Changeset 103668 in vbox
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- Mar 4, 2024 1:58:08 PM (13 months ago)
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r103002 r103668 976 976 #define X86_CR0_PE RT_BIT_32(0) 977 977 #define X86_CR0_PROTECTION_ENABLE RT_BIT_32(0) 978 #define X86_CR0_PE_BIT 0 978 979 /** Bit 1 - MP - Monitor Coprocessor */ 979 980 #define X86_CR0_MP RT_BIT_32(1) 980 981 #define X86_CR0_MONITOR_COPROCESSOR RT_BIT_32(1) 982 #define X86_CR0_MP_BIT 1 981 983 /** Bit 2 - EM - Emulation. */ 982 984 #define X86_CR0_EM RT_BIT_32(2) 983 985 #define X86_CR0_EMULATE_FPU RT_BIT_32(2) 986 #define X86_CR0_EM_BIT 2 984 987 /** Bit 3 - TS - Task Switch. */ 985 988 #define X86_CR0_TS RT_BIT_32(3) 986 989 #define X86_CR0_TASK_SWITCH RT_BIT_32(3) 990 #define X86_CR0_TS_BIT 3 987 991 /** Bit 4 - ET - Extension flag. (386, 'hardcoded' to 1 on 486+) */ 988 992 #define X86_CR0_ET RT_BIT_32(4) 989 993 #define X86_CR0_EXTENSION_TYPE RT_BIT_32(4) 994 #define X86_CR0_ET_BIT 4 990 995 /** Bit 5 - NE - Numeric error (486+). */ 991 996 #define X86_CR0_NE RT_BIT_32(5) 992 997 #define X86_CR0_NUMERIC_ERROR RT_BIT_32(5) 998 #define X86_CR0_NE_BIT 5 993 999 /** Bit 16 - WP - Write Protect (486+). */ 994 1000 #define X86_CR0_WP RT_BIT_32(16) 995 1001 #define X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT RT_BIT_32(16) 1002 #define X86_CR0_WP_BIT 16 996 1003 /** Bit 18 - AM - Alignment Mask (486+). */ 997 1004 #define X86_CR0_AM RT_BIT_32(18) 998 1005 #define X86_CR0_ALIGMENT_MASK RT_BIT_32(18) 1006 #define X86_CR0_AM_BIT 18 999 1007 /** Bit 29 - NW - Not Write-though (486+). */ 1000 1008 #define X86_CR0_NW RT_BIT_32(29) 1001 1009 #define X86_CR0_NOT_WRITE_THROUGH RT_BIT_32(29) 1010 #define X86_CR0_NW_BIT 29 1002 1011 /** Bit 30 - WP - Cache Disable (486+). */ 1003 1012 #define X86_CR0_CD RT_BIT_32(30) 1004 1013 #define X86_CR0_CACHE_DISABLE RT_BIT_32(30) 1014 #define X86_CR0_CD_BIT 30 1005 1015 /** Bit 31 - PG - Paging. */ 1006 1016 #define X86_CR0_PG RT_BIT_32(31) … … 1014 1024 /** Bit 3 - PWT - Page-level Writes Transparent. */ 1015 1025 #define X86_CR3_PWT RT_BIT_32(3) 1026 #define X86_CR3_PWT_BIT 3 1016 1027 /** Bit 4 - PCD - Page-level Cache Disable. */ 1017 1028 #define X86_CR3_PCD RT_BIT_32(4) 1029 #define X86_CR3_PCD_BIT 4 1018 1030 /** Bits 12-31 - - Page directory page number. */ 1019 1031 #define X86_CR3_PAGE_MASK (0xfffff000) … … 1035 1047 /** Bit 0 - VME - Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions. */ 1036 1048 #define X86_CR4_VME RT_BIT_32(0) 1049 #define X86_CR4_VME_BIT 0 1037 1050 /** Bit 1 - PVI - Protected-Mode Virtual Interrupts. */ 1038 1051 #define X86_CR4_PVI RT_BIT_32(1) 1052 #define X86_CR4_PVI_BIT 1 1039 1053 /** Bit 2 - TSD - Time Stamp Disable. */ 1040 1054 #define X86_CR4_TSD RT_BIT_32(2) 1055 #define X86_CR4_TSD_BIT 2 1041 1056 /** Bit 3 - DE - Debugging Extensions. */ 1042 1057 #define X86_CR4_DE RT_BIT_32(3) 1058 #define X86_CR4_DE_BIT 3 1043 1059 /** Bit 4 - PSE - Page Size Extension. */ 1044 1060 #define X86_CR4_PSE RT_BIT_32(4) 1061 #define X86_CR4_PSE_BIT 4 1045 1062 /** Bit 5 - PAE - Physical Address Extension. */ 1046 1063 #define X86_CR4_PAE RT_BIT_32(5) 1064 #define X86_CR4_PAE_BIT 5 1047 1065 /** Bit 6 - MCE - Machine-Check Enable. */ 1048 1066 #define X86_CR4_MCE RT_BIT_32(6) 1067 #define X86_CR4_MCE_BIT 6 1049 1068 /** Bit 7 - PGE - Page Global Enable. */ 1050 1069 #define X86_CR4_PGE RT_BIT_32(7) 1070 #define X86_CR4_PGE_BIT 7 1051 1071 /** Bit 8 - PCE - Performance-Monitoring Counter Enable. */ 1052 1072 #define X86_CR4_PCE RT_BIT_32(8) 1073 #define X86_CR4_PCE_BIT 8 1053 1074 /** Bit 9 - OSFXSR - Operating System Support for FXSAVE and FXRSTORE instructions. */ 1054 1075 #define X86_CR4_OSFXSR RT_BIT_32(9) 1076 #define X86_CR4_OSFXSR_BIT 9 1055 1077 /** Bit 10 - OSXMMEEXCPT - Operating System Support for Unmasked SIMD Floating-Point Exceptions. */ 1056 1078 #define X86_CR4_OSXMMEEXCPT RT_BIT_32(10) 1079 #define X86_CR4_OSXMMEEXCPT_BIT 10 1057 1080 /** Bit 11 - UMIP - User-Mode Instruction Prevention. */ 1058 1081 #define X86_CR4_UMIP RT_BIT_32(11) 1082 #define X86_CR4_UMIP_BIT 11 1059 1083 /** Bit 13 - VMXE - VMX mode is enabled. */ 1060 1084 #define X86_CR4_VMXE RT_BIT_32(13) 1085 #define X86_CR4_VMXE_BIT 13 1061 1086 /** Bit 14 - SMXE - Safer Mode Extensions Enabled. */ 1062 1087 #define X86_CR4_SMXE RT_BIT_32(14) 1088 #define X86_CR4_SMXE_BIT 14 1063 1089 /** Bit 16 - FSGSBASE - Read/write FSGSBASE instructions Enable. */ 1064 1090 #define X86_CR4_FSGSBASE RT_BIT_32(16) 1091 #define X86_CR4_FSGSBASE_BIT 16 1065 1092 /** Bit 17 - PCIDE - Process-Context Identifiers Enabled. */ 1066 1093 #define X86_CR4_PCIDE RT_BIT_32(17) 1094 #define X86_CR4_PCIDE_BIT 17 1067 1095 /** Bit 18 - OSXSAVE - Operating System Support for XSAVE and processor 1068 1096 * extended states. */ 1069 1097 #define X86_CR4_OSXSAVE RT_BIT_32(18) 1098 #define X86_CR4_OSXSAVE_BIT 18 1070 1099 /** Bit 20 - SMEP - Supervisor-mode Execution Prevention enabled. */ 1071 1100 #define X86_CR4_SMEP RT_BIT_32(20) 1101 #define X86_CR4_SMEP_BIt 20 1072 1102 /** Bit 21 - SMAP - Supervisor-mode Access Prevention enabled. */ 1073 1103 #define X86_CR4_SMAP RT_BIT_32(21) 1104 #define X86_CR4_SMAP_BIT 21 1074 1105 /** Bit 22 - PKE - Protection Key Enable. */ 1075 1106 #define X86_CR4_PKE RT_BIT_32(22) 1107 #define X86_CR4_PKE_BIT 22 1076 1108 /** Bit 23 - CET - Control-flow Enhancement Technology enabled. */ 1077 1109 #define X86_CR4_CET RT_BIT_32(23) 1110 #define X86_CR4_CET_BIT 23 1078 1111 /** @} */ 1079 1112
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