Manual Setup of Selected Guest Services on Linux

The Guest Additions contain several different drivers. If you do not want to configure them all, use the following command to install the Guest Additions:

$ sh ./ no_setup

After running this script, run the rcvboxadd setup command as root to compile the kernel modules.

On some 64-bit guests, you must replace lib with lib64. On older guests that do not run the udev service, you must add the vboxadd service to the default runlevel to ensure that the modules are loaded.

To set up the time synchronization service, add the vboxadd-service service to the default runlevel. To set up the X11 and OpenGL part of the Guest Additions, run the rcvboxadd-x11 setup command. Note that you do not need to enable additional services.

Use the rcvboxadd setup to recompile the guest kernel modules.

After compilation, reboot your guest to ensure that the new modules are loaded.