Changeset 95925 in vbox
- Timestamp:
- Jul 28, 2022 10:49:32 PM (3 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 152680
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r95915 r95925 292 292 293 293 # 294 # RuntimeR3 - Static Runtime for Ring-3 executables. 295 # 296 RuntimeR3_TEMPLATE = VBoxR3Static 297 RuntimeR3_SDKS = VBOX_LIBXML2 298 = $(VBOX_WINPSDK) $(VBOX_WINDDK) 299 RuntimeR3_DEFS = \ 294 # RuntimeBaseR3 - Commmon Base Runtime Target for Ring-3 executables. 295 # 296 # Note! This is not make itself, it's only used as a base target config to be 297 # inherited from by RuntimeR3(.lib) and VBoxR3(.dll). 298 # 299 RuntimeBaseR3_TEMPLATE = VBoxR3Static 300 RuntimeBaseR3_SDKS = VBOX_LIBXML2 301 = $(VBOX_WINPSDK) $(VBOX_WINDDK) 302 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS = \ 300 303 IN_RT_R3 \ 301 304 LDR_WITH_NATIVE \ … … 309 312 NOFILEID 310 313 if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 x86) 311 Runtime R3_DEFS += \314 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += \ 312 315 IN_SUP_R3 313 316 endif 314 #Runtime R3_DEFS += RTMEM_WRAP_TO_EF_APIS317 #RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += RTMEM_WRAP_TO_EF_APIS 315 318 ifdef IPRT_WITH_LZJB 316 Runtime R3_DEFS += RTZIP_USE_LZJB319 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += RTZIP_USE_LZJB 317 320 endif 318 321 ifdef IPRT_WITH_LZO 319 Runtime R3_DEFS += RTZIP_USE_LZO322 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += RTZIP_USE_LZO 320 323 endif 321 324 ifn1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), win) 322 Runtime R3_DEFS += RT_WITH_ICONV_CACHE325 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += RT_WITH_ICONV_CACHE 323 326 endif 324 327 ifdef IPRT_WITH_FUTEX_BASED_SEMS 325 Runtime R3_DEFS.linux += IPRT_WITH_FUTEX_BASED_SEMS328 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS.linux += IPRT_WITH_FUTEX_BASED_SEMS 326 329 endif 327 330 ifdef IPRT_HTTP_WITH_WEBDAV 328 Runtime R3_DEFS += IPRT_HTTP_WITH_WEBDAV331 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += IPRT_HTTP_WITH_WEBDAV 329 332 endif 330 333 ifdef IPRT_WITHOUT_PAM 331 Runtime R3_DEFS += IPRT_WITHOUT_PAM332 endif 333 Runtime R3_INCS = \334 RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS += IPRT_WITHOUT_PAM 335 endif 336 RuntimeBaseR3_INCS = \ 334 337 include \ 335 338 $(SDK_VBOX_ZLIB_INCS) \ 336 339 $(SDK_VBOX_LZF_INCS) 337 340 338 # Runtime R3_INCS.solaris = \341 # RuntimeBaseR3_INCS.solaris = \ 339 342 # /usr/include 340 343 341 Runtime R3_SOURCES= \344 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES := \ 342 345 common/alloc/alloc.cpp \ 343 346 common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp \ … … 784 787 785 788 #if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 x86) 786 # Runtime R3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupA.asm789 # RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupA.asm 787 790 #else 788 Runtime R3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupref.cpp791 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += common/time/timesupref.cpp 789 792 #endif 790 793 791 Runtime R3_SOURCES.x86 += \794 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.x86 += \ 792 795 generic/RTMpGetDescription-generic.cpp \ 793 796 common/misc/zero.asm \ 794 797 common/misc/RTSystemIsInsideVM-amd64-x86.cpp \ 795 798 common/string/RTStrMemFind32.asm 796 Runtime R3_SOURCES.amd64 += \799 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.amd64 += \ 797 800 generic/RTMpGetDescription-generic.cpp \ 798 801 common/misc/zero.asm \ 799 802 common/misc/RTSystemIsInsideVM-amd64-x86.cpp \ 800 803 common/string/RTStrMemFind32.asm 801 Runtime R3_SOURCES.arm32 := \804 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.arm32 := \ 802 805 common/asm/ASMBitFirstClear-generic.cpp \ 803 806 common/asm/ASMBitNextClear-generic.cpp \ … … 810 813 common/asm/ASMMemFirstNonZero-generic.cpp \ 811 814 common/misc/zero-alt.S 812 Runtime R3_SOURCES.arm64 := \815 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.arm64 := \ 813 816 common/asm/ASMBitFirstClear-generic.cpp \ 814 817 common/asm/ASMBitNextClear-generic.cpp \ … … 821 824 common/asm/ASMMemFirstNonZero-generic.cpp \ 822 825 common/misc/zero-alt.S 823 Runtime R3_SOURCES.sparc32 += \826 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.sparc32 += \ 824 827 generic/RTMpGetDescription-generic-stub.cpp \ 825 828 generic/RTSystemIsInsideVM-generic.cpp \ … … 836 839 common/misc/zero-alt.S \ 837 840 common/string/RTStrMemFind32.cpp 838 Runtime R3_SOURCES.sparc64 += \841 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.sparc64 += \ 839 842 generic/RTMpGetDescription-generic-stub.cpp \ 840 843 generic/RTSystemIsInsideVM-generic.cpp \ … … 853 856 854 857 ifdef IPRT_WITH_LZJB 855 Runtime R3_SOURCES += common/misc/lzjb.c858 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += common/misc/lzjb.c 856 859 endif 857 860 858 861 # AMD64 / x86 assembly code. 859 Runtime R3_SOURCES.x86 += \862 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.x86 += \ 860 863 common/asm/ASMCpuIdExSlow.asm \ 861 864 common/asm/ASMAtomicUoAndU64.asm \ … … 882 885 common/math/bignum-amd64-x86.asm \ 883 886 common/string/RTStrEnd.asm 884 Runtime R3_SOURCES.amd64 += \887 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.amd64 += \ 885 888 common/asm/ASMCpuIdExSlow.asm \ 886 889 common/asm/ASMAtomicUoAndU64.asm \ … … 911 914 912 915 # Some versions of GCC might require this. 913 Runtime R3_SOURCES.x86 += \916 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.x86 += \ 914 917 common/asm/ASMAtomicXchgU64.asm \ 915 918 common/asm/ASMAtomicCmpXchgU64.asm \ … … 919 922 920 923 # Some non-assembly for non-AMD64 / non-x86 targets: 921 Runtime R3_SOURCES.arm32 += \924 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.arm32 += \ 922 925 common/string/RTStrEnd.cpp \ 923 926 common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32-generic.cpp 924 Runtime R3_SOURCES.arm64 += \927 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.arm64 += \ 925 928 common/string/RTStrEnd.cpp \ 926 929 common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32-generic.cpp 927 Runtime R3_SOURCES.sparc32 += \930 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.sparc32 += \ 928 931 common/string/RTStrEnd.cpp \ 929 932 common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32-generic.cpp 930 Runtime R3_SOURCES.sparc64 += \933 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.sparc64 += \ 931 934 common/string/RTStrEnd.cpp \ 932 935 common/asm/ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32-generic.cpp 933 936 934 937 # VBox specific stuff. 935 Runtime R3_SOURCES += \938 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += \ 936 939 VBox/RTAssertShouldPanic-vbox.cpp \ 937 940 VBox/log-vbox.cpp 938 941 ifneq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),win) 939 Runtime R3_SOURCES += \942 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += \ 940 943 common/err/errmsgxpcom.cpp 941 944 endif 942 945 if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET),freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris) 943 Runtime R3_SOURCES += \946 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES += \ 944 947 $(if $(VBOX_WITH_DBUS),VBox/dbus.cpp,) 945 948 endif 946 949 947 950 VBOX_WITH_NT_DIRENUM = 1 948 Runtime = \951 = \ 949 952 common/dbg/dbgmoddbghelp.cpp \ 950 953 common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider.cpp \ … … 1044 1047 common/string/mempcpy.asm 1045 1048 1046 Runtime := \1049 := \ 1047 1050 $(RuntimeWin64ASM_SOURCES) \ 1048 1051 common/string/memrchr.asm 1049 Runtime := \1052 := \ 1050 1053 $(RuntimeWin32ASM_SOURCES) \ 1051 1054 common/string/memrchr.asm 1052 1055 1053 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux = \1056 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux = \ 1054 1057 common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider.cpp \ 1055 1058 generic/cdrom-generic.cpp \ … … 1137 1140 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1138 1141 ifdef IPRT_WITH_FUTEX_BASED_SEMS 1139 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux += \1142 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux += \ 1140 1143 r3/linux/semevent-linux.cpp \ 1141 1144 r3/linux/semeventmulti-linux.cpp \ 1142 1145 r3/linux/semmutex-linux.cpp 1143 1146 else 1144 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux.x86 += \1147 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux.x86 += \ 1145 1148 r3/posix/semevent-posix.cpp \ 1146 1149 r3/posix/semeventmulti-posix.cpp \ 1147 1150 r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp 1148 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \1151 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \ 1149 1152 r3/linux/semevent-linux.cpp \ 1150 1153 r3/linux/semeventmulti-linux.cpp 1151 1154 ifdef RT_NEW_LINUX_MUTEX_CODE 1152 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \1155 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \ 1153 1156 r3/linux/semmutex-linux.cpp 1154 1157 else 1155 Runtime R3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \1158 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.linux.amd64 += \ 1156 1159 r3/posix/semmutex-posix.cpp 1157 1160 endif 1158 1161 endif 1159 1162 1160 Runtime R3_SOURCES.os2 = \1163 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.os2 = \ 1161 1164 common/string/memrchr.asm \ 1162 1165 generic/cdrom-generic.cpp \ … … 1244 1247 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1245 1248 1246 Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin = \1249 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin = \ 1247 1250 common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider.cpp \ 1248 1251 darwin/RTErrConvertFromDarwin.cpp \ … … 1333 1336 r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \ 1334 1337 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1335 Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin.x86 += \1338 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin.x86 += \ 1336 1339 common/string/mempcpy.asm \ 1337 1340 common/string/memrchr.asm 1338 Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin.amd64 += \1341 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin.amd64 += \ 1339 1342 common/string/mempcpy.asm \ 1340 1343 common/string/memrchr.asm 1341 Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin.arm32 += \1344 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin.arm32 += \ 1342 1345 common/string/mempcpy.cpp \ 1343 1346 common/string/memrchr.cpp \ 1344 1347 r3/darwin/RTMpGetDescription-generic.cpp 1345 Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin.arm64 += \1348 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin.arm64 += \ 1346 1349 common/string/mempcpy.cpp \ 1347 1350 common/string/memrchr.cpp \ … … 1349 1352 1350 1353 ## @todo Make BSD sched, implement RTMP*. 1351 Runtime R3_SOURCES.freebsd = \1354 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.freebsd = \ 1352 1355 common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider.cpp \ 1353 1356 generic/cdrom-generic.cpp \ … … 1438 1441 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1439 1442 1440 Runtime R3_SOURCES.netbsd = \1443 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.netbsd = \ 1441 1444 generic/cdrom-generic.cpp \ 1442 1445 generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \ … … 1522 1525 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1523 1526 1524 Runtime R3_SOURCES.solaris = \1527 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.solaris = \ 1525 1528 common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider.cpp \ 1526 1529 generic/cdrom-generic.cpp \ … … 1605 1608 r3/solaris/RTSystemShutdown-solaris.cpp \ 1606 1609 r3/solaris/thread-affinity-solaris.cpp 1607 Runtime R3_SOURCES.solaris.amd64 = \1610 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.solaris.amd64 = \ 1608 1611 common/string/memrchr.asm \ 1609 1612 common/string/mempcpy.asm \ 1610 1613 r3/solaris/coredumper-solaris.cpp \ 1611 1614 r3/solaris/RTSystemQueryDmiString-solaris.cpp 1612 Runtime R3_SOURCES.solaris.x86 = \1615 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.solaris.x86 = \ 1613 1616 common/string/memrchr.asm \ 1614 1617 common/string/mempcpy.asm \ 1615 1618 r3/solaris/coredumper-solaris.cpp \ 1616 1619 r3/solaris/RTSystemQueryDmiString-solaris.cpp 1617 Runtime R3_SOURCES.solaris.sparc32 = \1620 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.solaris.sparc32 = \ 1618 1621 common/string/memrchr.cpp \ 1619 1622 common/string/mempcpy.cpp \ 1620 1623 generic/RTSystemQueryDmiString-generic.cpp 1621 Runtime R3_SOURCES.solaris.sparc64 = \1624 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.solaris.sparc64 = \ 1622 1625 common/string/memrchr.cpp \ 1623 1626 common/string/mempcpy.cpp \ 1624 1627 generic/RTSystemQueryDmiString-generic.cpp 1625 1628 1626 Runtime R3_SOURCES.haiku = \1629 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.haiku = \ 1627 1630 generic/RTCrStoreCreateSnapshotById-generic.cpp \ 1628 1631 generic/RTDirQueryInfo-generic.cpp \ … … 1698 1701 r3/posix/tls-posix.cpp \ 1699 1702 r3/posix/utf8-posix.cpp 1700 Runtime R3_SOURCES.haiku.x86 += common/string/memrchr.asm1701 Runtime R3_SOURCES.haiku.amd64 += common/string/memrchr.asm1703 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.haiku.x86 += common/string/memrchr.asm 1704 RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.haiku.amd64 += common/string/memrchr.asm 1702 1705 1703 1706 ## PORTME: Porters add their selection of platform specific files for Ring-3 here. 1704 1707 1708 1709 # 1710 # RuntimeR3 - Static Runtime for Ring-3 executables. 1711 # 1712 RuntimeR3_TEMPLATE = VBoxR3Static 1713 RuntimeR3_EXTENDS = RuntimeBaseR3 1714 ifdef VBOX_WITH_NOCRT_STATIC 1715 if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), win) 1716 RuntimeR3_SOURCES = $(filter-out \ 1717 r3/alloc.cpp \ 1718 r3/alloc-ef.cpp \ 1719 r3/xml.cpp \ 1720 common/zip/xarvfs.cpp \ 1721 common/misc/json.cpp \ 1722 generic/RTLogWriteStdErr-generic.cpp \ 1723 generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-generic.cpp \ 1724 ,$(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES)) 1725 RuntimeR3_SOURCES.x86 = $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.x86) \ 1726 common/misc/setjmp.asm \ 1727 common/string/memcpy.asm \ 1728 common/string/memchr.asm \ 1729 common/string/memcmp.asm \ 1730 common/string/memmove.asm \ 1731 common/string/memset.asm \ 1732 common/string/strlen.asm \ 1733 common/string/strchr.asm \ 1734 common/string/strcmp.asm \ 1735 common/string/strncmp.asm \ 1736 common/string/strcpy.asm \ 1737 common/string/strrchr.cpp \ 1738 common/string/strstr.cpp \ 1739 common/string/strcspn.cpp \ 1740 common/string/strpbrk.cpp 1741 RuntimeR3_SOURCES.amd64 = $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.amd64) \ 1742 common/misc/setjmp.asm \ 1743 common/string/memcpy.asm \ 1744 common/string/memchr.asm \ 1745 common/string/memcmp.asm \ 1746 common/string/memmove.asm \ 1747 common/string/memset.asm \ 1748 common/string/strlen.asm \ 1749 common/string/strchr.asm \ 1750 common/string/strcmp.asm \ 1751 common/string/strncmp.asm \ 1752 common/string/strcpy.asm \ 1753 common/string/strrchr.cpp \ 1754 common/string/strstr.cpp \ 1755 common/string/strcspn.cpp \ 1756 common/string/strpbrk.cpp 1757 = $(filter-out \ 1758 r3/generic/RTLocaleQueryLocaleName-r3-generic.cpp \ 1759 ,$( \ 1760 \ 1761 common/compiler/vcc/atexit-vcc.cpp \ 1762 common/compiler/vcc/loadcfg-vcc.c \ 1763 common/compiler/vcc/tlsdir-vcc.c \ 1764 common/compiler/vcc/initializers-c-cpp-vcc.cpp \ 1765 common/compiler/vcc/stacksup-vcc.cpp \ 1766 common/compiler/vcc/fltused-vcc.cpp \ 1767 common/compiler/vcc/purecall-vcc.cpp \ 1768 r3/win/nocrt-startup-exe-win.cpp \ 1769 r3/win/nocrt-startup-dll-win.cpp \ 1770 r3/win/nocrt-startup-common-win.cpp \ 1771 r3/win/nocrt-alloc-win.cpp \ 1772 r3/win/nocrt-RTLogWriteStdErr-win.cpp \ 1773 r3/win/nocrt-RTLogWriteStdOut-win.cpp \ 1774 generic/new-delete-generic.cpp 1775 = $( \ 1776 r3/win/nocrt-atexit-win.asm \ 1777 r3/win/nocrt-mainCRTStartup-win.asm \ 1778 r3/win/nocrt-WinMainCRTStartup-win.asm \ 1779 common/compiler/vcc/guard-vcc.asm \ 1780 common/compiler/vcc/stack-vcc.asm 1781 = $( \ 1782 r3/win/nocrt-atexit-win.asm \ 1783 r3/win/nocrt-mainCRTStartup-win.asm \ 1784 r3/win/nocrt-WinMainCRTStartup-win.asm \ 1785 common/compiler/vcc/guard-vcc.asm \ 1786 common/compiler/vcc/stack-vcc.asm 1787 endif 1788 endif 1705 1789 1706 1790 # … … 1738 1822 RuntimeR3-x86_EXTENDS := RuntimeR3 1739 1823 RuntimeR3-x86_BLD_TRG_ARCH := x86 1740 RuntimeR3-x86_DEFS := $(filter-out IN_SUP_R3 IN_SUP, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)) IPRT_WITHOUT_LDR_VERIFY RT_NO_GIP1824 RuntimeR3-x86_DEFS = $(filter-out IN_SUP_R3 IN_SUP, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)) IPRT_WITHOUT_LDR_VERIFY RT_NO_GIP 1741 1825 1742 1826 … … 1748 1832 # 1749 1833 RuntimeBldProg_TEMPLATE := VBoxAdvBldProg 1750 RuntimeBldProg_EXTENDS := Runtime R31834 RuntimeBldProg_EXTENDS := RuntimeBaseR3 1751 1835 RuntimeBldProg_BLD_TRG := $(KBUILD_HOST) 1752 1836 RuntimeBldProg_BLD_TRG_ARCH := $(KBUILD_HOST_ARCH) 1753 1837 RuntimeBldProg_BLD_TRG_CPU := $(KBUILD_HOST_CPU) 1754 RuntimeBldProg_DEFS := $(filter-out IN_SUP_R3 IN_SUP, $(Runtime R3_DEFS)) IPRT_WITHOUT_LDR_VERIFY RT_NO_GIP1755 RuntimeBldProg_SOURCES = \1838 RuntimeBldProg_DEFS := $(filter-out IN_SUP_R3 IN_SUP, $(RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS)) IPRT_WITHOUT_LDR_VERIFY RT_NO_GIP 1839 RuntimeBldProg_SOURCES = \ 1756 1840 common/alloc/alloc.cpp \ 1757 1841 common/alloc/memcache.cpp \ … … 2064 2148 r3/generic/RTLocaleQueryNormalizedBaseLocaleName-r3-generic.cpp \ 2065 2149 r3/generic/RTLocaleQueryUserCountryCode-r3-generic.cpp \ 2066 , $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.darwin))2150 , $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.darwin)) 2067 2151 2068 2152 = \ … … 2213 2297 # 2214 2298 RuntimeGuestR3_TEMPLATE := VBoxGuestR3Lib 2215 ## @todo change this to EXTEND the RuntimeR3 target. 2216 := $( 2217 RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS := $(filter-out RTCRITSECT_STRICT RT_NO_GIP, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)) 2218 RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS := $(filter-out IN_SUP_R3, $(RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS)) 2219 RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2220 RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_HOST)) 2221 RuntimeGuestR3_INCS := $(RuntimeR3_INCS) 2222 RuntimeGuestR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2223 RuntimeGuestR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_HOST)) 2224 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES := $(filter-out \ 2299 RuntimeGuestR3_EXTENDS := RuntimeR3 2300 RuntimeGuestR3_DEFS = $(filter-out RTCRITSECT_STRICT RT_NO_GIP IN_SUP_R3, $(RuntimeR3_DEFS)) 2301 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES = $(filter-out \ 2225 2302 common/time/timesupref.cpp \ 2226 2303 common/time/timesupA.asm \ 2227 2304 common/time/timesup.cpp \ 2228 common/zip/xarvfs.cpp \2229 2305 generic/RTLogWriteUser-generic.cpp \ 2230 r3/xml.cpp \ 2231 , $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES)) 2232 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES += \ 2306 , $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES)) \ 2307 \ 2233 2308 common/time/timesysalias.cpp \ 2234 2309 VBox/logbackdoor.cpp 2235 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2236 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST)) 2237 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2238 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.x86 := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.x86) 2239 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.amd64 := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.amd64) 2240 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2241 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86 := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86) 2242 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64:= $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64) 2243 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_HOST).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2244 += VCC_FAKES_TARGET_$(VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM) VCC_FAKES_TARGET=$(substr $(VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM),-3) 2245 += \ 2310 = $( \ 2311 VCC_FAKES_TARGET_$(VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM) VCC_FAKES_TARGET=$(substr $(VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM),-3) 2312 = $( \ 2246 2313 r3/win/vcc-fakes-kernel32.cpp \ 2247 2314 r3/win/vcc-fakes-kernel32-A.asm \ … … 2253 2320 r3/win/vcc-fakes-shell32-A.asm \ 2254 2321 2255 ifdef VBOX_WITH_NOCRT_STATIC2256 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES := $(filter-out \2257 r3/alloc.cpp \2258 r3/alloc-ef.cpp \2259 common/misc/json.cpp \2260 generic/RTLogWriteStdErr-generic.cpp \2261 generic/RTLogWriteStdOut-generic.cpp \2262 ,$(RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES)) \2263 common/string/strrchr.cpp \2264 common/string/strstr.cpp \2265 common/string/strcspn.cpp \2266 common/string/strpbrk.cpp2267 := $(filter-out \2268 r3/generic/RTLocaleQueryLocaleName-r3-generic.cpp \2269 ,$( \2270 r3/win/nocrt-RTLogWriteStdErr-win.cpp \2271 r3/win/nocrt-RTLogWriteStdOut-win.cpp2272 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.x86 += \2273 r3/win/nocrt-atexit-win.asm \2274 r3/win/nocrt-mainCRTStartup-win.asm \2275 r3/win/nocrt-WinMainCRTStartup-win.asm \2276 common/compiler/vcc/guard-vcc.asm \2277 common/compiler/vcc/stack-vcc.asm \2278 common/string/memcpy.asm \2279 common/string/memchr.asm \2280 common/string/memcmp.asm \2281 common/string/memmove.asm \2282 common/string/memset.asm \2283 common/string/strlen.asm \2284 common/string/strchr.asm \2285 common/string/strcmp.asm \2286 common/string/strncmp.asm \2287 common/string/strcpy.asm2288 RuntimeGuestR3_SOURCES.amd64 += \2289 r3/win/nocrt-atexit-win.asm \2290 r3/win/nocrt-mainCRTStartup-win.asm \2291 r3/win/nocrt-WinMainCRTStartup-win.asm \2292 common/compiler/vcc/guard-vcc.asm \2293 common/compiler/vcc/stack-vcc.asm \2294 common/string/memcpy.asm \2295 common/string/memchr.asm \2296 common/string/memcmp.asm \2297 common/string/memmove.asm \2298 common/string/memset.asm \2299 common/string/strlen.asm \2300 common/string/strchr.asm \2301 common/string/strcmp.asm \2302 common/string/strncmp.asm \2303 common/string/strcpy.asm2304 += \2305 common/compiler/vcc/atexit-vcc.cpp \2306 common/compiler/vcc/loadcfg-vcc.c \2307 common/compiler/vcc/tlsdir-vcc.c \2308 common/compiler/vcc/initializers-c-cpp-vcc.cpp \2309 common/compiler/vcc/stacksup-vcc.cpp \2310 common/compiler/vcc/fltused-vcc.cpp \2311 common/compiler/vcc/purecall-vcc.cpp \2312 r3/win/nocrt-startup-exe-win.cpp \2313 r3/win/nocrt-startup-dll-win.cpp \2314 r3/win/nocrt-startup-common-win.cpp \2315 r3/win/nocrt-alloc-win.cpp \2316 generic/new-delete-generic.cpp2317 endif2318 2319 2322 2320 2323 # … … 2355 2358 VBoxRT_INST = $(INST_DLL) $(INST_TESTCASE) 2356 2359 endif 2357 VBoxRT_DEFS := $(filter-out RT_NO_GIP, $(Runtime R3_DEFS)) \2360 VBoxRT_DEFS := $(filter-out RT_NO_GIP, $(RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS)) \ 2358 2361 IPRT_WITH_OPENSSL \ 2359 2362 IPRT_WITH_XAR \ … … 2376 2379 endif 2377 2380 endif 2378 VBoxRT_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TYPE) := $(Runtime R3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TYPE))2379 VBoxRT_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(Runtime R3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))2381 VBoxRT_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TYPE) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TYPE)) 2382 VBoxRT_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_DEFS.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2380 2383 VBoxRT_SOURCES := \ 2381 2384 VBox/VBoxRTDeps.cpp \ 2382 2385 $(filter-out common/checksum/crc32.cpp, \ 2383 $(if-expr defined(VBOX_WITH_ALT_HASH_CODE), $(Runtime R3_SOURCES), \2384 $(patsubst common/checksum/alt-%,common/checksum/openssl-%,$(Runtime R3_SOURCES)) ) ) \2386 $(if-expr defined(VBOX_WITH_ALT_HASH_CODE), $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES), \ 2387 $(patsubst common/checksum/alt-%,common/checksum/openssl-%,$(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES)) ) ) \ 2385 2388 common/checksum/crc32-zlib.cpp \ 2386 2389 common/dbg/dbgmodghidra.cpp \ … … 2417 2420 iprt.d 2418 2421 endif 2419 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET) = $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET))2420 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH))2421 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86 := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86)2422 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64 := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64)2423 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH))2424 VBoxRT_SOURCES.x86 := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.x86)2425 VBoxRT_SOURCES.amd64 := $(Runtime R3_SOURCES.amd64)2422 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET) = $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2423 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2424 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86 := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).x86) 2425 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64 := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET).amd64) 2426 VBoxRT_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2427 VBoxRT_SOURCES.x86 := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.x86) 2428 VBoxRT_SOURCES.amd64 := $(RuntimeBaseR3_SOURCES.amd64) 2426 2429 += \ 2427 2430 r3/win/dllmain-win.cpp \ … … 2429 2432 += \ 2430 2433 $(VBoxRT_0_OUTDIR)/VBoxRT.def 2431 VBoxRT_INCS := $(Runtime R3_INCS)2432 VBoxRT_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(Runtime R3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET))2433 VBoxRT_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(Runtime R3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH))2434 VBoxRT_INCS := $(RuntimeBaseR3_INCS) 2435 VBoxRT_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET)) 2436 VBoxRT_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH) := $(RuntimeBaseR3_INCS.$(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH)) 2434 2437 VBoxRT_LIBS = \ 2435 2438 $(SDK_VBOX_LZF_LIBS) \
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