWriteU16", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysWriteU16, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU16[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU16), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysWriteU32", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysWriteU32, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU32[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU32), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "PGMR3PhysWriteU64", (void *)(uintptr_t)&PGMR3PhysWriteU64, &g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU64[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPGMR3PhysWriteU32), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "SSMR3GetGCPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3GetGCPtr, &g_aArgsSSMR3GetGCPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3GetGCPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3GetMem", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3GetMem, &g_aArgsSSMR3GetMem[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3GetMem), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3GetU32", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3GetU32, &g_aArgsSSMR3GetU32[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3GetU32), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3GetUInt", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3GetUInt, &g_aArgsSSMR3GetUInt[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3GetUInt), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3PutGCPtr", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3PutGCPtr, &g_aArgsSSMR3PutGCPtr[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3PutGCPtr), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3PutMem", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3PutMem, &g_aArgsSSMR3PutMem[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3PutMem), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3PutU32", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3PutU32, &g_aArgsSSMR3PutU32[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3PutU32), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3PutUInt", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3PutUInt, &g_aArgsSSMR3PutUInt[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3PutUInt), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "SSMR3RegisterInternal", (void *)(uintptr_t)&SSMR3RegisterInternal, &g_aArgsSSMR3RegisterInternal[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSSMR3RegisterInternal), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "STAMR3Register", (void *)(uintptr_t)&STAMR3Register, &g_aArgsSTAMR3Register[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSTAMR3Register), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TMCpuTickGet", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMCpuTickGet, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { "TMCpuTickPause", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMCpuTickPause, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TMCpuTickResume", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMCpuTickResume, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TMNotifyEndOfExecution", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMNotifyEndOfExecution, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "TMNotifyStartOfExecution", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMNotifyStartOfExecution, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "TMTimerPoll", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMTimerPoll, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(uint64_t), NULL }, { "TMR3TimerQueuesDo", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMR3TimerQueuesDo, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "TMVirtualPause", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMVirtualPause, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TMVirtualResume", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TMVirtualResume, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TRPMAssertTrap", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMAssertTrap, &g_aArgsTRPMAssertTrap[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsTRPMAssertTrap), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TRPMGetErrorCode", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMGetErrorCode, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTGCUINT), NULL }, { "TRPMGetFaultAddress", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMGetFaultAddress, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTGCUINTPTR),NULL }, { "TRPMQueryTrap", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMQueryTrap, &g_aArgsTRPMQueryTrap[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsTRPMQueryTrap), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TRPMResetTrap", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMResetTrap, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "TRPMSetErrorCode", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMSetErrorCode, &g_aArgsTRPMSetErrorCode[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsTRPMSetErrorCode), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "TRPMSetFaultAddress", (void *)(uintptr_t)&TRPMSetFaultAddress, &g_aArgsTRPMSetFaultAddress[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsTRPMSetFaultAddress), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "VMMR3Lock", (void *)(uintptr_t)&VMMR3Lock, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "VMMR3Unlock", (void *)(uintptr_t)&VMMR3Unlock, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "VMR3ReqCall", (void *)(uintptr_t)&VMR3ReqCall, &g_aArgsVMR3ReqCall[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVMR3ReqCall), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "VMR3ReqFree", (void *)(uintptr_t)&VMR3ReqFree, &g_aArgsVMR3ReqFree[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVMR3ReqFree), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, sizeof(int), NULL }, // { "", (void *)(uintptr_t)&, &g_aArgsVM[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsVM), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, }; /** * Descriptors for the functions imported from VBoxRT. */ static REMFNDESC g_aRTImports[] = { { "AssertMsg1", (void *)(uintptr_t)&AssertMsg1, &g_aArgsAssertMsg1[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsAssertMsg1), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "AssertMsg2", (void *)(uintptr_t)&AssertMsg2, &g_aArgsAssertMsg2[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsAssertMsg2), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0, NULL }, { "RTAssertDoBreakpoint", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTAssertDoBreakpoint, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(bool), NULL }, { "RTLogDefaultInstance", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogDefaultInstance, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL }, { "RTLogRelDefaultInstance", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogRelDefaultInstance, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(PRTLOGGER), NULL }, { "RTLogFlags", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogFlags, &g_aArgsRTLogFlags[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTLogFlags), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "RTLogFlush", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogFlush, &g_aArgsRTLogFlush[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTLogFlush), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "RTLogLoggerEx", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogLoggerEx, &g_aArgsRTLogLoggerEx[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTLogLoggerEx), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, 0, NULL }, { "RTLogLoggerExV", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogLoggerExV, &g_aArgsRTLogLoggerExV[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTLogLoggerExV), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_VALIST, 0, NULL }, { "RTLogPrintf", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTLogPrintf, &g_aArgsRTLogPrintf[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTLogPrintf), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "RTMemAlloc", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemAlloc, &g_aArgsSIZE_T[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSIZE_T), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "RTMemExecAlloc", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemExecAlloc, &g_aArgsSIZE_T[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSIZE_T), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "RTMemExecFree", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemExecFree, &g_aArgsPTR[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPTR), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "RTMemFree", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemFree, &g_aArgsPTR[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPTR), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "RTMemPageAlloc", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemPageAlloc, &g_aArgsSIZE_T[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsSIZE_T), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "RTMemPageFree", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemPageFree, &g_aArgsPTR[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsPTR), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID, 0, NULL }, { "RTMemProtect", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTMemProtect, &g_aArgsRTMemProtect[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTMemProtect), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int), NULL }, { "RTStrPrintf", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTStrPrintf, &g_aArgsRTStrPrintf[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTStrPrintf), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { "RTStrPrintfV", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTStrPrintfV, &g_aArgsRTStrPrintfV[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsRTStrPrintfV), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT | REMFNDESC_FLAGS_VALIST, sizeof(size_t), NULL }, { "RTThreadSelf", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTThreadSelf, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTTHREAD), NULL }, { "RTThreadNativeSelf", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTThreadNativeSelf, NULL, 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(RTNATIVETHREAD), NULL }, { "RTThreadGetWriteLockCount", (void *)(uintptr_t)&RTThreadGetWriteLockCount, &g_aArgsThread[0], 0, REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(int32_t), NULL }, }; /** * Descriptors for the functions imported from VBoxRT. */ static REMFNDESC g_aCRTImports[] = { { "memcpy", (void *)(uintptr_t)&memcpy, &g_aArgsmemcpy[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsmemcpy), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL }, { "memset", (void *)(uintptr_t)&memset, &g_aArgsmemset[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_aArgsmemset), REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT, sizeof(void *), NULL } /* floor floor memcpy memcpy sqrt sqrt sqrtf sqrtf */ }; # if defined(USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE) || defined(USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE) /** LIFO of read-write-executable memory chunks used for wrappers. */ static PREMEXECMEM g_pExecMemHead; # endif /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static int remGenerateExportGlue(PRTUINTPTR pValue, PCREMFNDESC pDesc); # ifdef USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC0Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC0Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC1Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC1Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC2Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC2Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC3Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC3Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC4Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC4Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC5Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC5Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC6Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC6Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC7Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC7Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC8Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC8Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC9Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC9Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC10Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC10Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC11Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC11Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC12Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC12Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSCVariadictInt(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSCVariadictInt_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC_SSMR3RegisterInternal(void); DECLASM(int) WrapGCC2MSC_SSMR3RegisterInternal_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC0Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC0Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC1Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC1Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC2Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC2Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC3Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC3Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC4Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC4Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC5Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC5Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC6Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC6Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC7Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC7Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC8Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC8Int_EndProc(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC9Int(void); DECLASM(int) WrapMSC2GCC9Int_EndProc(void); # endif # if defined(USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE) || defined(USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE) /** * Allocates a block of memory for glue code. * * The returned memory is padded with INT3s. * * @returns Pointer to the allocated memory. * @param The amount of memory to allocate. */ static void *remAllocGlue(size_t cb) { PREMEXECMEM pCur = g_pExecMemHead; uint32_t cbAligned = (uint32_t)RT_ALIGN_32(cb, 32); while (pCur) { if (pCur->cb - pCur->off >= cbAligned) { void *pv = (uint8_t *)pCur + pCur->off; pCur->off += cbAligned; return memset(pv, 0xcc, cbAligned); } pCur = pCur->pNext; } /* add a new chunk */ AssertReturn(_64K - RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pCur), 32) > cbAligned, NULL); pCur = (PREMEXECMEM)RTMemExecAlloc(_64K); AssertReturn(pCur, NULL); pCur->cb = _64K; pCur->off = RT_ALIGN_32(sizeof(*pCur), 32) + cbAligned; pCur->pNext = g_pExecMemHead; g_pExecMemHead = pCur; return memset((uint8_t *)pCur + RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pCur), 32), 0xcc, cbAligned); } # endif /* USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE || USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE */ # ifdef USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE /** * Checks if a function is all straight forward integers. * * @returns True if it's simple, false if it's bothersome. * @param pDesc The function descriptor. */ static bool remIsFunctionAllInts(PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { if ( ( (pDesc->fFlags & REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_TYPE_MASK) != REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_INT || pDesc->cbReturn > sizeof(uint64_t)) && (pDesc->fFlags & REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_TYPE_MASK) != REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_VOID) return false; unsigned i = pDesc->cParams; while (i-- > 0) switch (pDesc->paParams[i].fFlags & REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK) { case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_INT: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPTR: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_GCPHYS: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_HCPHYS: break; default: AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("Invalid param flags %#x for #%d of %s!\n", pDesc->paParams[i].fFlags, i, pDesc->pszName)); case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_VALIST: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_FLOAT: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_STRUCT: case REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_PFN: return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if the function has an ellipsis (...) argument. * * @returns true if it has an ellipsis, otherwise false. * @param pDesc The function descriptor. */ static bool remHasFunctionEllipsis(PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { unsigned i = pDesc->cParams; while (i-- > 0) if ((pDesc->paParams[i].fFlags & REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK) == REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_ELLIPSIS) return true; return false; } /** * Checks if the function uses floating point (FP) arguments or return value. * * @returns true if it uses floating point, otherwise false. * @param pDesc The function descriptor. */ static bool remIsFunctionUsingFP(PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { if ((pDesc->fFlags & REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_TYPE_MASK) == REMFNDESC_FLAGS_RET_FLOAT) return true; unsigned i = pDesc->cParams; while (i-- > 0) if ((pDesc->paParams[i].fFlags & REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK) == REMPARMDESC_FLAGS_FLOAT) return true; return false; } /** @name The export and import fixups. * @{ */ #define REM_FIXUP_32_REAL_STUFF UINT32_C(0xdeadbeef) #define REM_FIXUP_64_REAL_STUFF UINT64_C(0xdeadf00df00ddead) #define REM_FIXUP_64_DESC UINT64_C(0xdead00010001dead) #define REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_ENTRY UINT64_C(0xdead00020002dead) #define REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_EXIT UINT64_C(0xdead00030003dead) #define REM_FIXUP_64_WRAP_GCC_CB UINT64_C(0xdead00040004dead) /** @} */ /** * Entry logger function. * * @param pDesc The description. */ DECLASM(void) remLogEntry(PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { RTPrintf("calling %s\n", pDesc->pszName); } /** * Exit logger function. * * @param pDesc The description. * @param pvRet The return code. */ DECLASM(void) remLogExit(PCREMFNDESC pDesc, void *pvRet) { RTPrintf("returning %p from %s\n", pvRet, pDesc->pszName); } /** * Creates a wrapper for the specified callback function at run time. * * @param pDesc The function descriptor. * @param pValue Upon entry *pValue contains the address of the function to be wrapped. * Upon return *pValue contains the address of the wrapper glue function. * @param iParam The parameter index in the function descriptor (0 based). * If UINT32_MAX pDesc is the descriptor for *pValue. */ DECLASM(void) remWrapGCCCallback(PCREMFNDESC pDesc, PRTUINTPTR pValue, uint32_t iParam) { AssertPtr(pDesc); AssertPtr(pValue); /* * Simple? */ if (!*pValue) return; /* * Locate the right function descriptor. */ if (iParam != UINT32_MAX) { AssertRelease(iParam < pDesc->cParams); pDesc = (PCREMFNDESC)pDesc->paParams[iParam].pvExtra; AssertPtr(pDesc); } /* * When we get serious, here is where to insert the hash table lookup. */ /* * Create a new glue patch. */ #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS int rc = remGenerateExportGlue(pValue, pDesc); #else #error "port me" #endif AssertReleaseRC(rc); /* * Add it to the hash (later) */ } /** * Fixes export glue. * * @param pvGlue The glue code. * @param cb The size of the glue code. * @param pvExport The address of the export we're wrapping. * @param pDesc The export descriptor. */ static void remGenerateExportGlueFixup(void *pvGlue, size_t cb, uintptr_t uExport, PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { union { uint8_t *pu8; int32_t *pi32; uint32_t *pu32; uint64_t *pu64; void *pv; } u; u.pv = pvGlue; while (cb >= 4) { /** @todo add defines for the fixup constants... */ if (*u.pu32 == REM_FIXUP_32_REAL_STUFF) { /* 32-bit rel jmp/call to real export. */ *u.pi32 = uExport - (uintptr_t)(u.pi32 + 1); Assert((uintptr_t)(u.pi32 + 1) + *u.pi32 == uExport); u.pi32++; cb -= 4; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_REAL_STUFF) { /* 64-bit address to the real export. */ *u.pu64++ = uExport; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_DESC) { /* 64-bit address to the descriptor. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)pDesc; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_WRAP_GCC_CB) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remWrapGCCCallback; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_ENTRY) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remLogEntry; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_EXIT) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remLogExit; cb -= 8; continue; } /* move on. */ u.pu8++; cb--; } } /** * Fixes import glue. * * @param pvGlue The glue code. * @param cb The size of the glue code. * @param pDesc The import descriptor. */ static void remGenerateImportGlueFixup(void *pvGlue, size_t cb, PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { union { uint8_t *pu8; int32_t *pi32; uint32_t *pu32; uint64_t *pu64; void *pv; } u; u.pv = pvGlue; while (cb >= 4) { if (*u.pu32 == REM_FIXUP_32_REAL_STUFF) { /* 32-bit rel jmp/call to real function. */ *u.pi32 = (uintptr_t)pDesc->pv - (uintptr_t)(u.pi32 + 1); Assert((uintptr_t)(u.pi32 + 1) + *u.pi32 == (uintptr_t)pDesc->pv); u.pi32++; cb -= 4; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_REAL_STUFF) { /* 64-bit address to the real function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)pDesc->pv; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_DESC) { /* 64-bit address to the descriptor. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)pDesc; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_WRAP_GCC_CB) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remWrapGCCCallback; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_ENTRY) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remLogEntry; cb -= 8; continue; } if (cb >= 8 && *u.pu64 == REM_FIXUP_64_LOG_EXIT) { /* 64-bit address to the entry logger function. */ *u.pu64++ = (uintptr_t)remLogExit; cb -= 8; continue; } /* move on. */ u.pu8++; cb--; } } # endif /* USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ /** * Generate wrapper glue code for an export. * * This is only used on win64 when loading a 64-bit linux module. So, on other * platforms it will not do anything. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pValue IN: Where to get the address of the function to wrap. * OUT: Where to store the glue address. * @param pDesc The export descriptor. */ static int remGenerateExportGlue(PRTUINTPTR pValue, PCREMFNDESC pDesc) { # ifdef USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE uintptr_t *ppfn = (uintptr_t *)pDesc->pv; uintptr_t pfn = 0; /* a little hack for the callback glue */ if (!ppfn) ppfn = &pfn; if (!*ppfn) { if (remIsFunctionAllInts(pDesc)) { static const struct { void *pvStart, *pvEnd; } s_aTemplates[] = { { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC0Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC0Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC1Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC1Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC2Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC2Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC3Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC3Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC4Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC4Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC5Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC5Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC6Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC6Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC7Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC7Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC8Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC8Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC9Int, (void *)&WrapMSC2GCC9Int_EndProc }, }; const unsigned i = pDesc->cParams; AssertReleaseMsg(i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates), ("%d (%s)\n", i, pDesc->pszName)); /* duplicate the patch. */ const size_t cb = (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvEnd - (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvStart; uint8_t *pb = (uint8_t *)remAllocGlue(cb); AssertReturn(pb, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pb, s_aTemplates[i].pvStart, cb); /* fix it up. */ remGenerateExportGlueFixup(pb, cb, *pValue, pDesc); *ppfn = (uintptr_t)pb; } else { /* custom hacks - it's simpler to make assembly templates than writing a more generic code generator... */ static const struct { const char *pszName; PFNRT pvStart, pvEnd; } s_aTemplates[] = { { "somefunction", (PFNRT)&WrapMSC2GCC9Int, (PFNRT)&WrapMSC2GCC9Int_EndProc }, }; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates); i++) if (!strcmp(pDesc->pszName, s_aTemplates[i].pszName)) break; AssertReleaseMsgReturn(i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates), ("Not implemented! %s\n", pDesc->pszName), VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /* duplicate the patch. */ const size_t cb = (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvEnd - (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvStart; uint8_t *pb = (uint8_t *)remAllocGlue(cb); AssertReturn(pb, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pb, s_aTemplates[i].pvStart, cb); /* fix it up. */ remGenerateExportGlueFixup(pb, cb, *pValue, pDesc); *ppfn = (uintptr_t)pb; } } *pValue = *ppfn; return VINF_SUCCESS; # else /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ return VINF_SUCCESS; # endif /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ } /** * Generate wrapper glue code for an import. * * This is only used on win64 when loading a 64-bit linux module. So, on other * platforms it will simply return the address of the imported function * without generating any glue code. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pValue Where to store the glue address. * @param pDesc The export descriptor. */ static int remGenerateImportGlue(PRTUINTPTR pValue, PREMFNDESC pDesc) { # if defined(USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE) || defined(USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE) if (!pDesc->pvWrapper) { # ifdef USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE if (remIsFunctionAllInts(pDesc)) { static const struct { void *pvStart, *pvEnd; } s_aTemplates[] = { { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC0Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC0Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC1Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC1Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC2Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC2Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC3Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC3Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC4Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC4Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC5Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC5Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC6Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC6Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC7Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC7Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC8Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC8Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC9Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC9Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC10Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC10Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC11Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC11Int_EndProc }, { (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC12Int, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSC12Int_EndProc } }; const unsigned i = pDesc->cParams; AssertReleaseMsg(i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates), ("%d (%s)\n", i, pDesc->pszName)); /* duplicate the patch. */ const size_t cb = (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvEnd - (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvStart; pDesc->pvWrapper = remAllocGlue(cb); AssertReturn(pDesc->pvWrapper, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pDesc->pvWrapper, s_aTemplates[i].pvStart, cb); /* fix it up. */ remGenerateImportGlueFixup((uint8_t *)pDesc->pvWrapper, cb, pDesc); } else if ( remHasFunctionEllipsis(pDesc) && !remIsFunctionUsingFP(pDesc)) { /* duplicate the patch. */ const size_t cb = (uintptr_t)&WrapGCC2MSCVariadictInt_EndProc - (uintptr_t)&WrapGCC2MSCVariadictInt; pDesc->pvWrapper = remAllocGlue(cb); AssertReturn(pDesc->pvWrapper, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pDesc->pvWrapper, (void *)&WrapGCC2MSCVariadictInt, cb); /* fix it up. */ remGenerateImportGlueFixup((uint8_t *)pDesc->pvWrapper, cb, pDesc); } else { /* custom hacks - it's simpler to make assembly templates than writing a more generic code generator... */ static const struct { const char *pszName; PFNRT pvStart, pvEnd; } s_aTemplates[] = { { "SSMR3RegisterInternal", (PFNRT)&WrapGCC2MSC_SSMR3RegisterInternal, (PFNRT)&WrapGCC2MSC_SSMR3RegisterInternal_EndProc }, }; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates); i++) if (!strcmp(pDesc->pszName, s_aTemplates[i].pszName)) break; AssertReleaseMsgReturn(i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aTemplates), ("Not implemented! %s\n", pDesc->pszName), VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /* duplicate the patch. */ const size_t cb = (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvEnd - (uintptr_t)s_aTemplates[i].pvStart; pDesc->pvWrapper = remAllocGlue(cb); AssertReturn(pDesc->pvWrapper, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pDesc->pvWrapper, s_aTemplates[i].pvStart, cb); /* fix it up. */ remGenerateImportGlueFixup((uint8_t *)pDesc->pvWrapper, cb, pDesc); } # else /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ /* * Generate a jump patch. */ uint8_t *pb; # ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64 pDesc->pvWrapper = pb = (uint8_t *)remAllocGlue(32); AssertReturn(pDesc->pvWrapper, VERR_NO_MEMORY); /**pb++ = 0xcc;*/ *pb++ = 0xff; *pb++ = 0x24; *pb++ = 0x25; *(uint32_t *)pb = (uintptr_t)pb + 5; pb += 5; *(uint64_t *)pb = (uint64_t)pDesc->pv; # else pDesc->pvWrapper = pb = (uint8_t *)remAllocGlue(8); AssertReturn(pDesc->pvWrapper, VERR_NO_MEMORY); *pb++ = 0xea; *(uint32_t *)pb = (uint32_t)pDesc->pv; # endif # endif /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ } *pValue = (uintptr_t)pDesc->pvWrapper; # else /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ *pValue = (uintptr_t)pDesc->pv; # endif /* !USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Resolve an external symbol during RTLdrGetBits(). * * @returns iprt status code. * @param hLdrMod The loader module handle. * @param pszModule Module name. * @param pszSymbol Symbol name, NULL if uSymbol should be used. * @param uSymbol Symbol ordinal, ~0 if pszSymbol should be used. * @param pValue Where to store the symbol value (address). * @param pvUser User argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) remGetImport(RTLDRMOD hLdrMod, const char *pszModule, const char *pszSymbol, unsigned uSymbol, RTUINTPTR *pValue, void *pvUser) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aVMMImports); i++) if (!strcmp(g_aVMMImports[i].pszName, pszSymbol)) return remGenerateImportGlue(pValue, &g_aVMMImports[i]); for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTImports); i++) if (!strcmp(g_aRTImports[i].pszName, pszSymbol)) return remGenerateImportGlue(pValue, &g_aRTImports[i]); for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aCRTImports); i++) if (!strcmp(g_aCRTImports[i].pszName, pszSymbol)) return remGenerateImportGlue(pValue, &g_aCRTImports[i]); LogRel(("Missing REM Import: %s\n", pszSymbol)); #if 1 *pValue = 0; AssertMsgFailed(("%s.%s\n", pszModule, pszSymbol)); return VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND; #else return remGenerateImportGlue(pValue, &g_aCRTImports[0]); #endif } /** * Loads the linux object, resolves all imports and exports. * * @returns VBox status code. */ static int remLoadLinuxObj(void) { size_t offFilename; char szPath[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc = RTPathAppPrivateArch(szPath, sizeof(szPath) - 32); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); offFilename = strlen(szPath); /* * Load the VBoxREM2.rel object/DLL. */ strcpy(&szPath[offFilename], "/VBoxREM2.rel"); rc = RTLdrOpen(szPath, &g_ModREM2); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { g_pvREM2 = RTMemExecAlloc(RTLdrSize(g_ModREM2)); if (g_pvREM2) { #ifdef DEBUG /* How to load the VBoxREM2.rel symbols into the GNU debugger. */ RTPrintf("VBoxREMWrapper: (gdb) add-symbol-file %s 0x%p\n", szPath, g_pvREM2); #endif LogRel(("REM: Loading %s at 0x%p (%d bytes)\n" "REM: (gdb) add-symbol-file %s 0x%p\n", szPath, g_pvREM2, RTLdrSize(g_ModREM2), szPath, g_pvREM2)); rc = RTLdrGetBits(g_ModREM2, g_pvREM2, (RTUINTPTR)g_pvREM2, remGetImport, NULL); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Resolve exports. */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aExports); i++) { RTUINTPTR Value; rc = RTLdrGetSymbolEx(g_ModREM2, g_pvREM2, (RTUINTPTR)g_pvREM2, g_aExports[i].pszName, &Value); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("%s rc=%Vrc\n", g_aExports[i].pszName, rc)); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = remGenerateExportGlue(&Value, &g_aExports[i]); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) break; *(void **)g_aExports[i].pv = (void *)(uintptr_t)Value; } return rc; } RTMemExecFree(g_pvREM2); } RTLdrClose(g_ModREM2); g_ModREM2 = NIL_RTLDRMOD; } LogRel(("REM: failed loading '%s', rc=%Vrc\n", szPath, rc)); return rc; } /** * Unloads the linux object, freeing up all resources (dlls and * import glue) we allocated during remLoadLinuxObj(). */ static void remUnloadLinuxObj(void) { unsigned i; /* close modules. */ RTLdrClose(g_ModREM2); g_ModREM2 = NIL_RTLDRMOD; RTMemExecFree(g_pvREM2); g_pvREM2 = NULL; /* clear the pointers. */ for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aExports); i++) *(void **)g_aExports[i].pv = NULL; # if defined(USE_REM_CALLING_CONVENTION_GLUE) || defined(USE_REM_IMPORT_JUMP_GLUE) for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aVMMImports); i++) g_aVMMImports[i].pvWrapper = NULL; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTImports); i++) g_aRTImports[i].pvWrapper = NULL; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aCRTImports); i++) g_aCRTImports[i].pvWrapper = NULL; /* free wrapper memory. */ while (g_pExecMemHead) { PREMEXECMEM pCur = g_pExecMemHead; g_pExecMemHead = pCur->pNext; memset(pCur, 0xcc, pCur->cb); RTMemExecFree(pCur); } # endif } #endif REMR3DECL(int) REMR3Init(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VINF_SUCCESS; #else if (!pfnREMR3Init) { int rc = remLoadLinuxObj(); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } return pfnREMR3Init(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3Term(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VINF_SUCCESS; #else int rc; Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3Term)); rc = pfnREMR3Term(pVM); remUnloadLinuxObj(); return rc; #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3Reset(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3Reset)); pfnREMR3Reset(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3Step(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3Step)); return pfnREMR3Step(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3BreakpointSet(PVM pVM, RTGCUINTPTR Address) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_REM_NO_MORE_BP_SLOTS; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3BreakpointSet)); return pfnREMR3BreakpointSet(pVM, Address); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3BreakpointClear(PVM pVM, RTGCUINTPTR Address) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3BreakpointClear)); return pfnREMR3BreakpointClear(pVM, Address); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3EmulateInstruction(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3EmulateInstruction)); return pfnREMR3EmulateInstruction(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3Run(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3Run)); return pfnREMR3Run(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3State(PVM pVM, bool fFlushTBs) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3State)); return pfnREMR3State(pVM, fFlushTBs); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3StateBack(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3StateBack)); return pfnREMR3StateBack(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3StateUpdate(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3StateUpdate)); pfnREMR3StateUpdate(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3A20Set(PVM pVM, bool fEnable) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3A20Set)); pfnREMR3A20Set(pVM, fEnable); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages)); pfnREMR3ReplayInvalidatedPages(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications)); pfnREMR3ReplayHandlerNotifications(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3NotifyCodePageChanged(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR pvCodePage) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VINF_SUCCESS; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyCodePageChanged)); return pfnREMR3NotifyCodePageChanged(pVM, pvCodePage); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTUINT cb, unsigned fFlags) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister)); pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, fFlags); #endif } #ifndef VBOX_WITH_NEW_PHYS_CODE REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTUINT cb, RTHCUINTPTR pvRam, unsigned fFlags) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister)); pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRamChunkRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, pvRam, fFlags); #endif } #endif REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTUINT cb, void *pvCopy, bool fShadow) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister)); pfnREMR3NotifyPhysRomRegister(pVM, GCPhys, cb, pvCopy, fShadow); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyPhysReserve(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTUINT cb) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyPhysReserve)); pfnREMR3NotifyPhysReserve(pVM, GCPhys, cb); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister(PVM pVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTGCPHYS cb, bool fHasHCHandler) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister)); pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalRegister(pVM, enmType, GCPhys, cb, fHasHCHandler); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister(PVM pVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, RTGCPHYS cb, bool fHasHCHandler, bool fRestoreAsRAM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister)); pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalDeregister(pVM, enmType, GCPhys, cb, fHasHCHandler, fRestoreAsRAM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify(PVM pVM, PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE enmType, RTGCPHYS GCPhysOld, RTGCPHYS GCPhysNew, RTGCPHYS cb, bool fHasHCHandler, bool fRestoreAsRAM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify)); pfnREMR3NotifyHandlerPhysicalModify(pVM, enmType, GCPhysOld, GCPhysNew, cb, fHasHCHandler, fRestoreAsRAM); #endif } REMR3DECL(bool) REMR3IsPageAccessHandled(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return false; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3IsPageAccessHandled)); return pfnREMR3IsPageAccessHandled(pVM, GCPhys); #endif } REMR3DECL(int) REMR3DisasEnableStepping(PVM pVM, bool fEnable) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3DisasEnableStepping)); return pfnREMR3DisasEnableStepping(pVM, fEnable); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt(PVM pVM, uint8_t u8Interrupt) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt)); pfnREMR3NotifyPendingInterrupt(pVM, u8Interrupt); #endif } REMR3DECL(uint32_t) REMR3QueryPendingInterrupt(PVM pVM) { #ifdef USE_REM_STUBS return REM_NO_PENDING_IRQ; #else Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3QueryPendingInterrupt)); return pfnREMR3QueryPendingInterrupt(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyInterruptSet(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptSet)); pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptSet(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyInterruptClear(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptClear)); pfnREMR3NotifyInterruptClear(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyTimerPending(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyTimerPending)); pfnREMR3NotifyTimerPending(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyDmaPending(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyDmaPending)); pfnREMR3NotifyDmaPending(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyQueuePending(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnREMR3NotifyQueuePending)); pfnREMR3NotifyQueuePending(pVM); #endif } REMR3DECL(void) REMR3NotifyFF(PVM pVM) { #ifndef USE_REM_STUBS /* the timer can call this early on, so don't be picky. */ if (pfnREMR3NotifyFF) pfnREMR3NotifyFF(pVM); #endif }