The Built-In VM Debugger
includes a built-in VM debugger, which advanced users may find useful. This debugger enables you to examine and, to some extent, control the VM state.
Use the VM debugger at your own risk. There is no support for it, and the following documentation is only made available for advanced users with a very high level of familiarity with the x86/AMD64 machine instruction set, as well as detailed knowledge of the PC architecture. A degree of familiarity with the internals of the guest OS in question may also be very helpful.
The VM debugger is available in all regular production versions of , but it is disabled by default because the average user will have little use for it. There are two ways to access the debugger:
The debugger can be enabled in the following ways:
Start the VM directly using VirtualBoxVM --startvm, with an additional --dbg, --debug, or --debug-command-line argument. See the VirtualBoxVM --help command usage help for details.
Set the VBOX_GUI_DBG_ENABLED or VBOX_GUI_DBG_AUTO_SHOW environment variable to true before launching the process. Setting these variables, only their presence is checked, is effective even when the first process is the VM selector window. VMs subsequently launched from the selector will have the debugger enabled.
Set the GUI/Dbg/Enabled extra data item to true before launching the VM. This can be set globally or on a per VM basis.
A new Debug menu entry is added to the application. This menu enables the user to open the debugger console.
The VM debugger command syntax is loosely modeled on Microsoft and IBM debuggers used on DOS, OS/2, and Windows. Users familiar with symdeb, CodeView, or the OS/2 kernel debugger will find the VM debugger familiar.
The most important command is help. This will print brief usage help for all debugger commands. The set of commands supported by the VM debugger changes frequently and the help command is always up-to-date.
A brief summary of frequently used commands is as follows:
stop: Stops the VM execution and enables
single stepping
g: Continue VM execution
t: Single step an instruction
rg, rh, and
r: Print the guest, hypervisor, and
current registers
kg, kh, and
k: Print the guest, hypervisor, and
current call stack
da, db, dw, dd, dq: Print memory contents as ASCII, bytes, words, dwords, and qwords
u: Unassemble memory
dg: Print the guest's GDT
di: Print the guest's IDT
dl: Print the guest's LDT
dt: Print the guest's TSS
dp*: Print the guest's page table structures
bp and br: Set a normal and recompiler breakpoint
bl: List breakpoints
bc: Clear a breakpoint
writecore: Write a VM core file to disk.
See the built-in help for other available commands.
The VM debugger supports symbolic debugging, although symbols for guest code are often not available. For Oracle Solaris guests, the detect command automatically determines the guest OS version and locates kernel symbols in guest's memory. Symbolic debugging is then available. For Linux guests, the detect commands also determines the guest OS version, but there are no symbols in the guest's memory. Kernel symbols are available in the file /proc/kallsyms on Linux guests. This file must be copied to the host, for example using scp. The loadmap debugger command can be used to make the symbol information available to the VM debugger. Note that the kallsyms file contains the symbols for the currently loaded modules. If the guest's configuration changes, the symbols will change as well and must be updated.
For all guests, a simple way to verify that the correct symbols are loaded is the k command. The guest is normally idling and it should be clear from the symbolic information that the guest operating system's idle loop is being executed.
Another group of debugger commands is the set of info commands. Running info help provides complete usage information. The information commands provide ad-hoc data pertinent to various emulated devices and aspects of the VMM. There is no general guideline for using the info commands, the right command to use depends entirely on the problem being investigated. Some of the info commands are as follows:
cfgm: Print a branch of the configuration
cpuid: Display the guest CPUID leaves
ioport: Print registered I/O port ranges
mmio: Print registered MMIO ranges
mode: Print the current paging mode
pit: Print the i8254 PIT state
pic: Print the i8259A PIC state
ohci, ehci,
xhci: Print a subset of the OHCI, EHCI,
and xHCI USB controller state
pcnet0: Print the PCnet state
vgatext: Print the contents of the VGA
framebuffer formatted as standard text mode
timers: Print all VM timers
The output of the info commands generally requires in-depth knowledge of the emulated device or VMM internals. However, when used properly, the information provided can be invaluable.