# $Id: Makefile.kmk 99042 2023-03-18 23:30:18Z vboxsync $ ## @file # Sub-Makefile for the VirtualBox User Manual, SDK reference and other manuals. # # # Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as # available from https://www.virtualbox.org. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the # License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only # # # This slightly messy makefile transforms the DocBook XML source for the # user manual into presentation output. We support two targets: # # -- UserManual.pdf, generated by LaTex # # # Both files end up in PATH_STAGE_BIN. # # Both targets indirectly depend on the XML files in this directory; # "indirectly" because we first copy them to PATH_TARGET and hack them # up a bit for variable substitution and such (see below). # The toolchains are roughly like this: # # -- PDF file via Apache FOP: pre-process the XML files in PATH_TARGET, # then create a .FO file (another XML format for "formatted objects") # via xsltproc, then feed the .FO file to Apache FOP to create the PDF. # # -- PDF file via LaTeX: pre-process the XML files in PATH_TARGET, then # run our custom "dblatex" perl script on UserManual.xml, which parses # the XML (using the Perl SAX parsers) and dumps a matching LaTeX file # to UserManual.tex. This is then regularly processed by pdflatex to # generate PDF. # # SUB_DEPTH = ../.. include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subheader.kmk ifndef VBOX_DOC_MANUAL_CONFIG_KMK_INCLUDED include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Config.kmk endif # # Globals # # Error out if someone tries to override old globals. ifdef HTMLHELPOPTS $(error HTMLHELPOPTS was renamed to VBOX_HTMLHELP_OPTS!) endif ifdef DOCBOOKPATH $(error DOCBOOKPATH was renamed to VBOX_PATH_DOCBOOK!) endif ifdef DOCBOOKPATH $(error DOCBOOKPATH was renamed to VBOX_PATH_DOCBOOK!) endif ifdef XML_CATALOG $(error XML_CATALOG was renamed to VBOX_XML_CATALOG!) endif ifdef XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK $(error XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK was renamed to VBOX_XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK!) endif ifdef PDFLATEX_INTERACTION $(error PDFLATEX_INTERACTION was renamed to VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION!) endif ifdef PDFLATEX $(error PDFLATEX was renamed to VBOX_PDFLATEX_CMD!) endif ifdef HHC $(error HHC was renamed to VBOX_HHC!) endif VBOX_DITA_PATH = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/dita-ot-1.8.5 VBOX_QHELP_OUTPUT_FILES = \ UserManual.qch \ UserManual.qhc # VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION = errorstopmode - Use this when you wants to figure out build failures # without catting the log a million times. VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION ?= batchmode ifeq ($(KBUILD_HOST),win) ifndef VBOX_PDFLATEX VBOX_PDFLATEX := $(firstword $(rsort $(wildcard $(KBUILD_DEVTOOLS)/win.x86/miktex-portable/*/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe))) ifneq ($(VBOX_PDFLATEX),) VBOX_PDFLATEX_CMD = $(VBOX_PDFLATEX) -halt-on-error -interaction $(VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION) endif endif ifndef VBOX_PDFLATEX # Tell MiKTeX to automatically download packages if system wide install. VBOX_PDFLATEX := pdflatex VBOX_PDFLATEX_CMD = $(VBOX_PDFLATEX) -halt-on-error -interaction $(VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION) --enable-installer endif else VBOX_PDFLATEX ?= pdflatex VBOX_PDFLATEX_HALT = $(shell ( $(VBOX_PDFLATEX) -version | head -1 | grep 141592 > /dev/null ) && echo -halt-on-error ) VBOX_PDFLATEX_CMD = pdflatex $(VBOX_PDFLATEX_HALT) -interaction $(VBOX_PDFLATEX_INTERACTION) endif # Windows HTML Help Workshop compiler (stupid thing always returns an error!) VBOX_HHC = -$(EXEC_X86_WIN32) $(VBOX_PATH_HTML_HELP_WORKSHOP)/hhc.exe # Additional xsltproc options when generating VBOX_HTMLHELP_OPTS ?= # SDK related globals. VBOX_MANUAL_APIREF_TMP = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/SDKRef_apiref.xml VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC = $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC_TMP = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/VirtualBox.xidl.tmp # # Targets # BLDDIRS += $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) if defined(VBOX_WITH_DOCS) && (!defined(VBOX_ONLY_BUILD) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_DOCS) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_SDK)) if defined(VBOX_ONLY_SDK) || defined(VBOX_WITH_DOCS_SDKREF) INSTALLS += VBox-docs-sdkref endif ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_HTML INSTALLS += VBox-docs-usermanual-html VBOX_PATH_BIN_HTML = $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual-html.zip else # Do not build html. VBOX_PATH_BIN_HTML = endif ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_QHELP INSTALLS += VBox-docs-usermanual-qhelp ifdef VBOX_WITH_QT6 USES += qt6 QHELPGENERATOR = $(PATH_TOOL_QT6_LIBEXEC)/qhelpgenerator else # Qt5 USES += qt5 QHELPGENERATOR_VERSION_MINOR = $(shell $(REDIRECT) -E QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$(PATH_SDK_QT5)/plugins -- $(PATH_TOOL_QT5_BIN)/qhelpgenerator -v 2>/dev/null | $(SED) -ne 's/.*(Qt [1-9][0-9]*\.\([1-9][0-9]*\)\.[1-9][0-9]*).*$$/\1/p') QHELPGENERATOR = $(PATH_TOOL_QT5_BIN)/$(if-expr $(QHELPGENERATOR_VERSION_MINOR) >= 12,qhelpgenerator,qcollectiongenerator) endif endif ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_QHELP_PACKING VBOX_PATH_BIN_QHELP = \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual.qch \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual.qhc else # Do not install/pack qhelp. VBOX_PATH_BIN_QHELP := endif ## @todo r=bird: Explanations for all of this is required! .NOTPARALLEL: $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/qhelp/UserManual.qch \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/UserManual.qhc \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/UserManual.pdf \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/UserManual.zip ifndef VBOX_ONLY_SDK VBOX_MANUAL_PACK += \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual.pdf \ $(VBOX_PATH_BIN_HTML) \ $(VBOX_PATH_BIN_QHELP) INSTALLS += VBox-docs-usermanual ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_TRANSLATIONS INSTALLS += VBox-docs-usermanual-l10n VBOX_MANUAL_PACK += \ $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_ADD_LANGUAGES),$(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual_$(f).pdf) endif endif # !VBOX_ONLY_SDK ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_ACCESSIBILITY INSTALLS += \ VBox-docs-accessibility \ VBox-docs-accessibility-html endif ifdef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS PACKING += $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/VBoxDocumentation.zip endif ifdef VBOX_WITH_DOCS_TRANSLATIONS VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES += $(VBOX_MANUAL_ADD_LANGUAGES) endif $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES), \ $(eval VBOX_MANUAL_XML_FILES_GENERATED_$$(lang) := \ $$(addprefix $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$$(lang)/user_,$$(filter man_VBoxManage%,$$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES))) \ $$(addprefix $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/overview_,$$(filter man_VBoxManage%,$$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES))) \ $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$$(lang)/user_man_VBoxHeadless.xml \ $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$$(lang)/user_man_vboximg-mount.xml \ $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$$(lang)/user_isomakercmd-man.xml)) VBOX_SDKREF_XML_FILES = \ SDKRef.xml VBOX_ACCESSIBILITY_XML_FILES = \ Accessibility.xml # Wildcard the images path for every supported language $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES), \ $(eval VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$$(f) := $$(patsubst $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/$$(f)/%,%,$$(wildcard $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/$$(f)/images/*.png)))) VBOX_MANUAL_TEX_UNICODE_FILES = \ $(wildcard $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/texfiles/unicode/*) VBOX_MANUAL_LATEX_FILES_TARGET = \ $(addprefix UserManual.,aux log out toc tex) VBOX_SDKREF_LATEX_FILES_TARGET = \ $(addprefix SDKRef.,aux log out toc tex) VBOX_ACCESSIBILITY_LATEX_FILES_TARGET = \ $(addprefix Accessibility.,aux log out toc tex) BLDDIRS += \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/, \ $(addsuffix /images, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /html-single, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /html-chunks, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /qhelp, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /qhelp/images, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /HTMLHelp, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ $(addsuffix /HTMLHelp/images, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES)) \ ) # Explicit cleaning has some overlap with default cleaning rules, since this # Makefile is using very complex conditionals for selectively creating # specific files, and not everyone remembers to use the same with "kmk clean". OTHER_CLEAN += \ $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG) \ $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK) \ $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_MANUAL) \ $(VBOX_XML_ENTITIES) \ $(foreach lang, $(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES) \ ,$(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(lang)/, \ $(VBOX_XML_XREF_TO_TEXT) \ $(VBOX_XML_XREF_TO_TEXT).cat \ $(addprefix user_,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES)) \ $(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES) \ $(patsubst man_%,%.1,$(basename $(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES))) \ man_VBoxHeadless.xml \ user_man_VBoxHeadless.xml \ man_vboximg-mount.xml \ user_man_vboximg-mount.xml \ isomakercmd-man.xml \ user_isomakercmd-man.xml \ $(VBOX_MANUAL_LATEX_FILES_TARGET) \ $(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$(lang)) \ $(notdir $(VBOX_MANUAL_TEX_UNICODE_FILES)) \ $(addprefix HTMLHelp/,$(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$(lang))) \ $(addprefix qhelp/, $(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$(lang))) \ html-single/UserManual.html \ $(addprefix qhelp/, UserManual.qhp UserManual.qhcp $(VBOX_QHELP_OUTPUT_FILES)) \ $(addprefix HTMLHelp/, index.html go01.html) \ $(addprefix qhelp/, index.html go01.html) \ $(addprefix html-chunks/, index.html go01.html) \ $(foreach n,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 \ ,html-chunks/ch$(n).html \ html-chunks/re$(n).html \ HTMLHelp/ch$(n).html \ HTMLHelp/re$(n).html \ $(foreach d2,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,$(foreach d1,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,HTMLHelp/ch$(n)s$(d2)$(d1).html)) \ qhelp/ch$(n).html \ qhelp/re$(n).html \ $(foreach d2,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,$(foreach d1,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,qhelp/ch$(n)s$(d2)$(d1).html)) ) \ $(foreach n,a b c \ ,html-chunks/ap$(n).html \ HTMLHelp/ap$(n).html \ $(foreach s,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,HTMLHelp/ap$(n)s$(s).html) \ qhelp/ap$(n).html \ $(foreach s,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,qhelp/ap$(n)s$(s).html) ) \ $(foreach n,01 02 03 04 05 \ ,html-chunks/pr$(n).html \ HTMLHelp/pr$(n).html \ $(foreach s,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08,HTMLHelp/pr$(n)s$(s).html) \ qhelp/pr$(n).html \ $(foreach s,01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08,qhelp/pr$(n)s$(s).html) ) \ HTMLHelp/toc.hhc \ HTMLHelp/htmlhelp.hhp \ qhelp/toc.hhc \ qhelp/htmlhelp.hhp \ UserManual.pdf \ VirtualBox.chm \ $(VBOX_QHELP_OUTPUT_FILES) \ ChangeLog.html \ validatemanual.run \ validateaccessibility.run \ validatesdkref.run \ ) \ ) \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/titlepage-htmlhelp.xsl \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/overview_,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES)) \ $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_ADD_LANGUAGES),$(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual_$(f).pdf) \ $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_ADD_LANGUAGES),$(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/VirtualBox_$(f).chm) \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual.pdf \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/VirtualBox.chm \ \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/, \ $(VBOX_SDKREF_LATEX_FILES_TARGET) \ SDKRef.pdf \ ) \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/sdk/docs/SDKRef.pdf \ \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/, \ $(VBOX_ACCESSIBILITY_LATEX_FILES_TARGET) \ html-single/Accessibility.html \ Accessibility.pdf \ ) \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/Accessibility.html \ $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/Accessibility.pdf \ \ $(VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC_TMP) \ $(VBOX_MANUAL_APIREF_TMP) endif # if defined(VBOX_WITH_DOCS) && (!defined(VBOX_ONLY_BUILD) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_DOCS) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_SDK)) # # target for installing UserManual.pdf # VBox-docs-usermanual_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-usermanual_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-usermanual_SOURCES = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/UserManual.pdf VBox-docs-usermanual-qhelp_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-usermanual-qhelp_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-usermanual-qhelp_SOURCES = \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/qhelp/UserManual.qhc \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/qhelp/UserManual.qch # # target for installing translated UserManual_*.pdf # VBox-docs-usermanual-l10n_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-usermanual-l10n_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-usermanual-l10n_SOURCES = $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_ADD_LANGUAGES),$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(f)/UserManual.pdf=>UserManual_$(f).pdf) # # target for installing the chunked HTML docs # VBox-docs-usermanual-html_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-usermanual-html_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-usermanual-html_SOURCES = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/UserManual.zip=>UserManual-html.zip # # target for installing SDKRef.pdf # VBox-docs-sdkref_INST = $(INST_SDK)docs/ VBox-docs-sdkref_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-sdkref_SOURCES = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/SDKRef.pdf # # target for installing Accessibility.pdf # VBox-docs-accessibility_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-accessibility_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-accessibility_SOURCES = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/Accessibility.pdf # # target for installing Accessibility.html # VBox-docs-accessibility-html_INST = $(INST_BIN) VBox-docs-accessibility-html_MODE = a+r,u+w VBox-docs-accessibility-html_SOURCES = $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/html-single/Accessibility.html if defined(VBOX_WITH_DOCS) && (!defined(VBOX_ONLY_BUILD) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_DOCS) || defined(VBOX_ONLY_SDK)) ## # Morph man pages into manual sections. # $(evalcall2 def_vbox_refentry_to_user_sect1) # @param 1 Language. # @param 2 the refentry xml base file name. # @param 3 the full refentry xml file path. define def_vbox_refentry_to_user_sect1 $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(1)/user_$(2): $(3) \ $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/docbook-refentry-to-manual-sect1.xsl \ $$(VBOX_XML_CATALOG) $$(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK) $$(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_MANUAL) \ $$(VBOX_XML_ENTITIES) $$(VBOX_VERSION_STAMP) | $$$$(dir $$$$@) $$(call MSG_TOOL,xsltproc $$(notdir $$(filter %.xsl,$$^)),,$$(filter %.xml,$$^),$$@) $$(QUIET)$$(RM) -f "$$@" $$(QUIET)$$(call VBOX_XSLTPROC_WITH_CAT) --output $$@ $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/docbook-refentry-to-manual-sect1.xsl $$< endef $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(foreach file,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES) \ man_VBoxHeadless.xml \ man_vboximg-mount.xml \ , $(evalcall2 def_vbox_refentry_to_user_sect1,$(lang),$(file),$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/$(lang)/$(file)))) $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES) \ ,$(evalcall2 def_vbox_refentry_to_user_sect1,$(lang),isomakercmd-man.xml,$(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/common/fs/isomakercmd-man.xml)) # Generates the VBoxManage command overview include file (shared between # languages) from the refsynopsisdiv section of the man pages. $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/overview_,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES)): \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/docbook-refentry-to-manual-overview.xsl \ $$(patsubst overview_%,$$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/en_US/%,$$(notdir $$@)) \ $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG) $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK) $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_MANUAL) \ $(VBOX_XML_ENTITIES) | $$(dir $$@) $(call MSG_TOOL,xsltproc $(notdir $(filter %.xsl,$^)),,$(firstword $(filter %.xml,$^)),$@) $(QUIET)$(call VBOX_XSLTPROC_WITH_CAT) --output "$@" $< $(filter %.xml,$^) ########################################################################################## # # Shared rules for PDF generation # ########################################################################################## ifndef VBOX_OSE # copy ucs.sty and related files $(foreach f,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$f/ucs.sty): $(call MSG_L1,Copying unicode support for LaTeX) $(QUIET)$(INSTALL_STAGING) -m0644 -- $(VBOX_MANUAL_TEX_UNICODE_FILES) "$(@D)" endif # copy the PNG files. # Note: out_dir referenced with double $$ to delay expansion to the eval step when out_dir has been defined. define def_vbox_cp_images_pdf local out_dir := $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(lang) $(addprefix $$(out_dir)/,$(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$(lang))): \ $$(out_dir)/% : $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/$(lang)/% | $$$$(dir $$$$@) $$(call MSG_L1,Copying temporary $$< => $$@) $$(QUIET)$$(INSTALL_STAGING) -m0644 -- '$$<' '$$(@D)' endef $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(evalcall2 def_vbox_cp_images_pdf)) ########################################################################################## # # UserManual.pdf # ########################################################################################## # Useful aliases usermanual UserManual.pdf:: $(PATH_STAGE_BIN)/UserManual.pdf # # SDKRef.pdf # # Replace tags in VirtualBox.xidl. $(VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC_TMP): $(VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC) $(MAKEFILE_CURRENT) | $$(dir $$@) $(call MSG_L1,Generating $@) $(QUIET)$(SED) -e 's|@a \+\(\w\+\)|\1|g' \ -e 's|@c \+\(\w\+\)|\1|g' \ --output $@ $< # Generate SDKRef_apiref.xml as a docbook file excerpt that will be referenced from the SDKRef.xml. $(VBOX_MANUAL_APIREF_TMP): $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/xidl2docbook.xsl $(VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC_TMP) $(call MSG_L1,Generating $@) $(QUIET)$(VBOX_XSLTPROC) $(VBOX_XSLTPROC_OPTS) --xinclude --nonet -o $@ $< $(VBOX_DOC_XIDL_SRC_TMP) # Turn SDKRef.xml into LaTeX. $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/SDKRef.tex: \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/en_US/,$(VBOX_SDKREF_XML_FILES)) \ $(VBOX_MANUAL_APIREF_TMP) \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/docbook2latex.xsl \ $(if $(VBOX_HAVE_XMLLINT),$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/validatesdkref.run,) \ $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG) $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_DOCBOOK) $(VBOX_XML_CATALOG_MANUAL) \ $(VBOX_XML_ENTITIES) $(MAKEFILE_CURRENT) | $$(dir $$@) $(call MSG_TOOL,xsltproc $(notdir $(filter %.xsl,$^)),,$(firstword $(filter %.xml,$^)),$@) $(QUIET)$(RM) -f $(addprefix $(@D/),$(VBOX_SDKREF_LATEX_FILES_TARGET)) # generate TeX source from processed docbook and store it in SDKRef.tex.tmp $(QUIET)$(call VBOX_XSLTPROC_WITH_CAT) --stringparam TARGETLANG en_US \ -o $@.tmp $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/docbook2latex.xsl $< # for pretty quotes, replace " with `` or '' depending on whether it's at the start of a word; # the \QUOTE{} was inserted by docbook2latex.xsl for all quotes _outside_ of screen sections $(QUIET)$(SED) \ -e 's|^\\QUOTE{}|\\OQ{}|g' \ -e 's|\(\W\)\\QUOTE{}|\1\\OQ{}|g' \ -e 's|\(\w\)\\QUOTE{}|\1\\CQ{}|g' \ --output $@ $@.tmp $(QUIET)$(RM) -f $@.tmp # Turn SDKRef.tex into a PDF. $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/SDKRef.pdf: \ $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/SDKRef.tex \ $(if $(VBOX_OSE),,$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/ucs.sty) \ $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/,$(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_en_US)) | $$(dir $$@) $(call MSG_L1,pdflatex $< (three passes)) $(QUIET)$(REDIRECT) -C $( $$@) $$(QUIET)$$(RM) -f $$@ $$(QUIET)$$(REDIRECT) -E QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$$(PATH_SDK_QT5)/plugins -- $$(QHELPGENERATOR) $$< $$(call MSG_L1,Fresh QCH is now at $$@) endef $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(evalcall2 def_vbox_usermanual_qhp_to_qch)) # Generate QHP from HHP for QHelp # Note: out_dir referenced with double $$ to delay expansion to the eval step when out_dir has been defined. define def_vbox_usermanual_hhp_qhelp_to_qhp local out_dir := $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(lang) $$(out_dir)/qhelp/UserManual.qhp: \ $$(out_dir)/qhelp/UserManual.hhp \ $$(addprefix $$(out_dir)/qhelp/,$$(VBOX_MANUAL_PNG_FILES_$(lang))) \ | $$$$(dir $$$$@) $$(call MSG_L1,htmlhelp-qthelp.py $$<,=> $$@) $$(QUIET)$$(RM) -f $$@ $$(QUIET)$$(VBOX_BLD_PYTHON) $$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_SRC)/htmlhelp-qthelp.py -d $$( $$@) $$(QUIET)$$(INSTALL_STAGING) -m0644 -- '$$<' '$$(@D)' endef $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(eval $(def_vbox_cp_images_qhelp))) endif # VBOX_WITH_DOCS_QHELP # Handy aliases. validate-manpages:: $(addprefix $(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/en_US/,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES)) man-experiment:: $(foreach lang,$(VBOX_MANUAL_LANGUAGES),$(foreach file,$(VBOX_MANUAL_XML_REFENTRY_FILES) \ ,$$(VBOX_PATH_MANUAL_OUTBASE)/$(lang)/$(patsubst man_%,%.1,$(basename $(file))))) # # Manually updating the DHCP option list taken from VirtualBox.xidl # dhcpoptions: $(PATH_ROOT)/doc/manual/en_US/man_VBoxManage-dhcpserver-dhcpoptions.xsl \ $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl $(call VBOX_XSLTPROC) --output "$(PATH_ROOT)/doc/manual/en_US/man_VBoxManage-dhcpserver-dhcpoptions.xml" $+ include $(FILE_KBUILD_SUB_FOOTER)