
Changeset 34099 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Additions

Nov 16, 2010 10:43:23 AM (14 years ago)

Windows Guest Additions Installer: Use VBoxInstallHelper plugin for displaying installation status messages using VBoxTray's IPC mechanism when new command line parameter "/post_installstatus" is defined; comment updates.

6 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditions.nsi

    r33970 r34099  
    66; Defines for special functions
    7 !define WHQL_FAKE    ; Turns on the faking of non WHQL signed / approved drivers.
     7!define WHQL_FAKE    ; Turns on the faking of non WHQL signed / approved drivers
    88                     ; Needs the VBoxWHQLFake.exe in the additions output directory!
    12 !define PRODUCT_NAME "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions"
    13 !define PRODUCT_DESC "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions"
    17 !define PRODUCT_OUTPUT "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe"
    18 !define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE ""
    19 !define PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY "${VENDOR_ROOT_KEY}\VirtualBox Guest Additions"
    20 !define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
     10!define VENDOR_ROOT_KEY             "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%"
     12!define PRODUCT_NAME                "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions"
     13!define PRODUCT_DESC                "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions"
     15!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER           "$%VBOX_VENDOR%"
     16!define PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT           "(C) $%VBOX_C_YEAR% $%VBOX_VENDOR%"
     17!define PRODUCT_OUTPUT              "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe"
     18!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE            ""
     19!define PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY         "${VENDOR_ROOT_KEY}\VirtualBox Guest Additions"
     20!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY          "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
     21!define PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY     "HKLM"
    2323VIProductVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}"
    24 VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "$%VBOX_VERSION_STRING%"
    25 VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
    26 VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}"
    27 VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}"
    28 VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "${PRODUCT_DESC}"
    29 VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "${PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT}"
    30 VIAddVersionKey "InternalName" "${PRODUCT_OUTPUT}"
     24VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion"       "$%VBOX_VERSION_STRING%"
     25VIAddVersionKey "ProductName"       "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
     26VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion"    "${PRODUCT_VERSION}"
     27VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName"       "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}"
     28VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription"   "${PRODUCT_DESC}"
     29VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright"    "${PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT}"
     30VIAddVersionKey "InternalName"      "${PRODUCT_OUTPUT}"
    3232; This registry key will hold the mouse driver path before install (NT4 only)
    3333!define ORG_MOUSE_PATH "MousePath"
     35; If we have our guest install helper DLL, add the
     36; plugin path so that NSIS can find it when compiling the installer
     37; Note: NSIS plugins *always* have to be compiled in 32-bit!
     39  !addplugindir "$%PATH_TARGET_X86%\VBoxGuestInstallHelper"
    3542!include "LogicLib.nsh"
    115   ; If license files not available (OSE / PUEL) build, then use the English one as default.
     122  ; If license files not available (OSE / PUEL) build, then use the English one as default
    116123  !ifdef VBOX_BRAND_fr_FR_LICENSE_RTF
    117124    LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_FRENCH} "$%VBOX_BRAND_fr_FR_LICENSE_RTF%"
    143150!ifdef UNINSTALLER_ONLY
    144 !echo "Uninstaller only!"
    145 OutFile "$%PATH_TARGET%\VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%-uninst.exe"
     151  !echo "Uninstaller only!"
     152  OutFile "$%PATH_TARGET%\VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%-uninst.exe"
    147 OutFile "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe"
    148 !endif
     154  OutFile "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe"
     155!endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY
     157; Define default installation directory
    150158!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit
    151159  InstallDir  "$PROGRAMFILES32\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions"
    159167RequestExecutionLevel highest
    161 Var g_iSystemMode           ; Current system mode (0 = Normal boot, 1 = Fail-safe boot, 2 = Fail-safe with network boot)
    162 Var g_strSystemDir          ; Windows system directory
    163 Var g_strCurUser            ; Current user using the system
    164 Var g_strAddVerMaj          ; Installed Guest Additions: Major version
    165 Var g_strAddVerMin          ; Installed Guest Additions: Minor version
    166 Var g_strAddVerBuild        ; Installed Guest Additions: Build number
    167 Var g_strAddVerRev          ; Installed Guest Additions: SVN revision
    168 Var g_strWinVersion         ; Current Windows version we're running on
    169 Var g_bLogEnable            ; Do logging when installing? "true" or "false"
    170 Var g_bFakeWHQL             ; Cmd line: Fake Windows to install non WHQL certificated drivers (only for W2K and XP currently!!) ("/unsig_drv")
    171 Var g_bForceInstall         ; Cmd line: Force installation on unknown Windows OS version.
    172 Var g_bUninstall            ; Cmd line: Just uninstall any previous Guest Additions and exit
    173 Var g_bRebootOnExit         ; Cmd line: Auto-Reboot on successful installation. Good for unattended installations ("/reboot")
    174 Var g_iScreenBpp            ; Cmd line: Screen depth ("/depth=X")
    175 Var g_iScreenX              ; Cmd line: Screen resolution X ("/resx=X")
    176 Var g_iScreenY              ; Cmd line: Screen resolution Y ("/resy=Y")
    177 Var g_iSfOrder              ; Cmd line: Order of Shared Folders network provider (0=first, 1=second, ...)
    178 Var g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts    ; Cmd line: Ignore unknown options (don't display the help)
    179 Var g_bNoVBoxServiceExit    ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxService before updating - install on next reboot
    180 Var g_bNoVBoxTrayExit       ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxTray before updating - install on next reboot
    181 Var g_bNoVideoDrv           ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxVideo driver
    182 Var g_bNoGuestDrv           ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxGuest driver
    183 Var g_bNoMouseDrv           ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxMouse driver
    184 Var g_bWithAutoLogon        ; Cmd line: Install VBoxGINA / VBoxCredProv for auto logon support
    185 Var g_bWithD3D              ; Cmd line: Install Direct3D support
    186 Var g_bWithWDDM             ; Install the WDDM driver instead of the normal one
    187 Var g_bOnlyExtract          ; Cmd line: Only extract all files, do *not* install them. Only valid with param "/D" (target directory)
    188 Var g_bCapWDDM              ; Capability: Is the guest able to handle/use our WDDM driver?
     169; Internal parameters
     170Var g_iSystemMode                       ; Current system mode (0 = Normal boot, 1 = Fail-safe boot, 2 = Fail-safe with network boot)
     171Var g_strSystemDir                      ; Windows system directory
     172Var g_strCurUser                        ; Current user using the system
     173Var g_strAddVerMaj                      ; Installed Guest Additions: Major version
     174Var g_strAddVerMin                      ; Installed Guest Additions: Minor version
     175Var g_strAddVerBuild                    ; Installed Guest Additions: Build number
     176Var g_strAddVerRev                      ; Installed Guest Additions: SVN revision
     177Var g_strWinVersion                     ; Current Windows version we're running on
     178Var g_bLogEnable                        ; Do logging when installing? "true" or "false"
     179Var g_bWithWDDM                         ; Install the WDDM driver instead of the normal one
     180Var g_bCapWDDM                          ; Capability: Is the guest able to handle/use our WDDM driver?
     182; Command line parameters - these can be set/modified
     183; on the command line
     184Var g_bFakeWHQL                         ; Cmd line: Fake Windows to install non WHQL certificated drivers (only for W2K and XP currently!!) ("/unsig_drv")
     185Var g_bForceInstall                     ; Cmd line: Force installation on unknown Windows OS version
     186Var g_bUninstall                        ; Cmd line: Just uninstall any previous Guest Additions and exit
     187Var g_bRebootOnExit                     ; Cmd line: Auto-Reboot on successful installation. Good for unattended installations ("/reboot")
     188Var g_iScreenBpp                        ; Cmd line: Screen depth ("/depth=X")
     189Var g_iScreenX                          ; Cmd line: Screen resolution X ("/resx=X")
     190Var g_iScreenY                          ; Cmd line: Screen resolution Y ("/resy=Y")
     191Var g_iSfOrder                          ; Cmd line: Order of Shared Folders network provider (0=first, 1=second, ...)
     192Var g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts                ; Cmd line: Ignore unknown options (don't display the help)
     193Var g_bNoVBoxServiceExit                ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxService before updating - install on next reboot
     194Var g_bNoVBoxTrayExit                   ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxTray before updating - install on next reboot
     195Var g_bNoVideoDrv                       ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxVideo driver
     196Var g_bNoGuestDrv                       ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxGuest driver
     197Var g_bNoMouseDrv                       ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxMouse driver
     198Var g_bWithAutoLogon                    ; Cmd line: Install VBoxGINA / VBoxCredProv for auto logon support
     199Var g_bWithD3D                          ; Cmd line: Install Direct3D support
     200Var g_bOnlyExtract                      ; Cmd line: Only extract all files, do *not* install them. Only valid with param "/D" (target directory)
     201Var g_bPostInstallStatus                ; Cmd line: Post the overall installation status to some external program (VBoxTray)
    190203; Platform parts of this installer
    220233  ${WordFind} $0 " " "#" $1                   ; Get number of parameters in cmd line
    221234  ${If} $0 == $1                              ; If result matches the input then
    222     StrCpy $1 "1"                             ; no delimiter was found. Correct to 1 word total.
     235    StrCpy $1 "1"                             ; no delimiter was found. Correct to 1 word total
    223236  ${EndIf}
    291304        StrCpy $g_bNoMouseDrv "true"
    292305        ${Break}
     307!if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1"
     308      ; This switch tells our installer that it
     309      ; - should not quit VBoxTray during the update, because ...
     310      ; - ... it should show the overall installation status
     311      ;   using VBoxTray's balloon message feature (since VBox 4.0)
     312      ${Case} '/post_installstatus' ; Not officially documented
     313        StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit "true"
     314        StrCpy $g_bPostInstallStatus "true"
     315        ${Break}
    294318      ${Case} '/reboot'
    414438  ; Check for old "Sun VirtualBox Guest Additions"
    415439  ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sun VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString"
    416   StrCmp $0 "" sun_xvm_check     ; If string is empty, Sun additions are probably not installed (anymore).
     440  StrCmp $0 "" sun_xvm_check     ; If string is empty, Sun additions are probably not installed (anymore)
    418442  MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_SUN_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES sun_uninstall
    432456  ; Check for old "innotek" Guest Additions" before rebranding to "Sun"
    433457  ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sun xVM VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString"
    434   StrCmp $0 "" innotek_check     ; If string is empty, Sun xVM additions are probably not installed (anymore).
     458  StrCmp $0 "" innotek_check     ; If string is empty, Sun xVM additions are probably not installed (anymore)
    436460  MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_SUN_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES sun_xvm_uninstall
    450474  ; Check for old "innotek" Guest Additions" before rebranding to "Sun"
    451475  ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\innotek VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString"
    452   StrCmp $0 "" exit     ; If string is empty, Guest Additions are probably not installed (anymore).
     476  StrCmp $0 "" exit     ; If string is empty, Guest Additions are probably not installed (anymore)
    454478  MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_INNOTEK_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES innotek_uninstall
    665689  ; Because this NSIS installer is always built in 32-bit mode, we have to
    666   ; do some tricks for the Windows paths.
     690  ; do some tricks for the Windows paths
    667691!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    668692  ; Because the next two lines will crash at the license page (??) we have to re-enable that here again
    678702  ; Another GINA already is installed? Check if this is ours, otherwise let the user decide (unless it's a silent setup)
    679   ; whether to replace it with the VirtualBox one or not.
     703  ; whether to replace it with the VirtualBox one or not
    680704  ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL"
    681705  ${If} $0 != ""
     992  Push "Error while installing ${PRODUCT_NAME}!"
     993  Push 2 ; Message type = error
     994  Call WriteLogVBoxTray
    967996  StrCpy $g_bLogEnable "true"
    968997  Call WriteLogUI
    9741003Function .onInstSuccess
    976   ; Nothing to do here yet ...
     1005  Push "${PRODUCT_NAME} successfully updated!"
     1006  Push 0 ; Message type = info
     1007  Call WriteLogVBoxTray
    10081039  StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "false"
    10091040  StrCpy $g_bCapWDDM "false"
     1041  StrCpy $g_bPostInstallStatus "false"
    10111043  SetErrorLevel 0
    10161048  ; Handle command line
    10171049  Call HandleCommandLine
     1051  Push "${PRODUCT_NAME} update started, please wait ..."
     1052  Push 0 ; Message type = info
     1053  Call WriteLogVBoxTray
    10191055  ; Retrieve Windows version and store result in $g_strWinVersion
    10701106  ; Because this NSIS installer is always built in 32-bit mode, we have to
    10711107  ; do some tricks for the Windows paths for checking for old additions
    1072   ; in block below.
     1108  ; in block below
    10731109!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    10741110  ${DisableX64FSRedirection}
    10821118  ; Due to some bug in NSIS the license page won't be displayed if we're in
    10831119  ; 64-bit registry view, so as a workaround switch back to 32-bit (Wow6432Node)
    1084   ; mode for now.
     1120  ; mode for now
    10851121!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    10861122  ${EnableX64FSRedirection}
    11071143  ;
    11081144  ; If UNINSTALLER_ONLY is defined, we're only interested in uninst.exe
    1109   ; so we can sign it.
     1145  ; so we can sign it
    11101146  ;
    1111   ; Note that the Quit causes the exit status to be 2 instead of 0.
     1147  ; Note that the Quit causes the exit status to be 2 instead of 0
    11121148  ;
    11131149  WriteUninstaller "$%PATH_TARGET%\uninst.exe"
    1127 ; The uninstaller is built separately when doing code signing.
     1163; The uninstaller is built separately when doing code signing
    11281164; For some reason NSIS still finds the Uninstall section even
    1129 ; when EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER is defined. This causes a silly warning.
     1165; when EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER is defined. This causes a silly warning
    11311167!ifndef EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER
    11491185  ; Because this NSIS installer is always built in 32-bit mode, we have to
    1150   ; do some tricks for the Windows paths.
     1186  ; do some tricks for the Windows paths
    11511187!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    11521188  ${DisableX64FSRedirection}
    1156   ; Set system directory.
     1192  ; Set system directory
    11571193  StrCpy $g_strSystemDir "$SYSDIR"
    11741210  ; Because this NSIS installer is always built in 32-bit mode, we have to
    1175   ; do some tricks for the Windows paths.
     1211  ; do some tricks for the Windows paths
    11761212!if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    1177   ; Do *not* add this line in .onInit - it will crash at the license page (??) because of a weird NSIS bug.
     1213  ; Do *not* add this line in .onInit - it will crash at the license page (??) because of a weird NSIS bug
    11781214  ${DisableX64FSRedirection}
    11791215  SetRegView 64
    1182   ; Call the uninstall main function.
     1218  ; Call the uninstall main function
    11831219  Call un.Uninstall
  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditionsCommon.nsh

    r33540 r34099  
    55  ; @todo: Use a define for all the file specs to group the files per module
    6   ; and keep the redundancy low.
     6  ; and keep the redundancy low
    88  Push $0
    2828  FILE "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxOGL.dll"
    30   ; Do *not* install 64-bit d3d files - they don't work yet.
     30  ; Do *not* install 64-bit d3d files - they don't work yet
    3131  !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86"
    3232    SetOutPath "$0\VBoxVideo\OpenGL"
    168168!insertmacro WriteLogUI "un."
     170!macro WriteLogVBoxTray un
     171Function ${un}WriteLogVBoxTray
     173  ; Pop function parameters off the stack
     174  ; in reverse order
     175  Exch $1 ; Message type (0=Info, 1=Warning, 2=Error)
     176  Exch
     177  Exch $0 ; Body string
     179  ; @todo Add more paramters here!
     180!if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1"
     181  ${If} $g_bPostInstallStatus == "true"
     182    ; Parameters:
     183    ; - String: Description / Body
     184    ; - String: Title / Name of application
     185    ; - Integer: Type of message: 0 (Info), 1 (Warning), 2 (Error)
     186    ; - Integer: Time (in msec) to show the notification
     187    VBoxGuestInstallHelper::VBoxTrayShowBallonMsg "$0" "VirtualBox Guest Additions Setup" $1 5000
     188    Pop $0 ; Get return value (ignored for now)
     189  ${EndIf}
     191  Pop $0
     192  Pop $1
     196!insertmacro WriteLogVBoxTray ""
     197!insertmacro WriteLogVBoxTray "un."
    170199!macro GetWindowsVer un
    171200Function ${un}GetWindowsVer
    173   ; Check if we are running on w2k or above.
     202  ; Check if we are running on w2k or above
    174203  ; For other windows versions (>XP) it may be necessary to change winver.nsh
    175204  Call ${un}GetWindowsVersion
    206 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     235; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    207236!insertmacro GetWindowsVer ""
    208237!insertmacro GetWindowsVer "un."
    273 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     302; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    274303!insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion ""
    275304!insertmacro GetAdditionsVersion "un."
    292 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     321; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    293322!insertmacro IsUserAdmin ""
    294323!insertmacro IsUserAdmin "un."
    355 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     384; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    356385!insertmacro StopVBoxService ""
    357386!insertmacro StopVBoxService "un."
    390 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     419; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    391420!insertmacro StopVBoxTray ""
    392421!insertmacro StopVBoxTray "un."
    411 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     440; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    412441!insertmacro AbortShutdown ""
    413442!insertmacro AbortShutdown "un."
    432 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     461; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    433462!insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability ""
    434463!insertmacro CheckForWDDMCapability "un."
    444 ; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function.
     473; Insert function as an installer and uninstaller function
    445474!insertmacro CheckForCapabilities ""
    446475!insertmacro CheckForCapabilities "un."
  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditionsNT4.nsh

    r33970 r34099  
    4343  ; functions above, otherwise NT4 will be screwed because it then would store
    4444  ; "VBoxMouseNT.sys" as the original i8042prt driver which obviously isn't there
    45   ; after uninstallation anymore.
     45  ; after uninstallation anymore
    4646  ; !!! NOTE !!!
  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditionsUninstall.nsh

    r32503 r34099  
    2 ; @todo Replace this crappy stuff with a "VBoxDrvInst /delnetprovider".
     2; @todo Replace this crappy stuff with a "VBoxDrvInst /delnetprovider"
    33!macro RemoveFromProvider un
    44Function ${un}RemoveFromProvider
  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditionsUninstallOld.nsh

    r33540 r34099  
    3333  ; Note that here a race might going on after the user clicked on
    3434  ; "Reboot now" in the installer ran above and this installer cleaning
    35   ; up afterwards.
     35  ; up afterwards
    3737  ; ... so try to abort the current reboot / shutdown caused by the installer ran before
    254254!insertmacro Uninstall_SunXVM "un."
    256 ; This function cleans up an old innotek installation.
     256; This function cleans up an old innotek installation
    257257!macro Uninstall_Innotek un
    258258Function ${un}Uninstall_Innotek
  • trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer/VBoxGuestAdditionsW2KXP.nsh

    r33970 r34099  
    224224  !if $%BUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64"
    225225    ; Only 64-bit installer: Also copy 32-bit DLLs on 64-bit target arch in
    226     ; Wow64 node (32-bit sub system).
     226    ; Wow64 node (32-bit sub system)
    227227    ${EnableX64FSRedirection}
    228228    SetOutPath $SYSDIR
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