; $Id: VMMR0.def 29573 2010-05-17 16:00:54Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; VMM Ring 0 DLL - Definition file. ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; LIBRARY VMMR0.r0 EXPORTS ; data ; code PDMCritSectEnter PDMCritSectEnterDebug PDMCritSectIsOwner PDMCritSectLeave PDMCritSectTryEnter PDMCritSectTryEnterDebug PDMQueueAlloc PDMQueueFlush PDMQueueInsert PGMHandlerPhysicalPageTempOff PGMShwModifyPage PGMPhysSimpleWriteGCPhys PGMPhysSimpleReadGCPtr PGMPhysSimpleWriteGCPtr PGMPhysReadGCPtr PGMPhysWriteGCPtr PGMPhysSimpleDirtyWriteGCPtr IOMMMIOResetRegion IOMMMIOMapMMIO2Page RTLogDefaultInstance RTLogRelDefaultInstance RTLogLogger RTLogLoggerEx RTLogLoggerExV RTTimeMilliTS TMTimerFromMilli TMTimerFromMicro TMTimerFromNano TMTimerGet TMTimerGetFreq TMTimerIsActive TMTimerSet TMTimerSetRelative TMTimerSetMillies TMTimerSetMicro TMTimerSetNano TMTimerStop VMMGetSvnRev vmmR0LoggerFlush vmmR0LoggerWrapper VMSetError VMSetErrorV ; Internal Networking IntNetR0Open IntNetR0IfClose IntNetR0IfGetBufferPtrs IntNetR0IfSetPromiscuousMode IntNetR0IfSetMacAddress IntNetR0IfSetActive IntNetR0IfSend IntNetR0IfWait ; runtime RTAssertMsg1Weak RTAssertMsg2Weak RTAssertShouldPanic RTCrc32 RTOnce RTTimeNanoTSLegacySync RTTimeNanoTSLegacyAsync RTTimeNanoTSLFenceSync RTTimeNanoTSLFenceAsync RTTimeSystemNanoTS ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32 ; not-os2 ASMAtomicXchgU8 ; not-x86 nocrt_memchr nocrt_memcmp nocrt_memcpy memcpy=nocrt_memcpy ; not-os2 nocrt_memset memset=nocrt_memset ; not-os2 nocrt_strcpy nocrt_strcmp nocrt_strchr nocrt_strlen