Changeset 102470 in vbox for trunk/src/libs/xpcom18a4
- Timestamp:
- Dec 5, 2023 11:03:48 AM (16 months ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 160613
- Location:
- trunk/src/libs/xpcom18a4
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r102459 r102470 156 156 nsprpub/lib/ds/plhash.h \ 157 157 nsprpub/pr/include/prbit.h \ 158 nsprpub/pr/include/prinrval.h \159 158 nsprpub/pr/include/prlong.h \ 160 159 nsprpub/pr/include/prmem.h \ … … 384 383 $(VBox-xpcom-nspr_0_OUTDIR) 385 384 VBox-xpcom-nspr_SOURCES = \ 386 nsprpub/pr/src/misc/prinrval.c \387 385 nsprpub/lib/ds/plarena.c \ 388 386 nsprpub/lib/ds/plhash.c \ -
r102392 r102470 54 54 #include "ipcIClientObserver.h" 55 55 56 #include "prinrval.h"56 #include <iprt/types.h> 57 57 58 58 /* This API is only provided for the extensions compiled into the IPCDC … … 240 240 ipcIMessageObserver *aObserver = nsnull, 241 241 ipcIMessageObserver *aConsumer = nsnull, 242 PRIntervalTime aTimeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT242 RTMSINTERVAL aTimeout = RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT 243 243 ); 244 244 -
r102392 r102470 105 105 { 106 106 return IPC_WaitMessage(aSenderID, aTarget, aObserver, nsnull, 107 PR_MillisecondsToInterval(aTimeout));107 aTimeout); 108 108 } 109 109 -
r102392 r102470 66 66 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 67 67 68 #define IPC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT PR_SecondsToInterval(30)68 #define IPC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT (30 * RT_MS_1SEC) 69 69 70 70 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ … … 307 307 static nsresult 308 308 WaitTarget(const nsID &aTarget, 309 PRIntervalTimeaTimeout,309 RTMSINTERVAL aTimeout, 310 310 ipcMessage **aMsg, 311 311 ipcMessageSelector aSelector = nsnull, … … 323 323 PRBool isIPCMTarget = aTarget.Equals(IPCM_TARGET); 324 324 325 PRIntervalTime timeStart = PR_IntervalNow();326 PRIntervalTimetimeEnd;327 if (aTimeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)328 timeEnd = aTimeout;329 else if (aTimeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT)325 uint64_t timeStart = RTTimeProgramMilliTS(); 326 uint64_t timeEnd; 327 if (aTimeout == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) 328 timeEnd = UINT64_MAX; 329 else if (aTimeout == 0) 330 330 timeEnd = timeStart; 331 331 else … … 335 335 // if overflowed, then set to max value 336 336 if (timeEnd < timeStart) 337 timeEnd = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;337 timeEnd = UINT64_MAX; 338 338 } 339 339 … … 440 440 #endif /* VBOX */ 441 441 442 PRIntervalTime t = PR_IntervalNow(); 443 if (t > timeEnd) // check if timeout has expired 442 uint64_t t = RTTimeProgramMilliTS(); 443 if ( aTimeout != RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT 444 && t > timeEnd) // check if timeout has expired 444 445 { 445 446 rv = IPC_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK; 446 447 break; 447 448 } 448 mon.Wait(timeEnd - t); 449 mon.Wait( aTimeout == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT 450 ? RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT 451 : timeEnd - t); 449 452 450 453 Log(("woke up from sleep [pendingQempty=%d connected=%d shutdown=%d isIPCMTarget=%d]\n", … … 1081 1084 ipcIMessageObserver *aObserver, 1082 1085 ipcIMessageObserver *aConsumer, 1083 PRIntervalTimeaTimeout)1086 RTMSINTERVAL aTimeout) 1084 1087 { 1085 1088 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(gClientState, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); -
r102392 r102470 96 96 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 97 98 #define DCON_WAIT_TIMEOUT PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT98 #define DCON_WAIT_TIMEOUT RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT 99 99 100 100 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1281 1281 { 1282 1282 uClient = aClient; 1283 uTimestamp = PR_IntervalNow();1283 uTimestamp = RTTimeMilliTS(); 1284 1284 } 1285 1285 1286 1286 PRUint32 uClient; 1287 PRIntervalTimeuTimestamp;1287 uint64_t uTimestamp; 1288 1288 } ClientDownInfo; 1289 1289 typedef std::map<PRUint32, ClientDownInfo *> ClientDownMap; … … 1326 1326 // Insert new client down information. Start by expiring outdated 1327 1327 // entries and free one element if there's still no space (if needed). 1328 PRIntervalTime now = PR_IntervalNow();1328 uint64_t now = RTTimeMilliTS(); 1329 1329 while (!g_ClientDownList.empty()) 1330 1330 { … … 1332 1332 PRInt64 diff = (PRInt64)now - cInfo->uTimestamp; 1333 1333 if (diff < 0) 1334 diff += (PRInt64)(( PRIntervalTime)-1) + 1;1335 if (diff > PR_SecondsToInterval(15 * 60))1334 diff += (PRInt64)((uint64_t)-1) + 1; 1335 if (diff > 15 * 60 * RT_MS_1SEC) 1336 1336 { 1337 1337 g_ClientDownMap.erase(cInfo->uClient); … … 3557 3557 mon.Exit(); 3558 3558 { 3559 PRUint32 ticks = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(PR_MIN(mWorkers.Count() / 20 + 1, 10));3560 3559 nsAutoMonitor workersMon(mWaitingWorkersMon); 3561 workersMon.Wait( ticks);3560 workersMon.Wait(PR_MIN(mWorkers.Count() / 20 + 1, 10)); 3562 3561 } 3563 3562 mon.Enter(); -
r102392 r102470 109 109 do { 110 110 // block the calling thread until we get a response from the daemon 111 rv = IPC_WaitMessage(0, kLockTargetID, this, nsnull, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);111 rv = IPC_WaitMessage(0, kLockTargetID, this, nsnull, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); 112 112 } 113 113 while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !pendingLock.complete); -
r102458 r102470 327 327 aTrans->GetRawMessageLength()); 328 328 if (aSync) 329 IPC_WaitMessage(0, kTransModuleID, nsnull, nsnull, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);329 IPC_WaitMessage(0, kTransModuleID, nsnull, nsnull, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); 330 330 } 331 331 -
r102459 r102470 44 44 45 45 #include "prbit.h" 46 #include "prinrval.h"47 46 #include "prlong.h" 48 47 #include "prmem.h" -
r102392 r102470 46 46 47 47 /* 48 ** A prbitmap_t is a long integer that can be used for bitmaps49 */50 typedef unsigned long prbitmap_t;51 52 #define PR_TEST_BIT(_map,_bit) \53 ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] & (1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))54 #define PR_SET_BIT(_map,_bit) \55 ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] |= (1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))56 #define PR_CLEAR_BIT(_map,_bit) \57 ((_map)[(_bit)>>PR_BITS_PER_LONG_LOG2] &= ~(1L << ((_bit) & (PR_BITS_PER_LONG-1))))58 59 /*60 48 ** Compute the log of the least power of 2 greater than or equal to n 61 49 */ … … 100 88 } 101 89 102 /* 103 ** Macro version of PR_CeilingLog2: Compute the log of the least power of 104 ** 2 greater than or equal to _n. The result is returned in _log2. 105 */ 106 #define PR_CEILING_LOG2(_log2,_n) \ 107 PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ 108 PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n); \ 109 (_log2) = 0; \ 110 if ((j_) & ((j_)-1)) \ 111 (_log2) += 1; \ 112 if ((j_) >> 16) \ 113 (_log2) += 16, (j_) >>= 16; \ 114 if ((j_) >> 8) \ 115 (_log2) += 8, (j_) >>= 8; \ 116 if ((j_) >> 4) \ 117 (_log2) += 4, (j_) >>= 4; \ 118 if ((j_) >> 2) \ 119 (_log2) += 2, (j_) >>= 2; \ 120 if ((j_) >> 1) \ 121 (_log2) += 1; \ 122 PR_END_MACRO 90 PR_END_EXTERN_C 123 91 124 /*125 ** Macro version of PR_FloorLog2: Compute the log of the greatest power of126 ** 2 less than or equal to _n. The result is returned in _log2.127 **128 ** This is equivalent to finding the highest set bit in the word.129 */130 #define PR_FLOOR_LOG2(_log2,_n) \131 PR_BEGIN_MACRO \132 PRUint32 j_ = (PRUint32)(_n); \133 (_log2) = 0; \134 if ((j_) >> 16) \135 (_log2) += 16, (j_) >>= 16; \136 if ((j_) >> 8) \137 (_log2) += 8, (j_) >>= 8; \138 if ((j_) >> 4) \139 (_log2) += 4, (j_) >>= 4; \140 if ((j_) >> 2) \141 (_log2) += 2, (j_) >>= 2; \142 if ((j_) >> 1) \143 (_log2) += 1; \144 PR_END_MACRO145 146 PR_END_EXTERN_C147 92 #endif /* prbit_h___ */ -
r102392 r102470 40 40 41 41 #include "prtypes.h" 42 #include "prinrval.h" 42 43 #include <iprt/types.h> 43 44 44 45 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM_NAMESPACE_CLEANUP … … 105 106 ** Returns PR_FAILURE if the caller has not entered the monitor. 106 107 */ 107 NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, PRIntervalTime ticks);108 NSPR_API(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, RTMSINTERVAL msWait); 108 109 109 110 /* -
r102392 r102470 285 285 286 286 static PRIntn pt_TimedWait( 287 pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *ml, PRIntervalTime timeout)287 pthread_cond_t *cv, pthread_mutex_t *ml, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout) 288 288 { 289 289 int rv; 290 290 struct timeval now; 291 291 struct timespec tmo; 292 PRUint32 ticks = PR_TicksPerSecond(); 293 294 tmo.tv_sec = (PRInt32)(timeout / ticks); 295 tmo.tv_nsec = (PRInt32)(timeout - (tmo.tv_sec * ticks)); 296 tmo.tv_nsec = (PRInt32)PR_IntervalToMicroseconds(PT_NANOPERMICRO * tmo.tv_nsec); 292 293 tmo.tv_sec = (PRInt32)(msTimeout / RT_MS_1SEC); 294 tmo.tv_nsec = (PRInt32)((msTimeout - (tmo.tv_sec * RT_MS_1SEC)) * RT_NS_1MS); 297 295 298 296 /* pthreads wants this in absolute time, off we go ... */ … … 367 365 } /* PR_DestroyCondVar */ 368 366 369 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, PRIntervalTime timeout)367 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_WaitCondVar(PRCondVar *cvar, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout) 370 368 { 371 369 PRIntn rv; … … 394 392 cvar->lock->locked = PR_FALSE; 395 393 396 if ( timeout == PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)394 if (msTimeout == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) 397 395 rv = pthread_cond_wait(&cvar->cv, &cvar->lock->mutex); 398 396 else 399 rv = pt_TimedWait(&cvar->cv, &cvar->lock->mutex, timeout);397 rv = pt_TimedWait(&cvar->cv, &cvar->lock->mutex, msTimeout); 400 398 401 399 /* We just got the lock back - this better be empty */ … … 545 543 } /* PR_ExitMonitor */ 546 544 547 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, PRIntervalTime timeout)545 PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_Wait(PRMonitor *mon, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout) 548 546 { 549 547 PRStatus rv; … … 565 563 _PT_PTHREAD_INVALIDATE_THR_HANDLE(mon->owner); 566 564 567 rv = PR_WaitCondVar(mon->cvar, timeout);565 rv = PR_WaitCondVar(mon->cvar, msTimeout); 568 566 569 567 /* reinstate the intresting information */ -
r102392 r102470 44 44 #include "xptcall.h" 45 45 #include "prlong.h" 46 #include "prinrval.h"47 46 #include "nsMemory.h" 48 47 … … 54 53 55 54 #include <iprt/string.h> 55 #include <iprt/time.h> 56 56 57 57 static char g_szDirect[16384]; … … 1438 1438 static const int count = 100000000; 1439 1439 int i; 1440 PRIntervalTimestart;1441 PRIntervalTimeinterval_direct;1442 PRIntervalTimeinterval_invoke;1440 uint64_t start; 1441 uint64_t interval_direct; 1442 uint64_t interval_invoke; 1443 1443 1444 1444 printf("Speed test...\n\n"); 1445 1445 printf("Doing %d direct call iterations...\n", count); 1446 start = PR_IntervalNow();1446 start = RTTimeNanoTS(); 1447 1447 for(i = count; i; i--) 1448 1448 (void)test->AddTwoInts(in1, in2, &out); 1449 interval_direct = PR_IntervalNow() - start;1449 interval_direct = RTTimeNanoTS() - start; 1450 1450 1451 1451 printf("Doing %d invoked call iterations...\n", count); 1452 start = PR_IntervalNow();1452 start = RTTimeNanoTS(); 1453 1453 for(i = count; i; i--) 1454 1454 (void)XPTC_InvokeByIndex(test, 3, 3, var); 1455 interval_invoke = PR_IntervalNow() - start;1455 interval_invoke = RTTimeNanoTS() - start; 1456 1456 1457 1457 printf(" direct took %0.2f seconds\n", 1458 (double)interval_direct/(double) PR_TicksPerSecond());1458 (double)interval_direct/(double)RT_NS_1SEC); 1459 1459 printf(" invoke took %0.2f seconds\n", 1460 (double)interval_invoke/(double) PR_TicksPerSecond());1460 (double)interval_invoke/(double)RT_NS_1SEC); 1461 1461 printf(" So, invoke overhead was ~ %0.2f seconds (~ %0.0f%%)\n", 1462 (double)(interval_invoke-interval_direct)/(double) PR_TicksPerSecond(),1462 (double)(interval_invoke-interval_direct)/(double)RT_NS_1SEC, 1463 1463 (double)(interval_invoke-interval_direct)/(double)interval_invoke*100); 1464 1464 } -
r102392 r102470 257 257 * @see prmon.h 258 258 **/ 259 nsresult Wait( PRIntervalTime interval = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) {260 return PR_Wait(mMonitor, interval) == PR_SUCCESS259 nsresult Wait(RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout = RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT) { 260 return PR_Wait(mMonitor, msTimeout) == PR_SUCCESS 261 261 ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; 262 262 } -
r102460 r102470 634 634 PRStatus err; 635 635 Log(("$$$ waiting for event")); 636 err = PR_Wait(mon, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);636 err = PR_Wait(mon, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); 637 637 } 638 638
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