Changeset 4930 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/nls
- Timestamp:
- Sep 20, 2007 1:56:18 PM (17 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 24678
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/nls
- Files:
- 2 added
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4434 r4930 148 148 <message> 149 149 <source>Ignore</source> 150 <translation>무시</translation> 150 <translation><qt>오디오 출력 드라이버를 제어합니다. <b>빈 오디오 드라이버</b>를 선택하면 151 게스트 운영 체제에서는 사운드 카드를 볼 수 있지만 모든 요청이 무시됩니다.</qt></translation> 151 152 </message> 152 153 </context> … … 163 164 <source>not complete</source> 164 165 <comment>value state</comment> 165 <translation> 완료되지 않음</translation>166 <translation>비어 있</translation> 166 167 </message> 167 168 <message> 168 169 <source>invalid</source> 169 170 <comment>value state</comment> 170 <translation>잘못 됨</translation>171 <translation>잘못되었</translation> 171 172 </message> 172 173 <message> 173 174 <source><qt>Value of the <b>%1</b> field on the <b>%2</b> page is %3.</qt></source> 174 <translation><qt><b>%2</b> 페이지의 <b>%1</b> 필드의 값 은 %3입니다.</qt></translation>175 <translation><qt><b>%2</b> 페이지의 <b>%1</b> 필드의 값이 %3습니다.</qt></translation> 175 176 </message> 176 177 <message> 177 178 <source><qt>One of the values on the <b>%1</b> page is %2.</qt></source> 178 <translation><qt><b>%1</b> 페이지에 있는 값 중 하나 는 %2입니다.</qt></translation>179 <translation><qt><b>%1</b> 페이지에 있는 값 중 하나가 %2습니다.</qt></translation> 179 180 </message> 180 181 </context> … … 467 468 <source>Remote Desktop (RDP) Server</source> 468 469 <comment>enable/disable...</comment> 469 <translation>원격 데스크 탑(RDP) 서버</translation>470 <translation>원격 데스크톱 (RDP) 서버</translation> 470 471 </message> 471 472 <message> … … 475 476 <message> 476 477 <source>Enable or disable remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machine</source> 477 <translation>이 머신으로의 원격 데스크 탑(RDP) 연결을 켜거나 끕니다</translation>478 <translation>이 머신으로의 원격 데스크톱(RDP) 연결을 켜거나 끕니다</translation> 478 479 </message> 479 480 <message> … … 724 725 <message> 725 726 <source>Switch to seamless desktop integration mode</source> 726 <translation>끊김 없는 데스크 탑통합 모드로 전환합니다</translation>727 <translation>끊김 없는 데스크톱 통합 모드로 전환합니다</translation> 727 728 </message> 728 729 <message> … … 2433 2434 <message> 2434 2435 <source>Failed to open <tt>%1</tt>. Make sure your desktop environment can properly handle URLs of this type.</source> 2435 <translation><tt>%1</tt>을(를) 열 수 없습니다. 현재 데스크 탑환경에서 이런 형식의 URL을 올바르게 처리할 수 있는지 확인하십시오.</translation>2436 <translation><tt>%1</tt>을(를) 열 수 없습니다. 현재 데스크톱 환경에서 이런 형식의 URL을 올바르게 처리할 수 있는지 확인하십시오.</translation> 2436 2437 </message> 2437 2438 <message> … … 2457 2458 <message> 2458 2459 <source>Failed to access the USB subsystem.</source> 2459 <translation>USB 서브시스템에 접근할 수 없습니다.</translation>2460 <translation>USB 하위 시스템에 접근할 수 없습니다.</translation> 2460 2461 </message> 2461 2462 <message> … … 2497 2498 <message> 2498 2499 <source>Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.</source> 2499 <translation>가상 머신 <b>%1</b>의 스냅샷을 만드 느데 실패했습니다.</translation>2500 <translation>가상 머신 <b>%1</b>의 스냅샷을 만드는 데 실패했습니다.</translation> 2500 2501 </message> 2501 2502 <message> … … 2829 2830 <message> 2830 2831 <source>&Details</source> 2831 <translation>자세 히(&D)</translation>2832 <translation>자세한 정보(&D)</translation> 2832 2833 </message> 2833 2834 <message> … … 2914 2915 <message> 2915 2916 <source>D&iscard</source> 2916 <translation> 무시(&I)</translation>2917 <translation>삭제&I)</translation> 2917 2918 </message> 2918 2919 <message> 2919 2920 <source>Discard</source> 2920 <translation> 무시</translation>2921 <translation>삭제</translation> 2921 2922 </message> 2922 2923 <message> 2923 2924 <source>Discard the saved state of the selected virtual machine</source> 2924 <translation>가상 머신의 저장된 상태를 무시합니다</translation>2925 <translation>가상 머신의 저장된 상태를 삭제합니다</translation> 2925 2926 </message> 2926 2927 <message> … … 3022 3023 <message> 3023 3024 <source><h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is intended to display a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>F1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=></a> for the latest information and news.</p></source> 3024 <translation><h3>VirtualBox에 오신 것을 환영합니다!</h3><p>이 창의 왼쪽 부분은 컴퓨터 의 가상 머신 목록을 표시합니다. 아직 가상 머신을 만들지 않았기 때문에 이 목록은 현재 비어 있습니다.<img src=welcome.png align=right/></p><p>새 가상 머신을 만들기 위해서 창 위쪽 도구 모음의 <b>새로 만들기</b> 단추를 누르십시오.</p><p><b>F1</b> 키를 누르면 상황에 맞는 도움말을 볼 수 있으며, 최근 정보와 뉴스를 보려면 <a href=></a>를 방문하십시오..</p></translation>3025 <translation><h3>VirtualBox에 오신 것을 환영합니다!</h3><p>이 창의 왼쪽 부분은 컴퓨터에 있는 모든 가상 머신 목록을 표시합니다. 아직 가상 머신을 만들지 않았기 때문에 이 목록은 현재 비어 있습니다.<img src=welcome.png align=right/></p><p>새 가상 머신을 만들시려면, 창 위쪽 도구 모음의 <b>새로 만들기</b> 단추를 누르십시오.</p><p><b>F1</b> 키를 누르면 상황에 맞는 도움말을 볼 수 있으며, 최근 정보와 뉴스를 보려면 <a href=></a>를 방문하십시오.</p></translation> 3025 3026 </message> 3026 3027 <message> … … 3069 3070 도스 계열 운영체제에서 3070 3071 <i>share</i>라는 공유 폴더에 접근하려면 3071 <tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share< tt>와 같은 식으로 입력하시고,3072 리눅스에서는 <tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point< tt>와 같이 입력하십시오.3072 <tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share</tt>와 같은 식으로 입력하시고, 3073 리눅스에서는 <tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point</tt>와 같이 입력하십시오. 3073 3074 이 기능을 사용하려면 게스트 확장이 필요합니다.</qt></translation> 3074 3075 </message> … … 3625 3626 <message> 3626 3627 <source><p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for installing an operating system of your choice onto this virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p></source> 3627 <translation><p> 새 가상 머신을 처음으로 만들기 시작할 것입니다. 이 마법사는 새로운 가상 머신을 만들고 운영체제를 설치하는 것을 도와 줄 것입니다.</p><p><b>다음</b> 단추를 누르면 이 마법사의 다음 페이지로, <b>이전</b> 단추를 누르면 이전 페이지로 이동합니다. <b>취소</b> 단추를 누르면 이 마법사에서 빠져나올 수 있습니다.</p></translation>3628 <translation><p> 처음으로 새 가상 머신을 만들기 시작할 것입니다. 이 마법사는 새로운 가상 머신을 만들고 운영체제를 설치하는 것을 도와 줄 것입니다.</p><p><b>앞으로</b> 단추를 누르면 이 마법사의 다음 페이지로, <b>뒤로</b> 단추를 누르면 이전 페이지로 이동합니다. <b>취소</b> 단추를 누르면 이 마법사에서 빠져나올 수 있습니다.</p></translation> 3628 3629 </message> 3629 3630 <message> -
r4373 r4930 171 171 <source>not complete</source> 172 172 <comment>value state</comment> 173 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>173 <translation>incomplet</translation> 174 174 </message> 175 175 <message> 176 176 <source>invalid</source> 177 177 <comment>value state</comment> 178 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>178 <translation>invalid</translation> 179 179 </message> 180 180 <message> 181 181 <source><qt>Value of the <b>%1</b> field on the <b>%2</b> page is %3.</qt></source> 182 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>182 <translation><qt>Valoarea câmpului <b>%1</b> în pagina <b>%2</b> este %3.</qt></translation> 183 183 </message> 184 184 <message> 185 185 <source><qt>One of the values on the <b>%1</b> page is %2.</qt></source> 186 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>186 <translation><qt>Una dintre valorile din pagina <b>%1</b> este %2.</qt></translation> 187 187 </message> 188 188 </context> … … 286 286 <message> 287 287 <source>&OK</source> 288 <translation type="unfinished">&OK</translation>288 <translation>&OK</translation> 289 289 </message> 290 290 </context> … … 767 767 <message> 768 768 <source>Seam&less Mode</source> 769 <translation type="unfinished"> </translation>769 <translation type="unfinished">Mod contin&uu</translation> 770 770 </message> 771 771 <message> 772 772 <source>Switch to seamless desktop integration mode</source> 773 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>773 <translation>Schimbă în modul continuu de integrare cu spaţiul de lucru</translation> 774 774 </message> 775 775 <message> 776 776 <source>Indicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=hostkey_16px.png/>).</source> 777 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>777 <translation>Indică dacă tastatura este capturată de SO musafir (<img src=hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) sau nu (<img src=hostkey_16px.png/>).</translation> 778 778 </message> 779 779 <message> 780 780 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the floppy media:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 781 781 <comment>Floppy tooltip</comment> 782 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>782 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea dischetei:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 783 783 </message> 784 784 <message> 785 785 <source><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr></source> 786 786 <comment>Floppy tooltip</comment> 787 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>787 <translation><br><nobr><b>Unitate gazdă</b>:%1</nobr></translation> 788 788 </message> 789 789 <message> 790 790 <source><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr></source> 791 791 <comment>Floppy tooltip</comment> 792 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>792 <translation><br><nobr><b>Imagine</b>: %1</nobr></translation> 793 793 </message> 794 794 <message> 795 795 <source><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr></source> 796 796 <comment>Floppy tooltip</comment> 797 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>797 <translation><br><nobr><b>Nici un mediu montat</b></nobr></translation> 798 798 </message> 799 799 <message> 800 800 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the CD/DVD-ROM media:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 801 801 <comment>DVD-ROM tooltip</comment> 802 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>802 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea mediului CD/DVD-ROM:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 803 803 </message> 804 804 <message> 805 805 <source><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr></source> 806 806 <comment>DVD-ROM tooltip</comment> 807 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>807 <translation><br><nobr><b>Unitate gazdă</b>:%1</nobr></translation> 808 808 </message> 809 809 <message> 810 810 <source><br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr></source> 811 811 <comment>DVD-ROM tooltip</comment> 812 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>812 <translation><br><nobr><b>Imagine</b>: %1</nobr></translation> 813 813 </message> 814 814 <message> 815 815 <source><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr></source> 816 816 <comment>DVD-ROM tooltip</comment> 817 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>817 <translation><br><nobr><b>Nici un mediu montat</b></nobr></translation> 818 818 </message> 819 819 <message> 820 820 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of virtual hard disks:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 821 821 <comment>HDD tooltip</comment> 822 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>822 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea discului dur virtual:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 823 823 </message> 824 824 <message> 825 825 <source><br><nobr><b>No hard disks attached</b></nobr></source> 826 826 <comment>HDD tooltip</comment> 827 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>827 <translation><br><nobr><b>Nici un disc dur conectat</b></nobr></translation> 828 828 </message> 829 829 <message> 830 830 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the network interfaces:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 831 831 <comment>Network adapters tooltip</comment> 832 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>832 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea mediului interfeţelor de reţea:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 833 833 </message> 834 834 <message> 835 835 <source><br><nobr><b>Adapter %1 (%2)</b>: cable %3</nobr></source> 836 836 <comment>Network adapters tooltip</comment> 837 <translation type="unfinished"><br><nobr><b>Placa de reţea %1 (%2)</b>: cablu %3</nobr></translation>837 <translation><br><nobr><b>Placa de reţea %1 (%2)</b>: cablu %3</nobr></translation> 838 838 </message> 839 839 <message> 840 840 <source>connected</source> 841 841 <comment>Network adapters tooltip</comment> 842 <translation type="unfinished">conectat</translation>842 <translation>conectat</translation> 843 843 </message> 844 844 <message> 845 845 <source>disconnected</source> 846 846 <comment>Network adapters tooltip</comment> 847 <translation type="unfinished">deconectat</translation>847 <translation>deconectat</translation> 848 848 </message> 849 849 <message> 850 850 <source><br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr></source> 851 851 <comment>Network adapters tooltip</comment> 852 <translation type="unfinished"><br><nobr><b>Toate plăcile de reţea sunt dezactivate</b></nobr></translation>852 <translation><br><nobr><b>Toate plăcile de reţea sunt dezactivate</b></nobr></translation> 853 853 </message> 854 854 <message> 855 855 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the attached USB devices:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 856 856 <comment>USB device tooltip</comment> 857 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>857 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea dispozitivelor USB ataşate:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 858 858 </message> 859 859 <message> 860 860 <source><br><nobr><b>No USB devices attached</b></nobr></source> 861 861 <comment>USB device tooltip</comment> 862 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>862 <translation><br><nobr><b>Nici un dispozitiv USB conectat</b></nobr></translation> 863 863 </message> 864 864 <message> 865 865 <source><br><nobr><b>USB Controller is disabled</b></nobr></source> 866 866 <comment>USB device tooltip</comment> 867 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>867 <translation><br><nobr><b>Controlorul USB este dezactivat</b></nobr></translation> 868 868 </message> 869 869 <message> 870 870 <source>Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).</source> 871 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>871 <translation>Indică dacă Remote Display (Server VRDP) este activat (<img src=vrdp_16px.png/>) sau nu (<img src=vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).</translation> 872 872 </message> 873 873 <message> 874 874 <source><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of shared folders:</nobr>%1</qt></source> 875 875 <comment>Shared folders tooltip</comment> 876 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>876 <translation><qt><nobr>Indică activitatea dosarelor partajate:</nobr>%1</qt></translation> 877 877 </message> 878 878 <message> 879 879 <source><br><nobr><b>No shared folders</b></nobr></source> 880 880 <comment>Shared folders tooltip</comment> 881 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>881 <translation><br><nobr><b>Nici un dosar partajat</b></nobr></translation> 882 882 </message> 883 883 </context> … … 1184 1184 <message> 1185 1185 <source>Cancel</source> 1186 <translation type="unfinished">Revocare</translation>1186 <translation>Revocare</translation> 1187 1187 </message> 1188 1188 <message> 1189 1189 <source>Downloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr></source> 1190 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1190 <translation>Descarc imaginea de CD a VirtualBox Guest Additions de la <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr></translation> 1191 1191 </message> 1192 1192 <message> 1193 1193 <source>Cancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image download</source> 1194 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1194 <translation>Revocă descărcarea imaginii VirtualBox Guest Additions</translation> 1195 1195 </message> 1196 1196 <message> 1197 1197 <source>Could not locate the file on the server (response: %1).</source> 1198 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1198 <translation>Nu am putut localiza fişierul pe server (răspuns: %1).</translation> 1199 1199 </message> 1200 1200 <message> 1201 1201 <source>Could not determine the file size.</source> 1202 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1202 <translation>Nu am putut determina dimensiunea fişierului.</translation> 1203 1203 </message> 1204 1204 <message> 1205 1205 <source>Could not connect to the server (%1).</source> 1206 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1206 <translation>Nu m-am putut conecta la server (%1).</translation> 1207 1207 </message> 1208 1208 <message> 1209 1209 <source>Could not download the file (%1).</source> 1210 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1210 <translation>Nu am putut descărca fişierul (%1).</translation> 1211 1211 </message> 1212 1212 <message> 1213 1213 <source><p>Failed to save the downloaded file as <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p></source> 1214 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1214 <translation><p>Salvarea fişierului descărcat ca <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr> eşuată</p></translation> 1215 1215 </message> 1216 1216 <message> 1217 1217 <source>Select folder to save Guest Additions image to</source> 1218 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1218 <translation>Selectaţi dosarul în care să salvez imaginea Guest Additions</translation> 1219 1219 </message> 1220 1220 <message> 1221 1221 <source>Connection timed out.</source> 1222 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1222 <translation>Conexiunea a expirat.</translation> 1223 1223 </message> 1224 1224 <message> 1225 1225 <source>The download process has been cancelled by the user.</source> 1226 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1226 <translation>Descărcarea a fost revocată de utilizator.</translation> 1227 1227 </message> 1228 1228 </context> … … 1759 1759 <source>Port %1</source> 1760 1760 <comment>details report (serial ports)</comment> 1761 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1761 <translation>Port %1</translation> 1762 1762 </message> 1763 1763 <message> 1764 1764 <source>Disabled</source> 1765 1765 <comment>details report (serial ports)</comment> 1766 <translation type="unfinished">Dezactivat</translation>1766 <translation>Dezactivat</translation> 1767 1767 </message> 1768 1768 <message> 1769 1769 <source>Serial Ports</source> 1770 1770 <comment>details report</comment> 1771 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1771 <translation>Porturi seriale</translation> 1772 1772 </message> 1773 1773 <message> 1774 1774 <source>USB</source> 1775 1775 <comment>details report</comment> 1776 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1776 <translation>USB</translation> 1777 1777 </message> 1778 1778 <message> 1779 1779 <source>Shared Folders</source> 1780 1780 <comment>details report (shared folders)</comment> 1781 <translation type="unfinished">Directoare partajate</translation>1781 <translation>Directoare partajate</translation> 1782 1782 </message> 1783 1783 <message> 1784 1784 <source>%1</source> 1785 1785 <comment>details report (shadef folders)</comment> 1786 <translation type="unfinished">%1</translation>1786 <translation>%1</translation> 1787 1787 </message> 1788 1788 <message> 1789 1789 <source>None</source> 1790 1790 <comment>details report (shared folders)</comment> 1791 <translation type="unfinished">Nici unul</translation>1791 <translation>Nici unul</translation> 1792 1792 </message> 1793 1793 <message> 1794 1794 <source>Shared Folders</source> 1795 1795 <comment>details report</comment> 1796 <translation type="unfinished">Directoare partajate</translation>1796 <translation>Directoare partajate</translation> 1797 1797 </message> 1798 1798 <message> 1799 1799 <source>Stuck</source> 1800 1800 <comment>MachineState</comment> 1801 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1801 <translation>Înţepenit</translation> 1802 1802 </message> 1803 1803 <message> 1804 1804 <source>Disconnected</source> 1805 1805 <comment>PortMode</comment> 1806 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1806 <translation>Deconectat</translation> 1807 1807 </message> 1808 1808 <message> 1809 1809 <source>Host Pipe</source> 1810 1810 <comment>PortMode</comment> 1811 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1811 <translation>Ţeavă gazdă</translation> 1812 1812 </message> 1813 1813 <message> 1814 1814 <source>Host Device</source> 1815 1815 <comment>PortMode</comment> 1816 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1816 <translation>Dispozitiv gazdă</translation> 1817 1817 </message> 1818 1818 <message> 1819 1819 <source>User-defined</source> 1820 1820 <comment>serial port</comment> 1821 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>1821 <translation>Definit de utilizator</translation> 1822 1822 </message> 1823 1823 </context> … … 2205 2205 <message> 2206 2206 <source>V&RDP Authentication Library</source> 2207 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2207 <translation>Bibliotecă autentificare V&RDP</translation> 2208 2208 </message> 2209 2209 <message> 2210 2210 <source>Displays the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.</source> 2211 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2211 <translation>Afişează calea către biblioteca ce oferă autentificare clienţilor Remote Display (VRDP).</translation> 2212 2212 </message> 2213 2213 <message> 2214 2214 <source>Opens a dialog to select the VRDP authentication library file.</source> 2215 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2215 <translation>Deschide un dialog de selecţie a fişierului bibliotecă de autentificare VRDP.</translation> 2216 2216 </message> 2217 2217 <message> 2218 2218 <source>Resets the authentication library file to the default value. The actual default library file will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.</source> 2219 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2219 <translation>Resetează fişierul bibliotecă autentificare la valoarea implicită. Valoarea actuală implicită va fi afişată după acceptarea schimbărilor şi redeschiderea acestui dialog.</translation> 2220 2220 </message> 2221 2221 <message> 2222 2222 <source>&Extended Features</source> 2223 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2223 <translation>Facilităţi &extinse</translation> 2224 2224 </message> 2225 2225 <message> 2226 2226 <source>Enable &VT-x/AMD-V</source> 2227 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2227 <translation>Activează &VT-x/AMD-V</translation> 2228 2228 </message> 2229 2229 <message> 2230 2230 <source>Alt+V</source> 2231 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2231 <translation>Alt+V</translation> 2232 2232 </message> 2233 2233 <message> 2234 2234 <source>Defines whether virtual machines should try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V by default or not.</source> 2235 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2235 <translation>Defineşte dacă maşinile virtuale ar trebui să facă uz de extensiile hardware ale procesorului gazdei cum sunt Intel VT-x şi AMD-V, implicit sau nu.</translation> 2236 2236 </message> 2237 2237 </context> … … 2240 2240 <message> 2241 2241 <source>Close the search panel</source> 2242 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2242 <translation>Închide panoul de căutare</translation> 2243 2243 </message> 2244 2244 <message> 2245 2245 <source>Find </source> 2246 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2246 <translation>Găseşte </translation> 2247 2247 </message> 2248 2248 <message> 2249 2249 <source>Enter a search string here</source> 2250 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2250 <translation>Introduceţi şirul de căutat aici</translation> 2251 2251 </message> 2252 2252 <message> 2253 2253 <source>&Previous</source> 2254 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2254 <translation>&Precedent</translation> 2255 2255 </message> 2256 2256 <message> 2257 2257 <source>Alt+P</source> 2258 <translation type="unfinished">Alt+P</translation>2258 <translation>Alt+P</translation> 2259 2259 </message> 2260 2260 <message> 2261 2261 <source>Search for the previous occurrence of the string</source> 2262 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2262 <translation>Caută după apariţii precedente ale şirului</translation> 2263 2263 </message> 2264 2264 <message> 2265 2265 <source>&Next</source> 2266 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2266 <translation>&Următor</translation> 2267 2267 </message> 2268 2268 <message> 2269 2269 <source>Alt+N</source> 2270 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2270 <translation>Alt+N</translation> 2271 2271 </message> 2272 2272 <message> 2273 2273 <source>Search for the next occurrence of the string</source> 2274 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2274 <translation>Caută următoarea apariţie a şirului</translation> 2275 2275 </message> 2276 2276 <message> 2277 2277 <source>C&ase Sensitive</source> 2278 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2278 <translation>Sensibil la m&ajuscule</translation> 2279 2279 </message> 2280 2280 <message> 2281 2281 <source>Perform case sensitive search (when checked)</source> 2282 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2282 <translation>Efectueză căutare sensibilă la majuscule (când este bifat)</translation> 2283 2283 </message> 2284 2284 <message> 2285 2285 <source>String not found</source> 2286 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2286 <translation>Şir negăsit</translation> 2287 2287 </message> 2288 2288 </context> … … 2929 2929 <message> 2930 2930 <source>Failed to change the snapshot folder path of the virtual machine <b>%1<b> to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.</source> 2931 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2931 <translation>Nu am putut schimba dosarul de instantanee al maşinii <b>%1</b> în <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.</translation> 2932 2932 </message> 2933 2933 <message> 2934 2934 <source><p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the VM to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p></source> 2935 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>2935 <translation><p>Nu am putu intra în mod continuu din cauza memoriei video insuficiente pe musafir.</p><p>Ar trebui să configuraţi MV să aibe cel puţin <b>%1</b> memorie video.</p></translation> 2936 2936 </message> 2937 2937 <message> … … 2992 2992 <message> 2993 2993 <source>Help</source> 2994 <translation type="unfinished">Ajutor</translation>2994 <translation>Ajutor</translation> 2995 2995 </message> 2996 2996 <message> 2997 2997 <source>&OK</source> 2998 <translation type="unfinished">&OK</translation>2998 <translation>&OK</translation> 2999 2999 </message> 3000 3000 </context> … … 3319 3319 <source>VBoxSharedFoldersSettings</source> 3320 3320 <comment>don't translate</comment> 3321 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3321 <translation>VBoxSharedFoldersSettings</translation> 3322 3322 </message> 3323 3323 <message> 3324 3324 <source>Ins</source> 3325 <translation type="unfinished">Ins</translation>3325 <translation>Ins</translation> 3326 3326 </message> 3327 3327 <message> 3328 3328 <source>Add a new shared folder (Ins)</source> 3329 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3329 <translation>Adaugă un nou dosar partajat (Ins)</translation> 3330 3330 </message> 3331 3331 <message> 3332 3332 <source>Space</source> 3333 <translation type="unfinished">Spaţiu</translation>3333 <translation>Spaţiu</translation> 3334 3334 </message> 3335 3335 <message> 3336 3336 <source>Edit the selected shared folder (Space)</source> 3337 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3337 <translation>Editează dosarul partajat selectat (Spaţiu)</translation> 3338 3338 </message> 3339 3339 <message> 3340 3340 <source>Del</source> 3341 <translation type="unfinished">Del</translation>3341 <translation>Del</translation> 3342 3342 </message> 3343 3343 <message> 3344 3344 <source>Remove the selected shared folder (Del)</source> 3345 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3345 <translation>Şterge dosarul partajat selectat (Del)</translation> 3346 3346 </message> 3347 3347 </context> … … 3529 3529 <message> 3530 3530 <source>Discard the selected snapshot of the virtual machine</source> 3531 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3531 <translation>Renunţă la instantaneuul selectat al maşinii virtuale</translation> 3532 3532 </message> 3533 3533 <message> 3534 3534 <source>Ctrl+Shift+S</source> 3535 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3535 <translation>Ctrl+Shift+S</translation> 3536 3536 </message> 3537 3537 <message> 3538 3538 <source>Take a snapshot of the current virtual machine state</source> 3539 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3539 <translation>Salvează un instantaneu al stării curente a maşinii virtuale</translation> 3540 3540 </message> 3541 3541 <message> 3542 3542 <source>Revert to Current Snapshot</source> 3543 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3543 <translation>Restaureză la instantaneul curent</translation> 3544 3544 </message> 3545 3545 <message> 3546 3546 <source>&Revert to Current Snapshot</source> 3547 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3547 <translation>&Restaureză la instantaneul curent</translation> 3548 3548 </message> 3549 3549 <message> 3550 3550 <source>Ctrl+Shift+R</source> 3551 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3551 <translation>Ctrl+Shift+R</translation> 3552 3552 </message> 3553 3553 <message> … … 3557 3557 <message> 3558 3558 <source>Ctrl+Shift+B</source> 3559 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3559 <translation>Ctrl+Shift+B</translation> 3560 3560 </message> 3561 3561 <message> … … 3565 3565 <message> 3566 3566 <source>Show details of the selected snapshot</source> 3567 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>3567 <translation>Arată detalii despre instantaneul selectat</translation> 3568 3568 </message> 3569 3569 </context> … … 4053 4053 <message> 4054 4054 <source>Help</source> 4055 <translation type="unfinished">Ajutor</translation>4055 <translation>Ajutor</translation> 4056 4056 </message> 4057 4057 <message> 4058 4058 <source>F1</source> 4059 <translation type="unfinished">F1</translation>4059 <translation>F1</translation> 4060 4060 </message> 4061 4061 <message> 4062 4062 <source>&Find</source> 4063 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4063 <translation>&Găseşte</translation> 4064 4064 </message> 4065 4065 <message> 4066 4066 <source>Alt+F</source> 4067 <translation type="unfinished">Alt+F</translation>4067 <translation>Alt+F</translation> 4068 4068 </message> 4069 4069 <message> 4070 4070 <source>Close</source> 4071 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4071 <translation>Închide</translation> 4072 4072 </message> 4073 4073 </context> … … 4292 4292 <message> 4293 4293 <source>VBoxVMSerialPortSettings</source> 4294 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4294 <translation>VBoxVMSerialPortSettings</translation> 4295 4295 </message> 4296 4296 <message> 4297 4297 <source>&Enable Serial Port</source> 4298 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4298 <translation>&Activează portul serial</translation> 4299 4299 </message> 4300 4300 <message> 4301 4301 <source>When checked, enables the given serial port of the virtual machine.</source> 4302 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4302 <translation>Când este bifat, activează portul serial dat al maşinii virtuale.</translation> 4303 4303 </message> 4304 4304 <message> 4305 4305 <source>Port &Number</source> 4306 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4306 <translation>&Număr port</translation> 4307 4307 </message> 4308 4308 <message> 4309 4309 <source>Displays the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.</source> 4310 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4310 <translation>Afişează numărul portului serial. Puteţi alege unul dintre porturile standard sau selecta <b>Definit de utilizator</b> li specifica manual parametri portului.</translation> 4311 4311 </message> 4312 4312 <message> 4313 4313 <source>&IRQ</source> 4314 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4314 <translation>&IRQ</translation> 4315 4315 </message> 4316 4316 <message> … … 4320 4320 <message> 4321 4321 <source>I/O Po&rt</source> 4322 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4322 <translation>I/O Po&rt</translation> 4323 4323 </message> 4324 4324 <message> … … 4328 4328 <message> 4329 4329 <source>Port &Mode</source> 4330 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4330 <translation>&Mod port</translation> 4331 4331 </message> 4332 4332 <message> … … 4336 4336 <message> 4337 4337 <source>&Create Pipe</source> 4338 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4338 <translation>&Crează ţeavă</translation> 4339 4339 </message> 4340 4340 <message> 4341 4341 <source>Alt+C</source> 4342 <translation type="unfinished">Alt+C</translation>4342 <translation>Alt+C</translation> 4343 4343 </message> 4344 4344 <message> … … 4348 4348 <message> 4349 4349 <source>Port &Path</source> 4350 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>4350 <translation>&Cale port</translation> 4351 4351 </message> 4352 4352 <message> … … 5130 5130 <message> 5131 5131 <source>9</source> 5132 <translation type="unfinished">9</translation>5132 <translation>9</translation> 5133 5133 </message> 5134 5134 <message> 5135 5135 <source> Serial Ports </source> 5136 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5136 <translation> Porturi seriale </translation> 5137 5137 </message> 5138 5138 <message> 5139 5139 <source>#serialPorts</source> 5140 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5140 <translation>#serialPorts</translation> 5141 5141 </message> 5142 5142 <message> 5143 5143 <source>Enable &VT-x/AMD-V</source> 5144 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5144 <translation>Activează &VT-x/AMD-V</translation> 5145 5145 </message> 5146 5146 <message> 5147 5147 <source>Alt+V</source> 5148 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5148 <translation>Alt+V</translation> 5149 5149 </message> 5150 5150 <message> … … 5154 5154 <message> 5155 5155 <source>Other &Settings</source> 5156 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5156 <translation>Alte &setări</translation> 5157 5157 </message> 5158 5158 <message> 5159 5159 <source>&Remember Media Mounted at Runtime</source> 5160 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5160 <translation>A&minteşte mediul montat în timpul rulării</translation> 5161 5161 </message> 5162 5162 <message> 5163 5163 <source>Alt+R</source> 5164 <translation type="unfinished">Alt+R</translation>5164 <translation>Alt+R</translation> 5165 5165 </message> 5166 5166 <message> … … 5170 5170 <message> 5171 5171 <source>O&ther</source> 5172 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5172 <translation>Al&tele</translation> 5173 5173 </message> 5174 5174 <message> … … 5178 5178 <message> 5179 5179 <source>Alt+E</source> 5180 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5180 <translation>Alt+E</translation> 5181 5181 </message> 5182 5182 <message> … … 5186 5186 <message> 5187 5187 <source>&Server Port </source> 5188 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5188 <translation>Port &server </translation> 5189 5189 </message> 5190 5190 <message> 5191 5191 <source>Authentication &Method </source> 5192 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5192 <translation>&Metodă autentificare </translation> 5193 5193 </message> 5194 5194 <message> 5195 5195 <source>Authentication &Timeout </source> 5196 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5196 <translation>&Timeout autentificare</translation> 5197 5197 </message> 5198 5198 <message> … … 5202 5202 <message> 5203 5203 <source>Primary Master hard disk is not selected</source> 5204 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5204 <translation>Discul dur Primar master nu este selectat</translation> 5205 5205 </message> 5206 5206 <message> 5207 5207 <source>Primary Slave hard disk is not selected</source> 5208 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5208 <translation>Discul dur Primar slave nu este selectat</translation> 5209 5209 </message> 5210 5210 <message> … … 5247 5247 <source>Port %1</source> 5248 5248 <comment>serial ports</comment> 5249 <translation type="unfinished"></translation>5249 <translation>Port %1</translation> 5250 5250 </message> 5251 5251 </context>
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.