Using the Alternative Generic Installer (

The alternative generic installer performs the following steps:

The installer must be executed as root with either install or uninstall as the first parameter. For example:

sudo ./ install

Or if you do not have the sudo command available, run the following as root instead:

./ install

Add every user who needs to access USB devices from a VirtualBox guests to the group vboxusers. Either use the OS user management tools or run the following command as root:

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username

The usermod command of some older Linux distributions does not support the -a option, which adds the user to the given group without affecting membership of other groups. In this case, find out the current group memberships with the groups command and add all these groups in a comma-separated list to the command line after the -G option. For example: usermod -G group1,group2,vboxusers username.