- Timestamp:
- Feb 27, 2009 12:37:35 AM (16 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 43470
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r16750 r17184 593 593 * @param pSwitchPort Pointer to the port interface on the switch that 594 594 * this interface is being connected to. 595 * @param fFlags Creation flags, see below. 595 596 * @param ppIfPort Where to store the pointer to the interface port 596 597 * on success. 597 * @param fNoPromisc Do not put the interface into promiscuous mode.598 598 * 599 599 * @remarks Called while owning the network and the out-bound trunk semaphores. 600 600 */ 601 601 DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnCreateAndConnect,(struct INTNETTRUNKFACTORY *pIfFactory, const char *pszName, 602 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort,603 bool fNoPromisc));602 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, uint32_t fFlags, 603 PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort)); 604 604 } INTNETTRUNKFACTORY; 605 605 /** Pointer to the trunk factory. */ … … 607 607 608 608 /** The UUID for the (current) trunk factory. (case sensitive) */ 609 #define INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_UUID_STR "a200dee8-ad4a-4e32-b875-425f74103a22" 609 #define INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_UUID_STR "449a2799-7564-464d-b4b2-7a877418fd0c" 610 611 /** @name INTNETTRUNKFACTORY::pfnCreateAndConnect flags. 612 * @{ */ 613 /** Don't put the filtered interface in promiscuous mode. 614 * This is used for wireless interface since these can misbehave if 615 * we try to put them in promiscuous mode. (Wireless interfaces are 616 * normally bridged on level 3 instead of level 2.) */ 617 #define INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC RT_BIT_32(0) 618 /** @} */ 610 619 611 620 -
r16648 r17184 236 236 /** MM Page pool group. */ 237 237 LOG_GROUP_MM_POOL, 238 /** The network adaptor driver group. */ 239 LOG_GROUP_NET_ADP_DRV, 238 240 /** The network filter driver group. */ 239 241 LOG_GROUP_NET_FLT_DRV, 240 /** The network tap driver group. */241 LOG_GROUP_NET_TAP_DRV,242 242 /** PATM group. */ 243 243 LOG_GROUP_PATM, … … 429 429 "MM_PHYS", \ 430 430 "MM_POOL", \ 431 "NET_ADP_DRV", \ 431 432 "NET_FLT_DRV", \ 432 "NET_TAP_DRV", \433 433 "PATM", \ 434 434 "PDM", \ -
r16856 r17184 3743 3743 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 3744 3744 { 3745 rc = pTrunkFactory->pfnCreateAndConnect(pTrunkFactory, pNetwork->szTrunk, &pTrunkIF->SwitchPort, &pTrunkIF->pIfPort, !!(pNetwork->fFlags & INTNET_OPEN_FLAGS_SHARED_MAC_ON_WIRE)); 3745 rc = pTrunkFactory->pfnCreateAndConnect(pTrunkFactory, pNetwork->szTrunk, &pTrunkIF->SwitchPort, ! 3746 pNetwork->fFlags & INTNET_OPEN_FLAGS_SHARED_MAC_ON_WIRE 3747 ? INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC : 0, 3748 &pTrunkIF->pIfPort); 3746 3749 pTrunkFactory->pfnRelease(pTrunkFactory); 3747 3750 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) … … 3899 3902 */ 3900 3903 PINTNETNETWORK pCur; 3901 uint8_t cchName = strlen(pszNetwork);3904 uint8_t cchName = (uint8_t)strlen(pszNetwork); 3902 3905 Assert(cchName && cchName < sizeof(pCur->szName)); /* caller ensures this */ 3903 3906 … … 4008 4011 pNew->fFlags = fFlags; 4009 4012 size_t cchName = strlen(pszNetwork); 4010 pNew->cchName = cchName;4013 pNew->cchName = (uint8_t)cchName; 4011 4014 Assert(cchName && cchName < sizeof(pNew->szName)); /* caller's responsibility. */ 4012 4015 memcpy(pNew->szName, pszNetwork, cchName); /* '\0' by alloc. */ -
r17118 r17184 20 20 */ 21 21 22 /** @page pg_netadp VBoxNetAdp - Network Adapter 23 * 24 * This is a kernel module that creates a virtual interface that can be attached 25 * to an internal network. 26 * 27 * In the big picture we're one of the three trunk interface on the internal 28 * network, the one named "TAP Interface": @image html Networking_Overview.gif 29 * 30 */ 31 22 32 /******************************************************************************* 23 33 * Header Files * 24 34 *******************************************************************************/ 25 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ TAP_DRV35 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ADP_DRV 26 36 #include "VBoxNetAdpInternal.h" 27 37 … … 35 45 #include <iprt/uuid.h> 36 46 47 /** r=bird: why is this here in the agnositc code? */ 37 48 #ifndef RT_OS_SOLARIS 38 # include <net/ethernet.h>39 # include <net/if_ether.h>40 # include <net/if_types.h>41 # include <sys/socket.h>42 # include <net/if.h>43 # include <net/if_dl.h>44 # include <sys/errno.h>45 # include <sys/param.h>49 # include <net/ethernet.h> 50 # include <net/if_ether.h> 51 # include <net/if_types.h> 52 # include <sys/socket.h> 53 # include <net/if.h> 54 # include <net/if_dl.h> 55 # include <sys/errno.h> 56 # include <sys/param.h> 46 57 #endif 47 58 … … 79 90 80 91 92 AssertCompileMemberSize(VBOXNETADP, enmState, sizeof(uint32_t)); 81 93 82 94 /** … … 107 119 ASMAtomicWriteU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->enmState, enmNewState); 108 120 } 121 109 122 110 123 /** … … 125 138 RTSpinlockRelease(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 126 139 } 127 128 140 129 141 … … 147 159 } 148 160 161 149 162 /** 150 163 * Checks and sets the enmState member atomically. … … 161 174 bool fRc = true; /* be optimistic */ 162 175 RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; 176 163 177 RTSpinlockAcquire(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 164 enmActualState = vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis); 178 enmActualState = vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis); /** @todo r=bird: ASMAtomicCmpXchgU32()*/ 165 179 if (enmActualState == enmOldState) 166 180 vboxNetAdpSetState(pThis, enmNewState); … … 168 182 fRc = false; 169 183 RTSpinlockRelease(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 184 170 185 if (fRc) 171 186 Log(("vboxNetAdpCheckAndSetState: pThis=%p, state changed: %d -> %d.\n", pThis, enmOldState, enmNewState)); … … 176 191 177 192 178 193 /** 194 * Finds a instance by its name, the caller does the locking. 195 * 196 * 197 * @returns Pointer to the instance by the given name. NULL if not found. 198 * @param pGlobals The globals. 199 * @param pszName The name of the instance. 200 */ 179 201 static PVBOXNETADP vboxNetAdpFind(PVBOXNETADPGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName) 180 202 { … … 186 208 PVBOXNETADP pThis = &pGlobals->aAdapters[i]; 187 209 RTSpinlockAcquire(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 188 if ( vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis)189 && !strcmp(pThis->szName, pszName))210 if ( vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis) 211 && !strcmp(pThis->szName, pszName)) 190 212 { 191 213 RTSpinlockRelease(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); … … 196 218 return NULL; 197 219 } 220 198 221 199 222 /** … … 226 249 } 227 250 251 228 252 /** 229 253 * Decrements the busy counter and does idle wakeup. … … 254 278 Assert(cBusy < UINT32_MAX / 2); 255 279 } 280 256 281 257 282 /** … … 285 310 } 286 311 312 287 313 /** 288 314 * Increments busy counter. … … 309 335 } 310 336 337 311 338 /** 312 339 * Checks if receive is possible and increases busy and ref counters if so. … … 335 362 return fCanReceive; 336 363 } 364 337 365 338 366 /** … … 356 384 vboxNetAdpRelease(pThis); 357 385 } 386 358 387 359 388 /** … … 424 453 vboxNetAdpBusy(pThis); 425 454 RTSpinlockRelease(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 455 426 456 rc = vboxNetAdpPortOsXmit(pThis, pSG, fDst); 427 457 vboxNetAdpIdle(pThis); … … 543 573 Log(("vboxNetAdpPortSetActive: pThis=%p, fActive=%d, state before: %d.\n", pThis, fActive, vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis))); 544 574 RTSpinlockAcquire(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 575 545 576 fPreviouslyActive = vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis) == kVBoxNetAdpState_Active; 546 577 if (fPreviouslyActive != fActive) … … 558 589 } 559 590 } 591 560 592 RTSpinlockRelease(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 561 Log(("vboxNetAdpPortSetActive: state after: % d.\n", vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis)));593 Log(("vboxNetAdpPortSetActive: state after: %RTbool.\n", vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis))); 562 594 return fPreviouslyActive; 563 595 } … … 633 665 RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; 634 666 PVBOXNETADP pThis = &pGlobals->aAdapters[i]; 635 667 636 668 if (vboxNetAdpCheckAndSetState(pThis, kVBoxNetAdpState_Invalid, kVBoxNetAdpState_Transitional)) 637 669 { … … 657 689 int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; 658 690 RTSPINLOCKTMP Tmp = RTSPINLOCKTMP_INITIALIZER; 659 691 660 692 RTSpinlockAcquire(pThis->hSpinlock, &Tmp); 661 693 if (vboxNetAdpGetState(pThis) != kVBoxNetAdpState_Available || pThis->cBusy) … … 716 748 } 717 749 750 718 751 /** 719 752 * @copydoc INTNETTRUNKFACTORY::pfnCreateAndConnect 720 753 */ 721 754 static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxNetAdpFactoryCreateAndConnect(PINTNETTRUNKFACTORY pIfFactory, const char *pszName, 722 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort, bool fNoPromisc) 723 { 755 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, uint32_t fFlags, 756 PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort) 757 { 758 PVBOXNETADPGLOBALS pGlobals = (PVBOXNETADPGLOBALS)((uint8_t *)pIfFactory - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXNETADPGLOBALS, TrunkFactory)); 724 759 PVBOXNETADP pThis; 725 760 int rc; 726 PVBOXNETADPGLOBALS pGlobals = (PVBOXNETADPGLOBALS)((uint8_t *)pIfFactory - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXNETADPGLOBALS, TrunkFactory)); 727 728 LogFlow(("vboxNetAdpFactoryCreateAndConnect: pszName=%p:{%s}\n", pszName, pszName)); 761 762 LogFlow(("vboxNetAdpFactoryCreateAndConnect: pszName=%p:{%s} fFlags=%#x\n", pszName, pszName, fFlags)); 729 763 Assert(pGlobals->cFactoryRefs > 0); 764 AssertMsgReturn(fFlags, 765 ("%#x\n", fFlags), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 730 766 731 767 /* … … 749 785 return rc; 750 786 } 787 751 788 752 789 /** … … 956 993 } 957 994 995 958 996 /** 959 997 * Called by the native part when the OS wants the driver to unload. … … 966 1004 { 967 1005 int rc = vboxNetAdpTryDeleteIdc(pGlobals); 968 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))1006 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 969 1007 { 970 1008 vboxNetAdpDeleteGlobalsBase(pGlobals); … … 1037 1075 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1038 1076 { 1039 /* @todo REMOVE ME! */1077 #if 1 /** @todo REMOVE ME! */ 1040 1078 PVBOXNETADP pTmp; 1041 1079 rc = vboxNetAdpCreate(&pGlobals->TrunkFactory, &pTmp); 1042 1080 if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) 1043 1081 Log(("Failed to create vboxnet0, rc=%Rrc.\n", rc)); 1082 #endif 1044 1083 Log(("VBoxNetAdp: pSession=%p\n", SUPR0IdcGetSession(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC))); 1045 1084 return rc; … … 1083 1122 return rc; 1084 1123 } 1124 -
r17118 r17184 32 32 #undef PVM 33 33 34 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ TAP_DRV34 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ADP_DRV 35 35 #include <VBox/log.h> 36 36 #include <VBox/err.h> -
r17025 r17184 27 27 #endif 28 28 29 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ TAP_DRV29 #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_NET_ADP_DRV 30 30 #include <VBox/log.h> 31 31 #include <VBox/err.h> -
r16927 r17184 236 236 237 237 238 AssertCompileMemberSize(VBOXNETFLTINS, enmState, sizeof(uint32_t)); 239 240 /** 241 * Sets the enmState member atomically. 242 * 243 * Used for all updates. 244 * 245 * @param pThis The instance. 246 * @param enmNewState The new value. 247 */ 248 DECLINLINE(void) vboxNetFltSetState(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis, VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE enmNewState) 249 { 250 ASMAtomicWriteU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->enmState, enmNewState); 251 } 252 253 254 /** 255 * Gets the enmState member atomically. 256 * 257 * Used for all reads. 258 * 259 * @returns The enmState value. 260 * @param pThis The instance. 261 */ 262 DECLINLINE(VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE) vboxNetFltGetState(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis) 263 { 264 return (VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE)ASMAtomicUoReadU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->enmState); 265 } 266 267 238 268 /** 239 269 * Finds a instance by its name, the caller does the locking. 240 *241 270 * 242 271 * @returns Pointer to the instance by the given name. NULL if not found. … … 256 285 /** 257 286 * Finds a instance by its name, will request the mutex. 287 * 288 * No reference to the instance is retained, we're assuming the caller to 289 * already have one but just for some reason doesn't have the pointer to it. 258 290 * 259 291 * @returns Pointer to the instance by the given name. NULL if not found. … … 300 332 301 333 302 AssertCompileMemberSize(VBOXNETFLTINS, enmState, sizeof(uint32_t));303 304 /**305 * Sets the enmState member atomically.306 *307 * Used for all updates.308 *309 * @param pThis The instance.310 * @param enmNewState The new value.311 */312 DECLINLINE(void) vboxNetFltSetState(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis, VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE enmNewState)313 {314 ASMAtomicWriteU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->enmState, enmNewState);315 }316 317 318 /**319 * Gets the enmState member atomically.320 *321 * Used for all reads.322 *323 * @returns The enmState value.324 * @param pThis The instance.325 */326 DECLINLINE(VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE) vboxNetFltGetState(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis)327 {328 return (VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE)ASMAtomicUoReadU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->enmState);329 }330 331 332 334 /** 333 335 * Performs interface rediscovery if it was disconnected from the host. … … 611 613 * Destroy a device that has been disconnected from the switch. 612 614 * 613 * @return true iff the instance is destroyed, false otherwise615 * @returns true if the instance is destroyed, false otherwise. 614 616 * @param pThis The instance to be destroyed. This is 615 617 * no longer valid when this function returns. 616 618 */ 617 static bool vboxNetFlt CheckDestroyInstance(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis)619 static bool vboxNetFltDestroyInstance(PVBOXNETFLTINS pThis) 618 620 { 619 621 PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals = pThis->pGlobals; 622 uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicUoReadU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->cRefs); 620 623 int rc; 621 uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicUoReadU32((uint32_t volatile *)&pThis->cRefs); 622 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltCheckDestroyInstance: pThis=%p (%s)\n", pThis, pThis->szName)); 624 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltDestroyInstance: pThis=%p (%s)\n", pThis, pThis->szName)); 623 625 624 626 /* … … 638 640 639 641 /* 640 * Make sure the state is 'disconnecting' and let the OS specific code641 * do its part of the cleanup outside the mutex.642 * Make sure the state is 'disconnecting' / 'destroying' and let the OS 643 * specific code do its part of the cleanup outside the mutex. 642 644 */ 643 645 rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGlobals->hFastMtx); AssertRC(rc); 644 if(cRefs != 0) 646 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 647 /** @todo r=bird: This looks kind of insane! I ASSUME this is specific to the 648 * static config and to devices in the Unconnected state only. This *looks* like 649 * a very unhealthy race between driver unloading and vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect. 650 * If I'm right, then vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect should be made to back down one 651 * way or the other, it should not the other way around. (see suggestion further down) 652 * 653 * If I'm wrong, then please explain in full. 654 */ 655 if (cRefs != 0) 645 656 { 646 657 Assert(cRefs < UINT32_MAX / 2); … … 649 660 } 650 661 vboxNetFltSetState(pThis, kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroying); 662 #else 663 vboxNetFltSetState(pThis, kVBoxNetFltInsState_Disconnecting); 664 #endif 651 665 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 652 666 … … 716 730 cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cRefs); 717 731 if (!cRefs) 718 vboxNetFlt CheckDestroyInstance(pThis);732 vboxNetFltDestroyInstance(pThis); 719 733 else 720 734 Assert(cRefs < UINT32_MAX / 2); … … 822 836 { 823 837 vboxNetFltSetState(pThis, kVBoxNetFltInsState_Connected); 824 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG825 838 *ppIfPort = &pThis->MyPort; 826 #endif827 839 } 828 840 else … … 846 858 * @param pszName The instance name. 847 859 * @param pSwitchPort The port on the switch that we're connected with (dynamic only). 860 * @param fNoPromisc Do not attempt going into promiscuous mode. 861 * @param pvContext Context argument for vboxNetFltOsInitInstance. 848 862 * @param ppIfPort Where to store the pointer to our port interface (dynamic only). 849 * @param fNoPromisc Do not attempt going into promiscuous mode. 850 */ 851 static int vboxNetFltNewInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName, PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort, bool fNoPromisc 852 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 853 , void * pContext 854 #endif 855 ) 863 */ 864 static int vboxNetFltNewInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName, PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, 865 bool fNoPromisc, void *pvContext, PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort) 856 866 { 857 867 /* … … 914 924 * Call the OS specific initialization code. 915 925 */ 916 rc = vboxNetFltOsInitInstance(pNew 917 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 918 , pContext 919 #endif 920 ); 926 rc = vboxNetFltOsInitInstance(pNew, pvContext); 921 927 RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 922 928 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 923 929 { 924 930 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 931 /* 932 * Static instances are unconnected at birth. 933 */ 934 Assert(!pSwitchPort); 925 935 pNew->enmState = kVBoxNetFltInsState_Unconnected; 926 Assert(!pSwitchPort);936 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 927 937 *ppIfPort = &pNew->MyPort; 928 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx);929 938 return rc; 930 939 931 #else 940 #else /* !VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG */ 932 941 /* 933 942 * Connect it as well, the OS specific bits has to be done outside … … 938 947 { 939 948 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 940 *ppIfPort = &pNew->MyPort;949 Assert(*ppIfPort == &pNew->MyPort); 941 950 return rc; 942 951 } … … 944 953 /* Bail out (failed). */ 945 954 vboxNetFltOsDeleteInstance(pNew); 946 #endif 955 #endif /* !VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG */ 947 956 } 948 957 vboxNetFltUnlinkLocked(pGlobals, pNew); … … 962 971 } 963 972 973 964 974 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 965 966 /** 967 * searches for the NetFlt instance by its name and creates the new one if not found 968 * 969 * @return VINF_SUCCESS if new instance was created, VINF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED if an instanmce already exists, 970 * VERR_xxx in case of a failure 971 */ 972 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltSearchCreateInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName, PVBOXNETFLTINS *ppInstance, void * pContext) 975 /** 976 * Searches for the NetFlt instance by its name and creates the new one if not found. 977 * 978 * @returns VBox status code. 979 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS and *ppInstance if a new instance was created. 980 * @retval VINF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED and *ppInstance if an instance already exists. 981 * 982 * @param pGlobal Pointer to the globals. 983 * @param pszName The instance name. 984 * @param ppInstance Where to return the instance pointer on success. 985 * @param pvContext Context which needs to be passed along to vboxNetFltOsInitInstance. 986 */ 987 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltSearchCreateInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName, PVBOXNETFLTINS *ppInstance, void *pvContext) 973 988 { 974 989 PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT pIfPort; … … 978 993 AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); 979 994 995 /* 996 * Look for an existing instance in the list. 997 * 998 * If found that it's being destroyed, wait for it to go away. 999 * Return instances in other states ASSUMING that it has lost the 1000 * connection. 1001 */ 980 1002 *ppInstance = vboxNetFltFindInstanceLocked(pGlobals, pszName); 981 if(*ppInstance)1003 while (*ppInstance) 982 1004 { 983 1005 VBOXNETFTLINSSTATE enmState = vboxNetFltGetState(*ppInstance); 984 if(enmState != kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroying && enmState != kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroyed) 1006 if ( enmState != kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroying 1007 && enmState != kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroyed) 985 1008 { 986 vboxNetFltRetain(*ppInstance, false); 1009 /** @todo r=bird: who is making sure this is a genuine reconnection case? */ 1010 vboxNetFltRetain(*ppInstance, false /* fBusy */); 987 1011 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 988 1012 return VINF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; 989 1013 } 990 1014 991 /*wait for the instance to be removed from the list */ 992 993 *ppInstance = NULL; 994 995 do 996 { 997 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 998 999 RTSemEventWait(pGlobals->hTimerEvent, 2); 1000 1001 rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1002 AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); 1003 } while(vboxNetFltFindInstanceLocked(pGlobals, pszName)); 1015 /* wait 2 ms */ /** @todo r=bird: Doesn't RTThreadSleep() work here? If it's bust, I'd like to know it so we can fix it... */ 1016 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1017 RTSemEventWait(pGlobals->hBlockEvent, 2); 1018 rc = RTSemFastMutexRequest(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1019 AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); 1020 1021 /* try again */ 1022 *ppInstance = vboxNetFltFindInstanceLocked(pGlobals, pszName); 1004 1023 } 1005 1024 1006 1025 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1007 1026 1008 rc = vboxNetFltNewInstance(pGlobals, pszName, NULL, &pIfPort, false, pContext); 1009 if(RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1010 *ppInstance = IFPORT_2_VBOXNETFLTINS(pIfPort); 1027 /* 1028 * Try create a new instance. 1029 * (fNoPromisc is overridden in the vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect path, so pass true here.) 1030 */ 1031 rc = vboxNetFltNewInstance(pGlobals, pszName, NULL, true /* fNoPromisc */, pvContext, &pIfPort); 1032 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1033 *ppInstance = IFPORT_2_VBOXNETFLTINS(pIfPort); 1011 1034 else 1012 1035 *ppInstance = NULL; … … 1014 1037 return rc; 1015 1038 } 1016 1017 #endif 1039 #endif /* VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG */ 1040 1018 1041 1019 1042 /** … … 1021 1044 */ 1022 1045 static DECLCALLBACK(int) vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect(PINTNETTRUNKFACTORY pIfFactory, const char *pszName, 1023 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort, bool fNoPromisc) 1046 PINTNETTRUNKSWPORT pSwitchPort, uint32_t fFlags, 1047 PINTNETTRUNKIFPORT *ppIfPort) 1024 1048 { 1025 1049 PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals = (PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS)((uint8_t *)pIfFactory - RT_OFFSETOF(VBOXNETFLTGLOBALS, TrunkFactory)); … … 1027 1051 int rc; 1028 1052 1029 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect: pszName=%p:{%s} \n", pszName, pszName));1053 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect: pszName=%p:{%s} fFlags=%#x\n", pszName, pszName, fFlags)); 1030 1054 Assert(pGlobals->cFactoryRefs > 0); 1055 AssertMsgReturn(fFlags & ~(INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC), 1056 ("%#x\n", fFlags), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 1031 1057 1032 1058 /* … … 1039 1065 #if defined(VBOX_TAPMINIPORT) && defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) 1040 1066 /* temporary hack to pick up the first adapter */ 1041 pCur = pGlobals->pInstanceHead; 1067 pCur = pGlobals->pInstanceHead; /** @todo Don't for get to remove this temporary hack... :-) */ 1042 1068 #else 1043 1069 pCur = vboxNetFltFindInstanceLocked(pGlobals, pszName); … … 1046 1072 { 1047 1073 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 1048 switch (vboxNetFltGetState(pCur)) 1074 # if 0 /** @todo r=bird: We need to fix the race here. The race is against release+destructor, the 1075 * tell tale is a cRefs of and since cRefs is manipulated in an atomic fashion we can simply attempt 1076 * to grab a reference atomically, the worst thing that can happen is that we have to decrement it again.. 1077 * Here is my suggestion: */ 1078 /* Try grab a reference. If the count had already reached zero we're racing the 1079 destructor code and must back down. */ 1080 uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pCur->cRefs); 1081 if (cRefs > 1) 1049 1082 { 1050 case kVBoxNetFltInsState_Unconnected: 1051 /* instance can be destroyed when it is neither used by the IntNet nor by the ndis filter driver mechanism 1052 * (i.e. the driver is not bound to the specified adapter)*/ 1053 /* Prevent setting promiscuous mode for WiFi adapters. */ 1054 pCur->fDisablePromiscuous = fNoPromisc; 1055 LogAleksey(("fNoPromisc=%d\n", pCur->fDisablePromiscuous)); 1056 vboxNetFltRetain(pCur, false /* fBusy */); /** @todo who releases this on failure? */ 1083 if (vboxNetFltGetState(pCur) == kVBoxNetFltInsState_Unconnected) 1084 { 1085 pCur->fDisablePromiscuous = !!(fFlags & INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC); 1057 1086 rc = vboxNetFltConnectIt(pCur, pSwitchPort, ppIfPort); 1058 break; 1059 case kVBoxNetFltInsState_Connected: 1060 AssertFailed(); 1087 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1088 pCur = NULL; /* Don't release it, reference given to the caller. */ 1089 } 1090 else 1061 1091 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_BUSY; 1062 break;1063 case kVBoxNetFltInsState_Disconnecting:1064 AssertFailed();1065 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_BUSY;1066 break;1067 default:1068 /** @todo what? */1069 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_BUSY;1070 break;1071 1092 } 1093 else 1094 { 1095 Assert(cRefs == 1); 1096 ASMAtomicDecU32(&pCur->cRefs); 1097 pCur = NULL; /* nothing to release */ 1098 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND; 1099 } 1100 1101 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1102 if (pCur) 1103 vboxNetFltRelease(pCur, false /* fBusy */); 1104 1105 # else 1106 if (vboxNetFltGetState(pCur) == kVBoxNetFltInsState_Unconnected) 1107 { 1108 vboxNetFltRetain(pCur, false /* fBusy */); /** @todo r=bird: Who releases this on failure? */ 1109 pCur->fDisablePromiscuous = !!(fFlags & INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC); 1110 rc = vboxNetFltConnectIt(pCur, pSwitchPort, ppIfPort); 1111 } 1112 else 1113 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_BUSY; 1114 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1115 # endif 1072 1116 #else 1073 1117 rc = VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_BUSY; 1118 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx); 1074 1119 #endif 1075 RTSemFastMutexRelease(pGlobals->hFastMtx);1076 1120 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect: returns %Rrc\n", rc)); 1077 1121 return rc; … … 1086 1130 * Dynamically create a new instance. 1087 1131 */ 1088 rc = vboxNetFltNewInstance(pGlobals, pszName, pSwitchPort, ppIfPort, fNoPromisc); 1132 rc = vboxNetFltNewInstance(pGlobals, pszName, pSwitchPort, 1133 !!(fFlags & INTNETTRUNKFACTORY_FLAG_NO_PROMISC), 1134 ppIfPort); 1089 1135 #endif 1090 1136 LogFlow(("vboxNetFltFactoryCreateAndConnect: returns %Rrc\n", rc)); … … 1165 1211 } 1166 1212 1167 /** 1168 * tries to deinitialize Idc 1169 * we separate the globals settings "base" which is actually 1170 * "general" globals settings except for Idc, and idc. 1171 * This is needed for windows filter driver, which gets loaded prior to VBoxDrv, 1172 * thus it's not possible to make idc initialization from the driver startup routine for it, 1173 * though the "base is still needed for the driver to functions". 1174 * @param pGlobals 1175 * @return VINF_SUCCESS on succes, VERR_WRONG_ORDER if we're busy. 1213 1214 /** 1215 * Try to close the IDC connection to SUPDRV if established. 1216 * 1217 * @returns VBox status code. 1218 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 1219 * @retval VERR_WRONG_ORDER if we're busy. 1220 * 1221 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1222 * 1223 * @sa vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals() 1176 1224 */ 1177 1225 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) … … 1187 1235 return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; 1188 1236 1189 /* 1190 * Disconnect from SUPDRV and check that nobody raced us, 1191 * reconnect if that should happen. 1192 */ 1193 rc = SUPR0IdcComponentDeregisterFactory(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, &pGlobals->SupDrvFactory); 1194 AssertRC(rc); 1195 if (!vboxNetFltCanUnload(pGlobals)) 1237 if (!pGlobals->fIDCOpen) 1238 rc = VINF_SUCCESS; 1239 else 1240 { 1241 /* 1242 * Disconnect from SUPDRV and check that nobody raced us, 1243 * reconnect if that should happen. 1244 */ 1245 rc = SUPR0IdcComponentDeregisterFactory(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, &pGlobals->SupDrvFactory); 1246 AssertRC(rc); 1247 if (!vboxNetFltCanUnload(pGlobals)) 1248 { 1249 rc = SUPR0IdcComponentRegisterFactory(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, &pGlobals->SupDrvFactory); 1250 AssertRC(rc); 1251 return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; 1252 } 1253 1254 SUPR0IdcClose(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC); 1255 pGlobals->fIDCOpen = false; 1256 } 1257 1258 return rc; 1259 } 1260 1261 1262 /** 1263 * Establishes the IDC connection to SUPDRV and registers our component factory. 1264 * 1265 * @returns VBox status code. 1266 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1267 * @sa vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(). 1268 */ 1269 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1270 { 1271 int rc; 1272 Assert(!pGlobals->fIDCOpen); 1273 1274 /* 1275 * Establish a connection to SUPDRV and register our component factory. 1276 */ 1277 rc = SUPR0IdcOpen(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, 0 /* iReqVersion = default */, 0 /* iMinVersion = default */, NULL, NULL, NULL); 1278 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1196 1279 { 1197 1280 rc = SUPR0IdcComponentRegisterFactory(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, &pGlobals->SupDrvFactory); 1198 AssertRC(rc); 1199 return VERR_WRONG_ORDER; 1281 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1282 { 1283 pGlobals->fIDCOpen = true; 1284 Log(("VBoxNetFlt: pSession=%p\n", SUPR0IdcGetSession(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC))); 1285 return rc; 1286 } 1287 1288 /* bail out. */ 1289 LogRel(("VBoxNetFlt: Failed to register component factory, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); 1290 SUPR0IdcClose(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC); 1200 1291 } 1201 1292 1202 SUPR0IdcClose(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC);1203 1204 1293 return rc; 1205 1294 } 1206 1295 1207 /** 1208 * performs "base" globals deinitialization 1209 * we separate the globals settings "base" which is actually 1210 * "general" globals settings except for Idc, and idc. 1211 * This is needed for windows filter driver, which gets loaded prior to VBoxDrv, 1212 * thus it's not possible to make idc initialization from the driver startup routine for it, 1213 * though the "base is still needed for the driver to functions". 1214 * @param pGlobals 1215 * @return none 1216 */ 1217 DECLHIDDEN(void) vboxNetFltDeleteGlobalsBase(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1218 { 1296 1297 /** 1298 * Deletes the globals. 1299 * 1300 * This must be called after the IDC connection has been closed, 1301 * see vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(). 1302 * 1303 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1304 * @sa vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals() 1305 */ 1306 DECLHIDDEN(void) vboxNetFltDeleteGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1307 { 1308 Assert(!pGlobals->fIDCOpen); 1309 1219 1310 /* 1220 1311 * Release resources. … … 1224 1315 1225 1316 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 1226 RTSemEventDestroy(pGlobals->h TimerEvent);1227 pGlobals->h TimerEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT;1317 RTSemEventDestroy(pGlobals->hBlockEvent); 1318 pGlobals->hBlockEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; 1228 1319 #endif 1229 1320 1230 1321 } 1231 1322 1232 /** 1233 * Called by the native part when the OS wants the driver to unload. 1234 * 1235 * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on succes, VERR_WRONG_ORDER if we're busy.1236 * 1323 1324 /** 1325 * Initializes the globals. 1326 * 1327 * @returns VBox status code. 1237 1328 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1238 */ 1239 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1240 { 1241 int rc = vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(pGlobals); 1242 if(RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1243 { 1244 vboxNetFltDeleteGlobalsBase(pGlobals); 1245 } 1246 return rc; 1247 } 1248 1249 /** 1250 * performs the "base" globals initialization 1251 * we separate the globals initialization to globals "base" initialization which is actually 1252 * "general" globals initialization except for Idc not being initialized, and idc initialization. 1253 * This is needed for windows filter driver, which gets loaded prior to VBoxDrv, 1254 * thus it's not possible to make idc initialization from the driver startup routine for it. 1255 * 1256 * @returns VBox status code. 1257 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. */ 1258 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobalsBase(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1329 * @sa vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(). 1330 */ 1331 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1259 1332 { 1260 1333 /* … … 1265 1338 { 1266 1339 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 1267 rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pGlobals->h TimerEvent);1340 rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pGlobals->hBlockEvent); 1268 1341 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1269 1342 { … … 1279 1352 #endif 1280 1353 pGlobals->SupDrvFactory.pfnQueryFactoryInterface = vboxNetFltQueryFactoryInterface; 1354 pGlobals->fIDCOpen = false; 1281 1355 1282 1356 return rc; … … 1290 1364 } 1291 1365 1292 /** 1293 * performs the Idc initialization 1294 * we separate the globals initialization to globals "base" initialization which is actually 1295 * "general" globals initialization except for Idc not being initialized, and idc initialization. 1296 * This is needed for windows filter driver, which gets loaded prior to VBoxDrv, 1297 * thus it's not possible to make idc initialization from the driver startup routine for it. 1298 * 1299 * @returns VBox status code. 1300 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. */ 1301 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1302 { 1303 int rc; 1304 /* 1305 * Establish a connection to SUPDRV and register our component factory. 1306 */ 1307 rc = SUPR0IdcOpen(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, 0 /* iReqVersion = default */, 0 /* iMinVersion = default */, NULL, NULL, NULL); 1366 1367 /** 1368 * Called by the native part when the OS wants the driver to unload. 1369 * 1370 * @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success, VERR_WRONG_ORDER if we're busy. 1371 * 1372 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1373 */ 1374 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1375 { 1376 int rc = vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(pGlobals); 1308 1377 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1309 { 1310 rc = SUPR0IdcComponentRegisterFactory(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC, &pGlobals->SupDrvFactory); 1311 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1312 { 1313 Log(("VBoxNetFlt: pSession=%p\n", SUPR0IdcGetSession(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC))); 1314 return rc; 1315 } 1316 1317 /* bail out. */ 1318 LogRel(("VBoxNetFlt: Failed to register component factory, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); 1319 SUPR0IdcClose(&pGlobals->SupDrvIDC); 1320 } 1321 1378 vboxNetFltDeleteGlobals(pGlobals); 1322 1379 return rc; 1323 1380 } 1324 1381 1382 1325 1383 /** 1326 1384 * Called by the native driver/kext module initialization routine. 1327 1385 * 1328 1386 * It will initialize the common parts of the globals, assuming the caller 1329 * has already taken care of the OS specific bits. 1387 * has already taken care of the OS specific bits, and establish the IDC 1388 * connection to SUPDRV. 1330 1389 * 1331 1390 * @returns VBox status code. 1332 1391 * @param pGlobals Pointer to the globals. 1333 1392 */ 1334 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobals (PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals)1393 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals) 1335 1394 { 1336 1395 /* 1337 1396 * Initialize the common portions of the structure. 1338 1397 */ 1339 int rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobals Base(pGlobals);1398 int rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobals(pGlobals); 1340 1399 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1341 1400 { 1342 1401 rc = vboxNetFltInitIdc(pGlobals); 1343 1402 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 1344 {1345 1403 return rc; 1346 }1347 1404 1348 1405 /* bail out. */ 1349 vboxNetFltDeleteGlobals Base(pGlobals);1406 vboxNetFltDeleteGlobals(pGlobals); 1350 1407 } 1351 1408 -
r16183 r17184 68 68 * Partly for reasons of deadlock avoidance again. */ 69 69 kVBoxNetFltInsState_Disconnecting, 70 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 70 71 /** Destroying the instance 71 72 * Partly for reasons of deadlock avoidance again. */ 72 73 kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroying, 74 #endif 73 75 /** The instance has been disconnected from both the host and the internal network. */ 74 76 kVBoxNetFltInsState_Destroyed, … … 255 257 /** The number of current factory references. */ 256 258 int32_t volatile cFactoryRefs; 257 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 258 /* wait timer event */ 259 RTSEMEVENT hTimerEvent; 260 #endif 259 /** Whether the IDC connection is open or not. 260 * This is only for cleaning up correctly after the separate IDC init on Windows. */ 261 bool fIDCOpen; 261 262 /** The SUPDRV IDC handle (opaque struct). */ 262 263 SUPDRVIDCHANDLE SupDrvIDC; 264 265 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 266 /** Something we can block on while waiting for an instance to be unlinked. */ 267 RTSEMEVENT hBlockEvent; 268 #endif 263 269 } VBOXNETFLTGLOBALS; 264 270 265 271 272 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 266 273 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 267 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 274 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 275 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 276 DECLHIDDEN(void) vboxNetFltDeleteGlobals(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 277 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 278 268 279 DECLHIDDEN(bool) vboxNetFltCanUnload(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 269 280 DECLHIDDEN(PVBOXNETFLTINS) vboxNetFltFindInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName); … … 274 285 #ifdef VBOXNETFLT_STATIC_CONFIG 275 286 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltSearchCreateInstance(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals, const char *pszName, PVBOXNETFLTINS *ppInstance, void * pContext); 276 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitGlobalsBase(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 277 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltInitIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 278 DECLHIDDEN(void) vboxNetFltDeleteGlobalsBase(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 279 DECLHIDDEN(int) vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdc(PVBOXNETFLTGLOBALS pGlobals); 280 #endif 287 #endif 288 281 289 282 290 -
r16195 r17184 171 171 */ 172 172 memset(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals, 0, sizeof(g_VBoxNetFltGlobals)); 173 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobals (&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals);173 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals); 174 174 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 175 175 { … … 204 204 * tracking for us! 205 205 */ 206 int rc = vboxNetFltTryDelete Globals(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals);206 int rc = vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals); 207 207 if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) 208 208 { -
r17062 r17184 99 99 flags = (dev->flags & ~(IFF_PROMISC | 100 100 IFF_ALLMULTI | 101 IFF_RUNNING)) | 101 IFF_RUNNING)) | 102 102 (dev->gflags & (IFF_PROMISC | 103 103 IFF_ALLMULTI)); … … 209 209 { 210 210 Log(("vboxTapValidateAddr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", 211 dev->dev_addr[0], dev->dev_addr[1], dev->dev_addr[2], 211 dev->dev_addr[0], dev->dev_addr[1], dev->dev_addr[2], 212 212 dev->dev_addr[3], dev->dev_addr[4], dev->dev_addr[5])); 213 213 return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; … … 221 221 /// @todo Use Sun vendor id 222 222 memcpy(pNetDev->dev_addr, "\0vbnet", ETH_ALEN); 223 Log(("vboxTapNetDevInit: pNetDev->dev_addr = %.6Rhxd\n", pNetDev->dev_addr)); 223 Log(("vboxTapNetDevInit: pNetDev->dev_addr = %.6Rhxd\n", pNetDev->dev_addr)); 224 224 pNetDev->open = vboxTapOpen; 225 225 pNetDev->stop = vboxTapStop; … … 297 297 */ 298 298 memset(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals, 0, sizeof(g_VBoxNetFltGlobals)); 299 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobals (&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals);299 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals); 300 300 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 301 301 { … … 337 337 rc = vboxTapUnregisterNetDev(); 338 338 AssertRC(rc); 339 rc = vboxNetFltTryDelete Globals(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals);339 rc = vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(&g_VBoxNetFltGlobals); 340 340 AssertRC(rc); NOREF(rc); 341 341 … … 598 598 if (!pBuf) 599 599 return 0; 600 600 601 601 pThis = VBOX_FLT_PT_TO_INST(pPacketType); 602 602 pDev = (struct net_device *)ASMAtomicUoReadPtr((void * volatile *)&pThis->u.s.pDev); … … 669 669 } 670 670 #endif 671 671 672 672 dev_kfree_skb(pBuf); 673 673 } … … 1088 1088 { 1089 1089 if (pThis->u.s.fPromiscuousSet) 1090 { 1090 { 1091 1091 rtnl_lock(); 1092 1092 dev_set_promiscuity(pDev, -1); -
r16928 r17184 430 430 */ 431 431 memset(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals, 0, sizeof(g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals)); 432 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobals (&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals);432 rc = vboxNetFltInitGlobalsAndIdc(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals); 433 433 if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) 434 434 { … … 438 438 439 439 LogRel((DEVICE_NAME ":mod_install failed. rc=%d\n", rc)); 440 vboxNetFltTryDelete Globals(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals);440 vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals); 441 441 } 442 442 else … … 465 465 * Undo the work done during start (in reverse order). 466 466 */ 467 rc = vboxNetFltTryDelete Globals(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals);467 rc = vboxNetFltTryDeleteIdcAndGlobals(&g_VBoxNetFltSolarisGlobals); 468 468 if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) 469 469 { … … 2976 2976 int Pcp:3; 2977 2977 int Cfi:1; 2978 int Vid:12; 2978 int Vid:12; 2979 2979 } VLANHEADER; 2980 2980
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