16 years |
vboxsync |
PGMCPU alignment
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGMCPU alignment
16 years |
vboxsync |
16 years |
vboxsync |
More structure alignment tests
16 years |
vboxsync |
More tests
16 years |
vboxsync |
Release build fix
16 years |
vboxsync |
Here as well
16 years |
vboxsync |
More compile fixes
16 years |
vboxsync |
Missing header
16 years |
vboxsync |
Shut up the compiler
16 years |
vboxsync |
Big step to separate VMM data structures for guest SMP. (pgm, em)
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main: do not attempt to load older versions of libdbus
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main: Stub host networking stuff for FreeBSD to make it possible to …
16 years |
vboxsync |
CBinding: Add case for FreeBSD
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/R0/FreeBSD: Makefile changes for the FreeBSD port. Use the …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/R0/FreeBSD: Implement method to map kernel memory into user space
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/R0/FreeBSD: Use msleep_spin instead of msleep because the …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/R0/FreeBSD: Include needed header files
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/R0/FreeBSD: Delete forgotten file
16 years |
vboxsync |
Support/FreeBSD: Do reference counting to prevent the driver from …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris/Additions: mouse wheel fix for Xorg 1.5.x
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4: 3808: Network settings not intuitive - forgot to make the same …
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4: 3808: Network settings not intuitive - VM Settings / Network …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime: rather ugly hack to force execute permissions on windows …
16 years |
vboxsync |
NAT: removed VBOX_WITH_SIMPLIFIED_SLIRP_SYNC as the poller API was …
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxManage: fix the relative path name hack, it issued bogus errors …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Installer/win: non-difx NetFlt install
16 years |
vboxsync |
16 years |
vboxsync |
German NLS
16 years |
vboxsync |
Cbinding: pushed to OSE, else OSE will fail during compilation
16 years |
vboxsync |
Cbinding: Update version to 2.5
16 years |
vboxsync |
Cbinding: removed the staic variable
16 years |
vboxsync |
Fix buildboxes attempt.
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxXPCOMCGlue: removed the static variable as per the
suggestion on …
16 years |
vboxsync |
GuestHost/SharedClipboard: fixes and an initial testcase
16 years |
vboxsync |
16 years |
vboxsync |
Linux additions: fixed the installation path of OpenGL/DRI libraries …
16 years |
vboxsync |
SDK, Knut compatibility: cleanup of SDK generation
16 years |
vboxsync |
HostServices/SharedClipboard: fixed a crash in the shared clipboard …
16 years |
vboxsync |
crOpenGL: fixed an unintentional commit
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main/Makefile.kmk: build fix (=> not =)
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main/Makefile.kmk: install .so symlinks in components for hardened builds.
16 years |
vboxsync |
crOpenGL: exported the remaining Additions bits to OSE
16 years |
vboxsync |
Additions/x11: exported Mesa headers to OSE
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGM/MM: Implemented the /RamPreAlloc CFGM option.
16 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris/VBoxNetFlt: fixed error printing.
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt/main.cpp: enabled the 'Kernel driver not accessible' message in …
16 years |
vboxsync |
TRPMGCTrap07Handler: exit via trpmGCExitTrap like everyone else.
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4: missing tr
16 years |
vboxsync |
NAT: handling empty domain name list moved to package preparing
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGMPhys.cpp: Also mangle the MMIO2 description.
16 years |
vboxsync |
slirp.c: empty strings still takes at least 1 byte of heap, don't leak …
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxXPCOMCGlue.c: Use parameters for passing stuff down to the worker …
16 years |
vboxsync |
GMMR0: Fixed out of memory problem on Windows by separating the legacy …
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGMPhys.cpp/pgmR3PhysChunkMap: corrected free statements to use the …
16 years |
vboxsync |
16 years |
vboxsync |
NAT: some dhcp clients happy to have at least " " domain name than to …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Proper build fix for Solaris.
16 years |
vboxsync |
Solaris quick build fix.
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGM: Increased saved state version and deal with the MMIO description …
16 years |
vboxsync |
IOM: Make the MMIO description string unique.
16 years |
vboxsync |
#2957: Dynamic add/remove via /dev/vboxnetctl ioctls.
16 years |
vboxsync |
NAT: replacing release assert with suppressed message
16 years |
vboxsync |
NAT: zero-length strings in dhcp offer
16 years |
vboxsync |
SDK: missed resource versioning
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: French NLS
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxMouse/win: Whops.
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxXPCOMGlue: fixed a bug in path detection logic
16 years |
vboxsync |
GuestHost/SharedClipboard: removed Utf16 support for X11 and split a …
16 years |
vboxsync |
HWACCMR0A.asm: Load the NULL selector into DS, ES, FS and GS on 64-bit …
16 years |
vboxsync |
SUPDrv.c: 64-bit darwin selectors.
16 years |
vboxsync |
VMMR0A.asm: Implemented stack switching for 64-bit machines as well …
16 years |
vboxsync |
tstVMMR0CallHost-1: Converted to RTTest, use guarded memory for the …
16 years |
vboxsync |
RTTest: Added alternative API that's easier to use.
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4-OVF: only truncate if this is a multi line text
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4: 3808: Network settings not intuitive - fixed by of "NAT" and …
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/VBoxManage: fixed a typo
16 years |
vboxsync |
DevE1000: corrected comment, the EMT involvment in PhysWrite happens …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main/Appliance: windows build fix
16 years |
vboxsync |
Disabled automatic execution of tstInstrEmul as it caused unsolavble …
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxManage/addiscsidisk: beautify the location string a bit when no …
16 years |
vboxsync |
PGMAllBth.h: Fix for CR3 mismatch assertion in strict builds when …
16 years |
vboxsync |
#3815: Solved the problem for e1k.
16 years |
vboxsync |
OVF: add an OS type description to the OVF on export
16 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt4: 3808: Network settings not intuitive: default values set for …
16 years |
vboxsync |
XPCOM glue: added extra search paths
16 years |
vboxsync |
crOpenGL-OSX: Do an additional check if we are initialized when we get …
16 years |
vboxsync |
undo 45832
16 years |
vboxsync |
EM: burn fix.
16 years |
vboxsync |
EM: SyncCR3 before calling TRPMR3SyncIDT.
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main: INetworkAdapter separate properties for hostonly & bridged …
16 years |
vboxsync |
emR3RawExecute: Leave raw mode first if the emR3RawForcedActions …
16 years |
vboxsync |
16 years |
vboxsync |
gcc warning
16 years |
vboxsync |
Cbinding: this_ => pThis
16 years |
vboxsync |
VBoxSDL: Added more cases to MachineState
16 years |
vboxsync |
Frontends/VBoxManage: when registering VMs try it with the client's …
16 years |
vboxsync |
Main/Machine: fix returned error code if opening the vm config file …
16 years |
vboxsync |
OVF: NAT is a known network type also
16 years |
vboxsync |
OVF: allow E10000 as network card on import