
source: vbox/trunk/tools/envSub.vbs@ 87119

Last change on this file since 87119 was 86348, checked in by vboxsync, 4 years ago

tools/env*win.cmd,envsub.vbs: fixes.

  • Property svn:eol-style set to CRLF
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File size: 16.7 KB
1' $Id: envSub.vbs 86348 2020-09-30 13:41:25Z vboxsync $
2'' @file
3' VBScript worker for env.cmd
7' Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation
9' This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10' available from This file is free software;
11' you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12' General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13' Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14' VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15' hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20' Header Files
23' Includes a vbscript file relative to the script.
24sub IncludeFile(strFilename)
25 dim objFile, objFileSys
26 set objFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
27 dim strPath : strPath = objFileSys.BuildPath(objFileSys.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName), strFilename)
28 set objFile = objFileSys.openTextFile(strPath)
29 executeglobal objFile.readAll()
30 objFile.close
31 set objFileSys = nothing
32end sub
34IncludeFile "win\vbscript\helpers.vbs"
38' Global Variables '
40dim g_cntVerbose
41g_cntVerbose = 1
44'' Proforma. Does nothing here.
45sub LogPrint(str)
46 if g_cntVerbose > 1 then
47 WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "debug: " & str
48 end if
49end sub
53' The main() like function.
55function Main()
56 Main = 1
58 '
59 ' check that we're not using wscript.
60 '
61 if UCase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 11)) = "WSCRIPT.EXE" then
62 Wscript.Echo "This script must be run under CScript."
63 exit function
64 end if
65 SelfTest
67 '
68 ' Get our bearings.
69 '
70 dim strScriptDir
71 strScriptDir = g_objFileSys.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
73 dim strRootDir
74 strRootDir = g_objFileSys.GetParentFolderName(strScriptDir)
76 dim strRealArch
77 strRealArch = Trim(EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"))
78 if strRealArch = "" then strRealArch = Trim(EnvGet("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
79 if strRealArch = "" then strRealArch = "amd64"
80 strRealArch = LCase(strRealArch)
81 if strRealArch <> "amd64" and strRealArch <> "x86" then
82 MsgError "Unsupported host architecture: " & strRealArch ' quits
83 end if
85 '
86 ' Guest the default configuration.
87 '
88 dim arrTypes : arrTypes = Array("debug", "release", "profile", "strict", "dbgopt")
89 dim arrTargetAndHosts : arrTargetAndHosts = Array("win", "linux", "solaris", "darwin", "os2", "freebsd")
90 dim arrArchitectures : arrArchitectures = Array("x86", "amd64", "arm32", "arm64", "sparc32", "sparc64")
92 dim strType
93 strType = EnvGetDefValid("KBUILD_TYPE", "debug", arrTypes)
95 dim strPathDevTools
96 strPathDevTools= EnvGetDef("KBUILD_DEVTOOLS", g_objFileSys.BuildPath(strRootDir, "tools"))
98 dim strPathkBuild
99 strPathkBuild = EnvGetDef("KBUILD_PATH", g_objFileSys.BuildPath(strRootDir, "kBuild"))
101 dim strTarget, strTargetArch
102 strTarget = EnvGetDefValid("KBUILD_TARGET", "win", arrTargetAndHosts)
103 strTargetArch = EnvGetDefValid("KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH", strRealArch, arrArchitectures)
105 dim strHost, strHostArch
106 strHost = EnvGetDefValid("KBUILD_HOST", "win", arrTargetAndHosts)
107 strHostArch = EnvGetDefValid("KBUILD_HOST_ARCH", strRealArch, arrArchitectures)
109 '
110 ' Parse arguments.
111 '
112 dim arrValueOpts : arrValueOpts = Array("--type", "--arch", "--tmp-script")
113 dim arrCmdToExec : arrCmdToExec = Array()
114 dim blnDashDash : blnDashDash = false
115 dim strChdirTo : strChdirTo = strRootDir
116 dim strTmpScript : strTmpScript = g_objFileSys.BuildPath(strScriptDir, "envtmp.cmd")
117 dim i : i = 0
118 do while i < Wscript.Arguments.Count
119 dim strArg, strValue, off
120 strArg = Wscript.Arguments.item(i)
121 i = i + 1
122 if blnDashDash <> true then
123 ' Does it have an embedded value? Does it take a value?
124 off = InStr(2, strArg, "=")
125 if off <= 0 then off = InStr(2, strArg, ":")
126 if off > 0 then
127 strValue = Mid(strArg, off + 1)
128 strArg = Left(strArg, off - 1)
129 if not ArrayContainsString(arrValueOpts, strArg) then
130 MsgSyntaxError "'" & strArg & "' does not take a value" ' quits
131 end if
132 elseif ArrayContainsString(arrValueOpts, strArg) then
133 if i >= Wscript.Arguments.Count then
134 MsgSyntaxError "'" & strArg & "' takes a value" ' quits
135 end if
136 strValue = Wscript.Arguments.item(i)
137 i = i + 1
138 end if
140 ' Process it.
141 select case strArg
142 ' Build types:
143 case "--type"
144 if not ArrayContainsString(arrTypes, strValue) then
145 MsgSyntaxError "Invalid build type '" & strValue & "'. Valid types: " & ArrayJoinString(arrTypes, ", ") ' quits
146 else
147 strType = strValue
148 end if
149 case "--release"
150 strType = "release"
151 case "--debug"
152 strType = "debug"
153 case "--strict"
154 strType = "strict"
155 case "--dbgopt"
156 strType = "dbgopt"
158 ' Target architecture:
159 case "--arch"
160 if not ArrayContainsString(arrArchitectures, strValue) then
161 MsgSyntaxError "Invalid target architecture'" & strValue & "'. Valid ones: " _
162 & ArrayJoinString(arrArchitectures, ", ") ' quits
163 else
164 strTargetArch = strValue
165 end if
166 case "--amd64"
167 strTargetArch = "amd64"
168 case "--x86"
169 strTargetArch = "amd64"
170 case "--arm32"
171 strTargetArch = "arm32"
172 case "--arm64"
173 strTargetArch = "amd64"
175 ' Verbosity, compatibility and stuff
176 case "--quiet"
177 g_cntVerbose = 0
178 case "--verbose"
179 g_cntVerbose = g_cntVerbose + 1
180 case "--chdir"
181 strChdirTo = strValue
182 case "--no-chdir"
183 strChdirTo = ""
185 ' Internal.
186 case "--tmp-script"
187 strTmpScript = strValue
189 ' Standard options
190 case "-h", "-?", "--help"
191 Print "Sets the VBox development shell environment on Windows."
192 Print "usage: env.cmd [--type <type> | --release | --debug | --strict | --dbgopt]"
193 Print " [--arch <arch> | --amd64 | --x86 | --arm32 | --arm64]"
194 Print " [--no-chdir | --chdir <dir>] [--quiet | --verbose]"
195 Print " [--] [prog] [args...]"
196 Print "usage: env.cmd [--help | -h | -?]"
197 Print "usage: env.cmd [--version | -V]"
198 Main = 0
199 exit function
200 case "-V", "--version"
201 Print "x.y"
202 Main = 0
203 exit function
205 case "--"
206 blnDashDash = True
208 case else
209 MsgSyntaxError "Unknown option: " & strArg
210 end select
211 else
212 ' cscript may eat quoting... So we should consider using some windows API to get the raw command line
213 ' and look for the dash-dash instead. Maybe.
214 arrCmdToExec = ArrayAppend(arrCmdToExec, strArg)
215 end if
216 loop
218 '
219 ' Set up the environment.
220 '
221 dim str1
223 EnvSet "KBUILD_PATH", UnixSlashes(strPathkBuild)
224 EnvSet "KBUILD_DEVTOOLS", UnixSlashes(strPathDevTools)
225 EnvSet "KBUILD_TYPE", strType
226 EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET", strTarget
227 EnvSet "KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH", strTargetArch
228 EnvSet "KBUILD_HOST", strHost
229 EnvSet "KBUILD_HOST_ARCH", strHostArch
231 ' Remove legacy variables.
232 dim arrObsolete
235 for each str1 in arrObsolete
236 EnvUnset str1
237 next
239 ' cleanup path before we start adding to it
240 for each str1 in arrArchitectures
241 EnvRemovePathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathkBuild & "\bin\win." & str1), ";"
242 EnvRemovePathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathDevTools & "\win." & str1) & "\bin", ";"
243 next
245 '
246 ' We skip the extra stuff like gnuwin32, windbg, cl.exe and mingw64 if
247 ' there is a command to execute.
248 '
249 if ArraySize(arrCmdToExec) = 0 then
250 ' Add some gnuwin32 tools to the end of the path.
251 EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathDevTools & "\win.x86\gnuwin32\r1\bin"), ";"
253 ' Add the newest debugger we can find to the front of the path.
254 dim strDir, blnStop
255 bldExitLoop = false
256 for each str1 in arrArchitectures
257 for each strDir in GetSubdirsStartingWithRVerSorted(strPathDevTools & "\win." & str1 & "\sdk", "v")
258 if FileExists(strWinDbgDir & "\Debuggers\" & XlateArchitectureToWin(strHostArch) & "\windbg.exe") then
259 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strWinDbgDir & "\Debuggers\" & XlateArchitectureToWin(strHostArch)), ";"
260 bldExitLoop = true
261 exit for
262 end if
263 next
264 if bldExitLoop then exit for
265 next
267 ' Add VCC to the end of the path.
268 dim str2, strDir2, arrVccOldBinDirs
269 arrVccOldBinDirs = Array("\bin\" & strHostArch & "_" & strTargetArch, "\bin\" & strTargetArch, "\bin")
270 bldExitLoop = false
271 for each str1 in Array("amd64", "x86")
272 for each strDir in GetSubdirsStartingWithRVerSorted(strPathDevTools & "\win." & str1 & "\vcc", "v")
273 strDir = strPathDevTools & "\win." & str1 & "\vcc\" & strDir
274 if DirExists(strDir & "\Tools\MSVC") then
275 for each strDir2 in GetSubdirsStartingWithRVerSorted(strDir & "\Tools\MSVC", "1")
276 strDir2 = strDir & "\Tools\MSVC\" & strDir2 & "\bin\Host" & XlateArchitectureToWin(strHostArch) _
277 & "\" & XlateArchitectureToWin(strTargetArch)
278 if FileExists(strDir2 & "\cl.exe") then
279 EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strDir2), ";"
280 if strTargetArch <> strHostArch then
281 EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(PathStripFilename(strDir2) & "\" & XlateArchitectureToWin(strHostArch)), ";"
282 end if
283 bldExitLoop = true
284 exit for
285 end if
286 next
287 elseif DirExists(strDir & "\bin") then
288 for each str2 in arrVccOldBinDirs
289 if FileExists(strDir & str2 & "\cl.exe") then
290 EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strDir & str2), ";"
291 if str2 <> "\bin" then EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strDir & "bin"), ";"
292 bldExitLoop = true
293 exit for
294 end if
295 next
296 end if
297 if bldExitLoop then exit for
298 next
299 if bldExitLoop then exit for
300 next
302 ' Add mingw64 if it's still there.
303 if strHostArch = "amd64" or strTargetArch = "amd64" then
304 str1 = strPathDev & "win.amd64\mingw-64\r1\bin"
305 if DirExists(str1) then EnvAppendPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(str1), ";"
306 end if
307 end if
309 ' Add the output tools and bin directories to the fron of the path, taking PATH_OUT_BASE into account.
310 dim strOutDir
311 strOutDir = EnvGetDef("PATH_OUT_BASE", strRootDir & "\out")
312 strOutDir = strOutDir & "\" & strTarget & "." & strTargetArch & "\" & strType
313 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strOutDir & "\bin\tools"), ";"
314 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strOutDir & "\bin"), ";"
316 ' Add kbuild binary directory to the front the the path.
317 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathkBuild & "\bin\win." & strHostArch), ";"
319 ' Finally, add the relevant tools/**/bin directories to the front of the path.
320 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathDevTools & "\bin"), ";"
321 if strHostArch = "amd64" then EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathDevTools & "\win.x86\bin"), ";"
322 EnvPrependPathItem "Path", DosSlashes(strPathDevTools & "\win." & strHostArch) & "\bin", ";"
324 '
325 ' Export if we are not executing a program.
326 '
327 Main = g_rcScript
328 if ArraySize(arrCmdToExec) = 0 then
329 dim objTmpScript
330 set objTmpScript = g_objFileSys.CreateTextFile(strTmpScript, true, false)
331 objTmpScript.WriteLine
333 for each str1 in Array("Path", "KBUILD_PATH", "KBUILD_DEVTOOLS", "KBUILD_TYPE", _
335 objTmpScript.WriteLine "SET " & str1 & "=" & EnvGet(str1)
336 next
337 for each str1 in arrObsolete
338 if EnvExists(str1) then objTmpScript.WriteLine "SET " & str1 & "="
339 next
341 if strChdirTo <> "" then
342 objTmpScript.WriteLine "CD """ & strChdirTo & """"
343 if Mid(strChdirTo, 2, 1) = ":" then
344 objTmpScript.WriteLine Left(strChdirTo, 2)
345 end if
346 end if
348 objTmpScript.Close()
349 '
350 ' Run the specified program.
351 '
352 ' We must redirect stderr to stdout here, because vbscript doesn't seem to
353 ' have any way to reuse the same console/stdout/stererr as we use (Exec
354 ' creates two pipes, Run a new console), nor can vbscript service two
355 ' TextStream/pipe objects at the same time without the risk of deadlocking
356 ' with the child process (we read stdout, child waits for stderr space).
357 '
358 ' So, to make it work we use kmk_redirect.exe to stuff everything into stderr
359 ' and ignore stdout.
360 '
361 else
362 if strChdirTo <> "" then
363 g_objShell.CurrentDirectory = strChdirTo
364 end if
366 ' Prepate the command line.
367 dim strCmdLine, str
368 strCmdLine = """" & DosSlashes(strPathkBuild) & "\bin\win." & strHostArch & "\kmk_redirect.exe"" -d1=2 -c0 -- " _
369 & """" & arrCmdToExec(0) & """"
370 for i = 1 to UBound(arrCmdToExec)
371 str = arrCmdToExec(i)
372 if InStr(1, str, " ") > 0 then '' @todo There is more stuff that needs escaping
373 strCmdLine = strCmdLine & " """ & str & """"
374 else
375 strCmdLine = strCmdLine & " " & str
376 end if
377 next
379 ' Start it.
380 if g_cntVerbose > 0 then MsgInfo "Executing command: " & strCmdLine
381 dim objChild
382 set objChild = g_objShell.Exec(strCmdLine)
384 ' The fun output / wait. As mention above, we only need to bother with stderr here.
385 dim cMsSleepMin : cMsSleepMin = 8
386 dim cMsSleepMax : cMsSleepMax = 92
387 dim cMsSleep : cMsSleep = cMsSleepMin
388 do while objChild.Status = 0
389 if not objChild.StdErr.AtEndOfStream then ' Seems this bugger might do a 0x80
390 WScript.StdErr.WriteLine objChild.StdErr.ReadLine()
391 cMsSleep = cMsSleepMin
392 elseif objChild.Status = 0 then
393 Wscript.Sleep cMsSleep
394 ' We probably only end up here once stderr is closed/disconnected (i.e. never).
395 ' This was originally written with the idea that AtEndOfStream would use
396 ' PeekNamedPipe to see if there were anything to read, rather than block.
397 ' Let's keep it for now.
398 if cMsSleep < cMsSleepMax then cMsSleep = cMsSleep + 8
399 end if
400 loop
402 ' Flush any remaining output on the offchance that we could get out of the above loop with pending output.
403 WScript.StdErr.Write strStdErr & objChild.StdErr.ReadAll()
404 WScript.StdOut.Write strStdOut & objChild.StdOut.ReadAll()
406 ' Return the exit code to our parent.
407 if g_cntVerbose > 0 then MsgInfo "Exit code = " & objChild.ExitCode
408 Main = objChild.ExitCode
409 end if
410end function
413' What crt0.o typically does:
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