Changeset 81559 in vbox for trunk/include/VBox
- Timestamp:
- Oct 28, 2019 10:09:35 AM (5 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 134298
- Location:
- trunk/include/VBox
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
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- Removed
r81451 r81559 32 32 * Protocol changelog: 33 33 * 34 * Protocol v0 (VBox < 6.1, deprecated):34 * VBox < 6.1, deprecated: 35 35 * | First, initial implementation since feature was developed. 36 36 * Has no protocol handshake / versioning support, the client's … … 39 39 * not have the ability to control / handle parallel transfers. 40 40 * 41 * Protocol v1 (VBox >= 6.1):42 * + Adds protocol versioningand context IDs for parallel,41 * VBox >= 6.1: 42 * + Adds host/guest feature flags and context IDs for parallel, 43 43 * asynchronous transfers. 44 * | Keeps backwards-compatbility with protocol v0 clients by translating45 * messages to protocol v0, to not break compatibility with older46 * Guest Additions (VBox < 6.1).44 * | Keeps backwards-compatbility with by translating messages to 45 * the older protocol (< 6.1), to not break compatibility with older 46 * Guest Additions. 47 47 */ 48 48 … … 65 65 * We're using it as a version field with the high bit set. 66 66 */ 67 /** Older saved states (VBox < 6.1). Includes protocol v0state. */67 /** Older saved states (VBox < 6.1). Includes legacy protocol state. */ 68 68 #define VBOX_SHCL_SSM_VER_0 UINT32_C(0x80000002) 69 /** Protocol v1 is being used. */69 /** New saved state (VBox >= 6.1). */ 70 70 #define VBOX_SHCL_SSM_VER_1 UINT32_C(0x80000003) 71 71 … … 98 98 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_SET_MODE 1 99 99 /** Sets the current Shared Clipboard (file) transfers mode. 100 * Operates on the VBOX_SHCL_TRANSFERS_ defines. */ 100 * Operates on the VBOX_SHCL_TRANSFERS_ defines. 101 * 102 * @since 6.1 103 */ 101 104 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_SET_TRANSFER_MODE 2 102 105 /** Run headless on the host, i.e. do not touch the host clipboard. */ 103 106 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_SET_HEADLESS 3 104 /** Reports cancellation of the current operation to the guest. */ 107 /** Reports cancellation of the current operation to the guest. 108 * @since 6.1 109 */ 105 110 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_CANCEL 4 106 /** Reports an error to the guest. */ 111 /** Reports an error to the guest. 112 * @since 6.1 113 */ 107 114 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_ERROR 5 108 /** Reports that a new clipboard area has been registered. */ 115 /** Reports that a new clipboard area has been registered. 116 * @since 6.1 117 */ 109 118 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_AREA_REGISTER 6 110 /** Reports that a clipboard area has been unregistered. */ 119 /** Reports that a clipboard area has been unregistered. 120 * @since 6.1 121 */ 111 122 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_AREA_UNREGISTER 7 112 /** Reports that a client (host / guest) has attached to a clipboard area. */ 123 /** Reports that a client (host / guest) has attached to a clipboard area. 124 * @since 6.1 125 */ 113 126 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_AREA_ATTACH 8 114 /** Reports that a client (host / guest) has detached from a clipboard area. */ 127 /** Reports that a client (host / guest) has detached from a clipboard area. 128 * @since 6.1 129 */ 115 130 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_FN_AREA_DETACH 9 116 131 … … 126 141 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_FORMATS_REPORT 3 127 142 128 /** Sends a transfer status to the guest side. */ 143 /** Sends a transfer status to the guest side. 144 * 145 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 146 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 147 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 148 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 149 * @since 6.1 150 */ 129 151 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_STATUS 50 130 /** Reads the root list header from the guest. */ 152 /** Reads the root list header from the guest. 153 * 154 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 155 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 156 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 157 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 158 * @since 6.1 159 */ 131 160 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_ROOT_LIST_HDR_READ 51 132 /** Writes the root list header to the guest. */ 161 /** Writes the root list header to the guest. 162 * 163 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 164 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 165 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 166 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 167 * @since 6.1 168 */ 133 169 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_ROOT_LIST_HDR_WRITE 52 134 /** Reads a root list entry from the guest. */ 170 /** Reads a root list entry from the guest. 171 * 172 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 173 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 174 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 175 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 176 * @since 6.1 177 */ 135 178 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY_READ 53 136 /** Writes a root list entry to the guest. */ 179 /** Writes a root list entry to the guest. 180 * 181 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 182 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 183 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 184 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 185 * @since 6.1 186 */ 137 187 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY_WRITE 54 138 /** Open a transfer list on the guest side. */ 188 /** Open a transfer list on the guest side. 189 * 190 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 191 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 192 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 193 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 194 * @since 6.1 195 */ 139 196 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_OPEN 55 140 /** Closes a formerly opened transfer list on the guest side. */ 197 /** Closes a formerly opened transfer list on the guest side. 198 * 199 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 200 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 201 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 202 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 203 * @since 6.1 204 */ 141 205 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_CLOSE 56 142 /** Reads a list header from the guest. */ 206 /** Reads a list header from the guest. 207 * 208 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 209 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 210 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 211 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 212 * @since 6.1 213 */ 143 214 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_HDR_READ 57 144 /** Writes a list header to the guest. */ 215 /** Writes a list header to the guest. 216 * 217 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 218 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 219 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 220 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 221 * @since 6.1 222 */ 145 223 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_HDR_WRITE 58 146 /** Reads a list entry from the guest. */ 224 /** Reads a list entry from the guest. 225 * 226 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 227 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 228 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 229 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 230 * @since 6.1 231 */ 147 232 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_ENTRY_READ 59 148 /** Writes a list entry to the guest. */ 233 /** Writes a list entry to the guest. 234 * 235 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 236 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 237 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 238 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 239 * @since 6.1 240 */ 149 241 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_LIST_ENTRY_WRITE 60 150 /** Open a transfer object on the guest side. */ 242 /** Open a transfer object on the guest side. 243 * 244 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 245 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 246 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 247 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 248 * @since 6.1 249 */ 151 250 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_OBJ_OPEN 61 152 /** Closes a formerly opened transfer object on the guest side. */ 251 /** Closes a formerly opened transfer object on the guest side. 252 * 253 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 254 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 255 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 256 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 257 * @since 6.1 258 */ 153 259 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_OBJ_CLOSE 62 154 /** Reads from an object on the guest side. */ 260 /** Reads from an object on the guest side. 261 * 262 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 263 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 264 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 265 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 266 * @since 6.1 267 */ 155 268 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_OBJ_READ 63 156 /** Writes to an object on the guest side. */ 269 /** Writes to an object on the guest side. 270 * 271 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 272 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 273 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 274 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 275 * @since 6.1 276 */ 157 277 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_OBJ_WRITE 64 158 /** Indicates that the host has canceled a transfer. */ 278 /** Indicates that the host has canceled a transfer. 279 * 280 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 281 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 282 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 283 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 284 * @since 6.1 285 */ 159 286 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_CANCEL 65 160 /** Indicates that the an unrecoverable error on the host occurred . */ 287 /** Indicates that the an unrecoverable error on the host occurred. 288 * 289 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 290 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 291 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 292 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 293 * @since 6.1 294 */ 161 295 #define VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_TRANSFER_ERROR 66 162 296 … … 165 299 */ 166 300 /** Calls the host and waits (blocking) for an host event VBOX_SHCL_HOST_MSG_*. 167 * Note: This is the old message which still is being used for the non-URI Shared Clipboard transfers,168 * to not break compatibility with olderGuest Additions / VBox versions. */301 * Deprecated, do not use anymore. Kept to not break compatibility with older 302 * Guest Additions / VBox versions. */ 169 303 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_GET_HOST_MSG_OLD 1 170 304 /** Sends a list of available formats to the host. … … 180 314 * with the legacy protocol (v0). 181 315 * 182 * New since protocol v1. */ 316 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 317 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 318 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 319 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 320 * @since 6.1 321 */ 183 322 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_CONNECT 5 184 323 /** Report guest side feature flags and retrieve the host ones. … … 192 331 * 193 332 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 194 * @retval VERR_ACCESS_DENIED it not master.195 333 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 196 334 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT … … 214 352 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_QUERY_FEATURES 7 215 353 /** Peeks at the next message, returning immediately. 216 * New since protocol v1. */ 354 * 355 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 356 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 357 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 358 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 359 * @since 6.1 360 */ 217 361 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_MSG_PEEK_NOWAIT 8 218 362 /** Peeks at the next message, waiting for one to arrive. 219 * New since protocol v1. */ 363 * 364 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 365 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 366 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 367 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 368 * @since 6.1 369 */ 220 370 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_MSG_PEEK_WAIT 9 221 371 /** Gets the next message, returning immediately. 222 * New since protocol v1. */ 372 * 373 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 374 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 375 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 376 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 377 * @since 6.1 378 */ 223 379 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_MSG_GET 10 224 380 /** Replies to a function from the host. 225 * New since protocol v1. */ 381 * 382 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 383 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 384 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 385 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 386 * @since 6.1 387 */ 226 388 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_REPLY 11 227 /** Reports the available root entries of a transfer. 228 * New since protocol v1. */ 389 /** Gets the root list header from the host. 390 * 391 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 392 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 393 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 394 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 395 * @since 6.1 396 */ 229 397 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_ROOT_LIST_HDR_READ 12 230 /** Reports the available root entries of a transfer. 231 * New since protocol v1. */ 398 /** Sends the root list header to the host. 399 * 400 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 401 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 402 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 403 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 404 * @since 6.1 405 */ 232 406 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_ROOT_LIST_HDR_WRITE 13 233 /** Reports the available root entries of a transfer. 234 * New since protocol v1. */ 407 /** Gets a root list root entry from the host. 408 * 409 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 410 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 411 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 412 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 413 * @since 6.1 414 */ 235 415 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY_READ 14 236 /** Reports the available root entries of a transfer. 237 * New since protocol v1. */ 416 /** Sends a root list root entry to the host. 417 * 418 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 419 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 420 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 421 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 422 * @since 6.1 423 */ 238 424 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY_WRITE 15 239 425 /** Opens / gets a list handle from the host. 240 * New since protocol v1. */ 426 * 427 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 428 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 429 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 430 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 431 * @since 6.1 432 */ 241 433 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_OPEN 16 242 434 /** Closes a list handle from the host. 243 * New since protocol v1. */ 435 * 436 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 437 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 438 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 439 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 440 * @since 6.1 441 */ 244 442 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_CLOSE 17 245 443 /** Reads a list header from the host. 246 * New since protocol v1. */ 444 * 445 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 446 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 447 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 448 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 449 * @since 6.1 450 */ 247 451 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_HDR_READ 18 248 452 /** Writes a list header to the host. 249 * New since protocol v1. */ 453 * 454 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 455 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 456 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 457 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 458 * @since 6.1 459 */ 250 460 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_HDR_WRITE 19 251 /** New since protocol v1. */ 461 /** Reads a list entry from the host. 462 * 463 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 464 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 465 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 466 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 467 * @since 6.1 468 */ 252 469 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_ENTRY_READ 20 253 /** New since protocol v1. */ 470 /** Sends a list entry to the host. 471 * 472 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 473 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 474 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 475 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 476 * @since 6.1 477 */ 254 478 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_LIST_ENTRY_WRITE 21 255 /** New since protocol v1. */ 479 /** Opens an object on the host. 480 * 481 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 482 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 483 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 484 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 485 * @since 6.1 486 */ 256 487 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_OBJ_OPEN 22 257 /** New since protocol v1. */ 488 /** Closes an object on the host. 489 * 490 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 491 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 492 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 493 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 494 * @since 6.1 495 */ 258 496 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_OBJ_CLOSE 23 259 /** New since protocol v1. */ 497 /** Reads from an object on the host. 498 * 499 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 500 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 501 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 502 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 503 * @since 6.1 504 */ 260 505 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_OBJ_READ 24 261 /** New since protocol v1. */ 506 /** Writes to an object on the host. 507 * 508 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 509 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 510 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 511 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 512 * @since 6.1 513 */ 262 514 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_OBJ_WRITE 25 263 515 /** Reports cancellation of the current operation to the host. 264 * New since protocol v1. */ 516 * 517 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 518 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 519 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 520 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 521 * @since 6.1 522 */ 265 523 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_CANCEL 26 266 524 /** Reports an error to the host. 267 * New since protocol v1. */ 525 * 526 * @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success. 527 * @retval VERR_INVALID_CLIENT_ID 528 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT 529 * @retval VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE 530 * @since 6.1 531 */ 268 532 #define VBOX_SHCL_GUEST_FN_ERROR 27 269 533 … … 276 540 /** No flags set. */ 277 541 #define VBOX_SHCL_GF_NONE 0 542 /** Guest can handle context IDs (uint64_t, in paParam[0]). */ 543 #define VBOX_SHCL_GF_0_CONTEXT_ID RT_BIT_64(0) 278 544 /** Bit that must be set in the 2nd parameter, will be cleared if the host reponds 279 545 * correctly (old hosts might not). */ … … 313 579 * Message for doing the protocol negotiation between the host 314 580 * and the guest. Not available on older (VBox <= 6.0) hosts. 581 * 582 * This message acts as a beacon between the old protocol (VBox <= 6.0) and 583 * the new protocol (>= VBox 6.1). Newer features are getting introduced soley via 584 * the guest / host feature flags then. 315 585 */ 316 586 typedef struct _VBoxShClConnect … … 318 588 VBGLIOCHGCMCALL hdr; 319 589 320 /** uint32_t, out: Protocol version. */321 HGCMFunctionParameter uProtocolVer;322 /** uint32_t, out: Protocol flags, unused at the moment. */323 HGCMFunctionParameter uProtocolFlags;324 590 /** uint32_t, out: Maximum chunk size for data transfers. */ 325 591 HGCMFunctionParameter cbChunkSize; … … 330 596 } VBoxShClConnect; 331 597 332 #define VBOX_SHCL_CPARMS_CONNECT 5598 #define VBOX_SHCL_CPARMS_CONNECT 3 333 599 334 600 /** … … 349 615 struct 350 616 { 351 /** uint64_t, in: Context ID. */617 /** uint64_t, out: Context ID. */ 352 618 HGCMFunctionParameter uContext; 353 /** uint32_t, out: 619 /** uint32_t, out: VBOX_SHCL_FMT_*. */ 354 620 HGCMFunctionParameter uFormats; 355 /** uint32_t, in: Format flags. */621 /** uint32_t, out: Format flags. */ 356 622 HGCMFunctionParameter fFlags; 357 623 } v1; -
r81352 r81559 605 605 /** IN/OUT: Context ID to retrieve or to use. */ 606 606 uint64_t uContextID; 607 /** IN: Protocol version to use. */608 uint32_t uProtocolVer;609 /** IN: Protocol flags. Currently unused. */610 uint32_t uProtocolFlags;611 607 /** IN: Maximum chunk size (in bytes). */ 612 608 uint32_t cbChunkSize; 609 /** Flag indicating whether to use the legacy protocol (<= VBox 6.1) or not. 610 * This is determined in VbglR3ClipboardConnectEx(). */ 611 bool fUseLegacyProtocol; 612 /** IN: Host feature flags (of type VBOX_SHCL_HF_XXX). */ 613 uint64_t fHostFeatures; 613 614 /** OUT: Number of parameters retrieved. */ 614 615 uint32_t uNumParms;
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