Changeset 1909 in kBuild
- Timestamp:
- Oct 22, 2008 6:49:48 PM (16 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/kmk
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1903 r1909 773 773 entry->length, 774 774 entry->hash1, 775 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 776 1); 777 #else 775 778 entry->hash2); 779 #endif 776 780 return (const char *)entry->user; 777 781 } -
r1908 r1909 77 77 /** Finds the closest primary number for power of two value (or something else 78 78 * useful if not support). */ 79 MY_INLINE strcache2_find_prime(unsigned int shift)79 MY_INLINE unsigned int strcache2_find_prime(unsigned int shift) 80 80 { 81 81 switch (shift) … … 235 235 strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (const char *str, unsigned int len) 236 236 { 237 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 237 238 unsigned int hash = 0; 238 239 if (MY_PREDICT_TRUE(len >= 2)) … … 270 271 hash |= 1; 271 272 return hash; 273 #else /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 274 return 1; 275 #endif /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 272 276 } 273 277 … … 318 322 strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (const char *str, unsigned int len) 319 323 { 324 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 320 325 unsigned int hash = 0; 321 326 if (MY_PREDICT_TRUE(len >= 2)) … … 357 362 hash |= 1; 358 363 return hash; 364 #else /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 365 return 1; 366 #endif /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 359 367 } 360 368 … … 592 600 struct strcache2_entry **src_tab = cache->hash_tab; 593 601 struct strcache2_entry **dst_tab; 594 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_MASK 595 unsigned int hash_mask; 596 #else 597 unsigned int hash_div; 602 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_MASK 603 unsigned int hash_shift; 598 604 #endif 599 605 … … 604 610 cache->hash_mask |= 1; 605 611 #else 606 for (hash_ div = 1; (1U << hash_div) < cache->hash_size; hash_div++)612 for (hash_shift = 1; (1U << hash_shift) < cache->hash_size; hash_shift++) 607 613 /* nothing */; 608 cache->hash_div = strcache2_find_prime (hash_div);614 cache->hash_div = strcache2_find_prime (hash_shift); 609 615 #endif 610 616 cache->rehash_count <<= 1; … … 614 620 615 621 /* Copy the entries from the old to the new hash table. */ 616 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_MASK617 hash_mask = cache->hash_mask;618 #else619 hash_div = cache->hash_div;620 #endif621 622 while (src-- > 0) 622 623 { … … 624 625 if (entry) 625 626 { 626 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_ MASK627 unsigned int dst = entry->hash1 & hash_mask;627 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 628 assert(!"todo"); 628 629 #else 629 unsigned int dst = entry->hash1 % hash_div; 630 #endif 630 unsigned int dst = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, entry->hash1); 631 631 if (dst_tab[dst]) 632 632 { … … 637 637 : strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 ((const char *)(entry + 1), entry->length); 638 638 dst += hash2; 639 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_MASK 640 dst &= hash_mask; 641 #else 642 dst %= hash_div; 643 #endif 639 dst = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, dst); 644 640 while (dst_tab[dst]) 645 641 { 646 642 dst += hash2; 647 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_MASK 648 dst &= hash_mask; 649 #else 650 dst %= hash_div; 651 #endif 643 dst = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, dst); 652 644 } 653 645 } 654 646 655 647 dst_tab[dst] = entry; 648 #endif 656 649 } 657 650 } … … 697 690 entry->length = length; 698 691 entry->hash1 = hash1; 692 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 699 693 entry->hash2 = hash2; 694 #endif 700 695 str_copy = (char *) memcpy (entry + 1, str, length); 701 696 str_copy[length] = '\0'; 702 697 698 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 703 699 cache->hash_tab[idx] = entry; 700 #else /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 701 if ((entry->next = cache->hash_tab[idx]) == 0) 702 cache->hash_tab[idx] = entry; 703 else 704 { 705 cache->hash_tab[idx] = entry; 706 cache->collision_count++; 707 } 708 #endif /* STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 704 709 cache->count++; 705 710 if (cache->count >= cache->rehash_count) … … 714 719 { 715 720 struct strcache2_entry const *entry; 716 unsigned int hash2;717 721 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 722 unsigned int hash2 = 0; 718 723 unsigned int idx; 719 724 … … 723 728 724 729 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 725 early match. */726 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);730 early match. If not found, enter the string at IDX. */ 731 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 727 732 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 733 if (!entry) 734 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 728 735 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 729 736 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 737 cache->collision_1st_count++; 738 739 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 740 entry = entry->next; 741 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 742 hash2 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 743 idx += hash2; 744 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 745 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 746 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 730 747 if (!entry) 731 hash2 = 0; 732 else 733 { 734 cache->collision_1st_count++; 735 736 hash2 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 748 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 749 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 750 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 751 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 752 753 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 754 for (;;) 755 { 756 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 757 entry = entry->next; 758 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 737 759 idx += hash2; 738 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);760 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 739 761 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 762 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 763 if (!entry) 764 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 740 765 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 741 766 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 742 743 if (entry) 744 { 745 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 746 do 747 { 748 idx += hash2; 749 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 750 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 751 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 752 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 753 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 754 } 755 while (entry); 756 } 757 } 758 759 /* Not found, add it at IDX. */ 760 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 767 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 768 } 769 /* not reached */ 761 770 } 762 771 … … 785 794 786 795 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 787 early match. */788 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);796 early match. If not found, enter the string at IDX. */ 797 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 789 798 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 799 if (!entry) 800 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 790 801 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 791 802 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 792 if (entry) 793 { 794 cache->collision_1st_count++; 795 796 if (!hash2) 797 hash2 = cache->case_insensitive 798 ? strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length) 799 : strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 803 cache->collision_1st_count++; 804 805 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 806 entry = entry->next; 807 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 808 if (!hash2) 809 hash2 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 810 idx += hash2; 811 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 812 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 813 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 814 if (!entry) 815 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 816 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 817 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 818 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 819 820 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 821 for (;;) 822 { 823 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 824 entry = entry->next; 825 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 800 826 idx += hash2; 801 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);827 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 802 828 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 829 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 830 if (!entry) 831 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 803 832 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 804 833 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 805 806 if (entry) 807 { 808 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 809 do 810 { 811 idx += hash2; 812 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 813 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 814 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 815 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 816 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 817 } 818 while (entry); 819 } 820 } 821 822 /* Not found, add it at IDX. */ 823 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 834 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 835 } 836 /* not reached */ 824 837 } 825 838 … … 829 842 { 830 843 struct strcache2_entry const *entry; 844 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 845 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 831 846 unsigned int hash2; 832 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 847 #endif 833 848 unsigned int idx; 834 849 … … 839 854 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 840 855 early match. */ 841 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);856 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 842 857 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 858 if (!entry) 859 return NULL; 843 860 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 844 861 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 862 cache->collision_1st_count++; 863 864 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 865 entry = entry->next; 866 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 867 hash2 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 868 idx += hash2; 869 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 870 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 871 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 845 872 if (!entry) 846 hash2 = 0; 847 else 848 { 849 cache->collision_1st_count++; 850 851 hash2 = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 873 return NULL; 874 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 875 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 876 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 877 878 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 879 for (;;) 880 { 881 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 882 entry = entry->next; 883 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 852 884 idx += hash2; 853 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);885 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 854 886 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 887 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 888 if (!entry) 889 return NULL; 855 890 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 856 891 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 857 858 if (entry) 859 { 860 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 861 do 862 { 863 idx += hash2; 864 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 865 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 866 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 867 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 868 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 869 } 870 while (entry); 871 } 872 } 873 874 /* Not found. */ 875 return NULL; 892 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 893 } 894 /* not reached */ 876 895 } 877 896 … … 883 902 { 884 903 struct strcache2_entry const *entry; 885 unsigned int hash2;886 904 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 905 unsigned int hash2 = 0; 887 906 unsigned int idx; 888 907 889 assert (cache->case_insensitive); 908 assert (!cache->case_insensitive); 909 890 910 cache->lookup_count++; 891 911 892 912 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 893 early match. */894 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);913 early match. If not found, enter the string at IDX. */ 914 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 895 915 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 896 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 916 if (!entry) 917 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 918 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 897 919 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 920 cache->collision_1st_count++; 921 922 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 923 entry = entry->next; 924 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 925 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 926 idx += hash2; 927 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 928 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 929 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 898 930 if (!entry) 899 hash2 = 0; 900 else 901 { 902 cache->collision_1st_count++; 903 904 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 931 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 932 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 933 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 934 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 935 936 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 937 for (;;) 938 { 939 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 940 entry = entry->next; 941 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 905 942 idx += hash2; 906 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);943 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 907 944 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 908 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 945 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 946 if (!entry) 947 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 948 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 909 949 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 910 911 if (entry) 912 { 913 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 914 do 915 { 916 idx += hash2; 917 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 918 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 919 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 920 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 921 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 922 } 923 while (entry); 924 } 925 } 926 927 /* Not found, add it at IDX. */ 928 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 950 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 951 } 952 /* not reached */ 929 953 } 930 954 … … 940 964 unsigned correct_hash; 941 965 942 assert ( cache->case_insensitive);966 assert (!cache->case_insensitive); 943 967 correct_hash = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 944 968 MY_ASSERT_MSG (hash1 == correct_hash, ("%#x != %#x\n", hash1, correct_hash)); … … 953 977 954 978 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 955 early match. */956 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);979 early match. If not found, enter the string at IDX. */ 980 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 957 981 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 958 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 982 if (!entry) 983 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 984 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 959 985 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 960 if (entry) 961 { 962 cache->collision_1st_count++; 963 964 if (!hash2) 965 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 986 cache->collision_1st_count++; 987 988 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 989 entry = entry->next; 990 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 991 if (!hash2) 992 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 993 idx += hash2; 994 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 995 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 996 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 997 if (!entry) 998 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 999 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1000 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 1001 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 1002 1003 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 1004 for (;;) 1005 { 1006 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1007 entry = entry->next; 1008 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 966 1009 idx += hash2; 967 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);1010 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 968 1011 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 969 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1012 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1013 if (!entry) 1014 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 1015 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 970 1016 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 971 972 if (entry) 973 { 974 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 975 do 976 { 977 idx += hash2; 978 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 979 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 980 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 981 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 982 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 983 } 984 while (entry); 985 } 986 } 987 988 /* Not found, add it at IDX. */ 989 return strcache2_enter_string (cache, idx, str, length, hash1, hash2); 1017 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 1018 } 1019 /* not reached */ 990 1020 } 991 1021 992 1022 /* The public lookup (case insensitive) string interface. */ 993 1023 const char * 994 strcache2_ lookup (struct strcache2 *cache, const char *str, unsigned int length)1024 strcache2_ilookup (struct strcache2 *cache, const char *str, unsigned int length) 995 1025 { 996 1026 struct strcache2_entry const *entry; 1027 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 1028 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 997 1029 unsigned int hash2; 998 unsigned int hash1 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 1030 #endif 999 1031 unsigned int idx; 1000 1032 1001 assert ( cache->case_insensitive);1033 assert (!cache->case_insensitive); 1002 1034 1003 1035 cache->lookup_count++; … … 1005 1037 /* Lookup the entry in the hash table, hoping for an 1006 1038 early match. */ 1007 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1);1039 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, hash1); 1008 1040 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 1009 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1041 if (!entry) 1042 return NULL; 1043 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1010 1044 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 1045 cache->collision_1st_count++; 1046 1047 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1048 entry = entry->next; 1049 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1050 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 1051 idx += hash2; 1052 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 1053 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 1054 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1011 1055 if (!entry) 1012 hash2 = 0; 1013 else 1014 { 1015 cache->collision_1st_count++; 1016 1017 hash2 = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 1056 return NULL; 1057 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1058 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 1059 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 1060 1061 /* (We've established hash2, so we can do a straight loop now.) */ 1062 for (;;) 1063 { 1064 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1065 entry = entry->next; 1066 #else /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1018 1067 idx += hash2; 1019 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx);1068 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT (cache, idx); 1020 1069 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 1021 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1070 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1071 if (!entry) 1072 return NULL; 1073 if (strcache2_is_equal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1022 1074 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 1023 1024 if (entry) 1025 { 1026 cache->collision_2nd_count++; 1027 do 1028 { 1029 idx += hash2; 1030 idx = STRCACHE2_MOD_IT(cache, idx); 1031 entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 1032 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 1033 if (strcache2_is_iequal (cache, entry, str, length, hash1)) 1034 return (const char *)(entry + 1); 1035 } 1036 while (entry); 1037 } 1038 } 1039 1040 /* Not found. */ 1041 return NULL; 1075 cache->collision_3rd_count++; 1076 } 1077 /* not reached */ 1042 1078 } 1043 1079 … … 1100 1136 } 1101 1137 1138 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1102 1139 if (entry->hash2) 1103 1140 { … … 1113 1150 } 1114 1151 } 1152 #endif 1115 1153 1116 1154 return 0; 1117 1155 } 1118 1156 1157 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1119 1158 /* Fallback for calculating and returning the 2nd hash. */ 1120 1159 unsigned int … … 1128 1167 return hash2; 1129 1168 } 1169 #endif /* !STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING */ 1130 1170 1131 1171 /* Calculates the case sensitive hash values of the string. … … 1133 1173 unsigned int strcache2_hash_str (const char *str, unsigned int length, unsigned int *hash2p) 1134 1174 { 1175 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1135 1176 *hash2p = strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 1177 #else 1178 *hash2p = 1; 1179 #endif 1136 1180 return strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 1137 1181 } … … 1141 1185 unsigned int strcache2_hash_istr (const char *str, unsigned int length, unsigned int *hash2p) 1142 1186 { 1187 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1143 1188 *hash2p = strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_2 (str, length); 1189 #else 1190 *hash2p = 1; 1191 #endif 1144 1192 return strcache2_case_insensitive_hash_1 (str, length); 1145 1193 } … … 1182 1230 #endif 1183 1231 cache->count = 0; 1232 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1233 cache->collision_count = 0; 1234 #endif 1184 1235 cache->lookup_count = 0; 1185 1236 cache->collision_1st_count = 0; … … 1246 1297 unsigned long seg_max_bytes = 0; 1247 1298 struct strcache2_seg *seg; 1299 unsigned int str_count = 0; 1248 1300 unsigned long str_total_len = 0; 1249 1301 unsigned int str_avg_len; … … 1252 1304 unsigned int idx; 1253 1305 unsigned int rehashes; 1306 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1307 unsigned int chain_depths[32]; 1308 #endif 1254 1309 1255 1310 printf (_("\n%s strcache2: %s\n"), prefix, cache->name); … … 1270 1325 1271 1326 /* String statistics. */ 1327 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1328 memset (chain_depths, '\0', sizeof (chain_depths)); 1329 #endif 1272 1330 idx = cache->hash_size; 1273 1331 while (idx-- > 0) 1274 1332 { 1275 1333 struct strcache2_entry const *entry = cache->hash_tab[idx]; 1334 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1335 unsigned int depth = 0; 1336 for (; entry != 0; entry = entry->next, depth++) 1337 #else 1276 1338 if (entry) 1339 #endif 1277 1340 { 1278 1341 unsigned int length = entry->length; … … 1282 1345 if (length < str_min_len) 1283 1346 str_min_len = length; 1284 } 1347 str_count++; 1348 } 1349 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1350 chain_depths[depth >= 32 ? 31 : depth]++; 1351 #endif 1285 1352 } 1286 1353 str_avg_len = cache->count ? str_total_len / cache->count : 0; 1287 1354 printf (_("%s %u strings: total len = %lu / max = %u / avg = %u / min = %u\n"), 1288 1355 prefix, cache->count, str_total_len, str_max_len, str_avg_len, str_min_len); 1356 if (str_count != cache->count) 1357 printf (_("%s string count mismatch! cache->count=%u, actual count is %u\n"), prefix, 1358 cache->count, str_count); 1289 1359 1290 1360 /* Hash statistics. */ … … 1306 1376 printf (_("%s hash collisions 1st = %lu (%u%%) 2nd = %lu (%u%%) 3rd = %lu (%u%%)\n"), 1307 1377 prefix, 1308 cache->collision_1st_count, (unsigned int)((float)cache->collision_1st_count * 100 / cache->lookup_count), 1309 cache->collision_2nd_count, (unsigned int)((float)cache->collision_2nd_count * 100 / cache->lookup_count), 1310 cache->collision_3rd_count, (unsigned int)((float)cache->collision_3rd_count * 100 / cache->lookup_count)); 1378 cache->collision_1st_count, (unsigned int)((100.0 * cache->collision_1st_count) / cache->lookup_count), 1379 cache->collision_2nd_count, (unsigned int)((100.0 * cache->collision_2nd_count) / cache->lookup_count), 1380 cache->collision_3rd_count, (unsigned int)((100.0 * cache->collision_3rd_count) / cache->lookup_count)); 1381 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1382 printf (_("%s hash insert collisions = %u (%u%%)\n"), 1383 prefix, cache->collision_count,(unsigned int)((100.0 * cache->collision_count) / cache->count)); 1384 printf (_("%s %5u (%u%%) empty hash table slots\n"), 1385 prefix, chain_depths[0], (unsigned int)((100.0 * chain_depths[0]) / cache->hash_size)); 1386 printf (_("%s %5u (%u%%) in used hash table slots\n"), 1387 prefix, chain_depths[1], (unsigned int)((100.0 * chain_depths[1]) / cache->hash_size)); 1388 for (idx = 2; idx < 32; idx++) 1389 { 1390 unsigned strs_at_this_depth = chain_depths[idx]; 1391 unsigned i; 1392 for (i = idx + 1; i < 32; i++) 1393 strs_at_this_depth += chain_depths[i]; 1394 if (strs_at_this_depth) 1395 printf (_("%s %5u (%2u%%) with %u string%s chained on; %5u (%2u%%) strings at depth %u.\n"), 1396 prefix, chain_depths[idx], (unsigned int)((100.0 * chain_depths[idx]) / (cache->count - cache->collision_count)), 1397 idx - 1, idx == 2 ? " " : "s", 1398 strs_at_this_depth, (unsigned int)((100.0 * strs_at_this_depth) / cache->count), idx - 1); 1399 } 1400 #endif 1311 1401 } 1312 1402 -
r1908 r1909 33 33 34 34 #define STRCACHE2_USE_MASK 1 35 #define STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 1 35 36 36 37 /* string cache memory segment. */ … … 47 48 struct strcache2_entry 48 49 { 50 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 51 struct strcache2_entry *next; /* Collision chain. */ 52 #endif 49 53 void *user; 50 54 unsigned int hash1; 55 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 51 56 unsigned int hash2; 57 #endif 52 58 unsigned int length; 53 59 }; … … 83 89 unsigned long collision_3rd_count; /* The number of 3rd level collisions. */ 84 90 unsigned int count; /* Number entries in the cache. */ 91 #ifdef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 92 unsigned int collision_count; /* Number of entries in chains. */ 93 #endif 85 94 unsigned int rehash_count; /* When to rehash the table. */ 86 95 unsigned int init_size; /* The initial hash table size. */ … … 146 155 } 147 156 157 #ifndef STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING 148 158 /* Get the second hash value for the string. */ 149 159 MY_INLINE unsigned int … … 155 165 return hash2; 156 166 } 167 #endif 157 168 158 169 /* Get the pointer hash value for the string.
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