
Changeset 7169 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Runtime

Feb 27, 2008 1:16:24 PM (17 years ago)

Doxygen fixes.

14 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/Makefile.kmk

    r7056 r7169  
    12481248        common/table \
    12491249        common/time \
     1250        VBox/ \
    12501251        $(foreach dir, . r3 r0drv,\
    12511252                $(dir) \
    12841285# Generate the Doxyfile
    1285 $(PATH_TARGET)/Doxyfile: Doxyfile \
     1286$(PATH_TARGET)/Doxyfile: Doxyfile Makefile.kmk \
    12861287                $(comp-vars DOXYGEN_INPUT,DOXYGEN_INPUT_PREV,FORCE) \
    12871288                $(comp-vars DOXYGEN_OUTPUT,DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_PREV,FORCE) \
    12941295        $(APPEND) [email protected] "INCLUDE_PATH = $(PATH_ROOT)/include include . common/table"
    12951296        $(APPEND) [email protected] "INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = *.cpp.h"
     1297        $(APPEND) [email protected] "PREDEFINED += $(ARCH_BITS_DEFS)"
    12961298        $(APPEND) [email protected]
    12971299        $(APPEND) [email protected] "INPUT = $(DOXYGEN_INPUT)"
    13181320        @echo $(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT)
    13191321        @echo $(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_PREV)
     1322        @echo $(DOXYGEN_INPUT)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/VBox/log-vbox.cpp

    r7013 r7169  
    389389         * This is where you set your ring-0 logging preferences.
    390390         */
    391 # if defined(DEBUG_bird) && !defined(IN_GUEST)
     391# if 0//defined(DEBUG_bird) && !defined(IN_GUEST)
    392392        RTLogGroupSettings(pLogger, "all=~0 -default.l6.l5.l4.l3");
    393393        RTLogFlags(pLogger, "enabled unbuffered pid tid");
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    444444 * @returns Pointer to the allocated block.
    445445 * @returns NULL on failure.
    446  * @param   pHeap       The heap.
     446 * @param   pHeapInt    The heap.
    447447 * @param   cb          Size of the memory block to allocate.
    448448 * @param   uAlignment  The alignment specifications for the allocated block.
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/ldr/ldrFile.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    123 /** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnFileMap */
     123/** @copydoc RTLDRREADER::pfnMap */
    124124static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtldrFileMap(PRTLDRREADER pReader, const void **ppvBits)
    272272 * Opens a binary image file using kLdr.
    273  * 
     273 *
    274274 * @returns iprt status code.
    275275 * @param   pszFilename     Image filename.
    305305    return RTLdrOpen(pszFilename, phLdrMod);
    306 #endif 
    307 }
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/misc/rand.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    5656 * Lazy initialization of the native and fallback random byte sources.
    57  * 
     57 *
    5858 */
    5959static void rtRandLazyInit(void)
    106106 * Generate a 32-bit signed random number in the set [i32First..i32Last].
    107  * 
     107 *
    108108 * @returns The random number.
    109109 * @param   i32First    First number in the set.
    137137 * Generate a 32-bit signed random number.
    138  * 
     138 *
    139139 * @returns The random number.
    140140 */
    148148 * Generate a 32-bit unsigned random number in the set [u32First..u32Last].
    149  * 
     149 *
    150150 * @returns The random number.
    151151 * @param   u32First    First number in the set.
    179179 * Generate a 32-bit unsigned random number.
    180  * 
     180 *
    181181 * @returns The random number.
    182182 */
    190  * Generate a 32-bit signed random number in the set [i32First..i32Last].
    191  * 
    192  * @returns The random number.
    193  * @param   i32First    First number in the set.
    194  * @param   i32Last     Last number in the set.
     190 * Generate a 64-bit signed random number in the set [i64First..i64Last].
     191 *
     192 * @returns The random number.
     193 * @param   i64First    First number in the set.
     194 * @param   i64Last     Last number in the set.
    195195 */
    196196RTDECL(int64_t) RTRandS64Ex(int64_t i64First, int64_t i64Last)
    220220 * Generate a 64-bit signed random number.
    221  * 
     221 *
    222222 * @returns The random number.
    223223 */
    231231 * Generate a 64-bit unsigned random number in the set [u64First..u64Last].
    232  * 
     232 *
    233233 * @returns The random number.
    234234 * @param   u64First    First number in the set.
    261261 * Generate a 64-bit unsigned random number.
    262  * 
     262 *
    263263 * @returns The random number.
    264264 */
    346346 * Generates an unsigned 31 bit pseudo random number.
    347  * 
     347 *
    348348 * @returns pseudo random number.
    349349 * @param   pCtx    The context.
    356356     *      (2^31 - 1) = 127773 * (7^5) + 2836
    357357     *
    358      * From "Random number generators: good ones are hard to find",  Park and 
     358     * From "Random number generators: good ones are hard to find",  Park and
    359359     * Miller, Communications of the ACM, vol. 31, no. 10, October 1988, p. 1195.
    360360     */
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/misc/req.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    5252 *
    5353 * @returns iprt status code.
    54  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     54 * @param   ppQueue         Where to store the request queue pointer.
    5555 */
    5656RTDECL(int) RTReqCreateQueue(PRTREQQUEUE *ppQueue)
    7272 *
    7373 * @returns iprt status code.
    74  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     74 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    7575 */
    7676RTDECL(int) RTReqDestroyQueue(PRTREQQUEUE pQueue)
    9595 * @returns VERR_TIMEOUT if cMillies was reached without the packet being added.
    9696 *
    97  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     97 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    9898 * @param   cMillies        Number of milliseconds to wait for a pending request.
    9999 *                          Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to only wait till one is added.
    185185 * @returns VERR_TIMEOUT if cMillies was reached without the packet being completed.
    186186 *
    187  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     187 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    188188 * @param   ppReq           Where to store the pointer to the request.
    189189 *                          This will be NULL or a valid request pointer not matter what happens.
    218218 * @returns VERR_TIMEOUT if cMillies was reached without the packet being completed.
    219219 *
    220  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     220 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    221221 * @param   ppReq           Where to store the pointer to the request.
    222222 *                          This will be NULL or a valid request pointer not matter what happends.
    251251 * @returns VERR_TIMEOUT if cMillies was reached without the packet being completed.
    252252 *
    253  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     253 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    254254 * @param   ppReq           Where to store the pointer to the request.
    255255 *                          This will be NULL or a valid request pointer not matter what happends, unless fFlags
    286286 * @returns VERR_TIMEOUT if cMillies was reached without the packet being completed.
    287287 *
    288  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     288 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    289289 * @param   ppReq           Where to store the pointer to the request.
    290290 *                          This will be NULL or a valid request pointer not matter what happends, unless fFlags
    297297 * @param   cArgs           Number of arguments following in the ellipsis.
    298298 *                          Not possible to pass 64-bit arguments!
    299  * @param   pvArgs          Pointer to function arguments.
     299 * @param   Args            Variable argument vector.
    300300 */
    301301RTDECL(int) RTReqCallV(PRTREQQUEUE pQueue, PRTREQ *ppReq, unsigned cMillies, unsigned fFlags, PFNRT pfnFunction, unsigned cArgs, va_list Args)
    422422 * @returns iprt status code.
    423423 *
    424  * @param   pReqQueue       The request queue.
     424 * @param   pQueue          The request queue.
    425425 * @param   ppReq           Where to store the pointer to the allocated packet.
    426426 * @param   enmType         Package type.
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/string/strtonum.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    897897 * @param   uBase       The base of the representation used.
    898898 *                      If the function will look for known prefixes before defaulting to 10.
    899  * @param   pi64        Where to store the converted number. (optional)
     899 * @param   pi8         Where to store the converted number. (optional)
    900900 */
    901901RTDECL(int) RTStrToInt8Full(const char *pszValue, unsigned uBase, int8_t *pi8)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/include/internal/memobj.h

    r5999 r7169  
    210210 *
    211211 * @returns true if it's a mapping, otherwise false.
    212  * @param   MemObj  The ring-0 memory object handle.
     212 * @param   pMem        The ring-0 memory object handle.
    213213 * @see RTR0MemObjIsMapping
    214214 */
    230230 *
    231231 * @returns true if it's a object with a ring-3 address, otherwise false.
    232  * @param   MemObj  The ring-0 memory object handle.
     232 * @param   pMem        The ring-0 memory object handle.
    233233 */
    234234DECLINLINE(bool) rtR0MemObjIsRing3(PRTR0MEMOBJINTERNAL pMem)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/include/internal/thread.h

    r6961 r7169  
    196196 *
    197197 * @returns iprt status code.
    198  * @param   Thread      The thread in question.
     198 * @param   pThread     The thread in question.
    199199 * @param   enmType     The thread type.
    200200 * @remark  Located in sched.
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r0drv/nt/memobj-r0drv-nt.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    500500 * @param pv        First page.
    501501 * @param cb        Number of bytes.
    502  * @param Task      The task \a pv and \a cb refers to.
     502 * @param R0Process The process \a pv and \a cb refers to.
    503503 */
    504504static int rtR0MemObjNtLock(PPRTR0MEMOBJINTERNAL ppMem, void *pv, size_t cb, RTR0PROCESS R0Process)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/fs.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    9393 * Converts Unix attributes to Dos-style attributes.
    9494 *
    95  * @returns
     95 * @returns File mode mask.
    9696 * @param   fMode       The mode mask containing dos-style attibutes only.
     97 * @param   pszName     The filename which this applies to (hidden check).
     98 * @param   cbName      The length of that filename. (optional, set 0)
    9799 */
    98100RTFMODE rtFsModeFromUnix(RTFMODE fMode, const char *pszName, unsigned cbName)
    180182 * @param   pObjInfo        The file system object info structure to setup.
    181183 * @param   pStat           The stat structure to use.
     184 * @param   pszName         The filename which this applies to (exe/hidden check).
     185 * @param   cbName          The length of that filename. (optional, set 0)
    182186 */
    183187void rtFsConvertStatToObjInfo(PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, const struct stat *pStat, const char *pszName, unsigned cbName)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/path.cpp

    r6553 r7169  
    354354 * @param   pszPath2    Path to compare (must be an absolute path).
    355355 *
    356  * @returns < 0 if the first path less than the second path.
     356 * @returns @< 0 if the first path less than the second path.
    357357 * @returns 0 if the first path identical to the second path.
    358  * @returns > 0 if the first path greater than the second path.
     358 * @returns @> 0 if the first path greater than the second path.
    359359 */
    360360RTDECL(int) RTPathCompare(const char *pszPath1, const char *pszPath2)
    560560 * example NLS files, module sources, ...
    561561 *
    562  * Linux:    /usr/shared/<application>
    563  * Windows:  <program files directory>/<application>
     562 * Linux:    /usr/shared/@<application@>
     563 * Windows:  @<program files directory@>/@<application@>
    564564 * Old path: same as RTPathProgram()
    565565 *
    591591 * example modules which can be loaded at runtime.
    592592 *
    593  * Linux:    /usr/lib/<application>
    594  * Windows:  <program files directory>/<application>
     593 * Linux:    /usr/lib/@<application@>
     594 * Windows:  @<program files directory@>/@<application@>
    595595 * Old path: same as RTPathProgram()
    596596 *
    627627 *
    628628 * Linux:    /usr/lib
    629  * Windows:  <program files directory>/<application>
     629 * Windows:  @<program files directory@>/@<application@>
    630630 * Old path: same as RTPathProgram()
    631631 *
    659659 * Gets the directory for documentation.
    660660 *
    661  * Linux:    /usr/share/doc/<application>
    662  * Windows:  <program files directory>/<application>
     661 * Linux:    /usr/share/doc/@<application@>
     662 * Windows:  @<program files directory@>/@<application@>
    663663 * Old path: same as RTPathProgram()
    664664 *
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/win/fileio-win.cpp

    r6994 r7169  
    9999 * @param   File        Filehandle.
    100100 * @param   offSeek     Offset to seek.
     101 * @param   uMethod     The seek method.
    101102 */
    102103DECLINLINE(bool) IsBeyondLimit(RTFILE File, uint64_t offSeek, unsigned uMethod)
  • trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/win/timer-win.cpp

    r5999 r7169  
    279 /**
    280  * Create a recurring timer.
    281  *
    282  * @returns iprt status code.
    283  * @param   ppTimer             Where to store the timer handle.
    284  * @param   uMilliesInterval    Milliseconds between the timer ticks.
    285  *                              This is rounded up to the system granularity.
    286  * @param   pfnTimer            Callback function which shall be scheduled for execution
    287  *                              on every timer tick.
    288  * @param   pvUser              User argument for the callback.
    289  */
    290 RTR3DECL(int)     RTTimerCreate(PRTTIMER *ppTimer, unsigned uMilliesInterval, PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer, void *pvUser)
     279RTDECL(int) RTTimerCreate(PRTTIMER *ppTimer, unsigned uMilliesInterval, PFNRTTIMER pfnTimer, void *pvUser)
    292281#ifndef USE_WINMM
    406 /**
    407  * Stops and destroys a running timer.
    408  *
    409  * @returns iprt status code.
    410  * @param   pTimer      Timer to stop and destroy.
    411  */
    412394RTR3DECL(int)     RTTimerDestroy(PRTTIMER pTimer)
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