Changeset 105600 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-client
- Timestamp:
- Aug 6, 2024 9:39:44 AM (7 months ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 164279
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-client
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r104386 r105600 108 108 #define VRC() AssertLogRelMsgReturnStmt(RT_SUCCESS(vrc), ("vrc=%Rrc\n", vrc), RTFdtDestroy(hFdt), vrc) 109 109 110 /** @todo Find a way to figure it out before CPUM is set up, can't use CPUMGetGuestAddrWidths() and on macOS we need111 * access to Hypervisor.framework to query the ID registers (Linux can in theory parse /proc/cpuinfo, no idea for Windows). */112 RTGCPHYS GCPhysTopOfAddrSpace = RT_BIT_64(36);113 114 110 /* 115 111 * Get necessary objects and frequently used parameters. … … 187 183 BusAssignmentManager *pBusMgr = mBusMgr = BusAssignmentManager::createInstance(pVMM, chipsetType, IommuType_None); 188 184 ResourceAssignmentManager *pResMgr = ResourceAssignmentManager::createInstance(pVMM, chipsetType, IommuType_None, 189 GCPhysTopOfAddrSpace - sizeof(VBOXPLATFORMARMV8),190 _1G, /*GCPhysRam*/191 128 * _1M,/*GCPhysMmio32Start*/192 _1G - 128 * _1M, /*cbMmio32*/193 32 /*cInterrupts*/);185 RT_MAX(_1G + cbRam, _4G), /*GCPhysMmio*/ 186 _1G, /*GCPhysRam*/ 187 VBOXPLATFORMARMV8_PHYS_ADDR + _1M, /*GCPhysMmio32Start*/ 188 _1G - (VBOXPLATFORMARMV8_PHYS_ADDR + _1M), /*cbMmio32*/ 189 32 /*cInterrupts*/); 194 190 195 191 /* … … 332 328 333 329 vrc = RTFdtNodeFinalize(hFdt); VRC(); 330 331 332 /* 333 * CPUM values. 334 */ 335 PCFGMNODE pCpum; 336 InsertConfigNode(pRoot, "CPUM", &pCpum); 334 337 335 338 … … 398 401 InsertConfigNode(pResources, "ArmV8Desc", &pRes); 399 402 InsertConfigInteger(pRes, "RegisterAsRom", 1); 400 InsertConfigInteger(pRes, "GCPhysLoadAddress", UINT64_MAX); /* End of physical address space. */403 InsertConfigInteger(pRes, "GCPhysLoadAddress", VBOXPLATFORMARMV8_PHYS_ADDR); 401 404 InsertConfigString(pRes, "ResourceId", "VBoxArmV8Desc"); 402 405 … … 613 616 RTGCPHYS GCPhysPciMmioEcam, GCPhysPciMmio, GCPhysPciMmio32; 614 617 RTGCPHYS cbPciMmioEcam, cbPciMmio, cbPciMmio32; 615 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegionAligned("pci-pio", _64K, _64K, &GCPhysMmioStart, &cbMmio); H();616 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegion( "pci-ecam", 16 * _1M, &GCPhysPciMmioEcam, &cbPciMmioEcam); H();617 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegion( "pci-mmio", _2G, &GCPhysPciMmio, &cbPciMmio); H();618 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmio32Region( "pci-mmio32", (1024 - 128) *_1M, &GCPhysPciMmio32, &cbPciMmio32); H();618 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegionAligned("pci-pio", _64K, _64K, &GCPhysMmioStart, &cbMmio); H(); 619 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegion( "pci-ecam", 16 * _1M, &GCPhysPciMmioEcam, &cbPciMmioEcam); H(); 620 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmioRegion( "pci-mmio", _2G, &GCPhysPciMmio, &cbPciMmio); H(); 621 hrc = pResMgr->assignMmio32Region( "pci-mmio32", _1G - VBOXPLATFORMARMV8_PHYS_ADDR - _1M, &GCPhysPciMmio32, &cbPciMmio32); H(); 619 622 620 623 InsertConfigNode(pDevices, "pci-generic-ecam", &pDev); … … 773 776 VBOXPLATFORMARMV8 ArmV8Platform; RT_ZERO(ArmV8Platform); 774 777 778 /* Make room for the descriptor at the beginning. */ 779 vrc = RTVfsIoStrmZeroFill(hVfsIosDesc, sizeof(ArmV8Platform)); 780 AssertRCReturnStmt(vrc, RTFdtDestroy(hFdt), vrc); 781 775 782 vrc = RTFdtDumpToVfsIoStrm(hFdt, RTFDTTYPE_DTB, 0 /*fFlags*/, hVfsIosDesc, NULL /*pErrInfo*/); 783 uint64_t cbFdt = 0; 776 784 if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) 777 vrc = RTVfsFileQuerySize(hVfsFileDesc, &ArmV8Platform.cbFdt); 785 { 786 vrc = RTVfsFileQuerySize(hVfsFileDesc, &cbFdt); 787 cbFdt -= sizeof(ArmV8Platform); 788 } 778 789 AssertRCReturnStmt(vrc, RTFdtDestroy(hFdt), vrc); 779 790 780 vrc = RTVfsIoStrmZeroFill(hVfsIosDesc, (RTFOFF)(RT_ALIGN_64( ArmV8Platform.cbFdt, _64K) - ArmV8Platform.cbFdt));791 vrc = RTVfsIoStrmZeroFill(hVfsIosDesc, (RTFOFF)(RT_ALIGN_64(cbFdt, _64K) - cbFdt)); 781 792 AssertRCReturn(vrc, vrc); 782 793 … … 797 808 ArmV8Platform.u64PhysAddrRamBase = GCPhysRam; 798 809 ArmV8Platform.cbRamBase = cbRam; 799 ArmV8Platform. u64OffBackFdt = RT_ALIGN_64(ArmV8Platform.cbFdt, _64K);800 ArmV8Platform.cbFdt = RT_ALIGN_64( ArmV8Platform.cbFdt, _64K);801 ArmV8Platform. u64OffBackAcpiXsdp= 0;810 ArmV8Platform.i64OffFdt = sizeof(ArmV8Platform); 811 ArmV8Platform.cbFdt = RT_ALIGN_64(cbFdt, _64K); 812 ArmV8Platform.i64OffAcpiXsdp = 0; 802 813 ArmV8Platform.cbAcpiXsdp = 0; 803 ArmV8Platform. u64OffBackUefiRom = GCPhysTopOfAddrSpace - sizeof(ArmV8Platform);804 ArmV8Platform.cbUefiRom = _64M; /** @todo Fixed reservation but the ROM region is usually much smaller. */805 ArmV8Platform. u64OffBackMmio = GCPhysTopOfAddrSpace - sizeof(ArmV8Platform) - GCPhysMmioStart;814 ArmV8Platform.i64OffUefiRom = -128 * _1M; 815 ArmV8Platform.cbUefiRom = _64M; 816 ArmV8Platform.i64OffMmio = GCPhysMmioStart - _128M; 806 817 ArmV8Platform.cbMmio = cbMmio; 807 ArmV8Platform. u64OffBackMmio32 = GCPhysTopOfAddrSpace - sizeof(ArmV8Platform) - GCPhysMmio32Start;818 ArmV8Platform.i64OffMmio32 = GCPhysMmio32Start - _128M; 808 819 ArmV8Platform.cbMmio32 = cbMmio32; 809 820 810 821 /* Add the VBox platform descriptor to the resource store. */ 811 vrc = RTVfsIoStrmWrite (hVfsIosDesc, &ArmV8Platform, sizeof(ArmV8Platform), true /*fBlocking*/, NULL /*pcbWritten*/);822 vrc = RTVfsIoStrmWriteAt(hVfsIosDesc, 0, &ArmV8Platform, sizeof(ArmV8Platform), true /*fBlocking*/, NULL /*pcbWritten*/); 812 823 RTVfsIoStrmRelease(hVfsIosDesc); 813 824 vrc = mptrResourceStore->i_addItem("resources", "VBoxArmV8Desc", hVfsFileDesc); -
r104028 r105600 113 113 114 114 HRESULT ResourceAssignmentManager::State::init(PCVMMR3VTABLE pVMM, ChipsetType_T chipsetType, IommuType_T iommuType, 115 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmio Top, RTGCPHYS GCPhysRamStart,115 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmioStart, RTGCPHYS GCPhysRamStart, 116 116 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmio32Start, RTGCPHYS cbMmio32, uint32_t cInterrupts) 117 117 { … … 123 123 mChipsetType = chipsetType; 124 124 mIommuType = iommuType; 125 mGCPhysMmioStart = GCPhysMmio Top;126 mGCPhysMmioStartOrig = GCPhysMmio Top;125 mGCPhysMmioStart = GCPhysMmioStart; 126 mGCPhysMmioStartOrig = GCPhysMmioStart; 127 127 mGCPhysRamStart = GCPhysRamStart; 128 128 mGCPhysMmio32Start = GCPhysMmio32Start; … … 171 171 { 172 172 RTGCPHYS cbRegionAligned = RT_ALIGN_T(cbRegion, _4K, RTGCPHYS); 173 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart - cbRegionAligned; 174 175 if (GCPhysMmioStart < pState->mGCPhysRamStart) 176 { 177 AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("ResourceAssignmentManager: MMIO range for %s would overlap RAM region\n", pszName)); 178 return E_INVALIDARG; 179 } 173 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart; 180 174 181 175 *pGCPhysStart = GCPhysMmioStart; 182 176 *pcbRegion = cbRegionAligned; 183 pState->mGCPhysMmioStart -= cbRegionAligned;177 pState->mGCPhysMmioStart += cbRegionAligned; 184 178 pState->addAddrRange(pszName, GCPhysMmioStart, cbRegionAligned); 185 179 return S_OK; … … 207 201 { 208 202 RTGCPHYS cbRegionAligned = RT_ALIGN_T(cbRegion, cbAlignment, RTGCPHYS); 209 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart - cbRegionAligned; 210 211 GCPhysMmioStart = GCPhysMmioStart & ~(cbAlignment - 1); 212 if (GCPhysMmioStart < pState->mGCPhysRamStart) 213 { 214 AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("ResourceAssignmentManager: MMIO range for %s would overlap RAM region\n", pszName)); 215 return E_INVALIDARG; 216 } 203 RTGCPHYS GCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart; 204 205 GCPhysMmioStart = RT_ALIGN_T(GCPhysMmioStart, cbAlignment, RTGCPHYS); 217 206 218 207 *pGCPhysStart = GCPhysMmioStart; 219 208 *pcbRegion = cbRegionAligned; 220 pState->mGCPhysMmioStart = GCPhysMmioStart ;209 pState->mGCPhysMmioStart = GCPhysMmioStart + cbRegionAligned; 221 210 pState->addAddrRange(pszName, GCPhysMmioStart, cbRegionAligned); 222 211 return S_OK; … … 232 221 HRESULT ResourceAssignmentManager::assignRamRegion(const char *pszName, RTGCPHYS cbRam, PRTGCPHYS pGCPhysStart) 233 222 { 234 if (pState->mGCPhysRamStart + cbRam > pState->mGCPhysMmioStart)235 {236 AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("ResourceAssignmentManager: RAM range for %s would overlap MMIO range\n", pszName));237 return E_INVALIDARG;238 }239 240 223 *pGCPhysStart = pState->mGCPhysRamStart; 241 224 pState->mGCPhysRamStart += cbRam; … … 264 247 HRESULT ResourceAssignmentManager::queryMmioRegion(PRTGCPHYS pGCPhysMmioStart, PRTGCPHYS pcbMmio) 265 248 { 266 *pGCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart ;267 *pcbMmio = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart Orig - pState->mGCPhysMmioStart;249 *pGCPhysMmioStart = pState->mGCPhysMmioStartOrig; 250 *pcbMmio = pState->mGCPhysMmioStart - pState->mGCPhysMmioStartOrig; 268 251 return S_OK; 269 252 }
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