Last change
on this file since 98937 was 70329, checked in by vboxsync, 7 years ago |
tools/win.x86/exports: Export lists for selected NT 3.50 user mode and kernel modules.
Property svn:eol-style
set to
Property svn:keywords
set to
Author Date Id Revision
File size:
5.7 KB
Line | |
1 | ;
2 | ; Generated from: :iprtvfs:file(vd,d:\VMs\nt350\nt350.vdi):vfs(dvm):file(open,vol0):vfs(mount):/winnt35/system32/gdi32.dll
3 | ; Size file: 0x2e510 (189712)
4 | ; Format: PE
5 | ; Size of image: 0x33000 (208896)
6 | ; Architecture: X86
7 | ; Timestamp: 0x2e676768 - 1994-09-02T17:56:56
8 | ;
9 | AbortDoc
10 | AbortPath
11 | AddFontResourceA
12 | AddFontResourceTracking
13 | AddFontResourceW
14 | AngleArc
15 | AnimatePalette
16 | Arc
17 | ArcTo
18 | BeginPath
19 | BitBlt
20 | CancelDC
21 | CheckColorsInGamut
22 | ChoosePixelFormat
23 | Chord
24 | CloseEnhMetaFile
25 | CloseFigure
26 | CloseMetaFile
27 | ColorMatchToTarget
28 | CombineRgn
29 | CombineTransform
30 | CopyEnhMetaFileA
31 | CopyEnhMetaFileW
32 | CopyMetaFileA
33 | CopyMetaFileW
34 | CreateBitmap
35 | CreateBitmapIndirect
36 | CreateBrushIndirect
37 | CreateColorSpaceA
38 | CreateColorSpaceW
39 | CreateCompatibleBitmap
40 | CreateCompatibleDC
41 | CreateDCA
42 | CreateDCW
43 | CreateDIBPatternBrush
44 | CreateDIBPatternBrushPt
45 | CreateDIBSection
46 | CreateDIBitmap
47 | CreateDiscardableBitmap
48 | CreateEllipticRgn
49 | CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
50 | CreateEnhMetaFileA
51 | CreateEnhMetaFileW
52 | CreateFontA
53 | CreateFontIndirectA
54 | CreateFontIndirectW
55 | CreateFontW
56 | CreateHalftonePalette
57 | CreateHatchBrush
58 | CreateICA
59 | CreateICW
60 | CreateMetaFileA
61 | CreateMetaFileW
62 | CreatePalette
63 | CreatePatternBrush
64 | CreatePen
65 | CreatePenIndirect
66 | CreatePolyPolygonRgn
67 | CreatePolygonRgn
68 | CreateRectRgn
69 | CreateRectRgnIndirect
70 | CreateRoundRectRgn
71 | CreateScalableFontResourceA
72 | CreateScalableFontResourceW
73 | CreateSolidBrush
74 | DPtoLP
75 | DeleteColorSpace
76 | DeleteDC
77 | DeleteEnhMetaFile
78 | DeleteMetaFile
79 | DeleteObject
80 | DescribePixelFormat
81 | DeviceCapabilitiesExA
82 | DeviceCapabilitiesExW
83 | DrawEscape
84 | Ellipse
85 | EndDoc
86 | EndPage
87 | EndPath
88 | EnumEnhMetaFile
89 | EnumFontFamiliesA
90 | EnumFontFamiliesExA
91 | EnumFontFamiliesExW
92 | EnumFontFamiliesW
93 | EnumFontsA
94 | EnumFontsW
95 | EnumICMProfilesA
96 | EnumICMProfilesW
97 | EnumMetaFile
98 | EnumObjects
99 | EqualRgn
100 | Escape
101 | ExcludeClipRect
102 | ExtCreatePen
103 | ExtCreateRegion
104 | ExtEscape
105 | ExtFloodFill
106 | ExtSelectClipRgn
107 | ExtTextOutA
108 | ExtTextOutW
109 | FillPath
110 | FillRgn
111 | FixBrushOrgEx
112 | FlattenPath
113 | FloodFill
114 | FrameRgn
115 | FreeImageColorMatcher
116 | GdiAssociateObject
117 | GdiCleanCacheDC
118 | GdiComment
119 | GdiConvertAndCheckDC
120 | GdiConvertBitmap
121 | GdiConvertBrush
122 | GdiConvertDC
123 | GdiConvertEnhMetaFile
124 | GdiConvertFont
125 | GdiConvertMetaFilePict
126 | GdiConvertPalette
127 | GdiConvertRegion
128 | GdiCreateLocalBitmap
129 | GdiCreateLocalBrush
130 | GdiCreateLocalEnhMetaFile
131 | GdiCreateLocalFont
132 | GdiCreateLocalMetaFilePict
133 | GdiCreateLocalPalette
134 | GdiCreateLocalRegion
135 | GdiDeleteLocalDC
136 | GdiDeleteLocalObject
137 | GdiFlush
138 | GdiGetBatchLimit
139 | GdiGetLocalBrush
140 | GdiGetLocalDC
141 | GdiGetLocalFont
142 | GdiIsMetaFileDC
143 | GdiPlayDCScript
144 | GdiPlayJournal
145 | GdiPlayScript
146 | GdiReleaseLocalDC
147 | GdiSetAttrs
148 | GdiSetBatchLimit
149 | GdiSetServerAttr
150 | GetArcDirection
151 | GetAspectRatioFilterEx
152 | GetBitmapBits
153 | GetBitmapDimensionEx
154 | GetBkColor
155 | GetBkMode
156 | GetBoundsRect
157 | GetBrushOrgEx
158 | GetCharABCWidthsA
159 | GetCharABCWidthsFloatA
160 | GetCharABCWidthsFloatW
161 | GetCharABCWidthsW
162 | GetCharWidth32A
163 | GetCharWidth32W
164 | GetCharWidthA
165 | GetCharWidthFloatA
166 | GetCharWidthFloatW
167 | GetCharWidthW
168 | GetCharWidthWOW
169 | GetCharacterPlacementA
170 | GetCharacterPlacementW
171 | GetClipBox
172 | GetClipRgn
173 | GetColorAdjustment
174 | GetColorSpace
175 | GetCurrentObject
176 | GetCurrentPositionEx
177 | GetDCOrgEx
178 | GetDIBColorTable
179 | GetDIBits
180 | GetDeviceCaps
181 | GetDeviceGammaRamp
182 | GetETM
183 | GetEnhMetaFileA
184 | GetEnhMetaFileBits
185 | GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionA
186 | GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW
187 | GetEnhMetaFileHeader
188 | GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
189 | GetEnhMetaFileW
190 | GetFontData
191 | GetFontLanguageInfo
192 | GetFontResourceInfo
193 | GetFontResourceInfoW
194 | GetGlyphOutline
195 | GetGlyphOutlineA
196 | GetGlyphOutlineW
197 | GetGraphicsMode
198 | GetICMProfileA
199 | GetICMProfileW
200 | GetKerningPairs
201 | GetKerningPairsA
202 | GetKerningPairsW
203 | GetLogColorSpaceA
204 | GetLogColorSpaceW
205 | GetMapMode
206 | GetMetaFileA
207 | GetMetaFileBitsEx
208 | GetMetaFileW
209 | GetMetaRgn
210 | GetMiterLimit
211 | GetNearestColor
212 | GetNearestPaletteIndex
213 | GetObjectA
214 | GetObjectType
215 | GetObjectW
216 | GetOutlineTextMetricsA
217 | GetOutlineTextMetricsW
218 | GetPaletteEntries
219 | GetPath
220 | GetPixel
221 | GetPixelFormat
222 | GetPolyFillMode
223 | GetROP2
224 | GetRandomRgn
225 | GetRasterizerCaps
226 | GetRegionData
227 | GetRelAbs
228 | GetRgnBox
229 | GetStockObject
230 | GetStretchBltMode
231 | GetSystemPaletteEntries
232 | GetSystemPaletteUse
233 | GetTextAlign
234 | GetTextCharacterExtra
235 | GetTextCharset
236 | GetTextColor
237 | GetTextExtentExPointA
238 | GetTextExtentExPointW
239 | GetTextExtentPoint32A
240 | GetTextExtentPoint32W
241 | GetTextExtentPointA
242 | GetTextExtentPointW
243 | GetTextFaceA
244 | GetTextFaceW
245 | GetTextMetricsA
246 | GetTextMetricsW
247 | GetTransform
248 | GetViewportExtEx
249 | GetViewportOrgEx
250 | GetWinMetaFileBits
251 | GetWindowExtEx
252 | GetWindowOrgEx
253 | GetWorldTransform
254 | IntersectClipRect
255 | InvertRgn
256 | LPtoDP
257 | LineDDA
258 | LineTo
259 | LoadImageColorMatcherA
260 | LoadImageColorMatcherW
261 | MaskBlt
262 | ModifyWorldTransform
263 | MoveToEx
264 | OffsetClipRgn
265 | OffsetRgn
266 | OffsetViewportOrgEx
267 | OffsetWindowOrgEx
268 | PaintRgn
269 | PatBlt
270 | PathToRegion
271 | Pie
272 | PlayEnhMetaFile
273 | PlayEnhMetaFileRecord
274 | PlayMetaFile
275 | PlayMetaFileRecord
276 | PlgBlt
277 | PolyBezier
278 | PolyBezierTo
279 | PolyDraw
280 | PolyPolygon
281 | PolyPolyline
282 | PolyTextOutA
283 | PolyTextOutW
284 | Polygon
285 | Polyline
286 | PolylineTo
287 | PtInRegion
288 | PtVisible
289 | RealizePalette
290 | RectInRegion
291 | RectVisible
292 | Rectangle
293 | RemoveFontResourceA
294 | RemoveFontResourceTracking
295 | RemoveFontResourceW
296 | ResetDCA
297 | ResetDCW
298 | ResizePalette
299 | RestoreDC
300 | RoundRect
301 | SaveDC
302 | ScaleViewportExtEx
303 | ScaleWindowExtEx
304 | SelectBrushLocal
305 | SelectClipPath
306 | SelectClipRgn
307 | SelectFontLocal
308 | SelectObject
309 | SelectPalette
310 | SetAbortProc
311 | SetArcDirection
312 | SetBitmapBits
313 | SetBitmapDimensionEx
314 | SetBkColor
315 | SetBkMode
316 | SetBoundsRect
317 | SetBrushOrgEx
318 | SetColorAdjustment
319 | SetColorSpace
320 | SetDIBColorTable
321 | SetDIBits
322 | SetDIBitsToDevice
323 | SetDeviceGammaRamp
324 | SetEnhMetaFileBits
325 | SetFontEnumeration
326 | SetGraphicsMode
327 | SetICMMode
328 | SetICMProfileA
329 | SetICMProfileW
330 | SetMapMode
331 | SetMapperFlags
332 | SetMetaFileBitsEx
333 | SetMetaRgn
334 | SetMiterLimit
335 | SetPaletteEntries
336 | SetPixel
337 | SetPixelFormat
338 | SetPixelV
339 | SetPolyFillMode
340 | SetROP2
341 | SetRectRgn
342 | SetRelAbs
343 | SetStretchBltMode
344 | SetSystemPaletteUse
345 | SetTextAlign
346 | SetTextCharacterExtra
347 | SetTextColor
348 | SetTextJustification
349 | SetViewportExtEx
350 | SetViewportOrgEx
351 | SetVirtualResolution
352 | SetWinMetaFileBits
353 | SetWindowExtEx
354 | SetWindowOrgEx
355 | SetWorldTransform
356 | StartDocA
357 | StartDocW
358 | StartPage
359 | StretchBlt
360 | StretchDIBits
361 | StrokeAndFillPath
362 | StrokePath
363 | SwapBuffers
364 | TextOutA
365 | TextOutW
366 | UnloadNetworkFonts
367 | UnrealizeObject
368 | UpdateColors
369 | WidenPath
370 | pstackConnect
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