;; @file ; VM - The Virtual Machine. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; %ifndef ___VBox_vmm_vm_mac %define ___VBox_vmm_vm_mac %include "VBox/vmm/stam.mac" %include "VBox/param.mac" ;/** This action forces the VM to service check and pending interrups on the APIC. */ %define VMCPU_FF_INTERRUPT_APIC (1 << 0) ;/** This action forces the VM to service check and pending interrups on the PIC. */ %define VMCPU_FF_INTERRUPT_PIC (1 << 1) ;/** This action forces the VM to schedule and run pending timer (TM). */ %define VMCPU_FF_TIMER (1 << 2) ;/** This action forces the VM to service pending requests from other ; * thread or requests which must be executed in another context. */ %define VMCPU_FF_REQUEST (1 << 9) ;; ; This is part of the VMCPU structure. struc VMCPU .fLocalForcedActions resd 1 alignb 8 .enmState resd 1 alignb 64 .iem resb 18496 alignb 64 .pVMR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1 .pVCpuR0ForVtg RTR0PTR_RES 1 .pVMRC resq 1 .pUVCpu RTR3PTR_RES 1 .hNativeThread RTR3PTR_RES 1 .hNativeThreadR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1 .hThread RTR3PTR_RES 1 .idCpu resd 1 alignb 64 .hm resb 5888 alignb 64 .nem resb 512 alignb 64 .trpm resb 128 alignb 64 .tm resb 5760 alignb 64 .vmm resb 960 alignb 64 .pdm resb 256 alignb 64 .iom resb 512 alignb 64 .dbgf resb 512 alignb 64 .gim resb 512 alignb 64 .apic resb 3840 alignb 64 .fTraceGroups resd 1 .uAdHoc resd 1 alignb 8 .aStatAdHoc resb STAMPROFILEADV_size * 8 alignb 4096 .pgm resb 4096 alignb 4096 .cpum resb 4096 %define VMCPU.cpum.GstCtx VMCPU.cpum alignb 4096 .em resb 40960 alignb 4096 endstruc ;; ; This is part of the VM structure. struc VM .enmVMState resd 1 .fGlobalForcedActions resd 1 .paVMPagesR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1 .pSession RTR0PTR_RES 1 .pUVM RTR3PTR_RES 1 .pVMR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1 .pVMR0ForCall RTR0PTR_RES 1 .pVMRC resq 1 %ifdef IN_RING0 .hSelfUnsafe resd 1 .cCpusUnsafe resd 1 %else .hSelf resd 1 .cCpus resd 1 %endif .uCpuExecutionCap resd 1 .cbSelf resd 1 .cbVCpu resd 1 .uStructVersion resd 1 .bMainExecutionEngine resb 1 .fHMEnabled resb 1 .fUseLargePages resb 1 .uPadding1 resb 5 .hTraceBufR3 RTR3PTR_RES 1 .hTraceBufR0 RTR0PTR_RES 1 alignb 64 .cpum resb 1536 alignb 64 .vmm resb 1600 alignb 64 .pgm resb 21120 alignb 64 .hm resb 5504 alignb 64 .trpm resb 2048 alignb 64 .selm resb 768 alignb 64 .mm resb 192 alignb 64 .pdm resb 8128 alignb 64 .iom resb 1152 alignb 64 .em resb 256 alignb 64 .nem resb 128 alignb 64 .tm resb 9920 alignb 64 .dbgf resb 2432 alignb 64 .ssm resb 128 alignb 64 .gim resb 448 alignb 64 .apic resb 128 alignb 64 .vm resb 32 .cfgm resb 8 .R0Stats resb 64 times ((($ + VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT * RTR0PTR_CB + 4095) & ~4095) - ($ + VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT * RTR0PTR_CB)) resb 1 .apCpusR3 RTR3PTR_RES VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT alignb 4096 endstruc %endif