Changeset 91218 in vbox
- Timestamp:
- Sep 13, 2021 11:57:24 AM (3 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src
- Files:
- 13 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r87612 r91218 281 281 if (m_pLabelMemoryMax) 282 282 m_pLabelMemoryMax->setText(tr("%1 MB").arg(m_pSlider->maxRAM())); 283 284 QString strToolTip(tr("Specify the amount of RAM the virtual machine will have")); 285 283 286 if (m_pSpinBox) 287 { 284 288 m_pSpinBox->setSuffix(QString(" %1").arg(tr("MB"))); 289 m_pSpinBox->setToolTip(strToolTip); 290 } 291 if (m_pSlider) 292 m_pSlider->setToolTip(strToolTip); 285 293 } 286 294 -
r91205 r91218 308 308 309 309 if (m_pPathSelector) 310 m_pPathSelector->setToolTip(tr(" The folder hosting the virtual machine"));310 m_pPathSelector->setToolTip(tr("Select the folder hosting the virtual machine.")); 311 311 if (m_pNameLineEdit) 312 m_pNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr(" The name of the virtual machine"));312 m_pNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter a name for the new virtual machine.")); 313 313 314 314 if (m_pComboFamily) 315 315 { 316 m_pComboFamily->setWhatsThis(tr("Select sthe operating system family that "316 m_pComboFamily->setWhatsThis(tr("Select the operating system family that " 317 317 "you plan to install into this virtual machine.")); 318 m_pComboFamily->setToolTip(tr("Select sthe operating system family that "318 m_pComboFamily->setToolTip(tr("Select the operating system family that " 319 319 "you plan to install into this virtual machine.")); 320 320 } … … 322 322 if (m_pComboType) 323 323 { 324 m_pComboType->setWhatsThis(tr("Select sthe operating system type that "324 m_pComboType->setWhatsThis(tr("Select the operating system type that " 325 325 "you plan to install into this virtual machine " 326 326 "(called a guest operating system).")); 327 m_pComboType->setToolTip(tr("Select sthe operating system type that "327 m_pComboType->setToolTip(tr("Select the operating system type that " 328 328 "you plan to install into this virtual machine " 329 329 "(called a guest operating system).")); 330 330 } 331 if (m_pImageSelector) 332 m_pImageSelector->setToolTip(tr("Select an ISO image to be attached to the new virtual machine or used in attended install.")); 331 333 } 332 334 -
r90066 r91218 65 65 if (m_pLabelVCPUMax) 66 66 m_pLabelVCPUMax->setText(tr("%1 CPUs", "%1 is host cpu count * 2 for now").arg(m_uMaxVCPUCount)); 67 68 QString strToolTip(tr("Specify the number of virtual CPUs the virtual machine will have")); 69 if (m_pSlider) 70 m_pSlider->setToolTip(strToolTip); 71 if (m_pSpinBox) 72 m_pSpinBox->setToolTip(strToolTip); 67 73 } 68 74 -
r90564 r91218 310 310 { 311 311 m_pImportHDsAsVDI->setText(tr("&Import hard drives as VDI")); 312 m_pImportHDsAsVDI->setToolTip(tr(" When checked, all the hard drives that belong to this appliance will be importedin VDI format."));312 m_pImportHDsAsVDI->setToolTip(tr("Import all the hard drives that belong to this appliance in VDI format.")); 313 313 } 314 314 -
r90967 r91218 66 66 m_enmSizeSuffix = UITranslator::parseSizeSuffix(m_pEditor->text()); 67 67 m_pEditor->blockSignals(false); 68 69 /* Update the tool-tips: */70 updateSizeToolTips(m_uSize);71 68 } 72 69 … … 80 77 m_pSlider->setToolTip(tr("Holds the size of this medium.")); 81 78 m_pEditor->setToolTip(tr("Holds the size of this medium.")); 82 83 /* Translate tool-tips: */84 updateSizeToolTips(m_uSize);85 79 } 86 80 … … 94 88 m_enmSizeSuffix = UITranslator::parseSizeSuffix(m_pEditor->text()); 95 89 m_pEditor->blockSignals(false); 96 /* Update the tool-tips: */97 updateSizeToolTips(m_uSize);98 90 /* Notify the listeners: */ 99 91 emit sigSizeChanged(m_uSize); … … 118 110 m_pSlider->setValue(sizeMBToSlider(m_uSize, m_iSliderScale)); 119 111 m_pSlider->blockSignals(false); 120 /* Update the tool-tips: */121 updateSizeToolTips(m_uSize);122 112 /* Notify the listeners: */ 123 113 emit sigSizeChanged(m_uSize); -
r90328 r91218 113 113 void UIHostnameDomainNameEditor::retranslateUi() 114 114 { 115 QString strHostnameTooltip(tr("Type the hostname which will be used in attended install:"));116 QString strDomainTooltip(tr("The domain name"));117 115 if (m_pHostnameLabel) 118 {119 116 m_pHostnameLabel->setText(tr("Hostna&me:")); 120 m_pHostnameLabel->setToolTip(strHostnameTooltip);121 }122 117 if (m_pHostnameLineEdit) 123 m_pHostnameLineEdit->setToolTip( strHostnameTooltip);118 m_pHostnameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Type the hostname.")); 124 119 if (m_pDomainNameLabel) 125 {126 120 m_pDomainNameLabel->setText(tr("&Domain Name:")); 127 m_pDomainNameLabel->setToolTip(strDomainTooltip); 128 } 129 m_pDomainNameLineEdit->setToolTip(strDomainTooltip); 121 if (m_pDomainNameLineEdit) 122 m_pDomainNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter the domain name.")); 130 123 } 131 124 -
r91003 r91218 304 304 void UIUserNamePasswordEditor::retranslateUi() 305 305 { 306 QString strPassword = UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("Pass&word");307 QString strRepeatPassword = UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("&Repeat Password");308 QString strUsername = UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("U&sername");306 QString strPassword = tr("Pass&word"); 307 QString strRepeatPassword = tr("&Repeat Password"); 308 QString strUsername = tr("U&sername"); 309 309 if (m_pUserNameLabel) 310 {311 310 m_pUserNameLabel->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(strUsername).arg(":")); 312 m_pUserNameLabel->setToolTip(UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("Type the user name which will be used in attended install:")); 313 314 } 311 315 312 if (m_pPasswordLabel) 316 {317 313 m_pPasswordLabel->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(strPassword).arg(":")); 318 m_pPasswordLabel->setToolTip(UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("Type the password for the user name")); 319 320 } 314 321 315 if (m_pPasswordRepeatLabel) 322 {323 316 m_pPasswordRepeatLabel->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(strRepeatPassword).arg(":")); 324 m_pPasswordRepeatLabel->setToolTip(UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("Retype the password:"));325 }326 317 327 318 if (m_fShowPlaceholderText) … … 343 334 m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(QString()); 344 335 } 345 m_strPasswordError = UIUserNamePasswordEditor::tr("Invalid password pair"); 336 if(m_pUserNameLineEdit) 337 m_pUserNameLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter username.")); 338 if (m_pPasswordLineEdit) 339 m_pPasswordLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter password.")); 340 if (m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit) 341 m_pPasswordRepeatLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Re-enter password.")); 342 m_strPasswordError = tr("Invalid password pair"); 346 343 } 347 344 -
r91205 r91218 182 182 m_pPathLabel->setText(tr("&Path:")); 183 183 if (m_pNameLineEdit) 184 m_pNameLineEdit->setToolTip(" The name of the new virtual machine");184 m_pNameLineEdit->setToolTip("Enter a name for the new virtual machine."); 185 185 if (m_pPathSelector) 186 m_pPathSelector->setToolTip(" The location of the new virtual machine in host's storage.");186 m_pPathSelector->setToolTip("Specify The location of the new virtual machine in host's storage."); 187 187 } 188 188 … … 321 321 { 322 322 m_pMACComboBoxLabel->setText(tr("MAC Address P&olicy:")); 323 m_pMACComboBox->setToolTip(tr(" MAC address policy for clonning:"));323 m_pMACComboBox->setToolTip(tr("Determine MAC address policy for clonning:")); 324 324 for (int i = 0; i < m_pMACComboBox->count(); ++i) 325 325 { … … 354 354 if (m_pKeepDiskNamesCheckBox) 355 355 { 356 m_pKeepDiskNamesCheckBox->setToolTip(tr(" Don't changethe disk names during cloning."));356 m_pKeepDiskNamesCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("Enable keeping the disk names during cloning.")); 357 357 m_pKeepDiskNamesCheckBox->setText(tr("Keep &Disk Names")); 358 358 } 359 359 if (m_pKeepHWUUIDsCheckBox) 360 360 { 361 m_pKeepHWUUIDsCheckBox->setToolTip(tr(" Don't changehardware UUIDs during cloning."));361 m_pKeepHWUUIDsCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("Enable keeping hardware UUIDs during cloning.")); 362 362 m_pKeepHWUUIDsCheckBox->setText(tr("Keep Hard&ware UUIDs")); 363 363 } 364 365 364 } 366 365 -
r91059 r91218 344 344 { 345 345 m_pFixedCheckBox->setText(tr("Pre-allocate &Full Size")); 346 m_pFixedCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("<p>When checked, the virtual disk image will be fully allocated at " 347 "VM creation time, rather than being allocated dynamically at VM run-time.</p>")); 346 m_pFixedCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("<p>Allocate the virtual disk image during VM creation.")); 348 347 } 349 348 if (m_pSplitBox) 350 349 { 351 m_pSplitBox->setText(tr("&Split into files of less than 2GB")); 352 m_pSplitBox->setToolTip(tr("<p>Possible only for some hard disk file types. When checked the virtual disk file will " 353 "be splitted into 2GB parts in the host storage.</p>")); 350 m_pSplitBox->setText(tr("&Split into 2GB parts")); 351 m_pSplitBox->setToolTip(tr("<p>Split hard disk file into 2GB parts in the host storage.</p>")); 354 352 } 355 353 } … … 518 516 setTitle(tr("Hard Disk File Location and Size")); 519 517 if (m_pLocationOpenButton) 520 m_pLocationOpenButton->setToolTip(tr(" Choosea location for new virtual hard disk file..."));518 m_pLocationOpenButton->setToolTip(tr("Specify a location for new virtual hard disk file...")); 521 519 522 520 if (!m_fExpertMode && m_pLocationLabel) -
r91059 r91218 158 158 { 159 159 if (m_pGAISOFilePathSelector) 160 m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr(" Please select an installation medium (ISO file)"));160 m_pGAISOFilePathSelector->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Select an installation medium (ISO file) for the Guest Additions.")); 161 161 if (m_pGAISOPathLabel) 162 162 m_pGAISOPathLabel->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("GA I&nstallation ISO:")); 163 163 setTitle(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Gu&est Additions")); 164 setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p> When checked the guest additions will be installed"165 "after theOS install.</p>"));164 setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Enable installation of the guest additions " 165 "after the guest OS install.</p>")); 166 166 } 167 167 … … 269 269 { 270 270 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Install in Background")); 271 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p> When checked, the newly created virtual machine will be started"272 " in headless mode (without a GUI)for the unattended guest OS install.</p>"));271 m_pStartHeadlessCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Enable headless boot (with no GUI) of the newly created virtual machine " 272 "for the unattended guest OS install.</p>")); 273 273 } 274 274 … … 283 283 m_pHostnameDomainNameEditor->setFirstColumnWidth(iMaxWidth); 284 284 } 285 if (m_pProductKeyLineEdit) 286 m_pProductKeyLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Enter a product key.")); 285 287 } 286 288 … … 396 398 { 397 399 m_pEFICheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Enable EFI (special OSes only)")); 398 m_pEFICheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>When checked, the guest will support the " 399 "Extended Firmware Interface (EFI), which is required to boot certain " 400 "guest OSes. Non-EFI aware OSes will not be able to boot if this option is activated.</p>")); 400 m_pEFICheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Enable Extended Firmware Interface (EFI), which is required to boot certain " 401 "guest OSes. Non-EFI aware OSes will not be able to boot if this option is activated.</p>")); 401 402 } 402 403 } -
r91166 r91218 224 224 { 225 225 m_pFixedCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("Pre-allocate &Full Size")); 226 m_pFixedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>When checked, the virtual disk image will be fully allocated at " 227 "VM creation time, rather than being allocated dynamically at VM run-time.</p>")); 226 m_pFixedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Allocate the virtual disk image at VM creation time")); 228 227 } 229 228 -
r91164 r91218 188 188 { 189 189 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Skip Unattended Installation")); 190 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>When checked selected ISO file will be mounted to the CD " 191 "drive of the virtual machine but the unattended installation " 192 "will not start.</p>")); 190 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Disable the unattended install and just mount the ISO.</p>")); 193 191 } 194 192 -
r91152 r91218 401 401 { 402 402 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setText(UIWizardNewVM::tr("&Skip Unattended Installation")); 403 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>When checked selected ISO file will be mounted to the CD " 404 "drive of the virtual machine but the unattended installation " 405 "will not start.</p>")); 403 m_pSkipUnattendedCheckBox->setToolTip(UIWizardNewVM::tr("<p>Disable the unattended install and just mount the ISO.</p>")); 406 404 } 407 405
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