17 years |
vboxsync |
Wrote the xpcom error message lookup table by hand. (there are so few …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Use target inheritance for RuntimeW32NT4GuestR0.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris/vboxdrv: Using generic MP as VT-x/MP doesn't play nice yet.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added %Rhrc, %Rhrf and %Rhra for formatting COM/XPCOM status codes. …
17 years |
vboxsync |
$(out) is NOT valid in this context.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Renamed ip.cpp, tstIp.cpp and ip.h to cidr so they correspond to the …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added RTErrConvertFromDarwin() as a merge of the IO, Kern and COM versions.
17 years |
vboxsync |
simple scanning function for IPv4 CIDR addresses
17 years |
vboxsync |
rebranding: IPRT files again.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
The Big Sun Rebranding Header Change
17 years |
vboxsync |
r=bird: libraries doesn't use/need LIBS properties.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Additions/FreeBSD: initial commit
Mostly tested on FreeBSD 7.0.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Freebsd only needs one RTTimerCreate-generic.cpp.
17 years |
vboxsync |
quick adaption of system-win.cpp into mp-win.cpp.
17 years |
vboxsync |
quick adaption of system-os2.cpp into mp-os2.cpp.
17 years |
vboxsync |
RTMpGetCount for 'posix'.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Generic implementations of the new RTMp functions.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Enabled RTMp on linux.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris RTMp implementation (untested).
17 years |
vboxsync |
Implemented MP api for NT
17 years |
vboxsync |
Sketched out RTMp*. (All the platform specific code is disabled.)
17 years |
vboxsync |
FreeBSD needs memmove for the kernel bit too.
17 years |
vboxsync |
memmove for RuntimeR0 too.
17 years |
vboxsync |
nocrt memmove. Use it for RuntimeGuestR0Drv and GC.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added RTStrFormatTypeRegister/SetUser/Deregister for runtime …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Doxygen fixes.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Try fix memcmp link issue for debug windows builds.
17 years |
vboxsync |
fixed debug windows build.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Enable the posix TLS implementation.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Implemented RTTls on win32.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Updated the todo.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added todo on the VBoxRT.so command override warning.
17 years |
vboxsync |
RuntimeR0Drv: strpbrk is defined on solaris, make it target specific.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed problem cross building x86 additions in a amd64 build.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: OS/2: Hacked RTFileChangeLock the same way it is done on Win32.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Unbreak l4 (linux.arch).
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed RuntimeGuestR3 issue (wrong semaphore code) when building on …
17 years |
vboxsync |
split up the linux and posix semaphore implementations (ring-3) to …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Made crossbuilding the linux additions in an l4 build work again. …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Drop the old remote building.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Removed RuntimeLnx32GuestR3, nobody is using it any longer.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Build RuntimeGuestR3 on linux.
17 years |
vboxsync |
forward port from 1.5: build vditool for Linux if BUILD_TYPE=l4
17 years |
vboxsync |
Use the generic templates for building the OS/2 guest additions. …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed the PIC issue with the X11 drivers: Made …
17 years |
vboxsync |
r=bird: RuntimeGuestR3Mini should be using the VBOXGUESTR3DLL template …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Additions/x11: get rid of gxx_personality_v0 on x11/Linux guests
17 years |
vboxsync |
Corrected inst dir for RuntimeGuestR3Mini.
17 years |
vboxsync |
r=bird: Don't create more RuntimeLnx32* legacy. No VBox in IPRT, so …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: added a reduced ("shared") R3 guest runtime which will work …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed OS/2 build.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Include Guest R3 backdoor logging for RuntimeGuestR3 template users.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Additions: add R3 backdoor logging for Linux guests
17 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris RTLogWriteDebugger and guest r0 logging changes.
17 years |
vboxsync |
windows -> win.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Implemented VBOX_WITH_ADDITIONS_FROM_BUILD_SERVER. Started cleaning up …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Put back the VBOX_ONLY_ADDITION stuff.
17 years |
vboxsync |
RuntimeGuestR0 RuntimeGuestR3 for solaris and the others.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Created generic templates for compiling guest additions (for new …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Created generic templates for compiling guest additions (for new …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added VBOX_WITHOUT_ADDITIONS for skipping the additions althogether.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
The Giant CDDL Dual-License Header Change.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Removed the tests for KMK_USE_REDIRECT, KMK_USE_TEST, KMK_NEW_SED and …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Backed out accidental Makefile.kmk commit.
17 years |
vboxsync |
r=bird: Adjusted the RTGetOpt API a little bit.
17 years |
vboxsync |
runtime: add generic command line parser, moved from webservice.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
kStuff on Darwin and OS/2, no more special magic in src/VBox/Runtime.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Darwin build fixes.
17 years |
vboxsync |
kStuff integration in progress.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Converted gcc ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32 inline code to nasm in order to …
17 years |
vboxsync |
More GOT / Yasm trouble. just go with the .cpp code for now.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Only use .asm in ring-3, 64-bit and symbol name issues.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Made u64Prev a pointer so TM can share it between contexts. Added R3, …
17 years |
vboxsync |
need to fix GOT problems first…
17 years |
vboxsync |
New RTTimeNanoTS/GIP code.
17 years |
vboxsync |
*-win32.cpp -> *-win.cpp
17 years |
vboxsync |
Merged r3/win32 and r3/win64
17 years |
vboxsync |
sort source lists.
17 years |
vboxsync |
math -> common/math
17 years |
vboxsync |
Merged the win32 and win64 directories.
17 years |
vboxsync |
table -> common/table
17 years |
vboxsync |
ldr* -> common/ldr/
17 years |
vboxsync |
err* RTErr* -> common/err/
17 years |
vboxsync |
various stray files -> common/misc/
17 years |
vboxsync |
misc -> common/misc
17 years |
vboxsync |
log* -> common/log/
17 years |
vboxsync |
uni* str* utf* -> common/string/
17 years |
vboxsync |
crc* md5* -> common/checksum
17 years |
vboxsync |
alloc* -> common/alloc
17 years |
vboxsync |
string -> common/string
17 years |
vboxsync |
time -> common/time
17 years |
vboxsync |
-> r3
17 years |
vboxsync |
-> r3
17 years |
vboxsync |
Moved the time stuff out of the root dir.