
Changeset 99739 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/VMM

May 11, 2023 1:01:08 AM (21 months ago)

*: doxygen corrections (mostly about removing @returns from functions returning void).

40 edited


  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/APICAll.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    34293429 * Posts an interrupt to a target APIC, Hyper-V interface.
    34303430 *
    3431  * @returns true if the interrupt was accepted, false otherwise.
    34323431 * @param   pVCpu               The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    34333432 * @param   uVector             The vector of the interrupt to be posted.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/CPUMAllRegs.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    17281728 * Mark the guest's debug state as inactive.
    17291729 *
    1730  * @returns boolean
    17311730 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling EMT.
    17321731 * @todo    This API doesn't make sense any more.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/DBGFAllTracer.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    190190 * Copies the given MMIO value into the event descriptor based on the given size.
    191191 *
    192  * @returns nothing.
    193192 * @param   pEvtMmio                Pointer to the MMIO event descriptor to fill.
    194193 * @param   pvVal                   The value to copy.
    220219 * Copies the given I/O port value into the event descriptor based on the given size.
    221220 *
    222  * @returns nothing.
    223221 * @param   pEvtIoPort              Pointer to the I/O port read/write event descriptor to fill.
    224222 * @param   pvVal                   The value to copy.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/HMAll.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    389389 * Queues a guest page for invalidation.
    390390 *
    391  * @returns VBox status code.
    392391 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    393392 * @param   GCVirt      Page to invalidate.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/IEMAll.cpp

    r99686 r99739  
    567567 * This is called internally as well as by PGM when moving GC mappings.
    568568 *
    569  * @returns
    570569 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling
    571570 *                      thread.
    67766775 * The caller shall only call this after checking cActiveMappings.
    67776776 *
    6778  * @returns Strict VBox status code to pass up.
    67796777 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling thread.
    67806778 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/PGMAll.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    38583858 * Release the PGM lock.
    38593859 *
    3860  * @returns VBox status code
    38613860 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    38623861 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/PGMAllHandler.cpp

    r99360 r99739  
    987987 * Resets ram range flags.
    988988 *
    989  * @returns VBox status code.
    990  * @retval  VINF_SUCCESS when shadow PTs was successfully updated.
    991989 * @param   pVM     The cross context VM structure.
    992990 * @param   pCur    The physical handler.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMAll/PGMAllPhys.cpp

    r99314 r99739  
    12111211 * Deal with a write monitored page.
    1212  *
    1213  * @returns VBox strict status code.
    12141212 *
    12151213 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/CPUMR0.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    773773 * Lazily sync in the hypervisor debug state
    774774 *
    775  * @returns VBox status code.
    776775 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling EMT.
    777776 * @param   fDr6        Whether to include DR6 or not.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/DBGFR0Bp.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    5757 * Used by DBGFR0InitPerVM() to initialize the breakpoint manager.
    5858 *
    59  * @returns nothing.
    6059 * @param   pGVM        The global (ring-0) VM structure.
    6160 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/HMSVMR0.cpp

    r99211 r99739  
    17341734 * Exports the guest (or nested-guest) segment registers into the VMCB.
    17351735 *
    1736  * @returns VBox status code.
    17371736 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    17381737 * @param   pVmcb       Pointer to the VM control block.
    56075606 * for re-entry next time around.
    56085607 *
    5609  * @returns Strict VBox status code (i.e. informational status codes too).
    56105608 * @param   pSvmTransient   The SVM-transient structure.
    56115609 * @param   pDbgState       The debug state.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/HMVMXR0.cpp

    r99687 r99739  
    940940 * Free all VT-x structures for the VM.
    941941 *
    942  * @returns IPRT status code.
    943942 * @param   pVM     The cross context VM structure.
    944943 */
    16041603 * Flushes the TLB using EPT.
    16051604 *
    1606  * @returns VBox status code.
    16071605 * @param   pVCpu           The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling
    16081606 *                          EMT.  Can be NULL depending on @a enmTlbFlush.
    16411639 * Flushes the TLB using VPID.
    16421640 *
    1643  * @returns VBox status code.
    16441641 * @param   pVCpu           The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling
    16451642 *                          EMT.  Can be NULL depending on @a enmTlbFlush.
    43934390 * VMX-preemption timer.
    43944391 *
    4395  * @returns VBox status code.
    43964392 * @param   pVCpu           The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    43974393 * @param   pVmxTransient   The VMX-transient structure.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/PGMR0.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    166166 * Called at the end of the ring-0 initialization to seal access handler types.
    167167 *
    168  * @returns VBox status code.
    169168 * @param   pGVM    Pointer to the global VM structure.
    170169 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/CFGM.cpp

    r98644 r99739  
    121121 * Free wrapper.
    122122 *
    123  * @returns Pointer to the allocated memory, NULL on failure.
    124123 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure, if the tree
    125124 *                      is associated with one.
    155154 * String free wrapper.
    156155 *
    157  * @returns Pointer to the allocated memory, NULL on failure.
    158156 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure, if the tree
    159157 *                      is associated with one.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/CPUM-armv8.cpp

    r99383 r99739  
    307307 * Resets the CPU.
    308308 *
    309  * @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
    310309 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    311310 */
    632631 * Marks the guest debug state as active.
    633632 *
    634  * @returns nothing.
    635633 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    636634 *
    649647 * Marks the hyper debug state as active.
    650648 *
    651  * @returns nothing.
    652649 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    653650 *
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/CPUM.cpp

    r99220 r99739  
    24982498 * Resets the CPU.
    24992499 *
    2500  * @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
    25012500 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    25022501 */
    46024601 * Marks the guest debug state as active.
    46034602 *
    4604  * @returns nothing.
    46054603 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    46064604 *
    46194617 * Marks the hyper debug state as active.
    46204618 *
    4621  * @returns nothing.
    46224619 * @param   pVCpu       The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    46234620 *
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGF.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    229229 * This is for tstCFGM and others to avoid trigger leak detection.
    230230 *
    231  * @returns VBox status code.
    232231 * @param   pUVM    The user mode VM structure.
    233232 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3Bp.cpp

    r98970 r99739  
    782782 * Frees the given breakpoint handle.
    783783 *
    784  * @returns nothing.
    785784 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
    786785 * @param   hBp                 The breakpoint handle to free.
    978977 * Frees the given breakpoint handle.
    979978 *
    980  * @returns nothing.
    981979 * @param   pUVM                The user mode VM handle.
    982980 * @param   idxL2Tbl            The L2 table index to free.
    10051003 * Sets the enabled flag of the given breakpoint to the given value.
    10061004 *
    1007  * @returns nothing.
    10081005 * @param   pBp                 The breakpoint to set the state.
    10091006 * @param   fEnabled            Enabled status.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3Flow.cpp

    r99220 r99739  
    343343 * Destroys a control flow graph.
    344344 *
    345  * @returns nothing.
    346345 * @param   pThis               The control flow graph to destroy.
    347346 */
    376375 * Destroys a basic block.
    377376 *
    378  * @returns nothing.
    379377 * @param   pFlowBb              The basic block to destroy.
    380378 * @param   fMayDestroyFlow      Flag whether the control flow graph container
    400398 * Destroys a given branch table.
    401399 *
    402  * @returns nothing.
    403400 * @param   pFlowBranchTbl      The flow branch table to destroy.
    404401 */
    432429 * Links the given basic block into the control flow graph.
    433430 *
    434  * @returns nothing.
    435431 * @param   pThis               The control flow graph to link into.
    436432 * @param   pFlowBb             The basic block to link.
    446442 * Links the given branch table into the control flow graph.
    447443 *
    448  * @returns nothing.
    449444 * @param   pThis               The control flow graph to link into.
    450445 * @param   pBranchTbl          The branch table to link.
    499494 * Sets the given error status for the basic block.
    500495 *
    501  * @returns nothing.
    502496 * @param   pFlowBb              The basic block causing the error.
    503497 * @param   rcError             The error to set.
    21342128 * Destroys a given control flow graph iterator.
    21352129 *
    2136  * @returns nothing.
    21372130 * @param   hFlowIt              The control flow graph iterator handle.
    21382131 */
    22722265 * Destroys a given control flow graph branch table iterator.
    22732266 *
    2274  * @returns nothing.
    22752267 * @param   hFlowBranchTblIt              The control flow graph branch table iterator handle.
    22762268 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3FlowTrace.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    282282 * Destroys the given record.
    283283 *
    284  * @returns nothing.
    285284 * @param   pRecord                 The record to destroy.
    286285 */
    318317 * Destroys the given report releasing all references hold to the containing records.
    319318 *
    320  * @returns nothing.
    321319 * @param   pReport                 The report to destroy.
    322320 */
    411409 * Destroys the given flow trace module freeing all allocated resources.
    412410 *
    413  * @returns nothing.
    414411 * @param   pThis                   The flow trace module instance data.
    415412 */
    965962 * Cleans up any allocated resources for each entry in the given probe for the given range.
    966963 *
    967  * @returns nothing.
    968964 * @param   pProbe                  The probe instance.
    969965 * @param   idxStart                Start index to clean up.
    10141010 * Destroys the given flow trace probe freeing all allocated resources.
    10151011 *
    1016  * @returns nothing.
    10171012 * @param   pProbe                  The flow trace probe instance data.
    10181013 */
    11511146 * Recalculates the size occupied by the data of this probe for each invocation.
    11521147 *
    1153  * @returns nothing.
    11541148 * @param   pProbe                  The probe instance.
    11551149 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3SampleReport.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    263263 * Frees the given frame and all its descendants.
    264264 *
    265  * @returns nothing.
    266265 * @param   pFrame                  The frame to free.
    267266 */
    279278 * Destroys the given sample report freeing all allocated resources.
    280279 *
    281  * @returns nothing.
    282280 * @param   pThis                   The sample report instance data.
    283281 */
    364362 * Dumps a single given frame to the release log.
    365363 *
    366  * @returns nothing.
    367364 * @param   pHlp                    The debug info helper used for printing.
    368365 * @param   pUVM                    The usermode VM handle.
    411408 * each VCPU.
    412409 *
    413  * @returns nothing.
    414410 * @param   pThis                    Pointer to the sample report instance.
    415411 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3Tracer.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    10461046 * Terminates any configured tracer for the given VM instance.
    10471047 *
    1048  * @returns nothing.
    10491048 * @param   pVM                     The cross context VM structure.
    10501049 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/DBGFR3Type.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    12271227 * DBGFR3TypeQueryValByType().
    12281228 *
    1229  * @returns nothing.
    12301229 * @param   pVal                The value to free.
    12311230 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/GCM.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    250250 * Do whatever fixer-specific resetting that needs to be done.
    251251 *
    252  * @returns VBox status code.
    253252 * @param   pVM     The cross context VM structure.
    254253 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/GIM.cpp

    r99051 r99739  
    418418 * and other provider-specific resets.
    419419 *
    420  * @returns VBox status code.
    421420 * @param   pVM     The cross context VM structure.
    422421 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/GMM.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    175175 * Re-prepares a GMMR0FreePages request.
    176176 *
    177  * @returns VINF_SUCCESS or VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY.
    178177 * @param       pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    179178 * @param       pReq        A request buffer previously returned by
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/MM.cpp

    r99079 r99739  
    536536 * the VM it self is at this point powered off or suspended.
    537537 *
    538  * @returns VBox status code.
    539538 * @param   pUVM        Pointer to the user mode VM structure.
    540539 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/NEMR3Native-darwin-armv8.cpp

    r99735 r99739  
    806806 * Sets the given general purpose register to the given value.
    807807 *
    808  * @returns nothing.
    809808 * @param   pVCpu           The cross context virtual CPU structure of the
    810809 *                          calling EMT.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/NEMR3Native-darwin.cpp

    r99687 r99739  
    33903390 * Dumps the VMCS in response to a faild hv_vcpu_run{_until}() call.
    33913391 *
    3392  * @returns nothing.
    33933392 * @param   pVCpu           The cross context virtual CPU structure.
    33943393 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMAsyncCompletion.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    787787 * Called by the endpoint if a task has finished.
    788788 *
    789  * @returns nothing
    790789 * @param   pTask                     Pointer to the finished task.
    791790 * @param   rc                        Status code of the completed request.
    941940 * Worker terminating all endpoint classes.
    942941 *
    943  * @returns nothing
    944942 * @param   pEndpointClass    Pointer to the endpoint class to terminate.
    945943 *
    978976 * Records the size of the request in the statistics.
    979977 *
    980  * @returns nothing.
    981978 * @param   pEndpoint    The endpoint to register the request size for.
    982979 * @param   cbReq        Size of the request.
    10211018 * Records the required processing time of a request.
    10221019 *
    1023  * @returns nothing.
    10241020 * @param   pEndpoint    The endpoint.
    10251021 * @param   cNsRun       The request time in nanoseconds.
    12341230 * Deregisters advanced statistics for one endpoint.
    12351231 *
    1236  * @returns nothing.
    12371232 * @param   pEndpoint    The endpoint to deregister the advanced statistics for.
    12381233 */
    12871282 * Resume worker for the async completion manager.
    12881283 *
    1289  * @returns nothing.
    12901284 * @param   pVM The cross context VM structure.
    12911285 */
    13741368 * Puts a task in one of the caches.
    13751369 *
    1376  * @returns nothing.
    13771370 * @param   pEndpoint    The endpoint the task belongs to.
    13781371 * @param   pTask        The task to cache.
    15121505 * Closes a endpoint waiting for any pending tasks to finish.
    15131506 *
    1514  * @returns nothing.
    15151507 * @param   pEndpoint       Handle of the endpoint.
    15161508 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMAsyncCompletionFile.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    107107 * Frees a task.
    108108 *
    109  * @returns nothing.
    110109 * @param   pEndpoint    Pointer to the endpoint the segment was for.
    111110 * @param   pTask        The task to free.
    517516 * Destroys a async I/O manager.
    518517 *
    519  * @returns nothing.
    520518 * @param   pEpClassFile    Pointer to globals for the file endpoint class.
    521519 * @param   pAioMgr         The async I/O manager to destroy.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMAsyncCompletionFileNormal.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    261261 * between the given I/O manager and the new one.
    262262 *
    263  * @returns nothing.
    264263 * @param   pAioMgr    The I/O manager with high I/O load.
    265264 */
    543542 * Frees a async I/O request handle.
    544543 *
    545  * @returns nothing.
    546544 * @param   pAioMgr    The I/O manager.
    547545 * @param   hReq       The I/O request handle to free.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMBlkCache.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    9898 * Add message to the VM trace buffer.
    9999 *
    100  * @returns nothing.
    101100 * @param   pBlkCache     The block cache.
    102101 * @param   pszFmt        The format string.
    118117 * Decrement the reference counter of the given cache entry.
    119118 *
    120  * @returns nothing.
    121119 * @param   pEntry    The entry to release.
    122120 */
    130128 * Increment the reference counter of the given cache entry.
    131129 *
    132  * @returns nothing.
    133130 * @param   pEntry    The entry to reference.
    134131 */
    196193 * Checks consistency of a LRU list.
    197194 *
    198  * @returns nothing
    199195 * @param    pList         The LRU list to check.
    200196 * @param    pNotInList    Element which is not allowed to occur in the list.
    230226 * Unlinks a cache entry from the LRU list it is assigned to.
    231227 *
    232  * @returns nothing.
    233228 * @param   pEntry    The entry to unlink.
    234229 */
    285280 * assigned list if needed.
    286281 *
    287  * @returns nothing.
    288282 * @param    pList    List to the add entry to.
    289283 * @param    pEntry   Entry to add.
    321315 * Destroys a LRU list freeing all entries.
    322316 *
    323  * @returns nothing
    324317 * @param   pList    Pointer to the LRU list to destroy.
    325318 *
    622615 * Initiates a write I/O task for the given entry.
    623616 *
    624  * @returns nothing.
    625  * @param    pEntry The entry to read the data from.
     617 * @returns VBox status code.
     618 * @param   pEntry The entry to read the data from.
    626619 */
    627620static int pdmBlkCacheEntryWriteToMedium(PPDMBLKCACHEENTRY pEntry)
    686679 * Commit a single dirty entry to the endpoint
    687680 *
    688  * @returns nothing
    689681 * @param   pEntry    The entry to commit.
    690682 */
    701693 * Commit all dirty entries for a single endpoint.
    702694 *
    703  * @returns nothing.
    704695 * @param   pBlkCache    The endpoint cache to commit.
    705696 */
    758749 * Commit all dirty entries in the cache.
    759750 *
    760  * @returns nothing.
    761751 * @param   pCache    The global cache instance.
    762752 */
    16121602 * Return the best fit cache entries for the given offset.
    16131603 *
    1614  * @returns nothing.
    16151604 * @param   pBlkCache    The endpoint cache.
    16161605 * @param   off          The offset.
    17281717 * which is currently in progress.
    17291718 *
    1730  * @returns nothing.
    17311719 * @param   pEntry      The cache entry to add the segment to.
    17321720 * @param   pWaiter     The waiter entry to add.
    17331721 */
    1734 DECLINLINE(void) pdmBlkCacheEntryAddWaiter(PPDMBLKCACHEENTRY pEntry,
    1735                                            PPDMBLKCACHEWAITER pWaiter)
     1722DECLINLINE(void) pdmBlkCacheEntryAddWaiter(PPDMBLKCACHEENTRY pEntry, PPDMBLKCACHEWAITER pWaiter)
    17371724    pWaiter->pNext = NULL;
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMNetShaper.cpp

    r98103 r99739  
    400400 * Terminate the network shaper, groups, lock and everything.
    401401 *
    402  * @returns VBox error code.
    403402 * @param   pVM  The cross context VM structure.
    404403 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PDMQueue.cpp

    r98570 r99739  
    862862 * Terminate the queues, freeing any resources still allocated.
    863863 *
    864  * @returns nothing.
    865864 * @param   pVM                 The cross-context VM structure.
    866865 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/PGMPhys.cpp

    r99051 r99739  
    52115211 * Frees a range of ram pages, replacing them with ZERO pages; helper for PGMR3PhysFreeRamPages
    52125212 *
    5213  * @returns VBox status code.
    52145213 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    52155214 * @param   fInflate    Inflate or deflate memory balloon
    56855684 * Unmap a chunk to free up virtual address space (request packet handler for pgmR3PhysChunkMap)
    56865685 *
    5687  * @returns VBox status code.
    56885686 * @param   pVM         The cross context VM structure.
    56895687 */
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/TM.cpp

    r99051 r99739  
    3574  * Helper for tmR3CpuLoadTimer.
    3575  * @returns
     3574 * Helper for tmR3CpuLoadTimer. 
     3575 *  
    35763576 * @param   pState          The state to update.
    35773577 * @param   cNsTotal        Total time.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/include/DBGFInline.h

    r98103 r99739  
    3636 * Initializes the given L2 table entry with the given values.
    3737 *
    38  * @returns nothing.
    3938 * @param   pL2Entry            The L2 entry to intialize.
    4039 * @param   hBp                 The breakpoint handle.
    6261 * Updates the given L2 table entry with the new pointers.
    6362 *
    64  * @returns nothing.
    6563 * @param   pL2Entry            The L2 entry to update.
    6664 * @param   idxL2Left           The new left L2 table index.
    8381 * Updates the given L2 table entry with the left pointer.
    8482 *
    85  * @returns nothing.
    8683 * @param   pL2Entry            The L2 entry to update.
    8784 * @param   idxL2Left           The new left L2 table index.
    103100 * Updates the given L2 table entry with the right pointer.
    104101 *
    105  * @returns nothing.
    106102 * @param   pL2Entry            The L2 entry to update.
    107103 * @param   idxL2Right          The new right L2 table index.
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/include/IEMInternal-armv8.h

    r99027 r99739  
    742742/** Hint to that this macro should be skipped.  */
    743743#define IEMOPHINT_SKIP_PYTHON       RT_BIT_32(31)
    744 /** @} */
    746745/** @def IEM_DECL_IMPL_TYPE
  • trunk/src/VBox/VMM/testcase/tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress.cpp

    r98644 r99739  
    532532 * Closes a test file.
    533533 *
    534  * @returns nothing.
    535534 * @param pTestFile    Pointer to the test file.
    536535 */
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