Demonstration transforms

The examples of DocBook and DITA interoperability can be processed with demonstration transforms.

The plugin contributes the following targets to the DITA Open Toolkit:

Convert DocBook divisions to DITA topics. The DITA topics can then be processed with the DITA Open Toolkit.

Executed by the docbook2DITADemo target in the run-ant demo build.

Push relationships from a DITA map into DocBook articles. The DocBook articles can then be processed with the DocBook transform tools.

Executed by the docbookRelateDemo target in the run-ant demo build.

Convert DocBook articles referenced from a DITA map to DITA. The DITA map can then be processed with the DITA Open Toolkit.

Executed by the docbookMixDemo target in the run-ant demo build.

Assemble a DocBook book from DocBook divisions as specified by a DITA map. The DocBook book can then be processed with the DocBook transform tools.

Executed by the docbookComposeDemo target in the run-ant demo build.

Populate a DocBook book by reference to a DITA map. The DocBook book can then be processed with the DocBook transform tools.

Executed by the docbookDitarefDemo target in the run-ant demo build.