Using the Cloud Profile Manager

This section describes how to use the Cloud Profile Manager to create a cloud profile.

To open the Cloud Profile Manager click File, Cloud Profile Manager in VirtualBox Manager.

The Cloud Profile Manager

You can use the Cloud Profile Manager in the following ways:

Perform the following steps to create a new cloud profile automatically, using the Cloud Profile Manager:

  1. Click the Add icon and specify a Name for the profile.

  2. Click Properties and specify the following property values for the profile:

    • Compartment OCID

    • Fingerprint of the public key

    • Location of the private key on the client device

    • Region OCID

    • Tenancy OCID

    • User OCID

    Some of these are settings for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account, which you can view from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  3. (Optional) If you are using the cloud profile to connect to cloud virtual machines, select the Show VMs check box.

    This creates a new subgroup of the OCI group in VirtualBox Manager. See .

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

    The cloud profile settings are saved to the oci_config file in your Oracle VM VirtualBox global settings directory.

Perform the following steps to import an existing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file into the Cloud Profile Manager:

  1. Ensure that a config file is present in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration directory. For example, this is $HOME/.oci/config on a Linux host.

  2. Click the Import icon to open a dialog that prompts you to import cloud profiles from external files.

    This action overwrites any cloud profiles that are in your Oracle VM VirtualBox global settings directory.

  3. Click Import.

    Your cloud profile settings are saved to the oci_config file in your Oracle VM VirtualBox global settings directory.

  4. Click Properties to show the cloud profile settings.

    Double-click on the appropriate field to change the value.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.