Changeset 108113 in vbox
- Timestamp:
- Feb 7, 2025 1:20:40 PM (2 weeks ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 167411
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r107119 r108113 285 285 { 286 286 if (m_pLabelName) 287 m_pLabelName->setText(tr(" &Name:"));287 m_pLabelName->setText(tr("VM &Name:")); 288 288 if (m_pLabelPath) 289 m_pLabelPath->setText(tr(" &Folder:"));289 m_pLabelPath->setText(tr("VM &Folder:")); 290 290 if (m_pLabelImage) 291 291 m_pLabelImage->setText(tr("&ISO Image:")); 292 292 if (m_pLabelEdition) 293 m_pLabelEdition->setText(tr(" &Edition:"));293 m_pLabelEdition->setText(tr("OS &Edition:")); 294 294 if (m_pLabelFamily) 295 295 m_pLabelFamily->setText(tr("&Type:")); 296 296 if (m_pLabelDistribution) 297 m_pLabelDistribution->setText(tr(" &Subtype:"));297 m_pLabelDistribution->setText(tr("Va&riant:")); 298 298 if (m_pLabelType) 299 299 m_pLabelType->setText(tr("&Version:")); 300 300 301 301 if (m_pEditorName) 302 m_pEditorName->setToolTip(tr(" Holds the name forvirtual machine."));302 m_pEditorName->setToolTip(tr("Descriptive name to uniquely identify the virtual machine.")); 303 303 if (m_pSelectorPath) 304 m_pSelectorPath->setToolTip(tr("S elects the folder hosting virtual machine."));304 m_pSelectorPath->setToolTip(tr("Storage location for virtual machine files.")); 305 305 if (m_pComboEdition) 306 m_pComboEdition->setToolTip(tr(" Selects the operating system edition when possible."));306 m_pComboEdition->setToolTip(tr("Edition of guest operating system to install.")); 307 307 if (m_pComboFamily) 308 m_pComboFamily->setToolTip(tr(" Selects the operating system type that "309 "you plan to install into this virtual machine.")); 308 m_pComboFamily->setToolTip(tr("Guest operating systme type.")); 309 310 310 if (m_pComboDistribution) 311 m_pComboDistribution->setToolTip(tr("Selects the operating system subtype that " 312 "you plan to install into this virtual machine.")); 311 m_pComboDistribution->setToolTip(tr("Guest operating system variant, if applicable.")); 313 312 if (m_pComboType) 314 m_pComboType->setToolTip(tr("Selects the operating system version that " 315 "you plan to install into this virtual machine " 316 "(called a guest operating system).")); 313 m_pComboType->setToolTip(tr("Guest operating system version to install")); 314 317 315 if (m_pSelectorImage) 318 m_pSelectorImage->setToolTip(tr(" Selects anISO image to be attached to the "319 "virtual machine orused in unattended install."));316 m_pSelectorImage->setToolTip(tr("ISO image to be attached to the " 317 "virtual machine and possibly used in unattended install.")); 320 318 } 321 319 -
r106061 r108113 106 106 m_pCloneModeGroupBox->setTitle(UIWizardCloneVM::tr("Snapshots")); 107 107 if (m_pAdditionalOptionsGroupBox) 108 m_pAdditionalOptionsGroupBox->setTitle(UIWizardCloneVM::tr(" AdditionalOptions"));108 m_pAdditionalOptionsGroupBox->setTitle(UIWizardCloneVM::tr("OS Installation Options")); 109 109 } 110 110 -
r106094 r108113 79 79 if (m_pHostnameLineEdit) 80 80 m_pHostnameLineEdit->mark(!m_pHostnameLineEdit->hasAcceptableInput(), 81 tr("Host name should be at least 2 character long. "81 tr("Host name should be at least 2 character long. " 82 82 "Allowed characters are alphanumerics, \"-\" and \".\""), 83 tr("Host name is valid"));83 tr("Host name is valid")); 84 84 if (m_pDomainNameLineEdit) 85 85 m_pDomainNameLineEdit->mark(!m_pDomainNameLineEdit->hasAcceptableInput(), … … 118 118 { 119 119 if (m_pHostnameLabel) 120 m_pHostnameLabel->setText(tr("Host na&me:"));121 if (m_pHostnameLineEdit) 122 m_pHostnameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Ho lds the hostname."));120 m_pHostnameLabel->setText(tr("Host Na&me:")); 121 if (m_pHostnameLineEdit) 122 m_pHostnameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Host name to be assigned to the virtual machine.")); 123 123 if (m_pDomainNameLabel) 124 124 m_pDomainNameLabel->setText(tr("&Domain Name:")); 125 125 if (m_pDomainNameLineEdit) 126 m_pDomainNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr(" Holds the domain name."));126 m_pDomainNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Doamin name to be assigned to the virtual machine.")); 127 127 if (m_pProductKeyLabel) 128 128 m_pProductKeyLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Product Key:")); 129 129 if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit) 130 m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" Holds the product key."));130 m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("The product key.")); 131 131 132 132 if (m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox) 133 133 { 134 134 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Install in Background")); 135 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("When checked, headless boot (with no GUI) will be enabled for " 136 "unattended guest OS installation of newly created virtual machine.")); 135 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Start the virtusl machine without a GUI.")); 137 136 } 138 137 } … … 207 206 { 208 207 m_pHostnameLineEdit->mark(!m_pHostnameLineEdit->hasAcceptableInput(), 209 tr("Host name should be at least 2 character long. "208 tr("Host name should be at least 2 character long. " 210 209 "Allowed characters are alphanumerics, \"-\" and \".\""), 211 tr("Host name is valid"));210 tr("Host name is valid")); 212 211 emit sigHostnameDomainNameChanged(hostnameDomainName(), isComplete()); 213 212 } -
r106061 r108113 228 228 bool fComplete = (m_pUserNameLineEdit && !m_pUserNameLineEdit->text().isEmpty()); 229 229 if (m_pUserNameLineEdit) 230 m_pUserNameLineEdit->mark(!fComplete, UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("User name cannot be an empty string"),231 UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("User name is valid"));230 m_pUserNameLineEdit->mark(!fComplete, UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("User name cannot be an empty string"), 231 UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("User name is valid")); 232 232 return fComplete; 233 233 } … … 277 277 { 278 278 QString strPassword = tr("Pass&word"); 279 QString strRepeatPassword = tr("& RepeatPassword");280 QString strUsername = tr("U&ser name");279 QString strRepeatPassword = tr("&Confirm Password"); 280 QString strUsername = tr("U&ser Name"); 281 281 if (m_pUserNameLabel) 282 282 m_pUserNameLabel->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(strUsername).arg(":")); … … 307 307 } 308 308 if(m_pUserNameLineEdit) 309 m_pUserNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr(" Holds username."));309 m_pUserNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("User name for the guest operating system.")); 310 310 if (m_pPasswordLineEdit) 311 m_pPasswordLineEdit->setToolTip(tr(" Holds password."));311 m_pPasswordLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Password for the guest operating system user account.")); 312 312 if (m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit) 313 m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit->setToolTip(tr(" Holds the repeated password."));313 m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Password must match.")); 314 314 m_strPasswordError = tr("Invalid password pair"); 315 315 } -
r106061 r108113 369 369 370 370 if (m_pAdditionalOptionsLabel) 371 m_pAdditionalOptionsLabel->setText(UIWizardCloneVM::tr(" AdditionalOptions:"));371 m_pAdditionalOptionsLabel->setText(UIWizardCloneVM::tr("OS Installation Options:")); 372 372 if (m_pKeepDiskNamesCheckBox) 373 373 { -
r106094 r108113 80 80 void UIUserNamePasswordGroupBox::sltRetranslateUI() 81 81 { 82 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User name and Password"));82 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User Name and Password")); 83 83 } 84 84 … … 178 178 if (m_pGAISOPathLabel) 179 179 m_pGAISOPathLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Guest &Additions ISO:")); 180 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" Gu&est Additions"));180 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Install Gu&est Additions")); 181 181 setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("When checked, the guest additions will be installed after the guest OS install.")); 182 182 } … … 256 256 void UIAdditionalUnattendedOptions::sltRetranslateUI() 257 257 { 258 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" AdditionalOptions"));258 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("OS Installation Options")); 259 259 } 260 260 -
r107119 r108113 391 391 { 392 392 UINativeWizard::sltRetranslateUI(); 393 setWindowTitle(tr(" CreateVirtual Machine"));393 setWindowTitle(tr("New Virtual Machine")); 394 394 } 395 395 -
r107999 r108113 168 168 bool const fOsTypeFixed = UIWizardNewVMNameOSTypeCommon::guessOSTypeDetectedOSTypeString(m_pNameAndSystemEditor, 169 169 pWizard->detectedOSTypeId()); 170 printf("os type %s\n", qPrintable(pWizard->detectedOSTypeId()));171 170 if (fOsTypeFixed) 172 171 m_userModifiedParameters << "GuestOSTypeFromISO"; … … 470 469 if (m_pNameAndSystemEditor) 471 470 { 472 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty(), 473 tr("Guest machine name cannot be empty"), tr("Guest machine name is valid")); 471 if (m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty()) 472 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty(), 473 tr("Virtual machine name cannot be empty"), tr("Virtual machine name is valid")); 474 else 475 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor((QDir(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->fullPath()).exists()), 476 tr("Virtual machine path is not unique"), tr("Virtual machine name is valid")); 477 474 478 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markImageEditor(!UIWizardNewVMNameOSTypeCommon::checkISOFile(m_pNameAndSystemEditor), 475 479 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid file path or unreadable file"), 476 480 UIWizardNewVM::tr("File path is valid")); 477 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor((QDir(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->fullPath()).exists()),478 tr("Guest machine path is not unique"), tr("Guest machine name is valid"));479 481 } 480 482 UIWizardNewVM *pWizard = wizardWindow<UIWizardNewVM>(); … … 604 606 m_pToolBox->setPageTitleIcon(ExpertToolboxItems_Unattended, 605 607 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"), 606 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid user name and/or password"));608 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid user name and/or password")); 607 609 fIsComplete = false; 608 610 } … … 614 616 m_pToolBox->setPageTitleIcon(ExpertToolboxItems_Unattended, 615 617 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"), 616 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid host name or domain name"));618 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid host name or domain name")); 617 619 fIsComplete = false; 618 620 } … … 626 628 m_pToolBox->setPageTitleIcon(ExpertToolboxItems_NameAndOSType, 627 629 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"), 628 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual machine name is invalid")); 630 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual machine name is invalid (possibly empty)")); 631 fIsComplete = false; 632 } 633 else if (QDir(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->fullPath()).exists()) 634 { 635 m_pToolBox->setPageTitleIcon(ExpertToolboxItems_NameAndOSType, 636 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"), 637 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual` machine path is not unique")); 629 638 fIsComplete = false; 630 639 } … … 634 643 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"), 635 644 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid ISO file")); 636 fIsComplete = false;637 }638 if (QDir(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->fullPath()).exists())639 {640 m_pToolBox->setPageTitleIcon(ExpertToolboxItems_NameAndOSType,641 UIIconPool::iconSet(":/status_error_16px.png"),642 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Guest machine path is not unique"));643 645 fIsComplete = false; 644 646 } -
r107961 r108113 567 567 void UIWizardNewVMNameOSTypePage::sltRetranslateUI() 568 568 { 569 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual machine Name and Operating System"));569 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Virtual machine name and operating system")); 570 570 571 571 if (m_pNameOSTypeLabel) … … 607 607 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("No ISO image is selected, the guest OS will need to be installed manually."); 608 608 else if (pWizard->detectedOSTypeId().isEmpty()) 609 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("OS type cannot be determined from the selected ISO, " 610 "the guest OS will need to be installed manually."); 609 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("VirtualBox can't install an OS from the selected ISO. OS cannot be determined, the guest OS will need to be installed manually."); 611 610 else if (!pWizard->detectedOSTypeId().isEmpty()) 612 611 { … … 615 614 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("Detected OS type: %1. %2") 616 615 .arg(strType) 617 .arg(UIWizardNewVM::tr("This OS type cannot be installed unattendedly. " 618 "The install needs to be started manually.")); 616 .arg(UIWizardNewVM::tr("This OS can't be installed using Unattended Installation. " 617 "The installation needs to be done manually.")); 618 619 619 else if (pWizard->skipUnattendedInstall()) 620 620 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("You have selected to skip unattended guest OS install, " … … 623 623 strMessage = UIWizardNewVM::tr("Detected OS type: %1. %2") 624 624 .arg(strType) 625 .arg(UIWizardNewVM::tr("This OS type can be installed unattendedly. " 626 "The install will start after this wizard is closed.")); 627 628 629 625 .arg(UIWizardNewVM::tr("VirtualBox will install the OS using an unattended installation when the VM is created. " 626 "Supply the required information in the following steps.")); 630 627 } 631 628 … … 786 783 if (m_pNameAndSystemEditor) 787 784 { 788 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty(), 789 tr("Guest machine name cannot be empty"), tr("Guest machine name is valid")); 785 if (m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty()) 786 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->name().isEmpty(), 787 tr("Virtual machine name cannot be empty"), tr("Virtual machine name is valid")); 788 else 790 789 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markNameEditor((QDir(m_pNameAndSystemEditor->fullPath()).exists()), 791 tr("Guest machine path is not unique"), tr("Guest machine name is valid")); 790 tr("Virtual machine path is not unique"), tr("Virtual machine name is valid")); 791 792 792 m_pNameAndSystemEditor->markImageEditor(!UIWizardNewVMNameOSTypeCommon::checkISOFile(m_pNameAndSystemEditor), 793 793 UIWizardNewVM::tr("Invalid file path or unreadable file"), -
r107002 r108113 368 368 const QString &ISOPath = pWizard->ISOFilePath(); 369 369 if (!ISOPath.isNull() && !ISOPath.isEmpty()) 370 pNameRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" SkipUnattended Install"), pWizard->skipUnattendedInstall());370 pNameRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Proceed with Unattended Install"), pWizard->skipUnattendedInstall()); 371 371 372 372 /* Unattended install related info: */ … … 377 377 pUnattendedRoot->setIsSectionTitle(true); 378 378 379 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User name"), pWizard->userName());379 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User Name"), pWizard->userName()); 380 380 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Product Key"), pWizard->installGuestAdditions()); 381 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Host name/Domain Name"), pWizard->hostnameDomainName());381 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Host Name/Domain Name"), pWizard->hostnameDomainName()); 382 382 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Install in Background"), pWizard->startHeadless()); 383 383 pUnattendedRoot->addChild(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Install Guest Additions"), pWizard->installGuestAdditions()); -
r107002 r108113 112 112 void UIWizardNewVMUnattendedPage::sltRetranslateUI() 113 113 { 114 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" Unattended Guest OS Install Setup"));114 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Set up unattended guest OS installation")); 115 115 if (m_pLabel) 116 m_pLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("You can configure the unattended guest OS install by modifying username, password, " 117 "and hostname. Additionally you can enable guest additions install. " 118 "For Microsoft Windows guests it is possible to provide a product key.")); 116 m_pLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Enter the information that will be required when the OS is installed.")); 117 119 118 if (m_pUserNamePasswordGroupBox) 120 m_pUserNamePasswordGroupBox->setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User name and Password"));119 m_pUserNamePasswordGroupBox->setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("User Name and Password")); 121 120 } 122 121
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