Changeset 81648 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Additions
- Timestamp:
- Nov 4, 2019 12:09:20 PM (5 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 134406
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Installer
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r76553 r81648 43 43 44 44 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Direct3D Support (Experimental)" 45 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_DESC ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Enables Direct3D support for guests (Experimental)"45 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_DESC ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Enables Direct3D and OpenGL acceleration for guests. In order to use it the virtual machine requires 256 MB of video memory and enabled 3D acceleration in the $\"Display$\" section of the virtual machine settings." 46 46 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NO_SM ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Windows is currently not running in safe mode so Direct3D support cannot be installed." 47 47 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NOT_SUPPORTED ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The VirtualBox Direct3D support is not available on Windows $g_strWinVersion!" 48 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_OR_WDDM ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This system supports the Windows Aero (WDDM) interface.$\r$\nVirtualBox support for this feature is experimental and should not be used on production systems yet.$\r$\n$\r$\nWould you like to install basic Direct3D support instead?" 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Please note that in order to use 3D acceleration the virtual machine requires at least 128 MB of video memory with 256 MB recommended if you wish to use it with multiple monitors.$\r$\n$\r$\nIf necessary you can change the video memory size in the $\"Display$\" section of the virtual machine settings." 48 ;LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Please note that in order to use 3D acceleration the virtual machine requires at least 128 MB of video memory with 256 MB recommended if you wish to use it with multiple monitors.$\r$\n$\r$\nIf necessary you can change the video memory size in the $\"Display$\" section of the virtual machine settings." 50 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The setup detected a corrupt/invalid DirectX installation.$\r$\n$\r$\nIn order to get Direct3D support working, consulting the VirtualBox manual is highly recommended.$\r$\n$\r$\nContinue anyway?" 51 50 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID_MANUAL ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Shall the VirtualBox manual be displayed now to look for a solution?" -
r76953 r81648 46 46 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NO_SM ${LANG_FRENCH} "Windows ne fonctionne pas en mode sans échec.$\r$\nDe ce fait, le support D3D ne peut être installé." 47 47 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NOT_SUPPORTED ${LANG_FRENCH} "Le support invité pour Direct3D n'est pas disponible sur Windows $g_strWinVersion!" 48 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_OR_WDDM ${LANG_FRENCH} "Ce système supporte l'interface Windows Aero (WDDM).$\r$\nLe support VirtualBox pour cette fonctionalité est expérimental et ne devrait pas encore être utilisé sur des systèmes importants.$\r$\n$\r$\nVoulez-vous installer le support Direct3D de base à la place?" 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_FRENCH} "Veuillez noter que l'utilisation de l'accélération 3D nécécssite au moins 128 MB de mémoire vidéo ; pour un utilisation avec plusieurs écrans nous recommandons d'affecter 256 MB.$\r$\n$\r$\nSi nécéssaire vous pouvez changer la taille du mémoire vidéo dans la sous-section $\"Affichage$\" des paramètres de la machine virtuelle." 48 ;LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_FRENCH} "Veuillez noter que l'utilisation de l'accélération 3D nécécssite au moins 128 MB de mémoire vidéo ; pour un utilisation avec plusieurs écrans nous recommandons d'affecter 256 MB.$\r$\n$\r$\nSi nécéssaire vous pouvez changer la taille du mémoire vidéo dans la sous-section $\"Affichage$\" des paramètres de la machine virtuelle." 50 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID ${LANG_FRENCH} "Le programme d'installation a détecté une installation DirectX corrompue ou invalide.$\r$\n$\r$\nAfin d'assurer le bon fonctionnement du support DirectX, nous conseillons de réinstaller le moteur d'exécution DirectX.$\r$\n$\r$\nDésirez-vous cependant continuer?" 51 50 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID_MANUAL ${LANG_FRENCH} "Voulez-vous voir le manuel d'utilisateur VirtualBox pour chercher une solution?" -
r76953 r81648 46 46 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NO_SM ${LANG_GERMAN} "Windows befindet sich aktuell nicht im abgesicherten Modus.$\r$\nDaher kann die D3D-Unterst�tzung nicht installiert werden." 47 47 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NOT_SUPPORTED ${LANG_GERMAN} "Direct3D Gast-Unterst�tzung nicht verf�gbar unter Windows $g_strWinVersion!" 48 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_OR_WDDM ${LANG_GERMAN} "F�r diesen Gast ist Windows Aero (WDDM)-Unterst�tzung verf�gbar.$\r$\nDieses Feature ist jedoch noch experimentell und sollte daher noch nicht auf produktiven Systemen eingesetzt werden.$\r$\n$\r$\nM�chten Sie stattdessen die regul�re Direct3D-Unterst�tzung installieren?" 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_GERMAN} "Bitte beachten Sie, dass die virtuelle Maschine f�r die Benutzung von 3D-Beschleunigung einen Grafikspeicher von mindestens 128 MB f�r einen Monitor ben�tigt und f�r den Multi-Monitor-Betrieb bis zu 256 MB empfohlen wird.$\r$\n$\r$\nSie k�nnen den Grafikspeicher in den VM-Einstellungen in der Kategorie $\"Anzeige$\" �ndern." 48 ;LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM ${LANG_GERMAN} "Bitte beachten Sie, dass die virtuelle Maschine f�r die Benutzung von 3D-Beschleunigung einen Grafikspeicher von mindestens 128 MB f�r einen Monitor ben�tigt und f�r den Multi-Monitor-Betrieb bis zu 256 MB empfohlen wird.$\r$\n$\r$\nSie k�nnen den Grafikspeicher in den VM-Einstellungen in der Kategorie $\"Anzeige$\" �ndern." 50 49 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID ${LANG_GERMAN} "Das Setup hat eine ung�ltige/besch�digte DirectX-Installation festgestellt.$\r$\n$\r$\nUm die Direct3D-Unterst�tzung installieren zu k�nnen wird empfohlen, zuerst das VirtualBox Benutzerhandbuch zu konsultieren.$\r$\n$\r$\nMit der Installation jetzt trotzdem fortfahren?" 51 50 LangString VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_INVALID_MANUAL ${LANG_GERMAN} "Soll nun das VirtualBox-Handbuch angezeigt werden um nach einer L�sung zu suchen?" -
r80302 r81648 222 222 Var g_strWinVersion ; Current Windows version we're running on 223 223 Var g_bLogEnable ; Do logging when installing? "true" or "false" 224 Var g_bWithWDDM ; Install the WDDM graphics driver instead of the XPDM one225 224 Var g_bCapDllCache ; Capability: Does the (Windows) guest have have a DLL cache which needs to be taken care of? 226 225 Var g_bCapWDDM ; Capability: Is the guest able to handle/use our WDDM driver? … … 244 243 Var g_bNoStartMenuEntries ; Cmd line: Do not create start menu entries 245 244 Var g_bWithAutoLogon ; Cmd line: Install VBoxGINA / VBoxCredProv for auto logon support 246 Var g_bWith D3D ; Cmd line: Install Direct3D support245 Var g_bWithWDDM ; Cmd line: Install the WDDM graphics driver instead of the XPDM one 247 246 Var g_bOnlyExtract ; Cmd line: Only extract all files, do *not* install them. Only valid with param "/D" (target directory) 248 247 Var g_bPostInstallStatus ; Cmd line: Post the overall installation status to some external program (VBoxTray) … … 797 796 SectionEnd 798 797 798 ; Start menu entries. Enabled by default and can be disabled by the user. 799 Section /o $(VBOX_COMPONENT_STARTMENU) SEC04 800 801 CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}" 802 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Website.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "" "$INSTDIR\iexplore.ico" 803 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" 804 805 SectionEnd 806 799 807 !ifdef USE_MUI 800 808 ;Assign language strings to sections … … 802 810 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC01} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_MAIN_DESC) 803 811 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC02} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_AUTOLOGON_DESC) 812 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC03} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_DESC) 804 813 !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC04} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_STARTMENU_DESC) 805 814 !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END … … 809 818 810 819 WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" 811 812 SectionEnd813 814 ; Start menu entries. Enabled by default and can be disabled by the user.815 Section /o $(VBOX_COMPONENT_STARTMENU) SEC04816 817 CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}"818 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Website.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "" "$INSTDIR\iexplore.ico"819 CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"820 820 821 821 SectionEnd … … 870 870 Push $0 871 871 872 ; Handle selection of D3Dcomponent872 ; Handle selection of WDDM component 873 873 SectionGetFlags ${SEC03} $0 874 874 ${If} $0 == ${SF_SELECTED} 875 875 876 StrCpy $g_bWithD3D "true"877 878 876 !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" 879 ; If we're able to use the WDDM driver just use it instead of the replaced 880 ; D3D components below 877 ; If we're able to use the WDDM driver just use it. 881 878 ${If} $g_bCapWDDM == "true" 882 ;883 ; Temporary solution: Since WDDM is marked as experimental yet we notify the user884 ; that WDDM (Aero) support is available but not recommended for production use. He now885 ; can opt-in for installing WDDM or still go for the old (XPDM) way -- safe mode still required!886 ;887 MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_OR_WDDM) /SD IDNO IDYES d3d_install888 ; Display an unconditional hint about needed VRAM sizes889 ; Note: We also could use the PCI configuration space (WMI: Win32_SystemSlot Class) for querying890 ; the current VRAM size, but let's keep it simple for now891 MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_HINT_VRAM) /SD IDOK892 879 StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "true" 893 880 Goto exit 894 881 ${EndIf} 895 882 896 d3d_install:897 898 883 !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" 899 884 900 ${If} $g_bForceInstall != "true" 901 ; Do not install on < XP 902 ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "NT4" 903 ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "2000" 904 ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "" 905 MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NOT_SUPPORTED) /SD IDOK 906 Goto d3d_disable 907 ${EndIf} 908 ${EndIf} 909 910 ; If force flag is set skip the safe mode check 911 ${If} $g_bForceInstall != "true" 912 ; If we're not in safe mode, print a warning and don't install D3D support 913 ${If} $g_iSystemMode == '0' 914 MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_NO_SM) /SD IDOK 915 Goto d3d_disable 916 ${EndIf} 917 ${EndIf} 918 919 ${Else} ; D3D unselected again 885 ${Else} ; WDDM unselected again 920 886 921 887 ${If} $g_strWinVersion != "8" ; On Windows 8 WDDM is mandatory … … 926 892 927 893 ${EndIf} 928 Goto exit929 930 d3d_disable:931 932 StrCpy $g_bWithD3D "false"933 IntOp $0 $0 & ${SECTION_OFF} ; Unselect section again934 SectionSetFlags ${SEC03} $0935 894 Goto exit 936 895 … … 1000 959 StrCpy $g_bNoStartMenuEntries "false" 1001 960 StrCpy $g_bWithAutoLogon "false" 1002 StrCpy $g_bWithD3D "false"1003 961 StrCpy $g_bOnlyExtract "false" 1004 962 StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "false" … … 1109 1067 SectionSetFlags ${SEC03} $0 1110 1068 ${EndIf} 1069 ; If the guest is not able to handle/use our WDDM driver, then 3D is not available 1070 ${If} $g_bCapWDDM != "true" 1071 SectionSetFlags ${SEC03} ${SF_RO} 1072 ${EndIf} 1111 1073 1112 1074 ;
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