16 years |
bird |
strcache2.c: assert input string lengths; fix checks in case …
16 years |
bird |
strcache2.c: fixed the length check.
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: fixed entry alignment.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: some stats adjustments.
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: disabled the experimental stuff because I'm unsure about …
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: don't hash strings that aren't small (experimental).
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: don't div/0 in stats.
16 years |
bird |
build fix.
16 years |
bird |
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: hash1 -> hash; -hash2.
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: collapsed the STRCACHE2_USE_CHAINING checks.
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: switch to Paul Hsieh's superfash hash function (finally …
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: Implemented collision resolution by chaining instead of …
16 years |
bird |
strchache2: hash hacking (no results or changes yet).
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: oops, mixed arguments to inlined functions screwing up …
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: benchmarked strcache2_case_sensitive_hash_1 against …
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: inline memcmp seems faster (weird).
16 years |
bird |
strcache2: some cleanup.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: strcache2 - some alignment fixes.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: added strcache2_get_ptr_hash for more efficent hashing by string …
16 years |
bird |
fixed bug in previous revision.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: delegating variable string hashing to the strcache, dropping the …
16 years |
bird |
kmk: strcache2_add_file macro for wrapping case sensitive/insenstive …
16 years |
bird |
do strcache2_print_stats_all.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: replaced strcache with strcacahe2.
16 years |
bird |
kmk: untested version of strcache2, lacking rehash. This is a string …