
Changeset 105841 in vbox for trunk/doc/manual/en_US

Aug 23, 2024 8:28:12 AM (7 months ago)

Docs: bugref:10705. The following commits from doc's team git repo has been applied:

24b92cd60f8a5bbffa8f66258d78050cfb0a6de2 Included review feedback on several topics

16 edited


  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/create-vm-wizard-name-os.dita

    r105619 r105841  
    77    <p>
    88      <ol id="ol_s3f_d13_4bc">
    9         <li>Give the virtual machine (VM) a name. The name you enter is shown in the machine list in
    10             <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> and is also used for the virtual
    11           machine's files on disk. Be sure to assign each VM an informative name that describes the
    12           OS and software running on the VM. For example, <codeph>Windows 10 with
    13           Visio</codeph>.</li>
     9        <li>Give the virtual machine (VM) a name. The name you enter is shown in the machine list in <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> and is also used for the virtual machine's files on disk. Be sure to assign each VM an informative name that describes the OS and software running on the VM. For example, <codeph>Windows 10 with Visio</codeph>. The name is also used to help <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> suggest the appropriate OS and related field contents automatically.</li>
    1410        <li>Select the location where VMs are stored on your computer, called the machine folder.
    1511          Ensure that the folder location has enough free space, especially if you intend to use the
    2016          to a DVD drive on the new VM. If the image contains more than one edition, select the edition you want to
    2117          use.</li>
    22         <li><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> will populate the <b>Type</b>,
    23             <b>Subtype</b>, and <b>Version</b> fields if it can detect the operating system in the
    24           ISO. If it cannot detect the OS, then set these according to your OS. For example, if the
    25             <b>Type</b> is Linux, the <b>Subtype</b> might be Oracle Linux and the <b>Version</b>
    26           might be Oracle Linux 8.x (64-bit). <p>The supported OSs are grouped into types. If you
    27             want to install something very unusual that is not listed, select the <b>Other</b> type.
    28             Depending on your selection, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> will
    29             enable or disable certain VM settings that your guest OS may require. This is
    30             particularly important for 64-bit guests (see <xref
    31               href="intro-64bitguests.dita#intro-64bitguests"/>) but you must always set this field
    32             to the correct value.</p></li>
     18        <li><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> will populate the <b>Type</b>, <b>Subtype</b>, and <b>Version</b> fields if it can detect the operating system in the ISO. If it cannot detect the OS, then set these according to your OS. For example, if the <b>Type</b> is Linux, the <b>Subtype</b> might be Oracle Linux and the <b>Version</b> might be Oracle Linux 8.x (64-bit). The options available for the guest OS are also limited by the host architecture. See <xref href="guest-os.dita"/> for more information.<p>The supported OSs are grouped into types. If you want to install something very unusual that is not listed, select the <b>Other</b> type. Depending on your selection, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> will enable or disable certain VM settings that your guest OS may require. This is particularly important for 64-bit guests (see <xref href="intro-64bitguests.dita#intro-64bitguests"/>) but you must always set this field to the correct value.</p></li>
    3319        <li>By default, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> will install the chosen OS using the ISO
    3420          image provided, if the image supports unattended installation. See also <xref
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/create-vm-wizard.dita

    r105619 r105841  
    66  <body>
    7     <p>In the VirtualBox Manager window, click <b outputclass="bold">New</b>. The <b
    8         outputclass="bold">Create Virtual Machine</b> wizard is shown, to guide you through the
    9       required steps for setting up a new virtual machine (VM). </p>
     7    <p>In the VirtualBox Manager window, click <b outputclass="bold">New</b>. The <b outputclass="bold">Create Virtual Machine</b> workflow is shown, to guide you through the required steps for setting up a new virtual machine (VM). </p>
    108    <p>The steps are:<ul id="ul_yt4_cjt_pbc">
    119        <li><xref href="create-vm-wizard-name-os.dita"/></li>
    1412        <li><xref href="create-vm-wizard-virtual-hard-disk.dita"/></li>
    1513      </ul></p>
    16     <p>If you don't see the wizard, change the experience level to <b>Basic</b>. See <xref
    17         href="ui-experience-level.dita"/>.</p>
    18     <p>Once created, the virtual machine is displayed in the machine list on the left side of the
    19         <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> window, with the name that you entered on
    20       the first page of the wizard.</p>
     14    <p>The exact settings on the workflow pages depend on the architecture of the host platform.</p>
     15    <p>If you don't see the workflow, change the experience level to <b>Basic</b>. See <xref href="ui-experience-level.dita"/>.</p>
     16    <p>Once created, the virtual machine is displayed in the machine list on the left side of the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> window, with the name that you entered on the first page of the workflow.</p>
    2117    <p>You can change the settings later, after you have created the VM, using the Machine
    2218      Settings.</p>
    2521      it. </p>
    2622    <p><!--7.1: Note added re platforms and paragraph re ISO requirement. Reworded when removing screenshots. Subpages also updated.--></p>
    27       <note>
    28       <p>The settings on the wizard pages may vary depending on the architecture of the host
    29         platform, as follows:</p>
    30       <ul>
    31         <li>
    32           <p><b>x86 host platforms.</b> This includes Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.</p>
    33         </li>
    34         <li>
    35           <p><b>Arm host platforms.</b> This includes macOS.</p>
    36         </li>
    37       </ul>
    38     </note>
    3923  </body>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/features-overview.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    176176        <ul>
    177177          <li>
    178             <p><b outputclass="bold">Extensible RDP
    179               authentication.</b> <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> already supports
    180               Winlogon on Windows and PAM on Linux for RDP
    181               authentication. In addition, it includes an easy-to-use
    182               SDK which enables you to create arbitrary interfaces for
    183               other methods of authentication. See
    184               <xref href="vbox-auth.dita">RDP Authentication</xref>.
    185             </p>
     178            <p><b outputclass="bold">Extensible RDP authentication.</b>
     179              <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> already supports Winlogon on Windows and PAM on Linux and Oracle Solaris for RDP authentication. In addition, it includes an easy-to-use SDK which enables you to create arbitrary interfaces for other methods of authentication. See <xref href="vbox-auth.dita">RDP Authentication</xref>. </p>
    186180          </li>
    187181          <li>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/generalsettings.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    66  <body>
    7     <p>In the <b outputclass="bold">Settings</b> window, under <b outputclass="bold">General</b>, you can configure the
    8       most fundamental aspects of the virtual machine such as memory and essential hardware. The following tabs are
    9       available. </p>
     7    <p>In the <b outputclass="bold">Settings</b> window, under <b outputclass="bold">General</b>, you can configure the most fundamental aspects of the virtual machine such as memory and essential hardware. The following tabs are available.</p>
    108  </body>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/guest-os-legacy.dita

    r105792 r105841  
    99    </draft-comment>
    1010    <p>The following legacy guest operating systems can be used with <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>, but only qualify for limited support because of the vintage of the technology involved. Therefore, resolution of customer issues for such legacy guest operating systems cannot be assured. </p>
     11    <p>See also <xref href="host-guest-matrix.dita"/>.</p>
    1112    <p>VMs with an x86 or x86-64 platform architecture, as appropriate might run<ul id="ul_j5n_srf_3cc">
    1213        <li>Windows 8 and 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit) </li>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/install-linux-prereq.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    1111    <ul>
    1212      <li>
    13         <p>Qt 5.3.2 or later. Qt 5.6.2 or later is recommended. </p>
     13        <p>Qt 6.5.3 or later.</p>
    1414      </li>
    1515      <li>
    16         <p>SDL 1.2.7 or later. This graphics library is typically called <filepath>libsdl</filepath> or similar. </p>
     16        <p>SDL 2.0 or later. This graphics library is typically called <filepath>libsdl2</filepath> or similar. </p>
    1717      </li>
    1818    </ul>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/seamlesswindows.dita

    r99797 r105841  
    66  <body>
    7     <p>
    8       With the <i>seamless windows</i> feature of
    9       <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>, you can have the windows that are displayed within
    10       a virtual machine appear side by side next to the windows of your
    11       host. This feature is supported for the following guest operating
    12       systems, provided that the Guest Additions are installed:
    13     </p>
     7    <p>With the <i>seamless windows</i> feature of <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>, you can have the windows that are displayed within a virtual machine appear side by side next to the windows of your host. This feature is supported for the following guest operating systems, provided that the Guest Additions are installed: </p>
    148    <ul>
    159      <li>
    16         <p>
    17           Windows guests.
    18         </p>
     10        <p>Legacy Windows guests (prior to Windows 10). </p>
    1911      </li>
    2012      <li>
    21         <p>
    22           Supported Linux or Oracle Solaris guests running the X Window
    23           System.
    24         </p>
     13        <p>Supported Linux or Oracle Solaris guests running the X Window System. </p>
    2514      </li>
    2615    </ul>
    27     <p>
    28       After seamless windows are enabled, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> suppresses the
    29       display of the desktop background of your guest, allowing you to
    30       run the windows of your guest operating system seamlessly next to
    31       the windows of your host.
    32     </p>
     16    <p>After seamless windows are enabled, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> suppresses the display of the desktop background of your guest, allowing you to run the windows of your guest operating system seamlessly next to the windows of your host. </p>
    3317    <fig id="fig-seamless-windows">
    3418      <title>Seamless Windows on a Host Desktop</title>
    4226      </image>
    4327    </fig>
    44     <p>
    45       To enable seamless mode, after starting the virtual machine, press
    46       the <b outputclass="bold">Host key + L</b>. The Host key is
    47       normally the right control key. This will enlarge the size of the
    48       VM's display to the size of your host screen and mask out the
    49       guest operating system's background. To disable seamless windows
    50       and go back to the normal VM display, press the Host key + L
    51       again.
    52     </p>
     28    <p>To enable seamless mode, after starting the virtual machine, press the <b outputclass="bold">Host key + L</b>. The Host key is normally the right control key. This will enlarge the size of the VM's display to the size of your host screen and mask out the guest operating system's background. To disable seamless windows and go back to the normal VM display, press the Host key + L again. </p>
    5329  </body>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/serialports.dita

    r105303 r105841  
    66  <body>
    7     <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> supports the use of virtual serial ports in a virtual
    8       machine. </p>
     7    <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> supports the use of virtual serial ports in a virtual machine with an x86 architecture.  Serial ports are not available on Arm VMs.</p>
    98    <p>Ever since the original IBM PC, personal computers have been equipped with one or two serial ports, also called
    109      COM ports by DOS and Windows. Serial ports were commonly used with modems, and some computer mice used to be
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-basic.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    2323            OS for the VM. For example, if the <b>Type</b> is Linux, the <b>Subtype</b> might be
    2424          Oracle Linux.</p>
    25         <p>These are the same settings that are specified in
    26             the <b outputclass="bold">New Virtual Machine</b>
    27             wizard. See <xref href="create-vm-wizard.dita#create-vm-wizard"/>.
    28           </p>
    29         <p>Whereas the default settings of a newly created VM depend on the selected OS type, changing the type later
    30           has no effect on VM settings. This value is purely informational and decorative. </p>
     25        <p>These are the same settings that are specified in the <b outputclass="bold">New Virtual Machine</b> workflow. See <xref href="create-vm-wizard.dita#create-vm-wizard"/>. </p>
     26        <p>Whereas the default settings of a newly created VM depend on the selected OS type, changing the type later has no effect on VM settings.</p>
    3127      </li>
    3228      <li>
    33         <p><b outputclass="bold">Version:</b> The version of the
    34             guest OS for the VM. This is the same setting that is
    35             specified in the <b outputclass="bold">New Virtual
    36             Machine</b> wizard. See
    37             <xref href="create-vm-wizard.dita#create-vm-wizard"/>.
    38           </p>
     29        <p><b outputclass="bold">Version:</b> The version of the guest OS for the VM. This is the same setting that is specified in the <b outputclass="bold">New Virtual Machine</b> workflow. See <xref href="create-vm-wizard.dita#create-vm-wizard"/>. </p>
    3930      </li>
    4031    </ul>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-capture.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    66  <body>
    7     <p>On the <b outputclass="bold">Recording</b> tab you can enable video and audio recording for a virtual machine and
    8       change related settings. Note that these features can be enabled and disabled while a VM is running. </p>
     7    <p>On the <b outputclass="bold">Recording</b> tab you can enable video and audio recording for a virtual machine and change related settings. Note that these features can be enabled and disabled while a VM is running. Settings apply to all selected screens.</p>
    98    <ul>
    109      <li>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-general-advanced.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    2727            direction.
    2828          </p>
    29         <p>Clipboard sharing requires that the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> Guest Additions be
    30           installed. In such a case, this setting has no effect. See <xref href="guestadditions.dita#guestadditions"/>. </p>
     29        <p>Clipboard sharing requires the <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>
     30          <xref href="guestadditions.dita#guestadditions"/>.</p>
    3131        <p>For security reasons, the shared clipboard is disabled by default. This setting can be changed at any time
    3232          using the <b outputclass="bold">Shared Clipboard</b> menu item in the <b outputclass="bold">Devices</b> menu
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-motherboard.dita

    r105303 r105841  
    3636      </li>
    3737      <li>
    38         <p><b outputclass="bold">Chipset:</b> You can select
    39             which chipset will be presented to the virtual machine.
    40             PIIX3 is the default chipset for most guests. For some guest
    41             OSes such as Mac OS X, the PIIX3 chipset is not well
    42             supported. As a result, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> supports an emulation
    43             of the ICH9 chipset, which supports PCI express, three PCI
    44             buses, PCI-to-PCI bridges and Message Signaled Interrupts
    45             (MSI). This enables modern OSes to address more PCI devices
    46             and no longer requires IRQ sharing. Using the ICH9 chipset
    47             it is also possible to configure up to 36 network cards,
    48             compared to a maximum of eight network adapters with PIIX3.
    49             Note that ICH9 support is experimental and not recommended
    50             for guest OSes which do not require it.
    51           </p>
    52         <!-- 7.1: Any chipset options for Arm?-->
     38        <p><b outputclass="bold">Chipset (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture):</b> You can select which chipset will be presented to the virtual machine. PIIX3 is the default chipset for most guests. For some guest OSes such as Mac OS X, the PIIX3 chipset is not well supported. As a result, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> supports an emulation of the ICH9 chipset, which supports PCI express, three PCI buses, PCI-to-PCI bridges and Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI). This enables modern OSes to address more PCI devices and no longer requires IRQ sharing. Using the ICH9 chipset it is also possible to configure up to 36 network cards, compared to a maximum of eight network adapters with PIIX3. Note that ICH9 support is experimental and not recommended for guest OSes which do not require it. </p>
    5339      </li>
    5440      <li>
    55         <p><b outputclass="bold">TPM:</b> Enables support for a
    56             Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security processor. Choose
    57             from the supported TPM versions.
    58           </p>
     41        <p><b outputclass="bold">TPM (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture):</b> Enables support for a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security processor. Choose from the supported TPM versions. </p>
    5942      </li>
    6043      <li>
    7659      </li>
    7760      <li>
    78         <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable I/O APIC:</b> Advanced
    79             Programmable Interrupt Controllers (APICs) are an x86
    80             hardware feature that have replaced Programmable Interrupt
    81             Controllers (PICs). With an I/O APIC, OSes can use more than
    82             16 interrupt requests (IRQs) and therefore avoid IRQ sharing
    83             for improved reliability.
    84           </p>
     61        <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable I/O APIC (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture):</b> Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers (APICs) are an x86 hardware feature that have replaced Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PICs). With an I/O APIC, OSes can use more than 16 interrupt requests (IRQs) and therefore avoid IRQ sharing for improved reliability. </p>
    8562        <note>
    8663          <p>Enabling the I/O APIC is <i>required</i>, especially for 64-bit Windows guest OSes. It is also required if
    10683      </li>
    10784      <li>
    108         <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable EFI:</b> Enables
    109             Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), which replaces the
    110             legacy BIOS and may be useful for certain advanced use
    111             cases. See <xref href="efi.dita#efi"/>.
    112           </p>
     85        <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable EFI (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture):</b> Enables Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), which replaces the legacy BIOS and may be useful for certain advanced use cases. See <xref href="efi.dita#efi"/>. </p>
    11386      </li>
    11487      <li>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-processor.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    3737      </li>
    3838      <li>
    39         <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable PAE/NX:</b> Determines
    40             whether the PAE and NX capabilities of the host CPU will be
    41             exposed to the virtual machine.
    42           </p>
     39        <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable PAE/NX (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture):</b> Determines whether the PAE and NX capabilities of the host CPU will be exposed to the virtual machine. </p>
    4340        <p>
    4441            PAE stands for Physical Address Extension. Normally, if
    5249      </li>
    5350      <li>
    54         <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V</b>:
    55             Enables nested virtualization, with passthrough of hardware
    56             virtualization functions to the guest VM.
    57           </p>
     51        <p><b outputclass="bold">Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V (Can't be changed on VMs with an Arm architecture)</b>: Enables nested virtualization, with passthrough of hardware virtualization functions to the guest VM. </p>
    5852      </li>
    5953    </ul>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-screen.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    1111          specified amount will be allocated from the host's resident memory. Based on the amount of
    1212          video memory, higher resolutions and color depths may be available. </p>
    13         <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> will show a warning if the amount of video memory is too
    14           small to be able to switch the VM into full screen mode. The minimum value depends on the number of virtual
    15           monitors, the screen resolution and the color depth of the host display as well as on the use of <i>3D
    16             acceleration</i> and <i>2D video acceleration</i>. A rough estimate is (<i>color depth</i> / 8) x
    17             <i>vertical pixels</i> x <i>horizontal pixels</i> x <i>number of screens</i> = <i>number of bytes</i>. Extra
    18           memory may be required if display acceleration is used. </p>
     13        <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> will show a warning if the amount of video memory is too small to be able to switch the VM into full screen mode. The minimum value depends on the number of virtual monitors, the screen resolution and the color depth of the host display as well as on the use of <i>3D acceleration</i>. A rough estimate is (<i>color depth</i> / 8) x <i>vertical pixels</i> x <i>horizontal pixels</i> x <i>number of screens</i> = <i>number of bytes</i>. Extra memory may be required if display acceleration is used. </p>
    1914      </li>
    2015      <li>
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/settings-storage.dita

    r105618 r105841  
    3636      </li>
    3737    </ul>
     38    <p>VMs with an Arm architecture have VirtIO SCSI only.</p>
    3839    <p>If you created your VM with an older version of <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>, the
    3940      default storage layout may differ. You might then only have an IDE controller to which both the CD/DVD drive and
  • trunk/doc/manual/en_US/dita/topics/unattended-guest-install-example.dita

    r105289 r105841  
    108108            conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/vbox-mgr"/> window does not open. </p>
    109109                     </li>
    110                      <li>(Optional) Update the guest OS to use the latest Oracle Linux packages. <p>On the guest VM, run
    111           the following command: </p><pre xml:space="preserve"># yum update</pre></li>
    112110                  </ol>
    113111               </body>             
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.

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