Changeset 96647 in vbox
- Timestamp:
- Sep 8, 2022 12:37:39 AM (3 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 153529
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r96646 r96647 3912 3912 3913 3913 3914 ## VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN 3915 # Adds a manifest resource with ID 1 that tells windows 10 1903 and later to 3916 # use UTF-8 for the ANSI and OEM code pages. We only do this when using UCRT 3917 # as the VCC100 CRT typically ends up with its internal code page not being 3918 # CP_UTF8 but the default codepage for the locale. 3919 # 3920 # @param 1 the output filename. 3921 # 3914 ## VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_CMDS 3915 # Wrapper around VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN that makes sure it's an EXE link target, 3916 # as this UTF-8 manifest doesn't make sense for non-executables. 3922 3917 ifn1of ($(VBOX_VCC_TOOL_STEM), VCC100 VCC110 VCC120) 3918 ## VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN 3919 # Adds a manifest resource with ID 1 that tells windows 10 1903 and later to 3920 # use UTF-8 for the ANSI and OEM code pages. We only do this when using UCRT 3921 # as the VCC100 CRT typically ends up with its internal code page not being 3922 # CP_UTF8 but the default codepage for the locale. 3923 3923 # 3924 # We don't use this for old x86-only stuff like NT4, 2K or WinXP, 3925 # as this breaks loading our binaries. 3926 # (unless we're also wanting support for exotic stuff like WinXP 64-bit). 3924 # @param 1 the output filename. 3925 # @param 2 the architecture (required for xp rtm) 3927 3926 # 3928 ifn1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET).$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH), win.x86) 3929 VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN = \ 3927 VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN = \ 3930 3928 $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -tn "$(1).manifest" \ 3931 3929 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' \ 3932 3930 '<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">' \ 3933 ' <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="$(notdir $(1))" version="$(VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR).$(VBOX_VERSION_MINOR).$(VBOX_VERSION_BUILD).$(expr $(VBOX_SVN_REV) % 50000)"/>' \3931 ' <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="$(notdir $(1))" processorArchitecture="$(2)" version="$(VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR).$(VBOX_VERSION_MINOR).$(VBOX_VERSION_BUILD).$(expr $(VBOX_SVN_REV) % 50000)" />' \ 3934 3932 ' <asmv3:application>' \ 3935 3933 ' <asmv3:windowsSettings>' \ … … 3941 3939 -nologo -manifest '$(subst /,\,$(1).manifest)' '-outputresource:$(subst /,\,$(1));$(HASH)1' \ 3942 3940 $(NLTAB)$(QUIET)$(RM) -f -- "$(1).manifest" 3943 ## VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_CMDS 3944 # Wrapper around VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN that makes sure it's an EXE link target, 3945 # as this UTF-8 manifest doesn't make sense for non-executables. 3946 VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_CMDS ?= $(if-expr "$(tool_do)" != "LINK_LIBRARY" && "$(EXT)" == "EXE",$(call VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN,$(out),),) 3947 endif 3941 VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_CMDS ?= $(if-expr "$(tool_do)" == "LINK_PROGRAM",$(call VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_FN,$(out),$(bld_trg_arch)),) 3948 3942 else 3949 3943 VBOX_UTF8_MANIFEST_CMDS =
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