Changeset 54765 in vbox
- Timestamp:
- Mar 15, 2015 5:15:57 PM (10 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 98943
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Devices
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r54736 r54765 20 20 * Header Files * 21 21 *******************************************************************************/ 22 /* Enable to disassemble defined shaders. (Windows host only) */ 23 #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) && defined(DEBUG) 24 # define DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 25 #endif 22 26 #ifdef DEBUG_bird 23 27 # define RTMEM_WRAP_TO_EF_APIS … … 81 85 # include <GL/glext.h> 82 86 # define VBOX_VMSVGA3D_GL_HACK_LEVEL 0x103 87 #endif 88 #ifdef DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 89 # include <d3dx9shader.h> 83 90 #endif 84 91 #include "vmsvga_glext/glext.h" … … 1486 1493 1487 1494 1488 if (vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 3.0 , " GL_ARB_framebuffer_object "))1495 if (vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 3.0f, " GL_ARB_framebuffer_object ")) 1489 1496 { 1490 1497 pState->ext.glIsRenderbuffer = (PFNGLISRENDERBUFFERPROC)OGLGETPROCADDRESS("glIsRenderbuffer"); … … 1574 1581 #if defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) 1575 1582 /** @todo OpenGL version history suggest this, verify... */ 1576 pState->ext.fEXT_stencil_two_side = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 2.0 , " GL_EXT_stencil_two_side ");1583 pState->ext.fEXT_stencil_two_side = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 2.0f, " GL_EXT_stencil_two_side "); 1577 1584 #else 1578 pState->ext.fEXT_stencil_two_side = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_EXT_stencil_two_side ");1585 pState->ext.fEXT_stencil_two_side = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_EXT_stencil_two_side "); 1579 1586 #endif 1580 1587 … … 1629 1636 &pState->caps.maxVertexShaderInstructions)); 1630 1637 } 1631 pState->caps.fS3TCSupported = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc ");1638 pState->caps.fS3TCSupported = vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc "); 1632 1639 1633 1640 /* http:// … … 1641 1648 */ 1642 1649 /** @todo: distinguish between vertex and pixel shaders??? */ 1643 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_NV_gpu_program4 ")1650 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_NV_gpu_program4 ") 1644 1651 || strstr(pState->pszOtherExtensions, " GL_NV_gpu_program4 ")) 1645 1652 { … … 1648 1655 } 1649 1656 else 1650 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_NV_vertex_program3 ")1657 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_NV_vertex_program3 ") 1651 1658 || strstr(pState->pszOtherExtensions, " GL_NV_vertex_program3 ") 1652 || vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod ") /* Wine claims this suggests SM 3.0 support */1659 || vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod ") /* Wine claims this suggests SM 3.0 support */ 1653 1660 || strstr(pState->pszOtherExtensions, " GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod ") 1654 1661 ) … … 1658 1665 } 1659 1666 else 1660 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0 , " GL_ARB_fragment_program ")1667 if ( vmsvga3dCheckGLExtension(pState, 0.0f, " GL_ARB_fragment_program ") 1661 1668 || strstr(pState->pszOtherExtensions, " GL_ARB_fragment_program ")) 1662 1669 { … … 3390 3397 3391 3398 if (pSurface->flags & SVGA3D_SURFACE_HINT_TEXTURE) 3392 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA TEXTURE guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=% x cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, transfer, cCopyBoxes));3399 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA TEXTURE guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=%s cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, (transfer == SVGA3D_WRITE_HOST_VRAM) ? "READ" : "WRITE", cCopyBoxes)); 3393 3400 else 3394 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=% x cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, transfer, cCopyBoxes));3401 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=%s cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, (transfer == SVGA3D_WRITE_HOST_VRAM) ? "READ" : "WRITE", cCopyBoxes)); 3395 3402 3396 3403 if (pSurface->oglId.texture == OPENGL_INVALID_ID) … … 4595 4602 } 4596 4603 #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS 4597 wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL);4604 wglMakeCurrent(pContext->hdc, NULL); 4598 4605 wglDeleteContext(pContext->hglrc); 4599 4606 ReleaseDC(pContext->hwnd, pContext->hdc); … … 4930 4937 { 4931 4938 GLenum enableCap = ~0U; 4932 Log(("vmsvga3dSetRenderState: cid=% dstate=%s (%d) val=%x\n", cid, vmsvga3dGetRenderStateName(pRenderState[i].state), pRenderState[i].state, pRenderState[i].uintValue));4939 Log(("vmsvga3dSetRenderState: cid=%x state=%s (%d) val=%x\n", cid, vmsvga3dGetRenderStateName(pRenderState[i].state), pRenderState[i].state, pRenderState[i].uintValue)); 4933 4940 /* Save the render state for vm state saving. */ 4934 4941 if (pRenderState[i].state < SVGA3D_RS_MAX) … … 6221 6228 6222 6229 case SVGA3D_TS_MIPFILTER: /* SVGA3dTextureFilter */ 6223 //AssertFailed(); /* @todo */ 6224 //samplerType = D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER; 6225 val = vmsvga3dTextureFilter2OGL((SVGA3dTextureFilter)pTextureState[i].value); 6226 break; 6230 case SVGA3D_TS_MINFILTER: /* SVGA3dTextureFilter */ 6231 { 6232 uint32_t mipFilter = pContext->state.aTextureState[currentStage][SVGA3D_TS_MIPFILTER].value; 6233 uint32_t minFilter = pContext->state.aTextureState[currentStage][SVGA3D_TS_MINFILTER].value; 6234 6235 /* If SVGA3D_TS_MIPFILTER is set to NONE, then use SVGA3D_TS_MIPFILTER, otherwise SVGA3D_TS_MIPFILTER enables mipmap minification. */ 6236 textureType = GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER; 6237 if (mipFilter != SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_NONE) 6238 { 6239 if (minFilter == SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST) 6240 { 6241 if (mipFilter == SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR) 6242 val = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; 6243 else 6244 val = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; 6245 } 6246 else 6247 { 6248 if (mipFilter == SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR) 6249 val = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; 6250 else 6251 val = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST; 6252 } 6253 } 6254 else 6255 val = vmsvga3dTextureFilter2OGL((SVGA3dTextureFilter)minFilter); 6256 6257 break; 6258 } 6227 6259 6228 6260 case SVGA3D_TS_MAGFILTER: /* SVGA3dTextureFilter */ … … 6232 6264 break; 6233 6265 6234 case SVGA3D_TS_MINFILTER: /* SVGA3dTextureFilter */6235 textureType = GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER;6236 val = vmsvga3dTextureFilter2OGL((SVGA3dTextureFilter)pTextureState[i].value);6237 break;6238 6239 6266 case SVGA3D_TS_BORDERCOLOR: /* SVGA3dColor */ 6240 6267 { … … 6254 6281 6255 6282 case SVGA3D_TS_TEXTURE_MIPMAP_LEVEL: /* uint32_t */ 6256 textureType = GL_TEXTURE_ MAX_LEVEL;6257 val = pTextureState[i].value; /* Identical?? */6283 textureType = GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL; 6284 val = pTextureState[i].value; 6258 6285 break; 6259 6286 … … 7439 7466 memcpy(pShader->pShaderProgram, pShaderData, cbData); 7440 7467 7468 #ifdef DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 7469 LPD3DXBUFFER pDisassembly; 7470 7471 HRESULT hr = D3DXDisassembleShader((const DWORD *)pShaderData, FALSE, NULL, &pDisassembly); 7472 if (hr == D3D_OK) 7473 { 7474 Log(("Shader disassembly:\n%s\n", pDisassembly->GetBufferPointer())); 7475 pDisassembly->Release(); 7476 } 7477 #endif 7478 7441 7479 switch (type) 7442 7480 { … … 7451 7489 default: 7452 7490 AssertFailedReturn(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 7491 } 7492 if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS) 7493 { 7494 RTMemFree(pShader->pShaderProgram); 7495 memset(pShader, 0, sizeof(*pShader)); 7496 pShader->id = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID; 7453 7497 } 7454 7498 -
r53624 r54765 329 329 */ 330 330 case SVGA3D_BUFFER: 331 return 1; 332 333 case SVGA3D_NV12: 331 334 return 1; 332 335 -
r54661 r54765 48 48 49 49 /* Enable to disassemble defined shaders. */ 50 //#define DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 50 #ifdef DEBUG 51 #define DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 52 #endif 51 53 52 54 #ifdef DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY … … 2323 2325 2324 2326 if (pSurface->flags & SVGA3D_SURFACE_HINT_TEXTURE) 2325 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA TEXTURE guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=% x cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, transfer, cCopyBoxes));2327 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA TEXTURE guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=%s cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, (transfer == SVGA3D_WRITE_HOST_VRAM) ? "READ" : "WRITE", cCopyBoxes)); 2326 2328 else 2327 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=% x cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, transfer, cCopyBoxes));2329 Log(("vmsvga3dSurfaceDMA guestptr gmr=%x offset=%x pitch=%x host sid=%x face=%d mipmap=%d transfer=%s cCopyBoxes=%d\n", guest.ptr.gmrId, guest.ptr.offset, guest.pitch, host.sid, host.face, host.mipmap, (transfer == SVGA3D_WRITE_HOST_VRAM) ? "READ" : "WRITE", cCopyBoxes)); 2328 2330 2329 2331 if (!pSurface->u.pSurface) … … 3577 3579 AssertReturn(pState, VERR_NO_MEMORY); 3578 3580 3579 Log(("vmsvga3dSetRenderState %x cRenderStates=%d\n", cid, cRenderStates));3581 Log(("vmsvga3dSetRenderState cid=%x cRenderStates=%d\n", cid, cRenderStates)); 3580 3582 3581 3583 if ( cid >= pState->cContexts … … 4543 4545 if (pContext->state.u32UpdateFlags & VMSVGA3D_UPDATE_VIEWPORT) 4544 4546 vmsvga3dSetViewPort(pThis, cid, &pContext->state.RectViewPort); 4547 /* Changing the render target also resets the scissor rectangle; restore it as well. */ 4548 if (pContext->state.u32UpdateFlags & VMSVGA3D_UPDATE_SCISSORRECT) 4549 vmsvga3dSetScissorRect(pThis, cid, &pContext->state.RectScissor); 4545 4550 4546 4551 break; … … 5307 5312 AssertMsgReturn(hr == D3D_OK, ("vmsvga3dDrawPrimitives: CreateVertexBuffer failed with %x\n", hr), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); 5308 5313 5314 pVertexSurface->idAssociatedContext = pContext->id; 5315 5309 5316 if (pVertexSurface->fDirty) 5310 5317 { … … 5754 5761 memcpy(pShader->pShaderProgram, pShaderData, cbData); 5755 5762 5763 #ifdef DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY 5764 LPD3DXBUFFER pDisassembly; 5765 5766 hr = D3DXDisassembleShader((const DWORD *)pShaderData, FALSE, NULL, &pDisassembly); 5767 if (hr == D3D_OK) 5768 { 5769 Log(("Shader disassembly:\n%s\n", pDisassembly->GetBufferPointer())); 5770 pDisassembly->Release(); 5771 } 5772 #endif 5756 5773 switch (type) 5757 5774 { … … 5767 5784 AssertFailedReturn(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); 5768 5785 } 5769 #ifdef DUMP_SHADER_DISASSEMBLY5770 LPD3DXBUFFER pDisassembly;5771 5772 hr = D3DXDisassembleShader((const DWORD *)pShaderData, FALSE, NULL, &pDisassembly);5773 if (hr == D3D_OK)5774 {5775 Log(("Shader disassembly:\n%s\n", pDisassembly->GetBufferPointer()));5776 pDisassembly->Release();5777 }5778 #endif5779 5786 if (hr != D3D_OK) 5780 5787 { … … 6293 6300 LogRel((" - D3DTEXOPCAPS_LERP\n")); 6294 6301 6302 6295 6303 LogRel(("\n")); 6296 6304 LogRel(("PixelShaderVersion: %#x (%u.%u)\n", pCaps->PixelShaderVersion, -
r53740 r54765 1318 1318 shader_addline(buffer, "vec4 tmp0;\n"); 1319 1319 shader_addline(buffer, "vec4 tmp1;\n"); 1320 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 1321 shader_addline(buffer, "bool p0[4];\n"); 1322 #endif 1320 1323 1321 1324 /* Local constants use a different name so they can be loaded once at shader link time … … 1630 1633 break; 1631 1634 1635 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 1636 case WINED3DSPR_PREDICATE: 1637 sprintf(register_name, "p0"); 1638 break; 1639 #endif 1640 1632 1641 default: 1633 1642 FIXME("Unhandled register name Type(%d)\n", reg->type); … … 1659 1668 else 1660 1669 { 1670 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 1671 if (param->reg.type == WINED3DSPR_PREDICATE) 1672 { 1673 *write_mask++ = '['; 1674 if (mask & WINED3DSP_WRITEMASK_0) *write_mask++ = '0'; 1675 else 1676 if (mask & WINED3DSP_WRITEMASK_1) *write_mask++ = '1'; 1677 else 1678 if (mask & WINED3DSP_WRITEMASK_2) *write_mask++ = '2'; 1679 else 1680 if (mask & WINED3DSP_WRITEMASK_3) *write_mask++ = '3'; 1681 *write_mask++ = ']'; 1682 *write_mask = '\0'; 1683 } 1684 else 1685 #endif 1661 1686 shader_glsl_write_mask_to_str(mask, write_mask); 1662 1687 } … … 2161 2186 } 2162 2187 2188 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 2189 static void shader_glsl_mov_impl(const struct wined3d_shader_instruction *ins, int p0_idx); 2190 2163 2191 /* Process the WINED3DSIO_MOV opcode using GLSL (dst = src) */ 2164 2192 static void shader_glsl_mov(const struct wined3d_shader_instruction *ins) 2193 { 2194 if (ins->predicate) 2195 { 2196 int i; 2197 DWORD dst_mask = ins->dst[0].write_mask; 2198 struct wined3d_shader_dst_param *dst = (struct wined3d_shader_dst_param *)&ins->dst[0]; 2199 2200 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) 2201 { 2202 if (dst_mask & RT_BIT(i)) 2203 { 2204 dst->write_mask = RT_BIT(i); 2205 2206 shader_glsl_mov_impl(ins, i); 2207 } 2208 } 2209 dst->write_mask = dst_mask; 2210 } 2211 else 2212 shader_glsl_mov_impl(ins, 0); 2213 } 2214 2215 /* Process the WINED3DSIO_MOV opcode using GLSL (dst = src) */ 2216 static void shader_glsl_mov_impl(const struct wined3d_shader_instruction *ins, int p0_idx) 2217 2218 #else 2219 /* Process the WINED3DSIO_MOV opcode using GLSL (dst = src) */ 2220 static void shader_glsl_mov(const struct wined3d_shader_instruction *ins) 2221 #endif 2165 2222 { 2166 2223 const struct wined3d_gl_info *gl_info = ins->ctx->gl_info; … … 2168 2225 glsl_src_param_t src0_param; 2169 2226 DWORD write_mask; 2227 2228 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 2229 if (ins->predicate) 2230 { 2231 shader_addline(buffer, "if (p0[%d]) {\n", p0_idx); 2232 } 2233 #endif 2170 2234 2171 2235 write_mask = shader_glsl_append_dst(buffer, ins); … … 2212 2276 shader_addline(buffer, "%s);\n", src0_param.param_str); 2213 2277 } 2278 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 2279 if (ins->predicate) 2280 { 2281 shader_addline(buffer, "}\n"); 2282 } 2283 #endif 2214 2284 } 2215 2285 … … 2468 2538 } 2469 2539 } 2540 2541 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 2542 static void shader_glsl_setp(const struct wined3d_shader_instruction *ins) 2543 { 2544 struct wined3d_shader_buffer *buffer = ins->ctx->buffer; 2545 glsl_src_param_t src_param1, src_param2; 2546 DWORD write_mask; 2547 2548 int i; 2549 DWORD dst_mask = ins->dst[0].write_mask; 2550 struct wined3d_shader_dst_param dst = ins->dst[0]; 2551 2552 /* Cycle through all source0 channels */ 2553 for (i=0; i<4; i++) { 2554 if (dst_mask & RT_BIT(i)) 2555 { 2556 write_mask = WINED3DSP_WRITEMASK_0 << i; 2557 dst.write_mask = dst_mask & write_mask; 2558 2559 write_mask = shader_glsl_append_dst_ext(ins->ctx->buffer, ins, &dst); 2560 Assert(write_mask); 2561 2562 shader_glsl_add_src_param(ins, &ins->src[0], write_mask, &src_param1); 2563 shader_glsl_add_src_param(ins, &ins->src[1], write_mask, &src_param2); 2564 2565 shader_addline(buffer, "%s %s %s);\n", 2566 src_param1.param_str, shader_get_comp_op(ins->flags), src_param2.param_str); 2567 } 2568 } 2569 } 2570 #endif 2470 2571 2471 2572 /** Process signed comparison opcodes in GLSL. */ … … 5314 5415 /* WINED3DSIH_RET */ shader_glsl_ret, 5315 5416 /* WINED3DSIH_RSQ */ shader_glsl_rsq, 5417 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 5418 /* WINED3DSIH_SETP */ shader_glsl_setp, 5419 #else 5316 5420 /* WINED3DSIH_SETP */ NULL, 5421 #endif 5317 5422 /* WINED3DSIH_SGE */ shader_glsl_compare, 5318 5423 /* WINED3DSIH_SGN */ shader_glsl_sgn, -
r53724 r54765 1163 1163 if (ins.predicate) 1164 1164 { 1165 #ifndef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 1165 1166 FIXME("Predicates not implemented.\n"); 1167 #endif 1166 1168 ins.predicate = *ptr++; 1167 1169 } -
r53201 r54765 246 246 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_POW, 1, 3, WINED3DSIH_POW, 0, 0 }, 247 247 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_CRS, 1, 3, WINED3DSIH_CRS, 0, 0 }, 248 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA /* appears incorrect */ 249 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_SGN, 1, 4, WINED3DSIH_SGN, 0, 0 }, 250 #else 248 251 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_SGN, 1, 4, WINED3DSIH_SGN, WINED3D_SHADER_VERSION(2,0), WINED3D_SHADER_VERSION(2,1)}, 249 252 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_SGN, 1, 2, WINED3DSIH_SGN, WINED3D_SHADER_VERSION(3,0), -1 }, 253 #endif 250 254 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_NRM, 1, 2, WINED3DSIH_NRM, 0, 0 }, 251 255 {WINED3D_SM1_OP_SINCOS, 1, 4, WINED3DSIH_SINCOS, WINED3D_SHADER_VERSION(2,0), WINED3D_SHADER_VERSION(2,1)}, -
r53755 r54765 3197 3197 case WINED3DSPR_CONSTBOOL: /* b# */ 3198 3198 case WINED3DSPR_LOOP: /* aL */ 3199 #ifndef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA 3199 3200 case WINED3DSPR_PREDICATE: /* p0 */ 3200 3201 return TRUE; 3202 #else 3203 return TRUE; 3204 case WINED3DSPR_PREDICATE: /* p0 */ 3205 return FALSE; 3206 #endif 3201 3207 3202 3208 case WINED3DSPR_MISCTYPE: -
r54273 r54765 257 257 ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),win) # (Disable this to work with OpenGL on Windows.) 258 258 VBoxDD_SOURCES += Graphics/DevVGA-SVGA3d-win.cpp 259 += d3d9.lib $(PATH_TOOL_$(VBOX_VCC_TOOL)_LIB)/delayimp.lib259 += d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib $(PATH_TOOL_$(VBOX_VCC_TOOL)_LIB)/delayimp.lib 260 260 += /DELAYLOAD:d3d9.dll 261 261 else … … 276 276 277 277 VBoxDD_LIBS.linux += GL X11 278 += $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINPSDK)_LIB)/Opengl32.lib278 += d3dx9.lib $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINPSDK)_LIB)/Opengl32.lib 279 279 VBoxDD_LDFLAGS.darwin += -framework OpenGL 280 280 VBoxDD_DEFS.darwin += VBOX_VMSVGA3D_DUAL_OPENGL_PROFILE
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