6 years |
vboxsync |
6 years |
vboxsync |
bldRTSignTool is apparently needed by extpack builds on windows. …
6 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/crypto: Wrapped SSL, alleged RC4, and RSA key generation. Added …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/dbgstackdumpself: Another shot at the solaris linking issue. …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/tools/Makefile.kmk: extpacks fix. bugref:9152
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/http: build fix
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/http: Fixed bug in rtHttpAddHeaderWorker where it failed to …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More REST work. bugref:9167
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Added RTHttpSetFollowRedirects (translates to …
7 years |
vboxsync |
VMM,DBGC,IPRT: In memory
- VMM: Morphed part of the NT kernel digger …
7 years |
vboxsync |
7 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: bugref:9006 and bugref:9188: Initial code drop for a small …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Tweaked ntfsvfs.cpp and RTCp.cpp so it's patch files, provided …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added a --prepend flag to the add-nested-cat-signature and …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added a --prepend flag to the add-nested-cat-signature and …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added a --prepend flag to the add-nested-cat-signature and …
7 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: Introduce RTTraceLog* API for creating and parsing binary …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports: fListOrdinals was used uninitialized.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports.cpp: Drop RTMEM_WRAP_TO_EF_APIS.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTCp.cpp: scm says max one trailing newline.
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Moved RTZipGZipCmd into the runtime, leaving a main wrapper …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Renamed RTCmdLs to RTFsCmdLs and moved it into the runtime, …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Renamed RTCmdLs to RTFsCmdLs and moved it into the runtime, …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Added RTCp (very incomplete).
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports: Added --list-oridnals option for getting both names …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImport: verbosity
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports: Implemented export lists and made it a build tool.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports.cpp: Build fix.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports.cpp: Build fix.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLdrCheckImports.cpp: Build fix.
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: New tool 'RTLdrCheckImports' for checking imports. Currently …
7 years |
vboxsync |
iprt/RTLs.cpp: Fixed two leaks.
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs: use new RTStrPrintf format types
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: VFS opening reworking in progress.
7 years |
vboxsync |
Make the format build box happier.
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: file mode changing on NT + RTChMod command.
- Reimplemented …
7 years |
vboxsync |
iprt/dir: Morphing PRTDIR into a handle named RTDIR. (Been wanting to …
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More work on directory relative APIs (NT mainly) and VFS; …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTMkDir,nt/RTDirRelDirCreate: Some adjustments.
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More work on directory relative APIs (NT mainly) and VFS; …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs: windows build fix
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs: Quickly hacked up human readable size, owners and groups. Stack …
7 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/tools: Added hack for accessing the 'vd' VFS chain element …
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTCat: Fixed handle leak.
7 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: scm updates
7 years |
vboxsync |
(C) year
7 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs.cpp: Recursion fix
7 years |
vboxsync |
Global: replace fall-through comments with RT_FALL_THRU(). …
7 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/tools/Makefile.kmk: try simplify
7 years |
vboxsync |
doc-only build fix
7 years |
vboxsync |
doc build fix (need bldRTIsoMaker).
7 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Added ISO maker tool frontend (will use for building later). …
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs.cpp: Fixed missing terminator when copying names.
8 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/RTKrnlMod: Started working on the Windows implementation
8 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/RTKrnlMod: Started on the Solaris implementation
8 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/RTKrnlMod: Started working on Linux implementation gathering …
8 years |
vboxsync |
build fix
8 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: Start hacking on API to query information about loaded kernel …
8 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: fall-thru
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs: fixed error message formatting
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTLs: VFS test tool and some fun.
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/vfs-chains: Pass around an pErrInfo buffer too.
8 years |
vboxsync |
iprt: Added RTCat tool for testing VFS chains and (later) FAT file …
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool/add-nested-exe-signature: Forgot to insert the new PE …
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added an --signature-index to the extract-exe-signer-cert …
8 years |
vboxsync |
Additions build fix
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Deal with primary signatures lacking timestamp (for local …
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: No need to #ifdef the show-cat & show-exe command, I think.
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added add-nested-cat-signature and show-cat commands.
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Added add-nested-cat-signature and show-cat commands.
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool/add-nested-exe-signature: The PKCS#7 data must be zero …
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: More on the add-nested-exe-signature command.
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Build fixes
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: Build fixes
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/ASN.1: Refactored array handling (SET OF, SEQUENCE OF) to use a …
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Most of the RTSignTool show-exe code done.
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Most of the RTSignTool show-exe code done.
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Most of the RTSignTool show-exe code done.
8 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Most of the RTSignTool show-exe code done.
8 years |
vboxsync |
build fix
8 years |
vboxsync |
build fix
8 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool: adding show-exe command (incomplete code)
8 years |
vboxsync |
SUP,IPRT: If link time validation fails with …
9 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/testcases: warnings
9 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT/testcases: warnings
9 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More unused parameters and undefined preprocessor macor warning …
9 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More unused parameters.
9 years |
vboxsync |
(C) 2016
9 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: More MSC level 4 warning fixes.
9 years |
vboxsync |
RTSignTool.cpp: Uninitialized variable.
9 years |
vboxsync |
bldRTManifest,bldRTSignTool: Don't drag RTBldCfgVersion into the link. …
9 years |
vboxsync |
RTGzip: Just leave it here, disabled, for future debugging.
9 years |
vboxsync |
rtdbg: Moved the codeview structures into iprt/formats/codeview.h and …
10 years |
vboxsync |
RTHttp: RTHttpUseSystemProxySettings improvements wrt env vars.
10 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: only compile if VBOX_WITH_LIBCURL defined
10 years |
vboxsync |
New IPRT tool: RTHttp, a very simple URL getter.
10 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Started on accessing system certificate stores to get SSL roots …
10 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: Formatting fixes, time.cpp being the most significant.
10 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Updated (C) year.
11 years |
vboxsync |
IPRT: Added support for microsoft timestamp counter signatures. This …