Changeset 26344 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Runtime
- Timestamp:
- Feb 9, 2010 3:39:45 AM (15 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 57432
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Runtime
- Files:
- 55 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r21337 r26344 80 80 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTMemDupEx); 81 81 82 -
r25066 r26344 506 506 * 507 507 * @param pHeapInt The heap. 508 * @param cb 508 * @param cb Size of the memory block to allocate. 509 509 * @param uAlignment The alignment specifications for the allocated block. 510 510 */ -
r25055 r26344 475 475 * 476 476 * @param pHeapInt The heap. 477 * @param cb 477 * @param cb Size of the memory block to allocate. 478 478 * @param uAlignment The alignment specifications for the allocated block. 479 479 */ -
r23503 r26344 75 75 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTSha1Final); 76 76 77 -
r23501 r26344 75 75 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTSha512Final); 76 76 77 -
r23507 r26344 52 52 } 53 53 54 55 -
r21337 r26344 114 114 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTDbgLineFree); 115 115 116 -
r23528 r26344 188 188 //41?? 189 189 #ifdef ENOMSG 190 //case ENOMSG 42/* No message of desired type */190 //case ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */ 191 191 #endif 192 192 #ifdef EIDRM 193 //case EIDRM 43/* Identifier removed */193 //case EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */ 194 194 #endif 195 195 #ifdef ECHRNG 196 //case ECHRNG 44/* Channel number out of range */196 //case ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */ 197 197 #endif 198 198 #ifdef EL2NSYNC 199 //case EL2NSYNC 45/* Level 2 not synchronized */199 //case EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */ 200 200 #endif 201 201 #ifdef EL3HLT 202 //case EL3HLT 46/* Level 3 halted */202 //case EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */ 203 203 #endif 204 204 #ifdef EL3RST 205 //case EL3RST 47/* Level 3 reset */205 //case EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */ 206 206 #endif 207 207 #ifdef ELNRNG 208 //case ELNRNG 48/* Link number out of range */208 //case ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */ 209 209 #endif 210 210 #ifdef EUNATCH 211 //case EUNATCH 49/* Protocol driver not attached */211 //case EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */ 212 212 #endif 213 213 #ifdef ENOCSI 214 //case ENOCSI 50/* No CSI structure available */214 //case ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */ 215 215 #endif 216 216 #ifdef EL2HLT 217 //case EL2HLT 51/* Level 2 halted */217 //case EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */ 218 218 #endif 219 219 #ifdef EBADE 220 //case EBADE 52/* Invalid exchange */220 //case EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */ 221 221 #endif 222 222 #ifdef EBADR 223 //case EBADR 53/* Invalid request descriptor */223 //case EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */ 224 224 #endif 225 225 #ifdef EXFULL 226 //case EXFULL 54/* Exchange full */226 //case EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */ 227 227 #endif 228 228 #ifdef ENOANO 229 //case ENOANO 55/* No anode */229 //case ENOANO 55 /* No anode */ 230 230 #endif 231 231 #ifdef EBADRQC 232 //case EBADRQC 56/* Invalid request code */232 //case EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */ 233 233 #endif 234 234 #ifdef EBADSLT 235 //case EBADSLT 57/* Invalid slot */235 //case EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */ 236 236 #endif 237 237 //case 58: 238 238 #ifdef EBFONT 239 //case EBFONT 59/* Bad font file format */239 //case EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */ 240 240 #endif 241 241 #ifdef ENOSTR 242 //case ENOSTR 60/* Device not a stream */242 //case ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */ 243 243 #endif 244 244 #ifdef ENODATA … … 246 246 #endif 247 247 #ifdef ETIME 248 //case ETIME 62/* Timer expired */248 //case ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */ 249 249 #endif 250 250 #ifdef ENOSR 251 //case ENOSR 63/* Out of streams resources */251 //case ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */ 252 252 #endif 253 253 #ifdef ENONET … … 255 255 #endif 256 256 #ifdef ENOPKG 257 //case ENOPKG 65/* Package not installed */257 //case ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */ 258 258 #endif 259 259 #ifdef EREMOTE 260 //case EREMOTE 66/* Object is remote */260 //case EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */ 261 261 #endif 262 262 #ifdef ENOLINK 263 //case ENOLINK 67/* Link has been severed */263 //case ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */ 264 264 #endif 265 265 #ifdef EADV 266 //case EADV 68/* Advertise error */266 //case EADV 68 /* Advertise error */ 267 267 #endif 268 268 #ifdef ESRMNT 269 //case ESRMNT 69/* Srmount error */269 //case ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */ 270 270 #endif 271 271 #ifdef ECOMM 272 //case ECOMM 70/* Communication error on send */272 //case ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */ 273 273 #endif 274 274 #ifdef EPROTO … … 276 276 #endif 277 277 #ifdef EMULTIHOP 278 //case EMULTIHOP 72/* Multihop attempted */278 //case EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */ 279 279 #endif 280 280 #ifdef EDOTDOT 281 //case EDOTDOT 73/* RFS specific error */281 //case EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */ 282 282 #endif 283 283 #ifdef EBADMSG 284 //case EBADMSG 74/* Not a data message */284 //case EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */ 285 285 #endif 286 286 #ifdef EOVERFLOW … … 294 294 #endif 295 295 #ifdef EREMCHG 296 //case EREMCHG 78/* Remote address changed */296 //case EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */ 297 297 #endif 298 298 #ifdef ELIBACC 299 //case ELIBACC 79/* Can not access a needed shared library */299 //case ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared library */ 300 300 #endif 301 301 #ifdef ELIBBAD 302 //case ELIBBAD 80/* Accessing a corrupted shared library */302 //case ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */ 303 303 #endif 304 304 #ifdef ELIBSCN 305 //case ELIBSCN 81/* .lib section in a.out corrupted */305 //case ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */ 306 306 #endif 307 307 #ifdef ELIBMAX 308 //case ELIBMAX 82/* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */308 //case ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */ 309 309 #endif 310 310 #ifdef ELIBEXEC 311 //case ELIBEXEC 83/* Cannot exec a shared library directly */311 //case ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */ 312 312 #endif 313 313 #ifdef EILSEQ … … 318 318 #endif 319 319 #ifdef ESTRPIPE 320 //case ESTRPIPE 86/* Streams pipe error */320 //case ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */ 321 321 #endif 322 322 #ifdef EUSERS 323 //case EUSERS 87/* Too many users */323 //case EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */ 324 324 #endif 325 325 #ifdef ENOTSOCK … … 408 408 #endif 409 409 #ifdef ESTALE 410 //case ESTALE 116/* Stale NFS file handle */410 //case ESTALE 116 /* Stale NFS file handle */ 411 411 #endif 412 412 #ifdef EUCLEAN 413 //case EUCLEAN 117/* Structure needs cleaning */413 //case EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */ 414 414 #endif 415 415 #ifdef ENOTNAM 416 //case ENOTNAM 118/* Not a XENIX named type file */416 //case ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */ 417 417 #endif 418 418 #ifdef ENAVAIL 419 //case ENAVAIL 119/* No XENIX semaphores available */419 //case ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */ 420 420 #endif 421 421 #ifdef EISNAM 422 //case EISNAM 120/* Is a named type file */422 //case EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */ 423 423 #endif 424 424 #ifdef EREMOTEIO 425 //case EREMOTEIO 121/* Remote I/O error */425 //case EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */ 426 426 #endif 427 427 #ifdef EDQUOT -
r23528 r26344 191 191 //41?? 192 192 #ifdef ENOMSG 193 //case ENOMSG 42/* No message of desired type */193 //case ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */ 194 194 #endif 195 195 #ifdef EIDRM 196 //case EIDRM 43/* Identifier removed */196 //case EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */ 197 197 #endif 198 198 #ifdef ECHRNG 199 //case ECHRNG 44/* Channel number out of range */199 //case ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */ 200 200 #endif 201 201 #ifdef EL2NSYNC 202 //case EL2NSYNC 45/* Level 2 not synchronized */202 //case EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */ 203 203 #endif 204 204 #ifdef EL3HLT 205 //case EL3HLT 46/* Level 3 halted */205 //case EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */ 206 206 #endif 207 207 #ifdef EL3RST 208 //case EL3RST 47/* Level 3 reset */208 //case EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */ 209 209 #endif 210 210 #ifdef ELNRNG 211 //case ELNRNG 48/* Link number out of range */211 //case ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */ 212 212 #endif 213 213 #ifdef EUNATCH 214 //case EUNATCH 49/* Protocol driver not attached */214 //case EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */ 215 215 #endif 216 216 #ifdef ENOCSI 217 //case ENOCSI 50/* No CSI structure available */217 //case ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */ 218 218 #endif 219 219 #ifdef EL2HLT 220 //case EL2HLT 51/* Level 2 halted */220 //case EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */ 221 221 #endif 222 222 #ifdef EBADE 223 //case EBADE 52/* Invalid exchange */223 //case EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */ 224 224 #endif 225 225 #ifdef EBADR 226 //case EBADR 53/* Invalid request descriptor */226 //case EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */ 227 227 #endif 228 228 #ifdef EXFULL 229 //case EXFULL 54/* Exchange full */229 //case EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */ 230 230 #endif 231 231 #ifdef ENOANO 232 //case ENOANO 55/* No anode */232 //case ENOANO 55 /* No anode */ 233 233 #endif 234 234 #ifdef EBADRQC 235 //case EBADRQC 56/* Invalid request code */235 //case EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */ 236 236 #endif 237 237 #ifdef EBADSLT 238 //case EBADSLT 57/* Invalid slot */238 //case EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */ 239 239 #endif 240 240 //case 58: 241 241 #ifdef EBFONT 242 //case EBFONT 59/* Bad font file format */242 //case EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */ 243 243 #endif 244 244 #ifdef ENOSTR 245 //case ENOSTR 60/* Device not a stream */245 //case ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */ 246 246 #endif 247 247 #ifdef ENODATA … … 249 249 #endif 250 250 #ifdef ETIME 251 //case ETIME 62/* Timer expired */251 //case ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */ 252 252 #endif 253 253 #ifdef ENOSR 254 //case ENOSR 63/* Out of streams resources */254 //case ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */ 255 255 #endif 256 256 #ifdef ENONET … … 258 258 #endif 259 259 #ifdef ENOPKG 260 //case ENOPKG 65/* Package not installed */260 //case ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */ 261 261 #endif 262 262 #ifdef EREMOTE 263 //case EREMOTE 66/* Object is remote */263 //case EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */ 264 264 #endif 265 265 #ifdef ENOLINK 266 //case ENOLINK 67/* Link has been severed */266 //case ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */ 267 267 #endif 268 268 #ifdef EADV 269 //case EADV 68/* Advertise error */269 //case EADV 68 /* Advertise error */ 270 270 #endif 271 271 #ifdef ESRMNT 272 //case ESRMNT 69/* Srmount error */272 //case ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */ 273 273 #endif 274 274 #ifdef ECOMM 275 //case ECOMM 70/* Communication error on send */275 //case ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */ 276 276 #endif 277 277 #ifdef EPROTO 278 //case EPROTO 71/* Protocol error */278 //case EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */ 279 279 #endif 280 280 #ifdef EMULTIHOP 281 //case EMULTIHOP 72/* Multihop attempted */281 //case EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */ 282 282 #endif 283 283 #ifdef EDOTDOT 284 //case EDOTDOT 73/* RFS specific error */284 //case EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */ 285 285 #endif 286 286 #ifdef EBADMSG 287 //case EBADMSG 74/* Not a data message */287 //case EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */ 288 288 #endif 289 289 #ifdef EOVERFLOW … … 297 297 #endif 298 298 #ifdef EREMCHG 299 //case EREMCHG 78/* Remote address changed */299 //case EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */ 300 300 #endif 301 301 #ifdef ELIBACC 302 //case ELIBACC 79/* Can not access a needed shared library */302 //case ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared library */ 303 303 #endif 304 304 #ifdef ELIBBAD 305 //case ELIBBAD 80/* Accessing a corrupted shared library */305 //case ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */ 306 306 #endif 307 307 #ifdef ELIBSCN 308 //case ELIBSCN 81/* .lib section in a.out corrupted */308 //case ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */ 309 309 #endif 310 310 #ifdef ELIBMAX 311 //case ELIBMAX 82/* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */311 //case ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */ 312 312 #endif 313 313 #ifdef ELIBEXEC 314 //case ELIBEXEC 83/* Cannot exec a shared library directly */314 //case ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */ 315 315 #endif 316 316 #ifdef EILSEQ … … 321 321 #endif 322 322 #ifdef ESTRPIPE 323 //case ESTRPIPE 86/* Streams pipe error */323 //case ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */ 324 324 #endif 325 325 #ifdef EUSERS 326 //case EUSERS 87/* Too many users */326 //case EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */ 327 327 #endif 328 328 #ifdef ENOTSOCK … … 411 411 #endif 412 412 #ifdef ESTALE 413 //case ESTALE 116/* Stale NFS file handle */413 //case ESTALE 116 /* Stale NFS file handle */ 414 414 #endif 415 415 #ifdef EUCLEAN 416 //case EUCLEAN 117/* Structure needs cleaning */416 //case EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */ 417 417 #endif 418 418 #ifdef ENOTNAM 419 //case ENOTNAM 118/* Not a XENIX named type file */419 //case ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */ 420 420 #endif 421 421 #ifdef ENAVAIL 422 //case ENAVAIL 119/* No XENIX semaphores available */422 //case ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */ 423 423 #endif 424 424 #ifdef EISNAM 425 //case EISNAM 120/* Is a named type file */425 //case EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */ 426 426 #endif 427 427 #ifdef EREMOTEIO 428 //case EREMOTEIO 121/* Remote I/O error */428 //case EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */ 429 429 #endif 430 430 #ifdef EDQUOT -
r25000 r26344 650 650 { 651 651 /* Undefined symbols are not exports, they are imports. */ 652 652 if ( paSyms[iSym].st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF 653 653 && ( ELF_ST_BIND(paSyms[iSym].st_info) == STB_GLOBAL 654 654 || ELF_ST_BIND(paSyms[iSym].st_info) == STB_WEAK)) 655 655 { 656 656 /* Validate the name string and try match with it. */ 657 657 if (paSyms[iSym].st_name < pModElf->cbStr) … … 682 682 return VERR_LDRELF_INVALID_SYMBOL_NAME_OFFSET; 683 683 } 684 684 } 685 685 } 686 686 -
r25342 r26344 1597 1597 } 1598 1598 1599 1600 -
r22561 r26344 83 83 #endif 84 84 85 -
r10789 r26344 248 248 } 249 249 250 -
r24826 r26344 98 98 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTMsgErrorV); 99 99 100 -
r24221 r26344 57 57 RTDECL(int) RTPathAbsEx(const char *pszBase, const char *pszPath, char *pszAbsPath, size_t cchAbsPath) 58 58 { 59 if ( pszBase 60 && pszPath 59 if ( pszBase 60 && pszPath 61 61 && !rtPathVolumeSpecLen(pszPath) 62 62 ) -
r23038 r26344 48 48 *******************************************************************************/ 49 49 /** 50 * String cache entry. 51 * 52 * Each entry is 50 * String cache entry. 51 * 52 * Each entry is 53 53 */ 54 54 typedef struct RTSTRCACHEENTRY … … 64 64 /** The string. */ 65 65 char szString[16]; 66 } RTSTRCACHEENTRY; 66 } RTSTRCACHEENTRY; 67 67 AssertCompileSize(RTSTRCACHEENTRY, 32); 68 68 /** Pointer to a string cache entry. */ … … 196 196 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTStrCacheLength); 197 197 198 -
r25713 r26344 957 957 } 958 958 959 -
r22736 r26344 124 124 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTStrDupN); 125 125 126 127 -
r21337 r26344 240 240 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTStrSpaceDestroy); 241 241 242 -
r8245 r26344 29595 29595 }; 29596 29596 29597 -
r8155 r26344 113 113 #endif 114 114 115 -
r8245 r26344 79 79 #include "avl_Destroy.cpp.h" 80 80 81 -
r8245 r26344 79 79 #include "avl_Destroy.cpp.h" 80 80 81 -
r8245 r26344 38 38 #include <iprt/table.h> 39 39 40 41 -
r15459 r26344 65 65 } 66 66 67 -
r15459 r26344 48 48 } 49 49 50 -
r21337 r26344 45 45 RT_EXPORT_SYMBOL(RTLogWriteDebugger); 46 46 47 -
r25645 r26344 414 414 #endif 415 415 416 -
r21337 r26344 49 49 */ 50 50 51 52 -
r24034 r26344 69 69 #endif 70 70 71 -
r25645 r26344 449 449 } 450 450 451 -
r24287 r26344 68 68 69 69 RTR0DECL(bool) RTR0MemKernelIsValidAddr(void *pv) 70 { 70 { 71 71 /** @todo this is all wrong, see RTR0MemUserIsValidAddr. */ 72 72 return (uintptr_t)pv >= UINT32_C(0x20000000); /* 512MB */ -
r25183 r26344 99 99 /* Allocate physically contiguous page-aligned memory. */ 100 100 caddr_t virtAddr; 101 uint64_t phys = (unsigned)0xffffffff; 101 uint64_t phys = (unsigned)0xffffffff; /* insist on below 4Gig */ 102 102 103 103 virtAddr = vbi_contig_alloc(&phys, cb); -
r20449 r26344 103 103 } 104 104 105 -
r8245 r26344 40 40 #include <unistd.h> 41 41 #ifndef __NR_clock_gettime 42 # define __NR_timer_create 43 # define __NR_clock_gettime 42 # define __NR_timer_create 259 43 # define __NR_clock_gettime (__NR_timer_create+6) 44 44 #endif 45 45 -
r25953 r26344 739 739 } 740 740 741 -
r8245 r26344 142 142 } 143 143 144 -
r11557 r26344 139 139 } 140 140 141 -
r20822 r26344 233 233 } 234 234 235 -
r11840 r26344 75 75 } 76 76 77 -
r15954 r26344 485 485 } 486 486 487 488 -
r11725 r26344 637 637 } 638 638 639 -
r25961 r26344 188 188 } 189 189 190 -
r26163 r26344 1456 1456 } // end namespace xml 1457 1457 1458 -
r15821 r26344 189 189 } 190 190 191 -
r26267 r26344 113 113 } 114 114 115 -
r8245 r26344 110 110 } 111 111 112 -
r20606 r26344 340 340 } 341 341 342 -
r25613 r26344 207 207 } 208 208 209 -
r20606 r26344 132 132 } 133 133 134 -
r11822 r26344 127 127 } 128 128 129 -
r20606 r26344 150 150 } 151 151 152 -
r25000 r26344 228 228 } 229 229 230 231 -
r25000 r26344 226 226 } 227 227 228 229 -
r26343 r26344 407 407 } 408 408 409
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