- Timestamp:
- Jul 9, 2021 10:12:29 AM (4 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 145609
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/wizards/newvm
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r90108 r90109 61 61 , m_iSASCount(0) 62 62 , m_iUSBCount(0) 63 , m_fInstallGuestAdditions(false)64 , m_fStartHeadless(false)65 63 , m_fSkipUnattendedInstall(false) 66 64 , m_fEFIEnabled(false) … … 564 562 { 565 563 m_unattendedInstallData = unattendedInstallData; 566 setFieldsFromDefaultUnttendedInstallData();567 }568 569 void UIWizardNewVM::setFieldsFromDefaultUnttendedInstallData()570 {571 m_strUserName = m_unattendedInstallData.m_strUserName;572 m_strPassword = m_unattendedInstallData.m_strPassword;573 m_strHostname = m_unattendedInstallData.m_strHostname;574 m_fInstallGuestAdditions = m_unattendedInstallData.m_fInstallGuestAdditions;575 m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath = m_unattendedInstallData.m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath;576 564 } 577 565 … … 672 660 bool UIWizardNewVM::installGuestAdditions() const 673 661 { 674 return m_ fInstallGuestAdditions;662 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_fInstallGuestAdditions; 675 663 } 676 664 677 665 void UIWizardNewVM::setInstallGuestAdditions(bool fInstallGA) 678 666 { 679 m_ fInstallGuestAdditions = fInstallGA;667 m_unattendedInstallData.m_fInstallGuestAdditions = fInstallGA; 680 668 } 681 669 682 670 bool UIWizardNewVM::startHeadless() const 683 671 { 684 return m_ fStartHeadless;672 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_fStartHeadless; 685 673 } 686 674 687 675 void UIWizardNewVM::setStartHeadless(bool fStartHeadless) 688 676 { 689 m_ fStartHeadless = fStartHeadless;677 m_unattendedInstallData.m_fStartHeadless = fStartHeadless; 690 678 } 691 679 … … 726 714 const QString &UIWizardNewVM::userName() const 727 715 { 728 return m_ strUserName;716 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_strUserName; 729 717 } 730 718 731 719 void UIWizardNewVM::setUserName(const QString &strUserName) 732 720 { 733 m_ strUserName = strUserName;721 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strUserName = strUserName; 734 722 } 735 723 736 724 const QString &UIWizardNewVM::password() const 737 725 { 738 return m_ strPassword;726 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_strPassword; 739 727 } 740 728 741 729 void UIWizardNewVM::setPassword(const QString &strPassword) 742 730 { 743 m_ strPassword = strPassword;731 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strPassword = strPassword; 744 732 } 745 733 746 734 const QString &UIWizardNewVM::guestAdditionsISOPath() const 747 735 { 748 return m_ strGuestAdditionsISOPath;736 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath; 749 737 } 750 738 751 739 void UIWizardNewVM::setGuestAdditionsISOPath(const QString &strGAISOPath) 752 740 { 753 m_ strGuestAdditionsISOPath = strGAISOPath;741 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath = strGAISOPath; 754 742 } 755 743 756 744 const QString &UIWizardNewVM::hostname() const 757 745 { 758 return m_ strHostname;746 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_strHostname; 759 747 } 760 748 761 749 void UIWizardNewVM::setHostname(const QString &strHostname) 762 750 { 763 m_ strHostname = strHostname;751 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strHostname = strHostname; 764 752 } 765 753 766 754 const QString &UIWizardNewVM::productKey() const 767 755 { 768 return m_ strProductKey;756 return m_unattendedInstallData.m_strProductKey; 769 757 } 770 758 771 759 void UIWizardNewVM::setProductKey(const QString &productKey) 772 760 { 773 m_ strProductKey = productKey;761 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strProductKey = productKey; 774 762 } 775 763 … … 838 826 { 839 827 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strISOPath = m_strISOFilePath; 840 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strUserName = m_strUserName;841 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strPassword = m_strPassword;842 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strHostname = m_strHostname;843 844 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strDetectedOSTypeId = m_strDetectedOSTypeId;845 // // m_unattendedInstallData.m_strDetectedOSVersion = getStringFieldValue("detectedOSVersion");846 // // m_unattendedInstallData.m_strDetectedOSFlavor = getStringFieldValue("detectedOSFlavor");847 // // m_unattendedInstallData.m_strDetectedOSLanguages = getStringFieldValue("detectedOSLanguages");848 // // m_unattendedInstallData.m_strDetectedOSHints = getStringFieldValue("detectedOSHints");849 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strProductKey = m_strProductKey;850 m_unattendedInstallData.m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath = m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath;851 828 m_unattendedInstallData.m_fUnattendedEnabled = isUnattendedEnabled(); 852 m_unattendedInstallData.m_fStartHeadless = m_fStartHeadless;853 m_unattendedInstallData.m_fInstallGuestAdditions = m_fInstallGuestAdditions;854 829 m_unattendedInstallData.m_uMachineUid = createdMachineId(); 855 830 -
r90108 r90109 45 45 { 46 46 UIUnattendedInstallData(); 47 bool m_fUnattendedEnabled;48 47 QUuid m_uMachineUid; 49 48 QString m_strISOPath; 49 50 bool m_fUnattendedEnabled; 50 51 bool m_fStartHeadless; 51 52 QString m_strUserName; 52 53 QString m_strPassword; 53 54 QString m_strHostname; 54 QString m_strDetectedOSTypeId; 55 QString m_strProductKey; 56 bool m_fInstallGuestAdditions; 57 QString m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath; 58 #if 0 55 59 QString m_strDetectedOSVersion; 56 60 QString m_strDetectedOSFlavor; 57 61 QString m_strDetectedOSLanguages; 58 62 QString m_strDetectedOSHints; 59 QString m_strProductKey; 60 bool m_fInstallGuestAdditions; 61 QString m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath; 63 #endif 62 64 }; 63 65 … … 171 173 void retranslateUi(); 172 174 QString getNextControllerName(KStorageBus type); 173 void setFieldsFromDefaultUnttendedInstallData();174 175 void setUnattendedPageVisible(bool fVisible); 175 176 /** Returns the Id of newly created VM. */ … … 214 215 /** True if guest additions are to be installed during unattended install. */ 215 216 bool m_fInstallGuestAdditions; 216 bool m_fStartHeadless;217 217 bool m_fSkipUnattendedInstall; 218 218 bool m_fEFIEnabled; 219 220 QString m_strUserName;221 QString m_strPassword;222 QString m_strGuestAdditionsISOPath;223 QString m_strHostname;224 QString m_strProductKey;225 219 226 220 int m_iCPUCount;
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