Changeset 96324 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Main/include
- Timestamp:
- Aug 19, 2022 8:15:55 AM (3 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 153138
- Location:
- trunk/src/VBox/Main/include
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r96322 r96324 48 48 size_t GetStreamCount(void) const; 49 49 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING 50 PRECORDINGCODEC GetCodecAudio(void) { return &this-> CodecAudio; }50 PRECORDINGCODEC GetCodecAudio(void) { return &this->m_CodecAudio; } 51 51 #endif 52 52 … … 118 118 119 119 /** Pointer to the console object. */ 120 Console * pConsole;120 Console *m_pConsole; 121 121 /** Used recording configuration. */ 122 122 settings::RecordingSettings m_Settings; 123 123 /** The current state. */ 124 RECORDINGSTS enmState;124 RECORDINGSTS m_enmState; 125 125 /** Critical section to serialize access. */ 126 RTCRITSECT CritSect;126 RTCRITSECT m_CritSect; 127 127 /** Semaphore to signal the encoding worker thread. */ 128 RTSEMEVENT WaitEvent;128 RTSEMEVENT m_WaitEvent; 129 129 /** Shutdown indicator. */ 130 bool fShutdown;130 bool m_fShutdown; 131 131 /** Encoding worker thread. */ 132 RTTHREAD Thread;132 RTTHREAD m_Thread; 133 133 /** Vector of current recording streams. 134 134 * Per VM screen (display) one recording stream is being used. */ 135 RecordingStreams vecStreams;135 RecordingStreams m_vecStreams; 136 136 /** Number of streams in vecStreams which currently are enabled for recording. */ 137 uint16_t cStreamsEnabled;137 uint16_t m_cStreamsEnabled; 138 138 /** Timestamp (in ms) of when recording has been started. */ 139 uint64_t tsStartMs;139 uint64_t m_tsStartMs; 140 140 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING 141 141 /** Audio codec to use. … … 145 145 * all audio data of a VM will be the same for each stream at a given 146 146 * point in time. */ 147 RECORDINGCODEC CodecAudio;147 RECORDINGCODEC m_CodecAudio; 148 148 #endif /* VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING */ 149 149 /** Block map of raw common data blocks which need to get encoded first. */ 150 RecordingBlockMap m apBlocksRaw;150 RecordingBlockMap m_mapBlocksRaw; 151 151 /** Block map of encoded common blocks. 152 152 * … … 159 159 * For now this only affects audio, e.g. all recording streams 160 160 * need to have the same audio data at a specific point in time. */ 161 RecordingBlockMap m apBlocksEncoded;161 RecordingBlockMap m_mapBlocksEncoded; 162 162 }; 163 163 #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_Recording_h */ -
r96322 r96324 125 125 126 126 const settings::RecordingScreenSettings &GetConfig(void) const; 127 uint16_t GetID(void) const { return this-> uScreenID; };127 uint16_t GetID(void) const { return this->m_uScreenID; }; 128 128 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING 129 PRECORDINGCODEC GetAudioCodec(void) { return this-> pCodecAudio; };129 PRECORDINGCODEC GetAudioCodec(void) { return this->m_pCodecAudio; }; 130 130 #endif 131 PRECORDINGCODEC GetVideoCodec(void) { return &this-> CodecVideo; };131 PRECORDINGCODEC GetVideoCodec(void) { return &this->m_CodecVideo; }; 132 132 133 133 bool IsLimitReached(uint64_t msTimestamp) const; … … 176 176 RecordingContext *m_pCtx; 177 177 /** The current state. */ 178 RECORDINGSTREAMSTATE enmState;178 RECORDINGSTREAMSTATE m_enmState; 179 179 struct 180 180 { 181 181 /** File handle to use for writing. */ 182 RTFILE hFile;182 RTFILE m_hFile; 183 183 /** Pointer to WebM writer instance being used. */ 184 WebMWriter * pWEBM;184 WebMWriter *m_pWEBM; 185 185 } File; 186 bool fEnabled;186 bool m_fEnabled; 187 187 /** Track number of audio stream. 188 188 * Set to UINT8_MAX if not being used. */ 189 uint8_t uTrackAudio;189 uint8_t m_uTrackAudio; 190 190 /** Track number of video stream. 191 191 * Set to UINT8_MAX if not being used. */ 192 uint8_t uTrackVideo;192 uint8_t m_uTrackVideo; 193 193 /** Screen ID. */ 194 uint16_t uScreenID;194 uint16_t m_uScreenID; 195 195 /** Critical section to serialize access. */ 196 RTCRITSECT CritSect;196 RTCRITSECT m_CritSect; 197 197 /** Timestamp (in ms) of when recording has been started. */ 198 uint64_t tsStartMs;198 uint64_t m_tsStartMs; 199 199 #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING 200 200 /** Pointer to audio codec instance data to use. … … 206 206 * 207 207 * Might be NULL if not being used. */ 208 PRECORDINGCODEC pCodecAudio;208 PRECORDINGCODEC m_pCodecAudio; 209 209 #endif /* VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_RECORDING */ 210 210 /** Video codec instance data to use. */ 211 RECORDINGCODEC CodecVideo;211 RECORDINGCODEC m_CodecVideo; 212 212 /** Screen settings to use. */ 213 213 settings::RecordingScreenSettings 214 ScreenSettings;214 m_ScreenSettings; 215 215 /** Common set of recording (data) blocks, needed for 216 216 * multiplexing to all recording streams. */ 217 RecordingBlockSet Blocks;217 RecordingBlockSet m_Blocks; 218 218 }; 219 219 -
r96285 r96324 373 373 { 374 374 WebMSegment(void) 375 : tcAbsStartMs(0)376 , tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0)377 , offStart(0)378 , offInfo(0)379 , offSeekInfo(0)380 , offTracks(0)381 , offCues(0)382 , cClusters(0)383 { 384 uTimecodeScaleFactor = VBOX_WEBM_TIMECODESCALE_FACTOR_MS;385 386 LogFunc(("Default timecode scale is: %RU64ns\n", uTimecodeScaleFactor));375 : m_tcAbsStartMs(0) 376 , m_tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0) 377 , m_offStart(0) 378 , m_offInfo(0) 379 , m_offSeekInfo(0) 380 , m_offTracks(0) 381 , m_offCues(0) 382 , m_cClusters(0) 383 { 384 m_uTimecodeScaleFactor = VBOX_WEBM_TIMECODESCALE_FACTOR_MS; 385 386 LogFunc(("Default timecode scale is: %RU64ns\n", m_uTimecodeScaleFactor)); 387 387 } 388 388 … … 399 399 int init(void) 400 400 { 401 return RTCritSectInit(& CritSect);401 return RTCritSectInit(&m_CritSect); 402 402 } 403 403 … … 409 409 clear(); 410 410 411 RTCritSectDelete(& CritSect);411 RTCritSectDelete(&m_CritSect); 412 412 } 413 413 … … 417 417 void clear(void) 418 418 { 419 WebMCuePointList::iterator itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin();420 while (itCuePoint != lstCuePoints.end())419 WebMCuePointList::iterator itCuePoint = m_lstCuePoints.begin(); 420 while (itCuePoint != m_lstCuePoints.end()) 421 421 { 422 422 WebMCuePoint *pCuePoint = (*itCuePoint); … … 424 424 delete pCuePoint; 425 425 426 lstCuePoints.erase(itCuePoint);427 itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin();426 m_lstCuePoints.erase(itCuePoint); 427 itCuePoint = m_lstCuePoints.begin(); 428 428 } 429 429 430 Assert( lstCuePoints.empty());430 Assert(m_lstCuePoints.empty()); 431 431 } 432 432 433 433 /** Critical section for serializing access to this segment. */ 434 RTCRITSECT CritSect;434 RTCRITSECT m_CritSect; 435 435 436 436 /** The timecode scale factor of this segment. */ 437 uint64_t uTimecodeScaleFactor;437 uint64_t m_uTimecodeScaleFactor; 438 438 439 439 /** Absolute timecode (in ms) when starting this segment. */ 440 WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsStartMs;440 WebMTimecodeAbs m_tcAbsStartMs; 441 441 /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of last write. */ 442 WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs;442 WebMTimecodeAbs m_tcAbsLastWrittenMs; 443 443 444 444 /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of CurSeg. */ 445 uint64_t offStart;445 uint64_t m_offStart; 446 446 /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of general info. */ 447 uint64_t offInfo;447 uint64_t m_offInfo; 448 448 /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of seeking info. */ 449 uint64_t offSeekInfo;449 uint64_t m_offSeekInfo; 450 450 /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of tracks. */ 451 uint64_t offTracks;451 uint64_t m_offTracks; 452 452 /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of cues table. */ 453 uint64_t offCues;453 uint64_t m_offCues; 454 454 /** List of cue points. Needed for seeking table. */ 455 WebMCuePointList lstCuePoints;455 WebMCuePointList m_lstCuePoints; 456 456 457 457 /** Total number of clusters. */ 458 uint64_t cClusters;458 uint64_t m_cClusters; 459 459 460 460 /** Map of tracks. 461 461 * The key marks the track number (*not* the UUID!). */ 462 std::map <uint8_t, WebMTrack *> m apTracks;462 std::map <uint8_t, WebMTrack *> m_mapTracks; 463 463 464 464 /** Current cluster which is being handled. … … 466 466 * Note that we don't need (and shouldn't need, as this can be a *lot* of data!) a 467 467 * list of all clusters. */ 468 WebMCluster CurCluster;469 470 WebMQueue queueBlocks;471 472 } CurSeg;468 WebMCluster m_CurCluster; 469 470 WebMQueue m_queueBlocks; 471 472 } m_CurSeg; 473 473 474 474 /** Audio codec to use. */ … … 542 542 * @returns Number of written WebM clusters; 0 when no clusters written (empty file). 543 543 */ 544 uint64_t GetClusters(void) const { return CurSeg.cClusters; }544 uint64_t GetClusters(void) const { return m_CurSeg.m_cClusters; } 545 545 546 546 protected:
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