The webcam passthrough module is shipped as part of the
The host webcam can be attached to the VM using the Devices menu in the VM menu bar. The Webcams menu contains a list of available video input devices on the host. Clicking on a webcam name attaches or detaches the corresponding host device.
Get a list of host webcams, or other video input devices:
$ VBoxManage list webcams
The output format is as follows:
alias "user friendly name" host path or identifier
The alias can be used as a shortcut in other commands. Alias '.0' means the default video input device on the host. Alias '.1', '.2'means first, second video input device, and so on. The device order is host-specific.
Attach a webcam to a running VM, as follows:
VBoxManage controlvmVM name webcam attach [host_path |alias [settings ]]
This attaches a USB webcam device to the guest.
Detach a webcam from a running VM, as follows:
VBoxManage controlvmVM-name webcam detach [host_path |alias ]
List the webcams attached to a running VM, as follows:
VBoxManage controlvmVM-name webcam list
The output contains the path or alias which was used in the