
Changeset 7349 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox

Mar 7, 2008 11:19:09 AM (17 years ago)

Main: Added IVirtualBox/IMachine::saveSettingsWithBackup() for easier support of creating backup copies of the settings files when auto-converting.

5 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp

    r7341 r7349  
     2250STDMETHODIMP Machine::SaveSettingsWithBackup (BSTR *aBakFileName)
     2252    if (!aBakFileName)
     2253        return E_POINTER;
     2255    AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
     2256    CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
     2258    /* saveSettings() needs mParent lock */
     2259    AutoMultiLock <2> alock (mParent->wlock(), this->wlock());
     2261    HRESULT rc = checkStateDependency (MutableStateDep);
     2262    CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
     2264    /* the settings file path may never be null */
     2265    ComAssertRet (mData->mConfigFileFull, E_FAIL);
     2267    /* perform backup only when there was auto-conversion */
     2268    if (mData->mSettingsFileVersion != VBOX_XML_VERSION_FULL)
     2269    {
     2270        Bstr bakFileName;
     2272        HRESULT rc = VirtualBox::backupSettingsFile (mData->mConfigFileFull,
     2273                                                     mData->mSettingsFileVersion,
     2274                                                     bakFileName);
     2275        CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
     2277        bakFileName.cloneTo (aBakFileName);
     2278    }
     2280    /* save all VM data excluding snapshots */
     2281    return saveSettings();
    22502284STDMETHODIMP Machine::DiscardSettings()
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/VirtualBoxImpl.cpp

    r7341 r7349  
    21452145STDMETHODIMP VirtualBox::SaveSettings()
     2147    AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
     2148    CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
     2150    return saveSettings();
     2153STDMETHODIMP VirtualBox::SaveSettingsWithBackup (BSTR *aBakFileName)
     2155    if (!aBakFileName)
     2156        return E_POINTER;
     2158    AutoCaller autoCaller (this);
     2159    CheckComRCReturnRC (autoCaller.rc());
     2161    /* saveSettings() needs write lock */
     2162    AutoLock alock (this);
     2164    /* perform backup only when there was auto-conversion */
     2165    if (mData.mSettingsFileVersion != VBOX_XML_VERSION_FULL)
     2166    {
     2167        Bstr bakFileName;
     2169        HRESULT rc = backupSettingsFile (mData.mCfgFile.mName,
     2170                                         mData.mSettingsFileVersion,
     2171                                         bakFileName);
     2172        CheckComRCReturnRC (rc);
     2174        bakFileName.cloneTo (aBakFileName);
     2175    }
    21472177    return saveSettings();
    42664296                         aFile.uri(), err.rc());
    42674297    }
     4299    return S_OK;
     4303 * Creates a backup copy of the given settings file by suffixing it with the
     4304 * supplied version format string and optionally with numbers from .0 to .9
     4305 * if the backup file already exists.
     4306 *
     4307 * @param aFileName     Orignal settings file name.
     4308 * @param aOldFormat    Version of the original format.
     4309 * @param aBakFileName  File name of the created backup copy (only on success).
     4310 */
     4311/* static */
     4312HRESULT VirtualBox::backupSettingsFile (const Bstr &aFileName,
     4313                                        const Utf8Str &aOldFormat,
     4314                                        Bstr &aBakFileName)
     4316    Utf8Str of = aFileName;
     4317    Utf8Str nf = Utf8StrFmt ("%s.%s.bak", of.raw(), aOldFormat.raw());
     4319    int vrc = RTFileCopyEx (of, nf, RTFILECOPY_FLAG_NO_DENY_WRITE,
     4320                            NULL, NULL);
     4322    /* try progressive suffix from .0 to .9 on failure */
     4323    if (vrc == VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
     4324    {
     4325        Utf8Str tmp = nf;
     4326        for (int i = 0; i <= 9 && RT_FAILURE (vrc); ++ i)
     4327        {
     4328            nf = Utf8StrFmt ("%s.%d", tmp.raw(), i);
     4329            vrc = RTFileCopyEx (of, nf, RTFILECOPY_FLAG_NO_DENY_WRITE,
     4330                                NULL, NULL);
     4331        }
     4332    }
     4334    if (RT_FAILURE (vrc))
     4335        return setError (E_FAIL,
     4336            tr ("Could not copy the settings file '%s' to '%s' (%Vrc)"),
     4337            of.raw(), nf.raw(), vrc);
     4339    aBakFileName = nf;
    42694341    return S_OK;
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl

    r7341 r7349  
    877877  <interface
    878878    name="IVirtualBox" extends="$dispatched"
    879     uuid="3d835db8-0d0b-4d3e-a83e-ed1dea86c4f5"
     879    uuid="2d3b9ea7-25f5-4f07-a8e1-7dd7e0dcf667"
    880880    wsmap="managed"
    881881  >
    932932        (<tt>VirtualBox.xml</tt>).
    934                           The version string has the following format:
    935                                 <pre>x.y-platform</pre>
    936                                 where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
    937                                 versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
     934        The version string has the following format:
     935        <pre>
     936          x.y-platform
     937        </pre>
     938        where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
     939        versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
    939941        The current version usually matches the value of the
    945947        versions to the most recent version when reading them (usually at
    946948        VirtualBox startup) but it doesn't save the changes back until
    947                                 you call a method that implicitly saves settings (such as
    948                                 <link to="#setExtraData()"/>) or call <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
    949                                 explicitly. Therefore, if the value of this attribute differs from the
    950                                 value of <link to="#settingsFormatVersion"/>, then it
    951                                 means that the settings file was converted but the result of the
    952                                 conversion is not yet saved to disk.
    954                                 The above feature may be used by interactive front-ends to inform users
    955                                 about the settings file format change and offer them to explicitly save
    956                                 all converted settings files (the global and VM-specific ones),
    957                                 optionally create bacup copies of the old settings files before saving,
    958                                 etc.
    960         <see>settingsFormatVersion</see>
     949        you call a method that implicitly saves settings (such as
     950        <link to="#setExtraData()"/>) or call <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
     951        explicitly. Therefore, if the value of this attribute differs from the
     952        value of <link to="#settingsFormatVersion"/>, then it
     953        means that the settings file was converted but the result of the
     954        conversion is not yet saved to disk.
     956        The above feature may be used by interactive front-ends to inform users
     957        about the settings file format change and offer them to explicitly save
     958        all converted settings files (the global and VM-specific ones),
     959        optionally create bacup copies of the old settings files before saving,
     960        etc.
     962        <see>settingsFormatVersion, saveSettingsWithBackup()</see>
    961963      </desc>
    962964    </attribute>
    966968        Most recent version of the settings file format.
    968                           The version string has the following format:
    969                                 <pre>x.y-platform</pre>
    970                                 where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
    971                                 versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
    973                                 VirtualBox uses this version of the format when saving settings files
    974                                 (either as a result of method calls that require to save settings or as
    975                                 a result of an explicit call to <link to="#saveSettings()"/>).
    977                                 <see>settingsFileVersion</see>
     970        The version string has the following format:
     971        <pre>
     972          x.y-platform
     973        </pre>
     974        where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
     975        versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
     977        VirtualBox uses this version of the format when saving settings files
     978        (either as a result of method calls that require to save settings or as
     979        a result of an explicit call to <link to="#saveSettings()"/>).
     981        <see>settingsFileVersion</see>
    978982      </desc>
    979983    </attribute>
    10791083        any case, the full path to the settings file will look like:
    10801084        <pre>
    1081           &lt;base_folder&gt;/&lt;machine_name&gt;/&lt;machine_name&gt;.xml</pre>
     1085          &lt;base_folder&gt;/&lt;machine_name&gt;/&lt;machine_name&gt;.xml
     1086        </pre>
    10831088        Optionally the UUID of the machine can be predefined. If this is
    21022107                </method>
     2109    <method name="saveSettingsWithBackup">
     2110      <desc>
     2111        Creates a backup copy of the global settings file
     2112        (<link to="#settingsFilePath"/>) in case of auto-conversion, and then
     2113        calls <link to="#saveSettings()"/>.
     2115        Note that the backup copy is created <b>only</b> if the settings file
     2116        auto-conversion took place (see <link to="#settingsFileVersion"/> for
     2117        details). Otherwise, this call is fully equivalent to
     2118        <link to="#saveSettings()"/> and no backup copying is done.
     2120        The backup copy is created in the same directory where the original
     2121        settings file is located. It is given the following file name:
     2122        <pre>
     2123          original.xml.x.y-platform.bak
     2124        </pre>
     2125        where <tt>original.xml</tt> is the original settings file name
     2126        (excluding path), and <tt>x.y-platform</tt> is the version of the old
     2127        format of the settings file (before auto-conversion).
     2129        If the given backup file already exists, this method will try to add the
     2130        <tt>.N</tt> suffix to the backup file name (where <tt>N</tt> counts from
     2131        0 to 9) and copy it again until it succeeds. If all suffixes are
     2132        occupied, or if any other copy error occurs, this method will return a
     2133        failure.
     2135        If the copy operation succeeds, the @a bakFileName return argument will
     2136        receive a full path to the created backup file (for informational
     2137        purposes). Note that this will happen even if the subsequent
     2138        <link to="#saveSettings()"/> call performed by this method after the
     2139        copy operation, fails.
     2141        <note>
     2142          The VirtualBox API never calls this method. It is intended purely for
     2143          the purposes of creating backup copies of the settings files by
     2144          front-ends before saving the results of the automatically performed
     2145          settings conversion to disk.
     2146        </note>
     2148        <see>settingsFileVersion</see>
     2149      </desc>
     2150      <param name="bakFileName" type="wstring" dir="return">
     2151        <desc>Full path to the created backup copy.</desc>
     2152      </param>
     2153    </method>
    21042155  </interface>
    24302481  <interface
    24312482     name="IMachine" extends="$unknown"
    2432      uuid="c929abcc-5373-4ed9-9b56-201430b37868"
     2483     uuid="4f6b4977-95fd-40b1-8391-fc165c040635"
    24332484     wsmap="managed"
    24342485     >
    27272778    </attribute>
    2729                 <attribute name="settingsFileVersion" type="wstring" readonly="yes">
    2730                         <desc>
    2731                                 Current version of the format of the settings file of this machine
    2732                                 (<link to="#settingsFilePath"/>).
    2734                                 The version string has the following format:
    2735                                 <pre>x.y-platform</pre>
    2736                                 where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
    2737                                 versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
    2739                                 The current version usually matches the value of the
    2740                                 <link to="IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion"/> attribute unless the
    2741                                 settings file was created by an older version of VirtualBox and there
    2742                                 was a change of the settings file format since then.
    2744                                 Note that VirtualBox automatically converts settings files from older
    2745                                 versions to the most recent version when reading them (usually at
    2746                                 VirtualBox startup) but it doesn't save the changes back until
    2747                                 you call a method that implicitly saves settings (such as
    2748                                 <link to="#setExtraData()"/>) or call <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
    2749                                 explicitly. Therefore, if the value of this attribute differs from the
    2750                                 value of <link to="IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion"/>, then it
    2751                                 means that the settings file was converted but the result of the
    2752                                 conversion is not yet saved to disk.
    2754                                 The above feature may be used by interactive front-ends to inform users
    2755                                 about the settings file format change and offer them to explicitly save
    2756                                 all converted settings files (the global and VM-specific ones),
    2757                                 optionally create bacup copies of the old settings files before saving,
    2758                                 etc.
    2760                                 <see>IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion</see>
    2761                         </desc>
    2762                 </attribute>
     2780    <attribute name="settingsFileVersion" type="wstring" readonly="yes">
     2781      <desc>
     2782        Current version of the format of the settings file of this machine
     2783        (<link to="#settingsFilePath"/>).
     2785        The version string has the following format:
     2786        <pre>
     2787          x.y-platform
     2788        /pre>
     2789        where <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> are the major and the minor format
     2790        versions, and <tt>platform</tt> is the platform identifier.
     2792        The current version usually matches the value of the
     2793        <link to="IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion"/> attribute unless the
     2794        settings file was created by an older version of VirtualBox and there
     2795        was a change of the settings file format since then.
     2797        Note that VirtualBox automatically converts settings files from older
     2798        versions to the most recent version when reading them (usually at
     2799        VirtualBox startup) but it doesn't save the changes back until
     2800        you call a method that implicitly saves settings (such as
     2801        <link to="#setExtraData()"/>) or call <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
     2802        explicitly. Therefore, if the value of this attribute differs from the
     2803        value of <link to="IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion"/>, then it
     2804        means that the settings file was converted but the result of the
     2805        conversion is not yet saved to disk.
     2807        The above feature may be used by interactive front-ends to inform users
     2808        about the settings file format change and offer them to explicitly save
     2809        all converted settings files (the global and VM-specific ones),
     2810        optionally create bacup copies of the old settings files before saving,
     2811        etc.
     2813        <see>IVirtualBox::settingsFormatVersion, saveSettingsWithBackup()</see>
     2814      </desc>
     2815    </attribute>
    27642817    <attribute name="settingsModified" type="boolean" readonly="yes">
    27772830        <note>
    27782831          For newly created unregistered machines, the value of this
    2779           property is always TRUE until <link to="#saveSettings"/>
     2832          property is always TRUE until <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
    27802833          is called (no matter if any machine settings have been
    27812834          changed after the creation or not). For opened machines
    29893042        <note>Attaching a hard disk to a machine creates a <i>lazy</i>
    29903043          attachment. In particular, no differeincing images are
    2991           actually created until <link to="#saveSettings"/> is called to
     3044          actually created until <link to="#saveSettings()"/> is called to
    29923045          commit all changed settings.</note>
    30303083          detachment. In particular, if the detached hard disk is a
    30313084          differencing hard disk, it is not actually deleted until
    3032           <link to="#saveSettings"/> is called to commit all changed settings.
    3033           Keep in mind, that doing <link to="#saveSettings"/> will
     3085          <link to="#saveSettings()"/> is called to commit all changed settings.
     3086          Keep in mind, that doing <link to="#saveSettings()"/> will
    30343087          <b>physically delete</b> all detached differencing hard disks,
    30353088          so be careful.
    31563209        Saves any changes to machine settings made since the session
    31573210        has been opened or a new machine has been created, or since the
    3158         last call to <link to="#saveSettings"/> or <link to="#discardSettings"/>.
     3211        last call to <link to="#saveSettings()"/> or <link to="#discardSettings()"/>.
    31593212        For registered machines, new settings become visible to all
    31603213        other VirtualBox clients after successful invocation of this
    31613214        method.
    31623215        <note>
    3163           The method sends <link to="IVirtualBoxCallback::onMachineDataChange"/>
     3216          The method sends <link to="IVirtualBoxCallback::onMachineDataChange()"/>
    31643217          notification event after the configuration has been successfully
    31653218          saved (only for registered machines).
    31753228    </method>
     3230    <method name="saveSettingsWithBackup">
     3231      <desc>
     3232        Creates a backup copy of the machine settings file (<link
     3233        to="#settingsFilePath"/>) in case of auto-conversion, and then calls
     3234        <link to="#saveSettings()"/>.
     3236        Note that the backup copy is created <b>only</b> if the settings file
     3237        auto-conversion took place (see <link to="#settingsFileVersion"/> for
     3238        details). Otherwise, this call is fully equivalent to
     3239        <link to="#saveSettings()"/> and no backup copying is done.
     3241        The backup copy is created in the same directory where the original
     3242        settings file is located. It is given the following file name:
     3243        <pre>
     3244          original.xml.x.y-platform.bak
     3245        </pre>
     3246        where <tt>original.xml</tt> is the original settings file name
     3247        (excluding path), and <tt>x.y-platform</tt> is the version of the old
     3248        format of the settings file (before auto-conversion).
     3250        If the given backup file already exists, this method will try to add the
     3251        <tt>.N</tt> suffix to the backup file name (where <tt>N</tt> counts from
     3252        0 to 9) and copy it again until it succeeds. If all suffixes are
     3253        occupied, or if any other copy error occurs, this method will return a
     3254        failure.
     3256        If the copy operation succeeds, the @a bakFileName return argument will
     3257        receive a full path to the created backup file (for informational
     3258        purposes). Note that this will happen even if the subsequent
     3259        <link to="#saveSettings()"/> call performed by this method after the
     3260        copy operation, fails.
     3262        <note>
     3263          The VirtualBox API never calls this method. It is intended purely for
     3264          the purposes of creating backup copies of the settings files by
     3265          front-ends before saving the results of the automatically performed
     3266          settings conversion to disk.
     3267        </note>
     3269        <see>settingsFileVersion</see>
     3270      </desc>
     3271      <param name="bakFileName" type="wstring" dir="return">
     3272        <desc>Full path to the created backup copy.</desc>
     3273      </param>
     3274    </method>
    31773276    <method name="discardSettings">
    31783277      <desc>
    31793278        Discards any changes to the machine settings made since the session
    3180         has been opened or since the last call to <link to="#saveSettings"/>
     3279        has been opened or since the last call to <link to="#saveSettings()"/>
    31813280        or <link to="#discardSettings"/>.
    31823281        <note>
    32103309        <note>
    32113310          The deleted machine settings file can be restored (saved again)
    3212           by calling <link to="#saveSettings"/>.
     3311          by calling <link to="#saveSettings()"/>.
    32133312        </note>
    32143313      </desc>
    40094108        <note>
    40104109          On success, this method implicitly calls
    4011           <link to="IMachine::saveSettings"/> to save all current machine
     4110          <link to="IMachine::saveSettings()"/> to save all current machine
    40124111          settings (including runtime changes to the DVD drive, etc.).
    40134112          Together with the impossibility to change any VM settings when it is
    41644263        <note>
    4165           This method implicitly calls <link to="IMachine::saveSettings"/> to
     4264          This method implicitly calls <link to="IMachine::saveSettings()"/> to
    41664265          save all current machine settings before taking an offline snapshot.
    41674266        </note>
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h

    r7341 r7349  
    496496    STDMETHOD(SetExtraData)(INPTR BSTR aKey, INPTR BSTR aValue);
    497497    STDMETHOD(SaveSettings)();
     498    STDMETHOD(SaveSettingsWithBackup) (BSTR *aBakFileName);
    498499    STDMETHOD(DiscardSettings)();
    499500    STDMETHOD(DeleteSettings)();
  • trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/VirtualBoxImpl.h

    r7341 r7349  
    184184    STDMETHOD(SaveSettings)();
     185    STDMETHOD(SaveSettingsWithBackup) (BSTR *aBakFileName);
    186187    /* public methods only for internal purposes */
    329330                                     settings::File &aFile,
    330331                                     Utf8Str &aFormatVersion);
     333    static HRESULT backupSettingsFile (const Bstr &aFileName,
     334                                       const Utf8Str &aOldFormat,
     335                                       Bstr &aBakFileName);
    332337    static HRESULT handleUnexpectedExceptions (RT_SRC_POS_DECL);
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.

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