; $Id: VBoxGuestAdditions.nsi 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ ; @file ; VBoxGuestAdditions.nsi - Main file for Windows Guest Additions installation. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as ; available from https://www.virtualbox.org. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the ; License. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, see . ; ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only ; !if $%KBUILD_TYPE% == "debug" !define _DEBUG ; Turn this on to get extra output !endif !ifdef _DEBUG ; Scratch directory for plugin tests !addincludedir .\PluginTest !addplugindir .\PluginTest !endif !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALLER_UNICODE% == "1" ; Whether to use the Unicode version of NSIS ; Note: Using Unicode will result in the installer not working on a Windows 95/98/ME guest Unicode true !endif ; Defines for special functions !define WFP_FILE_EXCEPTION ; Enables setting a temporary file exception for WFP proctected files !define VENDOR_ROOT_KEY "SOFTWARE\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%" ; Product defines !define PRODUCT_NAME "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions" !define PRODUCT_DESC "$%VBOX_PRODUCT% Guest Additions" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "$%VBOX_VERSION_MAJOR%.$%VBOX_VERSION_MINOR%.$%VBOX_VERSION_BUILD%.$%VBOX_SVN_REV%" !define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "$%VBOX_VENDOR%" !define PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT "(C) $%VBOX_C_YEAR% $%VBOX_VENDOR%" !define PRODUCT_OUTPUT "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe" !define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://www.virtualbox.org" !define PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY "${VENDOR_ROOT_KEY}\VirtualBox Guest Additions" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}" !define PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY "HKLM" !define LICENSE_FILE_RTF "license.rtf" ; Needed for InstallLib macro: Install libraries in every case !define LIBRARY_IGNORE_VERSION VIProductVersion "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "$%VBOX_VERSION_STRING%" VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "${PRODUCT_NAME}" VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}" VIAddVersionKey "FileDescription" "${PRODUCT_DESC}" VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "${PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT}" VIAddVersionKey "InternalName" "${PRODUCT_OUTPUT}" ; This registry key will hold the mouse driver path before install (NT4 only) !define ORG_MOUSE_PATH "MousePath" ; If we have our guest install helper DLL, add the ; plugin path so that NSIS can find it when compiling the installer ; Note: NSIS plugins *always* have to be compiled in 32-bit! !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1" !addplugindir "$%PATH_TARGET_X86%\VBoxGuestInstallHelper" !endif !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "FileFunc.nsh" !insertmacro GetParameters !insertmacro GetOptions !include "WordFunc.nsh" !insertmacro WordFind !insertmacro StrFilter !include "nsProcess.nsh" !include "Library.nsh" !include "Sections.nsh" !include "strstr.nsh" ; Function "strstr" !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; Only needed for NT4 SP6 recommendation. !include "servicepack.nsh" ; Function "GetServicePack" !endif !include "winver.nsh" ; Function for determining Windows version !define REPLACEDLL_NOREGISTER ; Replace in use DLL function !include "ReplaceDLL.nsh" !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" !include "x64.nsh" !endif ; Set Modern UI (MUI) as default !define USE_MUI !ifdef USE_MUI ; Use modern UI, version 2 !include "MUI2.nsh" ; MUI Settings !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "$%VBOX_BRAND_WIN_ADD_INST_DLGBMP%" !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE_3LINES "Welcome to the ${PRODUCT_NAME} Additions Setup" ; API defines !define SM_CLEANBOOT 67 ; Icons !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit !define MUI_ICON "$%VBOX_NSIS_ICON_FILE%" !define MUI_UNICON "$%VBOX_NSIS_ICON_FILE%" !else ; 64-bit !define MUI_ICON "$%VBOX_WINDOWS_ADDITIONS_ICON_FILE%" !define MUI_UNICON "$%VBOX_WINDOWS_ADDITIONS_ICON_FILE%" !endif ; Welcome page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME !ifdef VBOX_WITH_LICENSE_DISPLAY ; License page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(VBOX_LICENSE)" !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS !endif ; Directory page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Components Page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS ; Instfiles page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !ifndef _DEBUG !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TITLE_3LINES ; Have a bit more vertical space for text !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH ; Only show in release mode - useful information for debugging! !endif ; Uninstaller pages !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES ; Define languages we will use !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" ; Set branding text which appears on the horizontal line at the bottom !ifdef _DEBUG BrandingText "VirtualBox Windows Additions $%VBOX_VERSION_STRING% (r$%VBOX_SVN_REV%) - Debug Build" !else BrandingText "VirtualBox Windows Additions $%VBOX_VERSION_STRING% r$%VBOX_SVN_REV%" !endif !ifdef VBOX_WITH_LICENSE_DISPLAY ; Set license language LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_ENGLISH} "$%VBOX_BRAND_LICENSE_RTF%" ; If license files not available (OSE / PUEL) build, then use the English one as default !ifdef VBOX_BRAND_fr_FR_LICENSE_RTF LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_FRENCH} "$%VBOX_BRAND_fr_FR_LICENSE_RTF%" !else LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_FRENCH} "$%VBOX_BRAND_LICENSE_RTF%" !endif !ifdef VBOX_BRAND_de_DE_LICENSE_RTF LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_GERMAN} "$%VBOX_BRAND_de_DE_LICENSE_RTF%" !else LicenseLangString VBOX_LICENSE ${LANG_GERMAN} "$%VBOX_BRAND_LICENSE_RTF%" !endif !endif !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL !else ; !USE_MUI XPStyle on !ifdef VBOX_WITH_LICENSE_DISPLAY Page license !endif Page components Page directory Page instfiles !endif ; !USE_MUI ; Must come after MUI includes to have certain defines set for DumpLog !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% != "1" !include "dumplog.nsh" ; Dump log to file function !endif ; Language files !include "Languages\English.nsh" !include "Languages\French.nsh" !include "Languages\German.nsh" ; Variables and output files Name "${PRODUCT_NAME} $%VBOX_VERSION_STRING%" !ifdef UNINSTALLER_ONLY !echo "Uninstaller only!" OutFile "$%PATH_TARGET%\VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%-uninst.exe" !else OutFile "VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH%.exe" !endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY ; Define default installation directory !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES32\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" !else ; 64-bit InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\$%VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT%\VirtualBox Guest Additions" !endif InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" ShowInstDetails show ShowUnInstDetails show RequestExecutionLevel highest ; Internal parameters Var g_iSystemMode ; Current system mode (0 = Normal boot, 1 = Fail-safe boot, 2 = Fail-safe with network boot) Var g_strSystemDir ; Windows system directory Var g_strSysWow64 ; The SysWow64 directory on 64-bit systems Var g_strCurUser ; Current user using the system Var g_strAddVerMaj ; Installed Guest Additions: Major version Var g_strAddVerMin ; Installed Guest Additions: Minor version Var g_strAddVerBuild ; Installed Guest Additions: Build number Var g_strAddVerRev ; Installed Guest Additions: SVN revision Var g_strWinVersion ; Current Windows version we're running on Var g_bLogEnable ; Do logging when installing? "true" or "false" Var g_bCapDllCache ; Capability: Does the (Windows) guest have have a DLL cache which needs to be taken care of? Var g_bCapXPDM ; Capability: Is the guest able to handle/use our XPDM driver? Var g_bCapWDDM ; Capability: Is the guest able to handle/use our WDDM driver? ; Command line parameters - these can be set/modified ; on the command line Var g_bForceInstall ; Cmd line: Force installation on unknown Windows OS version Var g_bUninstall ; Cmd line: Just uninstall any previous Guest Additions and exit Var g_bRebootOnExit ; Cmd line: Auto-Reboot on successful installation. Good for unattended installations ("/reboot") Var g_iScreenBpp ; Cmd line: Screen depth ("/depth=X") Var g_iScreenX ; Cmd line: Screen resolution X ("/resx=X") Var g_iScreenY ; Cmd line: Screen resolution Y ("/resy=Y") Var g_iSfOrder ; Cmd line: Order of Shared Folders network provider (0=first, 1=second, ...) Var g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts ; Cmd line: Ignore unknown options (don't display the help) Var g_bNoVBoxServiceExit ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxService before updating - install on next reboot Var g_bNoVBoxTrayExit ; Cmd line: Do not quit VBoxTray before updating - install on next reboot Var g_bNoVideoDrv ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxVideo driver Var g_bNoGuestDrv ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxGuest driver Var g_bNoMouseDrv ; Cmd line: Do not install the VBoxMouse driver Var g_bNoStartMenuEntries ; Cmd line: Do not create start menu entries Var g_bWithAutoLogon ; Cmd line: Install VBoxGINA / VBoxCredProv for auto logon support Var g_bWithWDDM ; Cmd line: Install the WDDM graphics driver instead of the XPDM one Var g_bOnlyExtract ; Cmd line: Only extract all files, do *not* install them. Only valid with param "/D" (target directory) Var g_bPostInstallStatus ; Cmd line: Post the overall installation status to some external program (VBoxTray) Var g_bInstallTimestampCA ; Cmd line: Force installing the timestamp CA on the system ; Platform parts of this installer !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsLog.nsh" !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsExternal.nsh" !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsCommon.nsh" !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit only !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsNT4.nsh" !endif !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsW2KXP.nsh" !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsVista.nsh" !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsUninstall.nsh" ; Product uninstallation !ifndef UNINSTALLER_ONLY !include "VBoxGuestAdditionsUninstallOld.nsh" ; Uninstallation of deprecated versions which must be removed first !endif Function HandleCommandLine Push $0 ; Command line (without process name) Push $1 ; Number of parameters Push $2 ; Current parameter index Push $3 ; Current parameter pair (name=value) Push $4 ; Current parameter name Push $5 ; Current parameter value (if present) StrCpy $1 "0" ; Init param counter StrCpy $2 "1" ; Init current param counter ${GetParameters} $0 ; Extract command line ${If} $0 == "" ; If no parameters at all exit Goto exit ${EndIf} ; Enable for debugging ;MessageBox MB_OK "CmdLine: $0" ${WordFind} $0 " " "#" $1 ; Get number of parameters in cmd line ${If} $0 == $1 ; If result matches the input then StrCpy $1 "1" ; no delimiter was found. Correct to 1 word total ${EndIf} ${While} $2 <= $1 ; Loop through all params ${WordFind} $0 " " "+$2" $3 ; Get current name=value pair ${WordFind} $3 "=" "+1" $4 ; Get current param name ${WordFind} $3 "=" "+2" $5 ; Get current param value ${StrFilter} $4 "-" "" "" $4 ; Transfer param name to lowercase ; Enable for debugging ;MessageBox MB_OK "#$2 of #$1, param='$3', name=$4, val=$5" ${Switch} $4 ${Case} '/d' ; NSIS: /D= switch, skip ${Break} ${Case} '/depth' ${Case} 'depth' StrCpy $g_iScreenBpp $5 ${Break} ${Case} '/extract' StrCpy $g_bOnlyExtract "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/force' StrCpy $g_bForceInstall "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/help' ${Case} '/H' ${Case} '/h' ${Case} '/?' Goto usage ${Break} ${Case} '/ignore_unknownopts' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/l' ${Case} '/log' ${Case} '/logging' StrCpy $g_bLogEnable "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/ncrc' ; NSIS: /NCRC switch, skip ${Break} ${Case} '/no_vboxservice_exit' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxServiceExit "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_vboxtray_exit' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_videodrv' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoVideoDrv "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_guestdrv' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoGuestDrv "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_mousedrv' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoMouseDrv "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_startmenuentries' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoStartMenuEntries "true" ${Break} !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1" ; This switch tells our installer that it ; - should not quit VBoxTray during the update, because ... ; - ... it should show the overall installation status ; using VBoxTray's balloon message feature (since VBox 4.0) ${Case} '/post_installstatus' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit "true" StrCpy $g_bPostInstallStatus "true" ${Break} !endif ${Case} '/install_timestamp_ca' ; Not officially documented StrCpy $g_bInstallTimestampCA "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/no_install_timestamp_ca' ; Ditto StrCpy $g_bInstallTimestampCA "false" ${Break} ${Case} '/reboot' StrCpy $g_bRebootOnExit "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/s' ; NSIS: /S switch, skip ${Break} ${Case} '/sforder' ${Case} 'sforder' StrCpy $g_iSfOrder $5 ${Break} ${Case} '/uninstall' StrCpy $g_bUninstall "true" ${Break} ${Case} '/with_autologon' StrCpy $g_bWithAutoLogon "true" ${Break} !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ${Case} '/with_wddm' StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "true" ${Break} !endif ${Case} '/xres' ${Case} 'xres' StrCpy $g_iScreenX $5 ${Break} ${Case} '/yres' ${Case} 'yres' StrCpy $g_iScreenY $5 ${Break} ${Default} ; Unknown parameter, print usage message ; Prevent popping up usage message on (yet) unknown parameters ; in silent mode, just skip IfSilent +1 +2 ${Break} goto usage ${Break} ${EndSwitch} next_param: IntOp $2 $2 + 1 ${EndWhile} Goto exit usage: ; If we were told to ignore unknown (invalid) options, just return to ; the parsing loop ... ${If} $g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts == "true" Goto next_param ${EndIf} MessageBox MB_OK "${PRODUCT_NAME} Installer$\r$\n$\r$\n \ Usage: VBoxWindowsAdditions-$%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% [OPTIONS] [/l] [/S] [/D=]$\r$\n$\r$\n \ Options:$\r$\n \ /depth=BPP$\tSets the guest's display color depth (bits per pixel)$\r$\n \ /extract$\t$\tOnly extract installation files$\r$\n \ /force$\t$\tForce installation on unknown/undetected Windows versions$\r$\n \ /uninstall$\t$\tJust uninstalls the Guest Additions and exits$\r$\n \ /with_autologon$\tInstalls auto-logon support$\r$\n \ /with_d3d$\tInstalls D3D support$\r$\n \ /with_wddm$\tInstalls the WDDM instead of the XPDM graphics driver$\r$\n \ /xres=X$\t$\tSets the guest's display resolution (width in pixels)$\r$\n \ /yres=Y$\t$\tSets the guest's display resolution (height in pixels)$\r$\n \ $\r$\n \ Installer parameters:$\r$\n \ /l$\t$\tEnables logging$\r$\n \ /S$\t$\tSilent install$\r$\n \ /D=$\tSets the default install path$\r$\n \ $\r$\n \ Note: Order of options and installer parameters is fixed, options first." /SD IDOK ; No stack restore needed, we're about to quit Quit !ifdef UNUSED_CODE done: !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Property: XRes: $g_iScreenX" ${LogVerbose} "Property: YRes: $g_iScreenY" ${LogVerbose} "Property: BPP: $g_iScreenBpp" ${LogVerbose} "Property: Logging enabled: $g_bLogEnable" !endif !endif ;UNUSED_CODE exit: Pop $5 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !ifndef UNINSTALLER_ONLY Function CheckForOldGuestAdditions Push $0 Push $1 Push $2 ${LogVerbose} "Checking for old Guest Additions ..." ; Check for old "Sun VirtualBox Guest Additions" ; - before rebranding to Oracle ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sun VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString" StrCmp $0 "" sun_xvm_check ; If string is empty, Sun additions are probably not installed (anymore) MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_SUN_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES sun_uninstall Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_SUN_ABORTED) /SD IDOK Quit sun_uninstall: Call Uninstall_Sun Goto success sun_xvm_check: ; Check for old "Sun xVM VirtualBox Guest Additions" ; - before getting rid of the "xVM" namespace ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sun xVM VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString" StrCmp $0 "" innotek_check ; If string is empty, Sun xVM additions are probably not installed (anymore) MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_SUN_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES sun_xvm_uninstall Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_SUN_ABORTED) /SD IDOK Quit sun_xvm_uninstall: Call Uninstall_SunXVM Goto success innotek_check: ; Check for old "innotek" Guest Additions" before rebranding to "Sun" ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\innotek VirtualBox Guest Additions" "UninstallString" StrCmp $0 "" exit ; If string is empty, innotek Guest Additions are probably not installed (anymore) MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_INNOTEK_FOUND) /SD IDYES IDYES innotek_uninstall Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_INNOTEK_ABORTED) /SD IDOK Quit innotek_uninstall: Call Uninstall_Innotek Goto success success: ; Nothing to do here yet exit: Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd Function CheckForInstalledComponents Push $0 Push $1 ${LogVerbose} "Checking for installed components ..." StrCpy $1 "" Call SetAppMode64 ; VBoxGINA already installed? So we need to update the installed version as well, ; regardless whether the user used "/with_autologon" or not ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL" ${If} $0 == "VBoxGINA.dll" StrCpy $1 "GINA" ${Else} ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}" "" ${If} $0 == "VBoxCredProv" StrCpy $1 "Credential Provider" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Auto-logon module: $0" !endif ${IfNot} $1 == "" ${LogVerbose} "Auto-logon support ($1) was installed previously" StrCpy $g_bWithAutoLogon "true" ; Force update ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "Auto-logon support was not installed previously" ${EndIf} Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd !endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY ; ; Main Files ; Section $(VBOX_COMPONENT_MAIN) SEC01 SectionIn RO ; Section cannot be unselected (read-only) ${If} $g_bPostInstallStatus == "true" ${LogToVBoxTray} "0" "${PRODUCT_NAME} update started, please wait ..." ${EndIf} IfSilent +1 +2 StrCpy $g_bLogEnable "true" ; Force logging in silent mode ${LogEnable} "$g_bLogEnable" IfSilent +1 +2 ; NSIS will expand ${LogVerbose} before doing relative jumps! LogText "Installer runs in silent mode" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" SetOverwrite on Call SetAppMode64 StrCpy $g_strSystemDir "$SYSDIR" ${LogVerbose} "Version: $%VBOX_VERSION_STRING% (Rev $%VBOX_SVN_REV%)" ${If} $g_strAddVerMaj != "" ${LogVerbose} "Previous version: $g_strAddVerMaj.$g_strAddVerMin.$g_strAddVerBuild (Rev $g_strAddVerRev)" ${Else} ${LogVerbose} "No previous version of ${PRODUCT_NAME} detected" ${EndIf} !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" ${LogVerbose} "Detected OS: Windows $g_strWinVersion (64-bit)" !else ${LogVerbose} "Detected OS: Windows $g_strWinVersion (32-bit)" !endif ${LogVerbose} "System Directory: $g_strSystemDir" !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Installer runs in debug mode" !endif ; ; Here starts the main dispatcher (based on guest OS) ; ; Which OS are we using? ; @todo Use logic lib here !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "NT4" nt4 ; Windows NT 4.0 !endif StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "2000" w2k_xp_w2k3 ; Windows 2000 StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "XP" w2k_xp_w2k3 ; Windows XP StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "2003" w2k_xp_w2k3 ; Windows 2003 Server StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "Vista" vista_and_later ; Windows Vista StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "7" vista_and_later ; Windows 7 StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "8" vista_and_later ; Windows 8 StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "8_1" vista_and_later ; Windows 8.1 / Windows 2012 Server R2 StrCmp $g_strWinVersion "10" vista_and_later ; Windows 10 ${If} $g_bForceInstall == "true" Goto vista_and_later ; Assume newer OS than we know of ... ${EndIf} MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED) /SD IDOK goto exit !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "x86" ; 32-bit nt4: ; Windows NT4 Call GetServicePack Pop $R0 ; Major version Pop $R1 ; Minor version ; At least Service Pack 6 installed? ${If} $R0 <> "6" MessageBox MB_YESNO $(VBOX_NT4_NO_SP6) /SD IDYES IDYES +2 Quit ${EndIf} ; Copy some common files ... Call Common_CleanupObsoleteFiles Call Common_CopyFiles Call NT4_Main goto success !endif ; ; Windows 2000, XP and Windows Server 2003 / XP64 ; w2k_xp_w2k3: ; Copy some common files ... Call Common_CleanupObsoleteFiles Call Common_CopyFiles Call W2K_Main goto success ; ; Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and related server products. ; vista_and_later: ; Check requirments; this function can abort the installation if necessary! Call Vista_CheckForRequirements ; Copy some common files ... Call Common_CleanupObsoleteFiles Call Common_CopyFiles Call W2K_Main ; First install stuff for Windows 2000, XP, W2K3/XP64 ... Call Vista_Main ; ... and some specific stuff for Vista and later. goto success success: ; Write a registry key with version and installation path for later lookup WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY}" "Version" "$%VBOX_VERSION_STRING_RAW%" WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY}" "VersionExt" "$%VBOX_VERSION_STRING%" WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY}" "Revision" "$%VBOX_SVN_REV%" WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_INSTALL_KEY}" "InstallDir" "$INSTDIR" ; Set the reboot flag to tell the finish page that is should ; default to the "reboot now" entry SetRebootFlag true exit: SectionEnd ;; ; Auto-logon support (section is hidden at the moment -- only can be enabled via command line switch) ; Section /o -$(VBOX_COMPONENT_AUTOLOGON) SEC02 Call SetAppMode64 Call GetWindowsVersion Pop $R0 ; Windows Version ${LogVerbose} "Installing auto-logon support ..." ; Another GINA already is installed? Check if this is ours, otherwise let the user decide (unless it's a silent setup) ; whether to replace it with the VirtualBox one or not ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL" ${If} $0 != "" ${If} $0 != "VBoxGINA.dll" ${LogVerbose} "Found another already installed GINA module: $0" MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON1 $(VBOX_COMPONENT_AUTOLOGON_WARN_3RDPARTY) /SD IDYES IDYES install ${LogVerbose} "Skipping GINA installation, keeping: $0" goto skip ${EndIf} ${EndIf} install: ; Do we need VBoxCredProv or VBoxGINA? ${If} $R0 == 'Vista' ; Windows Vista. ${OrIf} $R0 == '7' ; Windows 7. ${OrIf} $R0 == '8' ; Windows 8. ${OrIf} $R0 == '8_1' ; Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2. ${OrIf} $R0 == '10' ; Windows 10. ; Use VBoxCredProv on Vista and up. ${LogVerbose} "Installing VirtualBox credential provider ..." !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxCredProv.dll" "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxCredProv.dll" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}" "" "VBoxCredProv" ; adding to (default) key WriteRegStr HKCR "CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}" "" "VBoxCredProv" ; adding to (Default) key WriteRegStr HKCR "CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}\InprocServer32" "" "VBoxCredProv.dll" ; adding to (Default) key WriteRegStr HKCR "CLSID\{275D3BCC-22BB-4948-A7F6-3A3054EBA92B}\InprocServer32" "ThreadingModel" "Apartment" ${Else} ; Use VBoxGINA on older Windows OSes (< Vista) ${LogVerbose} "Installing VirtualBox GINA ..." !insertmacro ReplaceDLL "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions\VBoxGINA.dll" "$g_strSystemDir\VBoxGINA.dll" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon" "GinaDLL" "VBoxGINA.dll" ; Add Windows notification package callbacks for VBoxGINA WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify\VBoxGINA" "DLLName" "VBoxGINA.dll" WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify\VBoxGINA" "Impersonate" 0 WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify\VBoxGINA" "StopScreenSaver" "WnpScreenSaverStop" ${EndIf} skip: SectionEnd ; Direct3D support Section /o $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D) SEC03 ; Nothing to do in here right now. SectionEnd ; Start menu entries. Enabled by default and can be disabled by the user. Section /o $(VBOX_COMPONENT_STARTMENU) SEC04 Delete /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Website.lnk" ; Changed to Website.url in r153663, so remove the old one CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}" WriteIniStr "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Website.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" SectionEnd !ifdef USE_MUI ;Assign language strings to sections !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC01} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_MAIN_DESC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC02} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_AUTOLOGON_DESC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC03} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_D3D_DESC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC04} $(VBOX_COMPONENT_STARTMENU_DESC) !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END !endif ; USE_MUI Section -Content WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" SectionEnd ; This section is called after all the files are in place Section -Post !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Doing post install ..." !endif !ifdef EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" FILE "$%PATH_TARGET%\uninst.exe" !else WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" !endif ; Write uninstaller in "Add / Remove programs" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "URLInfoAbout" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}" WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "Publisher" "${PRODUCT_PUBLISHER}" ; Tune TcpWindowSize for a better network throughput WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" "TcpWindowSize" 64240 !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogVerbose} "Enable Backdoor logging for debug build." WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VBoxGuest" "LoggingEnabled" 255 !endif ; Add Sun Ray client info keys ; Note: We only need 32-bit keys (HKLM\Software / HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node) !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent\ReconnectActions" "" "" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent\DisconnectActions" "" "" !else WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent\ReconnectActions" "" "" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Oracle\Sun Ray\ClientInfoAgent\DisconnectActions" "" "" !endif ${LogVerbose} "Installation completed." ; ; Dump UI log to on success too. Only works with non-silent installs. ; (This has to be done here rather than in .onInstSuccess, because by ; then the log is no longer visible in the UI.) ; ${IfNot} ${Silent} !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1" VBoxGuestInstallHelper::DumpLog "$INSTDIR\install_ui.log" !else StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\install_ui.log" Push $0 Call DumpLog !endif ${EndIf} SectionEnd ;; ; !!! NOTE: This function *has* to be right under the last section; otherwise it does ; *not* get called! Don't ask me why ... !!! Function .onSelChange Push $0 ; Handle selection of WDDM component SectionGetFlags ${SEC03} $0 ${If} $0 == ${SF_SELECTED} !if $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ; If we're able to use the WDDM driver just use it. ${If} $g_bCapWDDM == "true" StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "true" ${EndIf} !endif ; $%VBOX_WITH_WDDM% == "1" ${Else} ; WDDM unselected again ${If} $g_strWinVersion != "8" ; On Windows 8 WDDM is mandatory ${AndIf} $g_strWinVersion != "8_1" ; ... also on Windows 8.1 / Windows 2012 Server R2 ${AndIf} $g_strWinVersion != "10" ; ... also on Windows 10 StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "false" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} Pop $0 FunctionEnd ;; ; This function is called when a critical error occurred, caused by ; the Abort command ; Function .onInstFailed ${LogVerbose} "$(VBOX_ERROR_INST_FAILED)" MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_ERROR_INST_FAILED) /SD IDOK ${If} $g_bPostInstallStatus == "true" ${LogToVBoxTray} "2" "Error while installing ${PRODUCT_NAME}!" ${EndIf} ; Dump UI log to see what happend. Only works with non-silent installs. ${IfNot} ${Silent} !if $%VBOX_WITH_GUEST_INSTALL_HELPER% == "1" VBoxGuestInstallHelper::DumpLog "$INSTDIR\install_ui.log" !else StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\install_ui.log" Push $0 Call DumpLog !endif ${EndIf} ; Set overall exit code SetErrorLevel 1 FunctionEnd ;; ; This function is called when installation was successful! ; Function .onInstSuccess ${LogVerbose} "${PRODUCT_NAME} successfully installed" ${If} $g_bPostInstallStatus == "true" ${LogToVBoxTray} "0" "${PRODUCT_NAME} successfully updated!" ${EndIf} SetErrorLevel 0 FunctionEnd ;; ; This function is called at the very beginning of installer execution ; Function .onInit Push $0 ; Init values StrCpy $g_iSystemMode "0" StrCpy $g_strCurUser "" StrCpy $g_strAddVerMaj "0" StrCpy $g_strAddVerMin "0" StrCpy $g_strAddVerBuild "0" StrCpy $g_strAddVerRev "0" StrCpy $g_bIgnoreUnknownOpts "false" StrCpy $g_bLogEnable "false" StrCpy $g_bForceInstall "false" StrCpy $g_bUninstall "false" StrCpy $g_bRebootOnExit "false" StrCpy $g_iScreenX "0" StrCpy $g_iScreenY "0" StrCpy $g_iScreenBpp "0" StrCpy $g_iSfOrder "0" StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxServiceExit "false" StrCpy $g_bNoVBoxTrayExit "false" StrCpy $g_bNoVideoDrv "false" StrCpy $g_bNoGuestDrv "false" StrCpy $g_bNoMouseDrv "false" StrCpy $g_bNoStartMenuEntries "false" StrCpy $g_bWithAutoLogon "false" StrCpy $g_bOnlyExtract "false" StrCpy $g_bWithWDDM "false" StrCpy $g_bCapDllCache "false" StrCpy $g_bCapXPDM "false" StrCpy $g_bCapWDDM "false" StrCpy $g_bPostInstallStatus "false" StrCpy $g_bInstallTimestampCA "unset" ; Tri-state: "unset", "true" and "false" ; We need a special directory set to SysWOW64 because some ; shell operations don't support file redirection (yet) StrCpy $g_strSysWow64 "$WINDIR\SysWOW64" SetErrorLevel 0 ClearErrors !ifdef UNINSTALLER_ONLY ; ; If UNINSTALLER_ONLY is defined, we're only interested in uninst.exe ; so we can sign it ; ; Note that the Quit causes the exit status to be 2 instead of 0 ; WriteUninstaller "$%PATH_TARGET%\uninst.exe" Quit !else ; Handle command line Call HandleCommandLine ; Check if there's already another instance of the installer is running - ; important for preventing NT4 to spawn the installer twice System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "VBoxGuestInstaller") ?e' Pop $0 ${If} $0 != 0 Quit ${EndIf} ; Retrieve Windows version and store result in $g_strWinVersion Call GetWindowsVersionEx Pop $g_strWinVersion ; Retrieve capabilities Call CheckForCapabilities ; Get user Name AccessControl::GetCurrentUserName Pop $g_strCurUser ${LogVerbose} "Current user: $g_strCurUser" ; Only extract files? This action can be called even from non-Admin users ; and non-compatible architectures ${If} $g_bOnlyExtract == "true" Call ExtractFiles MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION $(VBOX_EXTRACTION_COMPLETE) /SD IDOK Quit ${EndIf} ; Check for correct architecture Call CheckArchitecture Pop $0 ${If} $0 <> 0 ; Wrong architecture? Tell the world !if $%KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH% == "amd64" MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_NOTICE_ARCH_AMD64) /SD IDOK !else MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_NOTICE_ARCH_X86) /SD IDOK !endif Abort "$(VBOX_NOTICE_ARCH_AMD64)" ${EndIf} ; Has the user who calls us admin rights? UserInfo::GetAccountType Pop $0 ${If} $0 != "Admin" MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_NOADMIN) /SD IDOK Abort ${EndIf} ; Only uninstall? ${If} $g_bUninstall == "true" Call Uninstall_Innotek Call Uninstall MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(VBOX_UNINST_SUCCESS) /SD IDOK Quit ${EndIf} Call CheckForInstalledComponents ; ; Section 02 ; ${If} $g_bWithAutoLogon == "true" ; Auto-logon support !insertmacro SelectSection ${SEC02} ${EndIf} ; ; Section 03 ; ${If} $g_bWithWDDM == "true" ; D3D / WDDM support !insertmacro SelectSection ${SEC03} ${EndIf} ; On Windows 8 / 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2 and newer we always select the 3D ; section and disable it so that it cannot be deselected again ${If} $g_strWinVersion == "8" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "8_1" ${OrIf} $g_strWinVersion == "10" IntOp $0 ${SF_SELECTED} | ${SF_RO} SectionSetFlags ${SEC03} $0 ${EndIf} ; If the guest is not able to handle/use our WDDM driver, then 3D is not available ${If} $g_bCapWDDM != "true" SectionSetFlags ${SEC03} ${SF_RO} ${EndIf} ; ; Section 04 ; ${If} $g_bNoStartMenuEntries == "false" ; Start menu entries !insertmacro SelectSection ${SEC04} ${EndIf} !ifdef USE_MUI ; Display language selection dialog (will be hidden in silent mode!) !ifdef VBOX_INSTALLER_ADD_LANGUAGES !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY !endif !endif Call SetAppMode64 ; Check for old additions Call CheckForOldGuestAdditions Call GetAdditionsVersion ; Due to some bug in NSIS the license page won't be displayed if we're in ; 64-bit registry view, so as a workaround switch back to 32-bit (Wow6432Node) ; mode for now Call SetAppMode32 !endif ; UNINSTALLER_ONLY Pop $0 FunctionEnd ; ; The uninstaller is built separately when doing code signing ; ; When building the non-uninstaller part, we get a 6020 warning because NSIS ; detects uninstaller related _code_ (un.xxxx) being present. It would take ; some effort to eliminate that one. ; !ifndef EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER Function un.onUninstSuccess HideWindow MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK $(VBOX_UNINST_SUCCESS) /SD IDOK FunctionEnd Function un.onInit ; Has the user who calls us admin rights? UserInfo::GetAccountType Pop $0 ${If} $0 != "Admin" MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP $(VBOX_NOADMIN) /SD IDOK Abort ${EndIf} MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 $(VBOX_UNINST_CONFIRM) /SD IDYES IDYES proceed Quit proceed: Call un.SetAppMode64 ; Set system directory StrCpy $g_strSystemDir "$SYSDIR" ; We need a special directory set to SysWOW64 because some ; shell operations don't support file redirection (yet) StrCpy $g_strSysWow64 "$WINDIR\SysWOW64" ; Retrieve Windows version we're running on and store it in $g_strWinVersion Call un.GetWindowsVersionEx Pop $g_strWinVersion ; Retrieve capabilities Call un.CheckForCapabilities FunctionEnd Section Uninstall !ifdef _DEBUG ${LogEnable} "true" !endif Call un.SetAppMode64 ; Call the uninstall main function Call un.Uninstall ; ... and remove the local install directory Call un.UninstallInstDir !ifndef _DEBUG SetAutoClose true MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 $(VBOX_REBOOT_REQUIRED) /SD IDNO IDYES restart StrCmp $g_bRebootOnExit "true" restart !endif Goto exit !ifndef _DEBUG restart: !endif ${LogVerbose} "Rebooting ..." Reboot exit: SectionEnd !endif ; !EXTERNAL_UNINSTALLER ;Direct the output to our bin dir !cd "$%PATH_OUT%\bin\additions"