
Changeset 65120 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server

Jan 4, 2017 5:10:35 PM (8 years ago)

Main: doxygen fixes

12 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/ApplianceImplExport.cpp

    r63563 r65120  
    5454* Public method implementation.
    55 * @param appliance
     55* @param aAppliance     Appliance object.
     56* @param aLocation      Where to store the appliance.
     57* @param aDescription   Appliance description.
    5658* @return
    619621 * Public method implementation.
    620  * @param format
    621  * @param options
    622  * @param path
    623  * @param aProgress
     622 * @param aFormat   Appliance format.
     623 * @param aOptions  Export options.
     624 * @param aPath     Path to write the appliance to.
     625 * @param aProgress Progress object.
    624626 * @return
    625627 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/ApplianceImplImport.cpp

    r65088 r65120  
    6868 * Thread implementation is in Appliance::readImpl().
    6969 *
    70  * @param aFile
     70 * @param aFile     File to read the appliance from.
     71 * @param aProgress Progress object.
    7172 * @return
    7273 */
    752753 * VirtualSystemScription instances created by Appliance::Interpret().
    753754 * Thread implementation is in Appliance::i_importImpl().
    754  * @param aProgress
     755 * @param aOptions  Import options.
     756 * @param aProgress Progress object.
    755757 * @return
    756758 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/BandwidthGroupImpl.cpp

    r61169 r65120  
    92  *  Initializes the object given another object
    93  *  (a kind of copy constructor). This object shares data with
    94  *  the object passed as an argument.
    95  *
    96  *  @param  aReshare
    97  *      When false, the original object will remain a data owner.
    98  *      Otherwise, data ownership will be transferred from the original
    99  *      object to this one.
    100  *
    101  *  @note This object must be destroyed before the original object
    102  *  it shares data with is destroyed.
    103  *
    104  *  @note Locks @a aThat object for writing if @a aReshare is @c true, or for
    105  *  reading if @a aReshare is false.
     92 * Initializes the object given another object
     93 * (a kind of copy constructor). This object shares data with
     94 * the object passed as an argument.
     95 *
     96 * @param   aParent  Pointer to our parent object.
     97 * @param   aThat
     98 * @param   aReshare
     99 *     When false, the original object will remain a data owner.
     100 *     Otherwise, data ownership will be transferred from the original
     101 *     object to this one.
     102 *
     103 * @note This object must be destroyed before the original object
     104 * it shares data with is destroyed.
     105 *
     106 * @note Locks @a aThat object for writing if @a aReshare is @c true, or for
     107 * reading if @a aReshare is false.
    106108 */
    107109HRESULT BandwidthGroup::init(BandwidthControl *aParent,
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/GuestOSTypeImpl.cpp

    r62485 r65120  
    6565 *
    6666 * @returns COM result indicator
    67  * @param aFamilyId          os family short name string
    68  * @param aFamilyDescription os family name string
    69  * @param aId                os short name string
    70  * @param aDescription       os name string
    71  * @param aOSType            global OS type ID
    72  * @param aOSHint            os configuration hint
    73  * @param aRAMSize           recommended RAM size in megabytes
    74  * @param aVRAMSize          recommended video memory size in megabytes
    75  * @param aHDDSize           recommended HDD size in bytes
     67 * @param ostype containing the following parts:
     68 * @a aFamilyId          os family short name string
     69 * @a aFamilyDescription os family name string
     70 * @a aId                os short name string
     71 * @a aDescription       os name string
     72 * @a aOSType            global OS type ID
     73 * @a aOSHint            os configuration hint
     74 * @a aRAMSize           recommended RAM size in megabytes
     75 * @a aVRAMSize          recommended video memory size in megabytes
     76 * @a aHDDSize           recommended HDD size in bytes
    7677 */
    77 HRESULT GuestOSType::init(const Global::OSType &ostype)/*const char *aFamilyId, const char *aFamilyDescription,
    78                           const char *aId, const char *aDescription,
    79                           VBOXOSTYPE aOSType, uint32_t aOSHint,
    80                           uint32_t aRAMSize, uint32_t aVRAMSize, uint64_t aHDDSize,
    81                           NetworkAdapterType_T aNetworkAdapterType,
    82                           uint32_t aNumSerialEnabled,
    83                           StorageControllerType_T aDVDStorageControllerType,
    84                           StorageBus_T aDVDStorageBusType,
    85                           StorageControllerType_T aHDStorageControllerType,
    86                           StorageBus_T aHDStorageBusType,
    87                           ChipsetType_T aChipsetType
    88                           AudioControllerType_T aAudioControllerType*/
    89 {
    90 #if 0
    91     LogFlowThisFunc(("aFamilyId='%s', aFamilyDescription='%s', "
    92                       "aId='%s', aDescription='%s', "
    93                       "aType=%d, aOSHint=%x, "
    94                       "aRAMSize=%d, aVRAMSize=%d, aHDDSize=%lld, "
    95                       "aNetworkAdapterType=%d, aNumSerialEnabled=%d, "
    96                       "aStorageControllerType=%d\n",
    97                       aFamilyId, aFamilyDescription,
    98                       aId, aDescription,
    99                       aOSType, aOSHint,
    100                       aRAMSize, aVRAMSize, aHDDSize,
    101                       aNetworkAdapterType,
    102                       aNumSerialEnabled,
    103                       aStorageControllerType));
    104 #endif
     78HRESULT GuestOSType::init(const Global::OSType &ostype)
    10680    ComAssertRet(ostype.familyId && ostype.familyDescription && && ostype.description, E_INVALIDARG);
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/HostImpl.cpp

    r65088 r65120  
    537537 *
    538538 * @returns COM status code
    539  * @param drives address of result pointer
     539 * @param aDVDDrives    address of result pointer
    540540 */
    561561 *
    562562 * @returns COM status code
    563  * @param drives address of result pointer
     563 * @param   aFloppyDrives  address of result pointer
    564564 */
    565565HRESULT Host::getFloppyDrives(std::vector<ComPtr<IMedium> > &aFloppyDrives)
    628628 *
    629629 * @returns COM status code
    630  * @param drives address of result pointer
     630 * @param   aNetworkInterfaces address of result pointer
    631631 */
    632632HRESULT Host::getNetworkInterfaces(std::vector<ComPtr<IHostNetworkInterface> > &aNetworkInterfaces)
    900900 *
    901901 * @returns COM status code
    902  * @param   count address of result variable
     902 * @param   aCount address of result variable
    903903 */
    915915 *
    916916 * @returns COM status code
    917  * @param   count address of result variable
     917 * @param   aCount address of result variable
    918918 */
    919919HRESULT Host::getProcessorOnlineCount(ULONG *aCount)
    929929 *
    930930 * @returns COM status code
    931  * @param   count address of result variable
     931 * @param   aCount address of result variable
    932932 */
    933933HRESULT Host::getProcessorCoreCount(ULONG *aCount)
    943943 *
    944944 * @returns COM status code
    945  * @param   count address of result variable
     945 * @param   aCount address of result variable
    946946 */
    947947HRESULT Host::getProcessorOnlineCoreCount(ULONG *aCount)
    957957 *
    958958 * @returns COM status code
    959  * @param   cpu id to get info for.
    960  * @param   speed address of result variable, speed is 0 if unknown or aCpuId is invalid.
     959 * @param   aCpuId  id to get info for.
     960 * @param   aSpeed  address of result variable, speed is 0 if unknown or aCpuId
     961 *          is invalid.
    961962 */
    962963HRESULT Host::getProcessorSpeed(ULONG aCpuId,
    973974 *
    974975 * @returns COM status code
    975  * @param   cpu id to get info for.
    976  * @param   description address of result variable, empty string if not known or aCpuId is invalid.
     976 * @param   aCpuId  id to get info for.
     977 * @param   aDescription address of result variable, empty string if not known
     978 *          or aCpuId is invalid.
    977979 */
    978980HRESULT Host::getProcessorDescription(ULONG aCpuId, com::Utf8Str &aDescription)
    995997 *
    996998 * @returns COM status code
    997  * @param   Feature to query.
    998  * @param   address of supported bool result variable
     999 * @param   aFeature    to query.
     1000 * @param   aSupported supported bool result variable
    9991001 */
    10001002HRESULT Host::getProcessorFeature(ProcessorFeature_T aFeature, BOOL *aSupported)
    11181120 *
    11191121 * @returns COM status code
    1120  * @param   size address of result variable
     1122 * @param   aSize  address of result variable
    11211123 */
    11221124HRESULT Host::getMemorySize(ULONG *aSize)
    11361138 *
    11371139 * @returns COM status code
    1138  * @param   available address of result variable
     1140 * @param   aAvailable address of result variable
    11391141 */
    11401142HRESULT Host::getMemoryAvailable(ULONG *aAvailable)
    11721174 *
    11731175 * @returns COM status code
    1174  * @param   os address of result variable
     1176 * @param   aVersion    address of result variable
    11751177 */
    11761178HRESULT Host::getOSVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion)
    12071209 *
    12081210 * @returns COM status code
    1209  * @param   time address of result variable
     1211 * @param   aUTCTime    address of result variable
    12101212 */
    12111213HRESULT Host::getUTCTime(LONG64 *aUTCTime)
    20502052 * Called from getDrives() to build the DVD drives list.
    2051  * @param pll
     2053 * @param   list    Media list
    20522054 * @return
    20532055 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/HostNetworkInterfaceImpl.cpp

    r65088 r65120  
    6565 * @returns COM result indicator
    6666 * @param   aInterfaceName name of the network interface
    67  * @param   aGuid GUID of the host network interface
    68  * @param   ifType interface type
     67 * @param   aShortName  short name of the network interface
     68 * @param   aGuid       GUID of the host network interface
     69 * @param   ifType      interface type
    6970 */
    7071HRESULT HostNetworkInterface::init(Bstr aInterfaceName, Bstr aShortName, Guid aGuid, HostNetworkInterfaceType_T ifType)
    274275 *
    275276 * @returns COM status code
    276  * @param   aGuid GUI Id
    277  */
    278 HRESULT HostNetworkInterface::getId(com::Guid &aGuiId)
    279 {
    280     aGuiId = mGuid;
     277 * @param   aGuid GUID
     278 */
     279HRESULT HostNetworkInterface::getId(com::Guid &aGuid)
     281    aGuid = mGuid;
    282283    return S_OK;
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/HostUSBDeviceImpl.cpp

    r63174 r65120  
    509509 *
    510510 * @param   aMachine        Machine this device should be attach to.
     511 * @param   aCaptureFilename Filename to capture the USB traffic to.
    511512 * @param   aMaskedIfs      The interfaces to hide from the guest.
    512513 */
    22322233 * @param   aNewState       The new state (transitional).
    2233  * @param   aFinalSubState  The final state of the transition (non-transitional).
     2234 * @param   aFinalState     The final state of the transition (non-transitional).
    22342235 * @param   aNewSubState    The new sub-state when applicable.
    22352236 *
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/MachineImpl.cpp

    r65063 r65120  
    286286 *  @param aId          UUID for the new machine.
    287287 *  @param fForceOverwrite Whether to overwrite an existing machine settings file.
     288 *  @param fDirectoryIncludesUUID Whether the use a special VM directory naming
     289 *                      scheme (includes the UUID).
    288290 *
    289291 *  @return  Success indicator. if not S_OK, the machine object is invalid
    407409 *
    408410 *  @param aParent      Associated parent object
    409  *  @param aConfigFile Local file system path to the VM settings file (can
     411 *  @param strConfigFile Local file system path to the VM settings file (can
    410412 *                      be relative to the VirtualBox config directory).
    411413 *  @param aId          UUID of the machine or NULL (see above).
    518520 *  config is ignored and we always generate a fresh one.
    519521 *
     522 *  @param aParent  Associated parent object.
    520523 *  @param strName  Name for the new machine; this overrides what is specified in config and is used
    521524 *                  for the settings file as well.
    611614 * Shared code between the various init() implementations.
    612  * @param aParent
     615 * @param   aParent         The VirtualBox object.
     616 * @param   strConfigFile   Settings file.
    613617 * @return
    614618 */
    72557259 * Adds the given IsModified_* flag to the dirty flags of the machine.
    72567260 * This must be called either during i_loadSettings or under the machine write lock.
    7257  * @param fl
     7261 * @param   fl                       Flag
     7262 * @param   fAllowStateModification  If state modifications are allowed.
    72587263 */
    72597264void Machine::i_setModified(uint32_t fl, bool fAllowStateModification /* = true */)
    72687273 * care of the write locking.
    72697274 *
    7270  * @param   fModifications      The flag to add.
     7275 * @param   fModification            The flag to add.
     7276 * @param   fAllowStateModification  If state modifications are allowed.
    72717277 */
    72727278void Machine::i_setModifiedLock(uint32_t fModification, bool fAllowStateModification /* = true */)
    72797285 *  Saves the registry entry of this machine to the given configuration node.
    72807286 *
    7281  *  @param aEntryNode Node to save the registry entry to.
     7287 *  @param data     Machine registry data.
    72827288 *
    72837289 *  @note locks this object for reading.
    73007306 * machine settings file as the current directory.
    73017307 *
    7302  * @param  aPath    Path to calculate the absolute path for.
     7308 * @param  strPath  Path to calculate the absolute path for.
    73037309 * @param  aResult  Where to put the result (used only on success, can be the
    73047310 *                  same Utf8Str instance as passed in @a aPath).
    74537459 * So instead we now use a timestamp.
    74547460 *
    7455  * @param str
     7461 * @param strStateFilePath
    74567462 */
    88918897 *  Loads settings into mHWData.
    88928898 *
    8893  *  @param data           Reference to the hardware settings.
    8894  *  @param pDbg           Pointer to the debugging settings.
    8895  *  @param pAutostart     Pointer to the autostart settings.
     8899 * @param puuidRegistry Registry ID.
     8900 * @param puuidSnapshot Snapshot ID
     8901 * @param data          Reference to the hardware settings.
     8902 * @param pDbg          Pointer to the debugging settings.
     8903 * @param pAutostart    Pointer to the autostart settings.
    88968904 */
    88978905HRESULT Machine::i_loadHardware(const Guid *puuidRegistry,
    93019309 * Called from i_loadStorageControllers for a controller's devices.
    93029310 *
    9303  * @param aStorageController
    9304  * @param data
    9305  * @param puuidRegistry media registry ID to set media to or NULL; see Machine::i_loadMachineDataFromSettings()
    9306  * @param aSnapshotId  pointer to the snapshot ID if this is a snapshot machine
     9311 * @param   aStorageController
     9312 * @param   data
     9313 * @param   puuidRegistry   media registry ID to set media to or NULL; see
     9314 *                          Machine::i_loadMachineDataFromSettings()
     9315 * @param   puuidSnapshot   pointer to the snapshot ID if this is a snapshot machine
    93079316 * @return
    93089317 */
    95729581 *  Returns the snapshot with the given name or fails of no such snapshot.
    95739582 *
    9574  *  @param aName        snapshot name to find
     9583 *  @param strName      snapshot name to find
    95759584 *  @param aSnapshot    where to return the found snapshot
    95769585 *  @param aSetError    true to set extended error info on failure
    99659974 *          saved and the global machine and media registries will therefore need
    99669975 *          updating.
     9976 * @param   aFlags  Flags.
    99679977 */
    99689978HRESULT Machine::i_saveSettings(bool *pfNeedsGlobalSaveSettings,
    1072810738 *                          many operations left as the number of hard disks
    1072910739 *                          attached).
     10740 * @param aWeight           Weight of this operation.
    1073010741 * @param aOnline           Whether the VM was online prior to this operation.
    1073110742 *
    1118611197 * can be searched as well if needed.
    1118711198 *
    11188  * @param list
     11199 * @param ll
    1118911200 * @param aControllerName
    1119011201 * @param aControllerPort
    1121211223 * can be searched as well if needed.
    1121311224 *
    11214  * @param list
    11215  * @param aControllerName
    11216  * @param aControllerPort
    11217  * @param aDevice
     11225 * @param ll
     11226 * @param pMedium
    1121811227 * @return
    1121911228 */
    1123711246 * can be searched as well if needed.
    1123811247 *
    11239  * @param list
    11240  * @param aControllerName
    11241  * @param aControllerPort
    11242  * @param aDevice
     11248 * @param ll
     11249 * @param id
    1124311250 * @return
    1124411251 */
    1126111268 * from Machine::prepareUnregister() so it has been taken out for simplicity.
    1126211269 *
    11263  * @param pAttach Medium attachment to detach.
    11264  * @param writeLock Machine write lock which the caller must have locked once. This may be released temporarily in here.
    11265  * @param pSnapshot If NULL, then the detachment is for the current machine. Otherwise this is for a
    11266  * SnapshotMachine, and this must be its snapshot.
     11270 * @param pAttach   Medium attachment to detach.
     11271 * @param writeLock Machine write lock which the caller must have locked once.
     11272 *                  This may be released temporarily in here.
     11273 * @param pSnapshot If NULL, then the detachment is for the current machine.
     11274 *                  Otherwise this is for a SnapshotMachine, and this must be
     11275 *                  its snapshot.
    1126711276 * @return
    1126811277 */
    1133711346 * will be passed on to i_detachDevice which needs it for temporary unlocking.
    1133811347 *
    11339  * @param writeLock Machine lock from top-level caller; this gets passed to i_detachDevice.
    11340  * @param pSnapshot Must be NULL when called for a "real" Machine or a snapshot object if called for a SnapshotMachine.
    11341  * @param cleanupMode If DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly, only hard disk media get added to llMedia; if
    11342  * Full, then all media get added;
    11343  *          otherwise no media get added.
    11344  * @param llMedia Caller's list to receive Medium objects which got detached so caller can close() them, depending on cleanupMode.
     11348 * @param writeLock Machine lock from top-level caller; this gets passed to
     11349 *                  i_detachDevice.
     11350 * @param pSnapshot Must be NULL when called for a "real" Machine or a snapshot
     11351 *                  object if called for a SnapshotMachine.
     11352 * @param cleanupMode If DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly, only hard disk media get
     11353 *                  added to llMedia; if Full, then all media get added;
     11354 *                  otherwise no media get added.
     11355 * @param llMedia   Caller's list to receive Medium objects which got detached so
     11356 *                  caller can close() them, depending on cleanupMode.
    1134511357 * @return
    1134611358 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/MediumAttachmentImpl.cpp

    r65103 r65120  
    9696 * @param aDevice           Device number on the port.
    9797 * @param aType             Device type.
    98  * @param aImplicit
     98 * @param aImplicit         
    9999 * @param aPassthrough      Whether accesses are directly passed to the host drive.
    100  * @param aTempEject
     100 * @param aTempEject        Whether guest-triggered eject results in unmounting the medium.
    101101 * @param aNonRotational    Whether this medium is non-rotational (aka SSD).
    102  * @param aDiscard
     102 * @param aDiscard          Whether this medium supports discarding unused blocks.
    103103 * @param aHotPluggable     Whether this medium is hot-pluggable.
    104  * @param aBandwidthLimit   Bandwidth limit in Mbps.
     104 * @param strBandwidthGroup Bandwidth group.
    105105 */
    106106HRESULT MediumAttachment::init(Machine *aParent,
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/MediumImpl.cpp

    r65103 r65120  
    14411441 * @param aParent       Parent medium disk or NULL for a root (base) medium.
    14421442 * @param aDeviceType   Device type of the medium.
    1443  * @param uuidMachineRegistry The registry to which this medium should be added (global registry UUID or machine UUID).
     1443 * @param uuidMachineRegistry The registry to which this medium should be added
     1444 *                      (global registry UUID or machine UUID).
    14441445 * @param data          Configuration settings.
    1445  * @param strMachineFolder The machine folder with which to resolve relative paths; if empty, then we use the VirtualBox home directory
     1446 * @param strMachineFolder The machine folder with which to resolve relative
     1447 *                      paths; if empty, then we use the VirtualBox home directory
     1448 * @param mediaTreeLock Autolock.
    14461449 *
    14471450 * @note Locks the medium tree for writing.
    54415444 * necessary consistency checks and place involved media to appropriate
    54425445 * states. If #mergeTo() is not called or fails, the state modifications
    5443  * performed by this method must be undone by #cancelMergeTo().
     5446 * performed by this method must be undone by #i_cancelMergeTo().
    54445447 *
    54455448 * See #mergeTo() for more information about merging.
    54515454 * @param fLockMedia    Flag whether to lock the medium lock list or not.
    54525455 *                      If set to false and the medium lock list locking fails
    5453  *                      later you must call #cancelMergeTo().
     5456 *                      later you must call #i_cancelMergeTo().
    54545457 * @param fMergeForward Resulting merge direction (out).
    54555458 * @param pParentForTarget New parent for target medium after merge (out).
    57915794 * any VM directly or in the snapshot, otherwise this method will assert.
    57925795 *
    5793  * The #prepareMergeTo() method must be called prior to this method to place all
    5794  * involved to necessary states and perform other consistency checks.
     5796 * The #i_prepareMergeTo() method must be called prior to this method to place
     5797 * all involved to necessary states and perform other consistency checks.
    57955798 *
    57965799 * If @a aWait is @c true then this method will perform the operation on the
    58155818 * When this method fails (regardless of the @a aWait mode), it is a caller's
    58165819 * responsibility to undo state changes and delete @a aMediumLockList using
    5817  * #cancelMergeTo().
     5820 * #i_cancelMergeTo().
    58185821 *
    58195822 * If @a aProgress is not NULL but the object it points to is @c null then a new
    5925  * Undoes what #prepareMergeTo() did. Must be called if #mergeTo() is not
     5928 * Undoes what #i_prepareMergeTo() did. Must be called if #mergeTo() is not
    59265929 * called or fails. Frees memory occupied by @a aMediumLockList and unlocks
    59275930 * the medium objects in @a aChildrenToReparent.
    75307533 * @param   pvUser          The opaque data passed on container creation.
    75317534 * @param   rc              The VBox error code.
    7532  * @param   RT_SRC_POS_DECL Use RT_SRC_POS.
     7535 * @param   SRC_POS        Use RT_SRC_POS.
    75337536 * @param   pszFormat       Error message format string.
    75347537 * @param   va              Error message arguments.
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/USBDeviceFilterImpl.cpp

    r65103 r65120  
    859859 *
    860860 *  @param aParent  Handle of the parent object.
     861 *  @param data     Settings data.
    861862 */
    862863HRESULT HostUSBDeviceFilter::init(Host *aParent,
    929930 *
    930931 *  @param aParent  Handle of the parent object.
     932 *  @param aName    Filter name.
    931933 */
    932934HRESULT HostUSBDeviceFilter::init(Host *aParent, IN_BSTR aName)
    12471249 *  @param  aIdx    The field index.
    12481250 *  @param  aStr    The new value.
    1249  *  @param  aName   The translated field name (for error messages).
    12501251 *
    12511252 *  @return COM status.
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/src-server/linux/HostHardwareLinux.cpp

    r65088 r65120  
    893893    virtual ~hotplugNullImpl (void) {}
    894894    /** @copydoc VBoxMainHotplugWaiter::Wait */
    895     virtual int Wait (RTMSINTERVAL)
    896     {
     895    virtual int Wait (RTMSINTERVAL cMillies)
     896    {
     897        NOREF(cMillies);
    897898        return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    898899    }
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