
Changeset 96564 in vbox

Sep 1, 2022 9:06:13 AM (2 years ago)

Validation Kit/docs: Corrected typos.

7 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/AutomaticTestingRevamp.html

    r82972 r96564  
    55<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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    542564<p>The testbox will not provide the typical unix /bin and /usr/bin utilities.  In
    543565other words, cygwin will not be used on Windows!</p>
    544 <p>The testbox will provide the unixy utilties that ships with kBuild and possibly
     566<p>The testbox will provide the unixy utilities that ships with kBuild and possibly
    545567some additional ones from tools/<em>.</em>/bin in the VirtualBox tree (wget, unzip,
    546 zip, and so on).  The test drivers will avoid invoking any of these utilites
     568zip, and so on).  The test drivers will avoid invoking any of these utilities
    547569directly and instead rely on generic utility methods in the test driver
    548570framework.  That way we can more easily reimplement the functionality of the
    549 core utilites and drop the dependency on them.  It also allows us to quickly
     571core utilities and drop the dependency on them.  It also allows us to quickly
    550572work around platform specific oddities and bugs.</p>
    555577run under the testbox script, they can be executed in the VirtualBox development
    556578environment.  This is important for bug analysis and for simplifying local
    557 testing by the developers before commiting changes.  It also means the test
     579testing by the developers before committing changes.  It also means the test
    558580drivers can be developed locally in the VirtualBox development environment.</p>
    559581<p>The main difference between executing a driver under the testbox script and
    571593development as well as reducing their complexity.  The framework will contain:</p>
    573 <ul>
    574 <li><p class="first">A generic way of submitting output.  This will be a generic interface with
     595<ul class="simple">
     596<li>A generic way of submitting output.  This will be a generic interface with
    575597multiple implementation, the TESTBOX_REPORTER environment variable
    576598will decide which of them to use.  The interface will have very specific
    577599methods to allow the reporter to do a best possible job in reporting the
    578 results to the test manager.</p>
    579 </li>
     600results to the test manager.</li>
    580601<li><dl class="first docutils">
    581602<dt>Helpers for typical tasks, like:</dt>
    582 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
     603<dd><ul class="first last">
    583604<li>Copying files.</li>
    584605<li>Deleting files, directory trees and scratch space.</li>
    592 <li><p class="first">Helpers for installing and uninstalling VirtualBox.</p>
    593 </li>
    594 <li><p class="first">Helpers for defining VMs. (The VBox API where available.)</p>
    595 </li>
    596 <li><p class="first">Helpers for controlling VMs. (The VBox API where available.)</p>
    597 </li>
     613<li>Helpers for installing and uninstalling VirtualBox.</li>
     614<li>Helpers for defining VMs. (The VBox API where available.)</li>
     615<li>Helpers for controlling VMs. (The VBox API where available.)</li>
    632650<p>List of requirements:</p>
    634 <ul>
    635 <li><p class="first">Two level testing - L1 quick smoke tests and L2 longer tests performed on
    636 builds passing L1.  (Klaus (IIRC) ment this could be realized using
    637 test dependency.)</p>
    638 </li>
    639 <li><p class="first">Black listing builds (by revision or similar) known to be bad.</p>
    640 </li>
    641 <li><p class="first">Distinguish between build types so we can do a portion of the testing with
    642 strict builds.</p>
    643 </li>
    644 <li><p class="first">Easy to re-configure build source for testing different branch or for
    645 testing a release candidate. (Directory based is fine.)</p>
    646 </li>
    647 <li><p class="first">Useful to be able to partition testboxes (run specific builds on some
    648 boxes, let an engineer have a few boxes for a while).</p>
    649 </li>
    650 <li><p class="first">Interation with ILOM/...: reset systems.</p>
    651 </li>
    652 <li><p class="first">Be able to suspend testing on selected testboxes when doing maintance
     652<ul class="simple">
     653<li>Two level testing - L1 quick smoke tests and L2 longer tests performed on
     654builds passing L1.  (Klaus (IIRC) meant this could be realized using
     655test dependency.)</li>
     656<li>Black listing builds (by revision or similar) known to be bad.</li>
     657<li>Distinguish between build types so we can do a portion of the testing with
     658strict builds.</li>
     659<li>Easy to re-configure build source for testing different branch or for
     660testing a release candidate. (Directory based is fine.)</li>
     661<li>Useful to be able to partition testboxes (run specific builds on some
     662boxes, let an engineer have a few boxes for a while).</li>
     663<li>Interaction with ILOM/...: reset systems.</li>
     664<li>Be able to suspend testing on selected testboxes when doing maintenance
    653665(where automatically resuming testing on reboot is undesired) or similar
    654 activity.</p>
    655 </li>
    656 <li><p class="first">Abort testing on seleced testboxes.</p>
    657 </li>
    658 <li><p class="first">Scheduling of tests requiring more than one testbox.</p>
    659 </li>
    660 <li><p class="first">Scheduling of tests that cannot be executing concurrently on several
    661 machines because of some global resource like an iSCSI target.</p>
    662 </li>
    663 <li><p class="first">Jump the scheduling queue.  Scheduling of specified test the next time a
     667<li>Abort testing on selected testboxes.</li>
     668<li>Scheduling of tests requiring more than one testbox.</li>
     669<li>Scheduling of tests that cannot be executing concurrently on several
     670machines because of some global resource like an iSCSI target.</li>
     671<li>Jump the scheduling queue.  Scheduling of specified test the next time a
    664672testbox is available (optionally specifying which testbox to schedule it
    665 on).</p>
    666 </li>
    667674<li><dl class="first docutils">
    668675<dt>Configure tests with variable configuration to get better coverage. Two modes:</dt>
    669 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
     676<dd><ul class="first last">
    670677<li>TM generates the permutations based on one or more sets of test script arguments.</li>
    671 <li>Each configuration permuation is specified manually.</li>
    672 </ul>
    673 </dd>
    674 </dl>
    675 </li>
    676 <li><p class="first">Test specification needs to be flexible (select tests, disable test, test
    677 scheduling (run certain tests nightly), ... ).</p>
    678 </li>
    679 <li><p class="first">Test scheduling by hour+weekday and by priority.</p>
    680 </li>
    681 <li><p class="first">Test dependencies (test A depends on test B being successful).</p>
    682 </li>
    683 <li><p class="first">Historize all configuration data, in particular test configs (permutations
    684 included) and testboxes.</p>
    685 </li>
    686 <li><p class="first">Test sets has at a minimum a build reference, a testbox reference and a
    687 primary log associated with it.</p>
    688 </li>
     678<li>Each configuration permutation is specified manually.</li>
     683<li>Test specification needs to be flexible (select tests, disable test, test
     684scheduling (run certain tests nightly), ... ).</li>
     685<li>Test scheduling by hour+weekday and by priority.</li>
     686<li>Test dependencies (test A depends on test B being successful).</li>
     687<li>Historize all configuration data, in particular test configs (permutations
     688included) and testboxes.</li>
     689<li>Test sets has at a minimum a build reference, a testbox reference and a
     690primary log associated with it.</li>
    689691<li><dl class="first docutils">
    690692<dt>Test sets stores further result as a recursive collection of:</dt>
    691 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
    692 <li>hierachical subtest name (slash sep)</li>
     693<dd><ul class="first last">
     694<li>hierarchical subtest name (slash sep)</li>
    693695<li>test parameters / config</li>
    694696<li>bool fail/succ</li>
    705 <li><p class="first">The test sets database structure needs to designed such that data mining
    706 can be done in an efficient manner.</p>
    707 </li>
    708 <li><p class="first">Presentation/analysis: graphs!, categorize bugs, columns reorganizing
    709 grouped by test (hierarchical), overviews, result for last day.</p>
    710 </li>
     707<li>The test sets database structure needs to designed such that data mining
     708can be done in an efficient manner.</li>
     709<li>Presentation/analysis: graphs!, categorize bugs, columns reorganizing
     710grouped by test (hierarchical), overviews, result for last day.</li>
    763763for a testcase.  It will schedule on a testcase level, using the combined
    764764priority of the testcase in the test group and the test group with the testbox
    765 partition, trying to spread the test case argument varation out accordingly
     765partition, trying to spread the test case argument variation out accordingly
    766766over the whole scheduilng queue.  Which argument variation to start with, is
    767767not undefined (random would be best).</p>
    791791this database, with 'effective' as start date field name and 'expire' as
    792792the end (exclusive).</p>
    793 <p>Tuple-versioning has a shortcomming wrt to keys, both primary and foreign.
     793<p>Tuple-versioning has a shortcoming wrt to keys, both primary and foreign.
    794794The primary key of a table employing tuple-versioning is really
    795795'id' + 'valid_period', where the latter is expressed using two fields
    798798welcomed. :-)</p>
    799799<p>Foreign key references to a table using tuple-versioning is running into
    800 trouble because of the time axsis and that to our knowledge foreign keys
     800trouble because of the time axis and that to our knowledge foreign keys
    801801must reference exactly one row in the other table.  When time is involved
    802802what we wish to tell the database is that at any given time, there actually
    946946<li><p class="first">If the testbox was marked as disabled, respond with an IDLE command to the
    947 testbox [done]. (Note! Must do this after TestBoxStatuses maintainance from
     947testbox [done]. (Note! Must do this after TestBoxStatuses maintenance from
    948948point 2, or abandoned tests won't be cleaned up after a testbox is disabled.)</p>
    10671067So, the gathering has a reasonable timeout (imagine something like 20-30 mins).</p>
    10681068<p>Also, we need some way of dealing with 'abort' and 'reboot' commands being
    1069 issued while waiting.  The easy way out is pretent it's a time out.</p>
     1069issued while waiting.  The easy way out is pretend it's a time out.</p>
    10701070<p>When changing the status to 'gang-timeout' we have to be careful.  First of all,
    10711071we need to exclusively lock the SchedQueues and TestBoxStatuses (in that order)
    11031103<p>This is a subfunction of scenario #1 and #2.  The actions taken are the same in
    11041104both situations.  The precondition for taking this path is that the row in the
    1105 testboxstatus table is refering to a testset (i.e. testset_id is not NULL).</p>
     1105testboxstatus table is referring to a testset (i.e. testset_id is not NULL).</p>
    1107 <ol class="arabic">
     1107<ol class="arabic simple">
    11081108<li><dl class="first docutils">
    11091109<dt>If the testset is incomplete, we need to completed:</dt>
    1110 <dd><ol class="first last loweralpha simple">
    1111 <li>Add a message to the root TestResults row, creating one if necesary,
     1110<dd><ol class="first last loweralpha">
     1111<li>Add a message to the root TestResults row, creating one if necessary,
    11121112that explains that the test was abandoned.  This is done
    11131113by inserting/finding the string into/in TestResultStrTab and adding
    1121 <li><p class="first">Free any global resources referenced by the test set.  This is done by
    1122 deleting all rows in GlobalResourceStatuses matching the testbox id.</p>
    1123 </li>
    1124 <li><p class="first">Set the idTestSet to NULL in the TestBoxStatuses row.</p>
    1125 </li>
     1121<li>Free any global resources referenced by the test set.  This is done by
     1122deleting all rows in GlobalResourceStatuses matching the testbox id.</li>
     1123<li>Set the idTestSet to NULL in the TestBoxStatuses row.</li>
    12291227<div class="section" id="milestone-3">
    12301228<h2>Milestone #3</h2>
    1231 <p>The goal for this milestone is configuration and converting current testscases,
     1229<p>The goal for this milestone is configuration and converting current testcases,
    12321230the result will be the a minimal test deployment (4-5 new testboxes).</p>
    12331231<p>Tasks in somewhat prioritized order:</p>
    12581256configuration aspects needing reporting as well.</p>
    12591257<p>Once deployed, a golden rule will be that all new features shall have test
    1260 coverage.  Preferrably, implemented by someone else and prior to the feature
     1258coverage.  Preferably, implemented by someone else and prior to the feature
    12851283<div class="section" id="raw-input">
    12861284<h2>2009-07-16 Raw Input</h2>
    1287 <ul>
     1285<ul class="simple">
    12881286<li><dl class="first docutils">
    12891287<dt>test set. recursive collection of:</dt>
    1290 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
     1288<dd><ul class="first last">
    12911289<li>hierachical subtest name (slash sep)</li>
    12921290<li>test parameters / config</li>
    1304 <li><p class="first">client package (zip) dl from server (maybe client caching)</p>
    1305 </li>
     1302<li>client package (zip) dl from server (maybe client caching)</li>
    13061303<li><dl class="first docutils">
    13071304<dt>thoughts on bits to do at once.</dt>
    1308 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
     1305<dd><ul class="first last">
    13091306<li>We <em>really</em> need the basic bits ASAP.</li>
    13101307<li>client -&gt; support for test driver</li>
    1319 <div class="section" id="id1">
     1316<div class="section" id="raw-input-1">
    13201317<h2>2009-07-15 Raw Input</h2>
    13211318<ul class="simple">
    13351332<hr class="docutils" />
    1336 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id2" rules="none">
     1333<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-1" rules="none">
    13371334<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    13381335<tbody valign="top">
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/AutomaticTestingRevamp.txt

    r82972 r96564  
    242242other words, cygwin will not be used on Windows!
    244 The testbox will provide the unixy utilties that ships with kBuild and possibly
     244The testbox will provide the unixy utilities that ships with kBuild and possibly
    245245some additional ones from tools/*.*/bin in the VirtualBox tree (wget, unzip,
    246 zip, and so on).  The test drivers will avoid invoking any of these utilites
     246zip, and so on).  The test drivers will avoid invoking any of these utilities
    247247directly and instead rely on generic utility methods in the test driver
    248248framework.  That way we can more easily reimplement the functionality of the
    249 core utilites and drop the dependency on them.  It also allows us to quickly
     249core utilities and drop the dependency on them.  It also allows us to quickly
    250250work around platform specific oddities and bugs.
    257257run under the testbox script, they can be executed in the VirtualBox development
    258258environment.  This is important for bug analysis and for simplifying local
    259 testing by the developers before commiting changes.  It also means the test
     259testing by the developers before committing changes.  It also means the test
    260260drivers can be developed locally in the VirtualBox development environment.
    336336  - Two level testing - L1 quick smoke tests and L2 longer tests performed on
    337     builds passing L1.  (Klaus (IIRC) ment this could be realized using
     337    builds passing L1.  (Klaus (IIRC) meant this could be realized using
    338338    test dependency.)
    339339  - Black listing builds (by revision or similar) known to be bad.
    344344  - Useful to be able to partition testboxes (run specific builds on some
    345345    boxes, let an engineer have a few boxes for a while).
    346   - Interation with ILOM/...: reset systems.
    347   - Be able to suspend testing on selected testboxes when doing maintance
     346  - Interaction with ILOM/...: reset systems.
     347  - Be able to suspend testing on selected testboxes when doing maintenance
    348348    (where automatically resuming testing on reboot is undesired) or similar
    349349    activity.
    350   - Abort testing on seleced testboxes.
     350  - Abort testing on selected testboxes.
    351351  - Scheduling of tests requiring more than one testbox.
    352352  - Scheduling of tests that cannot be executing concurrently on several
    357357  - Configure tests with variable configuration to get better coverage. Two modes:
    358358      - TM generates the permutations based on one or more sets of test script arguments.
    359       - Each configuration permuation is specified manually.
     359      - Each configuration permutation is specified manually.
    360360  - Test specification needs to be flexible (select tests, disable test, test
    361361    scheduling (run certain tests nightly), ... ).
    367367    primary log associated with it.
    368368  - Test sets stores further result as a recursive collection of:
    369       - hierachical subtest name (slash sep)
     369      - hierarchical subtest name (slash sep)
    370370      - test parameters / config
    371371      - bool fail/succ
    448448for a testcase.  It will schedule on a testcase level, using the combined
    449449priority of the testcase in the test group and the test group with the testbox
    450 partition, trying to spread the test case argument varation out accordingly
     450partition, trying to spread the test case argument variation out accordingly
    451451over the whole scheduilng queue.  Which argument variation to start with, is
    452452not undefined (random would be best).
    486486the end (exclusive).
    488 Tuple-versioning has a shortcomming wrt to keys, both primary and foreign.
     488Tuple-versioning has a shortcoming wrt to keys, both primary and foreign.
    489489The primary key of a table employing tuple-versioning is really
    490490'id' + 'valid_period', where the latter is expressed using two fields
    495495Foreign key references to a table using tuple-versioning is running into
    496 trouble because of the time axsis and that to our knowledge foreign keys
     496trouble because of the time axis and that to our knowledge foreign keys
    497497must reference exactly one row in the other table.  When time is involved
    498498what we wish to tell the database is that at any given time, there actually
    6356353. If the testbox was marked as disabled, respond with an IDLE command to the
    636    testbox [done]. (Note! Must do this after TestBoxStatuses maintainance from
     636   testbox [done]. (Note! Must do this after TestBoxStatuses maintenance from
    637637   point 2, or abandoned tests won't be cleaned up after a testbox is disabled.)
    741741Also, we need some way of dealing with 'abort' and 'reboot' commands being
    742 issued while waiting.  The easy way out is pretent it's a time out.
     742issued while waiting.  The easy way out is pretend it's a time out.
    744744When changing the status to 'gang-timeout' we have to be careful.  First of all,
    789789This is a subfunction of scenario #1 and #2.  The actions taken are the same in
    790790both situations.  The precondition for taking this path is that the row in the
    791 testboxstatus table is refering to a testset (i.e. testset_id is not NULL).
     791testboxstatus table is referring to a testset (i.e. testset_id is not NULL).
    7967961. If the testset is incomplete, we need to completed:
    797         a) Add a message to the root TestResults row, creating one if necesary,
     797        a) Add a message to the root TestResults row, creating one if necessary,
    798798           that explains that the test was abandoned.  This is done
    799799           by inserting/finding the string into/in TestResultStrTab and adding
    941 The goal for this milestone is configuration and converting current testscases,
     941The goal for this milestone is configuration and converting current testcases,
    942942the result will be the a minimal test deployment (4-5 new testboxes).
    984984Once deployed, a golden rule will be that all new features shall have test
    985 coverage.  Preferrably, implemented by someone else and prior to the feature
     985coverage.  Preferably, implemented by someone else and prior to the feature
    10601060:Status: $Id$
    10611061:Copyright: Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Oracle Corporation.
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/TestBoxImaging.html

    r82972 r96564  
    55<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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    346368<div class="section" id="introduction">
    348 <p>This document is explores deloying a very simple drive imaging solution to help
     370<p>This document is explores deploying a very simple drive imaging solution to help
    349371avoid needing to manually reinstall testboxes when a disk goes bust or the OS
    350372install seems to be corrupted.</p>
    438460cp -R /usr/lib/syslinux/modules/efi64 /mnt/testbox-tftp/
    440 <p>For simplicitly, all the testboxes boot using good old fashioned BIOS, no EFI.
     462<p>For simplicity, all the testboxes boot using good old fashioned BIOS, no EFI.
    441463However, it doesn't really hurt to be prepared.</p>
    442464<p>The PXELINUX related files goes in the root of the testbox-tftp share.  (As
    444466<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">apt-get</span> install pxelinux syslinux</tt>.)  We need the <tt class="docutils literal">*pxelinux.0</tt> files
    445467typically found in <tt class="docutils literal">/usr/lib/PXELINUX/</tt> on debian systems (recent ones
    446 anyway).  It is possible we may need one ore more fo the modules <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id6" id="id1">[1]</a> that
     468anyway).  It is possible we may need one ore more fo the modules <a class="footnote-reference" href="#footnote-1" id="footnote-reference-1">[1]</a> that
    447469ships with PXELINUX/SYSLINUX, so do copy <tt class="docutils literal">/usr/lib/syslinux/modules</tt> to
    448470<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">testbox-tftp/modules</span></tt> as well.</p>
    449471<p>The directory layout related to the configuration files is dictated by the
    450 PXELINUX configuration file searching algorithm <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id7" id="id2">[2]</a>.  Create a subdirectory
     472PXELINUX configuration file searching algorithm <a class="footnote-reference" href="#footnote-2" id="footnote-reference-2">[2]</a>.  Create a subdirectory
    451473<tt class="docutils literal">pxelinux.cfg/</tt> under <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">testbox-tftp</span></tt> and create the world readable file
    452474<tt class="docutils literal">default</tt> with the following content:</p>
    575597<li><p class="first">Append <tt class="docutils literal">aufs</tt> to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/initramfs-tools/modules</span></tt>.  The advanced
    576598multi-layered unification filesystem (aufs) enables us to use a
    577 read-only NFS root. <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id8" id="id3">[3]</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id9" id="id4">[4]</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id10" id="id5">[5]</a></p>
     599read-only NFS root. <a class="footnote-reference" href="#footnote-3" id="footnote-reference-3">[3]</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#footnote-4" id="footnote-reference-4">[4]</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#footnote-5" id="footnote-reference-5">[5]</a></p>
    579601<li><p class="first">Create <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/00_aufs_init</span></tt> as
    691713<hr class="docutils" />
    692 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id6" rules="none">
     714<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-1" rules="none">
    693715<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    694716<tbody valign="top">
    695 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id1">[1]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
     717<tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#footnote-reference-1">[1]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
    698 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id7" rules="none">
     720<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-2" rules="none">
    699721<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    700722<tbody valign="top">
    701 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id2">[2]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
     723<tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#footnote-reference-2">[2]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
    704 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id8" rules="none">
     726<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-3" rules="none">
    705727<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    706728<tbody valign="top">
    707 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id3">[3]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
     729<tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#footnote-reference-3">[3]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
    710 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id9" rules="none">
     732<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-4" rules="none">
    711733<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    712734<tbody valign="top">
    713 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id4">[4]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
     735<tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#footnote-reference-4">[4]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
    716 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id10" rules="none">
     738<table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="footnote-5" rules="none">
    717739<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
    718740<tbody valign="top">
    719 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id5">[5]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
     741<tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#footnote-reference-5">[5]</a></td><td>See <a class="reference external" href=""></a></td></tr>
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/TestBoxImaging.txt

    r82972 r96564  
    9 This document is explores deloying a very simple drive imaging solution to help
     9This document is explores deploying a very simple drive imaging solution to help
    1010avoid needing to manually reinstall testboxes when a disk goes bust or the OS
    1111install seems to be corrupted.
    102 For simplicitly, all the testboxes boot using good old fashioned BIOS, no EFI.
     102For simplicity, all the testboxes boot using good old fashioned BIOS, no EFI.
    103103However, it doesn't really hurt to be prepared.
    367367:Status: $Id$
    368368:Copyright: Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Oracle Corporation.
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/VBoxValidationKitReadMe.html

    r82972 r96564  
    55<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    6 <meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.12:" />
     6<meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.18:" />
    77<title>The VirtualBox Validation Kit</title>
    88<style type="text/css">
    3737.hidden {
    3838  display: none }
     40.subscript {
     41  vertical-align: sub;
     42  font-size: smaller }
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    4048a.toc-backref {
    162170  width: 75% }
    164 img.align-left, .figure.align-left, object.align-left {
     172img.align-left, .figure.align-left, object.align-left, table.align-left {
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    169 img.align-right, .figure.align-right, object.align-right {
     177img.align-right, .figure.align-right, object.align-right, table.align-right {
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    197219ol.simple, ul.simple {
    399421<dd><p class="first">Boot sector test environment.  This allows creating floppy images in
    400 assembly that tests specific CPU or device behaviour.  Most tests can be
     422assembly that tests specific CPU or device behavior.  Most tests can be
    401423put on a USB stick, floppy or similar and booted up on real hardware for
    402424comparison.  All floppy images can be used for manual testing by developers
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/VBoxValidationKitReadMe.txt

    r82972 r96564  
    7272    Boot sector test environment.  This allows creating floppy images in
    73     assembly that tests specific CPU or device behaviour.  Most tests can be
     73    assembly that tests specific CPU or device behavior.  Most tests can be
    7474    put on a USB stick, floppy or similar and booted up on real hardware for
    7575    comparison.  All floppy images can be used for manual testing by developers
    112112:Status: $Id$
    113113:Copyright: Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Oracle Corporation.
  • trunk/src/VBox/ValidationKit/docs/

    r96407 r96564  
    22# $Id$
    33## @file
    4 # VirtualBox Validation Kit - testbox mainenance service
     4# VirtualBox Validation Kit - testbox maintenance service
    409409exit 0
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