; $Id: ntdll-mini-implib.def 52139 2014-07-22 20:19:29Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; IPRT - Minimal NTDLL import library defintion file. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; LIBRARY ntdll.dll EXPORTS ; Exported name - The name x86 name sought by the linker. ; - This needs to be defined as a symbol, we generate assembly. CsrClientCallServer ;;= _CsrClientCallServer@16 NtAllocateVirtualMemory ;;= _NtAllocateVirtualMemory@24 NtClose ;;= _NtClose@4 NtCreateFile ;;= _NtCreateFile@44 NtCreateSection ;;= _NtCreateSection@28 NtDelayExecution ;;= _NtDelayExecution@8 NtDeviceIoControlFile ;;= _NtDeviceIoControlFile@40 NtDuplicateObject ;;= _NtDuplicateObject@28 NtFreeVirtualMemory ;;= _NtFreeVirtualMemory@16 NtGetContextThread ;;= _NtGetContextThread@8 NtMapViewOfSection ;;= _NtMapViewOfSection@40 NtOpenDirectoryObject ;;= _NtOpenDirectoryObject@12 NtOpenProcess ;;= _NtOpenProcess@16 NtOpenProcessToken ;;= _NtOpenProcessToken@12 NtOpenThreadToken ;;= _NtOpenThreadToken@16 NtProtectVirtualMemory ;;= _NtProtectVirtualMemory@20 NtQueryDirectoryFile ;;= _NtQueryDirectoryFile@44 NtQueryDirectoryObject ;;= _NtQueryDirectoryObject@28 NtQueryInformationFile ;;= _NtQueryInformationFile@20 NtQueryInformationProcess ;;= _NtQueryInformationProcess@20 NtQueryInformationThread ;;= _NtQueryInformationThread@20 NtQueryInformationToken ;;= _NtQueryInformationToken@20 NtQueryObject ;;= _NtQueryObject@20 NtQueryTimerResolution ;;= _NtQueryTimerResolution@12 NtQueryVirtualMemory ;;= _NtQueryVirtualMemory@24 NtQueryVolumeInformationFile ;;= _NtQueryVolumeInformationFile@20 NtReadFile ;;= _NtReadFile@36 NtReadVirtualMemory ;;= _NtReadVirtualMemory@20 NtResumeProcess ;;= _NtResumeProcess@4 NtResumeThread ;;= _NtResumeThread@8 NtSetContextThread ;;= _NtSetContextThread@8 NtSetInformationFile ;;= _NtSetInformationFile@20 NtSetInformationObject ;;= _NtSetInformationObject@16 NtSetInformationProcess ;;= _NtSetInformationProcess@16 NtSetInformationThread ;;= _NtSetInformationThread@16 NtSetTimerResolution ;;= _NtSetTimerResolution@12 NtSuspendProcess ;;= _NtSuspendProcess@4 NtSuspendThread ;;= _NtSuspendThread@8 NtTerminateProcess ;;= _NtTerminateProcess@8 NtTerminateThread ;;= _NtTerminateThread@8 NtUnmapViewOfSection ;;= _NtUnmapViewOfSection@8 NtWaitForSingleObject ;;= _NtWaitForSingleObject@12 NtWriteFile ;;= _NtWriteFile@36 NtWriteVirtualMemory ;;= _NtWriteVirtualMemory@20 NtYieldExecution ;;= _NtYieldExecution@0 LdrInitializeThunk ;;= _LdrInitializeThunk@12 RtlAddAccessAllowedAce ;;= _RtlAddAccessAllowedAce@16 RtlAddAccessDeniedAce ;;= _RtlAddAccessDeniedAce@16 RtlCopySid ;;= _RtlCopySid@12 RtlCreateAcl ;;= _RtlCreateAcl@12 RtlCreateProcessParameters ;;= _RtlCreateProcessParameters@40 RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor ;;= _RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor@8 RtlCreateUserProcess ;;= _RtlCreateUserProcess@40 RtlCreateUserThread ;;= _RtlCreateUserThread@40 RtlDestroyProcessParameters ;;= _RtlDestroyProcessParameters@4 RtlGetVersion ;;= _RtlGetVersion@4 RtlInitializeSid ;;= _RtlInitializeSid@12 RtlNtStatusToDosError ;;= _RtlNtStatusToDosError@4 RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor ;;= _RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor@16 RtlSubAuthoritySid ;;= _RtlSubAuthoritySid@8