Changeset 25065 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Runtime
- Timestamp:
- Nov 28, 2009 2:29:46 AM (15 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 55417
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r25060 r25065 196 196 */ 197 197 #ifdef RTHEAPOFFSET_STRICT 198 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)rtHeapOffCheckedOffToPtr(pHeapInt, off) )198 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)rtHeapOffCheckedOffToPtr(pHeapInt, off, true /*fNull*/) ) 199 199 #else 200 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR(pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)((off) ? (uint8_t *)(pHeapInt) + (off) : NULL) ) 200 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)((off) ? (uint8_t *)(pHeapInt) + (off) : NULL) ) 201 #endif 202 203 /** 204 * Converts an offset to a pointer. 205 * 206 * All offsets are relative to the heap to make life simple. 207 * 208 * @returns Pointer of given type. 209 * @param pHeapInt Pointer to the heap anchor block. 210 * @param off The offset to convert. 211 * @param type The desired type. 212 */ 213 #ifdef RTHEAPOFFSET_STRICT 214 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR(pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)rtHeapOffCheckedOffToPtr(pHeapInt, off, false /*fNull*/) ) 215 #else 216 # define RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR(pHeapInt, off, type) ( (type)((uint8_t *)(pHeapInt) + (off)) ) 201 217 #endif 202 218 … … 323 339 #ifdef RTHEAPOFFSET_STRICT 324 340 325 /** Checked version of RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR. */ 326 DECLINLINE(void *) rtHeapOffCheckedOffToPtr(PRTHEAPOFFSETINTERNAL pHeapInt, uint32_t off) 327 { 341 /** Checked version of RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR and RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N. */ 342 DECLINLINE(void *) rtHeapOffCheckedOffToPtr(PRTHEAPOFFSETINTERNAL pHeapInt, uint32_t off, bool fNull) 343 { 344 Assert(off || fNull); 328 345 if (!off) 329 346 return NULL; … … 505 522 * Search for a fitting block from the lower end of the heap. 506 523 */ 507 for (pFree = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeHead, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE);524 for (pFree = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeHead, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE); 508 525 pFree; 509 pFree = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pFree->offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE))526 pFree = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pFree->offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)) 510 527 { 511 528 uintptr_t offAlign; … … 520 537 if (offAlign) 521 538 { 539 #define DONT_DONATE_ALIGNMENT 540 #ifdef DONT_DONATE_ALIGNMENT 541 PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE pPrev; 542 543 offAlign = (uintptr_t)(&pFree[1].Core + 1) & (uAlignment - 1); 544 offAlign = uAlignment - offAlign; 545 if (pFree->cb < cb + offAlign + sizeof(RTHEAPOFFSETFREE)) 546 continue; 547 548 /* 549 * Split up the free block into two, so that the 2nd is aligned as 550 * per specification. 551 */ 552 pPrev = pFree; 553 pFree = (PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)((uintptr_t)(pFree + 1) + offAlign); 554 pFree->Core.offPrev = pPrev->Core.offSelf; 555 pFree->Core.offNext = pPrev->Core.offNext; 556 pFree->Core.offSelf = RTHEAPOFF_TO_OFF(pHeapInt, pFree); 557 pFree->Core.fFlags = RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_FLAGS_MAGIC | RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_FLAGS_FREE; 558 pFree->offPrev = pPrev->Core.offSelf; 559 pFree->offNext = pPrev->offNext; 560 pFree->cb = (pFree->Core.offNext ? pFree->Core.offNext : pHeapInt->cbHeap) 561 - pFree->Core.offSelf - sizeof(RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK); 562 563 pPrev->Core.offNext = pFree->Core.offSelf; 564 pPrev->offNext = pFree->Core.offSelf; 565 pPrev->cb = pFree->Core.offSelf - pPrev->Core.offSelf - sizeof(RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK); 566 567 if (pFree->Core.offNext) 568 RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR(pHeapInt, pFree->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK)->offPrev = pFree->Core.offSelf; 569 if (pFree->offNext) 570 RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR(pHeapInt, pFree->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)->offPrev = pFree->Core.offSelf; 571 else 572 pHeapInt->offFreeTail = pFree->Core.offSelf; 573 574 pHeapInt->cbFree -= sizeof(RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK); 575 ASSERT_BLOCK_FREE(pHeapInt, pPrev); 576 ASSERT_BLOCK_FREE(pHeapInt, pFree); 577 578 #else /* !DONT_DONATE_ALIGNMENT */ 522 579 RTHEAPOFFSETFREE Free; 523 580 PRTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK pPrev; … … 542 599 * for that.) 543 600 */ 544 pPrev = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, Free.Core.offPrev, PRTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK);601 pPrev = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, Free.Core.offPrev, PRTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK); 545 602 if (pPrev) 546 603 { … … 582 639 ASSERT_BLOCK_FREE(pHeapInt, pFree); 583 640 ASSERT_BLOCK_USED(pHeapInt, pPrev); 641 #endif /* !DONT_DONATE_ALIGNMENT */ 584 642 } 585 643 … … 590 648 { 591 649 /* 592 * Move the FREE block up to make room for the new USED block.650 * Create a new FREE block at then end of this one. 593 651 */ 594 652 PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE pNew = (PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)((uintptr_t)&pFree->Core + cb + sizeof(RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK)); … … 616 674 617 675 /* 618 * Update the old FREE node making ita USED node.676 * Adjust and convert the old FREE node into a USED node. 619 677 */ 620 678 pFree->Core.fFlags &= ~RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_FLAGS_FREE; … … 720 778 if (pHeapInt->offFreeTail) 721 779 { 722 pRight = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pFree->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE);780 pRight = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pFree->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE); 723 781 while (pRight && !RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_IS_FREE(&pRight->Core)) 724 782 { 725 783 ASSERT_BLOCK(pHeapInt, &pRight->Core); 726 pRight = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pRight->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE);784 pRight = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pRight->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE); 727 785 } 728 786 if (!pRight) 729 pLeft = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeTail, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE);787 pLeft = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeTail, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE); 730 788 else 731 789 { 732 790 ASSERT_BLOCK_FREE(pHeapInt, pRight); 733 pLeft = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pRight->offPrev, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE);791 pLeft = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pRight->offPrev, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE); 734 792 } 735 793 if (pLeft) … … 739 797 ASSERT_L(RTHEAPOFF_TO_OFF(pHeapInt, pLeft), RTHEAPOFF_TO_OFF(pHeapInt, pFree)); 740 798 Assert(!pRight || (uintptr_t)pRight > (uintptr_t)pFree); 741 Assert(!pLeft || RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pLeft->offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE) == pRight);799 Assert(!pLeft || RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pLeft->offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE) == pRight); 742 800 743 801 /* … … 746 804 if (!pLeft) 747 805 { 748 Assert(pRight == RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeHead, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE));806 Assert(pRight == RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pHeapInt->offFreeHead, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)); 749 807 pFree->Core.fFlags |= RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_FLAGS_FREE; 750 808 pFree->offPrev = 0; … … 831 889 for (pBlock = (PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)(pHeapInt + 1); 832 890 pBlock; 833 pBlock = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pBlock->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE))891 pBlock = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pBlock->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)) 834 892 { 835 893 if (RTHEAPOFFSETBLOCK_IS_FREE(&pBlock->Core)) … … 923 981 for (pBlock = (PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)(pHeapInt + 1); 924 982 pBlock; 925 pBlock = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR (pHeapInt, pBlock->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE))983 pBlock = RTHEAPOFF_TO_PTR_N(pHeapInt, pBlock->Core.offNext, PRTHEAPOFFSETFREE)) 926 984 { 927 985 size_t cb = (pBlock->offNext ? pBlock->Core.offNext : pHeapInt->cbHeap)
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